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Accuracy Class Of Current Transformer

Current transformers are used for measurement of electrical parameters like ampere, power, and energy.
CTs are also used for measuring the current at fault condition, and tripping of the upstream breaker to
avoid damage to the electrical network. In perspective of protection of the electrical network, the current
transformer accuracy class is very important and it plays a vital role in ensuring the security of the
electrical network.

There are three types of current transformers.

Metering Class CT
Protection Class CT
Special Protection Class CT

Metering Class CT
The metering class CT is used for measurement of electrical parameters. The key role of CT is that it should
measure the current accurately without much error. The accuracy class parameter is very important for
metering CT. The following specifications need to be checked for the metering class current

Important Parameters of Metering Class CT

CT Ratio
Current transformation ratio(CTR) is defined as the ratio of the input current to output current.  Current
transformer of 300/5 CTR means if the primary current is 300 Amp, then the secondary current is 5 Amp.

CT Burden
Burden of the current transformer is expressed in VA. The total total burden should be taken into account
when CT is used for measuring or protection purpose. To calculate the total burden of the secondary circuit
of the CT, the total resistance of the secondary side of CT should be considered. The secondary winding of
CT is connected to the measuring equipment or protection circuit through pilot wires. The total resistance
of the secondary circuit is the sum of CT secondary winding resistance, connecting wires resistance and the
resistance of the relay/meter.


If relay resistance is 0.1 ohm, connecting wire resistance is 0.2 ohm,and secondary winding resistance of
CT is 0.1 ohm. The total resistance of the secondary circuit is 0.1+0.2+0.1= 0.4 ohm. If the rated secondary
current of the CT is 5 Amp, then the secondary voltage is (Is*Rburden)= 0.4*5=2 volts. The burden of the
current transformer is =Is*Vs= 5*2= 10 VA

Rating Factor
Multiples of Rated Current to which the CT can maintain its accuracy is called rating factor of CT. Typical
rating factor is 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4. Example: 500/5A CT with RF 2 CT will maintain it’s accuracy certification up
to 1000A.

CT Class
The standard accuracy classes according IEC are class 0.2, 0.5, 1, 3 and 5. The CT with accuracy class of0.1,
0.2, 0.5, 1.0 accuracy class are used for measurement of electric current.0.1 and 0.2 accuracy class CT are
used in a revenue metering application. 0.2 class metering CT means the CT functions within the specified
accuracy limit at 100 % and 120 % of the rated CT current, and the accuracy limit error is 0.2 %. The CT
operates in the linearity zone of magnetization curve and it consumes very low magnetizing current. The
0.3 class CT reads 0.993 to 1.003 at 100% rated current, and at 10% current the CT reads in the range of
0.994 to 1.006.

The core of metering CT gets saturated when the current above its rated current flows through it. The
current is limited within the device. This protects connecting metering device from overloading in case of
the fault current. The salient features of metering CT are as follows.

High accuracy in smaller range

Less core material is required
Leads to lower saturation voltages

The metering CT has less core material compared to the core material of the protection class CT. The
metering CT specification is written in the form like 0.3 B 1.8. The first number is current transformer
accuracy class, B stands for metering class and 1.8 is the maximum burden that can be connected to the

0.2s and 0.5s class CT are used in revenue metering application. The 0.2 s and 0.5s class CT have ratio
error of 0.2 % for current from 20 to 120% of the rated current.
The ratio and phase angle error for measuring current transformer of 0.2s -0.5s class are as given below.

Accuracy ±Percentage Current (Ratio) Error at ±Phase Displacement at Percentage of Rated

Class Percentage of Rated Current Shown Current Shown Below
Minutes Centiradians
1 5 20 100 120 1 5 20 100 120 1 5 20 100 120

0.2S 0.75 0.35 0.2 0.2 0.2 30 15 10 10 10 0.9 0.45 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.5S 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.5 90 45 30 30 30 2.7 1.35 0.9 0.9 0.9

The ratio and phase angle error for measuring current transformer of 0.1 -1.0 class are as given below.

Accuracy ±Percentage Current (Ratio) Error at ±Phase Displacement at Percentage of Rated Current Shown
Class Percentage of Rated Current Shown Below
Below Minutes Centiradians
5 20 100 120 5 20 100 120 5 20 100 120

0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 15 8 5 5 0.45 0.24 0.15 0.15

0.2 0.75 0.35 0.2 0.2 30 15 10 10 0.9 0.45 0.30 0.30

0.5 1.50 1.75 0.5 0.5 90 45 30 30 2.7 1.35 0.9 0.9

1.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 180 90 60 60 5.4 2.7 1.8 1.8

Protection Class CT
Protection class CT is connected to the protection relay that gives tripping command to circuit breaker at
the time of fault condition. The protection class CT has following features.

CT required to perform in fault current

Moderate accuracy over a wider range
More core material is needed

At the time of fault the primary current of CT increases abnormally high and the core can get magnetized
above its rated capacity and whatever fault current flowing in the circuit can’t be reflected in the secondary
side of the CT. This phenomenon is known as the saturation of CT. If CT gets saturated at the time of the
fault, the protection relay will not operate.

Therefore it is very important to ensure that the protection relay must operate at the time of fault. The
protection class CT is designed to take care of fault current. To ensure this, the Protection CT requires an
Accuracy Limit Factor (ALF). Accuracy Limit Factor (ALF) is the multiple of rated current up to which CT
will operate, complying with accuracy class requirement.

According to IEEE C57.13-2008, C200 CT has following specifications.

C 200
Here 200 is the Secondary terminal voltage which the CT must maintain within the C Rating.
C Rating:
– Less than 3% ratio error at rated current
– Less than 10% ratio error at 20 times rated current
– Standard burden 200V/ (5A x 20) = 2Ω

5P10 class CT
If the primary current is 10 times to the rated primary current of the CT, the CT will function perfectly,
within the accuracy limit of 5 %. A 5P20 CT has an Accuracy limit of 5% at 20 times rated current
(Accuracy Limit Factor). The accuracy class of current transformer of this CT at rated current is 1%.

Marking on CT

The accuracy class of current transformer is written after the rated VA of the CT E.g

Protection Special(PS) class CT

PS class CT is used for differential protection of generator, motor and transformer. The manufacturer requires
the following parameters for the design of the CT.

Related Posts on Current Transformer

Knee Point Voltage of CT
 Burden of CT
Difference between 0.2 and 0.2S class Metering CT
 5P20 Class Protection CT 
Accuracy Limit Factor(ALF) of CT
Instrument Safety Factor(ISF) ofCT
Magnetization Curve of CT

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