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-ANH •
,I I •••



TRAN VAN H~O (T6ng chu bien Gener al Author)

NGUYtN M()NG HY (Chu bien Chief Author)

H lN H H O• C


Nguai dich (Translated by): Le D~i Khoa

Nguai hi~u dinh (Revised by): Phan Doan Tho~i


··Ki hltu dung trong sach Symbol used in lbe book ···

~ Hoat dOng cua h9c sinh tren lap

Cla~sr~m Activity.

Cong ty CP Thiet bi giao d',lc va Cong ngh~ Vi~t Nam - Nha xuat ban Ghio d',lc Vi~t Nam giu quy~n cong b6 tac pham.
All right) re.erved by Vietnam Education Equipment and Technology Joint-stock Company - Vietnam Education Publishing Ho~
407-201 5/CXBIPH/13-286/GD
Ma s6 : TYT02L5

❖ Phep tjnh tien, phep do1 xung tn,ic, phep doi xung tam va phep quay
,;i Translations, reflection symmetries, rotational symmetries, and
❖ Khai ni~m ve phep dai hinh va hai hlnh bAng nhau
Concepts of isometries and two congruent figures
. ,. '.·•·
❖ Phep V! t.,, tam V! ta, cua hai duong tron
•... .
.. ' Homotheties and homothetic center of two circles
❖ Khai ni~m ve phep dong d:,mg va hai hinh dong d~ng
Concepts of similarities and similar figures

Nhin nhiing tarn ban d6 Vi~t Nam tren dAy ta tMy d6 la nhiing hlnh gi6ng
nhau cung nfun tren m()t m~t phartg. Hai hmh ,y/ va (.!f gi6ng nhau ca ve
h1nh d<!,11g va kich thuoc, chung chi khac nhau ve vj tri t:ren m~t phartg. Hai
hlnh f/J va <e gi6ng nhau ve hlnh d<!,11g nhung khac nhau ve kfch thuoc va
vi trL Ta g9i •1/ va r!f la hai hlnh btmg nhau, con f1J va <e la hai hlnh d6ng
d<!,11g voi nhau. V~y the' nao la hai h1nh btmg nbau hay d6ng d<!,11g voi nhau ?
Trong chucmg nay ta se nghien cuu ve nhiing van de d6.
Looking at the Vietnam maps above, we find that the figures look similar
in the same plane. Two figures , d and (J have the same shape and si.ze
but different positions in the plane. Figure-. .-1/1 and r(l have the same ~hapc
but different sizes and positions. We call , d and (/l two congruent fig ures
and .-1/1 and r(l similar figures. So, what are two congruent or similar
figures? These matters will be studied in this Chapter.

~1 T • , . h h·~ I u vuong g6c M'
cua ai~m M l~n
rong m~t phang cho ducmg thang d va di~m M. Dlfng hin c
ducmg th~ng d. M
Given line d and point M in the plane. Constru ct the perpend icular
projection M' of point M onto the line d.
Ta da biet rang voi m6i diem M c6 mot diem M' duy nhftt la hinh
chieu vuong g6c cua diem M tren duong d cho tnrac (h.1.1 ). d
We knew that for each point M therl! exists a unique point M' as the M'
perpendicular projection of point Mon the given lined (Fig. 1.1). Hinh Figure. 1. 1
Ta c6 djnh nghia sau We h,1ve the definiti on below.
;i: ..
,. Dinh nghia Definition • h : , • At m
die' xac dinh duy nhat M'
1il Q , • , .. . ., ,
. •
f uy tac dcp t/10?1.g 11ng m6t diem M cua nu;zt p ang vO? ml! ,
cua m'7t ph&ng do du<7c g9i la phep hien hinh trong m<'Jt plu1ng.
i _;if.i.i:
The m/r fvr setting each poilll M of the plane corresponding to a unique dejin<' poillf
!!: M ' of the plane is called a tran.~f'ormation in the plane.
la anh
Neu kf hi~u phep bien runh la F tht ta viet F(M) = M' hay M' = F(M) va g9i diem M'
cua diem M qua phep bien htnh F.
point M'
If a tranc;forrnation is denoted by F, then we write F(M) = M ' or M ' = F(M) and call
the image of point M under a transformation F.
Neu df' la m(,t htnh nao do trong m~t phiing tht ta kf hi~u Jf' = F( £ ) la t~p cac

diem M' = F(M), voi m9i di~m M thu(,c ;/( Khi d6 ta n6i F bien hinh :J'f thanh hinh Yf',
hay hinh :Yf la dnh ciia hinh :Jrqua phep bien h)nh F.
If )'tis a figure in the plane, then we denote .Yt = F( ,J() as the set of points M ' = F (M)
with every point M E ,Yf. Then we say F mappedfigure Yfonto flgure Yf1 , orflgur e ,J'('
is the image ol ,Yf under a transformation F.
Phep bien htnh bien m6i diem M thanh chinh n6 duqc g9i la phep d6ng nhdt.
A tran..,formation that maps every point onto itself is called an identiry .
. Quy tac
~2 Cho truoc s6 a duang, v(Ji moi diem M trong m~t ph~ng, g9i M' la diem sao cho MM'= a
d~t tuang (mg diem M vm diem M' neu tren c6 phai la m9t phep bi~n hinh khOng?
Given positive number u, for each point Min the plane, let M' be a point such that MM' =
a. Is the
rule for setting point M corresponding to point M' above a transformation?


Khi day m◊t canh ctia tnrqt sao cho ch6t cua djch chuyen tu vi
trf A den vi trf B ta tha'y tung diem cua canh cua ciing duqc

djch chuyen m¢t do~n b~ng AB va theo huang 111 A den B I


(h.1.2). Khj d6 ta n6i canh cua dlIQ'C tjnh tien theo vecta AB. A "I ~B

Alter moving a -.liding door <;uch that the latch of the door is

'>hi fled from po..,ition A lo po-.irion B, we find every point of the


door is ubo moved a di'>tancc equal to line segment AB and in

Hinh Figure 1.2
the direction from A to B (Fig, 1.2). Then we ...ay the sliding
door ha... been tran-.lated through vector AB.


.: Dinh nghia Definition

ij Trang mqt cho vecw ii. Phep bien hinh bien m6i diem M thanh diem M '
!\! sao cho MM' = v duc;c g9i la phep tfnh tien theo vecw v (h.1.3).
~~ Given vector v in the plane. A transfomiation that maps each point M onto point
!\! M ' such that Aif.i' = v is called a tntnslation through vector v (f ig. 1.3).

Phep tjnh ti€n theo vecta thuang duqc kf hi~u la Tv, v v

duqc gqi la vect<J tfnh tilfo.
A translation through vector v is usually denoted by
Tv. and r is called a translation vector.
Nhuv~y Thus
Tv(M)=M' ¢:> MM'=v. Hinh Figure 1. 3

Phep tjnh tien theo vecta - khong chinh la phep d6ng nhat.
The translation through the zero vector is an identity.

Vi dlf Example

a) Phep tjnh tien T,; bien cac diim A, B, C tuang ung thanh cac diim A', B', C' (h. l .4a).
Translation ~' maps points A, Band C onto points A', B' and C respectively (Fig. 1.4a).

b) Phep tjnh tien Tv bien hinh df thanh hlnh :Jr (h.l.4b).

Translation Tr maps figure Y(onto figure YC (Fig. I .4b).

' / "
, / '-
A , V '-..l
, ,
./ " ' IR
V , ,
B "' (
I i

a) b)
Hinh Figure 1.4

~ 1 Cho hai tam giac d6u ABE va BCD bang nhau tren hinh 1.5.
Tim phep tjnh Mn bi~n ba di~m A, B, E theo th(r tl! thanh ba
di~mB, C,D.
Given two equal equilateral triangles ABE and BCD as
shown in Fig. 1.5. Find a translation that mapped three points
A, Band Eonto three points B, C and Drespectively.
Hinh Figure 1.5


.b,nco~i 00 YOU KNO W'!

, , . I' hun thu cua nhieu ho~ si_. M¢t tron_~
g a . g _ . Et-se (Mau nts Corn
Ve nhfrng h1nh giong nhau c6 the lat km, m~td ,phan la M6-n t Cooc -ne 11 ·
tn¢u ngum
, ·
i ncii tieng theo khuy nh huan g O , nh • · ng duoc hang
nhfrng nguo O
~uc tra, dcua hiing .noi dung toan hQC
Escher), hoa si nguoi Ha Lan •(1898 -- 1972· ).d Nhunag con chua 1111g n ·
tn~n the. gi6i· ua chu(>ng vi chang nhung rat ~p m
. . . a lane. Amo ng the trend
sau sAc. Sau day la m<)t so tranh cua ong.
res cov~ n~~ t ~ is artis tic works have
Many artists fin d it fasc inating to draw ident ical pictu lutely
19?2). a Dute a his · are not only abso
fol lowe rs was Mau rits Comelis facher11 ( 1898. -the be ow.
. . . world beca use t ey
f his art works are 1
1 . So
been popular with m1ll1 ons of pcop c a ovet .cal conte nts. me 0
beautiful but also contain profo und math emat1
'l' ~ . -~


,!;',! .'1,,,,,!:.·

, •,, ; ; : ;;h(!/=P: :r ~~rN: = N' thi M'N' =MN va tudo suy ra M'N'M'N
= MN.
' = MN.
If T-\ ' (M) = M' and T-V (N) = N', then M'N ' = MN and
then we infer


Th~t v~y. di y dng MM '= NN' = v


In fact, notic ing that M

va M'M = -v (h.1.6), ta c6
and M'M = -v(f. 1.6), we have
M'N ' = M'M +MN + NN'
=-v +MN +v= MN .
Hinh Figure 1. 6

Tu d6 suy ra Then we infer M'N ' =MN .

di6m bit ki.
N6i each khac, phep t\nh tien bao toan khoang each giua hai
een any two points.
In othe r word s, a trans lation prese rves the distance betw
Tu tfnh cha't I ta ch1111g minh duqc tfnh chit sau.
From property I, we can prove the following property.

/11/ Tfnh chat 2 Property 2

no, hien dum1g tron

:_',,' :~t:~::t:i~n~~~th::~han !;~a;:a:~jn~u~~ ;~::~:;":iZ~!:::~:~u;ra;t~
duiJng tron. co cung ban kinh
overlapp ing it. a line

A translation maps a line 0 1110 a parallel line or a line


onto its cong ruent trian r:le

/_,./,_/_/ seP,ment onto its congruellf line segment, a trian gle .7). •
; and a circle onto a circle with the same radiu s (Fig. J

- ~ --=-d_..,,__-__,

___ ..
\' D
A i. ,,,,--:1"-
- ~C'

_,,,,- ,- ,, ,,,,---
B~ 0 ;
--- ~

Hinh Figura 1.7

~2 Neu each xac d!nh anh cua duong th~ng d qua phep t!nh ti~n theo vecta ii .
State how to determine the image of line d under a translation through vector v.


Trong m~t phing toC;t d(} Oxy cho vecta v =(a; b) (h.1.8). y
V6i m6i diem M(x ; y) ta co M'(x' ; y ')
la anh cua M qua phep tinh tien theo vecta Khi do v.
-------r-- ------------
MM'= v <=> {x,'- x = a Tu do suy ra {x,'= x +a -------':

_______'!, _______:
y - y =b. y = y + b. :M :
Given vector ii = (a ; b) in the O.xy coordinate plane :
(Fig.1.8). For each M(x ; y ), we get M '(.x' ; y ') that is the :
image of point M under a translation through vector v.
- +--------'- - -- - ~ --
0 X

Then MM = v <=> {x'- x =a
Then we infer {x' = x +a Hinh Figure 1.8

y' - y = h. y' = y + b.
Biiu thuc tren duqc gc;>i la bilu thuc to<;1 d<j cua phep tjnh tien Tv.
The expression above is called the coordinate expression of a translation Tv.

~3 Trong m~t ph~ng to~ d(l Oxy cho vecta ii = ( I ; 2). Tim to~ d(l cua di~m M' la anh cua di~m
M(3 ; -1) qua phep t!nh Mn Tv .
Given vector ii = ( I ; 2) in the Oxy coordinate plane. Find the coordinates of point Mas the image
of point M (3 ; - 1) under translation T.,, .
1. Chung minh rAng Prove : M' = Tv (M ) <=> M = T_v (M').
2. Cho tam giac ABC co G la tr9ng tilm. Xac djnh anh cua tam giac ABC qua phep tinh tien theo
vecta AG. Xac dinh diem D sao cho phep tinh tien theo vecta AG bien D thanh A.
Given triangle ABC with centroid G. Determine the image of triangle ABC under a translation
through vector AG. Detennine point D such that a translation through vector AG maps point D -
onto point A.
3. Trong m~t phAng to<;t dQ Oxy cho vecta v = (- l ; 2), hai diem A(3 ; 5), B(-l ; l) va duang
thfulg d co phuong trinh x - 2y + 3 = 0.
In the Oxy coordinate plane, given vector v = (- 1 ; 2), two points A(3 ; 5) and 8(- 1 ; 1) and
lined with equation of the form x - 2y + 3 = 0.
a) Tim to<;t dQ cua cac diem A', B' theo thu tt;t la anh cua A, B qua phep tjnh tiln theo v.
Find the coordinates of points A' and B' as images of points A and B respectively under a
translation through vector v.
b) Tim toa d6 cua diem C sao cho A la anh cua C qua phep t~nh ti~n theo v.
Find the coordinates of point C such that point A is the image of point C under a translation
through vector v.
C) Tim phuong trlnh cua duang thing d' la anh cua d qua phep tjnh ti~n theo V.
Find the equation of Lined as the image of lined under a translation through vector v.

· Cho hai dUC111g thi ng ah h Hay c hi ra mot phe p tjnh tie n bie n a thanh b
C6 bao h . av k"
song song vu1 n au. .
. n l ~ U phe p tinh lie n nhu the? .
~ ~ven tw o parnllcl lines u and b . Show a translation that mapped line a onto
line b . J low
ny suc h translat ions arc there'!


.. r,..: ✓
I/ '

"' .
~ '1"!


, J

I',.. /
l' / .' - ... .lliilil
Chua D~u O Bae Ninh The Dau Pagoda in Bae Ninh prvd11ce Ban co tt.JrJng A Chinese chess board
Hinh Figure 1. 9

Trong lht!c te ta thuong g~p rat nhieu hlnh c6 t11,1c doi xung nhu hlnh con buom,
anh mc)t
truoc cua m◊t s6 ng6i nha, m~t ban ca tmmg .... Vi~c nghien CIIU phep d6i xung
t11,1c trong
ffil;IC nay cho ta m◊t each hiiu chinh xac khai ni~m d6.

In real life , we see a g re at number of fi gures having refl ection symme

try such as
b utterfl ies, facades of some building s and Chinese chess boards . The study
of reflection
sym metry in thi s section will give us a profo und insig ht into the concept.


Dinh nghia Definiti on

Cho dulmg tluing d. Phep bien hinh bien m6i diem M
thu9c d thanh chinh n6, bien m6i diim M khong thu<)c d
thanh M' sao cho d la dr..tilng trung tn/c cua do<;in thdng
MM' duqc g9i la phep d6'i x ung qua dr..tilng th&ng d hay M0 d
phep dot xung tr~c d (h.1.10) .
Given line d. A transformatio n that maps each point M
ly ing on line d onto itse(f or each point M not ly ing on
line d onto point M ' such that d is the p erpendic ular M'
bisector of line segmen t MM' is called a reflectio n across Hinh Figure 1. 10

the line d or a reflectio n across the axis d (Fig. 1.10).

Dtrong thfulg d duqc g9i la tr~c cua

phep d6l xung ho~c don gian Ia tr~c doi x ung.
The lined is called an axis of reflectio n transf ormatio n o r s imply a n m :is of reflectio
Phep d6i xung t11,1c d thuong duc;,c kf hi~u la Dd .
A reflecti on across the axis d is usual ly denoted by Rd .

Ntu hlnh ,7(' la anh cua hlnh J{qua phep d6i xtmg tn_lc d thl
A A'
ta con n6i ,Yrd6i xtmg vm LY(1 qua d, hay X va c7f1 d6i
xtmg vm nhau quad.
8 8'
If figure , 'I(' is the im:-ige of figure cl( unde r a re n ection across
a'\is d, then we can say , 'I( is refl ected o nto its image ,/('
C C'
:.11.:ross axis d. or ,'/( and ,1( arc correspo nding to each o ther
Hinh Figure 1. 11
about axis d.

Vi dZJ I. Tren hinh l. l l ta c6 cac diem A', B', C' tuong ung la rum
cua c..'ic diem A, 8. C qua phep d6i xtmg t11;1c dva nguqc lc;ti.
Example 1. In Fig. I. l L we have po ints A', B' an d C as
images of points A. 8 and C respecti vely under a reflectio n
across axis cl and vice visa. D

~1 Cho hinh thoi ABCD (h.1.12). Tim anh cua cac di~m A, 8, C, D
qua phep do1 xvng t11:Jc AC. A----+----➔ C
Given rhombus ABCD as shown in Fig. 1.12. Find the images of
points A, B, C and D under a reflection across axis AC.
Nht;in xet Remarks
1) Cho duang thing d. Vm m6i di~m M , g9i M 0 la hlnh chieu
Hinh Figure 1. 12
vu6ng g6c cua M tren duang thing d. Khi d6
Given line d. With each poi nt M. let .A.10 be the ri ght-angled

M'=Dd(M) ~ MoM'=-MoM
- -
projection of poi nt /1.f o nto the line d. The n

2) M' = Dd(M) ~ M = Dd(M').

~2 Chl'.mg minh nh~n xet 2. Prove remark 2



l ) Ch9n h¢ to~ d(> Oxy sao cho ln;lc Ox trimg vm duc:mg thAng d. ------ ---,
Vm m 6 i di~m M = (x; y), g9i M' = Dd(M) = (x'; y') (h.1.13) thl I

Choose the O;ry coord inate plane such that the Ox-a xis overla ps Mo' d
lined. For each point M = (x : y) . let point M ' = Dc1( M ) = (x ' ; y') 0 X

(Fig. 1.13 ), thus


X ----- - ---;,'(x'; \'')

Y -y. Hinh Figure 1. 13 -
Bicfo thuc tren duqc g9i la bilu thuc tot;z d¢ cua phep d61 XLtng qua tn;c Ox.
The expression above is called the coordinate e.>.pression of a reflectio11 across Ox-axis.
~3 nm anh cua cac di~m A( l ; 2), 8(0; - 5) qua phep d6i xl'.mg tn;1c Ox.
Find images of points A( I : 2) and 8(0 : - 5) under a reflection across Ox-a.xis.
2) Ch9n h¢ to~ d¢ Oxy sao c ho tI1;1c Oy trung v6i duc:mg thi ng d. V 6i m6i diem M = (x ; y).
g9i M ' = Dd(M) = (x' ; y ') (h. l. 14) thi:
O10ose the Ox_v coordinate plane such that the Oy-axis overlaps lined. For each point M = (x; y ).
let point M ' = Dd( M ) = (x ' : y') (Fig. 1. 14), th us:

x:= - x y
{y = y. d
Bie_u th~c tr~n duqc g9i la hie'u tMtc to(! d¢ n,a M0 M(x;y)
M'(x': y')
phep cl6i x1rng qua tr~tc Oy. ---------.
The expression above is called the coordinate
A ex~Jrc:sion•of~ rt~ecrio11 across Oy-axis. .
4 T~m anh cua
cac d1~m A( 1 ; 2), 8(5 ; 0) qua phep d61 0 X
Xltng tr~c Oy.
Find images of points A( I ; 2) and 8(5 ; 0) under a
reflection across Oy-axis. Hinh Figure 1.14


Ngum ta chung minh duqc cac tfnh chit sau. The fo llowing properties have been proved.
It Tinh chat 1 Property 1
i!ii Phep d61 xung trl!,c bdo roan khodng each giiia hai diem bat ki.
l!i! Reflection symmetry preserves the distance between any two points.

4..s Ch9n h~ to~ d9 Oxy sao cho tf"l;lc Ox trung vai tf"l;lc d6i x(mg, r6i dung bi~u thCrc to~ d9 cua phep d6i
xCmg qua tf"l;lc Ox d~ ch(mg minh tfnh chat 1.
Choose the O.ry coordinate plane such that Ox-axis overlaps the axis of symmetry, then use the
coordinate expression of a reflection symmetry across Ox-axis to prove property 1.
m: Tinh chat 2 Property 2
1111 Phep doz xung trl!,c bien duong thdng thanh duong thdng, bien doeJn thdng thanh
ii:! doc;,n thdng bang n6, bien tam giac thanh tam giac bang n6, bien duong trim thanh
:W duong trim c6 cung ban kinh (h.1.15).
} Reflection symmetry maps a line onto a line, a line segment onto its congruent
li!i line segment, a triangle onto its congruent triangle and a circle onto a circle with
I the same radius (Fig. 1.15).

~ 1

: I
0 I d

: l B'V:i:C'


Hinh Figure 1. 15
Djnh nghia Definition
"/II' Duong thdng d du<7c g9i la trl!,c doi xitng cua hinh Jrne'u phep d61 xung qua d bien :Yf
-1// thanh chinh no.
/ii Line dis called the axis of symmetry of figure ;;Fij a symmetry across the line d maps
//f figure £ 0 11/0 itself.

Khi d6 ta n6i ~ la hinh c6 tr~c d61 xung.

Then we say Yis a figure with an axis of symmetry.
V{ d~ 2 Example 2

a) M6i hlnh trong htnh 1.16 la htnh c6 trl;lc d6i xung.
Each fi gure in Fig. 1.16 is a figure with an axis of symmetry.

I \ @
' .
. .
' ' '

Hinh Figure 1.16
b) M6i hlnh trong hlnh 1.17 la hlnh kh6ng c6 tI1;1c d6i xung.
Each figure in Fig. 1.17 is a figure with no axis of symmetry.

~ I I NF
Hinh Figure 1.17
~6 a) Trang nhfmg chcr cai duai day, chcr nao la hinh c6 tr~c d6i x(tng?
Which of the following letters has an axis of symmetry?

b) Tim mc)t s6 hinh t(t giac c6 tn,ic d6i x(tng.
Find some quadrilaterals with an axis of symmetry.


1. Trong m~t phtmg Oxy cho hai diem A(l ; -2) va B(3 ; 1). Tim arm ciia A, B va duang
AB qua phep doi XU'llg tft!C Ox.
Given two points A(l ; - 2) and 8(3 ; 1) in the Oxy plane. Find images of points A and B and
line AB under a reflection symmetry across Ox-axis.
2. Trong m~t Oxy cho duang thing d c6 phucrng trlnh 3x - y + 2 = 0. Viet phucrng trlnh
cua duang d' la anh cua d qua phep d6i XU'llg trl!C Oy.
In the Oxy plane, given lined with an equation of the form 3x - y + 2 = 0. Write the equation
of line d as the image of line d under a reflection symmetry across Oy-axis.
3. Trong cac chfr cai sau, chu nao la hlnh c6 tf\;lc d6i xU'llg ?
Which of the following letters is a figure with an axis of symmetry?

Q~an sat h1nh 1.18 ta thiy hai h1nh den va trang d6i
v~ nhau qua t~n cua hlnh chii nhlU. D~ hii u
r6 lo<;1i d6i
xung ~ay chung ta xet phep bie'n hlnh duoi day.
Lo~kmg at Figure 1.18. we find that the 1wo black
white figures symmeu·ic al abou t the center
of the
recta~gle . To find out about this k.ind of symmetry.
we will
consider the following transformation .
,; e,·nh ngh - D ,. . .
, .

l : :~:.
,a e 1n,t1on Hinh Figure. 1. 18
- .,
l Cho diem I. Phep bie11 hinh bien dilm I thanh chinh n6, bien n~6i_ ,
d1en; M ~ha~ I
M' sao cho I Iii trung die'm c,la doqn thdng MM' dU(/c
gq, la phep d61 xung
,~ Giren poim I . A transformation that maps point I
onto itself and each point M :;r I
onto poim M ' such tha1 I is the midpoint of line segm

ent MM ' is called a rotation


about ceme r /.

Diem / duqc gc;>i la tam do'i xung (h.1.19).

Point / is called the center of symmetry.
Phep d6i xung t~ / thucrng duoc kf hieu la D .
. . I M'
A symmetry about center/ is usually denoted by R •
Neu hlnh :Yf la anh cua hlnh :;ff qua DI thl ta con
n6i :Yf
d6i xung voi :Yfqua tam /, hay :;ffva X ' d6i
xung voi
nhau qua /. Hinh Figure. 1.19

If figure Yt' is the image of figure dl under R1, then we can

say .Y-{' is corresponding to :Yfacross center /, or ;/(
and Jt'
are corresponding to each other across center/.
Tu dµ1h nghia tren ta suy ra
From the definition above, we infer
M' =D1 (M ) ~ IM' =-IM. M' = R/M ) ~ IM' =-IM .
Vi d~ 1 Example 1
a) Tren hlnh 1.20 cac diem X, Y, Z tuong ung la anh
cac diem D, E, C qua phep d6i xung tam Iva nguqc I
In Fig. 1.20, points X, Y and Z are the images of points
D, E

~ -+- --~
,c---i ---r-- +---- L..~E ___,

and C respectively under a symmetry about center/
and --4-
vice versa. 1-- :_
b) Trong hlnh 1.21 cac hlnh S!/ va fl3 la anh cua nhau t-
'I I I ,, I
t - ;"' - +
qua phep d6i x(mg tam / , cac hlnh :;ff va :le la anh ciia I I I
nhau qua phep d6i xung tftm /. ' y

In Fig. 1.21, figu res , c;/ and 973 are the images of
other under a symm etry about center I and so are fi Hinh Figure 1.20
,Y( and ;Yf.

Hinh Figure 1.21

~ 1 Chung minh rang Prove

=D1 (M ) <=> M =D1(M'). M ' = R1(M) <=> M = R1(M')

~2 Cho hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. G9i o la giao di~m cua hai dllong cheo. Ollong th~ng ke qua o vuong
a a
g6c vai AB, cat AB E va cat CD F. Hay chi ra cac c~p di~m tren hlnh ve d6i xung voi nhau qua
tam o.
Given parallelogram ABCD. Let O be the intersection of two diagonals. The line passing through 0
is perpendicular to side AB and intersects side AB at point E and side CD at point F. Show pairs
marked in the figure that are symmetric about center 0 .

Trong h~ to~ d9 0 xy cho M = (x ; y), y
M ' = D 0 (M ) = (x' ; y') , khi d6
M(x ; y)
In the 0xy coordinate system, given point M = (x ; y)
and point M ' = R0 (M) = (x'; y'), then

x (h.1.22) (Fig.1.22)
y =-y
M '(x'; y')
Bieu thuc tren duqc g9i la bii u thuc toc;z d9 cua phep doz
xung qua g6c to<;z d9.
Hinh Figure. 1.22
The expression above is called the coordinate expression
of origin symmetry.
~3 Trang m~t ph~ng to~ d9 0 xy cha di~m A(-4 ; 3). nm anh
cua A qua phep d6i xung tam o.
Given point A(-4 ; 3) in the Oxy coordinate plane. Find the
image of point A under a symmetry about center 0.



''· Tlnh chat 1 Property 1

~ =-MN , titdo suy raM'N'=MN.
!~ Neu D, (M ) =M' va D/N)= N' thi

: .N~,~~ : . M' and R,(N) = N' , then M'N' =-MN . Then, we infer

Th~t v~y. v1 JM' = - IM M N

ln fact. :.ince lM' = -/M

va IN'= -IN (h.1.23) nen ' .-:

', _____
...... ""11- ...
and IN' =-IN (Fig. 1.23), so N'
~ ---. ---+

==-IN-(-IM) ==-<m-m) = -NiN. Hinh Figure 1.23

Do d6 Hence M'N' ==MN.
N6i each khac, phep do'i xung tam bdo toan khodng each giiia hai diem bat ki.
In other words, rutatio11al svmmetrr /?reserves the distance between any two points .
A4 Ch<;m h~ to~ d(> Oxy, r6i dung
- bi~u. thuc to~ d(> cua phep d6i xung tAm O chung minh h_1i
tfnh chat 1.
Choose the Oxy coordinate system and use the coordinate expression of a rotation about
center O to prove property l again.
Tu tfnh chat l suy ra From property I, WC infer
iii\ Tinh chat 2 Property 2
ii!l Phep d61 xung tdm bie,1 dulmg thdng thanh dulmg thdng song song hoijc trung vm
ii!I n6, bien doqn thdng thanh doqn thdng bang n6, bie'n tam giac thanh tam giac bang
il!i n6, bien duang trim thanh dulmg trim c6 cung ban kinh (h.1 .24).
!i!I Rotational symme//y maps a line onto a line that is parallel to it or overlaps ii, a
mi line segment onto its w ngruent line segment, a triangle onto its congruent
lm triangle and a circle onto a circle 11'ilh the same radius ( Fig. 1.24 ).

& I

B ,, ....... '\ ,, ,

CVB' l?f,,

a) b) c)
Hinh Figure 1.24



m:: Djnh nghia Definition

i!iil Die'm I duqc g9i la tdm do, xung cua hinh :J'fnlu phep do'i xung tam / bien :J(
~i!I thilnh chinh n6.
1:iil Point I is called the center of symmetry offigure ,ffi_f a symmetry about center J
~I~ maps figure ,Y onro itself

Khi d6 ta n6i Y 1a hlnh co tam d6i xung.

'f1icn we c;ay , ff i~ the figure with a center of symmetry.

Vf d~, l. Tren h1nh 1.25 la nhfrng h1nh c6 tam d6i xung.
Example 2. Fig. 1.25 shows figures with a center of symmetry.

Hinh Figure 1.25

~5 Trong cac chfr sau, chf.r nao la h'inh c6 tam d6i xung ?
Which of the following letters arc fi gures with a symmetry about a center?

~6 Tim m¢t so h'inh tu giac c6 tam d6i xung.
Find some quadrilaterals with a center of symmetry .


1. Trong m~t ph.1rl.g tOc;l d(> 0xy cho diem A(-1 ; 3) va duang th.1rl.g d c6 phuang trlnh x - 2y + 3 = 0.
Tim anh cua Ava d qua phep d6i xung tam 0.
In the 0 .A)' coordinate plane, given point A(-1 : 3) and lined with an equation of the form
.r - 2y + 3 = 0. Find images of point A and line d under a symmetry about center 0 .
2. Trong cac hlnh tam giac deu, hlnh blnh hanh, ngii giac deu, I1:1c giac deu, hlnh nao c6 tam d6i xung?
Which of equilateral triangles, parallelograms, equilateral pentagons and equilateral hexagons
have a center of symmetry'?
3. Tim m(>t h'inh c6 vO s6 tam d6i xung.
Find a figun.! with infinite centers of symmetry.


Hinh Figure 1.26

Su. dich chuy~n cua nhiing chie'c kim d6ng h6, cua nhfmg banh xe rang cua hay d()ng tac xoe
m<)l chi& q~t gi~y cho ta nhfmg hlnh anh ve phep quay ma ta se nghien cuu trong m1:1c nay.
The movement of clock hands and cog wheels or the spreading of a paper fan gives us the
images of rotations we will study in this section.


i: 1 E>/nh nghia Definiti on

1 . ., , h , h , bie'n m6·
Cho diemO va g6c IU(!11g giac a . Phep bien hlnh btel~0 _than C ~ ,
n(~M . OM')l
diem M kluic O thanh diem M' sao cho OM' = OM va goc lu(!11g gtac '
il!I bang a dur;c g9i la phep quay tam O g6c a (h. I .27).
mi . . .
~ . t ·on point O mapping 0 1110

1 1 1

' . . :,,1
. :, ·:!!,:1,,
'.,_ ~ ; : :~~;;rp~i::;
1= OM and trigono17 th
angle (OM; OM') equal to a is called a rotation about the center O a J e

angle a (Fig. 1.27). M'

Diem O duc;,c g9i la tdm quay con a duc;,c g9i la g6c quay
cua phep quay d6.
Point O is called the cenrer of rotation and a is called the angle of
rotation of the rotation tran sfom1ati on.
Phep quay tam O g6c a thuang duc;,c ki hi¢u la (4o,a). 0 M
Hinh Figure 1.27
A rotation about center O and angle a is usually denoted by R(O.a) .
Vi di!, 1. Tren IBnh 1.28 ta c6 cac diem A', B', 0 tuong ung la anh B

cua cac di~m A, B, 0 qua phep quay tAm 0 , g6c quay - :r · /J -- ''
2 /
Examp le 1. In Fig. 1.28, we have points A', B' and O as images of
A /._ J. _
I \

points A, Band O respect ively under a rotation about center O and \

\ I
I ' '• A' I

\ I ✓

angle of rotation - " ·

2 0

- -- - - -... ~
-- "'" I


~1 Trang hinh 1.29 tim m(>t g6c quay thfch hqp de phep quay tam o
Find a suitable angle of rotation in Fig. 1.29 such that a
Hinh Figure 1. 28
rotation about center 0
- Bi~n diem A thanh diem 8 ;
maps point A onto point B;
- Bi~n diem C thanh diem 0.
maps point C onto point D.

Hinh Figure 1.29

Nh(jn xet Remarks
l ) Chieu duong cua phep quay la chieu duong cua duang tron luong giac nghia la
nguc;,c vcri chieu quay cua kim d6ng h6. .
The ~ si~i~e dir~ction o~ a rotation is the positive orientat ion of a trigonom etric
meaning 1t 1s ant1-clo ckw1se.

M 0 M'
Chi,u quay dtJtJng Positive orientation Chi~u quay am Negative orientation
Hinh Figure 1.30

Hinh Figure 1.31

~2 Trong hlnh 1.31 khi banh xe A quay theo chieu ducmg thl banh xe B quay theo chieu nao ?
In Fig. 1.31 , while cog wheel A is rotating in a positive orientation, in which orientation is
cog wheel B rotating?

2) V 6i k la s6 nguyen ta luem c6
With k as an integer. we always have M _
_'_..__C\ 0

Phep quay ~o,2 k1t) la phep d6ng nhat.

Hinh Figure 1.32
Rotation Rco.2 krr.) is an identity.
Phep quay ~0,(2k+l )rr. ) la phep d6i xung tam O (h.1.32).

Rotation R(0 .( 2 k+ l)rr.) is a symmetry about center O (Fig. 1.32).

~3 Tren m<;,t chiec d6ng h6 tu luc 12 gicr den 15 gicr kim gicr va kim phut da quay m(>t g6c bao
nhieu d<;, ?
By how many degrees have the hour and minute hands on the clock rotated from 12 o'clock
to 3 o'clock?

Hinh Figure 1.33


Quan sat chiec tay lai (vo-lang) tren tay ngum lai xe ta thay khi
ngtrcri lai xe quay tay lai m(>t g6c nao d6 ~ h~ diem A va B tre~
tay Iai cung quay theo (h.l.34). Tuy Y! tn 1.
va _~ thay d01
nhtrng khoang each giua chung khOng thay d61. D1eu d6 dtrc;,c
the hi~n trong tinh chit sau cua phep quay.
Looking at the steering wheel under the dr~ver's control, w~
find that as he rotates it by an angle, two pomts A and B on 1t
rotate as well (Fig. 1.34). Although the positions of A and B
change, the distance between t~em stays ~he same. This will be Hinh Figure 1.34
shown in the following properties of rotation.

2A-HINH HOC 11 (SN )
~'. Tfnh chat 1 Property 1 B I I I-
~ Phep quay bdo toan khodng each giila hai dil m bat ki. j, -- -,1 I-
A rotation preserl'es the disrance ber.1·ee11 any two I
t.\ roims. A ,(_ I

- ' '. A , \

I -
\ I

, ,
, , ""- ....
0 - -- -- .....
-- ~ B'

Hinh Figure 1.35
Phep quay tam 0 , goc (OA : OA') biln diem A tluinh A',
B thanh 8'. Khi d6 ta co A'B' = AB.
A rv1a11011 ubour center O and u11gle 10A . OA ·1 mJps A o r.!o A·
and 8 01110 B' Then we h,n e A 8' = AB

l\ Tfnh chit 2 Property 2

Phep quay bic'n duimg tluing thanh duimg tluing, biln do<Jn thdng thanJ1 do<Jn thdng
ll bang n6, bien tam giac thanh tam giac bang no, bien duimg trim thanh duimg trim c6
\,\.l, ~:!t~~o::~a~/;, ~~;e onto a fine, a fine seJ!,ment
onto its congruent line segmcm.
,,, a triangle onto its congruent /riangle and a circle onto a circle with the same
m rnclius (Fig. 1.36).


Hinh Figure 1.36

Nh~n xet Remarks

Phep quay g6c a vm O< a < 1t , bie'n duong thAng d
thanh duong thAng d' sao cho g6c giiia d va d' bAng a 0

(n~u O< a ~ 2: ), ho~c bang 1t-a (ne'u 2: s a< 1t)

2 2
(h.1.37). d'

A rotation of an angle a with 0 <a< 1t maps line d

onto line a such that the angle between d and d' is
Hinh Figure. 1.37
equal to a (if O< a S ;) or rr - a (if 2: ~a< rr)
- 2
(Fig. 1.37).
~4 Cho tam giac ABC va dit m 0 . Xac djnh anh cua tam
giac d6 qua phep quay tam O g6c 60°.
Given MBC and point 0 . Detennine the image of
the triangle under a rotation of 60° about center O.

28 ·HINH HOC 1 l tSH)
l. ~o htnh vuOng ABCD tam O (h. l.38).
Given square ABCD with center O (Fig. 1.38).
a) Tim anh ciia diem C qua phep quay tam A g6c 90°. B
Fi nd the image of point C under a rotation of 90° about center A. Hinh Figure 1.38
b) Tim anh ciia duang thAng BC qua phep quay tam O g6c 90°.
Fi nd the image of line BC under a rotation of 90° about center 0 .
2• Trong m~t phfulg to<:1 d◊ Oxy cho diem A(2; 0) va duang thang d c6 phucmg trlnh x + Y - 2 = O.
Tim anh cua A va d qua phep quay tam O g6c 90°.
~ the coordinate plane Oxy, given point A(2 ; 0) and lined with equation of the form x + Y - 2 = O.
Fmd the images of point A and lined under a rotation of 90° about center 0 .



Cac phep tjnh tien, d6i xung tI1;1c, d6i xung tfun va phep quay d~u c6 m◊t tinh chat chung la bao
toan khoang each giua hai diem ba'.t ki. Nguen ta dung tinh chat d6 de dµih nghla phep bien hlnh
sau day.
The common property of translations, reflection symmetry, rotational symmetry and
rotations is preserving the distance between any two points. The property is used to define
the following transformation.

} Dinh nghia Definition

Jm Phep diti hinh la phep bien hinh bdo toan khodng each giua hai dilm bat ki.
iii: An isometry is a tramformation that preserves the distance between any two
J points.
Neu phep dcri hlnh F bien cac diem M, N Ian luqt thanh cac diim M', N' thl MN= M'N'.
If the isometry F maps points Mand N onto points M' and N' respectively, then MN= M'N' .
Nhdn xet Remarks
I) Oic phep d6ng nhat, t!nh tien, d6i xung lfl:IC, d6i xung tam va phep quay deu la nhiing
phep dcri hlnh. . .
Identities, trans latmns, retlect1on symmetry, rotational symmetry and rotations are
2) Phep bien hlnh c6 duqc b~g each thl;!c hi¢n lien tie'p hai phep doi hlnh ciing la mt>t he
dcri hinh. . p p
A transformation obtained by doing two consecutive isometries is also an isometry.
Vi du I Example l .
a) T~m gia~ ~,~:'~"Ia ~h cua ~ gi: c ABC qua phep ~oi hinh (h.1.39a).
Triangle AB C 1s the image of triangle ABC under an isomet (F' 1 39 )
b) Ngfi giac MNPQ_ R la ~h cua ngii giac M'N'P'Q'R' qua phep~ oi
Pentagon MNPQR 1s the image of pentagon M'N'P'Q'R' under an 1sometry
.(h ~ Jgb)
· (Fig. ·
· . 1.39b).

, dm h1nh (h. I .40).
c) Hlnh <Yt Ia anh ctia h1nh .)'(qua phep . . I .40).
7( d r an isor11e1ry (f ig
Figure Yt' is an image of figure · un e

A--- - -- --- -------- - -

' B"
I \8'
I -)
B -- - --- - --- - - - --- ---------~r-- -~~
I _,/
I ~ Q
I ,/ ....--,_,,,._

---- - --C'

r IR ____,______ ~ _.__},_~Jr
~- -..
Hinh Figure 1.39

Hinh Figure 1.40

~1 Cho hinh vuong ABCD, gqi Ola giao diem cua AC va BD.
Tim anh cua cac diem A, B, 0 qua phep dai hlnh c6 dl!qc
bang each thlfc hi~n lien tiep phep quay tam O g6c goo va
phep doi xung qua dl!ang th~ng BD (h.1.41 ).
Given square ABCD. Let O be the intersection of two
diagonals AC and 8D. Find the images of points A, B and 0
under an isometry obtained by consecutively doing a rotation D C
0 Hinh Figure 1.41
of go about center O and a reflection across line 8D
(Fig. 1.41).
Vi d~ 2. Example 2
Trong hlnh 1.42 tam giac DEF la anh cua tam giac ABC A
qua phep dm hlnh c6 duqc bclng each th(!c hi¢n li~n tiep C' r---.... C
J~ ~ -,
phep quay tam B g6c 90° va phep tµih tien theo vecta

v= C'F- = (2 ; -4). A'


In Fig. 1.42, MJEF is the image of MBC under an }F ~

isometry obtained by consecutively doing a rotation of 90° I I'\ -

I ["\
about center B and a translation through vector
v = C'F= (2 ; - 4) . 0 D E

---- J

20 Hmh Figure 1. 42
Ii!! Phep dili hinh An isometry: , z , , , , , ·-
iUl 1) B · ,, b d •-· th z
!Hi zen a tern ang ha'ng tha'nh · ba diem thang hang va bao roan thu tu· g1ua
!1!: ,I' ,l•

ili! cac diem ·

!!!! ,naps thre~ collinear points onto three collinear points and preserves the order
ii!i between the points · ,
i!ii 2) Bien du&ng thdng 'thanh du&ng thdng, bien tia thanh tia , biln doqn thiing thanh
i!I! do{ln thdng b&ng no ; . .
:\ll maps a line onto a line , a ray onto a ray and a lme segment onto Ifs congruent
!iii line segment:
!Iii 3) Bien tam giac thanh tam giac bdng no, bien goc thanh goc bdng no ;
li!i maps a triangle onto its congruent triangle and an angle onto its congruent angle;
!Iii 4) Bien du&ng trim thanh du&ng tron co cung ban kinh.
:::: maps a circle onto a circle l-Vith the same radius.

~2 Hay chCmg minh tfnh chat 1. Prove property 1. A 8 c

Gqi y. S(i d1:1ng tfnh chat di~m B nam giiia hai di~m A va C khi va
chf khi AB + BC = AC (h.1.43).
Hints. Use the property stating that point B is between two points
A and C if and only if AB + BC = AC (Fig. 1.43).
~3 Gqi A', B' Ian lllqt la anh cua A, B qua phep dai hinh F. Chang minh rang neu M la trung di~m cua
AB thi M' = F(M) la trung di~m cua A'B'.
Let points A' and B' be the images of points A and B respectively under an isometry F. Prove that if
Mis the midpoint of segment AB, then point M = F(M) is the midpoint of segment A'B'.
r:Jr> Chu j. a) Neu m(Jt phep dai hinh bien tam giac ABC thanh tam giac A'B'C' thi n6 cung biin
tr9ng tam, tn/C tam, tam cac duang tron nqi tiep, ngo{li tiep cua tam giac ABC tUcJng itng thanh
tr9ng tam, trlfc tam, tam cac duang tron nqi tiep, ngoqi tiep cua tam giac A'B'C' (h.1.44).
Note: a) If an isometry maps MBC onto M 'B'C', then it also maps the centroids, orthocenters
and centers of inscrihed and circumficribed circles of MBC onto the centroids, orthocenters
and centers of inscribed and circumscribed circles of M 'B'C' respectively (Fig. 1.44).
A C'.----- A F

Hinh Figure 1.44 C D

Hinh Figure 1.45
b) Phep doi hinh bien da giac n c{lnh thanh da giac n C{lnh , bien dinh thanh dinh, bien c{lnh
thanh C{lnh.
b) An isometry maps a polygon with n sides onto a polygon with n sides, a vertex onto a
vertex and a side onto a side.
Vi d~ 3. Cho I1:1c giac deu ABCDEF, 0 la tAm duong trcm ngo~ tiep cua n6 (h.1.45). Tim anh
cua tam giac OAB qua phep dcri hlnh~ duqc bAng each th\fc hi~n lien tiep phep quay tAm 0,
g6c 60° va phep tµih tien theo vecto OE.
Example 3. Given an equilateral hexagon ABCDEF with O being the center of its
circumscribed circle (Fig. 1.45 ). Fi nd the image of ~OAB under an isometry obtained by
consecutively doing a rotation of 60° about center O and a translation through vector OE.
G 1. he d' · ,
qid.i Jo{ution cf h cua tam giac 0AB qua
9 P P m hint, da cho la F. Chi cttn xac d!n · h • h cua cac in
. , an , I ' ltt<1t tha nh 0, 8 va C
o . - 0 A va B ~ . .
phep doi hmh F . Ta c6 phe p quay tam 0 , g6c 60 biM
' , D Tu d6 suy ra F(O) ::: £
Ph ' t . h · - -
ep !n t1en t.hco vecta 0£ bi~n 0 , B va C lfin h.rqt t hanh
£ 0 va .
, '. hlnh Fla tam giac EOD. '
F(A) = O, F(B) = D . Yily anh cua tam giac OAB qua phep
den f vertex e~ of ~0AB under
Let the given isome try. be F . \Ve need to dctem1ine the image
• s o . , 0 A . dB
the 1some try F w o .
, ter O that m ·
aps poinb . an onto
· e haw a rotation of 60 about cen -
point s O B · t5 O B d
.· and C re specti vely. A translation throug h vector OE maps pom ' an C
onto. po,n t £ o ·
s , and D respec ti vely. Then. we w fer F(O> -- E '
_ F (A) _
- '
o and F (B ) = D . Thus
lhe i m age of ~OAB under the isome try Fis !:iEOD .
~ 4 c.ho hinh cha nh~t
ABCD . Goi £, F , H , I theo thtJ ti! la trung di~m
.--- ---, ---
cua ~c ~nh AB, CD, BC, EF.
Hay um m¢t phep dcJi hinh bien
tam giac AEI thanh tam giac FCH (h.1.46).
Given rectangle ABCD. Let E, F, H and / be the midpoints of sides
AB, CD, BC and EF respectively. Find an isometry that maps MEI F
onto ~FCH (Fig. 1.46).


