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Camaraderie is LOVE

“Bayanihan” or helping our neighbors was not new in our country Philippines. The Bayanihan
means helping other people without anything in return or reward. When houses were made of lighter
materials such as coconut leaves, Bayanihan also meant helping one’s neighbours move their house —
literally. As time goes by the word Bayanihan was disappeared in our country.

The Filipino values that every Filipinos should have are pakikisama, pakikipag-isa, pakikipag-
kapwa, bayanihan and pakikiramay and these are the words that define us as a Filipino. Covid-19
Pandemic had played a huge part in our life; it tests every Filipino’s camaraderie. As the pandemic forced
people to stay at home, many turned to social media to find ways to help, crowdsource information, hold
government accountable, and mobilize online communities to take action. Others staged campaigns
nationwide to make their voices heard and also to aid fellow Filipinos.

We experienced different natural calamities and viruses, but this pandemic played as a nightmare
to all Filipinos but Covid-19 virus bonded our country to have unity despite of our status in life. The
Solidarity there is we learn how to give what they have even its small things or amount. And other
countries send their help in giving medical kit and vaccine. Other Filipinos were also quick to come
together online and consolidate relief efforts, following the successive disasters. With the
outpouring of initiatives, several youth organizations banded together, also through social media.
to consolidate rescue efforts, load requests, and relief drives for hard-hit communities. That’s
how Covid-19 united every Filipinos.

But, despite these difficulties, one thing is certain; the “bayanihan spirit” is alive and
innate in us Filipinos. The advent of calls for volunteer-driven relief efforts in the midst of the
COVID-19 pandemic is evidence that the Filipino bayanihan thrives in times of crisis. It
continues to laud the modern-day heroes, our health workers, frontliners, and volunteers. As
individuals and organizations heed on another to address the needs of our fellowmen, we
encourage everyone to volunteer even in simple ways. Initiatives, no matter how big or small,
can create a ripple effect to people for the good and well-being of our community.

Solidarity is being able to show camaraderie because in showing your camaraderie it

means you love what you do and you are able also to perform those words-the pakikisama,
pakikipag-isa, pakikipag-kapwa, bayanihan and pakikiramay. Camarederie is Love. This is our
chance to show our collaboration or unity to each other and someone said “Wala namang ibang
magtutulungan kundi tayong mga Pilipino lang.”

We can help our country Philippines by simply following the rules and protocols.
Bayanihan or Camaraderie should be imposed and patronized in our country.

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