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B V Raju Institute of Technology

Vishnupur, Narsapur, Medak District

Department of Information Technology


Wearable Computing and the Internet of Medical Things


Wearable Computing and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a new

field of technology that integrates wearable devices and medical devices into
a single connected system. Wearable computing devices are small,
lightweight, and often worn on the body, providing real-time data about a
person's physical and physiological state. This data is then sent to the cloud
or to other devices through the internet, creating a connected system.
The IoMT is designed to improve the quality of healthcare by providing
medical professionals with real-time data and insights into a patient's health.
This information can be used to monitor chronic conditions, track fitness and
wellness goals, and provide early warning signs of potential health problems.
Wearable computing devices can also be used in medical procedures, such
as surgery, to provide real-time data and increase accuracy and efficiency.

Kairamkonda Harika

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