Hinh Figure 1.46

Hinh Figure 1.47
Quan sat hinh hai con ga trong tranh dan gian (h.1.47), vi sao c6
th~ n6i hai hlnh dfva :1('
bling nhau ?
Look at two chickens in a folk painting in Fig. 1.47 and state why
we can say two figure s :l(
and £ ' are congruent.
Cluing ta da bi€t phep doi hinh bien mQt tam giac thanh tam
giac bmg n6. Nguoi ta cung
chun g minh duqc riing vm hai tam giac bAng nhau luon c6 m<)t
phep dm hinh bien tam giac
nay thanh tam giac kia. V~y hai tam giac bAng nhau khi va
chi khi c6 m<)t phep dcri hlnh
bi!n tam giac nay thanh tam giac kia. Ngucri ta dung tieu chuAn
d6 d~ dµlh nghia hai hlnh
bfuig nhau . . .
We knew an isom etry maps a tnangle onto its congruent triang
le. It is proved that for two
cong ruent triang les, there is alway ~ an isometry_mappin~ one
_triangle onto the other triangle.
Thus two triang les are congruent 1f _and only 1f there 1s an
1sometry mapp ing one triangle
onto the other triang le. The standard 1s used to define two cong
ruent figures.
··· Dinh nghia Definition
l/1 Hai hinh dl.11/C g9i la bang nhau ne'u co mqt phep dm hinh
bien hinh nay thanh hinh kia.
~ ::: : ; ;: :: are congruent if there is an isometry mapping one
figure onto rh1


Vi d~ 4 Example 4.
a) Tren hlnh 1.48, hai hlnh thang ABCD va A"B"C"D " bi ng nhau vl c6 m¢t phep dm hlnh
bit n hlnh thang ABCD thatlh hlnh thang A"B"C"D ". .
ln Fig. 1.48. two trapezoids ABCD and ABCD and A"B"C"D" arc congruenL since there is an
isometry mapping trapezoid ABCD onto trapezoid A"B''C"D".

Hinh Figure 1.48

Hinh Figure 1.49

b) Phep tinh ti€n theo vecta v bien hlnh d thailh hlnh £?13, phep quay tam O g6c 90obien
hlnh 9lJ thanh hlnh -€, Do d6 phep dcri hlnh c6 du<;IC bfulg each thl;Jc hi~n lien tiep phep tµm
tien theo vecto v va phep quay tAm O g6c 900 bien hinh s1tharlh hinh -fff. Tu d6 suy ra hai
hinh J4 va <6bang nhau (h.1.49).
A translation through vector vmaps figure Lr:;1 onto figure £?13 and a rotation of 90° about
center O maps fi gure @ onto -€. Therefore, an isometry is obtained by consecutively doing
a translation through vector v and a rotation of 90° about center O maps figure s1 onto f5.
Then we infer two fi gures st/ and -f5 are congruent (Fig. 1.49).
~5 Cho hinh cha nh~tABCD. GQi / la giao di~m cua AC va BD. GQi E, F theo th(r tl! la trung diam cua
AD va BC. ChCrng minh rang cac hinh thang AEIB va CFID bang nhau.
Given rectangle ABCD. Let/ be the intersection of sides AC and 8D. Let E and F be the midpoints of
sides AD and BC respectively. Prove that the trapezoids AE/8 and CF/Dare congruent.


1. Trang m~t phaiig O.xy cho cac diem A(- 3; 2), B(-4 ; 5) va C(- 1 ; 3).
In the Oxy plane, given points A(- 3 ; 2), B(-4 ; 5) and C(- 1 ; 3).
a) Onmg minh dng cac diem A'(2; 3), B'(5 ; 4) va C'(3 ; 1) theo thu t\I la anh cua A , B va C
qua phep quay tam O g6c - 90° ·
Prove that points A '(2 ; 3), 8 '(5 ; 4) and C'(3 ; 1) are the images of points A , B and C
respectively under a rotati~n. of -?Oo
abou~center O. ,. ,
b) G9i tam giac A1B1C1 la anh cua tam g1ac ABC qua phep dm hlnh c6 duqc bAng each thl!c
hien lien tit p phep quay tam O g6c -900 va phep d6i xung qua ln;lc Ox. Tim to~ d¢ cac dinh
cu~ tam giac A1B1C1 · .
~tmwg1e , , 1 A B C be the image of tnangle ABC under an isometry obt . d
~ e ~
. d ·ng a rotation of - 90° about center O and a reflection across Ox . F' .
consecutive1y 0 1
f the vertexes of the tnang1e A 18 , C, . -ax1s. md
the coord mates o

, diim cua cac qmh AB. Be
2. Cho hinh chii nh~t ABCD. ,Goi £ F H K O / J lful ILtqt
. , , , . , .
la trunCg
K a FOi
b;.,"g nhau.
CD, DA , KF. HC, KO. Chl.tllg minh hai htnh thang AEJ v ·dpoints of sides AB 8
Given that ABCD is a rectangle Let£ F H K 0 , I and J be the ~Id AEJK and FO'c ·· C.
CD D · ' · ' ' trapezo1 5 1
· A, KF, HC and KO respectively. Prove that two
congruent. .-< A 'D' •
3 Ch , . h • , . ABC thanh tam g1ac o C thl 06
h'1nh bi€n tam giac tAm cua • tam g1"a'c A 'o0 'C'.
. - l.tllg
- rang ; Neu m6t . phep d~v, .
cung 1en tr9ng tam cua tam giac ABC tuong ung thruih tr9ng "d f A AB
p If • ps the centro1 o £.111 C 001o
rove: an isometry maps L1ABC onto M 'B 'C', then it also ma
the centroid of M 'B'C'.



/:Ii Djnh nghTa Definition

,, h,m h bz·e•'n m6i diim M
, b.zen thanh diem M' sao cho
n Cho dz•e-?m O va, so.- k :1: 0 . Phep

1/1/ Dii' = k.OM dur;c g9 i la phep v; tr! tam 0 , tl so'k (h.1.50).

//II Given point O and number k ':t= O. An isometry maps each point M onto point M' such
!l// that OM' = k.OM is called a homothety with center O and ratio k (Fig. 1.50).


N N'
Hinh Figure 1.50

Phep vj TI! tam 0, ti s6 k thm:mg duqc ki hi¢u la Vco,k).

A homothety with center O and ratio k is usually denoted by Yco,k)'

0 b)
Hinh Figure 1.51

Vi du J Example 1.
a) Tren runh 1.5 la cac diem A', B', 0 Ian hrqt la anh cua cac di~m A, B, 0 qua phep 0 tl! tam 0
ti s6 - 2.
In Fig. 1.5 la, points A', B' and f!
are the images of points A, B and O respectively under a
homothety with center O and ratio -2.
b) Trong hinh 1.51 b phep 0 TI! tam O, ti s6 2 bien Wnh ~thrum hlnh :J't'.
In Fig. 1.5 Ib, a homothety with center O and ratio 2 maps figure ~onto figure ;-"I f .

~ 1 Chcottratamn gia• c ABc. G9,. E va F tuan · AC r
tha nh £ va F g ung la trung di~m cua AB va . im m¢t phep v/ llf bi~n B va
G' 9 ttng .
iven M B c. le t E and .F dpoin ts of sides AB an
t~e mi e!y
that maps point s B an d be
E and F res pe ·
ct, I d AC respectively. Find a homoth
Nhtin xet Rem arks C onto points ve y.
I) Phep vi tu b'e .
A hom~ tt;e l
ty n tfun v~ ttJ thanh chinh no' ·
2) Kh maps h
nter_onto itself.
ff ;~== I, phep vj tl! ~~ ;~ ;et~~~e
- 1, a homothety . p g nha:t.
is, an ident ity tra ns fo rmati on .
3) Khi k == -1 , phe v~. tl! la phe d6i ,
If k - l , a homo p
thch, · rcf p xung qua tam vi· tu·
- - l ·
4) M ' ::: V, (M)
'J 1s a ectron across homoth.c1·rc center.
(O ,k) <:=:> M::: v (M ').
2, Chung minh nh~n xet 4.
Prove re~ ark 4.



i/i/ Tlnh ch at 1 Property 1

, ·
II// "!!!!:._ph- epk M-vjNhf ,ti so' k bien hai diem M , N tuy y theo thu tu· thanh M', N' th , 1
!/H M 'N ' va M 'N ' = lkl.MN
/ - •
. M
I/// If a ho mo the ty wi
th ratio k map; any two and N onto points M ' and
- N
-. po mt s
!iii re sp ec tively the ,1 M-
;-N, - k M
' - · and M 'N ' = /k/ .M N.

, Clittno minli Proof

. ,
Theo dinh nghla cua he vi
Ci91 0 la
Le t ?.
tfu n cu a phep
be the ce nter of
vj ti! ti s6 k.
a homothety . with ratio
/ro~~ £
tu: /o:

w~ ve:
defi ~1t10~ a homothety,
= kO N (h.1.52) (Fig.1.S2
O M = kO M va and O N' 0
N '-O M '= kO N -k O M
Do do : Thus Ai 'ii '= O N N'
- -
= k( ON -O M )= kM N. Hinh Figure. 1.52
in fer M 'N ' = lkl MN .
Tu d6 suy ra Then we a ph ep vj ti! ti s6 k. Chung minh ran
C qu
~d {l ~< ;> i A' , B' , C' ~
thu tl! la an h cu a A, B,
tA 'C '.
AB =t AC , te R ~A 'B '= points A, B and C respective
ly un der a
, B' an d C ~e th~ ma ges of
Ex am pl e 2 . Let points A' t A'C.
ra tio k. Pr ov e tha t AB = t AC, t E JR <=> A'S'=
homoth ety wi th
qiJi So{ution
B, A'C = kAC. Do d6 :
G<;>i O la tAm cua phep vj ti! ti s6 k, ta c6 A' S' = kA
th rat io k, we ha ve A' S'= kAB and A'C' = kAC. Th us:
Let O be the cente r _, of a homothe ty wi ___. ----.
.---. . 1~ 1~
'C ' ~ A'B' = tA'C'.
AB = tA C ~ -A 'B ' = t. -A k
d~ng vf d~
i die m Av a C khi va ch i khi AB = tAC, 0 < t < 1. Sli
oey rang: Oiem B nam giCta ha di~m A' va C'.
tr~n chlll1g minh rang n~u die
na m
int A
i die
and only if AB
C thl diem B' nam gicra hai
= t
__ ,
AC , and O< t < I. Use the
Notice that point B lies betwe en po int A an d point C, then point 8 lies betwe
en point A'
point B lies be twe
example above to prove that if
and point C. 25
Tinh chat 2 Property 2
:i/l Phep vf tlf ti s6' k :
!Iii A homothety with ratio k
~i/ a) Bien ba diem thdng hang thanh ba dilm thdng hang va bdo toan thu 11! giua cac
:ill die'm a'y (h.1.53).
~/! maps three collinear points onto three collinea r points and preserves the order
Wl befv..'een the points (Fig. 1.53).
i!iJ b) Bien duimg thdng thanh duimg thdng song song hoiJ.c trung voi
no, bien tia
iii! thanh tia, bie'n doqn thdng thanh doqn thdng.
Iii! maps a line onto a line parallel to it or overlaps it, a ray onto a ray and a line
i/li segment onto a line segment.
Jill c) Bien tam giac thanh tam giac dong d<;mg voi no, bien g6c thanh goc bang
llii (h.1.54).
/Iii ~: ~;: ~;:;~;11 ; /nto its similar triangle and maps an angle onto its

i/if d) Bien duimg tron ban kinh R thanh duimg tron ban kinh lklR (h.1.55).
J/li maps a circle with radius R 0 1110 a circle with radius lklR (Fig.1.55 ).


/-- --~ --~ B'
Hinh Figure 1.53 Hinh Figure 1. 54


Hinh Figure 1. 55

A' C
Hinh Figure 1.56

~4 Cho tam giac ABC c6 A', B', C' theo thu ti! la trung di~m cua
cac c~nh BC, CA, AB. Tim mQt phep vj ti! bi6n tam giac
ABC thanh tam giac A'B'C' (h.1 .56).

Given M.BC with points A', B' and C' being the midpoints of sides BC CA d AB
respectively. Find a homothety that maps MBC onto M 'B 'C' (Fig. 1.SS). ' an

Vi d~ 3. Cho diem O va duong trcm (/ ; R). Tim anh cua dubng tron d6 qua phep v1· t1,1 tAm 0
ti s6 - 2.
Example 3. Given point O and circle(/ ; R). fjnd the image of th c circ d
1e un er a homoll'e
• ty
with center O and ratjo - 2.

Ta chi c~- t' , fiiai Solution
ru1 1m /' == v bang each IA'y tren . . , . ,
(0, - 2) (/)
ha d61 cua ha 0/ die m/ ' sao cho 0/ ' == 201.
We only have to find /' == V
· /'
(0 - 2/l ) by choosing a pomt on the ray corresponding to Of
h ray 0/ ' == ' ray
sue t h at 20 1·
Kh i d ' '
o anh cua (I ; R) la (I' .' 2R) (h. l .57).
Then the image of cir . · .
c1e (I ., R ) 1s circle (I' ; 2R) (Fig. I .S?).

Hin h Figure 1.57

ducm tro , , ,
Ta eta bie't phep vj tu bie'nma s ga c·n tha nh duo ng_tron . Nguqc l<;ti, ta c6 djnh Ii sau
We knew a hom oth ety have the following
p ircle onto a CJfcle. Conversely, we
iii Din h Ii Theorem
, duimg
Vmha i duilng tron bat k'l lu6 n co m<;Jt phe p V! t¥ bzen duimg trim nay thanh
• • ,,
A ,

Ii/ tron kia .
one circle onto the
WF ays exists a homothety that maps
/// olr an~ twlo circles, there alw ·
::: ot zer czr c e.
la tam vf ti/ cua hai duilng tron. M'
Tam cu a phep vj ti! d6 duqc g9i
led the homothetic center of
The center of the homothety is cal R'
the two circles. M
Cach tim tam vj ta, ciia hai dmmg
ter of two circles
Ho w to find the ho mo the tic cen
; R").
01 0 hai ducmg tron (/ ; R) va (/'
R') .
Given two circle s(/ ; R) an d(/ ';
cas es can occur:
C6 ba tnrang hqp xay ra Three
• Truilng h<;Jp I trung vm I' I'.
ppi ng cen ter
In the cas e ofcenter I ove rla

Khi d6 phep vj t\J' tam I ti s6

;' va phep vj t\l taJn I ti s6 - ;• Hinh Figure 1.58

bi!n duang tron (/ ; R) thfulh duang tron (I ; R') (h. l .58
f and ration - R'
otb ety wit h cen ter I and rati o R' and a homothety with center R
Then a hom R
cle (I ; R') (Fig. 1.58).
map the circle (/ ,· R) onto the cir
of center I not equal to I' and R ~
• Truung h<;Jp I kha c /' va R * R'. In the cas e
thu ¢c dua ng tron (/ ; R), ducmg thAng qu a/' song song v6i IM cat
Uy dit m M ba't Id a d6i v6i duang thing I I' con M , M"
. Gia ~ii M, M' nam cun g phf
trcm (/' ; R') t,;u M' va M"
ng I I'.
nAm khac phia d6i v6i duang tha (I ; R) and a line pas sing thro ugh center I' is parallel to
Given any point M lying on circle
e,(/'; R ') _at two points and A-!"· SupJJ<?se points M_ and
and inters ect s c
_ ircl ~
hne / / .
segment / M
and M lte on different sides of the

side of the hne I I and pom ts M

lie on the same 27
Gia su duang thing MM' dt duang thang / /' t~i di~m 0 n~m ngoai do~ thing/ I', con
duang thing MM" cAt duang thang / /' t~i diem O n~ trong do~ thing//' (h.1.59).
~uppose the line MM ' intersects the line//' at point 0 outside the line//' and the line MM··
intersects the line / /' at poi nt O I lying in segment //' (Fig.1.59 ).


Hinh Figure 1. 59

Khi d6 phep vj tl;l' tam O ti s6 k = R' va phep vj W tam 0 1 ti s6 k1 = - R' se bien duong
tron (/ ; R) thanh duang tron (/' ; R"). Ta g9i O la tam vj t¥ ngoai con 0 la tam vj tlf trong
cua hai duang tron n6i tren.

Then a homothe ty with center O and ratio k = R' and a homothety with center 0 and
. R'
radms k 1 = - - will map circle (/ ; R) onto circle (/' ; R"). We call O the external
homotheric center and O I the internal homothetic center of the circle a hove.
• Truang hqp I khac /' va R = R'. _ M .._.... _=---- ---~.
In the case of I -:t;; I' and R = R'.
Khi d6 MM' II I I' nen chi c6 phep vj tl! tam 0
ti s6 k = - R = -1 bien duang tron (/ ; R) thanh
duang tron (/' ; R"). N6 chinh la phep d6i xun.g M"
tam 0 1 (h. I .60). Hinh Figure 1.60

Then MM'// I/', so only a homothety with center 0 1 and ratio k = - R =- 1 maps circle(/ ; R)
onto circle (/' ; R} It is just a rotation across center O 1 (Fig. 1.60).
Example 4
Cho hai duong tron (O ; 2R) va (O'; R) n~ ngoai nhau. Trrn phep Y! lt! bien (0 ; 2R) thanh (O'; R).
Given two circles (0 ; 2R) and (0 '; R) lying apart. Find a homothety that maps circle (0 : 2R)
onto circle (0 '; R).

qiai So{ution


Hinh Figure 1.61

· diem Lb"'
La'y at· k'I tr~n duong 1 0 (O . l R) chrbng thang k ' 0l ·"t (0 ' . R)
;, qua, 0'. song song vu1 ca ,
tl,li M va N (h. 1.6 1). Hai ct,,>-- r nh·: _ ' M' :-. LN d t d11cmg thi ng 00' ldn h.r(JI t~i / va ./. Khi
d6 cac he . uu11g t .mg 1
p p vi V l(! I)
( va V( I) J Va ,
se bie'n (0: 2R) thanh (0 ; R).
1.- J --
2 2
. . anY point· L on circl , (() .• -, -,) A . , ·ts'> ing through cente1· O' 1s
1' · 1Ille pc. -
· parc u e I to ra· ct·1u.., OL.
· "'l
. Jnte · c
rsccts cirde (() ' . R) · - •
. . M . d N (fi ll. 1.6 1). f wo 10cs .,. and L N intersect
1 · l A1 .
line oo· . at points an " ·11
at points/ and./ rt!spcctivcl y. Then homotheties \(·½)and V(1.-i ) w, map
circle (0 ; 2R)
Onto circle (0 ': R).


1. Cho tam giac ABC c6 ba g6c nhon va H la true tAm. Tim anh cua tam giac ABC qua phep vt tt;r
tAmH ' · 1 . .
'ti so-·
Given MBC wit
· h three acute angles and orthocentcr H . F'in d t he 1·mage of· MBC under a

homothety wi'th orthocenter H and ratio

. -I •
2· Tim tAm vt t(! cua hai ducrng tron trong cac tnrcm.g hqp sau (h. l .62) :
Fi nd a homothety of two circles in the following cases (Fig. 1.62).

oo a) b) c)

Hinh Figure 1. 62
3. Chung minh rang khi thl;Cc hi~n lien tiep hai phep vi l\J tAm O se duqc mqt phep V! l\J tAm O.
Prove that doing two consecutive homotheties with center O will give a homothety with center 0 .


Nha toan hc;>c c6 Hi L~p n6i tieng Py-ta-go (Pythagore) tung
c6 mqt cau n6i duqc ngucri dcri nha mai : "Dung thay b6ng
cua mlnh atren tucrng rat to ma tuang mlnh vi d~". Th~t v~y,
bfulg each di~u chinh den chieu va vi trf dung thich hqp ta c6
thi ~o duqc nhim.g cai b6ng cua minh tren tucrng gi6ng h~t
nhau nhung c6 kich thuac to nho khac nhau. Nhfmg hlnh c6
tinh chat nhu the gc;>i la nhfmg hlnh d6ng dcµig (h.1.63). V~y
th€ nao la hai hlnh d6ng dcµig vm nhau ? De
hieu mqt each
chfnh xac khai ni~m d6 ta cAn dfo phep bi~n hlnh sau day.
Pythagoras, a well-known Greek mathemati~ian, gave a Hinh Figure 1.63
statement kept in mind forever by later generations: "Do not
falsely believe that you are ~ ~at just becau~e o~ seeing Y?ur giant shadow on the wall." In
fact, you can create you: s1m1lar shadow~ _m d1~ferent sizes on the waJI by adjusting the
direction of a projecting light and yo~r ~ sitrnn. Figures of such properties are called similar
figures (Fig. J .~3). So, what ar~ two similar figures? To understand the concept correctly, we
need the followmg transformation.

Djnh nghia Def;nition . , , k OJ ne,.i ,·iri hai diem M

Ph~p hien hinh F duqr gqi la phep d6ng dc,mg tt _56 : , ( ; , ~ kM N
(h.1 .64). .N
bat ki rd dnh M', N' tUO'ng u11g nfo ch11ng ta /uon ' 0
. M if .
. . I r·o k· lk > 0), I t111!1 e un• any nvo
••\ 11.ans1urmat1011
· F 1·s ca IIell· o j /flll . r,·
· ·1011 . wrt I ra 1
· M and N and
pv111rs rhcir cu1Tcspo11c1mg - rma(I"es M, an d N', then we olwav. s J1ave
.,.; M'I\'' = kMN 1\F'1g. l .64).


C' N' A'

Hinh Figure 1.64

Nh4n xet Remarks
1) Phep dm hlnh la phep d6ng d.µig ti s6 1.
An isometry is a similarity with ratio 1.
2) Phep vi t\! ti s6 k la phep d6ng d.µig ti s6 lkl.
A homothety with ratio k is a similarity with ratio jkj.
~ 1 Chang minh nh~n xet 2.
Prove remark 2.
3) Neu thl,fc hi~n lien tiep phep d6ng d.µig ti s6 k va phep d6ng d.µig
ti s6 P ta duqc phep
d6ng ci;µlg ti s6 pk.
If we consecutively do a similarity with ratio k and a similarity with
ratio p. then we get a
similarity with ratio pk.
~2 Chang minh nh~n xet 3.
Prove remark 3.
Vi d~ 1. Trang hinh 1.65 phep Y! ll,f tl\m O ti so 2 bien hlnh d thanh hlnh qJ_ Phep d6i
xung W.rn / bien hinh 9'J thanh hinh €. Ti:r d6 suy ra phep d6ng d.µig c6 duqc bang each
thl;fC hi¢n lien tiep hai phep bien hlnh tren se bien hlnh d thanh hlnh (ff.
Example 1. In Fig. 1.65, a homothety with center O and ratio 2 maps
figure S f onto figure
@ . A rotation about cente r/ maps @ onto figure €. Then we infer a simila
rity obtained by
doing two consecutive isometries above will maps figure .s1 onto figure

OL- ----

Hinh Figure 1.65

\\l Tfnh chat Properties
l\l1:1 Phep d6ng dam~
• ( ti st/ k :
A similarit y with ratio J.: :
\\\ a) Bien b~ die'm th&ng han g
n; . ,., ,., thanh ba diem th&ng hang va
l\\ cac diem ay . bdo roa n thu tlf giiia
\\\ maps three collinear poi11t
s 01110 three cvlli11c<l r poiHts an
\\\ between the poi11ts. d preserves the order
\\\ b) Bien duimg thcing thanh dui
tng thdng , bien tia thanh tia , bie
\\\ do<;in thcing . n do<;1n th&nR thanh
\\\ maps a line onto a li11 e, a ray
011to a ray and a lin e segme11t ont
\\\ c) Bien tam gia c thimh tam gia o a line segment.
c dong d<;ing v6i n6 , bien g6c thim
\\\ maps a triangle 011to its sim h g6c bang no.
ilar tria 11gle an d an angle onto
\\\ d) Bien duang trim ban kinh R its congruent anf.!le .
thanh duitng trim ban kinh kR.
\\\ maps a circle with radius
R onto a circle with radius kR.
~3 Ch(mg minh tlnh chat a.
Prove property a.
~4 Gqi A', B' Ian luqt la anh
cua A, B qua phep d6ng d~ng F,
di~m cua AB thi M' = F(M ) la trun ti s6 k. Ch(mg minh rang n~u M la
g di~m cua A'B'. trung
Let points A' and B' be the images
of points A and B respectively und
Prove that if Mis the midpoint of seg er a similarity F with ratio k.
ment AB, then M ' = F(M ) is the
r:7' Chu j. a) Neu m¢t phep dong midpoint of segmentA 'B'.
d<;lng bien tam giac ABC thanh tam
trqng tam, tn/C tam , tam cac dui giac A'B'C' thi no ciing biln
mg tron nqi tiep, ngo<;ii tiep cua
trqng tam, trl!C tam, tam cac dua tam giac ABC tU(Jng ung thanh
ng tron nqi tiep , ngo<;ii tiep cua tam
Note . a) If a similarity maps MB giac A'B'C' (h.1.66).
C onto M 'B'C', then it also ma
and centers of inscribed and cir ps the centroids, orthocenters
cumscribed circles of MB C ont
and centers of the inscribed and o the centroids, orthocenters
circumscribed circles of M'B'C
' respectively (Fig. 1.66).

Hinh Figure 1.66
b) Phip dong d<;ing bien da
giac n c<;inh thanh da giac n qm
canh thanh canh. h, bien dinh thanh dinh, bien
Asimilarity ~aps a polygon with n sides onto a polygo
n with n sides, a vertex onto a ver
and a side onto a side. tex
ill . HINH 1>6NG D~NG SIM
Chung ta da bil t phep d6ng diµ
ig bil n m◊t tam g1ac _thanh tam . , , ,. , ,.
ta cung chung minh duqc r~ ~~ac dong ~iµig vm no. Ngu?1
g cho hai ~ g~ac dong diµig
d6ng dang bil n tam giac nay tha vcn nhau th1 luon c6 mQt phep
We kn~w a similarity maps
nh tam g1a c kia.
a triangl e onto it~ s_imi_lar trian~ . .
two similar triangles, there alw le. It 1s al_so proved that given
ays ex.ists a s1m1lanty mapping
one tnangle onto the other
tria ng le.

r Y?y h~i tarn gia_c_d6ng dt:tng voi nhau khi va chi khi c.:6 mQt phep d61}g d:,ing bie'n tam giac
nay thanh t~ giac kia. Di~u d6 gc_ri cho ta each dinh n hia cac h1nh_dMg d.;i~g. , .

Thu" m o tnangle~ an.: ~11ni lar it· •·111d on I, 1·r t hen: ~ ,·1 .c1·mt1ant)'
. c;-.1::.l'• , n1apprng unc tnan1c-•1..,
onto the other tn.m~le.
~ This- help,• us- det-me · ~,.m, 1ar ti1gurc ....
!;1 Djnh nghia Definition
hl Hai hinh dU<JC ~vi la dong d ,. I e•'t, c6 mot pheP dong dqn~ bil n hinh
!!: , _- , • qng v01 n iau n .
m nay thanh hinh kia.
j Two figures are cu/1,•d similar if rfr,•r,• nists a si111ifari0' 111appiaR one fiRur, onto
,., the vtherfigure.
Vi d11, 2 Example 2 .
a) :am giac A'B'C' la hinh dong d<;Ulg cua tam giac ABC (h. I .67a).
Tnangle A 'B'C' is th\! similar figure of triangle ABC (Fig. J .67a).
b) Phep ¥1 U! tam I ti so 2 bie'n hinh .9/ thanh hinh fJ/3, phep quay tfuT1 0 g6c 900 bien hinh (?13
thailh hinh ef. Do d6 phep defog d~g co duqc bang each tht!c hi~n lien tiep hai phep bien hlnh
trtn se bie'n hinh s1 thanh hinh {i. Tu do suy ra hai hinh sfva (§7dong d~ng vai nhau (h. l .67b).

A homothety with center / and ratio 2 maps figure cf onto figure 0(3 and a rotation of 900

about center O maps figure .-?-3 onto figure 0. Thus a similarity obtained by doing two

consecutive isomctries above will map figure '-C./ onto figure 0. Then we infer two figures

'-cfand ft- are similar (Fig. 1.67b). f?l3


a) b)
Hinh Figure 1.67
Vi dlJ 3.. •Cho' hinh BCnh~t ABCD,
ADchfi' ' AC va BD dt nhau tai · hrot la,
· / · G01· H, K , L va, 1 Ian
trung d1em cua , , KC va IC. Chll'I1g minh hai hlnh tha JLKI , • ·
vm nhau. ng va IHAB d6ng d1:1ng

Example 3. Given rectangle . · tersectmg
with sides AC and BD m . at po· t / Le •
H. K, L and J be the m1dpomts of sides AD • BC , KC and JC r · m1 · t pomts
trapezoids JLKI and IHAB are similar. espect1 ve y. Prove two

qiJ.i So{ution
G9i M la trung diem cua AB (h.1.68). Phep vj t1! tim C t, 6 2 . , ,
thang IKBA. Phep d6i xung qua duong thing IM bien hl~ :h bien hlnh thang JLKI thaJlh hlnh
Let M be the midpoint of side AB (Fig. 1.68). A ho h ang l~A tharm hlnh thang /HAB.
trapezoid JLKI onto trapezoid IKEA . A reflection acmot e1~Y Wllh center C and ratio 2 map,
trapezo1·ct IHAB . ross ine IM maps trapezoid' / KBA onto·

d phep ct6ng d<;t ~~ c6 _dugc b~ng.c_ach,thl;{c hi~n A H D
00 6
lit n tiep hai phep bten hm h Ttr~n bt~n hmh thang
JLKI thanh hlnh thang_IHA8 . tr -~6 suy ra hai hinh
~hang JLKI va !HAB d~ng d~ng ~en nhau.
fhus a similarit) obtained by domg _two con~ecutive M
. umctries above maps • trapezoid

JLK! onto
trape7oid IHAB. Then we m1er two trapezoids ILK!
:ind !HAB :ire similar.
~ 5 Hai dLidnQ tron (~ai hinh v~Ong, hai hinh chO' nh~t) bat ki B K L C
c6 d6ng de:1ng vai nhau khong ?
Are any two circles (two squares or two rectangles) similar? Hinh Figure 1.68


1. Cho tam giac ABC. Xac djnh anh cua n6 qua phep d6ng d;µ1g c6 duqc bang each thl;Jc
hi~n lien tiep phep vj lt! tam B ti so ½va phep d6i xung qua ducmg trung tf1!c cua BC.
Given MBC. Detennine its image under a similarity obtained by consecutively doing a
homothety with center B and ratio _!_ and a reflection across the perpendicular bisector of
side BC.
2. Cho hlnh chii' nh~t ABCD, AC va BD cat nhau tai I. Goi H, K, L va J Ian luqt la trung diem
cua AD, BC, KC va /C. Chung minh hai hlnh thang JLKI va IHDC dong d;µ1g vm nhau.
Given rectangle ABCD with sides AC and BD intersecting at point/. Let points H, K, Land J
be the midpoints of sides AD, BC, KC and JC respectively. Prove two trapezoids JLKI and
!HDC are similar.
3. Trong m~t phing 0 xy cho diem /(1 ; 1) va duong trcm tam I ban kfnh 2. Viet phucmg trlnh
cua ducmg tron la anh cua ducmg tron tren qua phep dong diµig c6 duqc bang each thl;Jc hi¢n
lien tiep phep quay tam 0 , g6c 45° va phep vj ti! tfun 0 , ti s6 ✓ 2.
In the 0 xy plane, given point /(1 ; 1) and circle with center I and radius 2. Write down the
equation being the image of the circle above under a similarity obtained by consecutively
doing a rotation of 45° about center O and a homothety with center O and ratio ✓ 2.
4. Cho tam giac ABC vu6ng t<;ii A, AH la duong cao ke tu A. Tim mQt phep d6ng diµig bie'n
tam giac HBA thanh tam giac ABC.
Given M BC with right angle A and altitude AH drawn from vertex A. Find a similarity
mapping L1ffBA onto MBC.


1. Th~ nao la m¢t phep bien hlnh, phep dcri hlnh, phep d6ng diµig ? Neu m6i lien h¢ giira phep
dcri hlnh va phep d6ng d;µ1g. . . . . .
. c rmati·on an isometry and a stmilanty? Show the relationship between an
Wh at 1s a trans10 ,
isometry and a sim ilarity: . , _
2. a) Hay ttn cac phep den hlnh da h~~-d
Name the isometrics you have stu_ te . ?
b) Phep d6ng d;µ1g c6 phai la phep V! ti! kh6ng .
}s a similarity ~ hhomh~~l~i?g. doi vm phep dcri hinh ma kh6ng dung d6i vm phep d6ng diµig.
6 · ·1 ·
· s tm• c t1 t are true to an isometry but not true to a s1m1 anty.
3• Hay neu m6t
Give some properties t a
' 4. 11le nan la ha, hinh Mnµ nhau . hai l11nh d6ng
\\h 11 .tr\. tv.o congnu.nt figure, ,md I\\ O '>nnila
5. Cho hu1 d,ern pMn biet A. B Vil clucrng th&
lrUl , phcr <16i xung \ ~l~l . ph~p quay. phcp v\ ti!
d~ng vcri nhau ? Cho vf d,,1.
r tigurcs? Give an example. _
ng d. Hay t1m m()t phep tjnh lt€n. phep dot
,. _
thoa man m¢t tron g cac tfnh c~nt sau :
<11\Cn t\\O dic,ta1ct pom l~ I anci B
and line J. Find a translation. a r~tlccuon ~ym
rntdlton'll ") 1111111.:ll y. a rotauon and a ho, nothcty mc~ry. a
that sat1s fy one of the follov. ing properties.
a) Bien A thanh chfnh n6 :
Mapping pomt A onto itself:
b) 8i6n A thanh H :
Mapping point A onto point B;
l'.) Bu! n d thanh chinh n6.
Mapping lined onto itself.
,,. Ntu dc h ltm tam v\ II! cua hai dlrong tron
State how lo find the homothdsc cent er of two


I. Cho h,ic giac deu ABCDEF tam 0. Tim
anh cua tam giac AOF
Gs\cn C<.tuilat~ral hc,a gon ABCDEF 'with cent
er 0 . Find the image of triangle AOF
a) Qua phcp tinh tien theo vecto AB ; under a translation through vector AB :
b) Qua phep d6i x(mg qua ducrng th~ng BE;
under a reflection acros-. line BE;
c) Qua phep quay tO.m O g6c 120°.
under a rotation of 120° about center 0 .
2. Trong m~t phAng to<;t d() 0;1.y cho di~m
A(-1 ; 2) va duong thAng d co phuong tr1nh
Tim anh cua Ava d 3x + y + I = 0.
In thl! Oxy coordinate plan e, given poin
t A(-1 : 2) and line d with equation of the
3;1. + Y + l = 0. Find the images of the point A and form
the line cl
a) Qua phep l!nh tifo theo vecto ii = (2 ; l) ;
under :.i tran,;;lation through vector v =(2 ; I J;
b) Qua phep d6i x(mg qua tn,1c Oy;
under a reflection acros-. the Oy-ax i-;:
c) Qua phep d6i x(mg qua g6c to<;t d()
; under origin symmetry;
d) Qua phep quay tam O g6c 90°.
under a rotation of 90° about center O ·
3. Trong m~t phfmg to<;\ d() O.\y, cho ducrng
tron tam /(3 ; -2), ban kinh 3.
In the Oxv coordinate plane. given a circl e with
center /(:, ; - 2) and radiu s 3.
a) Viet phum,g trlnh cua ducrng tron d6.
Wnte the equation of the circle.
b) Viet phum,g tr1nh anh cua ducrng tron (/;
3) qua phep tinh tien theo vectcr v = (-2
; 1).
Wnte the equation of the image of c1rcle (/ :
3) unde r a translation through vector i = (--2
c) Viet phum,g trlnh arth cua ducrng tron (/; 3) : I ):
qua phep d6i xung qua tn,ic Ox.
Write the equation of the image of circle ([ ;
1) under a reflection acros-; the Ox-axis.
d) Viet phum,g trlnh arth cua ducrng tron
(I ; 3) qua phep d6i xung qua g6c to<;t d¢.
Write the equation ol the image of circl e(/ :
3) under origin <;~ mmetry .
4. Cho vecto v, ducrng thing d vuong g6c vai gia cua r . G9i
d' la anh cua d qua phep tjnh tien
theo vectcr .!_ Chll'ng minh r~g phep ttnh
tien theo vectcr ii la k~t qua dia vi¢c tht,tc hi~n
2 ,
lien tie'p phep d6i xll'ng qua cac duong thang
d va d'.
Given vector v and line d perpendicular to
the ba~e of vector i' Let line d' be the image
, n through vector ~2 v· Prove that a trans lation through vector ~ 1~ the
. I d
Ime , un e1 a tran '> latio
rc\ulr of doing cons ccuttve reflection~ acros!'>
line~ d and J'

34 38-HIN tl HOC 1 l (SN)

5. Cho hinh chfr nhat ABCD . , ,.
O trung diem
cua cac c~ AB. BC CD G<;H la t~ d61 xung cua n6. G<;>i I, F, J, E Ian luqt la
c6 dugc tu
vi~c tht!c hi~n lie~ tie' h: D~: ~m anh cua tam ~iac AEO qua phep d6ng d~g
61 s6 2.
Given rectan le AB PP ep d x~g qua duong thang JJ va phep
of sides AB,g BC,
obtaine d by con
vj ti! tAm B, ti
Let O be Its cor~espondi~g ce111er. Let / , ~·, J and £ be the rr~id~i~l5
. and DA respectively. Fmd the unage ot MEO under .i :-.1mllanty
ratio 2 _ secutively doing a reflection acros~ line JJ and a homoth e1y with i;rnter IJ and

6. Trong mat phing 10 do 0 trinh anh

cua ducrn· tr' I _ ~ · .\.Y ,_ cho_duang trcm tam /(1 ; -3), ban k.inh 2. Vie't phmmg
2 !
ti s6 3 va g h ?nd(""_, qua phep d6ng d<;tng c6 duqc tu vi¢c thgc hi¢n lien tie'p phep vt ti! tam O
P ep 01 xung qua true Ox.
·. . . . . .
In the O ry . coordinate Pane,
given circle /(1 : - 3) with radius 2. Wnte the equatio n of the
. wi th
a homoth etv
image of circle (/ : 2) under a similarity obtained by consecuti vely doing ... ·
center O an d ratio· 3 and a reflection across the O\-axi5.
AB. Qua m6i
7. ~o hai di~m A, B va duang trcm tAm O kh6ng c6 di~m chung v6i duang thAng
diem N
dt~~ M ch~y tren duong tron (0) dtJng hlnh blnh hanh MABN. Chung minh r~g
thUQC m<)t duang tron xac dµlh .
line AB
Gjven two points A and Band a circle with center O with no points in common with
point N
Throug h each mobile point Mon circle (0 ), construct paral lelogram MABN . PrO\ I! that
is on a defined circle.

? ~ A




I. Trong cac phep bien hlnh sau, phep nao khong phai la phep dcri hlnh?
Whjch of the following transformation s are not isometrics?
(A) Phep chieu vuong g6c len m(',t duang thAng; An orthogonal projecti on onto a lme;
(B) Phep d6ng nhat ; An identity;
(C) Phep vj ti! ti s6 -I ; A homothety with ratio - I:

(D) Phep d6i xung lfl:IC. _ , .? A reflecti on !-ymmetry.

2. Trong cac m~nh de sau, m¢nh de nao Sal .
. h f the following statements arc false? h ' ,. '
Wh IC O , •
VO'l no ;
'nh .A bien duc:mg thang thanh ducmg thang song song o~c trung ..
(A) Phep l! tit-n . . .
• ps a line onto a lrnc that 1s parallel to Lt,or overlap s 1t,
A translat10n ma
, . un true bien dttang thing th~ du~g thang son~ song ho~c ~ng v6i n6
(B) Phep d6•. x g ~ ctry maps a line onto a lme ,that 1s•paralle l to rt or overlap ,
s 1t:
,. 6
A rctlect10n sym , ,
• , A b1" en dtt<mg thang thanh dmmg thang song song ho~c trung VO'l n ;
Ph , d61 ximg tam 5 n:
(C) ep try maps a line onto a line that is paralle l 10 it or overlap ,
A rotational symme · , , ,.
• • It'. d .,-,.,,.,g thing thanh duang thang song song
ho~c trung vm no.
, tll b1cn llv11 . . .
(D) Phep V! · line onto a line that 1s parallel to it or overlaps It.
A homothety maps a ,
trinh 2x - y + l =
0 n,.
. p
h' . h . ,
ep t~n t1en
, ho duc:mg thang d c6
3. Trong m~t pha~J Od.xy tha'cnh chinh n6 th1 v phai la vecta nao trong cac vecto sau ?
theo vectO'
v b1t:n
. . e d whose equation is 2\ •- ·, + 1 _ = 0. Of the fo llowing \. l!ctor~.
e given 1rn . .
J , h that a translat ion through vector r m:tp!- the lined onto 1t5cll
In the Oxy P an •
b vector \ sue
which mu cst (B) v = (2 ; - 1) ;
(A ) ii =(2 ; I) ; (D) v=(-1 ;2).
(C) == (I ; 2) ;
4. Trong m~t phiog toa do O.xv cho ... -
f h "€ (2 . -1) , d.
· . .., , v -
in ti n theo vecto v la diem co toa d0 nao , va tern M(- 3 ,. 2). Anh cua dii m M qua phep

trong cac toa d◊ sau ?

In the Oxy coordinate plane give~ ~= (2
. - 1) and .point M(- 3 ; 2). Of the follo
coorct·mates, whi·ch does the imag
' w~ng
e of the point' Mhave under a translatt·0n th roug h vector r '>
(A) (5 ; 3); ·
(B) (1 ; 1) ;
(C) (-1 ; 1);
(D) (1; -1 ). •
5. Tr?ng m~t phrtng to<,t d<) Oxy cho duong
thtmg d co phucmg trlnh : 3x -2y + 1 = 0. Anh
thang d qua phep d6i xung lrl;IC Ox co phucmg cua duang
trinh la :
~ the Oxy coordinate plane, give n line d who se equa
tion is 3x - 2y + 1 = O. The image of th e
hnc d under a reflection across the Ox-axis has
(A) 3x +2y +1 = 0;
(B) -3x +2y + 1 = 0;
(C) 3.r + 2y -1 = 0;
(D) 3x - 2y + l = 0.
6. Trong m~t phiog to<,t d¢ Oxy cho duon
g thtmg d co phucmg trlnh : 3x -2y - 1 = 0.
due111g thing d qua phep d6i xung tam O c6 phuc Anh cua
mg trlnh la :
In the Ory coordinate plane, given lined who
se equation is 3x - 2y - l = 0. The image of
line d under a symmetry about center O has equa the
(A) 3x+ 2y + l =0 ;
(B) -3x +2y -1 =0 ;
(C) 3x + 2y -1 = 0 ;
(D) 3x - 2y - 1 = 0.
7. Trong cac m¢nh de sau, m¢nh de nao sai ?
Which of the following statements are false?
(A) C6 mqt phep ttnh ti€n bien mQi diem than
h chinh no;
There exists a translation mapping every poin
t onto itself;
(B) C6 mqt phep d6i xung lrl;lc bien mQi
diem thanh chinh n6 ;
There exists a axial symmetry mapping every
point onto itself;
(C) C6 m◊t phep quay bien mQi diem thanh
chinh no;
There exists a rotation mapping every point onto
(D) C6 mc)t phep vi ti! bien mQi diem than
h chinh n6.
There exists a homothety mapping every poin
t onto itself.
8. Hinh vu6ng c6 miy tfl;IC d6i xung ?
How many axes of symmetry does a square
(A) l ;
(B) 2;
(C) 4 ;
(D) vo s6 infinite.
9. Trong cac hinh sau, hlnh nao co vo s6 tam
d6i xun g?
Of the following figures, which has infin ite cent
ers of symmetry?
(A) Hai ducmg thin g cit nhau ;
(B) Duong elip ;
Two intersecting lines ;
An ell ipse ;
(C) Hai ducmg thAng song song ;
(D) H1nh h_1c giac Mu.
Two parallel lines ;
An equilateral hex ·
lo Trong cac m¢nh d~ sau, m¢nh de- nao , .?
sa1 . agon
· Which of the follow· .
(A) Hai ducmg tha.Dg bat kl Ju()n d(fog d<,tng;
Any two lines are Itng .stat.cmc . n
s are
f 1 •>
a se.
, dA d .
(B) Hai d11cmg tron bat kl lu6n vng <,tng , Any two circ
a ways s1m1lar
les a . I . ,
. d re a way s s1m
(C) Hai hinh vu0ng bat kl lu6n d6ng ~ng ; Any two squares a . I ·1
. I ar;
D) . d te awa yss1 ·1
( Ha i hinh chil nh~t bat ki lu6n d6ng ~ng. Any two rcctan l . . 011 ar;
g es arc always simi lar.

~ ~nm

tip d~ng ph~p bien hinh di gi8i toiln

Itpplying trztnstorrnations in solving mztth problems
CBdi toan 1 <Pro6fem 1
Hai thrum ph6 M va N nfun a hai phia cua m(>t con song r()ng c6 hai bO' a va b song song v°!
nhau. M n!m phia boa, N nfun phia bob. Hay tlm V! tri A nAm tren bO' a, B nAm tren ?ob de
xAy m(>t chiec cau AB noi hai bo song d6 sao cho AB vuong g6c vm hai bo song va tong cac
khoang each MA+ BN ngan nhat.
T wo cities Mand N are located on both sides of a wide river w ith two paralle l banks a and b.
City M is on the bank a and c ity N is on the bank b. Find a location A on the bank a and a
location B on the bank b to construct a bridge AB acroS!:I the river suc h tha t bridge AB is
perpend icular to two banks and the sum of distances 1\fA + BN is the -;ho rte st.

<]iai Sofution
Gia su da fun duoc cac di~m A, B thoa man di~u kien cua bai toan M
(h.1.69). Lay ca~ di~m C va D tuang ung thu(>c ~ va b sao cho
CD vuong g6c v6i a. Phep tµih tien theo vecta CD bien A thanh B
va bien M thrum di~m M'. Khi d6 MA= M'B. Do d6:
Suppose points A and B were found that satisfy the condition for
the problem (Fig . 1.69). O10ose points C and D lying on banks a
and b respectively such that line segment CD is perpendicular to
the bank a. A translation through vector CD maps point A onto
pointB and point M onto point M '. Then .MA= M 'B . Thus Hinh Figure 1-69 N
MA + BN ngan nhO:t <=> M'B + BN ngan nhat <=> M', B, N thfulg hang.
MA + BN is the shortest <=> M'B + BN is the shortest <=> M '. Band N are co llinear.
(}Jai totin 2 <Pro6fem 2
Tren m<)t d6ng bAng c6 hai khu d6 thi A va B nfun cung ve m<)t phia d6i v6i con duong
sit d (gia su con duong d6 thang). Hay tlm m◊t V! trf C tren d de xAy dl!flg m9t nha ga sao
cho t6ng cac khoang each tir C den trung tAm hai khu do thi d6 la ngan nhat.
On a plain, 1he re are two urban areas A and B located on the same s ide o f a ra ilway track d
(supposed to be straight). Find a location Con the track. d to build a railwa y station such t hat
the s um of dista nces from point C to both urban area ce nte rs is the sho rte~t.
Tu bai toan thuc tien tren ta c6 bai toan hlnh hoc sau : A.
From the real iife problem. we hnve a geome tric problem below:
Cho hai diem A va B nam vti cung m¢t phia do'i v<Yi duimg d
thdng d. Tim tren d diem C sao cho AC + CB ngiln nha'r. - - - - - - ~~ -----+--
Gil·en two points A and B ly ing o n the sam e side of line d .
Find point C on line d such that AC+ CB is the shortest.
<]iai Sofution B
Gia si'.r da tlm duqc diem C. G9i A' la anh cua A qua phep Hinh Figure 1. 70
d6i x(rng lf\lC d.
Suppose point C were found . Le t point A ' be the image of
poin t A unde r an ax ia.l symme try across axis d .

Khi d6 AC= A 'C. Do d6 Then 4( = 4 ( Thuc.
AC+ CB ngan nhit ~ A 'C + CB ngAn nhat ~ B, C. A ' thaflg hang (h. I. ~O). .
4( + CB 1'1hc lihone-,r => 4 '( ... CB ,, the -;hortest -=> 8 . C and A . are colhne~ tFig. I. lO).
<Bai toan 3 <Pro6lem 3
Cho tam giac ABC. Goi H la true tam cua tam giac. M Ia trung ditm qmh BC. ~ep doi xung
tAm M bien H thanh H'.Chling .minh rang H ' thu(>c ducmg trcm ngoi:}i tiep tam giac ~c.
Gi"en 1 \Be Let If be the orthocenter of the tnanf!le and JI be the midpoint of Side BC A
rot.tt1onal ") mmctl) a bout center \f map1- point H ~mo poinr H ' Pro\'e mac point H ' lies on
the circum-;cnhed circle ol HBC ·
q(Jij J{ints
- C6 nh~ xet gi ve tu giac BHCH'. g6c ABH' va g6c ACH' (h. J. 71 ) ?
Gih · -.nur ,:omment, on quadn latera! BHCH ,mgle 4BH'
a nd an_g le 1CH' <F1~ I. 7 I 1.
- Chung rninh ru giac ABH'C la ru gjac n9i tiep. Tu do suy ra
dieu phai chung minh.
Prm 1.- rha1 4uadnl,11eral ABH'c.. ,..., ,-m trh ~n ~ d 4u.idnla1eral.
Then infer\\ hat to prm e.
Nhf!n xit. G9i (0) la dttang tron ngo<;ti tiep tam giac ABC.
Co d~nh B va C thl M ciing c6 d~. Khi A ch<;ty tren (0) thi
theo bai toan 3. H' ciing ch<;1y tren (0). Vi ln!C tam H la anh
cua H' qua phep d6i xung tam M nen khi do H se ch<;ty tren
Hinh Figure 1. 71
dttcmg tron (0') la anh ctia (0) qua phep d6i xung tam M.
R~marks. L1.·1 tO I tx' a ~ircum, cnbcd c ircle nf _1-\BC Point:-- B and C an: fixed and so is
point M . When point A mmc... on cin::k lO l. lrl>t ll Prot>lem 3. point fl' also moves on circle (0 1.
Sinn : orthocenler H i, the im,1ge of point H ' un der J rotational S) mmelry about center M . then
point H v,i ll mo\'C on -:irc!t> (0 ') . L-.. the image ol circle !O) under a rotational S) mmetl) about
ce nier l·,1
<Bai toan 4 <Pro6fem 4
Cho tam giac ABC. Dlµlg ve phfa ngoai ctia tam giac d6 cac tam giac BAE va CAF vuono
cAn t~i A. G9i /. M va J theo thu rl! la trung dii m cua EB. BC va CF. Chung minh rAng ta;
giac !Ml la tam giac vuong cAn.
Given UB< . O ut-;uk the triangle. n m-;truct tnanglt''- BAE and CAF i"osceles anti right at
\er11., t\ . I.c t / . it and ./ Ix' thL' 11Hdpo111t:-- nf , 1de-, EB. BC and CF respecti ve ly. Prove that
I \fJ j.., an i:..t,sct.:k" m:ht rriangk
qidi Solution F

Xer phep quay t.tlm A, g6c 90° (h.l.72). Phep quay nay bien E £

va C lful h1qt thanh 8 va F. Tu d6 suy ra EC = BF va EC 1. BF.

Vi /M la dttang trung b1nh cua tam giac BEC nen IM II EC va

IM= }_ EC.
. u"" f •l ro1·1
,,.,.,ons1 tion of 90" about center A (Fig. 1.72). This

rotalion 111 ,ip, point~ I. :lnd ( · onto points B and F B M C
re,pt',c ti\c ly. Then ~, c 1nfe1 fC -= BF and EC .l BF. Since Hinh Figure 1. 72
I .
M 1,; th.: rn1Chegmenr ot Bf.< IM II EC and //o.-1 = - EC.
/ 2

WY. I el P , P-, &i =ijr Kr a h1 11 J

Ttrcmg lt!, MJ II BF va MJ == _!_ BF T' d ,

2 . u 0 Similarl y. M./ II BF and MJ = }_ BF. Then we
s~y ra IM == MJ va IM l. MJ ,
g1ac IMJ vu6n g cAn t<;1i M. · Do do tam ~n~er _IM== MJ a~d IM J_ MJ. Th~rcforc. L1 !MJ
1s isosceles and nght at point M.
<Bai todn 5 <Pro 6fem 5
010 lam giac ABC nhu runh I 73 D .,
vuong ABEF va
AC/K. Goi M , ., . . l!ng phia ngoai cua tam giac d6 cac hinh
· ,
la trung diem cua BC. Ch ung · , g6c v6i FK va AM - - FK
. minh rang AM vuon g - 2 ·
. . I 73 C .
. Fig.
G1ven MB C as~ hown m
Let M be the midpoint of sid; BC
~Slr uct ~qu~res ABE_F and ACIK outside the FK and
I · ove that side AM 1s perpendicular to side
AM = -2 FK . D

Goi D la anh • fiitzf So~ t~n

Khi d6 AD == ~~a _B qua phe p d61 x11ng tam A (h.1. 73).
ta.m A
. _, - A~ va AD l. AF. Phep
~~CD~ - ~;n ~Ot;Ul thang DCVithanAM
h dO<;lll thfulg FK. Do
la ducmg trung b1nh £
- va DC l. FK. I

= _!_ CD. Hr d6
cua tam giac BCD nen AM II CD va AM=
suy raA M l. FKv aAM == J_FK. Hinh Figure 1. 73
. . 2
rota tional symmetry about center A (Fig . 1.73).
Let pom t D be the image of point B unde r a
A rota tion of 90° about center A maps line
Then AD = AB = AF and AD J_ AF.
re, DC = FK and DC J_ FK . Since AM is
segm ent D C onto lme segment FK The refo
ent of .t1BCD , AM II CD and AM = }_ CD
. Then we infer AM J_ FK and
the mid segm 2
AM = - FK.
<Bai todn 6 <Pro6km 6 kinh R. Cac dinh B, C c6 dinh con A chl,ly tren
Oto tam giac ABC n◊i tiep ducmg trcm mm 0 ban tam giac ABC chl,ly tren m9t duang tron.
duo ng tron d6. Chung minh rang tr9ng tam G
center 0 and radius R . Vert exes Ban d Car e
Given a triangle ABC insc ribed in a circle with
Prove that the centroid G of the trian gle ABC
fixe d while vertex A moves on the circle.
mov es on a c ircle . ,
fiiai So{ution
Goi / Ia trun g diem cua BC. Do B va -C 1-
c6 djnh nen I c6 dinh
. = IA. V~y c6 the xem
(h.1.74). Ta c6 G Iuon thuQC IA sao cho JG 3
G Ia anh cua A qua phep vj tl! tam /, ti s6 ½·G9i 0' la anh cua O qua
t~p hqp cac diem G la 8 r----- ''<:::- '-''-:: r--- j'
phe p vj ti! d6, khi A ch:,ty tren (0 ; R) th)
, ( , 1 R) 1:..a an ' h cu' a (0 ,· R) qua phep vi. tu. tren. . . Hinh Fig~re 1. 74
duo ng tron O ; 3
•d · Of 51.·de BC· Since sides B and C arc fixed , side I 1s fixed too (Fig . 1.74).
_ _
Let I be the rm pomt 1 be considered to
e<f an IA such that /G = -3 IA. Thus point G can
We have point G always on m L '

~ . Let point 0 ' be the

. A d a hornothety aboul cent er I with ratio 3
be the image of point un er
e (0 ; R). the set of
. • h homothery. \1/hen point A moves on circl
image of pomt O under t c
. . ( ,.~R)
point-. G 1hat 1s the circle O • 3
is the image of circle (0 ; R) under the homothe
ty ahove.

C&ii totin 7 <Pro6fem 7 , C hl! hinh 1.75. Dt,mg v~ phfa
Cho ~iem A nam tren nua duong trcm tAm 0, duang kinh B __ nung cua hinh vu6ng. Ch11ng
n~oai ~ua tan:1 giac ABC h1nh vu6ng ABEF. Gqi I _la tam ~~;:m6t m:Ca dl!cmg t~on ..
m!nh rang kh1 A chay tren nua duang tron da cho thi I ch~r s· C a~ shown in Fig. 1.75
G1v . A . . 0 d diameter
. din g center of the square
en point lying on a ~emi-circle with center an
Construct square ABEF outside M.BC. Let I be the cor:esj,~so inoves on a ~emi-circle·
Prove that when point A moves on the given semi-circle, point " ·
qidi So{ution
Tren do~n BF l~y diem A' sao cho BA' = BA (h. i. 75). F
Do g6c luqng giac (BA ; BA 1 luon bang 45° va
BI BI I BF ✓ 2 , ,
BA, = BA = BA = kh6ng d6i, nen co the xem A
2 2 E
la anh cua A qua phep quay tam B, g6c 45° ; / la anh
cua A qua phep , v1. tu tam B ti, s6, -✓2 D d , / I' , h B 0 C
2 . o o a an

. .
cua A qua phep d6ng d,,mg F c6 duqc bang each thl;fc Hinh Figure 1. 75

hi¢n lien tiep phep quay tam B, g6c 45° va phep vj tl!
tAm B, ti s6 ~ · Tu d6 suy ra khi A ch~y tren nua duong tron (0) thi / cung ch~y tren nira
ducmg tron (01 la anh cua nua duang tron (0) qua phep d6ng d~ng F.
Choose point A ' on line segment BF such that BA' = BA (Fig. 1.75). Since trigonometric
Bl Bl 1 BF ✓ 2 1s unc ange , pomt
. h d . A'
angle (BA ; BA ') always equal to 45° and - = - = - - = -
BA' BA 2 BA 2
can be seen as the image of point A under a rotation of 45° about center B and point I can
' . -✓2 ·
B wit. h ratio
be seen as the image of point A under a homothety about center
Therefore, point I is the image of point A under a similarity F obtained by consecuti vely

doing a rotati on of 45° about center B and a homothety about center B with ratio ✓2 • 'TI1en
we infer when point A moves on the semi-circle (0), point I also moves on semi-circle (0)
being Lhc image of the semi-circle (0 ) under a similarity F.


Giai thi¢u ve ljinh h9c lrzic-hin (frzictnl)

Jntroduction to lrzictzil eometry

sc,-noa Man-den-bel-r6 (Benoit Mandelbrot - sinh nllm

1924 )
(Benoit Mandelbrot - born in 1924)

Quan sat canh ducmg xi hay hlnh ve ben ta thlly
m6i nh~nh nho cua n6 deu d6ng d<;lflg v6i hlnh
toan the. Trong hlnh h9c nguoi. ta cung gap ra'.t
nhieu ~lnh_c? tfn~ ch~t nhu v~y. Nhfrng. hlnh
nhu the g91 la nhtmg hmh ti! d6ng d~g. Ta se
xet them m()t s6 h1nh sau day. a~ a branch of a fern or a binary fractal
tree. we fmd that each twig is similar to the
whole shape. We can also see a great number of
figures with such a property in geometry. Such
figures arc called self-similar figures. We will
srudy more figure s below.
010 do~ thang AB. Olia do~ thang d6 thanh ba do.µ-i bang nhau AC = CD = DB. D\µlg tam giac
deu CED r?i bo di khoang CD. Ta se duqc duang ga'.p khuc ACEDB kf hi~u la K1. Vi~c thay
do~ AB bang duang ga'.p khuc ACEDB gqi la m¢t quy tile sinh. L~p l~i quy cic sinh d6 cho
cac do~n thang AC, CE, ED, DB ta duqc ducrng ga'.p khuc K2• µp I.µ quy tAc sinh d6 cho cac
do~n thang cua duang ga'.p khuc K2 ta duqc duang ga'.p khuc K3 ... . µp l~i mai qua trinh d6 ta
duqc m¢t duong gQi la duong VOn K6c (de ghi nh~ ngucri dau tien da tlm ra n6 vao nam 1904
- Nha toan hQC Thuy Dii n Helge Von Koch).
Given segment AB. Divide the segment into three equal segments AC = CD= DB. Construct
an equilateral triangle CED and remove line segment CD. We will get a broken line ACEDB
denoted by K1• The replacement of segment AB with a broken line ACEDB is called a
building process. This process is repeated for segments AC, CE, ED and DB. leading to a
broken line K2• The third iteration for the segments of the broken line K2 gives a broken line
K.1 , .. Applying the building process a finite number of times gives the ljmiting curve called
the Von Koch curve (named after the fi rst person to construct his curve in 1904 - the
Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch).


f)tJtJng V6n K6c the Von Koch curve

Cung l~p l~i quy tAc sinh nhu tren cho cac c~nh cua m()t tam giac deu ta duqc m()t htnh gqi
la bong tuye't Von K6c. . . .
Three copies of the Koch curve above placed around the three sides of an equilateral triangle
form a closed curve called the Von Koch snowflake.

B6ng tuyet V6n K6c the Von Koch snowflake

&\y gio ta x~a't phat ttr mc)t h1nh vu6ng. Chia n6 thanh chf n ht~
vuOng con bAng nhau r6i xoa di phan trong cua h1nh vu6ng con a
chfnh gifra la duqc h1nh X1. Ta l~p l~i qua tr1nh tren cho moi htnh
~ong con cua X1 ta se duqc h1nh X?. Tiep tl,lc mai qua trlnh d6 ta
se duqc m◊t hlnh g9i la tham Xec-pin-xki (Sierpinski).
N ow let's start with a square. By dividing it into nine congruent
su bs4 u:ires and removing the central subsquare. we get figure X1
Then w e apply the same procedure recursively to the remaining 8
·•· ·••·
• • • • • •
..... •·

subsq u~u-es and we get figure X1 . Applying the procedure a finite

nu mber of times gives a figure called the Sierpinski carpet. ,
Cac hinh neu o tren la nhii'ng h1nh tt,t dong d,,m g ho~c mc)t b¢ ph~n ctia c?ung la hinh ti! ~on~
d<;t~g. C,hung duqc t<;lo ra bang phuong phap l~p, c6 quy tic sinh don gian nhung _sau m9t s~
bu°: tr? thanh nhii'ng hlnh r~t phuc t~p. Nhii'ng hinh nhu the g9i la cac fractal (tu fr~ctal ~o
ng~1a la ~ay, va). Khong phai hlnh tt,t dong d';lng nao cung la m◊t fractal. M¢t khoang cua
duang thang ciing c6 the xem la m¢t hlnh tt,t d6ng d~g khong phai la m()t fractal .
The fig ures above aTe self-similar figures or their parts are self-similar. They are formed by
iterations and have a simple buildi11g process but after some steps they will become highly
complicated fig ures. Such fi gures are called fractals (from Latin fractus "broken" ). Self-
s imilar figures are not all fractals . A part of a line can be considered a similar figure but not
a frac tal.
Du6i day la m¢t s6 fractal khac.
The following are some more fractals .

M ~c du cac fractal da duqc biet den tu dau the ki XX, maiden th~p nien 80 cua the ki
XX nha toan hQC Phap g6c Ba Lan Ba-noa Man-den-bcr-r6 (Benoit Mandelbrot) mm dua ra
m¢t Lf thuyet c6 h¢ th6ng d~ nghien clIU chung. ong g9i d6 la h1nh h9c fractal.
Altho ugh fractals had been known right from the early 20th century, it was not until the
1980s of the 20 th century that the mathematician of Polish origin Benoit Mandelbrot
introduced a systematic theory to study them. He called them fractal geometry.
Ngay nay v6i SI! hO trQ' cua c6ng ngh¢ th6ng tin, h1nh h9c fractal dang phat triin m<;lJlh me.
Lf thuyet nay c6 nhi6u ung d1;1ng trong ~i¢c m6 ta va nghien clIU cac cau true g~p gay, 16i
lorn, h6n d(>n ... cua th€ gi6i W nhien, dieu ma hinh h9c cr-clft thong thuang chua lam duqc.
N6 ciing la m(>t cOng Cl;l mm, c6 hi¢u lt,tc de g6p p~an nghien CU'U nhieu mon khoa hQC khac
nhll' V~t If, Thien van, Ota If, Sinh hQC, Xfry dt,tng, Am nh._lc, H9i ho';l,...
Today tha nks to information technology, fractal geometry has been growino dramatically.
This theory ha.-; been applied a great deal in describing and research ing br~ken, rouoh or
c haotic structures in nature, which Euclidean °
geome try had not done_befor~. Fractal geometry is
a new, e ffective too l w1Lh which research has been
done into other scientific fie lds such as physics,
astrono m y , geography, biology. construction, music
and painting .
Sau dfly la m (>t s6 hinh fractal trong tt,t nhien.
The following are so me frac tals in nature.

cHlfdNGJJ ? ?

❖ O~i cuang ve duang thing va m~t phing

Overview of lines and planes
❖ Hai duang thing cheo nhau va hai duang thing song song
Two diagonal lines and two parallel lines
❖ Duong thing va m~t phing song song
A line parallel to a plane
❖ Hai m,t ph:ing song song
Two parallel planes
❖ Phep chieu song song
Parallel projections
❖ Hinh bi~u diin cua m9t hinh khong gian
Representations of a spatial figure

Hinh Figure 2. 1

TrU'oc day chung ta da nghien ecru cac tinh chat cua nhiing hinh
ntlm trong m~t ph~ng. Mon h9c nghien ecru cac tinh chat cua hinh
ntlm trong m~t ph~ng dlfC:,c g9i la Hinh h9c ph~ng. Trong thlfc te,
ta thU'ang g~p cac v~t nhlf : h9p phan, ke sach, ban hoc ... la cac
hinh trong kh6ng gian. Mon hc;>c nghien ecru cac tfnh chat cua cac
hinh trong kh6ng gian dl.tQC g9i la Hinh h9c kh6ng gian {h.2. 1).
You have studied the properties of figures in the plane before. A subject studying the properties
of plane figures is called plane geometry. In real life, we often see such objects as boxes of
chalk, bookshelves and desks. They are spatial figures. A subject studying the properties of
spatial figures is called spatial geometry (Fig. 2.1).

F iI :X:C 4-iF -

§1. DAI ClfO NG



1. M~ph dng Plane s
• , .: . -"' ot phAn cua mat phang . Mat
M1t bang, mc:'.lt ban, m~t nu& h6 yen l~g cho ta hmh (UUl m • · ·
phang khong c6 ~ day va khong c6 gi6i h~ (h.2.2).
The surfac e of a board , a table and a calm lake are the · f part of a plane . A plane has
image s 0
no thickn ess a nd no boundaric~ (Fig. 2.2).

a) b) c)
Hinh Figure 2.2
• ~ bie u di~n m~t phfuig ta thuan g dung hlnh b'inh hanh hay m(>t
mien g6c va ghi ten cua
m~t phfuig vao mQt g6c cu.a hlnh bieu di~n (h.2.3).
To repres ent a plane, a parall elogra m or an angle domai n is usuall
y used and the name of a
plane is labele d on an angle of the figure repres ented (Fig. 2.3).

Hinh Figure 2.3

• Di kf hi~u m~t phing , ta thuan g dung chit cai in hoa ho~c chit
cai Hi L~p d~t trong diu
ngo~c ( ). Vf dl;l : m~t phing (P), m~t phing (Q), m~t phang (a),
m~t phing (/3) ho~c viet tit
Ia mp(P ), mp(Q ), mp(a) , mp(/3) ho~c (P), (Q), (a), (/3) ...
To denote a plane, a capital letter or a Greek letter between two bracke
ts () is used. For examp le,
plane (P), plane (Q), plane (a), plane (/J) or pl(P), pl(a), pl(/J), or (P),
(Q), (a), (/J).
2. Dilm thu<)c mijt phdng Points in a plane
Cho diem A va m~t ( a).
Given point A and plane (a) .
Khi diem A thu9c miJ,t phdng (a) ta n6i A nam tren (a) hay (a)
chua A, hay (a) di qua A va
kf hi~u la A E (a).
When point A is i n plane ( a ), we say point A is in plane (a) or
1hrough A and denot ed by A E (a ).
, (a) co,,,,.,
._. ,·n.,., A , or ( a) passes

Khi diem A khong thw)c mijt ph<lnK (a) ta n6i diem A n&m B
ngvai (a) hay (a) khong chua A va kf hi~u la A i (a).
\,\'hen point A is 11ot in plane (a), we say point A is outside (a),
or ( a) does not rnntai11 A and denoted by A ~ (a) .
H1nh 2.4 cho ta hlnh bieu dien cua diem A thuoc mat ph~g (a), a

con diem B khOng thu()c (a). . .

Fig. 2.4 represents point A in plane (a) and point B not in plane (a).
3. Hinh bieu dien cua m9t hinh khong gian Hinh Figure 2.4
Representatio ns of a spatial figure
De nghien c~ hinh hQC khong gian nguoi ta thm:mg ve cac hlnh kh◊ng gian len bang, len gilfy.
To st L~d~ spat~al ~e?m,etry, ~pati~~ fig~res are usually drawn on a sheet of paper or the board.
Ta g91 h1nh ve do la hmh b1eu d1en cua m¢t hlnh khong gian.
The figures are called representations of a spatial figure.
- Ta c6 m()t vai hlnh bi~u dien cua hlnh l~p phuang nhu trong hlnh 2.5.
We have some representations of a cube in Fig. .... 2.5.

,------- -

Hinh Figure 2.5

- IBnh 2.6 la m()t vai hlnh bieu dien cua h1nh chop tam giac.
Fig. 2.6 shows some representation s of a triangular pyramid.

Hinh Figure 2. 6

~1 Hay ve th~m mqt vai hinh bi~u di~n cua hinh chop tam giac.
Draw some more representations of a triangular pyramid.
De ve hinh bieu dien cua m(>t hinh trong kh6ng gian nguoi ta di,a vao nhiing quy tile sau dAy.
To draw representation s of a spatial figure, the rules below are followed :
- IBnh bieu <lien cua duong thing la duong thing, cua do;µi thing la do~ thing.
The representation of a line is a line and that of a line segment is a line segment.
- Hinh bi~u <lien cua hai duong thing song song la hai duong thing song song, cua hai
duong thing cit nhau la hai duong thing dt nhau.
The representations of two parallel lines are two parallel Jines and those of two intersecting
lines are two intersecting lines.
- Hlnh bieu dien phai giu nguyen quan h¢ thu¢c gifia di~m va duong thing.
Representations must preserve the inter-relations between points and lines.
- Dung net ve li~n d~ bieu dien cho dttcrng nhln thay va net dut do<;ln bieu dien cho duong bi
che khuat.
Solid Jines represent visible lines and dashed lines represent hidden lines.
Cac quy tAc khac se duqc h<;>c aphan sau.
Other rules wil l be studied in subsequent sections.

11. cAc TINH CHAT THifA NH~N h·em ngl!ai ta th lla nh~n
1 1 thL!c uen v
I ,
· , • al observation ,
De nghien cuu h1nh h9c khong gian, llI quan s'1 d from prac tic .,
, , h h , e accepre
myt so tm c at sau.
. · below ar ,
To stud y spatial geom etry , some prop e1ues
and experience .
..• . biet.
l!i Tinh chat 1 Proper, ty 1 i d' hai diem pha n . .
f;1 ,
· 1 , distinct pom ts.
I:' Co nu)t va c/11 m<Jt dll(Jng thang. qua
ing thro ugh 111 0
::, . 1
iii There exists one and only one me pass

Hinh 2.7 cho thA'y qua hai dii m A, B c6 duy

nhA't m()t ducmg thAng.
Fig. 2.7 ~hows that there exists a un ique Iine
passing thro ugh two points A and B.

iii Tinh chat 2 Property 2

/!/ Co m<Jt va chi m9t nujt phcing di
Hinh Figure 2. 7
/// ba dilm khong thcing hang.
Iii There exists one and only one plane
/!/ passing through three non -col
m points.

Nhu v~y m(>t m~t hoan toan xac djnh

neu biet n6 di qua ba di6m khong Hinh Figure 2. 8
hang. Ta ki hi~u m~t phin g qua ba diem
khong hang A, B, C la m(lt phcing
(ABC) ho~c mp (ABC) ho~c (ABC) (h.2
ts. A
s a plane is clea rly defi ned if it is know n to pass through three non -colline ar poin
Thu or
ts A, B and C is denoted by pla ne (ABC)
plane passing through three non-collinear poin
pl (AB C) or (AB C) (Fig. 2.8).


Hinh Figure 2.9. Cuu 0lnh CJ Hoang Than

h, Hu€ Hinh Figure 2. 1o
Nine dynastic urns in the Hue Citadel

co ba cha.n Kh · da , ,
Quan sat m()t may ch1;1p h1nh d~t tren m()t gia (h kl dia hlnh nao
khon g bj g~p gh~ nh v1 ba diem A B c 2 1O) 1· A ' , • t no Jen bat
n6 ciin g ' ' . . Uun nam tren m6t
neve r unev · m~t pha ng.
Look at a camera on a tnpod. The tripod is en on any terram · becau se three points
A, B and C (Fig . 2. 10) are always cop lanar.

Tlnh chat 3 Property 3
~ ~!'' m~t du~ 1g rh~11g c6 hai dil rr,. phtin bifr rhu¢c m<)r m(it phdnx thi m9i dil m
Ii w a du<1ng thang deu thu<)c mijt ph{mg do.
li If a line has two distinct points /yin~ in a plane. then cl'ery point un the line lie.\ in
1! the plane.
~2 T~i sao ~gvOi thq m¢c ki~m tra d¢ ph~ng m~t ban bang each r~
thvcrc thang tran m~t ban ? (h.2.11 ).
Why_does a carpenter check the evenness of a table top by
moving the carpenter's ruler on it? (Fig. 2_11).

N~u m9i_ di~~ cua, duang thing d Mu thu{)c m~t phing ( a) ; I


tht ta n6t duong thang d nam trong ( a) hay ( a) chua d va ki Hinh Figure 2. 11
hi~u lad c (a) hay (a)::) d.
If every point of line d lies in plane (a), then we say that the
lined lies in (a), or (a) contains the lined and the notation

is d c ( a) or (a ) ::) d.

~3 Cho tam giac ABC, M la di~m thu¢c phan keo dai cua do~n BC A
(h.2.12). ~ay cho bi~t M c6 thu¢c m~t ph~ng (ABC) khong va
ducmg thang AM co nam trong m~t ph~ng (ABC) khong ?
Given a triangle ABC and point M on the extended part of line
segment AB (Fig. 2.12). Do point Mand line AM lie in plane c
8 M

Tlnh chat 4 Property 4

Hinh Figure 2. 12
! T6n tgi b6n diem khong cung thur)c m<Jt rrz4t phdng.
Ii There exist four points nor lying in the same plane.
Ne'u c6 nhi~u diem dmg thu{)c m<)t m~t phing th1 ta n6i nhung di~m d6 dong phdng, con
neu kh6ng c6 m~t phing nao chua cac diem d6 th! ta n6i rang chung khong dong phcing.
If there exist several points lying in the same plane, then we say the points are coplanar and
if a single plane does not contain all the points, then we say the points are non-coplanar.
Tinh chat 5 Property 5
Nei, hai mijt phdng phdn bi¢t co mqt diem chung thi chung con co mqt diem chung
khac niia.
Ji If two distinct planes have a common point, then they have a second point in common.
Tu d6 suy ra: Neu hai mijt phdng phdn bi¢t co mqt die'm chung thi chung si co mr)t duimg
thdng chung di qua diem chung dy.
Thus we infer: If two distinct planes share a point, then they will share a line passing
through the point.

Hinh Figure 2. 13. M$t ntJrJc va thanh d~p giao nhau theo dtJOng thAng.
The surface of the water and the side of a dam intersect in a tine.

z phM bi¢t ( a) va (/1)
, . mat phang ,
Duong th[lng chung d cua ha1 , (/J). va ki hi~u la d = ( a ) n (/1)
a ' . ,, cua (a) va
d duc;,c g9i la giao tuyen .
(h.2.14). . es (a) and (/J) 1s called the
. . distinct plan . d - ( ) n (/1)
The common lme d of two d • denoted by - a
. .
i11tcrsect1011 !Ille of (a a
) nd (/JJ an 1s
(Fig. 2.14).

Hinh Figure 2. 14

~4 Trang m~t ph~ng (P), cho hinh bin,h hanh
ABCD. Lay di~m S nam ngoai m~t phang (f).
Hay ch, ra m◊t di~m chung cua hai m~t phang
(SAC) va (SBD) khac di~m S (h.2.15).
Given parallelogram ABCD in plane (P).
Choose point S outside the plane (P). Show a
common point other than point S of two planes
(SAC) and (SBD) (Fig. 2.15). Hinh Figure 2. 15

~s Hinh 2.16 dung hay sai ? T~i sao ?

Is Fig. 2.16 true or false? Why?

-'--'-........_+-------- '
I ''
Hinh Figure 2. 16
i: Tfnh chat 6 Property 6
II Tren moi mijt phdng, ccic ket qud da biet trong hinh hqc phdng de'u dung.
!I tn each plane, rhe results known in plane geometry are true.

111. cAcH xAc DfNH M(>T M~T PHANG

1. Ba each xac dfnh tn4t phdng
Three methods of determining a plane
Dua vao cac t(nh cha't duc;,c thua nh~n tren, ta c6 ba each xac dinh mot mat ph ? dA
· . • . . ang sau ay.
Depending upon the accepted properties above, we have three methods f d . .
I beIow. o etem1mmg a
a) Mat phing duac hoan toan xac dinh khi biet n6 di qua ba di~m khA h,
· . · . vng t ling hang.
A plane 1s clearly defined when 1t pas~es through three non co11 · .
~ 1near points.

Ba diem A , B. C khOng thang hang xac djnh m◊t m~t phang (h.2.17 ).
TI1ree non-co l linear points A. Band C define a plane (Fig. 2.17)
b) M~t phang duqc hoan toan xac djnh khi biet n6 di qua m◊t diem va chua
m¢t ducmg thang
khc)ng di qua di~m d6.
A pl_a ne i s clearly define d when it is known to pass throug h a po int
and contai n u line not
passin g throug h the point.
Cho du?11g thfuig d va diem A khong thu◊c d. Khi d6 diem A va ducmg thang
d xac djnh m<)t
m~t phang, kf hi~u la mp (A, d) hay (A , d), ho~c mp (d. A) hay (d, A) (h.2.
Given line d and point A not on the line d. Then the point A and the line
d define a plane
denote d by mp (A . d ) or (A , d) or mp (d. A) or (d. A) (Fig.2. l 8).

Hinh Figure 2. 17 Hinh Figure 2. 18

Hinh Figure 2. 19
c) M~t phing duqc hoan toan xac djnh khi biet n6 chua hai dubng thang cit
A plane i<; clearly determ ined when it is known to contain two interse cting
Cho hai ducmg thi ng dt nhau a va b. Khi d6 hai ducmg thing a va b xac
djnh m¢t m~t phing
va kf hi~u la mp (a, b) hay (a, b), ho~c mp (b, a) hay (b, a) (h.2.19 ).
Given two int~rse cting lines u and b . Then two lines a and b define a plane,
denote d by pl (u . h)
or (a . h) or p l (h . u) or (h . a) (Fig.2. 19).
2. Mf)t s{/ vi d~
Som e examp les
Vi d~ 1. Cho b6n diem khong dong phang A, B, C, D . Tren A

, ha1. ct·1em
hai doan AB va AC Hly ' M va:.. N sao c ho -
AM- = 1 va'
· BM
AN = 2. Hay xac djnh giao tuyen cua m~t phang (DM N) vcri
cac m ~t phAng (ABD) , (ACD) , (ABC) , (BCD) (h.2.20 ).
Examp le J. Given four non-co planar poi nts A, B, C and D.
C110os e two points Mand Non two ~egme nts AB and AC such

that - AM - = l and -AN = 2. De tcnn mc

· t he mtersc
· · 1me
· o 1·
plane (DM N ) with plan e~ (ABD) , (ACIJ ), (/\BC ) and (BC D )
Hinh Figure 2.20
(F ig . 2. 20).
qidi Solutwn
Diim D va diem M cung thu¢c hai m ~t phing (DM N ) va (ABD) nen giao
tuyen cua hai m ~t
phing do la ducmg thing DM.
Since both points D and M lie in two planes (D M N ) and (ABD) , the intcrscc
.:tion line of the
t wo planes is line DM.

•A H ltlH HOC 11 /SN )

Tuong tl;f ta c6 Sinularly, we have (DMN) n (ACD) = ON, (DMN) n (A BC) = MN .
Trong mat ph~ng (ABC). v1 AM -:t-: AN n<'.! n ducmg th!ng MN va BC d t nhau t~i m()t di~m. g<,1
diem d6 la£. V1 D. E cung thu¢c hai m~t ph.\ng (DMN) va (BCD) nen (DMN) n (BCD ) ::: U/:.

ln plnne ~ABC), since AM -:;; AN . linl:s MN and BC intersec t at a point ~,J.llcd point I.
Since points D and Elie in both planes (DM N) and (BCD ). (DM N ) n (B~D) = DE. ,
Vi d~ 2. Cho hai ducmg th~ng cat nhau Ox, Oy va hai diem A. B khong nam trong ma~ phang
(Ox, Oy). Biet rang ducmg thclng AB va m~t phclng (Ox, Oy) c6 dii m chu~g. M~t mat ?hang ,' U/
thay d6i luon luon chua AB va cat Ox, Ov Ian luqt te;ti M, N. Chung mmh rang duang th ang
MN luon luon di qua m(>t dii m co d\nh khi (a) thay d6i.
Example 2. Given two intersecting lines Ox and Oy and two points A and B not lying in
plane (Ox, Oy) and line AB and plane (Ox. Oy) having a common point. A changi~g plane (a)
always contains line AB and intcrse~ts Ox and P.v at points M and N, respectively. Prove
line MN always passes through a fixed point when (a) changes .
(]iai So{utio n
G9i I la giao diem cua ducmg thing AB va m~t
phing (Ox, Oy) (h.2.21). Yi AB va m~t phlmg
(Ox, Oy) c6 djnh nen / c6 djnh. Yi M , N, / la cac
diem chung cua hai m~t phlmg (a) va (Ox, Oy) nen 0
chung luon lu6n thing hang. V~y ducmg thing MN
luon lu(m di qua/ c6 dinh khi (a) thay d6i .
Let I be the intersection point of line AB and plane
(Ox, Oy) (Fig. 2.21). Line AB and plane (Ox, Oy)
are fixed. so is point/. M, N and I are the common Hinh Figure. 2.21
points of two planes ( a) and (Ox, Oy ), so M, N and
I are always collinear. Thus line MN always passes
through the fixed point I when (a) changes.
Nh(in x_et.De chung minh ba diem thing hang ta c6 the chung minh chung dmg thu¢c hai
m~t phang pha.n bi~t.
Remark. To prove three points are collinear, we can prove they lie in both distinct planes.
Vi d1;13. Cho b6n diem khong d6ng phing A, B, C, D. Tren ba qnh AB, AC vaAD Ian luqt Hfy
cac diem M, N va K sao cho ducmg thlmg MN cat ducmg thlmg BC tiµ H, duong thlmg NK dt
ducmg thclng CD te;ti /, ducmg thing KM cat ducmg thkg BD tiµ J. Oumg minh ba diem H, I, J
thing hang.
Example 3. Given four non-coplanar points A, B, C and D. Choose points M, N and Kon
three sides AB, AC and AD, respectively such that line MN intersects line BC at point H, line
NK intersects line CD at point I and line KM intersects line BD at point J. Prove three
H , I and J are collinear.

<]iai So{ution
Ta c6 J la diem chung cua hai m~t phing (MN K) va (BCD) (h.2.22).
We have J as a common point of two planes (MNK) and (BCD) (Fig. 2.22).
Th~t v~y, ta c6 In fact, we have
{ MKc(M NK)
⇒ J e (MNK) va and {le~ ⇒ J E (BCD).

50 48-HINH H OC 11(SN)

Li lu~n. tuong tl;( ta c6 / , H ding la diem chung cua hai

m~t phang (MNK) va (BCD).
Using a similar argument, we get: / and Hare also the
common points of two planes (MNK) :rnd (BCD). J
V~y / , J, H nAm tren giao tuye'n cua hai m~t phltng
(MNK) va (BCD) nen /, J, H thing hang.
Thus, points /. J and H lie on the intersection line of
two plane~ (M NK) and (BCD), so /, ./ and H are Hinh Figure 2.22
collinear. H

~i. d~ Cho tam giac BCD va diem A kh6ng thu◊c m~t phltng (BCD). G9i K la h:1ng
diem cua do~n. AD va G la trQng tam cua tam giac ABC. Tim giao diim cua duong thang
GK va m~t phang (BCD).
Example 4. Given triangle BCD and point A not lying in plane (BCD). Let K be the midpoint
of line segment AD and G be the centroid of MBC. Find the intersection point of line GK
and plane (BCD ).

(]iai So{ution A
G9i J la giao diem cua AG va BC. Trong m~t phltng
AG 2 AK 1 ,
(AJD) , - =- ; - =- nen GK va JD cat nhau
Al 3 AD 2 K
(h.2.23). G9i L la giao diem cua GK va JD.
Let point J be the intersection point of lines AG
and BC. In plane (AJD), - = - and - = - , so
AJ 3 AD 2
Lines GK and JD intersect (Fig. 2.23). Let point L
be the intersection point of lines GK and JD. l
Ta c6 We have ⇒ L E (BCD). Hinh Figure 2.23
{ JDc(BCD)

V~y L la giao diem cua GK va (BCD).

Thus point Lis the intersection point of line GK and (BCD).
Nhdn xet. Di tlm giao diem cua m◊t duang thing va m◊t m~t phAng ta c6 the dua ve viec
tlm.giao diim cua ducmg thing d6 vai mqt duang thing n!m trong m~t phAng da cho. .
Remark. To find the intersection point of a line and a plane, we can find the intersection
point of the line and a line lying in a given plane.


J. Trong m~t phltng (a) cho da giac 16i A1Ai ... An. Uy diem S nAm ngoai (a). Un luqt n6i S
vm cac dinh A1,Ai , ... , An ta duqc n tam giac SA,Ai, SAiA3, ···• SAnAI · lflnh g6m da giac
Al~ ... An van tam giac SA1Ai, SAi~, ... , SAnAI g9i la hinh ch6p, kf hi~u la S. A An . .4i ...
ln the plane (a), given a convex polygon A1A2 ... A11 • Choose point S outside plane ( a).
Connecting point S with vertexes A1, Ai, ..., An respectively, we get n triangles SAi A ,
SA2 A3' ... ' SAII AI . A shape composed of the polygon A1.A_ 7.
•.. A and 11 triangles S A A
II ,"1, 2 ,
·A- A SA A is called a pyramid, denoted by S. A1A2 ... A .
S, L. 3, .. .' II I II
Ta gQi S la dlnh va da giac A1Ai ... An la mt;zt day. Cac tam giac SA1Ai, s.4i~ . ..., SAnAI
duqc g9i la cac miJt ben ; cac do~n SA,' SAi' ... , SAn la cac c{lnh ben ; cac c~h cua da giac

d~y g9i 1~ cac et;mh, day cua htnh ch6p. Ta gQi hl~h.~h6p_c6 day
giac .... l~ hrqt la hmh chop tam giac, hinh chop tit g,ac. hmh chop g g
1 ngu

\vc ca ~ II s an opt>.\ and the polygon A A ... An a base. The trianoles ·c SA 1A,.
SA,- AJ·
1 2
.... S.A,/\ 1 are called /aces: segments SA1• SA 2 , .... s·A , · and the edge\ of
11,, arc cailed ed~e~
the polygon base are called base edges of the pyramid. A pyramid wit~ a tnangle .?a c. a
quadril:lter:11 ba~e. a pentagon base.. . is called a triangular pyrcmud. a quad, iiatera/
pyrwnid. a pemagonal pyramid .. ., respectively (Fig. 2.24).
S- - - D i nli- - -S


Hinh Ftgure 2.24

Dinh: apex M~t Mn: face (4nh Mn: edge M~t day: base C{lnh c1ay: base edge

2. 010 b6n diem A, B, C, D kh6ng d6ng phAng. Hlnh g6m b6n tam giac ABC, ACD, ABD va
BCD gQi la hinh 111di¢11 (hay ngin g~>n la tu di¢n) va duqc kf hi~u la ABCD. Cac diem A, B, C, D
g9i la cac dlnh cua tu di~n. Cac do.µt thAng AB, BC, CD, DA, CA, BD gQi la cac cqnh cua III
. di¢n. Hai c.µth khOng di qua m◊t dinh gQi la hai cqnh d61 di¢n. Cac tam giac ABC, ACD, ABD,
' BCD gQi la cac nujt cua tu di~n. Dinh kh6ng nfun tren m¢t m~t gQi la dlnh do'i diefn vm m~t d6.
Gi, en four non-coplanar points A, B, C and D. A shape composed of four triangles ABC.
ACD, ABD and BCD is called a tetrahedron. denoted by ABCD. Points A. 8, C and D are
called the rerre.\es of the tetrahedron. Segments AB, BC, CD, DA, CA and BD arc called the
edges of the tetrahedron. Two edges not passing a vertex are called two opposite edges.
Triangles ABC. ACD. ABD and BCD arc called the faces of the tetrahedron. A vertex not
lying on a face of the tetrahedron is called th~ opposite vertex of the face.
ffmh tu di¢n c6 b6n m~t la cac tam giac ~u gQi la hinh tu diefn deu.
A regular tetrahedron is one in which all four faces arc equilateral triangles.
r:r Chu j. Khi n6i den tam giac ta c6 the hieu la ~p hc;,p cac diem thu¢c cac canh hoAc ciing c6
thehieu la ~p hc;,p cac diem thu¢c cac c.µth va cac diem trong cua tam gia~ d6. Tuong tt! c6
the hii u nhu v~y d6i vcri da giac.
Note. A triangle is understood ac; a set of poi ntc; on the sides or a set of points on the sides
and the points in the triangle. A polygon is understood in a similar way.
e.s K~ t~n cac m~t Mn, ~nh ~n. ~nh day cua hlnh ch6p ahlnh 2.24.
Name the edges, faces and base edges of the pyramid in Fig. 2.24.
V{ d~ 5. Oto h1nh ch6p S.ABCD day la hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. GQi M. N, p Mn hrot la trung
diem cu~~ . AD, SC.,1im giao dii1:1 cua m~t phAng (MNP) v6i cac c.µth cua hlnh ch6p va
giao tuytn cua m~t phruig (MNP) v6i cac m~t cua hlnh ch6p.
Exam!'le ~- Given pyr:unid SAIJCD with p~rnllelo~ram ba\e ABCD. Let points M. N and P be
the rn1dpomh of e~ges AB. ~ and ~C. ~111d the mte~ection point~ of plane (MNP) and tl1e
edges of the pyramid and the mtersectron lines of pbne (MNP) and the faces of the pyramid.

quli Sofution
Dtrcmg thAng MN cAt ducmg thing BC, CD Ian luqt t~i K, L.
Line MN tntersecL, line~ BC and CD at points Kand L respectively.
G9i £ la giao diem cua PK va SB, F Ja giao di~m cua PL va SD (h.2.25). Ta c6 giao dit m ctia
(MNP) v6i cac c~nh SB. SC, SD Mn luqt la £, P, F.
Let F be the inter~ection point of edges PK and SB and F be the inter~cction point of edge,
PL and SD ,Fig. 1.25). The mtcr-,ection point~ of plane (MNPJand edge, SH. SC ancJ SD Jrc
F. P and F. re-;pecfrvely.

Tu d6 suy ra Then we infer s
(MNP) n (ABCD) = MN.
(MNP) n (SAB) = EM.
(MNP) n (SBC)= EP.
(MNP) n (SCD) = PF
va ,m<l
(MNP) n (SDA) = FN.
K Hinh Figure 2.25

(jJ'" Chu j. Oa giac MEPFN c6 canh nfun tren giao tuyen cua m~t phAng (MNP) vcri cac m~t cua
hlnh chop S.ABCD. Ta gc;,i da giac MEPFN la thiet di¢n (hay m(lt C<lt) cua h1nh chop
SABCD khi cit bcri m~t phing (MNP).
Note Pol~gon A! EPF:\I h.1s a -.i<le lying on the inter~ection line o'. plane (MN'.) and the
face, of pyramid S .\BCD . Polygon MEPFN is called the cross sectwn of pyramid SABCD
when the pyramid is cut h) the plane (MNP).
N6i m(>t each don gian : Thier diefn (hay m(lt dt) cua hlnh dl khi dt boi m~t phing (a) la

phan chung cua £ va (a) .

TO put it ... imply. the C/'OS!-, secl/ 0 11 of figure {Yr when cut by plane ( a) is the common area of
figure '/( and plane ( a).
1. Cho diem A khOng nim tren m~t phing (a) chua tam giac BCD. Lay£, Fla cac diem Ian luqt
n~ tren cac c;µih AB. AC.
GiYen point A not 11 ing in plane (a) that contains MCD. Choose point!) E and F lying on
... ide'> AB and AC. re:'.pectively.
a) Chung minh duang thllng EF n~m trong m~t phing (ABC).
Prove line EF lies in plane (ABC ).
b) Khi EF vaBC dt nhau ~ /, chung minh / la diem chung cua hai m~t phing (BCD) va (DEF).
When lines EF and BC intersect at point /, prove / is the common point of two planes (BCD)
and (DEF).
2. G9i M la giao diem cua duc,ng thing d va m~t phing (a). Chung minh M la diem chung cua ( a )
vm m¢t m~t phing bit Id chua d.
Let M be the intersection point of lined and plane ( a). Prove M is the common point of plane (a)
and any plane containing lined.
3. 010 ba duc,ng thing d1, ~ 2• d3 khOn~ cung n~ trong mqt m~t phang va ciit nhau tung dOi mot.
Chung minh ba duc,ng tren dOng quy. ·
Given three Imes d, , d2 and d 1 not lying in the same plane and intersecting in pairs. Prove
three lines are concurrent.
4. Cho b6n ditm A, B, C va D khOng d6ng phing. G9i GA, G8 , Ge, G0 Ian luc;n la trc;,ng Ulm cua
cac tam giac BCD, CDA, ABD, ABC. Chung minh rAng AGA, BG8 , CGc, DG0 d6ng quy.
Given tour non-coplanar poinLl> A,~· C and D. Let GA'~,,, Gt and G0 be the centroids of triangles
BCD, CDA. ABD and ABC, respcctJvcly. Prove AG 1• BG11, CG, and DGn arc concurrent.
5. 010 tu giac ABCD nAm rrong m~t phing (a) c6 hai c.pth AB va CD khOng song song. Goi s la
ditm n~ ngoai ~t phing (a) va M la trung diem do1µ1 SC. .
Given quadrilateral ABCD lying in plane (a) with two non-paraJlel sides AB and CD. Lets be
a pomt lying out\1de plane (a) an? M be the midpo!nt of line segment SD.
a) Tim giao diim N cua duc,ng SD va m~t (MAB).
Find the intersection point N of line SD and plane (MAB).

b) G9i Ola giao diem cua AC va BD. Ourng minh rang ba duang thAng SO, AM.fN_d~~gS~Y-
Let O be the intersection point of line scgmcnls AC and BD. Prove that tlut::c !mi;;~ · ...\Jf
and BN are concurrent. ., · ,
6. Cho bon diem A, B, C va D kh0ng d6ng phAng. G9i M, N Ian hrqt la trung diem cua AC va BC.
Trtn do~ BD H(y diem P sao cho BP= 2PD. . . - .
Given four non-coplanar points A, B. C and D. Let Mand N be the nudpomb ~t !me c;egment~
AC and BC, respectively. Choose point P on line ~cgment BD such that BP = •.P D.
a) nm giao diem cua ducmg thAng CD va m~t phang (MN P).
Find the intersection point of line CD and plane (MNP).
b) nm giao tuyen cua hai m~t phing (MNP) va (ACD).
Find the intersection line of two planes (MNP) and (ACD). . ., . .
7. Cho b6n diem A, B, C va D khOng d6ng phAng. G9i /. K Ian luqt la trung diem cua hat do~n
thAng AD va BC. . . .
Given four non-coplanar points A. B. C and 0 . Let/ and K be the m1dpomG of line segment'>
AD and BC. respectively.
a) Ttm giao tuy€n cua hai m~t phing (/BC) va (KAD).
Find the intersection line of two plane~ (/BC ) and (KAD). . , .
b) Goi M va N la hai diem Mn lu<;n lft'y tren hai do~ thang AB va AC. nm g1ao tuyen cua ha1
m~t phang (/BC) va (DMN). . .
Let M and N be two points chosen on line segments AB and AC. rcspccuvely. Fmd the
intersection line of two planes (/BC) and (DMN).
8. Cho tu di~n ABCD. G9i M va N Ian lu<;n la trung dit!m cua cac c~h AB va CD, tren C<:ffih AD
la'.y diem P kh6ng trung v6i trung diim cua AD.
Given tetrahedron ABCD. Let M and N be the midpoints of sides AB and CD. respectively.
On side AD, choose point P not overlapping the midpoint of side AD.
a) G9i Ela giao diem cua ducmg thing MP va duong thing BD. nm giao tuyen cua hai m~t
phAng (PMN) va (BCD).
Let£ be the intersection point of line MP and line BO. find the intersection line of two
planes (PMN) and (BCD ).
b) Tun giao diem cua m~t phAng (PMN) va BC.
Find the intersection point of plane (PMN) and line BC.
9. Oto hlnh chop SABCD co day la hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. Trong m~t ph&ng day ve ducmg thAng d
di qua Ava kh6ng song song v6i cac c~ cua hlnh b1nh hanh, d cM doan BC tai £. Goi C' la
m◊t diem nAm tren c~ SC. . . .
Given pyramid SABCD whoc;e base is parallelogram ABCD. In the base, draw line d passing
through vertex A and not parallel to the sides of the parallelogram. Line d intersects line
segment BC at point£. Let C' be a point on edge SC.
a) lim giao diem M cua CD va m~t phing (C'AE).
Find the intersection point M of side CD and plane (C'AE).
b) lim thilt di~n cua hlnh chop cAt bcri m~t phing (C'AE).
Find the cross section of the pyramid cut by plane (C'AE).
10. Cho hlnh chop SABCD co AB va CD kh6ng song song. G9i M la m6t diem thuoc mien trong
cua tam giac SCD. . .
Given pyramid SABCD with two non-parallel lines AB and CD. Let M be a point inside MCD
a) lim giao diem N cua ducmg thing CD va m~t ph&ng (SBM). .
Find the intersection point N of line CD and plane (SBM).
b) Tun giao tuy~n cua hai m~t phang (SBM) va (SAC).
Find the intersection line of two planes (SBM) and (SAC).
c) Tim giao diem/ cua duong t.hang BM va m~t ph!ng (SAC).
Find the intersection point / of line BM and plane (SAC).
d) nm giao diim P cua SC va m~t phing (ABM), tu d6 suy ra giao tuyen cua hai mat ph~ng
(SCD) va (ABM). ·
Find the intersection point P of line SC and plane (ABM), then infer the intersection line of
two planes (SCD) and (ABM).

' J I


cua nhiing dtrang thing song

Hinh 2.26 cho ta thi y hlnh anh trinh
Qi c khai ni~m nay se dtrqc
song, dtrang thing cheo nhau.
bay sau dAy .
of diagonal and parallel lines.
Figure 2.26 shows Lhe images
ed later in this unit.
These concepts will be represent
g lap hc;,c va xem ~n h tllang la
~ 1 Quan sat cac ~nh tlfang tron m~t s6 ~p duang th~ng kh6ng the
anh cua dllang th~ng. Hay ch, ra
cung thu¢c m~t m~t ph~ng.
wall and consider them to be the Hin h Fig ure 2.2 6
Look at the sides of the classroom
of lines not lying in the same plane.
images of lines. Show some pairs
hqp sau.
va b trong kh6 ng gian. Kh i d6 c6 lhe xay ra m('Jt trong hai tnrang
01 0 hai dt.tong lhAng a ur.
Two possible situations can occ
Given two lines a and b in space.
Tru<Jng hf!P 1. C6 m◊t m~t ph.
ing chua a va b.
Situation I . There exists a pla
ne containing both lines a and dAy
ng . Th eo ket qua cua hinh h9c phAng c6 ba kha nang sau
Khi d6 ta n6i a va b dong phd
xay ra (h.2.27). s as
be cop lan ar. Plane geo me try can give three possible res ult
Then lines a and b are said to
follows (Fig. 2.27).

an h= {M} a II b

Hinh Figure 2.2 7

u la a n h = ,l M \I •
nhA t
' M. Ta n6i a va b ciit nhau t~i M va kf hi~.
i) a vah c6 die m chu ng duy
Ta con c6 lh6 viet a n b = M. po int i ,
qu e poi nt Mi n com mo n. Th en they arc sa id to int e,:rect at ··
Lines a and b have a uni =
and denoted by a n h = {M} or a n b M.
u la a II h.
chu ng. Ta n6 i a v a h song song voi nhau va ki hi¢
ii~a vab kh6 ng c6 dit m
bv , 1 , h
nt in com mo n. Th en !hey arc said ro be parallel aud drn oicd
~-mes a and h have no poi ·
111) a trim!? h, ki hi~u la a = b.
a = h.
Line a Ol'er/aps line h, denoted by

c11ng nam rrong m¢t mrjt ph&ng ·a

Nhu v~y. hai du&n g rluing song song la hai du&ng rluing
kh6n g c6 diem clwn g.
' and hare no cmwnu11 puill f.
Thu~ n1 a Imel· are parallel 1f they lie in 1he wme plan(
Truim g h<JP 2. Khong c6 m~t phin g nao chua a va b.
Suuutzcm 2. r--..o plane contain~ all lmc a and ltne h.
Khi d6 ta n6i a va b cheo nhau hay a cheo rcn b (h.2.28).
ro linl' b (Fig. 2.28).
TI1ercforc. lines a and hare said ro he diagonal or hne a 1s Jwgu nal

" B

Hinh Figure 2.29
Hinh Figure 2.28

va CD cheo nhau . Chi ra ~p dl!ang th~ng

~2 Cho t(t di~n ABCD, ch(mg minh hai dl!ang th~ng AB
cheo nhau khac cua tu di~n nay (h.2.29).
diagonal. Show another pair of diagonal
Given tetrahedron ABCD . Prove two lines AB and CD are
lines of this tetrahedron (Fig. 2.29) .
, ,,.,
phing ta c6 cac tfnh chat sau dAy.
Dt,ra vao tien d~ d-df t ve duong thAng song song trong m~t
, we have the following properties.
According to Euclidean Ax.iom on parallel lines in a plane
i1 fJjnh II 1 Theorem 1
~ Trong khong gian , qua m9t diem khong ndm tren duimg tluing cho mtilc . co nujt

~ va chi m<Jt duimg rhting
song song vai duimg thting da cha.
In space. rhrough a point not on any given line. there
exists one and 011~r one /me
,,, parallel to the gil'ell line.
Ch1tnfJ minfz Proof
Gia su ta c6 diim M va d11ang thing d kh6ng di qua M.
M va duon g d xac dinh m¢t m~t phan g ( a)
d6 diem
(h.2.30). Trong m~t phing (a) , theo tien de d-clft ve duon
thing song song chi c6 m¢t duong d' qua M va
d" di
song vai d. Trong kh6ng gian neu c6 m¢t d11ong thi ng
g ( a). Hinh Figura 2.30
qua M song song vai d thi d" ciing nAm trong m~t phin
Nhu v~y trong m~t phang ( a) c6 d', d" la hai duong
cung di qua M va song song vai d nen d', d" trung nhau .
gh point M. Then the point Man d the
Suppose we have point Mand lined nol passing throu
idean Axiom on parallel lines . in
line d define a plane (a) (Fig. 2.30) . According to Eucl
the point Man d parallel to the fine d.
plane ( a ). there ex ist'i a unique lined' passing through
M and parallel to the tine d , then
Tn sp:ice . if there exists line d" passing throu gh the point
the line ti" al-;o lies in plane (a). Therefore .
in the plane (a), both lines d ' and d '' pa-;s
lines d' and d" coinc ide.
through thi: point Man d are parallel to the line d, so the


Nluj11 xet. Hai duong thilng song song a vl1 /J x,ic djnh m()t m~t ph:ing. kf hieu la mp (a, h)
hay (a, h) (h.2.31). .
Remark. Two parallel li nes a and h define a plane, denoted hy mp (a . h) or (a , h) Ir◄ig . 2.1 l J.
~3 Cho hai m~t ph~ng (a) va (P). M¢t m~t ph~ng (y) cat (a) va
(P) Ian lllqt theo cac giao tuyen a va b. Chung minh rang khi ~
a va b cat nhau t~i / thi I la diem chung cua (a) va (/JJ ~~
(h.2.32). ~
Given two planes (a) and (P>. A plane (y) intersects planes (a)
and (P> with intersection lines a and b, respectively. Prove Hinh Figure 2.31
that when intersection lines a and b intersect at point /, then /
is the common point of planes ( a ) and (P) (Fig. 2.32).
. Djnh Ii 2 (ve giao tuyen cua ba m~t ph~ng)
\ll Theorem 2 (on the intersection line of three planes)

Neu ba mijt pluing phdn hi¢t d6i m¢t uit nhau theo ba giao tuye,1phdn bi¢t thi ba
:!I giao tuyen dy hoijc d6ng quy hoijc d6i nu)t song song vcti nhau (h.2.32 va h.2.33 ).

ff three planes intersect in pairs with three distinct intersection lines, then the

, rhree intersection lines are either t OnClllTCllf or parallel in pairs (Fig. 2.32 and
Oi Fig. 2.33 ).

a, h

Hinh Figure 2.33

Hinh Figure 2.32

H~ qua Corollary
Neu hai m(lf phdng phdn bi¢t Mn ht(ft chi'ra hai dirimg rlui~g so,~g s~ng t~1i gia?,
tuye'n cua chung (neu c6) ciing song song vcti hai duimg thang do hogc trung V{J/
t! m¢t trong hai duimg tluing do (h.2.34a, b, c).

I !! // two distinct p funes rake tums to contain two parnlfef lines, t ~1e11 th~ir
i11tersecrion line (if 011y) is para/Id to i,ot/1 lines or m•erlaps either /me
(Fig. 2.34;.i, b, c).

a a

Hinh Figure 2.34

Vi dl;l 1. Cho hl nh ch6p S.ABCD c6 day la blnh blnh hanh

ABCD. Xac dinh giao tuyen cua cac m~t phing (SAD) va (SBC).
Example 1. G iven pyramid S.ABCD whm,e base is
parallelogram ABCD. Detennine the intersection line of planes
(SAD) and (SBC). [J

quli Solution
Cac m~t phing (SAD) va (SBC) c6 di~m chung S va Ifill luqt chua
hai duong thing song song la AD, BC nen giao tuyen cua chung B C
la duong thing d di qua S va song song v6i AD, BC (h.2.35). Hinh Figure. 2. 35

Planes (SAD) and (SBC) that has a common point S contain parallel lines AD and BC
respectively. so the intersection line d of planes (SAD) and (SBC) passing through apex S is
parallel to lines AD and BC (Fig. 2.35).
Vi dlJ 2. Cho tu di~n ABCD. G9i I va J I~ luqt la trung di~m cua BC va BD. (P) la m~t
phang qua 11 va dt AC, AD lfo luqt t~i M, N . Ch(rng minh ring tu giac IJNM la hlnh thang.
Neu M la trung di~m cua AC thl tu giac IJNM la htnh gl?
Example 2 . G iven tetrehadron ABCD. Let/ and J be the midpoints of edges BC and BD
respectively . Plane (P) passes through side IJ and intersects edges AC and AD at points M
and N , respectively. Prove quadrilateral IJNM is a trapezoid. If Mis the midpoint of edge AC.
then what shape is quadrilateral fJ NM ?

(]iai Sofution
Ba m~t phing (ACD), (BCD), (P) d6i m<}t dt nhau theo cac A
giao tuyen CD, IJ, MN. Vi IJ II CD (IJ la d1.tong trung blnh
cua tam giac BCD) nen theo dµih If 2 ta co IJ II MN. V~y tu
giac IJNM la h1nh thang (h.2.36). I
lnree planes (ACD). (BCD) and (P ) intersect in pairs with I
intersection lines CD . IJ and MN. Since IJ II CD (11 as the I
m idsegmcnt of flBCD) , from Theorem 2, we have /J II MN. -i----~---- D
,, J
Thus 4uadrilateral IJNM is a trapezoid (Fig. 2.36).
Neu M la trung di~m cua AC thl N la trung diem cua AD. Khi
d6 tu giac 11NM co m()t c~p qnh d6i vua song song vua bfulg
nhau nen la hlnh blnh hanh.
If M is the midpoint of edge AC, then N is the midpoint of
edge AD. Then quadrilateral /J NM has an opposite pair of Hinh Figure. 2.36
side1; parallel and equal, so it is a parallelogram.
Trong hlnh h9c phi ng neu hai duang thing phan bi~t cung
song song v6'i duong thi ng thu ba thl chung song song v6i
nhau. Dieu nay van dung trong hlnh hQC kh6ng gian.
In plane geometry, if each of two di~tinct lines is parallel to a a b C

third Jine, then the two lines arc parallel to each other. This is
also true in spatial geometry .
Dinh If 3 Theorem 3
Hai dU(lng th<lng phan bi¢t cung song song v<Yi. dutmg
thcing thu ba thi song song v<Yi. nhau (h.2.37). Hinh Figure. 2.37
If each of two distinct lines is parallel to a third line,
then the two lines are parallel to each other (Fig. 2.37).
Khi hai d11ong thing a va b cung song song v6i di.tong thing c ta ki hi~u a II b II c va g9i la
ha duong thting song song.
When both lines a and b are parallel to line c, the notation is a II b II c and they are called
three parallel lines.
Vi du 3. Cho tu dien ABCD. Gqi M , N , P. Q, R va S Ian
luc;,t la trung di~m cua cac do~n
thi n~ AC. BD, AB, C D. AD va BC. Chung minh r[lng cac do~n thftng MN.
PQ. RS d6ng q uy
tai ~ng diem cua m6i do1:1n.
Examp le 3. G iven tetrahe dron ABCD . Let M, N , P. Q. R and S be the midpo
int~ of line
segmen ts AC, BD , AB, CD , AD and BC. respec tively. Prove line segme nt~
MN. PQ and RS
are concur rent at the midpoi nt of each line segmen t.

(Jiai SoCution
(Xem hlnh 2.38) Look at Fig. 2.38. A
Trong tam giac ACD ta c6 MR la duang trung blnh nen
MR is the midseg ment of MCD , so

{ MR= !_CD. (l)

Tuong w trong tam giac BCD, ta c6 ----- D
Similarly, in LJBCD , we have
2 C
{ SN= !_CD. ( )
Hinh Figure 2.38
Tu (1) va (2) ta suy ra From (1 ) and (2), we infer
{ MR=S N .
Do d6 tu giac MRNS fa hlnh blnh hanh. Nhu v~y MN, RS dt nhau ll:li trung
diem G cua moi do~.
Theref ore, quadrilateral MRNS is a paralle logram . Hence , line segmen
ts MN and RS
interse ct at the midpoi nt G of each line segmen t.
U lu~ tuang ti!, ta c6 tu giac PRQS cung la hlnh b'inh hanh nen PQ, RS
dt nhau tl:li trung
diem G cua moi do~. V~y PQ, RS, MN dong quy t~i trung diem ciia moi
\Vith similar argume nt, quadril ateral PRQS is also a paralle logram , so line
segmen ts PQ and
RS interse ct at the midpoi nt G of each line segme nt. Thus line segmen
ts PQ, RS and MN are
concur rent at the midpoi nt of each line segment.


1. Cho tu di~n ABCD. Gqi P, Q, R va S la b6n diem lan luc;,t lify tren
bon c~ AB, BC, CD va
DA. Chtrng minh rang neu bon di~m P, Q, R va S dong phing th'i
Given tetrahe dron ABCD. Let P, Q, R and S be four points chosen on four
edges AB, BC, CD
and DA, respec tively. Prove that if four points P, Q, Rand Sare coplan ar,
a) Ba duang thing PQ, SR va AC ho~c song song ho~c dong quy ;
Three lines PQ, SR and AC are either paralle l or concur rent;
b) Ba duang thing PS, RQ va BD ho~c song song ho~c dong quy.
Three lines PS, RQ and BD are either paralle l or concur rent.
2. Cho di¢n ABCD_ va ba diem P, Q, R Ian luc;,t la'.y tren ba ccµih AB, CD
, BC. Ti.m giao diem S
ciia AD va m~t phang (PQR) trong hai trucrng hqp sau d~y.
Given tetrahedron ABCD and three points P, Q and R chosen on three edges
AB, CD and BC,
respectively. Find the intersection point S of AD and plane (PQR) in two possibl
e situations below.
a) PR song song v& AC PR is paralle l to AC;
b)PR dt AC PR intersects AC .

3. Cho tu di¢n ABCD . Goi M . N li n ltrQ't l:'1 tn111t,: dl~111 r 11a cik q nh AB. CD va G la trung dicin
cua do~n M N. .
Gh cn tctrah~dwn ABCJJ. L\!t \land \ b~· 1h1: rn1dp11111t, ot ,1<lc"' 18 and CD rcspcct1vely and r,
be the midpoint of line s~gmcnt ,\(,\'. .
a) Tim giao dii rn A' cua ducmg thang AG vi\ rrn)t ph:lng (BCD ).
Find th~ mt~r-;e1.. tion point A' of line AG ;rnd (HCD)._ _
b) Qua M keducmg thi ng Mx song song v6i AA' va Mx cat (BCD ) t~1 M '. Chung rninh B. M·.
A ' thAng hang va BM'= M 'A' = A 'N.
Through Jk)mt .\1. dra\\ tine Mx pnrnlkl to line AA' and linl.! Afr inh:rsccts planL (BCD1 "1
point .\f'. Prove points B. M' and A' arc c0llincar :ind B!i1' = 1t l'A' -=- A '.V.
c) Chung rninh GA = 3GA '.
Prove 0 A · 3GA '.
? '-' 2


Cho ducmg thing d va m~t ( a). Tuy theo s6 diem chung cua d va ( a ), ta c6 ba truong
h<JP sau (h.2.39).
Given line d and plane ( a). According to the number of common points of line d and pl,.me (ai.
we have three possible situations below (Fig. 2.39 ).

d II (a) d n (a)= {M} de (a)

Hinh Figure 2.39

• d va ( a ) kh6ng c6 diem chung. Khi d6 ta n6i d song song v6i ( a) hay ( a ) song song v6i d
va ki hi~u Ia d II (a) hay (a ) II d.
Line d and plane ( a) have no common point. Then we say d is parallel to (a) or (a) is
parallel lo d and the notation is d /I (a) or ( a) II d.
• d va ( a ) c6 m9t diem chung duy nhtit M. Khi d6 ta n6i d va (a) c&t nhau t~i diem M va ki
hi~uJa d n (a) = { M } hayd n(a) =M.
Linc d und plane ( a ) have a single point in common. Then we say d and (a) intersect at
point Mand denoted by d n (a ) = {M} or d n (a) = M .
•d va (a) c6 ttt hai diem chung trd' /en. Khi d6, theo tfnh cha't 3 § 1, d nAm trong ( a) hay (a)
chua d va ki hi~u d c ( a ) hay ( a ) ::J d.
line d and plane (a) have more than 0 11e common point. Then. according to Property 3 §1, the
line d lies in the plane (a ) or the plane (a ) contains the line d and the notation is d c (a) or (a) ::J d.
~ 1 Trong phong hqc hay quan sat hlnh anh cua duang th~ng song song vai m~t ph~ng.
Observe the images of lines parallel to planes in your classroom.

. , .,
Oe nM n b1e1 duong tha•ng c1 son .
son g vcri ma t ph: lng ( a) ta c6 th~
Crul cu vao s6 gia o diem
cua ch~ n N "Oa i ra ta c6 th~ dua vao , , .. .. .
. _g_. g ca<.: dau ht~ U sau day.
To 1dcnt d y lme cl para 11c 1 to p·1an(;, (u) we can dep end on lhl! num ber of the ir mtc r~ection
pom h . Bc:-iide-.., ,.,,e can <le~ nd on the • . .
fol lo\, mg ind1cat1orn, .
~ Dinh Ii 1 The orem 1
fu N.e'u duitng rh&ng d kh6 ng n6m
trong ~~(Jt phd ng ( a) ,·a d son g song ,·iri duan?,
\\\ th6 11 g d' 11am tron~ ( a) thi d song son
g w.11 ( a) .
h!lit rr i ·' d d
J 111e O('S 1 - · pla ,ic' ( a) and di~ par alle l to . , .
,.1 nor /(' Ill l111c d '"" ~ 111 pla ne ( w then
t\ line d is par alle l 10 pla11e ( a) . · ,

Cliiino minli <Proof

GQi (/J) la m~t phl ng xac d\n h bcri
hai ducrng thi ng
son g son g d, d'.
Let (/3) be a plane defined by two .
p.1Iallcl l111e~ d
and d'.
Ta c6 We have (a) n (/J) = d' (h.2.40
) (Fig. 2.40).
Neu d n ( a) = { M} th'i M thUQC gia o tu yen
(a) va (/J) lad ' hay d n d' = {M
}. d'
If d n (a) = tM} , then point M
bel ong s to the
inte rse ctio n line d ' of planes (a) and a
(/J) is d ' o r
d n d ' = \M} .
Die u nay ma u thu in vai gia thie t d Hinh Figure 2.40
Thi '> con trad icts the sup pos itio n tha d'.
t d II d '.
V~ y l11u s d II (a) .
~2 Cho t(r di~n AB CD . Goi M,
N, P Ian lllcrt la trung diem cua AB ,
AC , AD . Cac dllcmg th~ng MN ,
NP, PM song song ~ai m~t ph~ng (BC
D} khong?
Given tetrahedron AB CD . Let M . N
and P be the midpoints of edges
respectively . Are lines MN , NP and PM AB . AC and AD ,
parallel to plane (BCD)?

,i ,,1,.,:1
.: ,,,
,: , ; ; ; ; ; ;; : ;

0 : ; :0~
; ~
: ; ;

Gi,·en line a par alle l ro pla ne ( a).

=~~&;i;f.l Nfu mq, phd ng (fo ch ~ a vO c&t (a)
If pla ne ( /3) con tain s line a and
wit h inte rse ctio n line h . the n li11c rnr s pla ne ( aJ
his par alle l to line a (Fi g. 2.41 ).

Hinh Figure 2.41

Vi d~. Cho tu di¢ n AB CD . L.1y M la
die m thm )c mie n tron g cua tam gia
phfulg qua M va son g son g vm cac c AB C. Gc;,i (a) la m~t
ducrng thfulg AB va CD . Xa c dµm
tu di¢ n AB CD . Thi€t di¢ n d6 la hlnh gi? thi~t di¢ n ~o bcri (a) va
Exa mp le. Gi\ 'en te trah edr on AB CD
. Let M be a poi nt lyin g in the inte
be a plan e pas ~ing thro ugh point M ri or of ..1ABt . Let (a)
and par alle l to line s AB and CD
-,ec tion c rea ted by pla ne ( a) and . Dct em 1inc the cro~ ~
tetr ahe dro n AB CD . \Vh at sha pe is
the tetr ahe dron'?

quli So fu tw n
song v6i AB nen (a)
~~t phAng .(a ) di qua M va song o giao tuyen d di
AB) the
cat m~t ~hang (ABC) (chua
. Gc;>i E, F JAn h.rqt la giao
q~? M .va song song v6i AB 2).
diem cua d voi AC va BC
int M and is par alJ cl to
Plane ( a ) passes through po
(ABC) containing line AB B
Jjnc AB, so plane (a) cuts plane
sin g through point M and
with intersec tion line d pas
and F be the inter,;ection
parallel to line AB. Le t E C Hinh Fig ure. 2.42
pec tively (Fi g. 2.42).
points of tin es AC and BC, res
nen (a) dt (ACD) va
M4tt khac, (a) song song v6i CD
chua CD ) theo cac giao
(B CD ) (la cac m~t phing
song v6i CD (H e AD va
tuyen EH va FG cung song
GE BD). ts planes (A CD ) and
d, pla ne (a) is par allel to line CD , so plane (a) cu to lin e CD
On the other han h inl ers ec tio n lines EH and FG bo th parallel
e CD ) wic
(BCD) (both containing lin
(H E AD and G e BD ). , tu d6 suy ra
m niia ta c6 (a) II AB va (ABD) n (a )= HG
Ta c6 thiet di¢n la tu giac EF
GH . He
HG IIA B. n ( a) = HG.
adr ilat era l EF GH . Mo reo ver , we have (a) II AB and (ABD)
Thus the cross section is qu
Then we infer HG II AB. hlnh binh hanh.
c6 EF II HG (JI AB ) va EH II FG (JI CD ) nen n6 la
Tu giac EF GH ), so it is a parall elogra m.
al EF GH has EF II HG (JI AB) and EH II FG (JI CD
Tu djnh If 2 ta suy ra h~ qu
a sau .
corollary below.
From Theorem 2, we infer 1he
m H~ qu a Corollary d'
II Ne u hai mtjt pluing phanthibiegiaft ocutuynge11 cu.a d
Ii! so ng v&i mt)t duimg thd ng P
co ) c-fing son g son g viii duimg
/H ch un g (ne u
/!/ thd ng do (h.2.43). a
dis tin ct pla ne s are pa ral lel to a line,
/// If ru•o
//! the n the ir int ers ect
ion line (if any) is also Hinh Figure . 2.43
(Fi g. 2.4 3).
ti/ pa ra llel to the lin e. ta c6
khO ng the cu ng nA m trong m¢t m~t phAng. Tuy nhien,
Hai duang thi ng cheo nhau thl g thAng nay va song song voi duang thAng kia. Dtnh Ii sau
th i tlm duqc m~t phAng chua
day the hi~n tinh chat d6. e pla ne . Ho wever, we can find a plane tha
t contains
t lie in the sam
Two diagonal Jines canno lin e. Th e following theorem displays
this property.
pa ral lel to the oth er
one line and is
iii Di nh 113 Theorem 3 mr)t mtjt ph dn g ch ua duim
g thdng
ng ch eo nh ~u . C6 du y nh dt
/j/ Ch o ha i du im g thd
thdng kia.
/// na y va son g song . dui'mg
e plane tha t colllains one lin
e and is
lin es. Th ere exi sts a un iqu
W Gi ven tw o dia go na l
llf p ara lle l to the oth er
lin e.
Cfithlfj minfi Pr oo f

Gia su ta c6 hai duang thing cheo nhaauanda vab. b.

nal lin es
Suppose we have two diago

... ?



Hinh Figure 2.45

I. orN H NGH iA
Hai mfit pluing (a), (/J) d11<7c g9i la song song v(ri
chung kh6ng c6 dilm chung.
nhau neu

llel if they ha,·e no

T.i ·o planes ( a ) and (/J) are said to be para Hinh Figure 2.46

poil1! in common.
Khi d6 ta ki hi~u ( a) II (/J) hay (/J) II ( a) (h.2.46).
Then the notation is ( a ) II (/J) or (/J) II (a ) (Fig. 2.46
~ 1 Cho hai m~t ph~ng song song (a) va (fl). 01/0ng th~ng d nam trong (a)
(h.2.47). Hoi d va (/1} c6 diem chung khong?
(Fig. 2.47).
Given two parallel planes (a) and (/JJ. Lined lies in (a)
Do the line d and the plane (/1} have a common point?

II. TiNH CHAT Hinh Figure 2.47


i::: Dinh II 1 Theorem 1

~II Neumfit phdng (a) chua hai du'img thdng cdt nhau a, bra a, b cung song song vdi
F:i: •

~i! m~t phdng (/J) thi (a) song song vrli (/J).
~II If plane (a ) contains two intersecting lines a and h parallel to plane (fJ) , then 11,c
/!!I plan e ( a) is parallel to the plane (/J).
Cnune minli <Proof
G9i M la giao diim cua a va b.
Let M be the intersection point of lines a and b.
(/J) Ia hai m*t phAng phAn bi~t. Ta cAn
Vi ( a) chua a ma a song song v6i (/J) nen (a) va
chlIIlg minh ( a) song song v6i (/J).
) and (/J) are disti nct planes. We have ro
Plane ( a ) contains line a parallel to plane (/JJ , so ( a
prove Lhat the plane ( a) is parallel to the plane (/JJ.

Gia sir (a) va (/J) kh6ng song song va d t nhau theo g.iao tuye'n c (h.2.48). Ta c6
Supr o~c pl:incs ( a ) and (/J) arc non-para I lcl and inkrsect
with intcrsL:ction line c (Fig. 2.48 ). We have
a II (/J)
⇒ c //a
L ~ ;--- -: -

va and
(a)n(/J) =c

b II (/J)
(a):::)b ⇒ c //b
/ Hinh Figure 2.48
(a)n(/J) =c

Nhu v~y tit M ta ke duqc hai ducrng thltng a, b cung song song vm c. Theo djnh If 1, §2, die u
nay mau thuful. V~y (a) va (/J) phai song song vm nhau.
Thus , fro m point M we c an d raw two Jines a and /J parallel to line c. Thi s contradict'>
Theorem I . §2 . Therefore. planes (a) and (/J) mu-;t be paralle l.
A.2 Ch? tu di~n SABC. Hay dlfng m~t ph~ng (a) qua trung di~m I cua do~n SA va song song vai m~t
phang (ABC).
Given tetrahedron SABC. Construct plane (a) that passes through the midpoint I of line segment SA
and is parallel to plane (ABC) .
Vi d~ 1. Cho tu di~n ABCD. G9i Gl'G2 ,G 3 !An lu<Jl la tr9ng Ulm cua cac tam giac ABC,
ACD, ABD. Chung minh m~t phing (G1G2 G3 ) song song vm m~t phltng (BCD).
Example 1 . Given tetrahedron ABCD. Let G,. G2 and Gj be the centroids of triangles ABC,
ACD and ABD. respectively. Prove plane (G 1G2GJ is parallel to plane (BCD) .
qiai So{ution A

G9i M , N, P IAn lu(Jt la trung diem cua BC, CD, DB (h.2.49). Ta c6:
Let M , N and P be the midpoints of edge~ BC, CD and DB.
respectively (Fig . 2.49). W e have:
, AG1 2 .
M EAG1 va and AM = ,
AG2 2 B D
N EAG2 va and AN =3 ;
AG3 2 C
P EAG3 va and - - =-· Hinh Figure 2. 49
AP 3
AG1 AG2 AG 1 AG?
Dod6 - - = - - suyra G1G2 //MN. Thus-- = - -- We infer G 1G? I ! MN .
Vi MN n!m trong (BCD) ne n G 1G2 // (BCD). Since M N lies in (BCD ), G 1G ~ I / ( BCD ).
TuC111g tu _ _I =~ suy ra G 1G 3 // MP. Vi MP nam trong (BCD) nen G 1G3 // (BCD) .
V~y (G 1G2 G3 )//(BCD).

Similarly, AG1 = AG3 . We infer G 1G3 / / MP . Since line segment MP lies in plane (RC D ) .
G c; / /( BCD ). Therefore. (G /j2G3 l l / (BCD).
1 1

~"-•HINH HOC 11 ( SN ) 65
Ta biet n\ng qua m◊t di~m kh◊ng thu(_k ducmg thi ng cl c6 duy nhrt't m¢t duc'Jng thing d ' song
song vm d. Neu thay dtrang th~ng cl boi m~t phing (a) th1 dtr(_lc k~t (.1ua sau.
We know that 1hroL1gh .1 fKnnt m,t on l11w l/, thc1~ r:x i~(s a u11iquc tinl' d parallel to line d. It
the lin~ d i:. r\!pl.ic1..-d h~ plan~ \ a), tlt~n we gt:t th~ following ri:-;ult.
:-,lli Dinh

If 2 Theorem 2
m Qua nl()t dilm 1Uim ngoai nu)t nu)t pluing cho
~ truflc c1 m¢t ra ch,' m<)t m(it /Jhdng song sonR
%m~it phang da cho (h.2.50).
wn '~ A•_l
t Throuf?h a JJOint outside a gii•c11 plilfll' . there
j l'\"ists one and only one plan<' 1wrnlld
~ giren plane (Fig. 2.50}.
!() rhe
'~ - 7
Hinh Figure 2.50
Tu dinh If tren ta suy ra cac h¢ qua sau.
From the theorem above. we infer the consequences below.
~; Hf qua 1 Corollary 1
II Neu duimg tMng d song song voi m<;lt phdng (a) thl
ill qua d co duy nhat m<)t m<;lt phdng song song voi ( a)
~ (h.2.51).
i If line d is parallel to plane ( a). then through rhe
1-~ 1
l line d, there exists a unique plane parallel to
fil plane (a )(Fig. 2.51). 1-~1Hinh Figure 2.51
m Hf qua 2 Corollary 2
m Hai mt;1t phdng phdn bi¢t cimg song song voi m<;lt
m phdng thu ba thi song song voi nhau.
~j Two distinct planes paral!el to a third plane are
parallel to each other.

1 I

m Hf qua 3 Corollary 3
i!! Cho dilm A khbng nam tren m<Jt phdng ( a). M9i

Iii duong thdng di qua A song song voi ( a) dl u nam
!I trong m<;lt phdng di qua A
va song song voi ( a) 1* 1
Hinh Figure 2.52
Ill Given point A not lying i11 plane ( a). £ r el ) ' point
!I! passing through point A and parallel to plane ( a )
~! lies in a plane passing through point A and
~i parallel to plane ( a) (Fig. 2.52 ).

Vi diJ 2. Cho tu di~n SABC c6 SA =SB= SC. G9i Sx, Sy, Sz Ian luqt la phan giac ngoai cua
cac g6c Strong ba tam giac SBC, SCA, SAB. Chung minh:
Example 2. Given tetrahedron SABC with SA =SB = SC. Let Sx, Sy and Sz be the external
bisectors of angles S of three triangles SBC, SCA and SAB, respectively. Prove:
a) M~t ph!ng (Sx, Sy) song song v6i m~t ph!ng (ABC) ;
Plane (Sx , Sy) is parallel to plane (ABC);
b) Sx, Sy, Sz cung nAm tren m◊t m~t phlmg.
Sx, Sy and Sz ore coplanar.

66 5 8-HINH HOC 1 l (SNI

<;uli So{ution

Hinh Figure 2.53

a) Trong m~t phing (SBC), vi Sx la phAn giac ngoai cua g6c s trong
tam giac can SBC
(h.2.53) nen Sx I~ BC. T~ d6 suy ra Sx II (ABC).
ln plane (SBC). s ince Sx 1s the external bi~ector of angle S of ism,ce les triangl
(Fig. 2.53), Sr // B C. Then we in fer Sx II (A BC). (l)
TuOllg a,, ta c6 Sy II (ABC). (2) va Sz II (ABC).
Similarly. we have Sy II (ABC ) (2) and Sz II (ABC ).
Tu- ( J) va (2) suy ra : (Sx, Sy) II (ABC).
From ( l ) and (2). we infer (S.r, Sy) II (A BC).
qua S va cung song
b) Theo h¢ qua 3, dinh Ii 2, ta c6 Sx, Sy, Sz la cac duong thfulg cung di
song v6i (ABC).
song vai (ABC) nen Sx, Sy, Sz cung nAm tren m(>t m~t phAng di qua S va song
pass throug h angle S
According to Consequence 3 and Theorem 2. we ~ee line& S.r, .S\ and S:
passing through
and parallel to plane (ABC), so lines Sx. Sy and S: lie in the same plane
angle S and parall el to plane (ABC).
!'.iDinh 113 Theorem 3
i~ Cho hai m<;It phdng song song. Nlu m9t m(it phdng cat m<;It phdng nay thi
ciing cat
mmqt phdng kia va hai giao tuyen song song v6i nhau.
i!J Given m ·o paral lel planes. If u third plane
cuts one plane, then it also cuts the
/li other plane and tll'o intersection lines are parallel.
Ch1hl/J minh <Proof
G9i ( a) va (/J) la hai m~t phAng song song. Gia sir Cn dt ( a)
theo giao tuyln a. Do (r) chua a (h.2.54) nen (r) kh6ng the
trung vai (/J). Vi v~y ho~c (r) song song vm (/JJ ho~c (J1 dt (/J).
Ne'u (J1 song song vm (/JJ thi qua a ta c6 hai m~t phAng (a) va (n
cung song song vm (/J). Dieu nay v6 If. Do d6 (J1 phai dt (/J).
G9i giao tuy€n cua (y) va (/J) la b.
Let <a) and (P) be two parallel planes . Suppose ( Y) c~ts
plane ( a) wi th intersection line a. Since plane (y) con ta.ins
mter~ection line ll (Fig. 2.54 ). plane ( y) cannot overla p plane <P>-
Thu<;. plane ( ,l-1 may be parall el to plane CP> or cut plane '.fA· If
plane c,11 1, paralle l to plane (/J). then through mter<;ection h~c ~-
This i:,,
we gc·t rwn plane.., ( a ) and ( Y) all pm·allel to plane (/J).Let Hinh Figure 2.54
I (/J) · /1 be
unrea\OnJ hlc. Therefore. plane (;1 mw, t cut P anc
rhc 111ter-.ec1mn lme of plane.., <n and (/J). 67

Ta~ c6 a c (a) va b c (/3) mx4 ( a) II (/3) nen a n b = 0. Vay hai duong thruig
• ,
a va, b cung
nam trong m6t
a h, .
· m. t P ang (y) va kh6ng c6 diem chung nen a II b.
e have a c ( a) and b c (/J) but ( a) II (/1), so a n h = 0 . Thus both lines a and h lie i11
. m
.. ( y~, and havt no pomt
the same phne . common. Therefore, a II h.
ijl H~ qua Corollary
\II Hai mt;'it phdng song song chan tren hai cat tuye'n
\!t song song nhiing doc;in thdng bang nhau.
~I Two parallel pla11cs rnt parallel secants i11to
\jl congme11t line segments.

Cli1ln0 minli (Proof 'fl

G9i ( a) va (/1) la hai m~t phfuig song song va (,1 la mat phfuig xac
dµm ooi hai duong thfuig song song a, b. Gc:>i A, B Ian· luqt la giao Hinh Figure. 2.55
diem cua duong thfuig a vm ( a) va (/3) ; A', B' Ian luqt la giao diem
cua duong thfuig b vm (a) va (/3) (h.2.55). Theo dµm If 3 ta c6
Let (a) and (/J) be two parallel planes and plane (y) be defined by two parallel lines a and b.
Let A and B be the intersection points of line a and two planes (a) and (/1) , respectively and
A' and B' be the intersection points of line /J and two planes (a) and (/J), respectively (Fig. 2.55).
From Theorem 3, we have
(a)// (/J)
(y)n(/3) = BB'.
Tud6 suy raAA' II BB'.
Then we infer AA' II BB'.
Vi AB song song vm A 'B' (do a song song vm b) nen tu giac AA 'B'B la hinh blnh hanh.
Since line segment AB is parallel to line segment A 'B ' (because a // b), quadrilateral AA 'B'B
is a parallelogram.
V~y AB =A'B'.
Thu\ AB = A 'B'.


~3 Phat bi~u djnh If Ta-let trong h1nh hQC ph!ng.

State Thales' Theorem in plane geometry.

lrn Djnh If 4 (Ojnh If Ta-let)

Theorem 4 (Thales' Theorem)
lifi Ba rruJ,t phting doi mqt song song chtin tren hai
Im cat tuye'n bat ki nhung do9n thdng tll(Jng ung ti 1¢.
!ill Three planes that are parallel to one another cut Hinh Figure 2.56
Ii! any two secallls into proportional line segmems.
Nlu d, d' la hai cat tuye'n M~t kl cAt ba m~t phfuig song song (a), (/1), (,1 l~ luqt t~ cac ditm
A, B, C va A', B', C' (h.2.56) thl
If d and d' arc any two secants cutting three parallel planes (a ), (/J) and (;-? at points A, B, C
and A ', B ', C', respectively (Fig. 2.56), then
A'B' B'C' C'A'

( ·, 16''1 A ,A."2 ... An . Qua cac dinh
OJO hai · t phA ng so ). Tren ( a) cho da giac 1
ng song a) va (a'
tai A' A~
ng song son g vai nhau va dt (a ') liin luqr • J • '"2 '
Al' ' .. ·' An ta
Ai ve cac dtrO'ng thA
... , AnI .
• A , An m · Ianc, ( uJ. · 111r
alle l planes ( ) _ d , . convex po ygo
1 n 11, 2 .. P
Given t\\. O par · a an ( a ). Giv en ·sA A A .
A, A we druw para111 1'mes cutting plane ( a ' ) at vertexc. , 2... , ,, rcspecuvcfy.
vertex es A, ''. • c hanh
•· ·
A A A' A~ A' va cac hlnh b1nh
ffmh gOm ha1 da gia c A_
J·" 2"' ' l"'Z '" II
h liing tru va du qc kf hi~
u la
A1 A1 ~~ . ~~~~ ... ., 11
A A~ A{A 1
d:q c gQi Ia hin
A1~--- An -A {~ ... A~ (h.2.5
containing two polygons A,_ A2 .A n,
nd A,~..

A. A ~A ' A
A;, and parallelograms A1A1A2A2 •
A,, A
A , , A 1s called a prism and
"'2 ,.2 3 3 • .. .. 11 1 1
g 2 57)
denoted by A1A2 .. . AII .A'I A'~ ... A'II (Fi • .. •

- Hai da giac A1~ ... ~ va A1

~ ...A~ duqc gQi la hai
m'7t day cua hlnh Jang ll"l;l.
A A ... A;, are called two
Two polygons A,A :-- .. .An and 1 2
ba ses of the prism .
- Cac do.µi thAng A1A1, ~~
...., A11 ~ duqc gQi la a -.,
. .,____,___ _+- --= -t- --- .-- ---
cac cqn h ben cua hln h Jan g ll1;1
. , ,\, A '" are called
Segme nts A ,, A ', and A 2 A '2, ..
Hinh Figure 2. 57
edg es of the prism .
- Cac hlnh binh hanh A1A1
~~ . ~~A:3~, ... ,
A11 A~ A1A1 dttqc gQi la cac m'7
t ben cua hinh Jang tn,i.
A , ... , A11 A;1A1A1 are called
f aces of the prism .
A AiA A , ~~ A 3
Parallelogam 1 2 2
s 3
c gc;,i Ia cac dinh cua hinh Jang ll"l;l
- Cac dinh cua hai da giac duq
called the rertexes of the prism .
The vertexes of two polygons are
Nh(i,n xet Rema rks u.
bAng nhau va song song vai nha
• Cac c.µih hen cua hlnh Jang ll1;l
Th e edges of a prism are equ
al and paralle l.
la cac hinh binh hanh.
• Cac mat hen cua hinh Jang tn,i
Th e face·s of a prism are par
da giac bAng nhau.
• Hai day cua hlnh Jang ll1;1 la hai
ent polygons.
Two bases of a pri sm are congru , xem hlnh 2.58.
uai ta gc;,i ten cua hln h Jang tn,i d1;ta vao ten cua da giac day
is nam ed aft er the sha pe of its polygonal base (see Fig. 2.58).
A prism

Hinh /Ang ffl,I tt1 giac Hinh l~ng ffl,I tvc giac
Hinh /Ang fll! tam giac A quadrilatera l prism A hexagonal prism
A triangular pris m
Hinh Figure 2.58


• Hinh lang t11:1 c6 day la hinh tam giac daqc gQi la hinh fang
lrif tam giac.
A triangle-based prism is called a triangular prism.
• Hlnh lang tr1,1 c6 day la hlnh blnh hanh duqc g9i la hinh h()p
A parallelogram-ba-..ed prism is called a rnbe (Fig. 2.59).
Hinh Figure 2.59



Dinh nghia Definition

010 hlnh chop S. A1~ ••• An ; m<)t m~t phang (P) khong qua
dinh, song song vm m~t phang day cua hlnh ch6p dt cac c.µih
SAi' S~ , ..., S~ lAn ltrc;,t t~ Ai, Ai, ..., A~ . Hlnh ~o 1xri
thiet di~n Al Ai ... ~ va day Al~ ... An cua hinh chop cung
vm cac tu giac Ai Ai~A1, AiA.3,¾~, ... , A~A1A1An g9i la A2 A3
Hinh Figure 2. 60
hinh chop C[!t (h.2.60).
Given pyramid SA ,A~.. A n and plane (P) not passing through apex S. parallel to the base
face of the pyramid and cutting edges SA ,. SA 2 • • • •, SA at points A ',, A '2 , • • • , A'n·

respectively. A shape created by cross section A ',A '2 , ... , A',, and b~e A,A1 . . A n of the
pyramid together with quadrilaterals A ',A '0 .0,, A '0 '3A_;A:, .. ., A ',,A ',A,A,, is called a
truncated pyramid (Fig. 2.60).
Day cua hlnh chop g9i fa day Lim cua hlnh chop cl_lt, con thi€t di~n Ai Ai ... A~ g9i la day nho
cua hinh chop cl_lt. Cac tu giac Ai Ai~A1, AiA.3,¾~, ... , A~Ai A1An g9i fa cac m{It ben cua
hinh chop Cl_lt. Cac do.µi thang A1A1, "½Ai, ... ,AnA~ g9i la cac qmh ben cua hlnh ch6p Cl_lt.
The base of the pyramid becomes the larger base of the truncated pyramid and the cro~s
section A'1A'2 •• . A" is called the smaller base of the truncated pyramid. Quadrilaterals

A\ A\ A2A1, A\ A'3A3A2, • •• , A' A' I A I A are called the faces of the truncated pyramid. Linc
0 11

segments A,A ',. Az,4 '-:, ... and A,,A 'n are called the edges of the truncated pyramid.
Tuy theo day la tarn giac, tu giac, ngu giac ...,taco hinh chop C[!t tam giac, hinh chop C[!t tu
giac, hinh chop C[!,t ngu giac, ...
If the larger base of a truncated pyramid is a triangle. a quadrilateral, a pentagon, then we
have a mmcared tria11gular pyramid. a truncated quadrilateral pyramid, a trn11cated
pemagonal pyramid ... , respectively.
Vl hinh ch6p cl_lt duqc dt ra tu m()t hlnh ch6p nen ta de dang suy ra cac tfnh chit sau day
cua hinh ch6p Cl_lt.
Since a truncated pyramid is cut from a pyramid, v. e can easily infer its properties below.
Wi Tfnh chat Properties
I ~ I) Hai day ~a hai"da giac co cac qmh tumig ung song song va cac tl s6' cac cijp
~H canh tlidflg ung bang nhau.
//II r iie two bases are two polyi o11s with parallel corresponding edges and equal
//~ ratios of corresponding pairs of edf?es.
1·~~~ . ben la nhiing hinh thang.
2) Cac miit
~ The faces are trapezoids.
q~ ~
00 3J Cac dulmg thiing chila cac qmh hen d6ng quy tr;zi m91diem.
W; The lines rnntainin}: the edxes are conrnrrent.
Qua A, B, C, D lAn ltrgt ve b6n ducm g thAng
I. Trong m~t ph~ g (a ) c.ho hlnh,binh han~ ABC D.
~~:j.c, d song
song v6i nhau va kh6ng nam tren (a). c
Tren a, b, Hin Juqt la'y ba diem A', B', C'
· parallel ltnc~
Give n parallelo.::ogram ABCD in phne ·\ Torough venexes A. B, C and D, draw four
( a;.
•. • •
not lymg
d ddinh m. ,plane ( a). Choose any three po·ins 1 A', B' and
C ' on 1·mes a, o
and c.
a, b.
c ::rn.a •
a) ay ~ c . . g1ao ~em cua duang thing d
v6i m~t phfulg (A 'B'C').
(A 'B'C ').
Deten;un e ~e intersection point D' of line d and plane
b) Omn g minh A 'B'C 'D' la hinh binh hanh.
Prove A 'B 'C'D ' is a parallelogram .
M va M' Ian Juat la trung diem cua cac canh
2. Cho hinh fang l:fl;l tam giac ABC A 'B'C'. Goi . · ·
va B'C'.
M ' be the midpoints of edoe s BC and B'C.
Give n ~ triangular prism ABC A 'B 'C'. Let M and 0

a) Ch1111g minh rfulg AM song song v6i A 'M'.
Prove that AM is para llel to A 'M'.
g thing A 'M.
b) Tun giao diem cua m~t phing (AB'C') v6i duan
A'M .
Find the intersection point of plane (A B'C') and line
(BA 'C').
c) Tim giao tuyen d cua hai m~t phAng (AB'C') va
C') and (BA 'C').
Find the intersection lined of two planes (AB'
g (AM 'M).
d) Tun giao diem G cua duang thin g d v6i m~t phin
e 'M).
Find the intersection point G of line d and plan (AM
Chung minh G la tn;mg tam cua tam giac AB'C '.
Prove: G is the centroid of the trian gle AB'C '.
3. Cho hlnh h(Jp ABC DA'B 'C'D '.
Given cube ABCD .A 'B 'C 'D '.
'C) song song v6i nhau.
a) Chung minh rAng hai m~t phfulg (BDA ') va (B'D
Prove that two plan es (BD A) and (B'D 'C) are para
G1 va G2 cua hai tam giac BDA ' va BV'C .
b) Olung minh clng duong cheo AC' di qua tr9ng tfun
G and Gi of two trian gles BDA ' and B'D 'C.
Prove that diagonal AC' passes through centroids 1
phfut bfulg nhau.
c) Ch1111g minh G1 va G2 chia do.;m AC' thanh ba
Prove that centroid s G1 and Gi trisect segment AC'.
ABC D va AA 'C'C. Xac dµih thi€t di~n
d) G<;>i O va / Jan luqt la tAm cua cac hlnh blnh hanh
cua m~t phAng (A 'IO) v6i hlnh h¢p da cho.
D and AA'C'C, respectively. Determin e the
Let O and J be the centers of parallelograms ABC
cross section of plane (A 'IO) and the given cube.
c.µih SA va A2 la trung diim cua do.µi AA 1•
4. Cho hinh chop SAB CD. G9i A I la trung diem cua
phfulg (ABCD) va Ian luqt di qua A1, A 2.
G9i (a) va (/J) la hai m~t phAng song song v6i m~t
B , C , D • M~t phin g (jJ) dt cac c.;mh SB,
M~t phin g ( a) dt cac qmh SB, SC, SD Jan luqt t~i 1 1 1
SC, SD ]An luqt t~i 82, C2, D2. Chung minh :
of edge SA and Ai be the midpoint of
Given pyramid S.ABCD. Let A1 be the midpoint
plane (ABC D) and pass throu gh midpoints
segment AA i. Let planes (a) and (/J) be parallel to
A i and then A 2 , respective ly. Plane (a ) cuts
edges SB, SC and SD at points B1, C 1 and D 1,
at points B:i, Ci and D i, respective ly. Prove:
respectively. Plan e (/J) cuts edges SB, SC and SD
SC, SD ;
a) B 1, C 1, D I IAn hrc,,t la trung diem cua cac c.;mh SB,
B 1, C 1 and D , are tbc midpoints of edges SB,
SC and SD;
b) B18 2 =B2B, C 1C2 =C2C, D1D2 = D2D ;
c) Chi ra cac hlnh ch6p ct,it c6 m¢t day Ia ru giac ABC
1J base.
Show truncated pyra mids with a quadrilate ral ABC
' ,,..,,
Cho m~t phAng (a) va ducmg thi ng Ll d t (a). M'
Gi\'c n pl:rne (a) and fin~ ~ inlcn,ecting plane (a). '' '
di qua M ''
V 6i m6i dii m M trong khOn g gian, dttcmg thAng
va song song ho~c t:rung vm Ll se cAt (a ) t~ dii mdiem M' xac
dµlh . Dii m M' dugc g9i la hinh chie'u song song cua
Ll ho~c Hinh Figur e 2. 61
tren m~t phAng ( a ) theo phttcmg cua dLCcmg thing
n6i g9n la theo phLCcmg 6 (h.2.61 ).
M and p:irallel to or overl apping line~
For c.ich point M in :-pace. a line pass ing throu gh point
is called the pura llcl proje ction of point M
will intersect line (a) at defin ed point M '. Point M '
the direction I::,. for short (Fig . 2.61).
onto plane ( a) in the direc tion defined line I::,. or in
la phLt(Jng chieu.
M~t (a ) g9i la miJt phcing chie u. PhLrcmg Ll g9i
is called rhe direC1io11 ofproj ectio n.
Plane (a) is called proj ection plan e. The di rection~
Phep d~t tLCcmg ung m6i diem M trong kh6ng gian
vm hlnh chieu M' cua no tren m~t phing (a)
Jng Ll.
dt.rgc g<;>i la phep chie'u song song !en ( a) theo phU(
ing to its projection M' onto plane ( a ) is
The setting of each point M in space correspond
tion t,.
caJJed a parallel proj ectio n 0 1110 plan e ( a ) in the direc
chieu M' cua tat ca nhfmg diem M thu(>c
Neu ~ la m(',t hlnh nao d6 thi ~p hqp d~ cac hlnh

:J'~dLC<JC g<;>i la hlnh chieu cua ~ qua phep chieu song song n6i tren.
ction -; M ' of all point<:; M in figure ~If
If .Yr is any figure, then the set ,)'(' containing proje
projection above.
is called the projection of figure , Yf under the para llel
pht.rcmg chie u thl hlnh chieu cua dttcmg
+ Chu j. Neu m(',t dLCcmg thin g co phLCcmg trung vm
chieu cua nhiing dm:mg thin g c6 phttcmg
thin g d6 la m¢t diim. Sau dAy ta chi xet cac hlnh
khC,ng trung vm phLCcmg chieu.
of projection . then the projccrion of the
Note . If the direction of a line coincides with that
where projections of lines have direction
line is a poin t. We will on ly consider the situation
not coinciding wit.h lhe direc tion of projection .

~/1 Din h 111 Theorem 1

Wt •
/m a) Phep chilu song song bie11 ba diim
tluin g ~
Mil hang than h ba diem thdn g hang va khon g lam
thay doi thu fl! ba dil m d6 (h.2.62) .
~/ ~ parallel pmjectio~ map: three collinear
~ Imes onto three col/m ear Imes and
does not
tt'i change the order of the three lines (Fig. 2.61
Hinh Figure 2.62


ii; b) Phep chiei, son b' .- , b' ,, (a1 thanh· tia,
} b · •' d . g song ien du&nx thdng thanh duimg thilng, ,en
.:I ten Ofln thiing tha11h do<;in thdng.
!!, 1\ {)urallrl proie ·( . d 1·111e seoment
? . 1 c IV/I maps a l111e onto a line. a rav onto a ray an a · "
t onto a l111e segmrm. ·
n c) Phep ·h · ··

so ctu
ng son?, o<Jc trung nhau (h.2.63 va h.2.64).
· · I h i ng
song song bien hai du&ng rluing song song thanh ha1 d11<1ng a

,. t\ parallel J>roi<, .· II I 1·,ncs r,r two

,, . . •. . . 1 ' 11011 maps two parallel li11c:i 0 1110 two para e
1 0111
,,. ' tdrng lin<'.i (Fig. 2.63 and Fix. 2.64 ).

l /3

/------ ---------
a' = h'

Hinh Figure 2.63 Hinh Figure 2.64

!i: d) Phep chieu song song kh6ng lam thay do'i ti so' dr) dai cua hai dogn thdng nam
tren hai duimg thdng song song ho(ic cung n&m tren mr)t duirng (h.2 .65 va
i:,i :,:

,,, A parallel J)l'<~jection does nor change ratios q/' lengths of two line se?,ments 011
!!: two parallel lines or on the same line (Fig. 2 .65 and Fig. 2 .66).

B' C' D'

-=- -=-

Hinh Figure 2. 65 Hinh Figure 2. 66

~ 1 Hinh chieu song song cua m◊t hinh vuOng c6 th~ la A B

hinh binh hanh dlfqc khOng ?
Can a parallel projection of a square be a

~2 Hinh 2.67 c6 th~ la hinh chieu song song cua hlnh

l~c giac d~u dLtqc khOng ? T~i sao ?
Can Fig. 2.67 be the parallel projection of a regular
hexagon? Why or why not? Hinh Figure 2. 67

' 'f/ '
1-n · • -- • ' Yfl , h·;( . g song cua h1nh ,n , tr~n
nmh b1eu d1en cua m6t hinh oi trong khong gian Ia hlnh c Ii;;U son ·
• . ., , , · d ai hrnh chit!u d6.
mQt m~t phang theo m(>t phucmg ch1eu nao do hol)c hmh d6ng 1;m g v ,
· • '/fl . · 1·
10n of fi gure , 'ff onto a
The representat10n of a fig ure J l in space 1s the paralle 1 pro3ec
plane in the direction of a projection or a fig ure similar to the projection .

~ 3 Trong cac hinh 2.68, hinh nao bieu di~n cho hinh l~p phucmg ?
In Fig. 2.68, which of the shapes is the representation of a cube?

,, r---

b) c)
Hinh Figure 2.68

Hinh bi~u di~n ciia cac hinh thucmg g~p

Representations of common figures
• Tam giac. M◊t tam giac bat ki bao gia ding c6 the coi la hlnh bieu dicfo cua m<)t tam giac
c6 d.µig tuy y cho truac (c6 th~ la tam giac deu, tam giac cAn, tam giac vu6ng, v.v ... )
Triangle. An arbitrary triangle is always considered the representation of an arbitrary given
type of triangle (maybe an equilateral triangle, a right triangle, an isosceles triangle and so on)
(Fig. 2.69).

a) b) c)
Hinh Figure 2.69

• Hinh binh himh. M(>t hinh binh hanh bat ki bao gia ciing c6 the coi la hinh bie u dien cua
m¢t hinh binh hanh tuy y cho tru6c (c6 tM la hlnh binh hanh, hlnh vuong, hlnh thoi hinh chii'
nh~t ...) (h.2.70). '

Par_allelof.:~am. A11 arbitrary ~aralle logram is always considered the representation of an

arbitrary given type of q uadnlatc ral (maybe a parallelogram, a square, a rhombus, a
. ? ?O)
rectang Ie .. . ) (F 1g . - · .
l l

I a)
b) c)
If I d)

Hinh Figura 2. 70


• Hinh rhang. M¢t h1nh thang ba't k'1 bao g10 . -
- b' ' . - cung c6
· 1:.. I ' J
th rJ. COi a _11111 teu dten cua m6t h' h h ' ,
tn!cJC , mien la ti s6 d6 dai hai da m, t :mg b1eu d1en
t~y y ~~o
ph,.\i bAng ti s6 d6 d' · h
. . ., . _Y c
_ ua hmh
. ,- . . . a1 at day cua hmh than g ban dau.
trapez01·ct .. . .
I rttp< . o,d An arb1trarv ts ,l1way s con•1cl e'r'·'
· J
. . . · '
· t:u
the representation ~)f .'111 arbitrary given trapezoid
· •
pro\,,1tkd that the ratios of length s ot' two bases of the·
• • . . al trapezoid . .
reprc:-ent.111011 must equal thos· e, of th e ongm
• Hinh trim . Nguoi ta thuong dung h'nh 1 I'1 d'' b' ,
di~n cho h1nh trc>n (h.2. 71 ). e P e ieu
---d to represent a clfcl · e C' (£)
usual IY use
Circ. le.-, An eclipse is - ' - - - - - - - --- '
(Fig. - .7 1).
Hinh Figure 2. 71

A 4 ~~c h~nh 2·69a, 2·69b, 2.69c la hinh bieu dien cua cac tam
g1ac nao? a
shap es in Fig. 2.69 a, Fig.
Which type~ of triangles are the ,B
2,69b and Fig. 2.69c the representations of? I
As Gae hinh 2.70a, 2.70b, 2.70c, 2.70d la hinh bieu dien

hinh binh hanh nao (hinh binh hanh, hinh thoi, hinh '
hinh cha nh~t) ? C

the shap es in Fig. 2.70a , I

Which types of parallelograms are /3
tions of?
Fig. 2.70b, Fig. 2.70c and Fig. 2.70d the representa
A parallelog ram,, a rhombus, a square or a recta ngle? Hinh Figur e 2. 72
h.. a cat (a) va (/J) Ian lllqt tc;1i Ava C.
es Cho hai ~~t phang (a) va (/JJ song song vai nhau. Ol!angB th~ng
tc;1i va D.
OLtang thang b song song vai a cat (a) va (/J) Ian lvqt
Hinh 2.72 minh hoc;1 n(>i dung neu tren dung hay sai
sects planes (a) and (/JJ at points A and C,
Given two para llel planes (a) and (/JJ . Line a inter
s (a) and (/JJ at points 8 and D, respectively.
respectively. Line b parallel to line a intersects plane
or false?
Is the illustration of the content above in Fig. 2.72 true


C!ilch bii u dien ngii gii lc deu

ijow to represent a regular pentagon
cua m(>t tam giac deu. M¢t hlnh binh hanh co
M(>t tam giac bat Id c6 the coi Ia hlnh bieu dien
the coi la hlnh bieu dien cua m¢t hlnh vuong. D6i
vm ngil giac deu, hlnh bi6u dien nhu the nao ?
of an equilateral triangle. A parallelogram can
Any triangle cm1 be considered the representation
t is the representation of a regular pentagon?
be cons idered the representation of a squar~. Wha
cheo AC va BD dt nhau & di6m M (h.2.73).
Gia ta c6 ngii giac deu ABCDE v& cac d11ang
su (tam giac can c6 chung g6c Ca day).
Ta thtfy hai tam giac ABC va BMC la d6ng diµig
diagonals AC and BD intersecting at point M
Suppose we have regular pentagon ABCDE with s
and BMC are simi lar since they are isoscele
(Fig . 2.73). We see that two triangles ABC
triangle.., with a common base angle C.
Tac6 Weha\'e AC= BC. (1)

A f---- 4-~ c


Hinh Figure 2.73 Hinh Figure 2.74

M~t khac VI tu giac AMDE la hlnh thoi nen AM= AE = BC, do d6

On the other hand , since quadrilateral AMDE is a rhombus, AM= AE = BC, thus

(1) <=>AC= AM

D~tAM = a, MC =x, ta c6
Setting AM = a and MC = x, we have

a+x a 2 2 2
- - = - <:>x +ax-a =0<=>
x=~(-✓5-1) (lo~). (omitted).

MC ✓5-1 2 BM 2
Suyra-=--1:::- va -i:::- •
AM 2 3 MD 3

We infer MC = ✓5 - 1 i::: I and BM ~~ .

AM 2 3 MD 3
Cac ti s6 nay giii' nguyen tren hlnh bitu dien. Ot xac dinh hlnh bitu diin, ta ve m◊t hlnh blnh
hanh A 1M 1D 1£ 1 bat kl lam hlnh bi~u dien cua hlnh thoi AMDE (h.2.74). Sau d6 keo dai c~

A1M 1 m◊tdo~ MC1 =¾M1A1 vakeodaic~D1M1 themm◊tdo~M 1B1 = jM1D1.

These ratios are preserved in the representation. To determine a representation, we draw an
arbitrary parallelogram A,MiD1E, as the representation of the rhombus AMDE (Fig. 2.74).
TI1en extend side A,M, a line segment M1C1 =- M 1A1 and exte nd side D,M, a line
segment M 1B 1 =
N6i cac di~m A 1, B1, C 1, D 1, E I theo thu h! d6 ta duc;,c hlnh bi~u dien cua m◊t ngii giac dtu.
Connecting points A,. B,, C,, D , and £, iJ1 the order, we get the presentation of a regular

---- ------=-
1. Hay neu nhiing each xac dµih mat ph:in ki hie z
State some methods of detennini~ , ~• · ~ m~t p~ang.
2 The' nao la du' h' g a plane and tts notat10n.
. ' ong t ang song song v6i duon th z ? , ,
M~t ph_ang ~ong song v6i rn~t ph:ing ? g ang · Duong thang song song v6'i m~t phang ?
.. .
When is a !me parallel to a line''· WI1en is
to a plane? a !me parallel to a plane? When is a plane parallel

3. Neu phuong phap chung minh ba diem th:ing hang.

State how to prove three points are collinear.
4. Neu phuong phap chung rninh ba duong thing d6ng quy.
State how to prove three lines arc concurrent.
5. Neu phuong phap chung minh
State how to prove;
- Duong tb~g song song v6i duong thing ; A line is parallel to a line;
- Duong thang song song v6i m~t phAng ; A line is parallel to a plane;
- M~t phAng song song v6i m~t phAng. A plane is parallel to a plane.
. ,, trong , . gian .
khOng , St·•te . Th eorem 111
... Thales' · space.
6. Phat bieu ; .If Ta-let
, dinh .
7. Neu each xac dµ1h ~et di~n ~o ooi m◊t m~t phang vm m◊t hinh chop, hlnh h<)p, hlnh lang tru.
State how to detemune a cross section created by a plane with a pyramid, a cub and a pri!.~ .

1. ~o hai hlnh thang ABCD va ABEF co chung day l6'n AB va kh6ng cung nfun trong m<)t m~t phAng.
Given two trapezoids ABCD and ABEF with a common larger base AB and not lying in the
same plane.
a) Tirn giao tuye'n cua cac m~t phAng sau : (AEC) va (BFD) ; (BCE) va (ADF).
Find the intersection lines of the following planes: (AEC) and (BFD ) ; (BCE) and (ADF).
b) LA'y M la diem thu◊c do<;1n DF. Tim giao diem cua ducmg thAng AM v6i m~t phAng (BCE).
Choose point Mon segment DF. Find the intersection point of line AM and plane (BC£ ).
c) Chung minh hai duong thAng AC va BF kh6ng dt nhau.
Prove that two lines AC and BF do not intersect.
2. Cho hlnh chop S.ABCD c6 day ABCD la hlnh blnh hanh. G9i M , N , P theo thu tl! la trung
diem cua cac do<;lll th:ing SA, BC, CD. Tim thie't di¢n cua hlnh chop khi dt bc'ri m~t phAng
Given pyramid SABCD whose base is a parall~lo.!,rra:n ABCD. ~ t M, N and P be the midpoint~
of segments SA, BC and CD. Find the cross sccuon of the pynurnd cut by plane (MNP).
G9i Ola giao diim hai duong cheo cua hlnh blnh hanh ABCD, hay tlm giao diem cua duong
th:ing SO v6i m~t ph:ing (MNP). . .
Let o be the intersection point of two diagonals of parallelogram ABCD. Find the intersection
point of line SO and plane (MNP).
3. Cho hlnh ch6p dinh S c6 day la hlnh thang ABCD vai AB la day Ian. G9i M, N theo thu tl! la
trung diem cua cac c<;lnh SB vaS SC. . . .
. ·d ·th apex and whose base 1s trapezoid ABCD with larger base AB. Let
G1ven a pyram1 w1 .·
points M and N be the midpoints of edges SB and SC respectively
a) Tim giao tuyt'n cua hai m~t phAng (SAD) va (SBC).
Find the intersection line of two planes (SAD) and (SBC).

b~ Ttm giao diem cua ducmg thing SD voi m~t phang (AMN) .
Fmd the intersection point of li ne SD and ptane 1AMN).
c) Tun thiet di¢n cua hlnh chop SABCD dt bm m~t piling (AMN).
Find the cross section of pyramid S.ABCD cut hy pbne (AM N).
4. Cho hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. Qua A, B, C, D 1:in luqt ve boo mia duong thAng Ax, By, Cz. Dt a
cung phia d6i vm m~t phing (ABCD), song song voi nhau va kh('.)ng nam trong m~t phang
(ABCD). M¢t m~t phing (/J) Ian luqt dt Ax, By, Cz va Dt t,,ti A', B', C' va D'.
Given parallelogram ABCD. Through A. 8. C and D. dra\V four half lines, By, C::: ar,d LJ,
respectively on the one side of plane (ABCD ). parallel 10 one another and not in pl ic
(ABCD). A plane (P, cuts haJf lines A,. By, C: and Dt at points A', B', C and D'.
a) Chung minh m~t phAng (Ax, By) song song vm m~t phAng (Cz, Dt).
Prove plane (A1:.By) i~ parallel to plane (C-:.,Dt).
b) G9i / = AC n BD, J = A 'C' n B'D '. Chung minh JJ song song vm AA'.
Let /= AC n BD and J = A 'C' n B'D '. Prove JJ is parallel to AA '.
c) Cho AA'= a, BB'= b, CC'= c. Hay tinh DD'.
Given AA ' = a, 88' = band CC'= c. Compute DD'.


1. Tun m~nh d6 sai trong cac m~nh d6 sau day :
Find faJse statements in the followin g statements:
(A) Neu hai m~t phing c6 m<)t diem chung tru chung con co v6 s6 diem chung khac m1a ;
lf two planes have a common point, then they have infinite numbers of other point') in common;
(B) Neu hai ~ pMng phan bi¢t cung song song vai m~ phAng thu ba thl chung song song vai nhau ;
If each of the two distinct planes is parallel to a third plane, then the two planes are parallel to
each other;
(C) Neu hai duong thAng phAn bi¢t cung song song vai m<)t m~t phAng thl song song vai nhau ;
If each of the two distinct linec; is parallel to a plane, then the two line;; are parallel to e,lLh other:
(D) Neu m¢t duong thing dt m<)t trong hai m~t song song v6i nhau thl se dt m~t
phkg con l<:Li.
If a line intersects either of the parallel planes, then it will intersect the other plane.
2. Neu ba ducmg truing khOng ciing n~ trong m<)t m~t phing va dOi mc)t c:it nhau th:i ba ducmg
thing d6
If three non-collinear lines intersect in pairs, then they
(A) D6ng quy ; (B) T~o thanh tam giac ;
are concurrent; form a triangle:
(C) Trimg nhau ; (D) Cung song song vm m◊t m~t phAng.
overlap; are paralJel to a plane.
Ttm m¢nh de dung trong cac m¢nh de trtn.
Find a true statement in the statements above.
3. Cho tu di¢n ABCD. GQi /, J va K Jrui luqt la trung diem cua AC, A
BC va BD (h.2.75). Giao tuyen cua hai m~t phAng (ABD) va
(/JK) la
Given teu·ahedron ABCD . Let /. J and K b~ the midpoints of
edges AB. BC and BD , respectively (Fig. 2.75). TI1e intersection
line of two planes (ABD ) and (/JK) is
(A) KD; C D
(B) KI;
(C) Ducmg thitng qua K va song song vm AB ;
A line passing through Kand parallel to edge AB: 8
(D) Khong co. None.
Hinh Flgw9 2. 75

4. Tim m¢nh de dung trong cac m¢nh de sau :
Find true statements in the following statements.
(A) Neu hai m~t phing (a) va (/3) song song vm nhau thi mc;>i ducm.g thfulg nam trong ( a) deu
song song vm (/3) ;
If two planes ( a) and (/J) are parallel, then every line in plane ( a) 1s parallel to plane (/]):
( B) Neu hai m~t phing (a) va (/3) song song vm nhau thl mc;>i ducm.g thing nam trong (a) deu
song song vm mc;>i ducm.g thing nam trong (/3) ;
If two planes (a) and (/J) are parallel, then every line in plane (a) is parallel to every line 111
plane (/J);
(C) N€u hai ducm.g thing song song vm nhau tan Iuc;,t nam trong hai m~t phltng phrui bi~t ( a)
va (/3) thl ( a) va (/3) song song vm nhau ;
lf two parallel lines lie in two distinct planes ( a) and (/3) respectively, then planes ( a) and (/3)
are parallel;
(D) Qua m<)t diim nam ngoai m~t phing cho truoc ta ve duqc m◊t va chi m¢t ducmg thflng
song song vm m~t phlmg cho truac d6.
Through a point outside a given plane, we can draw one and only one line parallel to the
given plane.
5. Cho tu di¢n ABCD. GQi M va N Ian luc;,t la trung diim cua AB va
AC (h.2.76), E la di~m tren c ~ CD vai ED = 3EC. Thi€t di~n
ll,lO boi m~t phflng (MN£) va tu di~n ABCD la :
Given tetrahedron ABCD. Let M and N be the midpoints of
edges AB and AC (Fig. 2.76) and Ebe a point on edge CD with
ED = 3EC. The cross section created by plane (MN£) and
tetrahedron ABCD is
(A) Tam giac MNE Triangle MNE ; B
(B) Tu giac MN EF vai F la diim ba'.t ld tren qnh BD ;
Quadrilateral MNEF with any point Fon edge BD;
(C) Hinh blnh hanh MNEF vai Fla di~m tren c.µth BD ma EF II BC ; Hinh Figure 2. 76
Parallelogram MNEF with point Fon edge BD and EF II BC
(D) 1-finh thang MNEF voi Fla di~m tren c ~ BD ma EF II BC. A' C'
Trapezoid MNEF with point Fon edge BD and EF II BC.
6. Cho hinh tang tll,l tam giac ABC A 'B'C '. G9i I , J Hin luc;,t la tr9ng
tfun cua cac tam giac ABC va A'B'C' (h.2.77). Thi€t di¢n tl,lo bm
m~t ph~g (All) vai h1nh tang tll,l da cho la
Given triangular prism ABC.A 'B'C'. Let / and J be the centroids of
triangles ABC and A 'B'C', respective~y (Fi~. 2._77). The cross A
section created by plane (A/J) and the given pnsm 1s
(A) Tam giac can ; an isosceles triangle;
(B) Tam giac vu6ng ; a right triangle; B

(C) lflnh thang ; a trapezoid; Hinh Figure 2. 77

(D) Hinh b1nh hanh. a parallelogram.
7. Cho tu <lien deu SABC cl;lllh b~g a. G9i / la trung ditm cua do~n AB, M la diem di dc'.)ng tren
cto.µ1 Al. Qua M ve m~t phang (a) song song vm (SIC).
G iven regular tetrahedron SABC with every edge having length a . Let / be the midpoint of
edge AB and M be a point moving on segment Al. Through point M . draw plane (a) parallel
to plane (SIC).
Thiet di~n t~o ooi (a ) va tu di~n SABC la
The ~n>::- '> -.cction ~ri.:ated hy plane (a ) and tctrahcJron .~AB~ 1..,
(A ) Tam giac can t;µ M ; (B) Tam giac deu ;
an isosceles tnangle \\ 1th verte\. .\/ an equi lateral tnnngle.
(C) Hinh binh hanh ~ (D) H1nh thoi.
a parallelogram. a rhombus
8. Ven gia thiet cua bai t~p 7. chu vi ctia thi€t di~n tfnh theo AM = x la
Using the supposition rn Exercise 7, the parameter of cross section calculated in terms of
(A ) x ( I + ✓3 ) ; (B) 2r(l + fj) ;
(C) 3x( I + ✓3) ; (D) KhOng tfnh duc;,c. unahlc tn ~akulak.
9. OIO hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. Goi Bx, C\'. D z la cac m'.ra duang thAng song song vm nhau Ian luqt
di qua B, C, D va nfun vt mc).t ph.fa ~ua m~t phAng (ABCD), d6ng thcri khOng nfun trong m ~t
phimg (ABCD). Mc)t m~t phimg di qua Ava dt Bx, Cy, Dz Ian hrc;,t ~i B', C , D ' vm BB' = 2.
DD'= 4. Khi d6 CC bAng
Given parallelogram A.BCD Let Bx, C\ and D= be the parallel half lines passing through
vertexes B, C and !) respectively. lying on the one si de of plane (AB( 'D) and not lying in
plane (ABCD) A plane passi ng through vertex A intersects the half lines Hx, ( ) and D: at

poi nts B '. C' and D ' respectively and BB'= 2, DD'= 4 . Then CC' equals
(A) 3 ; (B) 4 ;
(C) 5 ; (D) 6.
10. Tun m¢nh de dung trong cac m~nh de sau :
Of the following statements, find true statements .
(A) Hai duang thimg phAn bi¢t cung nfun trong m(>t m~t phimg thl khOng cheo nhau ;
Two distinct lines lyi ng in the same plane are not diagonal ;
(B) Hai duang thing phan bi~t khOng dt nhau thl cheo nhau ;
Two di stinct non-intersecting lines are diagonal ;
(C) Hai duang thi ng phan bi~t khOng song song th) cheo nhau ;
Two distinct non-parallel lines are diagonal ,
(D) Hai duang thAng phan bi~t J&l luc;,t thuqc hai m~t khac nhau thl cheo nhau.
Two distinct lines in two different planes are diagonal.
11. Cho h1nh vuOng ABCD va tam giac deu SAB nAm trong hai m~t phAng khac nhau. G9i M la
diem di dqng tren do1;1n AB. Qua M ve m.;tt phimg ( a) song song vm (SBC) .
Given square ABCD and equilateral tria ngle SAB lying in two different planes. Let At be a
point moving on segm ent AB. Through point A,f, draw plane (a) parallel to plane (SBC).
Thj€t di¢n t~o bai ( a) va hlnh ch6p SABCD la hlnh gl ?
What shape is the cross section created by plane (a) and pyramid S.ABCD~
(A) Tam giac ; (B) H1nh blnh hanh ;
a triangle; a parallelogram:
(C) Hinh thang ; (D) Hlnh vuong.
a trapezoid; a square.
12. "'.'&i gia thiet cua bai ~p 11 , g9i N, P, Q 1&1 luc;,t la giao cua m~t (a) vcri cac ducmg
thang CD, DS, SA. T~p hc;,p cac giao di~m I cua hai duong thAng MQ va NP la
Usin~ the ~uppo~ition !nExercise 11 , let N, P and Q be the intersection points of plane (a)
and Imes ( IJ.,D5, and ,\A The set of intersection points I of two lines ,\,fO and N/ is

(A ) £?ac'mg thang ; (B) Nira duang thAng ; -

a lme; a half line·
(C) Do~ thing song song v6i AB ; (D) T~p hc;,p ;tmg.
a segment parallel to AB; an empty set

• ~00t8/ Do you kno w ?
at thu c
Ta -le t. DQ llai da u tien ph ilt hien ra nh
Th zil ~ - the fil':)t to pre dic t i>OlZll'
eclipi>e zi
hinh h9c
If Ta-Jet trong hinh h9c phin g va tron g
M9i ng~ ai chu n¥ t~ deu biet den dinh va m(>t nha thie n van kiem
nglfoi thfch di du ljch
kl?~ng gta!). Ta:l et la m?t thua ng gia, m(>t tnra ng pha i triet h9c
Hi L<;tp va la ngw)i sang l~p ra
tnet ~9c. ?ng _ la~m◊,_t nha bac h9c thai c6 ng lich str b(>
ti! nrue n O Mt-let. Ong ciing duq c xem la thuy
t6 cua b6 mon Hinh hoc. Tro m 585
t hi¢n ra nh~t .thl,l'c vao ngay .25 than g
m6n Thie n van , Ta-l ~t la ngu oi d~u tien pha g each
nguoi di bicfo xac djnh phucmg hu6 ng bfui
trua c Con g ngu yen . Ong da khu yen nhiing
dtJa vao cho m sao Ti~u Hun g Tinh . wa.., a
geom etry and spatial geo met ry. Tha les
We all kno w Tha les' The orem in plane -;cie ntist from
mer cum a philosopher. He was a, a trav el love r and an a~trono He was
ol of natural phil osop hy in Miletu<; .
anci ent Gre ece who foun ded the scho first
In the history of astr ono my, Tha les was the
ackn o\\ !edg ed as the ance stor of geo met ry. sailo rs to rely on the
BC. Mor eove r, he advised
to pred ict a sola r ecli pse on May 25, 585
tion in the ocea n.
con stell atio n Urs a Min or to locate their po~i


6ia i thi ¢u ph ua ng ph ilp tie n de
tro ng vi¢ c xa v dl!DQ hin h h9 c
ge om etr y
1tn int rod uc tio n to nx iom zm zn tio n of
n6i duo r6n g
Tron~ luc chu y$n tr6, Hin- be (Hilb ert)
ng th6n g, m¢ t ph6 ng to c6 the n6i ve
"Tro ng hlnh hoc , thay cho diem , duo "
. cai ban, cai ghe va nhO ng c6c bia.
, lines , and
d: ' In Geo met ry, inste ad of p oints
con vers atio n , Hilb ert Jokin gly rem arke ugs· .
Duri ng O
plan es, one m ight Just as well talk of tabl es, c hairs, and bee r m

pha m "Co ban ", d-cl it la ngu m dau tien d~t
Tu the kl thu ba trt16c C6n g ngu yen , qua tac t~y¢t vm
g cho vi¢c ap d1;1ng phtr on~ phap_ tie~ ~e tr~ng vi~c xAy d~g h)nh ~9c ._f ~on g
m6n l the ki
u th~ h~, toan ,h<.>~ tlep th~o va_ m~• den CUO 9 da
nay cua d-cl ft da dtrqc hoa n thi~n bm nh~e xua:t ban nam 189
phAm Co so hm~ h9c
XIX Hin -be nha toan h9c Due, tron g tac tac gia
va kh6 ng mAu thuAn: Nga y na~ co nhie u
dua ~a m6t he tien de ngAn, g9n , dAy du
ra nhii ng h~ tien de m~ c~~ h1nh h<_>e q -clit nhu ng ,ve ~o b~n vAn dtJa vao h¢ tien
kha c dua _
luqc ve phu ang ~~ap tten de. ..
de Hin -be. Sau dAy chu ng ta s~ t1m h1eu so
In the 3"' cen tury BC, with his _grea t wor
_k, a ~o?~ caJl~d The Elem_e nts , Euc lid _was the
idea was
r:nat1zat1on of geor!1~try. His ~ar velo us
first to lay foun dati on for app lyin g the ax1o l late
ions ?~ mathen~aucians and 1~ was not unti
com plem e nted by man y subs equ ent gen erat c1se , . com p!et e and
9u1 cent u ry that Hilb er,_ a S,er man .~1athcmat1c ia~ , desi gne d a co~ ed m 189 9.
1 Fou nda tions of _Geon:ietry 1 pub lish
con sii;te nt ax iom system m his work The l idia n
aday s, man y mat hem _atic ians ~a~e crea ted new _ ax1~~at1 c s~stem s in . Euc
Now ab0 ut
d_e pend ~n Hil bert s. We will lear n bne fly
geo metry but basi call y, thei r s)'.stems sull
win g sect10n .
the axiomati zat ion of geo met ry in the follo
6 A •H INH HOC 1 1 (SN )
l. Tiin di la gi ? What is an axiom?
Trong sach giao khoa hlnh hQC a truang ph6 thOng, chung ta da g~p nhun& khai .~i~m dau
tien cu~ hinh hQC nhu diim, ducmg thing, m~t p~~ng, di~1~ thu~c du?°g t~~g, diem thu('.>c
m~t phang v.v... Cac khai ni~m nay duqc mO ta bang hlnh anh cua chu~g ~a deu ~On~ duac
djnh nghia. Ngum ta gQi d6 la cac khai ni¢m c(J bdn va dung chung de _dµl~ nghia c_ac khai
ni¢m khac. Hem niia, khi hQC Htnh hQc, chung ta con g~p nhung m¢nh ~e to~ h9c thua nh~n
nhiing tinh chat dung d£n de1n gian nh~t cua ducmg thAng va m~t phang ma kh6ng chung
minh, d6 la cac tien di hinh hoc.
In geometry textbooks in gen~ral education schools, you were introduced to first concepts 1n
geometry such as points, straight lines, planes, points on lines and poin ts in planes. The\e
concepts arc represented by images and are undefined . They are called basic concepts used
for defining other math concepts. Moreove r, in geometry , you learned about math
propositio ns accepting true simplest properties of lines and planes without any proofs. The)
are called Keometric axioms.
Thi d1,1 nhu For example:
- C6 ml)t va chi m<,t duang thAng di qua hai diem phAn bi~t cho tnr6c ;
There exists one and only one line passing through two given distinct lines;
- C6 m(,t va chi m(,t m~t phAilg qua ba diem khong thing hang cho tnr6c ;
There exists one and only one plane passing through three given non-colli near lines;
- !'ltu c6 m<,t duang thing di qua hai diem cua m¢t m~t ph~g thl m9i diem cua duang
thang deu thu¢c m~t phAng d6 ; v.v...
If there exists a line passing through two points in a plane, then every point on the line lies in
the plane; and so on
Ngum ta dtµt vao cac tien de Hinh hQC de chung minh cac djnh lf ciia Hinh hQC va xAy dtµ1g
toan be, n<,i dung cua n6. M¢t h~ tien de hoan chinh phai thoa man mQt s6 dieu ki¢n sau :
Geometric axioms are used to prove geometri c theorems and develop its entire contents. A
complete axiomati c system must satisfy the following condition s:
- H¢ tien de phai khOng mau thuful ;
The axiomati c system must be consistent;
- MOi tien de cua h¢ phai d9c l~p vm cac tien de con I~ ;
Each of the ax iomatic system must be independ ent of the other axioms;
- H¢ tien de phai day du.
The axiomati c system must be complete .

2. Cac Ii thuyet hinh h9c Geometric tlieorie.~.

Chung ta bitt rAng m6i Ii thuy€t hinh hQC c6 m(>t h¢ tien de rieng cua n6. Rieng hlnh hQC d-
clit va hlnh hQC LO-ba-sep-xki chi khac nhau v~ tien de song song, con ~t ca cac tien de con
I.µ cua hai If thuy€t hlnh h9c nay deu gi6ng nhau. Trong sach giao khoa Hlnh hQC lap 7, tien
de d-clit ve duang thing song song dUQ'C phat bieu nhu sau :
We know that each geometric theory has its own axiomatic system. Eucl idian geometry and
Lobachevskian geometry contain different parallel axioms while their remaining axioms are
simjlar. In the Geometry Grade 7 textbook, Euclidinn a'tiom on parallel lines is stated as

M d

"Qua m<jt dilm M nam ngoai m<jt duimg th&ng a chi co m<jt duimg thfing d song song viJi ducm_g
thdng a d6 ". Trong cac giao trlnh ve ca sa hlnh hQC, tien de nay du~ g<,>i la ti~n dt V cua 0-dtt.
''Through u point M not on a line a, there exists a single line d parallel to the line a.·· In
materials on geometri c basics. th is axiom is called the Euclidian Axiom V

82 98-HINH HOC 1uSill

Su6t ?cm ~
2 ~run ngum ta da nghi nga cho rAng tien de V la m¢t dtnh If ch11 kh6ng phai la
~◊t ~ien de v~ tt1!1 cac_h chung minh tien de V tu
cac tien de con l~i. nhung ta't ca d~u kho ng
d1 dtn k€t qua. Tien de V con duqc phat bieu m6t each chCnh xac nhu sau:
and not
For o~er 2000 years, it had been doubted that the Euclidi an Axiom V was a theorem
Euclidi an Ax iom V
an axiom an~ the rest of Euclidi an axioms had been tried to prove the
but to no ava il. The exact stateme nt of the Euc lidian Axiom V is as foll ows:
nhie u nfla't
"Trong m~t phlt~g xac djnh bm dtrang thltng a va m9t di~m M kh6ng thu()c a c6
la m()t d~ang thang di qua diem M va kh6ng dt a". Sau d6 ngum ta d~t ten cho ducmg
kh6ng cat a n6i tren la duang thang song song vm a.
''In a plane defined by a line a and a point Af not on a, there exist::. one line at most
the line a
throug h the point Mand not intersec ting the li ne a." Later, the line not ting
above was named a line paralle l to the line a .
L6-ba-s ep-xki la ngum dtiu tien d~t van de thay tien de 0-clit bAng tien de L6-ba-s
nhu sau:
Lobach evsky was the first to come up \\ ith his idea to replace the Euclidi an Axiom
Lobach evskian Axiom stated as follows :
'Trong mq,t phdng xac djnh boi duc'lng thdng a va m9t dilm M khong thuqc a co it nhdt
duc'lng th<ing di qua M va khong ciit a".
"In a plane defined by a line a and a point Af not on line a. there exist at least two
passing through the point Mand not intersecting the line a ."

hem hai
Tir tien de nay ngum ta chung minh duqc t6ng cac g6c trong m6i tam giac deu nho
nay, Hinh
vu6ng va xay dl!Ilg nen m◊t m6n Hinh hQC mm la Hinh h9c Lo-ba-s ep-xld. Ngay
m◊t buoc
h9c L6-ba-s ep-xki c6 nhitu ung d1,mg trong nganh V~t Ii vu lrl;l va da t~o nen
ngo~t trong vi¢c lam thay d6i tu duy khoa h9c cua con nguoi.
This axiom helped prove that the sum of the angles in a triangle is less than two right
evski an
and a new g eometry , Lobach evskian Geornetry, was fom1ed . Nowad ays, Lobach
constitu ted a
geomet ry has been applied a great deal in Physics of the Univers e and has
major turning point in changin g human scicnti fie thinking .

- 1

T R O N G K H O N G G IA N . Q U A N HE•

g gian
❖ Vecto trong khon
Vectors in sp ac e
ong g6c
❖ Hai dLtang th in g vu
Two perpendicular lin
g6c voi m~t ph in g
❖ DLtang th in g vuong
to a plane
A line perpendicular
g g6c
❖ Hai m~t ph in g vuon
Two perpendicular pla
❖ Khoang each

g ta se h.. , •.
Trang chllang nay ch,un .•- ng ,en cw ve vecta trong khong gian,
d· , ,
dong tho',· ua vao cac k1en thCtc , r • , h<Jp cac vecta
. co ,en quan den t~p •
trong khon g1an ue xay dUllg qua h.
A ,? • ng,
n ~ vuong g6 c cua dll on g
ang tro ng kh on g gia ~.
m~t ph
learn b .
In this chapter, you will f I a ou t vectors ,n space and apply yo
know ledge of se ts of s nd icu lar
cti ng the perpe
pda ,al vec~ors to constru
relationsh ips of fines an Pa ne s in space.
0 lap 10 c hung ta da dtrqc hQC ve vecta trong m ~l phang. Nhiing kie n thuc co l ien quan c.t~n VCCl? d a
giup chung ta lam 4ucn v(ri phtrcmg phap dung vecto va dung to<;t d◊ d~ nghicn cw
hi.nh hQC phan¥ ·
O,ung ta biet ri ng t~p hc:,p cac vecw nfun trong m~t phang nao c.16 la m()t b¢ ph~ cu_a ~p h<!? ~ac
vecta trong kh6ng g ian. Do c16 c.tinh ngrua vccw trong kho ng g ian cung voi m 9t so 119 1 dung co he n
quan dt!n vecta nhtr d◊ dai cua vecta, SIJ cung phtrcmg, c ung htrang cua ha i vecta. g ia cua v~w._St!
bAng nhau cua hai vecto va cac quy tac thlfC hi~n cfic phep toan ve vecto d trqc xay dlJllg va xac ?!nl~
hoan toan ttrcmg ll;I nhtr trong m;)t phang. Tat nhien trong kh6ng g ian, chung ta ~e g~p nhimg van c1~
mai v~ vecto nhtr vi~ xet Sl! d6ng phang hoi[tc khOng d6ng ph~g c ua ba vecta hoc)c vi~c ph~ t ~ch
m◊t vecta theo ba vecta kh<"m g d6ng phang. Nhiing n◊i dung nay se duqc xct d en trong cac phan l 1cp
theo sau day.
ln Grade IO. ,nu learned about \..:c.:tor-, m a plane. Your knowkdg~ of vector'-. ha-. hdpcd ~ou
fam iliarv.c )-our-.clve" \\'ith the method of using vccto1, and LOOJ<linatc~ to ,tud)- plane !!comet~
We knov.. that the ol \CCtors m a plane i.., part of thc ,ct of vector.. in ,p.tce. Therefore. the
dcfinit1on ol -.cctor-. 111 ..,pace and -.omc content.., rclatmg 10 ,cctor~ ~uch a.'> the m,1gnitude o f
-.ector... two paralkl \e<.:lor.. two vector!\ w1Lh the . . amc direction. the ba,c of a vc1..1or. tv.u cqua\
\CCtor-. and ruks for O[ll!rat1on.., on vector" arc con..,tructed and defined in a compktcl j '-ltnil,lf \\a)
to ,cctor. . m a plane. I lowevcr. regarding vector.., in ..,pace, you wiJl encounter new mattcr-- ,uch a-.
detcnnmm g whether three \Cctot '.'t arc coplanar or non coplanar and analyzing a \Cctor 111 l\..'nn, of
three non-.:oplan,1r vector. . . ll1csc contents will be dealt with later in th1" unit.
Cho do.;m th~g AB trong khOng gian. Neu ta ch9n die m d:iu la A, cli~m c u 6i la B ta c6 m <)t
vecto, dtrqc ki hi¢u la AB.
Given a ..,cgmcnt AB in '-P~- If we choo'>e an initial point A and a terminal point B. tht..·n \\t..'
have a vector. denoted by AB.
" 1• 1. Djnh nghTa Definition
l,.l:.1,_.~ Vecto trong khong gian la m<)t dogn thdng co hUClng. Ki hi¢u AB chi ,·ectcJ c6 c1il m
dau A, die'm cu6'i B . Vect<J con dU(/C ki hi¢u La ci. b, y . ...
A ,•ec tor i11 ,pace• i, a directed line .\eimc11t "lotation AB indicates a \'t'Ctor with an

,,. i11i1iol f)Olfll A and a ternwwl point B. V ectur i~ ul.,·o denoted hv ii. h, , .v . ..
Cac khai ni¢m c6 lien quan de n vecta nhtr gia c ua vecto, d◊ d ai cua vec ta. su cung p. hu
hltk- ' h · :--
u11g cua ~• vecto, vect<1 - kh 6ng, SIJ b ang. h , O
n au cua hai vect<J, ... duac dinh. n ghia tuanoone. c ung
trong m~l phang. h~
· · • e ti! n Lr
Vector-rela ted ~onccpts such as the ba-,c of a wctor, the mag,nilude of , v, 'l
·h h d' .
v~c ~or,;;, two vectors v.:1t l e ,amc 1rect1on. zero vectors. two ~ •1 1.:c or. t\\O p.u,\ l\d
equal vector~ arc def ,J •
~ s1m1lar way to vectors tn a plant.. . m1.: m .1
1 C_ho hinh tu di~n ABCD. Ha~ chf ra cac vecto c6 ,diem dau la Ava di~m cu6i la cac dtnh
O I · , . .
d1~n. Cac vecto d6 c6 cung nam trong m9t m~t phang khOng ? c n ~1cua hinh tu
Given tetrahedron AIJCD. Show vectors with initial point A and the other vert f h
terminal points. Are the vectors coplanar? exes O t e tetrahedron as
~2 Cho hlnh h¢p ABCD.A 'B'C'D '. Given cube ABCD.A 'B'C'D '.
Hay k~ t~n cac vecto c6 di~m dau va diem cu6i la cac dinh cua hinh hOp v.,. b.. -
. a ang vectcr AB.
Name vectors with the vertexes of the cube as their initial points and terminal points d -
2. Phep c9ng va phep tru vectu trong khong gia.n Vector additi an equal to v~tor_AB.
Phe p c¢ng va phep tru hai vecta trong kh6ng gian duac ct· nh o'!..and subtract10 11 m splice
phc p trit hai vecta trong m~t phAng. · ~ nghia tuang tl! nhu phe p c(mg vi\
Ve(;tor addition and -;ubtraction in space and vector aud·t' .
<.lefincd . . imilarly . 1
ion anc1 subtractio n in a' arc


~o ng m~! Phang.
c6 ca c tin h ch it nh u p~ ep c¢ ng ve cta
khOng gia n cii ng m. guy
Ph ~p c¢ ng ve cta trong g gia n ta vA n. c6 th~ ap d1µ1g guy tac ba di~
~ 1 thl!c hi~n ph ep
c¢ ng ve cta trong khOn
e ph an g.
nh b1 nh ha nh nh u d6 i va i ve cta tro ng hin h h<;> pr op ert ies .. While
tac h1 in a pl an e ha ve ~e sa me nd th
ac e an d ve cto r ad dit ion e equilate,aJ
Ve cto r ad dit ion in sp e, we ca n ap ply t11e thr ee -po mt ru le a
ion in sp ac
pe rfo nn in g ve cto r ad dit
cto rs in pla ne ge om etr y.
rule in a sim ila r way to ve BC.
o tudi~ n AB CD. Chung mi nh : AC +
BD = AD +
1. Ch
V( d¥
n AB CD . Pr ov e: AC +
BD = AD +BC. A

1 . Gi ve n tet rah ed ro
Exam ple
fiiai So lution
ta c6
Th eo qu y tAc ba di~m
we ge t
By the thr ee -p oin t ru le,
--- + --- + - B
AC = AD + DC (h.3. 1).
Do do Th us : C
Hinh Figure 3.1
--- + -
----- + ___ .

AC + BD = AD + DC + BD
= AD +( BD +D C)

= AD +B C.
cac phep
~ 3 Cho hinh h(:>p AB
CD.EFGH. Hay thl/C hi~n I

toan sau day (h.3.2) : - -~ ,- -- -<


. Perform the following
Given cube ABCD.EFGH
operations (Fig. 3.2). ,/F
a) AB +C D+ EF +G H;
- -
b) BE - CH.
Hinh Figure 3.2
Qu y tile hinh h~p
Cube rule
Ch o hlnh h(>p ABCD.A
'B'C'D' c6 ba c ~ xua't ph
AC '.
' va c6 du an g ch eo la
tir dinh A la AB, AD , AA
h h¢ p Ia :
Kh i d6 ta c6 gu y tAc hin B C
'B'C'D ' with three ed
ge s - --- -- "7 1
Gi ve n cu be ABCD.A th

AB, AD an d AA ' an d wi

sta rti ng fro m vertex A:


A r- -:: --';- --
ha ve cu be rul e:
dia go na l AC '. No w we
AB+ AD+ M AC = (h.3.3).
Qu y tAc na y duqc su y
ra tir gu y tAc hlnh binh ha
tro ng h1nh h9 c phiing. e in D'
m the pa ral lel og ram rul A'
Th is ru le is inf err ed fro
pla ne ge om etry. Hinh Figure 3.3
t s,f
3. Ph ep nhan vectu vui m~
Scalar multiple of a vecto ng t1!
i m( >t s6 k :t:- 0 la vecta k ii duqc djn h nghla rua
cu a ve cta ii v6 ng m~t phfuig.
Tr on g kh 6n g gian, tfch gi6 ng nh u ca c tinh ch lt da duqc xe t tro
c6 ca c tfn h cha't
nh u trong m? t phfuig va
by a a sc ala r k -:t: 0 is an oth er ve cto r k a.
Th is defin ition is
a ve cto r t in pla ne .
In sp ac e, the mu lti ple of lti ple sh are s pr op ert ies proved with tha
an d thi s mu
the same as tJJat in pla ne

Vi d1:1 2. Cho tu <lien ABCD .
• ·
trQng tam cua tam giac BCD. Go1 . , M , N. 1an
lu<;n la trun diem , ,
Exam ple 2 Give n tetrah l . Chung mmh rang .
. g cua cac c';lnh AD, BC va G la
respective l~ and let G be el ron ABCD Le
tl , . ·
t M and Iv be th
- 1 -- - d .
ie centr oid of trian gle BCD p ~ m1 point s of. edge~
a) MN =-(A B+D C) AD c.lfld BC.
2 ro\c:
b) AB + -AC +AD = 3AG .

(}iai So{ution
a) Ta c6 \Ve have MN = MA --AB - _ _
Do d6 Henc e :
. , .,
Vl M la trung diem cua doan AD
2MN = MA -M - _ + BN va MN - MD -
~C + C N (h.3.4 ).
+ D +AB + DC + BN + C N
- -
, • . nen MA + MD = 0_ va
N la trung diem cua docµi BC nen BN + CN = O .
Since point M is the m idpo · t f
. . _
m o segm e~AD' we have MA + MD
m tdpo mt of segm ent BC, we have BN + CN = O = 0 and si nce N is the
, Th
Dodo us -MN = 1 (AB
- -
+DC ). A
b)Ta c6 We have AB= AG+ GB
AC=AG+ac , ,,

Suy ra W e infer B --- D
AB+ AC+ AD= 3AG +GB +GC +GD.
V1 G la trc;mg tam cua tam giac BCD nen GB+ GC +GD
= o. C
Since G is the centr oid of trian gle BCD , we have
GB CC + GD =O.
+ Hinh Figure 3.4
Do d6 ta suy ra Ther efore , we infer AB+ AC+ AD
= 3AG.
~4 Trang khOng gian cha hai vecta a va b d~u
khac vecto - khOng. Hay xac d\nh cac vecto m= 2a,
n- = - 3b va' p- = m
- + n.
Given two non-zero spatial vectors aand b. Determine vectors m= 2a, n= - 3b and
ii = m + n.

11. 01t u ~ N 1>0N G PHA NG cuA BA VEC TO


1. Kha i n~m ve Sf! d6ng phdn g cua ba vectu trong khon g gian
Con cept of the copl anar ity of three vecto rs in space
Tron g kh6n g gian cho ba vectcJ a, c
b, deu khac vecta - khong. Neu tir m◊t di~m O bat Id ta
ve 0A = a, OB= b, QC =c thl c6 thi xay ra hai trUcmg hc;,p :
In space give n three non- zero vecto rs a,band c.If we draw from any point O OA =
- a.
OB = b and OC = c, then two cases can occur.
• Tnrcm g hqp cac ducmg thing OA , OB, OC kh6n
g cung nfun trong m◊t m~t phin g, khi d6 ta
n6i ring ba vecUJ a, c
b, khon g d6ng pMn g (h.3.5a).
In the case wher e lines OA , OB and OC are non- copla
nar, we say three ,·ecro rs a· ;; 311d r
are non-copla nar (F ig. 3.5a) .
thl ta noi ha
• Tnrcrng hqp cac ducmg thang OA , OB, OC cung n~m trong m¢t m~t phing
rect<l a. b. c d6ng phdng (h.3.5b).
ln th~ ca.,c where lines OA. OB an<l OC cophuiar. we say three 1 ('('/Ors a· bancJ < ur,
n >plcmar (Fig. \.Sb).
Trong truong hqp nay gia cua cac vecto a, h. C luOn luOn song song v6'i m()t m~t phfulg .
In thi~ c-a-;c. the base,; of thr~c vectors a, haud c are alway~ parallel to the same plane.

a. b. c kh6ng dong phang b) Ba vectc, a,b,C dong phang

a' b-and r
a) Ba vectc,

Three non-coplanar vectors a' b-and C Three coplanar vectors

Hinh Figure 3. 5

cJr Chu j. Vi¢c xac dinJi St! d6ng phing ho~c kh6ng d6ng phing cua ba vecto n6i tren khong
ph9 thu¢c vao vi¢c ch<;>n diem O.
Note. Determining the coplanarity or non-coplanarity of the three vectors above doe) not
depend on the choice of location of point 0 .
Tu d6 ta c6 djnh nghia sau day :
Thus we have the following definition.
2. Djnh nghia
ill Trong khong gian ba vect{J dU<JC g9i la dong phdng neu cac gia cua chung cung
lli song song viii m9t ,ruJt phdng (h.3.6) .
_/i,I•._ 11
IF space three i·ectors are coplanar ,f their bases are parallel to the same plane
1 ( ig. 3.6).


Hinh Figure 3. 6

Vi dl;l 3. Cho t~i~~~ G<;>i M va N IAn hrqt la trung di~m cua AB va CD. Chung minh
rAng ba vecta BC, AD, MN d6ng phing.
Example 3. Given tetrahedron ABCD. Let M and N be the midpoints of edges AB and AC.
-- -
Prove that three vectors BC, AD and MN are coplanar.

qidi Sofution
Goi p va Q Ian hr<J! la trung di~m cua AC va BD (h ?) T· . ,
· ·3· . a co PN
song song v6i MQ va PN =MQ = i AD. V~y tu giac MPNQ la
hlnh blnh hanh. M~t phing (MPNQ) chua duong th"~g MN >-
. v6i. cac
song ,( d1Iu11g
>..... th '
ang AD va' BC. au Va song

Let p and Q be the midpoints of edges AC ai1ct BD · I D

· , re~pect1vc y B
(Fig. J 7). We have PN parallel to MQ ai1d PN =MQ = I_ AD.

Thus ~1u:1~rilateral MP_NQ i~ a parallelogram. Plane (MP;Q)

contmm lme MN and 1s parallel to lines AD and BC.
Ta suy ra ba duang thing MN, AD, BC cung
song song v6i m◊t m~t phAng. Do d6 ba vecto We infer three lines MN , AD and BC are paraJlcl
BC' MN' AD dong phAng.
to th1: !>ame plane. Thus three vectors BC, MN
and AD arc copl.:inar.
ts Cho hinh h¢p ABCD.EFGH. G<;>i Iva K Ian luqt la !rung diem cua cac ~nh AB va BC. Chung minh rang cac
dl/Ol19 !Mng IK va ED song song vai m~t ph~ng (AFC). Tcr d6 suy ra ba vecta AF,
fK , ED
dong ph~ng.
Given cube ABCD.EFGH. Let I and K be the midpoints of edges AB and BC. respectively. Prove that lines
!K and ED are parallel to plane (AFC ). Next, infer three vectors AF, IK
and ED
are coplanar.
3. Dilu ki~n di ba vectu dong pluing Conditions for thret vectors to be coplanar
Tu dµih nghia ba vecta dong phAng v~ tir dµih li ve Sl.J phan tfch (hay biiu th!) m◊t vecta theo hai vecta
kh6ng cung plurang trong hlnh hc;>c phang chung ta c6 the chung minh dugc djnh li sau day :
s, the definition of three coplanar vectors and by the theorem on the analysis (or repre&entation) of a
,~ctor in term~ of t~o non-parallel vectors in plane geometry, we can prove the following theorems:
Djnh Ii 1 Theorem 1
!ii Trong khong gian cho hai vecto a, b kh6ng cung phuong va vecto C. Khi d6 ba vecto a, b, c
I~ dong pluing khi va chi khi co cijp s6' m, n sao cho c =ma+ nb. Ngoai ra ciJp so' m, n la duy nhat.
~ In space. gil'l'/1 11011-paral/el \'ectors Q and b and }?il'e!l ,·ecror c. Now three l'ectors O. /)

and r are coplanar if and only if there e.risrs a pair of scalars m and II such that
c = mci + nh.
~ Beside., . rhe pair of scalars m and n is unique.
i6 Cho hai vecto a va b d~u khac vecta O. Hay xac djnh vectcr C= 2a - b va giai thfch t~i sao ba vecta
a, b, c d6ng phang. _
Given two non-zero vectors aand h.Determine vector c = 2a - hand explain why three vectors a, h
r are coplanar.
and _ _
!1 Cho ba vecta a, b, c trong khOng gian. Chung minh rang n~u ma+ nb +pc= 0 va m¢t trong ba s6 m,
n, p khac khOng thi ba vecta a, b, c d6ng ph~ng. _ _
Given three vectors a, b- and c~ 1·n space. Prove that if ma + nh + pc = 0 and if one of three scalars
m nor p is non-zero then three vectors a, b
and c are coplanar. -< h AD ,
, , .
Vi du 4. Cho tu d1en' ABCD G . M
. 91 va , N Ian luat
. la trung diem cua AB va CD. Tren cac c~ va
. . -
BC lart IUCJI 13:y cac diem P va Q sao cho AP =
2 AD ,
BQ -- ~3 BC . Chung minh r~ng bon diem
M, N, P, Q cung thu◊e m¢t m~t phing. d N be the midpoints of edges AB and CD.
J::xomple 4. Given tetrahedron ABCD. Let M an _ _ _ _
2 2
· . p . d Q !>UCh that AP = - AD and BQ = - BC.
rc-,pectivel}. Take on edges AD and BC points an 3 3
Prove thaJ four poinh M, N, P. Q arc copl:inar.

qilii So[utwn
Tac6 Weh:ive MN = MA+AD+D N

va and MN = MB+ BC+ CN (h.3.8).

Do d6 Hence 2 MN = AD+ BC
____. l - -
hay or MN = -(AD+ BC). (I)
2 C
2- 3- Hinh Figure 3.8
Mat khac v1 AP= -AD nen AD= -AP,
3 2
2 __, 3 -
0 n the other hand, since AP = AD hence AD = 2AP,
- 2- - 3-
BQ=-BC nen BC=-BQ.
3 2
- 2- - 3-
and since BQ = - BC hence BC = -2 BQ.
' 3
Do d6 tit (I) ta suy ra Therefore, from ( J ), we infer:

__,. 1 3 ____. - 3 ___,. __,. - __,.

MN =-·-(AP+ BQ) =-(AM+ MP+ BM+ MQ).
2 2 4
__,. 3 ~ ---+ ---+ ____,. ~

MN =-(MP+MQ ), vi since AM +BM= 0.


He thuc MN= i""iiP+iMQ chung to ba vecta

4 4
MQ d6ng phing nen b6n diem
M, N, P, Q cung thu<)c mQt m~t phAng.
___. 3 - 3 ___,. ____. - -
Relation M N = - MP + - MQ shows that three vectors M N, MP and MQ are coplanar and
4 4
so are four points M , N, P , Q.
Dfnh If I cho ta phtrang phap chung minh Slf d6ng phAng cua ba vecta th6ng qua vi¢c biiu
thi m(',t vecta theo hai vecta kh6ng cung phtrang.
Theorem 1 provides us with the method of proving the coplanarity of three vectors by
representing a vector in terms of two non-parallel vectors.
Ve vi¢c biiu thi m(',t vecta bit Id theo ba vecta kh6ng d6ng phing trong kh6ng gian, ngtrcri ta
cbung minh dtr<JC djnh If sau dAy.
Regarding the representatio n of an arbitrary vector in terms of three non-coplana r spatial
vectors, the following theorem is proved.
If 2 Theorem 2
*iii Dinh
/// Trang khong gian cho ba vecw khong dong phdng
/!/ a, b, c. Khi do VCli m9i vectO'
ta deu tim dUO'C



Iii b9 ba so' m, n, p sao cho x=ma+ nb + pc. N goai ra

/ii b9 ba so' m, n, p la duy nhat (h.3 .9). I

/j/ In space given three non-planar vectors b anda, c. B\


ff/ Now for every vector x, we can find a triple of

Ill scalars n, , n and p such that ; = ma + nb + pc .
f!f Be~·ides, the triple of scalars m . 11 and p is unique
1,1 (F,g.3.9). D'
Hinh Figure 3.9

Vf d~ 5. Cho htnh h¢p ABCD.EFGH c6 AB = a, AD = b, AE = ( . G9i / la Irung di~m cua
do~n BG. Hay bieu thi vecto' Af qua ba vecto a,b,C.
Example 5. Given cube ABCD .EFGH with AB = ii. AD = b and A£ = r. Let / b..-: thl'
midpoint of ~egment BG. Represent vector Al in terms of three vectors
- a, h and <.
quli Solutwn
., _..,. }--t--+
V1 / la trung diem cua do~n BG nen ta c6 Al= (AB + AG)
. . ___, I __. --.
Since I be the m1dpomt of segment BG, we have AI = (AB + AG)
__,. __,. ----. .-----.
2 B
-+ ~--------..
trong d6 where AG = AB+ AD+ AE a '. ' _::., ,
.... ' b ',,
= a+b+ c (h.3.lO)(Fig.3.10). A
_..,. 1 - .... - -
V~y AI = (a +a +b+ c), suy ra
Therefore, Af =.!.ca+ a + b+c), we infer E H
- 1 .... l Hinh Figure 3.10
AI= a+-b+-c.
2 2


1. Cho h1nh Hing lfl:I tu giac ABCD.A'B'C'D'. M~t phfulg (P) dt cac qnh hen AA', BB', CC', DD'
Jan hrqt t~i I, K, L, M. Xet cac vecto' c6 cac diem dAu la cac diem I, K, L, M va c6 cac diem
cu6i la cac dinh cua hlnh Hing lfl:l. Hay chi ra cac vecta :
Given quadrilateral prism ABCD.A'B'C'D'. Plane (P) cuts edges AA ', BB', CC'. DD' at points
/, K, L, M, respectively. Consider vectors with initial points I, K, L, M and the edges of the
prism as their terminal points. Show vectors
a) Cung phuang voi IA ;
parallel to IA ;
b) Cung huang voi IA ;
with the same direction as IA ;
c) Nguqc huang vm IA.
with opposite directions to IA .
2. Cho hinh h¢pABCD.A'B'C'D'. ChCrng minh rAng:
Given cube ABCD.A'B'C'D'. Prove:
a) AB+ B'C' +w = A2 ;
b) BD - D'D - B'D'
___. --+
=Bi ;
___,. ---+ -

c) AC+BA'+DB+C'D=O.
3. Cho hinh binh hanh ABCD. G9i S la m¢t diem nAm ngoai m~t phfulg cht'ra hinh binh hanh.
Given parallelogram ABCD. Let point S be not in plane containing the paraJlelogram.
Chung minh rAng Prove : SA+ SC= SB+ SD.
g di~m cua AB va CD. Chung mioh rang
va N Ian ltrqt la trun
-'· Cho hinh ru di~n ABC D. G9i M
AB and C/1
en tetr ahe dro n AB CD . Let M and N be 1hc midpoin11; of cdf' C'>
resp ect ivd y. Prove:
--- . I --. .__.
a) MN = (AD + BC ) :
-.. . I ..__. ---.
b)MN = (AC+BD).
hai diem £, F sao cho :
S. 010 htnh tu di~n ABCD. Hay xac dinh
poi nts £ and F such th,H :
Gi\ en tetrahedron ABCD. Detcm1inc two
a) AE = ::iB + A"c + AD ·'
b) Af'=AB+AC-AD. :
g tAm cua tam giac ABC. Chung minh ning
6. 010 hinh tu di¢n ABCD. G9i G la tr9n
centroid of triangle ABC. Prove:
Given tetrahedron ABCD. Let G be the
- -
------- __.,. +DC =3DG.
DA +DB G9i I la trung
M va N Ian hrqt la trung diem cua cac c{Ulh AC va BD cua tu di~n ABCD.
7. G9i :
bat 1d trong kh6ng gian. Chung minh
diem cua do ~ thang MN va P la m(>t diem ) . L.·t C
the mid points of edg es AC and BD of tetrahedron ABCD. rcspectiH~I
Let J,f :md N be
P be any point in space. Prove:
be the midpoint of segment MN and let
a) IA+ IB +IC +ID =O ;
~ 1_ ,. _,. - ---+

b) Pl =- (PA +P B+ PC +P D).

8. Cho hlnh Jang tf1:J tam giac ABCA

'B'C' c6 M = a, AB= b, AC= C. Hay phAn tfch (hay bi~u
-- --
thj) cac vectcr B'C, BC' qua cac vectCY
b, a, c.
reprc~c nt
AA' = a, AB= b and AC = c.Analyze or
Given triangular prism ABC.A 'B'C' with
vectors B'C and BC' in terms of vectors
a. b and c.
diem M sao
. Lay diem S nAm ngo ai m~t phing (ABC). Tren do?Jl SA lay
9. Cho
MS =
A va tren do ~ BC lay di~m N sao cho NB= -f
NC. Chung minh ba

vectCY AB, MN, SC d6ng phAng.
JX)int .M /,uch
en triangl e ABC . Let point S be outs ide plane (ABC). Take on segment SA
1 - . Prove that three
- = - -NC
segmen t BC poin t N suc h that NB
lhar MS = - 2MA and take on 2

vectors AB , MN . SC are cop lanar. DF.

K la giao di~m cua AH va DE, I la giao diem cua BH va
10. Cho hinh h()p ABC D.E FG
H. G9i
Chung minh ba vectCY AC, Kl, FG d6n
g phang.
and let / be the
en cub e ABC D.E FGH . Let K be the intersec1ion point of edges AH and DE
Prove that three vec tors AC, Kl . FG arc
intersec tion point of lines BH and DF.

§2. HAI DlfONc THANc vuoNc c6c
1. Goe gifta hai vectu trong kh ong
. .
An angle hehveen twos 1,a
pa 1 ••ectors

fl:~;;;~;kx::;; !1:!}m ~:;,ik;~;~



B va C la hai diem sao cho AB= ii, AC= V.

m Khi d6 ta g9i g6c SAC (0°::; SAC::; 180°) la Hinh Figure 3. 11
goc gifia hai vecta i1 va v trong kh6ng gian,
ki hi¢u la (u, v) (h.3.1 J).
Given f\.vo non-: ero spatial l'ectors ii and v.Take any point A and let Band C he
two points such that AB =u, a 11d AC =v. Now we call BAC
Iii (0° ::; BAC ::; 180°) the angle between two spatial 1·ectors ii and v , denoted by
:.: (ii, ~) (Fig . 3.11 ).

~ 1 Cho t(r di~n d~u ABCD co H la trung diem cua c~nh AB. Hay trnh g6c giaa cac ~P vecta sau day:
Given regular tetrahedron ABCD with midpoint H of edge AB. Compute the angle between the
following pairs of vectors:

a) AB va and BC ; -
b) CH va and AC .
2. Tich v6 hu/mg cua hai vectu trong khong gian
Dot p roduct of twn .,patial 1•ecton;

1; Djnh nghia Definition

II Trong kh6ng gian cho hai vecUJ i1 va v deu khac vect<J - kh6ng. Tich v6 hu6'ng cua
ii hai vect<1 u va v la m()t so: ki hi¢u la u. v, dur;c xac dfnh bm cong thuc:
Giren n.i·o 11011-zero spatial l'ectors ii and v. The dot product of rwo ,·ectors is a

II scalar. denoted hy i1. ~ and defined by the fo rmula:

II u.v = liil .lvl.cos(u, v)
Truong hc;,p i1 = Oho~c v= 0 ta quy 110c u.v =0.
If ii = 0 or v = o.then by convention ii.v = 0.
Vf du J. Cho tu di~n OABC c6 cac c~nh OA, OB, OC d6i m¢t vu6ng g6c va
OA = .OB = = I. G9i M la trung diem cua Ct;Ulh AB. Tinh g6c giG'a hai vecta OM va BC.
f:xamp/e 1 . Given tetrahedron ABCD with t~ree _pairwise perpendicular edges OA . OB and
AC and OA = OB = OC = J. Let M be the midpoint of edge AB. Compute the angle between
two vcc lof', OM and BC.

quli So{ution

Ta c6 We have cos(OM,BC) =
11 1

= °J!,.BC (h.3.12) (Fig.3.12).

M~t khac On the other hand,

"oM.oc = f(™ + m).<oc-m)


1 __. __,. __. _.,.. --+ _____. - - + 2 Hinh Figure 3. 12

= -(OA.OC-OA.OB+OB.OC - OB ) .
Vi OA, OB, OC d6i m¢t vu6ng g6c va OB= I nen
Since OA , OB, OC are pairwise perpendicular edges and OB = I,
__. __,. --+ __,. __. _____. --+ 2
va and OB = I .
.__..._____. I __,.__.,. o
Do d6 Hence cos(OM,BC) =--· 2 VAy
. Therefore, (OM,BC) = 120 .

~2 Cho hinh l~p phuang ABCD.A'B'C'D' Given square cuboid ABCD.A 'B'C'D '.
~ __,.__,.~
a) Hay phan tich cac vecta AC' va BD theo ba vecta AB, AD, AA'.

---+ _,.
Analyze vectors AC' and BD in terms of three vectors AB, AD and AA'.
- __,.
- -
b) Tinh cos(AC', BD) va tCtd6 suy ra AC' va BD vuOng g6c vai nhau.
- --+ -
Compute (AC', BD ) and then infer that AC' and BD are perpendicular.



1. Dfnh nghia Definition

Vect(J a
khac vect(J - khong dU(!c g9i la vect(J chi
phuong cua ducmg thdng d nlu gia cua vect(J a song
song hoc;tc trung viii duimg th&ng d (h.3 .13).
A non-zero vector a is called a direction vector of Hinh Figure 3. 13

line d if the base of vector ii is parallel to or

overlaps the lined (Fig. 3 .J 3 ).
2. Nhl!,n xet Remarks
a) Neu a la vecta chi phucmg cua duong th!ng d thi vecta kci vm k t: 0 cung la vecta chi
phucmg cua d.
If a is the direction vector of line d, then vector k a with k :;c O is also a direction vector of
the line d.

, .
g ian h , m A thu Oc d
b) M¢t duang th in g d tro ng kh On
oa n toa n du qc xac dµm neu biet m¢t die
va m9t vecte1 chi phuong a cua n ·d"f n6 g ·
. ec tion vecto ra
A spat ial lin e d is clearly
c I there exists a po
int A on line d and a dir
of the lin ed . , . , . ,
song v6 i nh au kh ' duan g ng phan bi~t
tha va
Ha i du an g th in g so ng i va ch i kh 1 ch un g la ha1
c) cung phuon g.
c6 hai .vectCY chi phtrong . . . .
two para llel
lle l if an d on l if the nc t Im es an d the re ex ist
Two mes ar e pa ra y y arc tw o di sti
direction vecto rs .
AN .,
, duang
6n g gi an ch o ha i dtra ng thing a, b bat, Id., Tu m(H diem O nao d6 ta ve hai g6c
Trong kh Ian ·. O thay d6i thi
thin , , b' I
ng vm a va b. T an h~ thA'y rang khi diem
·- g ~ ;: , khO ng trthqtaysod61. Do d6 ta c6 djnh nghia:
n~ so
g1tra a v .
es a a db F .
in t 0 , we dr aw tw o Im es a ' and b' parallel
ve n an y tw o Jin • rom an y po n lines a'
In rspace gi n
fin d tha t po in t O ch an ges but the angle betwee
tjvely. We
to m~s a and h, respec we have a definition .
and b does not. Thus
1. D!nh nghfa Definition goc giila hai duimg thd
ng a'
th~~? a ~a ~ tro ng kh on g gia n la
///; G~c ,gi~a ha~ duimg_ diem va Ian lu(ft song song v&i a va b (h.3.14).
!} va b cung d1 qua m9t b in sp ac e is the angle befl.veen lin
e a' and line b'
lin es a an d ely
///i Th e angl~ betw
een two
d pa ra lle l to lin e a and line b, respectir
/i/i all_passrng
thro ugh a point an
ff (Ftg.3 .14).

/. -------


Hinh Figure 3. 14

2. Nh~n xet Remarks b ta c6 the lA'y diim O thu9c m◊t trong hai
hai duang thing a va
a) D i xac djnh g6c giii'a g qu a O va so ng so ng vai duong thAng con l~i.
9t duong thin r of the lines
duong thAng d6 r6i ve m tw o lines a an d b, we ca n take po int O on eithe
To determine the angle ou
oth er line.
gh O and parallel to th e chi phuang ct.ia dt1ang thang b va
line pa ss in g thr
and th en draw a
ph uang cua dtrong thing a va
v Ia vecta
la vecte1 chi 180° - a
b) Ne u i1
a va b M ng a neu 0° ~ a ~ 90° va bang
i dt1ang thAng
(il, v) =a tru g6c gjii'a ha nh au tru g6c giii'a chUIJg bang 0°.
ng hO ?C trimg
u a va b song so band (ii, i') = a .
neu 90 ° < a ~ 180°. Ne of line a and if v is the direction vector of line
If ii is the direction vecto if 0° ~ a ~ 90° and equa
ls 180° - a if
es a an d b eq ua ls a
two lin
then the an gle be tween co incid e, then an gle between them eq uals
a and h are para llel or
90°<a ~ I80 °. If Jines
sau day:
A 'B'C 'D '. Tinh g6 c giaa cac ~p duong thAng
~ 3 Cho hinh l~p phl/C1
11g ABCD .
ute the an gle s be twee n the following pairs of lines
.A'B'C'D'. Comp
Given square cuboid ABCD ; c) A'C' va and B'C.
b) AC va an d B' C'
a) AB va and B' C' ; 95

Vi du 2. 010 h1nh ch6p SABC c6 SA = SB = SC = AB = AC = a va BC = a ✓2 · Tfnh g6c giiia
hai ducmg th:\ng AB va SC.
. . . I ('A "B _ SC - i\R - AC = a and !JC = {J '12
Examplt 2. Given pyr~urnd S.ABL wll 1 ~) = ,, - , - ' -
Compute the angle between two line~AB and SC.
quli Sofutwn
-- SC.AB
Ta c6 We have cos(SC.AB) = lscl.lABI
= (SA+ AC).AB (h.3.15) (Fig.3. 15 /
a.a__,.. _,_.
,__. ___...
- - SA.AB+ AC.AB
cos(SC,AB) = C
a2 Hinh Figure 3. 15

Vi CB2 = (a✓2 )2 = a2 + a2 = AC + AB nen

2 2 AC.AB = 0. Tam giac SAB d~u nen
-~ -___... o a
(SA.AB)= 120° vadod6 SA.AB=a.a.cos120 =-
2 · V~y:
l r;; ., 1
') ,., ,,
Since CB - = (av '2 = a- + a- = Ac- +AB~, WC
-- s .IS an cqu1·1atcraI
have AC.AB = 0. ,JB

- - -- 0 (/ -
triangkso (SA.AB) = 120° and therefore, SA.AB=a.a.cos1'20 = - - · Thus:
- - -2 1
cos(SC AB)=- =--· Dod6
Hence (SC,AB)= 120.

' a2 2
Ta suy ra g6c gifra hai ducmg thing SC va AB bAng 180° -120° = 60°.
We infer that the angle between two lines SC and AB is: 180° - 120° = 60°.



I. fJfnh nghia Defi11itio11

i!!i Hai dU(lrlg thdng dll(/C g9i la vuong g6c vm nhau neu g6c giila chung bdng cxf.
~iTwo lines are ~aid to be perpendicul ar if the angle between them equals <;XJ 0

Ngum ta kf hi~u hai ducmg thang a va b vu0ng g6c v(ri nhau la a J_ b.

Two lines a and b perpendicul ar to each other are denoted by a J_ h.
2. Nh~n xit Remarks
a) Neu il va v tan luqt la cac vect<1 chi phucrng cua hai duang thing a va b th1 :
a j_ b <==> il.v = 0.
If ii and v are the direction vectors of two lines a and b, respectively, then : a l. b <::::> ii.~ = o.
b) Cho hai duong thing song song. Neu ml)t ducmg thing vu0ng g6c v(ri ducmg nay th1
ding vu0ng g6c vcri ducmg kia.
Given two parallel lines. lf a line is at right ang.les to one of the two lines. then it is also at
right angles to the other line.
c) Hai ducmg thing vu0ng g6c v(ri nhau c6 tM cit nhau ho~c cheo nhau.
f wo perpendicular lines can either intersect or be diagonal.
, . >
VI d~ 3. Ch o tu di¢ n AB CD 6 AB j_ AC va AB l. BD . Gq 1 P va Q li n ILtqt la trung diem
cua AB va CD. Chun . ~ .
g AB va PQ la hai d11cmg thftng vuong g6c vai nh au
mmh rAn
ample 3 . G'lve"n tctgrah the
Ex d. 1. !IC and AB l. B!J .
Lt t P and Q he
c ron AB CD wi1 h AB PQ ,1 · . .:s.
Iar Jmc
o .A
midpoints of edoCS are two pcrpcnuicu
B iUl d CD, respectively . Pro ve that AB and A

9iai Solution
Ta c6 W~ ave_ :'Q =PA+

va and PQ-=PB+BD+DQ (h .3.16) (Fig.3.16).

0o do So 2PQ =AC+ BD
V~y Th us 2 PQ.AB =(AC+

_ _ = AC.AB+ ®.AB= o
j_ AB.
hay PQ.AB = 0 tuc la PQ D
- - Hinh Figure 3. 16
l. AB.
or PQ.AB = 0 namely PQ h l~p
'. Ha y neu t~n cac duan g th~ng di qua hai d1nh cua hin
A4 Cho hinh l~p phuang ABCD.A :
phuang da cho va vuo ng g6 c vai
C'D '. Na me the line s passing through vertexes of the
Given squar~ cuboid ABCD
. A'B'
nd icu lar to
squ are cuboid and perpe
b) ducmg th~ng AC.
a) ducmg th~ng AB;
line AC.
line AB ; ong gian
te min h ho~ cho SI/ vuO ng g6c cua hai ducmg th~ng trong kh
!s nm nhung hi~h anh trong
(trucmg hqp cat nhau va tru cmg hqp cheo nhau).
tersecting and
to illu strate the pe rpe nd icu larity of two spatia l lines (in
Find images in rea l life
diagona l).

sau day :
g ABCD.EFGH . Ha y xac dinh g6c giii'a cac c~p vecta
1. Cho hlnh J~p phmm angles between the follow ing
pa irs of vectors:
CD.EFGI I. De tcm 1ine the
Gi ven square cuboid AB DH.
b) AF' va and EC;
c) AB
va and
a) AB
va and EG ;
2. Cho tu di~n ABCD.
Give n tetrahed ron ABCD. __.... ------+ ------+ ------+ . _ . ------
= 0.
a) Chung minh rang Pro
ve AB.CD+ AC.DB+ AD.BC AD l. BC.
ra clog neu tu di~n AB CD c6 AB l. CD va AC J_ DB thi
b) Tfr ctAng thuc t:ren hay suy ABCD has AB l. CD an
d AC l. DB,
inf er that if tetrahed ron
m the equa tion above,
the n AD l. BC. a va b
cm g thA ng a va b cu ng vuO ng g6c v6i d11ang thing c thl
hai d11
3. a) Trong khOng gian neu
e6 song song v6i nhau khOn lar to lin e c, then are lines a and b pa
rall el?
ba re all pe rpe nd icu
In space , if two lines O an d d11 ang thing b va d11ang thAng b vu
~ng thi ng a vu ~n g g6c v~
b) Trong khOng ~ian neu dm
a co vuOng g6c vm C khOng .
g6c vcri duang thang C thl e b is perpendicular to line c.
then is 0
ndicu lar to line b and lin
In space, i f line a is perpe
perpen dicular to c?
IA HIN,; HOC II (8111)
4. Tr~ng kh6ng gian cho hai tam giac deu ABC va ABC c6 chung ciµth AB va nfun trong h~i ~~t
phAng khac nhau. GQi M, N, P, Q Ian h.tqt la trung di~m cua cac ciµth AC, CB, BC , CA.
Onrng minh t"Ang :
ln space, gi\'cn t\\ o cqu1lateral triangle:; ABC and ABC' shanng siJ~ . IB and lying ~ t\\ c,
distini:t planes. Lrt .\f, V, P, Q be the midpoints of sides AC CB, BC, C A, rl:!spccttvel)
a) AB .l CC;
b) Tu giac MNPQ la hlnh chu nh~t. Quadribteral .\f.\lPQ is a rectangle.
5. Oio hlnh chop tam giac S.ABC c6 SA = SB = SC va co ASB =BSC = CSA. Chung minh d ng
SA .l BC, SB .l AC, SC .l AB.
Given triangular pyramid S.ABC ,, ith SA = SB = SC and ASS =SSC =CSA. Prove: SA l. BC.
SB l. AC and SC .l. tB.
6. Trong khOng gian cho hai h1nh vu6ng ABCD va ABC'D' c6 chung c.µin
AB va nim trong hai m~t phing khac nhau, lfo luqt c6 tam O va 0'. Chlillg minh rang
AB .l 00' va tu giac CDD'C la h1nh chil' nh~t.
ln space, given two squares ABCD and ABC'D' sharing side AB, lying in two distinct planes
and having centers O and O'. respectively. Prove: AB l. 00' and quadri lateral CDD'C is a
7. Cho S la di~n tich cua tam giac ABC. Chung minh dng :
Given area S of triangle ABC. PrO\ e:
l ✓-2-2 --2
S= AB .AC -(AB.AC) .
8. 010 tu di~n ABCD co AB = AC = AD va MC = &ID = 60°. Chung minh clng :
Given tetrahedron ABCD with AB = AC = AD and MC =BAD = 60°. Prove:
a) AB l. CD;
b)N€uM,N laitluqtlatrungdi~mcuaABvaCDthiMN .l ABvaMN .l CD.
If Mand N are the midpoints of edges AB and CD, respectively, then MN l. AB and MN 1 CD.



T~ong, thi,c _t€, ~h anh ~ua sqi ~Ay dQi vuong g6c vm nen nha cho ta khai niem ve su vuOng
goc cua duong thrutg vm m~t phrutg. · ·
ln real l~fe, t~e image_of a plumb line perpendicular to the floo r shows us a concept of the
perpend1culanty of a lme to a plane.


Duang thdng d d
• • uac goi
la vuon
, ,
g goc vm
~11 mr;u phiinc: (a) .: ,
,,,, d < neu d vu(5
!:ii UiJng th&ng a n, ng goc v<fi nu;i

_:, i._:,1
.·• 1: _,

/ ,
Pall< ( a J
(fig . 3.17
i::z;~: ~; ,';,~",::::"::":~:~~
nc 1<ula, to e1·e1-v line a
). ·
Hinh Figure 3. 17

, ,. _ ,
Khi d vu6ng g6c vm ,.( g goc vm d, hot;1 c d va ( a) vuon g goc
v6i h , , . a) ta con not ( a) vuon
.n au va kt h1¢u lad J. ( a).
·. I . d
If.l111e dis pcr/Jendu· .umI . lo plan <' ( a ). 1/J,,11 11'<' also .wv ( a) 1.s perp endll u at lo
01 d and ( a ) are /J ,1. , 1.. ular lo ewli oilie r. d<'1wted l>v d l. ( a ).
' />l II< 1c
n. vit v Kit N Dt DUONG THANG VUONG Go e vo1 MA

Ill Dinh Ii Theorem

Ne~ m¢t ,dur:ng thdng vuong g6c vm hai
duong thcing cdt nhau cung thu¢c m¢t mij.t
/!Iphang th1 no vuong g6c vm. mr;it phdng ay.
/i11es lying in the same plane, then 1he
//1 '!
a l_i11 e is pe1pe11dirnlar lo two imcrsecti11g
( !me is also pe1p e11dicular to the plane.

Clitino minli <Proof

ta chi
c m~t phing ( a) la a, b Mn luqt c6 cac vec
Gia sir hai duang thing cit nhau cung thu¢
phuang la m, n (h.3.18). Ta't nhien khi d6
m va n la hai vecta khOng cung phuang. G9i c
phing ( a) va c6 vecta chi phuang p. Vi
ba vecta
la mc)t duang thin g ba't Id nfun trong m~t va y sao
n, m, n hai vecta kMng cung phuang nen ta c6 hai so x
m, p d6n g phi ng va la
cho p=xm+yn.
and h in the same plane (a) has two direction vectors
Suppose two inte rsec ting lines a
rse, ;;; and n are non -parallel. Let c be any
and n, respecti vely (Fig . 3.18). Now, of cou r and
Since thre e vectors in . ii and f, are coplana
in plane ( a) and have directio n vector p. y such
e in and ii are two non-parallel vectors, we have two scalars x and
that j3 = xm + yii.
g d. Vi
Goi i1 Ia vecta chi phuang ctia ducmg thin
d l. a va d l. b nen ta c6 i1. = 0 va
i1. = 0. m n
J. a
Let u be the direction vector of line d. Since d d

and d J. b, we have =0 and ii.ii =0. --+

Khi d6 Now ... ... 0
... ...
u.p =i1.(xm+ yn) =x.u.m+ y.u.n = .
g,c ba't
V~y duang thing d vuOng g6c v6i ducmg rhin
g rhang d
Id nfun trong m~t phing (a) nghia la ducm
vuOng g6c v6i m~t phing ( a). Hinh Figure 3.18
. d . rpcndi·cular to any line c in plane
(a ),
TI1U5, Ime lS pe
namely, line d is perpendicular to plane (a). 99
;~ H, qua Corollary
\~ cu m9t d. ucmg
rn N~' , thang J
vu6ng g6c rm hm c(JTL I c1w m.
.. • I • or ram ,r.?itic thi 116 nin~ · 1·11d11n.~
i•! g6c rm et;mh tlu'r ba c1ia tam giac d6.
!ii'➔ I"
'.I a 11·11t• 1·,. n1.•1·p ( ,,,( 11·( ·11/11·
" ,. ( t<J l1<1tl1 •,·1·,1t ,.,.. cJ'f ,,1 1.''lt·.
'J ,1 r,,·'-' _.... then rht.· lint' I\ J/,,
'.'1 pc!rpt!11diculllr tv cJ tliirJ side vf tilt.! trilmglt·.

~1 Mu6n ch(mg minh ducmg th~ng d vuOng g6c vai m◊t m~t ph!ng (a), nguai ta phai lam nhu th~ nao ?
How do you prove that line d is perpendicular to plane (a)?

~2 Cho hai qt1cmg th~ng a va b song song vai nhau. MQt dlfcmg th~ng c! vuOng g6c vai a va b. Khi d6
ducmg thang d c6 vuOng g6c vai m~t ph~ng xac a,nh boi hai ducmg thang song song a va b khOng ?
Given two parallel lines a and h. Let line d be perpendicular to lines t1 and b. Is the hne i1
perpendicular to u plane determined by two parallel lines a and b?


Tit d.!nh nghia va dieu ki¢n de duong thing vuOng g6c vm m~t phing ta c6 cac tfnh chi t sau :
By the definition and cond itions for a line to be pe~nd1cul ..u- to a pbnc. we have some
pro(Jl!rties as follows.
;~ Tlnh chat 1 Property 1

:~ Co duy nhdt m9t m~r phdng di qua mot 0

'.~ die'm cho truac va vuong goc \'<Ji m~t
'I du(mg thdng cho truac (h.3.19).
r.;ji~ Tl1ro11gII a f?n·en
. . rI1cre /hl~ .\l'S one
p0111t. Hinh Ftguro 3.19
~!;i ami on Iy one plane perpc11d1culi1r
· to a
'.li g;\·en line (Fig. 3 .19 ).

M(# phdng trung lrf;lC cua m9t dot;,n thting

Bisecting plane of a line segment M

Nguen ta g9i m~t phing di qua trung diem / cua

do~ thing AB va vuOng g6c v6i duong thing AB la
mqr ph&ng /rung trf!C cua
do~n thdng AB (h.3.20).
A I 8
A plane pa~sing through the midpoilll / of tin~
segment AB and peri:x:ndicular 10 line ,\B i~ called
the biscct;ng plune of segment AB (Fig..l20).

~ Tlnh chat 2 Property 2 Hinh Figure 3. 20

i Co duy nhat m¢t duimg thdng di qua mot

ni dil m cho rruac va vuong g6c v<Ji mor mdt

~ pluing cho rruac (h.3.21). · ·

ffl Th rough a gil'en pomt. there posse., 0 11c
@ and only one line perpendirnlar to a a
W J,:tren plane (Fif!,. 3.21 ).
Hinh Figwo 3.21

1 · vlfDNG THANG v AM
• r ~ PHANG
Ngtrm ta c6 the chung m·nh1
vu6ng g6c va quan he son dug~ m9t s6 tfnh chat sau day ve St! lien quan giiia quan h¢
Some properties below : . so~ cua duong thing va m~t phAng.
perpendicular relationsh· anf . e proved of relations between parallel rclaliom,hips and
ips O Imes· and pIanes.

iii Tfnh chat 1 Property 1

l:i a) Cho hai duang th .z
Ill ni10 vu6ng g6c v<Ji ::~ song ;ong. _M<Jt fh~ng a b
} vuong g6c v""'· d•~, ha:zg thang nay th, cung
:ii Giren tw O
v, t ang k' (h 3
. la · .22).
:H pa, a/le/ !me , f+ ·
\ perpendicular 10 . . .· · 1 a plane 1s
;,, 1
e1t ie, !me ti . . I a
rn perpendic 1 . , zen lf 1s a so
m b . l~ a, to ;he other line (Fig. 3.22).
m ) Hai duong thiing h , b' ' , . ,
m v<Ji mot ~ .z ~ an u;t cung vuong goc Hinh Figure 3.22
iii / tw . "!fl~ pha~g thz song song v<Ji nhau.
.f o /d1shnct lines are pe,·pend,cu · Iar to the
.,. same p ane, they are parallel.

Tfnh chat 2 Property 2

a~ Cho hai mijt phdng song song. Duong thdng a
nao vu<5~g ??c v<Ji ";"Jt phdng nay thi cilng
vu_6ng goc VO'l mijt phiing kia (h.3.23).
Given ~ o parallel planes. If a line is
perpendicular to either plane, then it is a
perpendicular to the other plane (Fig. 3 _23 ).
b) Hai ~t P'Jdng phan bieft cung vuong g6c v6i
mqt ducmg thang thi song song v<Ji nhau (h.3. 23). /J
If two distinct planes are pe,pendicular to tlze
same line, they are parallel (Fig. 3.23). Hinh Figure 3.23

Tlnh chat 3 Property 3

a) Cho duimg thdng a va mijt phdng ( a) song
song vm nhau. Duimg thdng nao vuong goc vai ( a)
thl cung vuong g6c v<Ji a (h.3.24).
Given line a parallel to plane (a ). If a line is b
perpendicular to pla11e (a), then the line is also a
perpendicular to line a (Fig. 3.24).
b) Neu m9t duimg thdng va mt)t mijt phdng
(khong chua duimg thdng do) cung vuong goc a
vm m9t duimg thdng khac thi chung song song
vm nhau (h.3.24).
If a line and a pla11e (not containing the line) Hinh Figure 3.24

are both perpendicular to another line, then

they are parallel (Fig. 3.24).

Vt df!. l . Cho hinh chop S.ABC c6 day la tam giac ABC vuOng t~i B va c6 q mh SA vuOng g6c
v6i m~t phang (ABC).
Example 1 Given pyramid S ABC whose ba<ic i~ triangle ABC with right angle at B and
who::ie edge SA i::i perpendicular to plane (ABCl .
a) Chlillg minh Prove: BC l (SAB).
b) G9i AH la duong cao cua tam giac SAB. Chung minh AH l. SC.
Let AH be the altitude of triangle SAB. Prove AH 1- SC.
qidi Sofutwn
a) V1 SA l. (ABC) nen SA l BC (h.3.25).
a) Since SA l. lABC). we have SA l BC (Fig. 3.25). s
Ta c6 BC l SA, BC l AB.
We have BC l SA and BC l AB.
Tu d6 suy ra We infer BC l (SAB).
b) V1 BC l (SAB) va AH nim trong (SAB)
Since BC l. (SAB) and AH lies in (SAB) . A C
nen BC l. AH. Ta 1~ c6
it follows that BC l AH. We also have B
AH l. BC, AH l. SB nen so AH .l (SBC). Hinh Figure 3. 25
Tu d6 suy ra We infer AH l. SC.
1. Phep chieu vuong goc Perpendicular projection s
Cho duong thang ~ vuOng g6c vm m~t phAng ( a). Phep chieu song song theo phucmg cua ~
len m~t ph~g (a) duqc gc;>i la phep chieu vuong goc /en mijt pMng (a) (h.3.26).
Given line /1 perpendicular to plane (a). A parallel
projection in the direction of line~ onto plane (a) is called a
perpendicular projection onto plane (a) (Fig. 3.26).
Nh(jn xet. Phep chieu vuOng g6c len mc')t m~t phAng la truong

f hqp d~c bi~t cua phep chieu song song nen c6 day du cac tinh
chat cua phep chieu song song. Chu y ring ngucri ta con dung
ten gc;>i "phep chieu len m~t ph~g (a)" thay cho ten gc;>i "phep
A' B'
chieu vuOng g6c len m~t phAng (a)" va dung ten gc;>i :Yf la a
h1nh chieu cua :Jr tren m~t phAng (a) thay cho ten gc;>i :Yf Hinh Figure. 3.26

la hlnh chieu vu6ng g6c cua :Jrtren m~t phang (a).

Remark. A perpendicular projection onto a plane is a special case of a parallel projection, so
it has sufficient properties of a parallel projection. Notice that the phrase "a projection onto
plane (a)" can be used instead of "a perpendicular projection onto plane (a)'· and the phrase
:tr I is the projection of Y{ onto plane ( a) instead of Y'(' is the perpendicular projection

of Yf onto plane ( a).

2. Dinh Ii ba duung vuong goc Theorem of three perpendiculars
. :m Cho duimg thdng a nam trong m~t phdng (a) va b la duimg thdng khong thu9c (a)
ilil dong thoi kh6ng vu6ng goc vm (a). Gqi b' la hinh chilu vuong goc cua b tren (a).
l!!I Khi d6 a vu6ng g6c vm b khi va chi khi a vu6ng goc vm b'.
i!ll Gire11 line a in plane ( a) and line h neither in plane ( a) nor parallel to plane (a ).
~~ Let h' he the projectio11 of line h onto plane ( a). Now line a is perpendicular to
ITT! line h if and only if a is perpendicular to h'.

, . Cli.iino minli. Proof
Tren duong thang b ta:y hai di~m A 8 hA~1 b.
, kh6 th · P a.1 1et sao cho
chung ng u<)c (a). Goi A, va B' tan l , ., .,
cua A va B tren ( a). Khi d6 ' . , uyr !a hinh ch1eu
hfnh Ia dtrcmg thl ~ ct· hl!111_~hieu b cua b tren (a)
C . l qua ha1 diem A, ' B' (h 3 2 ---------
,, ~----,.
Take on line b two ct· f . va · • 7).
. lS met pomts A and B such that they
are not m plane ( a). Let A ' and 8 , be h . . B'
. A d . t e proJect1ons of
Po ints. an . 8 m p1ane ( a) ' respectivel
y. Now projection h' a
of pomt b m plane ( a) is just th 1. .
two points A , and B ' (Fig. 3.27). e me passing through Hinh Figure 3. 27

Vi a nfun trong ( a) nen a vuong g6c v& M '.

Since line a is in plane, (a), : it follows th a t a ·IS perpen d.ICU Iar to M ' .
Va ~-
- .Y ~e~ a vu~ng goc vm b thl a vuemg g6c v& m~t (b', b). Do d6 a vuong g6c vm b'.
1·c I t 1· b · · '
. ' 1f lme . a 1s perpend u ar o me , then a 1s perpendicu lar to plane (b , b). Therefore,
a is perpendic ular to b'.
- Nguqc l~ n~u a _vuong g6c v& b' thl a vuong g6c v& m~ ph~g (b', b). Do d6 a vu6ng g6c v& b.
Convers~l y, if a 1s perpendicu lar to b', then a is perpendicu lar to plane (b ', b). Therefore, a is
perpendicu lar to b.
3. Goe gifta duitng thdng va m{Jt phdng Angle between a line and a plane
Djnh nghTa Definition
Cho duang thdng d va nu'jt phdng (a).
Given line d and plane ( a ).
Truang h<!P duang thdng d vuong g6c v6i nu'jt phdng (a) thi ta n6i rang g6c giii:a
duang thdng d va nu'jt phdng (a) bang 9if.
If line d is p e1pendicul ar to plane ( a ), then we say the angle benveen line d and
plane ( a) equals 90°.
Truong h<!P duang thdng d khong vuong g6c v6i mi;it phdng ( a) thi g6c giii:a d va
hinh chieu d' cua n6 tren ( a) g9i la g6c giua duang thdng d va nu'jt phdng ( a).
If line d is not petpendicu lar to plane ( a), then the angle between line d and its
projection d ' onto plane ( a) is called the angle betvveen lined and plane ( a).
Khi d kh6ng vu6ng g6c vm ( a) va d dt ( a) t~ di~m O, ta lay
d A
m<}t di~m A tuy y tren d khac vm diim O. GQi H la hlnh chieu
vu6ng g6c cua A Ien ( a) va rp la g6c giii'a d va ( a) thi AOH = rp
When line d is not parallel to plane (a) and cuts plane ( a) at H
point O, we take any point A other than O on line d. Let H be the _ a~ _ _ __ ___,,
perpendicu lar projection of point A onto plane ( a) and let rp be the Hinh Figure 3.28
angle between d and (a). Therefore, MR = rp (Fig. 3.28).
" Chu y. Nt'!u <p Ia g6c giiia duang thl1ng d va m~t phing ( a) thi ta lu6n c6 0° :cs; rp :cs; 90°.
Note. If rp is the angle between lined and plane ( a), then we always have 0° ~ rp :cs; 90°.
Vi du 2. Cho hlnh chop S.ABCD c6 day la hlnh vuong ABCD c~nh a, c6 c ~ SA = a ✓ 2 va
SA ~6ng g6c vm m~t phing (ABCD) . . .
, . """'ids ABCD whose base is square ABCD side a, with edge SA = a ✓2
E xamp,e 2 . 0 1ven pyr..uiu ·
and SA is perpendic ular to plane (ABCD).
T' h
a) GQi M va N Ian htot la hi nh chie'u cua diem A Jen cac dt1mig tM1ng SB va SD· 10 g6c
gifra duon thin · .
L, g g SC va m~t phang (AMN) · I c·
ct M mid N be tl · · . : Ilic:
angle betwc . 1e pr0Jcct1ons of point A onlo lines SB and SIJ. rcsp"ll 1vc y. omputc.
b) ~T , , c~ line SC and plane (AM N ).
mh goc g1fra d ' th'ang SC va m~t phAng (ABCD).
Co ucrng
mpute the :mote be t ween line
SC and plane (ABCD ).

qiti.i Sofutio n s
a) Ta c6 BC J. AB B
• C J. AS, suy ra BC 1. (ASB).
We have BC J. AB d
, , an BC l. AS . We infer BC .1 (ASB).
Tu do suy ra BC l. AM, ma SB .1 AM
nen AM l. (SBC). Do d6 AM l. SC (h.3.29).
Next we infer BC .1 AM . and since SB .1 AM we have
AM l. (SBC). Thus, AM l. SC (Fig. 3.29). ,
T~crng h! ta chung minh duqc AN .1 SC.
Likewise, we can prove AN .1 SC C

V~y Thus, SC .1 (AMN). Hinh Figure 3.29

Do d6 g6c giua SC va m~t phAng (AMN) bing 90°.

Therefore, the angle between line SC and plane (AM N) equals 90°.
b) Ta c6 AC la hlnh chieu ctia SC len m~t phAng (ABCD) nen SCA la g6c giiia duong
thAng SC

voi m~t phAng (ABCD). Tam giac vuong SAC can~ A c6 AS= AC = a Do d6 SCA = 45°.
Since AC is the projection of line SC onto plane (ABCD), it follows that SCA is
the angle
and has
between line SC and plane (ABCD). Right triangle SAC is isosceles at vertex A
AS= AC= a ✓2 . Thus, SCA = 45°.


hay sai?
1. Cho hai duong thAng phful bi~t a, b va m~t phAng (a). Cac m~nh d6 sau dAy dung
fa lse?
Given two distinct lines a and band plane (a) . Are the following proportions true or
a) Neu a II (a) va b .1 (a) thl a .1 b. a) If a II (a) and b .1 (a) , then a .1 b.
b) Neu a II (a) va b l. a thl b .1 (a). b) If a II ( a) and b .1 a, then b .1 (a).
c) Neu a II (a) va b II (a) thl b II a. c) If a II (a) and b II (a), then b II a.
d) Neu a l. (a) va b .1 a thl b II (a). d) If a .1 ( a ) and b .1 a, then b II (a).
day BC. G9i /
2. Cho tu di¢n ABCD c6 hai m~t ABC va BCD la hai tam giac cAn c6 chung c.µih
la trung di~m cua c.µih BC.
sharing a
Given tetrahedron ABCD whose two faces are two isosceles triangles ABC and BCD
base edge BC. Let/ be the midpoint of edge BC.
a) Chung minh rang BC vu6ng g6c voi m~t phAng (ADI).
Prove that BC is perpendicular to plane (AD[) .
b) G<;>i AH la duong cao cua tam giac ADI, chung minh rang AH vu6ng g6c vm m~t phAng
Let AH be the altitude of triangle ADI. Prove: AH is perpendicular to plane (BCD ).
la giao diim
3. Qio hinh ch6p SABCD c6 day la hlnh thoi ABCD va c6 SA =SB= SC = SD. G9i O
cua AC va BD. Chung minh rang:
SD. Let 0
Given pyramid S.ABCD with rhombus ABCD as the base and with SA = SB = SC =
be the intersection point of lines AC and BO. Prove:
a) Ottong thAng so vu6ng g6c vm m~t phAng (ABCD); Line SO is perpendicular 10 plane (ABCD) ;

b) Duong thi ng AC vuon , ,. , , ·
• (SAC) . g goc vm m~t phang (SBD) va dttcrng thang BD vuOng g6c v6'1 m ~t
L inc A C i~ pcrpendicuh r t 0 I· ·
Ch tu dien OABC 6 • Pane (SBD) and line BD is perpendicula r to pla ne <SAC ).
4· ° ha tu Otm "" ch ,ba c~h OA , OB, OC d6 i m¢t vu6ng g6c. G<;>i H la chAn ducmg vu6ng
g 6C • m';lt p ang (ABC) Chun . h ' .
Given tetrahedron ABCD • h · _g mm rang· .
. ct·1cu 1ar foot dra Wit f three pairwise perpend icular edoes
O A. OB and OC . Let II Ix:
the pe1pen
, . , wn rom vertex O to plane (ABC). Prove:
a) H la tn,c Ulm cua tam giac ABC; a) His the orthocenter of triangle ABC:
I 1 I I
b) - =
2 --
2 OB oc 2
5. T:~" m_~t phAD_~ (a) ch~ hlnh blnh hanh ABc;D. G<;>i O Ia giao diem cua AC va BD, S Ia m<)t
di~m nam ngoru m~t phang ( a) sao cho SA = SC, SB = SD. Chung minh rAng :
Given parallelogra m ABCD in plane (a) . Let O be the intersection point of sides AC and BD
and let S be a point outside plane ( a) such that SA = SC and SB = SD . Prove:
a)SO ..l (a);
b) Neu trong m~t phing (SAB) ke SH vu6ng g6c vai AB tai H thl AB vuong g6c vai m~t phfuig
(SOH). .
If we draw in plane (SAB) side SH perpendic ular to AB at point H . then side AB is
perpendicula r to plane (SOH) .
6. 010 hlnh ch6p SABCD c6 day la hinh thoi ABCD va c6 qnh SA vu6ng g6c vai m~t phfuig (ABCD).
' , I, , S/ SK .
G91. I va, Kl'a h ai. d 1em tin Iuot Ia:y t:ren hai canh SB va SD sao cho - = -SD · Chung minh :
. . SB
Given pyramid S .ABCD with rhombus ABCD as the base and edge SA perpendicula r to plane
(ABCD) . Let / and K be two points taken on two edges SB and SD , respectively such
that - = - · Prove:
a) BD vuOng g6c vai SC ; a) BD is perpendicula r to SC:
b) IK vuOng g6c vm m~t phing (SAC). b) IK is perpendicula r to plane (SAC ).
7. Cho tu di¢n SABC c6 c:µih SA vuong g6c vai m~t phfuig (ABC) va c6 tam giac ABC vu6ng ~i
B. Trong m~t phing (SAB) ke AM vu6ng g6c vai SB t,µ M . Tren c:µih SC lay diem N sao cho
, .nh ,
-SM = -SN • Chung m1 rang :
Give tetrahedron SABC with edge SA perpendicula r to plane (ABC) and triangle ABC with
right angle at B. Draw in plane (SAB) edge AM perpendicula r to edge SB at point lvf. Take on
edge SC point N such that - = - · Prove:
a) BC ..l (SAB) va and AM ..l (SBC) ;
b)SB ..l AN.
8. Cho di~m S kbOng thu¢c m~t phillg ( a) c6 hlnh chie'u tren ( a) la diem H. V m diem M bat Id
tren ( a) va M kbOng tnmg vm H, ta g9i SM la ducrng xien va do.µi HM la hlnh chie'u cua
duang xien d6. Chung minh rAng :
Given points not in plane (a) and given_po_in_t Ha~ the projection of point S onto ( a ). W ith
any point M in plane ( a) and A! not c~mc1d_mg with H , let SM be an ob lique line and let
segment HM be the projection o~ lhe o~hq~e l~n~. Prov~ :- , , ,
a) Hai duong xien bang nha~ kb.I va chi _ kh1 h~I hmh ch~eu _cua chung bang nhau ;
Two o blique lines are equal 1f ~nd o~ly 1f ~heir two proJect10ns ~re _equal:_ , ,
b) vm hai ducmg xien cho ~~c, ~uong x1:n ~ao Ion hon thl co hlnh ch1eu Ion hon va nguqc
l,µ duong xien nao c6 hln~ ch1eu Ion hon th1 ~on h~. . .
W ith two given oblique Imes, Lh_e l~rge: obhquc hne has a larger proJect10n and converse ly .
the oblique line with a large r proJecuon 1s larger.
§4. HAI M~T PHANG vuoN G c6c

lfmh anh Cua mOt Canh , ,

m~t buc tuon h :lia chuyen d¢ng va hlnh anh cua ~
m~t phAng. g c ta lha:y duqc st,r thay ddi cua g6c giira hai
The images of a •
the chan . moving door and the surface of a wall show
gmg angle between two planes.



l. Dinh nghia Definition

/ill G~c gi~a hai m4t phdng la g6c giiia hai duilng rh<ing Ian lu(!t vuong
g6c voi hai
mi mqt phang do (h.3.30).
/Ii/ 1 dihedral angle is the angle between
3 .30).
MO lines perpend icular to the line of
,:,: mtersection of the two planes (Fig.
Neu hai m~t song song ho~ trung nhau thi ta n6i clng g6c giira hai m~t d6 bfuig
If two planes either overlap or are parallel, then we say their dihedral angle equals 0°.


Hinh Figure 3.30

2. Cach xac dfnh goc gifla hai mi!,t phdng cat nhau
H ow to determine the angle between two intersecting planes

Gia Sll hai m~t phAng (a) va (j3) dt nhau theo giao tuy€n C.
Tu mQt diem / bit Id tren c ta dJ!Ilg trong ( a) dm:mg
thAng a vu6ng g6c vm c va dJ!Ilg trong (/J) dtrong thAng b a
vu6ng g6c Vffi C.
Suppose two planes ( a) and (/J) intersec t along the line of
intersec tion c. From any point/ on c, we construct in (a)
line a perpend icular to c and construc t in (/J) line b
perpend icular to c.
Ngtrm ta chung minh dtrqc g6c giii'a hai m~t phAng (a) Hinh Figure 3.31
va (/J) la g6c giua hai dtrong thAng a va b (h.3.31).
The dihedral angle between two planes (a) ~d (/3) is proved
to be the angle between two lines a and b (Fig. 3.31).

J . J>if 11 tfch hin h chi eu cua. .
-..:1 • -•=-- • , mo t da ;,t. c Pro1ec •
ted are a of a po/ Jgo n
Ng trl1 t.l ua ~ht. mg minh tinh chA 't s gi,u n pro ved :
, , • /. . . au day The following pro per ty hm. bee , •
. Y/'
nam fron ~ g goc cua
1 .?
' la hinh chieu vulm
g nu;u pha ng (a) c6 diefn tich S va :Yf
( I() ( U/ ,J.;.IU ( • /{
''(. . ~ •
phd ng (/3) . Kh i d , .. , , •
. 7, rren nt{I I
dir n heh S cua du()'c tinh the o con g thuc :
~ ,0
(.,1 H'n polygon .Yr in
pla n .
e ( a) WJth area San d "/( ' as the per
pen dic ula r pro jec tion of J l

'//' .
ont o pl.rn~ (/1) . No w the are a S' 0 f <ff 1s calculated by the fon nul a :

va (/JJ. [ S' = Scosrp /

v6'i rp la g6c giii'a (a)
~" is the dih edr al ang le bet ween ( a and (/JJ , ,.
\\ her e Ch
,d o h1n h ch6 p S AB C , d ' l' c
deu AB C c ~ a, qm h btn SA vu6 ng goc vm
Vi u. · co ay a tam gia
m ~H phAng (AB C) va SA = a
2 h
n S.A BC who se bas e is equ ilat era l tria ngl e AB C with sid e a. wit
Exa mp le. Giv en pol ygo
C) and SA = a .
edg e SA pcfJ,X!n dic ula r to pla ne (AB 2
C) va (SBC).
a) Tfnh g6c giii'a hai m~t phAng (AB
n two planes (ABC) and (SBC).
Co mp ute the dih edr al ang le betwee
pute the are a of &B C.
b) Tin h di~n tfch tam gia c SBC Com
qu li So futi on
. Ta c6 BC 1- AH . (1)
a) G9 i H la trun g die m cua c~ BC
We have BC 1- AH. (I)
Let H be the mid poi nt of edg e BC . 1- BC . (2)
C) nen SA 1- BC . (2) Since SA 1- (AB C ), it follows tha t SA
V1 SA ..l_ (AB phi ng (AB C) va
nen BC 1- SH . V~y g6c giu a hai m~t
Tir (I) va (2)
suy ra BC 1- (SA

(SBC) ban g SH A. D~t rp = SHA (h.3

.32). ta c6
1- (SAH) , thus BC 1- SH .
Fro m ( l) and (2) , we infe r BC
n two planes (AB C) and
Hen ce, the dih edr al ang le betwee
(SB C) eq ual s SHA . Setting <p = SH
A (Fig. 3.32), we get
SA 2 1 ✓ 3
tan(J]--=--= -=-·
- AH a✓ 3 ✓ 3 3

Ta suy ra We inf er rp = 30° . Hinh Figure 3.32

0 B
30 ·
V~y g6c giu a (AB C) va (SBC) ban g
C) and (SBC) equ als 30°.
Thus, the dih edr al ang le between (AB SBC . G9 i S 1, S2
(AB C) nen tam gia c AB C la h1nh chie'u vu6 ng g6c cua tam gia c
b) V1 SA .1_
va AB C. Ta c6
IAn hro t Ia die n tich cua cac tam gia c SBC &B C. Let S, and
SA .1_ (AB C), it foll ow s tha t MB
C is the per pen dic ula r pro jec tion of
Sin ce
ectively. We have
S be the are as of &B C and MB C, resp
s2 =S1.cos(J' ⇒ S, = - -·
2 a2 ✓3 a
Suy ra We infe r: S1 = ✓3.
=2 ·

1· Dfnh nghia Definition

l ,
,, ,
1 ,' ,1, ,
', , !~n;{i t phdng g9i la vu6ng g6c voi nhau nlu g6c giua hai mift phdng do la goc

T~·o planes are said to he pe,pend irnlar if the dihedra l anile heM een them is a
right angle.
~:u hai m~t ~h!ng (a) va (~) vuOng g6c vm nhau ta kf hi~u (a) ..L (~).
perpe nd1 cular planes (a) and (~) are denoted by (a) ..L (P).
2· Cac dfnh Ii Theorems

:,'__!~;:i~if:V!;::;:: :t' ~t;fJ.~"JagOc voi nhau ta n,4t ph&ng My chUQ

The necessary and sufficient conditio n for two planes to be perpendicular is that
one of the two planes must contain a line perpendicular to the other plane.
Cliiing minli Proof
Gia SU ( a), (/J) la hai m~t phfing vu6ng g6c vm nhau. G9i c la giao a
tuyen cua (a) va (/J). Tu diem O thu¢c c, trong m~t phfing (a) ve
duang thfiog a vu6ng g6c v6i c va trong (/J) ve duong thfing b vu6ng
g6c vm c (h.3.33) . Ta c6 g6c giii'a hai duong thfiog a va b la g6c giua
hai m~t phfing (a) va (/J). Vi (a) vu6ng g6c vm (/J) nen g6c giua hai b
duang thfulg a va b Mng 90°, ngrua la a vuOng g6c vm b. M~t khac p
theo each dtµig ta c6 a vu6ng g6c vm C. Hinh Figure 3.33
Suppose ( a) and (/1) are two perpendicular planes. Let c be the intersection line of ( a) and (/JJ.
From point O on c, draw in plane ( a) line a perpendicular to c and draw in (/1) line
perpendicular to c (Fig. 3.33). We find the angle between two lines a and b is the dihedral angle
between two planes (a) and (/3). Since (a) is perpendicular to (/1), the angle between two lines
and b equals 90° namely, a is perpendicular to c. On the other hand, by construction, we have
perpendicular to c .
Do d6 a vu6ng g6c vm m~t phkg (c, b) hay a vu6ng g6c vm (/J).
Hence, line a is perpendicular to plane (c, b) or a is perpendicular to (/1) .
Li Iu~ tucmg tl_l ta tlm duqc trong m~t phfulg (/J) duong thfulg b vu6ng g6c vm ( a).
With similar argument, we find in plane (/3) line b is perpendicular to (a).
Nguqc I~i, gia su m~t phkg (a) c6 chua m¢t duong thfulg a' vu6ng g6c vm m~t phfing (P).
Goi O' la giao diem cua a' vm (/3) thi tat nhien 0' thu¢c giao tuy~n c cua (a) va (/J). Trong
m~t phing (/J) d1_111g duong ,thing b' ~i q~~ ?'
va vuO~g g6~ v~ c. Vi a' vu6ng g6c vm (P)
nen a' vu6ng g6c vm c va a vu6ng goc vm b. M~t khac ta co a vu6ng g6c vm c va b' vu6ng
g6c v6i c nen g6c giii'a hai m~t phing (a) va (/3) la g6c giua hai duong thing a', b' va bang 90°.
Vay (a) vu6ng g6c v6i (/3).
G>nversely, suppose plane ( a) contains line c/ perpendicular to plane (/3). Let O' be the
intersection point of line a ' and (/1). Thus O' is definitely on the intersection line c of ( a ) and (/J).
Construct in plane (/J) line b' passing through O' and perpendicular to c. Since a'
perpendicular to (/3). it follows ~hat, a ' is ~rpend ic~lar to both c and b'. On the other ~and.
we have both a' and h' pe rpend1~ular to <,• s~ t~e dihedral angl~ between _( a) and (/J) 1s
angle between two lines a and h and equals ~O . Therefore, ( a ) 1s perpendicular to (/3).

. .
(?') va (/JJ vuon 6 .
jA 1 Cho h_ai m~t P?anggthang minh rang
n~u co m()t duan .1 .. g g c vai nhau va cat nhau theo g,ao tuy~n d. Chung
. nam trong (a) va .1 vu0ng g6c vai. d th,. .1 vuOng g6c vai (/JJ.
Given two perpendicula r I ,t
there exists a line ,1 in pl:nan(es) (a ) a1f ,1 (PJ cutting each other along intersection line d Prov'e that
e a and is perpend.1cular to d, then 6 is perpendicular to (PJ.
!W Ha .
/Ii/ :, qua 1 Cor ollary 1
hai mat h .2 vuon ~
• g new nam
Wi Neu wYi nhau th.1 bd't cu, d uitng thiin
, ,
,,,, h • .vapv ang g ,goc
. . trong mqt
ii P iing nay • ,
iii/ If two plan es uong goc v~ g1ao
tuyen thi vuong g6c voi. mqt phdng Ida .
are perp endr cula I 11 1· . . pl~nes and
;;;; ~ any me lymg 111 o,~e of the nm
fl// p erpe ndic ular to the int . . . _r. es rs also perp endt cular IU
e, .\ectron /me of the two plan
tiii the olher pla,
j// Hf qua 2 Cor olla ry 2
thu9c mqt
Ill i::n ;~~ ';f,t :hd ng ( a) v~ (/3) v!'ong g6c voi. nhau . Neu til m9t diem
a ¥ng m9t duang thang vuong g6c voi. milt phdn g ( /J) thi dt{(m g thdng
m , ., ·
m na_y nam tron g mtJt phdn g ( a).
/II ~lve n_two p~rpendicular plan es
( a ) and (/JJ. If from a poim in plan e ( a ) , we
· . 1ar to p 1ane (/3) . then the line lies in plane ( a ) .
;;; consf f uct a /me perpe 11d 1cu

/ii· Din h Ii 2 Theorem 2

voi. mqt phdn g thu ba thi giao
Ill Ne½_hai. mtJt phd ng cat nhau va cung vuong g6c
iii tuye n cua chun g vuon g g6c voi. mqt
phdn g thu ba d6.
l/1 '( two P_lan~s intersect and are perp
endicular to a third plan e. then rhe
e11dicu!ar to the third plane .
iii mter sect1011 l111e of the rn·o planes is also pe1p
C.iune minli (}ro of
Gia sir ( a) va (/J) la hai m~t phAng dt nhau
va cung
vu6n g g6c v6i m~t phAng (J1.
and are
Suppo~e two pJ anes (a) and (/3) inter sect
perp endicuJa r to pJan e (}").
Tu rn¢t di~m A tren giao tu yen d cua hai
m~t phAng ( a)
r .,___ _ _ _ _ _.../
g (n. .,,__,_
va (/J) ta dl!llg duon g thfuig d' vuOng g6c v6i m~t phAn
trong (/3). Hinh Figure 3.34
The o h~ qua 2 thl d' nAm tron g ( a) va d' nAm
V~y d' trim g v6i d ngh ia lad vuOng g6c v6i
(J1 (h.3. 34).
planes (a) and (/3), we cons truc t line d'
From a poin t A on the inter secti on line d of two d,
2. d' is in (a) and d ' is in (/3). Thus , d' overlaps
perp endic ul ar to pJan e (y). By Con sequ ence
nam ely, dis perp endi cula r to (y) (Fig . 3.34 ).
vuOng g6c vai nhau. Chung minh rang cac m~t
~ Cho tcr di~n ABC D c6 ba c~nh AB, AC, AD dOi m¢t
2 v(1i nhau.
ph~ng (ABC), (ACD), (ADB) cung dOi m¢t vuOng g6c
edges AB. AC and AD . Prove that planes
Given tetrahedron ABC D with pairwise perpendicular
ones .
(AB C). (AC D) and (ADB) are pairw ise perpendicular
g g6c v(1i m~t ph~ng ch(ta hinh vuOng ABCD.
~ Cho hinh vuOng ABCD. D(/11g do~n th~ng AS vuOn
3 cular to a plane containing square ABCD.
Given squa re ABC D. Con struct segment AS perpendi
g th~ng SB, SC, SD va vuOng g6c vo ~ pMng
a) Hay n~ tan cac ~t pMng Ian 111qt chtm cac d11an
. .
(ABCD). SB. SC and SD, re~p e~t1 ver and perpendi cular to plane (ABC D).
Name planes containing ;ines
m~t phang (SBD) .
b) Chung minh rang m~t phang (SAC~ vuOng g6c v(1i
Prove that plane (SAC ) is perpendicular to plan e (SBD
1. D!nh ngh'ia Definition

!lli H~~h liing frl!, dung la hinh liing trif c6 cac qmh hen vu6ng g6c voi cac ~t day. D{J
m: diu ec;mh ben duqc g9i la chieu cao cua hinh Lang tr'!, ditng.
!jjj A right prism is a prism with its side faces pe,pendicular tu its base faces. The
ti length of a side face is called the height of a rif?ht prism.

• !flnh lang tTl;l dung c6 day la tam giac, tu giac, ngii giac, v.v ... dugc g9i la hinh
liing tr~
dung tam giac, hinh liing tr'!, dung tu giac, hinh liing trlf. ditng ngu giac, v.v ...
is called
A r!ght prism with a triangular base, a quadrilateral base, a pentagonal base and so on
a right triangular prism , a right quadrila teral prism, a right pentagonal prism and so on.

• Hinh lang tI1:1 dung c6 day la mC>t da giac deu duac goi la hinh fang tr'!, de'u. Ta c6 cac lo;µ lang
tn,I <Mu nhu hinh liing trlf. tam gia~ de'u, hinh /iing n'lf. giac de'u, hinh Lang tr'!, ngu giac
dlu ...
s of
A right prism with a regular polygonal base is called a regular prism. Some example
regular pentagon al
regular prisms are regular triangul ar prism, regular quadrilateral prism,
prism . . .
• Hinh lang t11:1 dung c6 day la hinh binh hanh duqc g9i la hinh h¢p ditng.
A right prism whose base is a parallelogram is called a parallel epiped.
• ffinh lang tn,I dung c6 day la hinh chii' nh~t duqc g9i la hinh h¢p chi1 nh(lt.
A right prism which has a rectangle as its base is called a rectangle cuboid .
• H"tnh Jang Il1:J dung c6 day la hinh vuC>ng va cac m~t Mn deu la hinh vuOng duqc
g9i la
hinh l<jp phudng .
A right prism whose base and all faces are squares is called a square cuboid.

Hinh /tJng tf'l;I dung tam giac Hinh ltJng tf'l;I dung ngO giac
A right prism with a triangular base A right pentagon al prism

.!.-.---- ----

Hinh h¢p chil nMt Hinh /~p phtJrJng

A rectangle cuboid A square cuboid

Hinh Figure 3.35

i 4 Cho biet m~nh d~ nao sau day la dung ?
state which proposition is true.
a) Hinh h¢p la hinh lang tn,i d(rng,
A cube is a right prism.
b) Hinh hQp cha nh~t la hlnh lang tn,i d(rng,
A rectangle cuboid is a right prism.
c) Hinh lang tn,i la hinh h¢p.
A prism is a cube.
d) C6 hinh lang tr1:1 khOng phai la hinh h¢p. Some prisms are not cubes.
2. NhtJ,n xet Remark

Cac m~t hen cua hinh lang tfl;l dung luem lu6n vu6ng g6c vai m~t phing day va la nhung
hlnh chii nh~t.
Toe side faces of a right prism are all rectangles and always perpendicular to its base faces .
~s Sau m~t cua hinh h¢p cha nh~t c6 phai la nhung hinh cha nh~t khOng ?
Are the six faces of a rectangle cuboid rectangles?

Vi d~. Cho hinh l~p phucrng ABCDA'B'C'D' c6 c;µm bAng a. Tfnh di¢n tfch thiet di¢n cua hinh
I~p phucrng bi cit bcri m~t phfulg trung tn_rc (a) cua do.;m AC'.
Example. Given a square cuboid ABCD .A'B'C'D' with edge a. Calculate the area of the cross
section of the square cuboid cut by bisecting plane (a) of segment AC '.

<]iai So{ution

G01. M I'a trung d'1em

J! cua
• a✓
BC . T a co, MA = MC' = - -5 B M C
. 2
nen M thu(>c m~t phfulg trung tn_rc cua AC' (h.3.36).
Let M be the midpoint of edge BC . We have

MA = MC ' a✓
=- 5
- · m
so M 1s .
· the b'1sectmg 1
pane of
segment AC' (Fig. 3.36). R'A
., , / '
G9i N, P, Q, R, S Ian luQt la trung diim cua CD, DD',
A' Q D'
D'A', A'B', B'B. Chung minh tuang tl;l' nhu tren ta c6 cac
diem nay deu thu(>c m~t phing trung trl;l'c cua AC'. V~y Hinh Figure 3.36
thiet dien cua hlnh lap phuang bi ciit bcri m~t phing
trung lJ¥C (a) cua do~n AC' la hlnh h;1c giac deu
, a✓ 2
MNPQRS c6 canh bang -2- ·
Let N ' p , Q' R , S be the m idpoints of edges CD, DD ', D 'A ', A'B', B'B, respectively.
Proving similarly, we have these points in bisecting plane of AC'. Thus, the cross section
of the square cuboid cut by bisecting plane (a) of segment AC' is a regular hexagon
a✓ 2
MN PQRS with edge - - ·
Di¢n tfch S cua thiet di¢n can tlm la :
The area S of the cross section to find is:

S= 6-(a✓2)2. ✓3 = 3✓3 a2 .
2 4 4

1· H'm h ch6P dtu
•· Regular pyramids
Cho hlnh chop dinh S c6 day la da giac A A_. ,, A va H la hlnh chieu vu6ng g6c cua S tren
m~t p ang day (Al~··· An ). Khi d6 do~n thing SH g9i la d11img cao cua hinh chop
' ' H .
1"'2 n
va gc;>i
la chan duang cao.
Given a pyramid with apex S and polygonal base Al A2 .. . An and given the perpen~icular
projection Hof apex S onto base plane ( AIA, ... A ). Now segment SH is called the height of
1h - II
c pyramid and His called the height foot.
lli M(>t hinh chop dll(/Cg9i la hinh chop deu neu no co day la mqt da giac de°u va co
!Ii chan d11cmg cao trung v6i tam cua da giac day. . .
li! A pyramid is called a regular one ~f its hase is a regular polygon and ,rs height
m foot orerlaps the cemer of the polygonal hase.

Nhdn xet Remark

a) Hinh ch6p deu c6 cac m~t ben la nhiing tam giac can bfulg nhau. Cac m~t ben ~o vm m~t
day cac g6c bftng nhau.
All side faces of a regular pyramid are equal isosceles triangles. All side faces and the
base face fonn equal angles.
b) Cac c~h ben cua h1nh chop deu t~o vm m~t day cac goc bang nhau.
All side edges of a regular pyramid and its base face form equal angles.

2. Hinh ch6p Cl!,t de'u Regular truncated pyramids

m: Phcin ciia hinh chop deu n&m giua day va mqt thiet di¢n song song v6i day cdt cac
1!11 ct;znh ben cua hinh chop deu dU(!c gqi la hinh chop Cl!,t deu.
~!! A body of a regular pyramid, concluded between the base and a cross section
ilii parallel to the base and cuffing all side faces of the regular pyramid, is called a
!ill regular truncated pyramid.

Vf dl;l hlnh A 1A2A:,A4AsA6.B1B2B3B4B5B6 trong hinh 3.37 la

m◊t hlnh chop Cl;Jt deu. Hai day cua hlnh chop Cl;Jt deu la hai da
giac deu va d6ng d~g vm nhau.
For example, figure A 1A2A3A 4A5A6.B 182B3B4B58 6 in Fig. 3.37
i~ a regular truncated pyramid. Two bases of a regular
truncated pyramid are two similar regular polygons.

~6 ChCrng minh rang hinh ch6p deu c6 cac m~t b~n la nhCrng tam giac can bang nhau. Hinh Figure 3.37
Prove that all side faces of a regular pyramid are equal isosceles triangles.
~7 ta
C6 ton t~i mQt hinh ch6p giac S.ABCD c6 hai m~t b~n (SAB) va (SCD) cung vuong g6c vai m~t
ph~ng day hay khOng ?
Does there exist a quadrilateral pyramid S.ABCD with both faces (SAB) and (SCD) perpendicular to
the base plane?

Do you /:t,now ?

Kirn hi thap Ke-op (Cheop~)

The PVrmnid ol eheop~
Kim h! thap Ke-op do 6ng vua K, ,, , , .
chu trl viec xay dun O , e~op cua nuac A1 Qp
· · g. ay la k1m tu th , 1, h ,,
trong cac kim ti.! thap o Ai Ca Th , . ,ap an n at
dung vao khoang 2500 _ · p. , ap nay duqc xay
· , nam tnrac 0'.:>ng nguyen va
d~q~ xem la ~Qt trong ?ay kl quan cua the gim. Thap
co_hm~ d<;lllg la m()t}ch6 i chop tu giac deu va c6 day la
m9t ht~ VU6ng m61 c<;lflh dai khoang T ,
• he
day • h, 230 m. nrac
c I u cao cua t ap la 147 m , nay do b.1 b'ao mon, .
'nh , hi , a
di , ~en c eu c~~ cua , ~a~ chi con khoiing 138 m. •
Ngum !a kh~ng ~•et ng~~ c6 ~ -C~p da xay dtµlg thap

b~ng .each ~ao, lam_ th~ nao de lap ghep cac tang da le;ti vm nhau va lam the nao di dua duqc
ca~ tan~. da n~g len cac d<) cao can thiet. Thap n~g khoang sau tri~u tfu1 va duqc lap
ghep bm 2300000 tang da. Th~t la m<)t c6ng trinh kl vi!
Pharaoh Cheops took the leading role in the construction of the Pyramid of Cheops. It is the
largest of all pyramids in Egypt. Built about 2,500 years BC, it is one of the Seven Wonders
of the world. It has the shape of a regular quadrilateral pyramid and its base is a square with
each side 230 meters in length. The pyramid was 147 min height but nowadays with erosion
on top, it is reduced to 138 m in height. No one knows how ancient Egyptians built the
pyramid, how they connected casing stones and how they lifted huge stones into intended
high positions. The pyramid is about 6 million tons in weight and consists of an estimated
2.3 million blocks. What a massive project!


l. Cho ba m~t phfulg (a), (/J), (r.), m~nh de nao sau day dung?
Given three planes ( a), (/J) and (n . Which of the following propositions is trne?
a) Neu (a) J_ (/J) va (a) II (n
thl (/J) J_ (r.) ; If (a) .l (PJ and (a) II ( y), then (/J) .l (y) ;
b) Neu (a) J_ (/J) va (a) J_ (r.) thl (/J) II (r.). If ( a) .l (PJ and (a) .l (y), then (PJ II (y) .
2. Cho hai m~t phfulg ( a) va (/J) vuong g6c vm nha~. Ngu~ ~ la'y tren gi~o tu~en Ii cu_a, hai ~~t phfuig
d6 hai di~m A va B sao cho AB = 8 cm. G9i C la m<)t diem tren (a ) va D la m(>t diem tren (PJ sao
cho AC va BD cung vu6ng g6c vm giao tuyen Ii va AC= 6 cm, BD = 24 cm. Tmh de) dai do¥! CD.
G1.ven two perpend'cular
1 planes ( a) and (PJ. Take on the .line. of intersection Ii of .the. two
p1anes two pom
· ts A an dB such that AB =. 8 cm. Let C be . m (a). and let D be a pomt m (_fJ)
. a pomt
such that both AC and BD are perpendicular to the lme of intersection Ii and AC = 6 cm and
BD == 24 cm Compute the length of segment CD. ,
3· Trong me;tt
_ phang
z ( a) cho tam giac ABC vuong aB. M<)t doe;lfi thang AD vu6ng g6c vm (a) t<;1.i A.

In plane ( a),rin~:
minh given A
ABC wi'th right angle at B. Segment AD is perpendicular to ( a) at

vertex A. Prove: • , BC) .

a) ARDIa g6c giii'a hai m~t phang (ABC) va (D '
_ b een two planes (ABC) and (DBC) ;
ABD is the dihedral angle , e~. mat phfulg (BCD) ;
b) Mat phang (ABD) vu6ng goc v 1 · BCD)·
Pl~nc (A BD) is perpendicular to plane ( '
tn HIJ-IH HOC 11 (SN )
11 3
. ,
c) I-IK II BC v6'1 H va K la.n luqt la giao diem cua DB va DC v6'1. m~t phang
,, (P) d 1' qua A va vu6ng
goc vcri DB.
HI\.r · II BC with ·
H and K as the points of intersection of DB an d [)('· n.:~spcctivcly and plane (P)
passing through point A and perpendicular to DB.
Ch ,
diem M kh6ng thu◊c (a) va kh('.)ng th u◊c ~P)(. ) ung
4· Cho hai m¥ phing (a) , (P, cat nhau va m6t
· h , , · , {f1 (a) va (/3) Neu a song
mm rang qua diem M co m()t va chi m(>t m~t phing (P) vu6ng goc v ·
song vcri (P) thl ke't qua tren se thay d6i nhu the nao?
G1ven two mterse . . ·
ctmg . M ·ti , in plane ( a ) nor m (/J).
planes (a) and IJ]) and given a point nei ,er
Prove th at through pomt . M
there passes one and only one plane (P) perpendicular to ( a) and (P).
l f (a) // (P'>, how does the result above change?
5. Cho hlnh l~p phucmg ABCD.A'B'C'D'. Chung minh rang:
Given a square cuboid ABCD.A'B'C'D '. Prove:
a) M~t phimg (AB'C'D) vu6ng goc vcri m~t phing (BCD'A) ;
Plane (AB'C'D) is perpendicular to (BCD'A ');
. ,
b) Duong thing AC' vu()ng g6c v6i m~t phing (A'BD). Line AC' is perpen
dicular to plane (AB~ ).
6. Cho hinh chop S.ABCD co day ABCD la m(>t htnh thoi qnh a va co SA
minh rang:
= SB = SC = a. Chung
Given pyramid S.A BCD whose base is a rhombus ABCD with edge a and with
SA =SB =SC =a. Prove:
a) M~t phing (ABCD) vu6ng g6c v6i m~t phing (SBD) ;
Plane (ABCD) perpendicular to plane (SBD);
b) Tam giac SBD la tam giac vu6ng. ilSBD is a right triangle.
7. Cho hlnh h(>p chu nh~t ABCDA'B'C'D' co AB= a, BC= b, CC'= c.
Given rectangle cuboid A BCD.A'B'C'D' with AB = a, BC= b, CC' = c.
a) Chung minh rang m~t ph!ng (ADC'B) vu6ng g6c v6i m~t phing (ABB'A
Prove that plane (A DC'B') is perpendicular to plane (ABB 'A ').
b) Tfnh d(> dai duang cheo AC' theo a, b, c.
Calculate the length of diagonal AC' in terms of a, band c.
8. Tinh d(> dai duang cheo cua m<)t hlnh l~p phucmg qnh a.
Calculate the length of a diagonal of a square cuboid with edge a.
9. Cho hlnh chop tam giac Mu S.ABC co SH la duang cao. Chung minh
SA .l BC va SB .l AC.
Given regular triangular pyram id S.A BC with height SH. Prove: SA .l BC
and SB .l AC.
10. Cho hlnh chop tu giac deu S.ABCD co cac c~ hen va cac c~ day deu bang
a. GQi O la tam cua
htnh vu6ng ABCD.
Given re!:,'1.llar quadrilateral pyramid S.ABCD with edge and base a. Let O be the
center of square ABCD.
a) Tfnh d(> dai do:µi thing SO. Calculate the length of segment SO.
b) GQi M la trung diem cua do:µt SC. Oitmg minh hai m~t phang (MBD) va (SAC)
vuong g6c v6i nhau.
Let M be the midpoint of segment SC. Prove plane (MBD) is perpendicular
to plane (SAC) .
c) Tfnh d◊ dai do:µi OM va ti'nh g6c gifra hai m~t phing (MBD) va (ABCD
Calculate the length of segment OM and the dihedral angle between plane (MBD)
and plane (ABCD ).
11. Cho hlnh chop S.ABCD c6 day ABCD la m(>t htnh thoi tam I c~nh a va
co goc A bAng 60° ,
a-✓6 . ,
canh SC = - - va SC vu6ng g6c v6i m~t phang (ABCD).
. 2
Given pyram id S.A BCD whose base is a rhombu s ABCD with center
/ and edge a and angle
a✓6 .
A == 60° , edge SC= - - and SC perpendicular to plane (A BCD).
a) Chung minh m~t phing (SBD) vu6ng g6c v6i m~t phing (SAC).
Prove plane (SBD) is perpendicular to plane (SAC).
b) Trong tam giac SCA ke !K vu6ng g6c v6i SA t~i K. Hay tinh d◊ dai JK.
Draw in L1SCA IK l. SA at poi nt K. Calculate the length of segmen t JK.
c) Chung minh MO = 90° va tu d6 suy ra m~t phing (SAB) vu6ng g6c
v6i m~t phang (SAD).
Prove BK[) = 90° and next infer that plane (SAB) is perpendicular to plane


r uoANGcAcu TUMA1,
,.iv• Ori',, ,.,, • .<. AT MA'f pff,.\NG
I. '-' mM DEN M()T DlfONG THANG, Dr-N M9 ·
J. Khodng each tu mot dilm d ,, , l
· fi · en
D,stance rom a point to a line .
mot duung thang

Cho diem O va duong than ,

· H Ia h'1nh hiK g a. Trong m~t phang (0 , a)
gQI C c:U VU6ng g6c ' .
khoang each g·u h . d', , cua O tren a. Kh1 d6
. ' h tu die'm I a .,ai 1~m O ~a H dU(Jc gQi la khodng
:~. a). O den duang thang a (h.3.38), kf hi¢u Ia Hinh Figure 3.38

~ iven point O an_d line a. In plane (0, a), let H be the perpendicular projection of O _o nto
!me a. ~ow th~ distance between two points O and II is called the distance from the point 0
to the /me a (Fig. 3.38), denoted by d(O, a).
/1 1 Ch~ diem ~ ~a du~g th~ng a. Ch(rng minh rang khoang each tCI di~m O den duang th~ng a la be
nhat so voi cac khoang each tcr o den m◊t di~m bat kl cua aucmg th~ng a.
~iven point O a~d line a. Prove that the distance frompoint O to line a is shortest compared with the
distance from point O to any point on line a. o
2. Khodng each tit m9t dil m den m9t miµ phting
Distance from a point to a plane
Cho diem O va m~t phltng (a). G9i H Ia hinh chieu
vu6ng g6c cua O Jen m~t phAng (a). Khi d6 khoang
each giii'a hai diem Ova H duc;,c g9i la khodng each tit a
diem O den m(lt pluing (a) (h.3.39) va duc;,c kf hi~u la Hinh Figure 3.39
d(O, (a)).
Given point O and plane ( a). Let H be the perpendicular projection of O onto plane ( a). Now
the distance between two points O and His called the distance from the point O to the plane (a)
(Fig. 3.38), denoted by d(O, (a).
~2 Cho diem Ova m~t ph~ng (a). Chllng minh rang khoang each tCI diem Oden m~t ph~ng (a) la be
nhat so voi cac khoang each WO tai mc)t di~m bat kl cua m~t ph~ng (a).
Given point O and plane (a). Prove that the distance from point O to plane (a) is the shortest
compared with the distance from point Oto any point in plane (a).


J. Khodng each giua duung thdng va m{'it phdng ~ong song

Distance between a line and a plane parallel to ,t
r Dinh nghia Definition
!i!! C~o duimg rhdng a song song voi mtJt ph&ng ( a) . Khodng each giiia ductng thdng a
1111 va m(lt phdng ( a) la khodng each tit m<)t diem bat ki cua a den mt;'It phdng ( a). ki
Iii! hi¢u lad(a, (a)) (h.3.40).

A u B
:!/I Git-en lint'" par"l/el tv pla11 p (a) . The di.,wncc
.•· hetH 't'<'n r d
.; IIU! <I un plane ( a) is the di.,·rw1a ji-om
.,. mn:
:ti · /><>int <>11 11·11e a top Iane ( a) . denoted hv l f(a.
{ ( a)) ( Fig . 3.40). .
A' 8'
Hinh Ftgure 3. 40
~ C_ho ~ucm~ th~ng a song song v<'.1i m~t ph~ng (a). Chl'.mg minh rang khoang each giCI~ } 11C1n_~ ~~ng_a
va m9t phang (a) la be nhat so vai khoang each tlJ mot diem bat ki thuqc a tai m◊t diem bat ki th u9c
m~t phang (a). ·
Given line a parallel to plane (a). Prove that the distance between line a and plane (a ) is shorteSt
compared with the distance between an arbitrary point on a to another arbitrary point in plane (a).

2. K~odng each giiia hai mt;i.t phdng song song

D1sta11ce between two parallel planes

W:i Djnh nghia Definition

1111/Khodng each giiia hai m('Jt pluing song song la a
IWI khodng each tu m<)t diem bat kl cua miJt phdng
Ill!! nay de,i nuJt phdng kia (h.3.41 ).
1/111 The distance hern·een two parallel planes is the
li!li d istance ji-0111 an arbitrary point in one plane
il!l/ ro another arbitrary p oint in the other plane Hinh F;gure 3.41
!/ (Fig. 3 .41 ) .

Ta kf hi~u khoang each gifra hai m~t (a) va (/J) song song v6i nhau la d((a), (/J)). Khi
do d((a), (/J)) =d(M, (/J)) v6i ME (a), va d((a), (/J)) =d(M', (a)) v6i M'E (/J) (h.3.41).
We denote the distance between two planes (a) and (/J) paraJlel to each other as d(( a ), (/1) ).
Then d((a), (/J)) =d(M, (/J)) for M E (a) , and d(( a), (/J)) = d(M', (a)) for M'E (/J) (Fig.3.41 ).

~4 Cho hai m~t ph~ng (a) va (/1). Chl'.mg minh rang khoang each giCia hai m~t ph~ng song song (a) va (/3)
la nho nhat trong cac khoang each tCr m¢t diem bat ki cua m~t ph~ng nay tcri m9t diem bat kl cua m~t
ph~ng kia.
Given two planes (a ) and (/JJ. Prove that the distance between the two parallel planes (a) and (/3) is the
smallest of the distances from an arbitrary point of one plane to another arbitrary point of the other plane.



~5 Cho tu di~n deu ABCD. GQi M, N Ian lllqt la trung diem cua
qmh BC va AD. Chung minh rang: MN l. BC va MN l. AD N
(h.3.42). /

Given regular tetrahedron ABCD. Let M and N be the /

B -----.- - - -- - -- -- D
midpoints of edges BC and AD, respectively. Prove: MN l. BC /

and MN l AD (Fig. 3.42).

Hinh Figure 3.42

11 6
J. l)jnh nghfa Definitio11

!!ii ~t:uu:,ni ~~:!nti cdt hai du&ng thdng cheo

/iii ~~:!:£~:::c::::::~:oiu;:;t! ::::

l,,,,,:-' ,,
:,_ i',.,,_i1_J t:~t :i}?t~c~:rc~::::;rz:E::r:;~7~
::Neu !uang vuong g6c chung ti cdt hai du&ng
·gure 3.43

b , . , en 1e engt 1 o segment MN is called the distance

en 1,,een nvo dzagona/ lines a and b (Fig. 3.43).
2. Cach tim duung vuong goc chung cua hai duung thdng cheo nhau
How to find a common p erpendicular line to two diagonal lines
Ch? hai ~uang ,thftng cheo nhau a va b. G<;>i (/J) Ia m~t
phang chua b va song song v6i a, a' la hlnh chieu vu6ng
g6c cua a tren m~t phimg (/J). a M
Given two diagonal line s a and b. Let (/J) be the plane
containing b and parallel to a and let a ' be the
perpendicular projection of a onto plane (/J) . a'
V1 a II (/J) nen a II a'. Do d6 a' va b cat nhau t<;li m(>t di6m.
G9i di6m nay la N. G<;>i (a) la m~t phfuig chua a va a', 'f3
/1 Ia duang thftng di qua N va vu6ng g6c v6i (/J). Khi d6 Hinh Figure 3.44
(a) vu6ng g6c v6i (/J). Nhtr v~y ti nam trong (a) nen cat
duang thftng a t~i M va cat dtrang thAng b t<;ti N , dong
thai ti cung vuong g6c v6i ca a va b. Do d6 ti Ia duang
vu6ng g6c chung cua a va b (h.3.44).
Since all (/J), it folJows that a II a '. Thus, a' and b intersect at a JX)int. Let this point be N . Let ( a )
be a plane containing a and a ' and let ti be a line passing through point N and
perpendicular to (/J). Now (a) is perpendicular to (/J). Therefore, ti lies in plane ( a ). so ti
intersects line a at point M and cuts line b at JX)int N . Moreover, line ti is perpendicular to
both a and b. Hence, ti is the common perpendicular line to diagon al lines a and b (Fig. 3.44).
3. Nh<Jn xet R emarks
a) Khoang each giii'a hai duang thAng c~eo nhau bang
kh?img each giii'a m(>t trong hai du~g th~g ~6 va m~t
phang song song v6i no chua d11?'1g thang_con 1<;11.
The distance between two diagonal Imes equals the
distance between one of the two lines and a plane
parallel to it and containing the o the~ line. / ~
b) Khoang each giii'a hai ducmg thang cheo_nhau b~g
kh?ang each giii'a hai m~t phing song song Ian luqt chua
Hinh Figure 3.45
ha, ducrng thing do (h.3.45). .
The distance betwee n two diagonal Imes equals the
di,tance between two parallel planes containing the two
line~, respecti vely (Fig. 3.45).

l L7
A6 Ch~~ min~ ranQ khoang each gitia hai duon~ th~ng cheo nhau la be nhat so vai khoang each giOa
ha, di~m bat ki Ian luqt nam trE'm hai duong thang ay.
Prove that _the distance between two diagonal lines is shortest compared with the distanc
e between
any two points on the two lines, respectively.
Vi dlf.. ~ho hinh chop S.ABC D c6 day la hlnh vu6ng ABCD qnh ?•
q n~ SA vu{'.)ng g~ voi
m~t phang (ABCD ) va SA= a. Ti:nh khoang each giua hai ducmg thang cheo
nhau _SC va BD.
Examp l~. Given pyrami d S.ABC D whose base is square ABCD with
~dge a, wilh edge SA
~rpend 1cular to plane (ABCD ) and edge SA = a . Calcul ate the distanc
e between two
diagon al lines SC and BD.

<Juli So{utwn
G9i Ola tarn cua hlnh vu6ng ABCD . Trong m~t phlmg (SAC) ve OH 1- SC
Let O be the center of square ABCD . In plane (SAC), draw OH 1- SC (Fig.
Ta c6 BD 1- AC va BD 1- SA nen BD 1- (SAC), suy ra BD 1- OH.
W e have BD 1- AC and BD 1- SA, so BD 1- (SAC) We infer BD 1- OH .
M~t khac OH 1- SC. V~y OH la do~n vu6ng g6c chung cua SC va BD.
On the other hand, OH J_ SC. Hence, OH is the commo n perpen dkular segmen
t to SC and BD.
09 dai do~n OH la khoang each giiia hai duang thlmg cheo nhau SC va BD.
The length of segme nt OH is the distance betwee n two diagonal lines SC
and BD.
Hai tam giac vuong SAC va OHC d6ng d~g vl c6 chung g6c nh9n C.
Two right triangles SAC and OHC are similar because they share an acute
angle C .
Do d6 Thus
SA = OH (= sinC). \

V~y So \
OH= SA.OC . \

---~_ --
SC D',...
,, -...- -- C
Ta c6 We have / ;

// -- - 0 .... ......
a-✓2 A
✓- -- ....

SA=a OC= - •
' 2
Hinh Figure 3.46
SC = ✓SA 2

= ✓a 2 +2a 2 = a✓3
nen Hence
a· - a✓6
OH = 2 =-
a✓3 6

V~y khoOng each giila hai duOllg thiing chfo nhau SC vOBD fa OH= a:.
There 1ore,
th di.stance betwee n two diagonal lines SC and BD is OH =
e a✓ 6.

-rronc c:k m¢nh de sau dfiy A
~ • • tncnh de a I ,
Of tht: toll<.m mg propos itions ~v . n o adung ?
,. I •

) Di.tang 6. la duon , h1ch are tnie?

a , ,. b . g VU6ng ~g6c ChUng cua ha' d >..... th '
,u()O" gOC vm "" . 1 Uvug ang a va b nc!u t:,, vuOng g6c v6i a va t:,,
' ::, '": h '
Line .:l 1s t e common perpe ct· • .
G i (P) la mat h • n icular to two line
: P ang song song v6i ca h . s ~ and b_if A 1s perpendicular to both a and
b) 9 •
Khi d6 dtrang vuong g6c
chung !J. cua a va b lu6n lu6n vuong 6c v· · ru duong thang a. h cheo nhau.
Lei (P) be a plane parallel to b 0 th _g 01 (P) ;
d b · · alway ~ perpendicular to plane (P) · l lines a .and b· Now the common perpendicular line t:,, to u
· diagona
an _is ,
c) G91 !J. la duang vu6ng g6c h , ·. , . , ,
, c ung cua ha1 du'<mg th·"ang cheo ,
rn~t phang (a, 6.) va (b, L\) ; nhau a va b th1 A la g1ao tuyen cua hai
Let !J. be the common perpendi cu1ar 1.Ille to two d. Ir
ofrwo planes (a, 6) and (b 6 )· iagona mes a and b. Thus, A is the intersection line
d) Cho hai duang thing ch~o Iiliau , b , , .
_ ·
tai N va vu6ng g6c v6i b thl do' 1, uong vu6ng g , h
da Duong thang nao d1 qua m<')t diim M tren a d6ng thcri dt /,
· . a • , .
. oc c ung cu~ a va b ; . . .
Given two diagonal lines a and b. A tin hne b at point .V
and perpendicular to b is the c e pass~ng through point Mon a, mtersec tmg
, h ommon perpend icular line to lines a and b·
A ,
h, , , . ' ,
e) Ducmg vuung goc c ung £'.\ cua hai d , cheo nhau a va b nam trong m~t phang chua duang
nay va vuong g6c v6i. duong kia. uong t ang
line £'.\ t0 tw o d.1agonaI lines · ·
. commo
The d dicular.
I' n perpen a and b 1s in a plane containing one of two
d1ago~a1. mes an perpendicular to the other line.
tAm cua cac tam
2. c_h0 tu dt~n, SABC c6 SA vuong g6c vm m~t phang (ABC). GQi H, K Ian luqt la true ·
g1ac ABC va SBC.
be the orthocenters
Giv~n tetrahedron S.ABC with edge SA perpendicular to plane (AB C). Let H and K
oftnangles AB C and SBC, respectively.
a) Chung minh ba duan.g thing AH, SK, BC d6ng quy.
Prove that three lines AH, SK and BC are concurrent.
phang (SBC).
b) Chung minh rang SC vuong g6c vm m~t phang (BHK) va HK vuong g6c vm m~t
Prove that SC is perpendicular to plane (BHK) and HK is perpendicular to plane (SBC).
c) Xac dµih duan.g vu6ng g6c chung cua BC va SA.
Determine a common perpendicular line to lines BC and SA .
Cho hlnh l~p phuang ABCDA 'B'C'D' qnh a. Chung minh rfing cac khoang each tu
cac di~m B, C, D.
A', B', D' den duan.g cheo AC' deu bfing nhau. Tfnh khoang each d6.
points B, C, D, A ·.
Given square cuboid ABCD ,A 'B 'C 'D ' with edge a. ~rove that the distances from
B ', D ' to diagonal line A C ' are equal. Compute the distances. ,
4. Cho hlnh hQp chii' nh~t ABCD A 'B'C'D' c6 AB= a, BC= b, CC = c. ,
Given rectang le cuboid A BCD .A 'B 'C: 'D ' with ~dges AB = a, BC = hand CC = c.
a) Tfnh khoang each tir B den m~t phang (ACC J\ ').
Compute the distance from ~erte_x B to plane C;4 ~C'A,').
b) Tfnh khoang each giii'a ha1 duong thang BB va AC ;
I' BB ' and AC
Compu te the distance between two mes ·
5 Ch , huan ABCD. A'B'C'D ' c~h a.
. o hmh l~p P .g 'B 'C'D , with edge a.
Given square cuboid ~BCD. A , mmlit phing (BA'C').
a) Chung minh r~g BD ~ong ~: vlane (BA 'C ').
Prove that B 'D is perp~~dic~larlit pi ing (BA 'C') va (ACD') .
b) Tinh khoang each giua hat mh\'o planes (BA 'C') and (ACD') .
Compute the distance ?:~ e~~uan g thing BC' va CD'.
81 , , . , ,
c) Tfnh khoang each gnra Jines BC ' and CD '.
6' .... ,.,g diem hai earth AB va CD cua nr di¢n ABCD la ctuong vu6ng
Compute the distance between,tw n 1
, d ong thang •

D aAD = BC.
. ·
6. Oumg minh rfulg ntu u of tetrahedron A BCD 1s the
, AB va CD th1 AC ==the B v_d . t of two edges AB and CD _
g6c chung cua . m1 pom s d AD - BC.
Prove that if a line con~ecting110 . es AB and CD, then AC =" BD ao
· I line to 11 9
common perpendicu ar
7. ~S o h1_n h ch6 p tam gia c M u
SABC c6 can h day ban g 3a, can
tu t (n m~t day (ABC) . h hen ban g 2a. Tin h khoang eac
. . h
~iv cn rc~ ula r tria ngu lar pyr
am id S. AB C wit h bas e edg e 3a and ~id e edg e 2a .
di stancc lro m ape x S to bas e Co mp ute the
pla ne (ABC) .
S. ~o tu di~n deu ABCD q nh ,
a. Tfn h kho ang eac h giiia hai c~n
Giv en reg ula r tetr ahedron AB h d6 i cua tu di~n deu d 6 .
CD wit h edge a. Co mp ute the .
edg es of the reg ula r tetr ahe dro dis tan ce betwe en two opp osi
n. te


l. Nh ~c l~i d\n h ngh ia vec ta tro ng
kh6 ng gia n.
Re sta te the def ini tio n of a spa
tial vector.
Ch o hln h lan g tr1:1 tam gia c AB _
C A 'B'C'. Ha y ke ten nhu ng vec
va di~ m cuo i la din h cua hln h ta b~ g vec ta AA ' co die m dau
Jang tr1,1.
Giv en tria ngu lar pri sm ABC. ___.
A 'B 'C '. N ame vec tors equ al
the pri sm as the ir init ial points to vec tor AA' wit h the ape xes
and ter min al poi nts . of
2. Tro ng kho ng gian cho ba vec
ta a, b, c Mu khac vec ta _ khong. Khi nao
ba vec ta d6 d6n g ph ~g ?
Gi ven thr ee non -ze ro spa tial
3. Tro ng kh6 ng gia n hai dua ng
vector sa, h andc. In what cas e arc the th ree vec
tors cop lan ar?
thi ng kho ng cat nha u c6 the vuo
hai dua ng th~ g a, b lan hr91 ng g6c v6i nha u kh on g ? Gi a
c6 vec ta chi phucmg la i1 va v. si'.r
vuo ng g6c v6i nha u ? Kh i nao ta c6 the ket lu~n a va b
ln spa ce, can two non -in ters ect
ing lines per pen dic ula r to each
hav e direct ion vec tors i1 and oth er? Su ppo se two line s a and
per pendic ula r to b)?
v, res pec tively. In wh at cas e can
we con clu de tha t a l. b (a is

4. Mu on chu ng mi nh dua ng th~

g a vuo ng g6c v6i m~ t
g6c v6i m9 i du ang cua
( a) hay kho ng ?
(a) c6 can chu ng mi nh a vuo ng
To pro ve tha t lin e a is per pen
dic ula r to pla ne (a) , do we hav
to eve ry line in ( a)? e to pro ve tha t a is per pen dic
5. Ha y nha c l~i n¢i dun g din h
lf ba dua ng vuo ng g6c.
Re sta te the the ore m of thr ee
per pen dic ula rs.
6. Nh ac l~i din h ngh ia
Re sta te the def ini tio ns of:
a) G6 c gii ia dua ng thi ng va m~
t ; an ang le bet we en a lin e and a
b) G6 c giii a hai m~ t pla ne;
a dih edr al ang le.
7. Mu on chu ng minh m~t ph ~g
( a) vuong g6c v6i m~t ph kg (/J)
Ho w do you pro ve tha t pla ne thl phai chu ng min h nhu the nao
( a) is per pen dic ula r to pla ne ?
8. Ha y neu eac h tin h kho ang eac (/J) ?
h: Sta te how to cal cul ate the dis
a) Tu m◊t die m den m9 t dua tan ce
ng thi ng ; fro m a point to a lin e;
b) Tu du ang thi ng a den m~t
ph ing ( a) son g son g v6i a ;
fro m lin e a to pla ne ( a) per pen
dic ula r to lin e a ?
c) Gifra hai m~ t son g son
g. bet we en two par alle l pla nes .
9. Ch o a va b la hai dua ng thi
ng che o nha u. C6 the tfn h kho
nh au nay ban g nhfrng eac h nao ang eac h gifra hai ducrng th! ng
? che o
G ive n two dia gon al lin es a and
b. In how ma ny wa ys can you cal
the tw o dia gon al lin es? cul ate the dis tan ce bet ween
10. Chung mi nh ran g t~p hqp cae
die m eac h deu ba din h cua tam
g6c vm m~ t ph ing (ABC) _va di qu~ t~ gia e ABC la ducrng thi ng vuo
cua duo ng tro n ngocµ tiep tam ng
Prove tha t a set of poi nts equ gia c ABC.
1d1stant fro m three ver tex es
per pen dic ul ar to pla ne (AB C) of tria ngle ABC is a line
and passin g thr oug h the cen
ter of the c irc um sc rib ed cir cle
tria ng le ABC. of

t. Trong c_ac m¢nh de sau ~a ~ lll END-OF-CHAPTER Ill EXERCISES
01 thl' lollowing propositi y, ~ ¢n~ de nao la dung ?
a) Hai duang thAng pha ~~ns, :vhich are true'!
1\v~l distinc! lines pe~1~~\i~1~g vu6ng g6c voi m(?t m~t phAng thl chung song song .
b) _Har m~t phang phan bi¢t cun a~ to the samc__plane ar~ paral!el; ,
[\Hl di ~tmct planes pcrpendi; ul·ue,ng goc vm ~◊t ducmg thang thl chung
song song ;
c) M~t phang ( a) vuong , , . .,r to the same lme are parallel;
song v& (a) ; Plane a ..Lg .c vobr duong thltng b ma b vu6ng g6c vai duong thi ng a th1 a song
d) Hru· m~t phang '
phan biet me' and b ..L
a so Cl I I a '
Two distinct nlanes e~chcunfg vu h_e,ng_g6c vai m9t m~t phltng thl chung song song ·
e) Ha1. duang , th..,ang cung vue,o w ich is perpen ct· I
1cu ar to a third plane are parallel·'
Two lines perpendicular t ~~ g~c voi _m◊t duong thltng thl chung song song. ·
2. Trong cac dieu khing dinh soau deAsamd~,Ime are parallel.
· l · ·
Of the tol owmg
h ' , ~ ,
statemen ts wl .ay, h.
1eu nao Ia dun ?
a) K oang each cua hai duan th z true? · lie 1s
hai diem bit kl nfun tren hai d~on
The distance betw
~f. g
,• , ,
che~ nh,au la do~ ngan nhat trong cac do~ thing n6i
een two dngo Iang ay va nguqc 1<;11 ;
. .' na rt~es is · t11e shortest of the segments connecting any two
po ints on the two di
At d' ~ agona 11
b) Qua mo 1em c6 duy nha't mes A
and vice versa·
- z '
Throuo·h a oint the myt m<;1_t phang vu6ng g6c vai m(>t m~t phing khac;
c) Qua ; e,t d~an thz re p~sdses a un_ique plane pe,rpendicular to another plane;
- . g ang co uy nhat mc>t m~t phang vuong g6c vai mot mat phing khac ·
Th roug 11
~ ai 1rne there ·
, , passes a umque plane perpendicular to another ·plane; · '
d), Duang ?11g ~ao ~6ng ,g6c vai ca hai duong thltng cheo nhau cho tnr6c la duang vuong
goc chung cua ha1 duang thang d6.
A line pe_rpendicul ar to both given diagonal lines is a common perpendicular line to the two lines.
3. If~ chop SABCD c6 day la hlnh vu6ng ABCD c<;1nh a, qnh SA bang a va vuong g6c vai mat
phang (ABCD). ·
Given pyramid S.ABCD whose base is a square ABCD with edge a, and with edge SA of
length a and perpendicular to plane (ABCD).
a) Chung minh ring cac m~t ben cua hinh chop la nhfing tam giac vuong.
Prove that all side faces of the pyramid are right triangles;
b) M~t phing (a) di qua A va vu6ng g6c vai c<;lflh SC Ian lu<,1t dt SB, SC, SD t<;1i B', C', D'.
Chung minh B'D' song song v& BD va AB' vuong g6c vai SB.
Plane ( a) passing through point A and perpendicular to edge SC cuts edges SB, SC and SD at
points B', C ' and D ', respectively. Prove B'D' II BD and AB' ..L SB.
4. Hinh chop SABCD c6 day la hinh thoi ABCD c<;lflh a va c6 g6c BAD= 60°. G9i O la giao
diem cua AC va BD. Duang thing SO vu6ng g6c vai m~t phltng (ABCD) va SO= : · G9i E

la trung diim cua do<;10 BC, Fla trung diem cua do~ BE. _
G" ·ct S ABCD whose base is a square ABCD with edge a, and with angle BAD = 60°.
tven pyramr_ · t. po'int of edges AC and BD. Line SO is perpendicular to plane (ABCD)
Le t O be the mtersec 10n ~ ·
3a £ be h ..... idpoint of segment BC and let F be the midpoint of segment BE.
and SO = - · Let t e uu
~ _ hing (SOF) vul'lng g6c v& m~t phing (SBC).
a) Chung mmh m~t p . ndicular to plane (SBC ).
Prove plane (SOF) f5 pe~ a A den mat phing (SBC).
b) Tfnh cac khoang each tu v • ts o a~d A to plane (SBC).
Calculate the dista~ces_ fr; !
0 1
~ ADC narn trong hai m~t phltng vu6ng g6c vai nhau. Tam
5. T~ di~n ABCD c6 ~ai ",1~1 ==
g1ac ABC vu6ng tcµ A co~
= b. Tam giac ADC vuong t<;1i D c6 C!) = a.
f es ABC and ADC all in two perpendicular planes.
Given tetrahedron ABCD with two ac A has AB= a and AC= h . Triangle ADC with right
. h . gle at vertex
Triangle ABC with n g t an
angle at vc1tex D has CD == a. 121
IIA-H1Nt; HOC 11 (SN)
g tam giac vuOng.
a) Chung minh cac tam giac BAD va BDC la nhim
Pro_\e t~at tn_:mgles BAD and BDC an~right 1nangle,. 011mg minh IK la ducm g vuOng g6c chung
b~ Gc_>i Iva K Ian hrc;n la trung diem cua AD va BC. .
cua hai dtrang thclng AD va BC. . 1) · Prov e thal / K 1s the comm on
. , of lines AD and BC. rc~pccnve
. om11
Let / and .n1., be the m1dp
perpendi cular line to t~o lines AD and BC. D.A 'B'C D ' wi l.h edge a.
6 · Cho ~nh l~~ phtrang ABC DA'B 'C'D ' c.µili a. Give square cuboid ABC
a) Chung minh BC' vuong g6c v6i m~t (A 'B'CD
(A'B 'CD ).
Prove that line BC is perpe ndicular to plane
b) Xac djnh va tinh d6· dai doan
rmm c and calculate
vu6ng 0o6c chung cua AB' va BC'.
length of the comm on perpendic ular segment to
AB' and BC aJi
7. Clio hinh chop SABCD c6 day la hlnh thoi ABCD ~ a c6 g6c BAD =60°
va SA =SB = SD = -2- .
BAD = 60 0 ' and
ABC D with edge a and angl e
Given pyramid S.ABCD whose base is rhombus
·msA =SB =SD = -a✓-3 ·
va d◊ dai clµlh SC.
a) Tinh khoang each tu Sden m~t (ABCD)
and the leng th of edge SC.
Calculate the di~tance from apex S to plane (ABCD)
phillg (ABCD).
b) Chung minh m~t (SAC) vu6ng g6c v6i m~t
Prove plane (SA C) is perpendic ular to plane (ABC
1- BC.
c) Chung minh SB vu6ng g6c v6i BC. Prove: SB
D). Tfnh tanq.,.
d) GQi rp la g6c giii'a hai m~t phillg (SBD) va (ABC
) and plane (ABCD). Calculate tan rp.
Let rp be the dihed ral angle between two planes (SBD


la dung ? Of the following propositions. whic h is true?
1. Trong cac m¢nh de sau dAy, m¢nh de nao - ---+ - -
- -----+ _..,. -----+
(A ) From AB = 3AC , we infer BA = -3CA.
(A) Tir AB= 3AC ta suy ra BA= -3CA .
(B) From AB = - 3AC , we infer CB = 2AC
(B) Tir AB= -3A C ta suy ra CB= 2AC .
(C) AB= -2AC SAD
+ nen Mn diim A, B, C, D cung thu(>c m◊t m~t phillg.
D are coplanar.
Since AB = - 2AC +SAD , four points A . B, C and

(D) Neu AB = -½ BC thl B la trung diem cua do.µi AC.

lf AB =__!_2 BC ,then Bis the midpoint of segment AC.
2. Tim m¢nh de sai trong cac m¢nh de sau dAy :
Of the following propositio ns, find the fal se one.
Nii+ "iiP o
= nen N la trung diem cua do.µi MP ;
(A) Vi
- - ..
Since NM+ NP= 0 , it follows that N is the midp
oint of segment MP .
O bA't Id ta c6
(B) Vi / la trung diem cua do.µi AB nen tir m()t diim
from any point O, we have
Since I is the midpoint of segment AB. it follo ws that
oi =!(OA+oii);
(C) Tu h¢ thac AB = 2AC - 8AD ta suy ra ba vecto AB, AC, AD d6ng ;
infer three vectors AB, AC. AD are coplanar.
f rom expression in the form AB = 2AC - 8.AD, we
(D) Vi AB+ sc + ci> + ru = onen Mn diem A,
B, C, o cung thu()c m<)t m~t philng.
points A. B, c. Dar e coplanar.
Since AB + BC + CD+ DA =0, it follows that four
98-HINH HOC 11 (SN)

3. Trong cac kl t qua sau dAy, ke't qua nao dung ? Of the following resul ts, which 1s true'!
Cho h1nh l~p phuang ABCD.EFGH c6 c~h b:ing a. Ta c6 AB. EG
Given square cuboid ABCD.EFGH with edge a . We have: AB.EC equals
(A) a2 : (B) a2fi.;

(C) a2 ✓3 ; (D) a2 fi. .

, 2
4· Trong cac m~!lh de sau day, m~nh de nao la dung ?
Of the following propositions, which is true?
(1 ) Neu ~uong thing a vu6ng g6c v6i dm:mg thing b va ducmg thing b vuong g6c v6'i duang
lh~g C th1 a vuong g6c vcri C ;
If lane ~ is perpen~cuJar to line b and line b is perpendicular 10 line c, then a is perpendjcular to c:
(B) N~u duong thang a vu6ng g6c v6'i ducmg thing b va ducmg thing b song song v6i ducmg
thang c th1 a vu6ng g6c v6i c ;
If line a is perpendic~lar to line band b is parallel to line c. then a is perpendicular to c: .
(C) Cho ba duang thang a, b, c vu6ng g6c vcri nhau tung d6i m<)t. Neu c6 mqt ducmg thang d
~6ng g6c v6i_a t_hi d song song v6i b ho~c c ;
Give three pairwise perpendicular lines a. h and c. If there exists line d perpendjcular to a,
then dis parallel to either b or c
(D) Cho hai ducmg thing a va b,song song v6i nhau. Mqt ducmg thing c vu6ng g6c v6i a thi c
~6ng g6c v6i m9i ducmg thing ntun trong m~t phing (a, b).
Given ~o _paraJJel lines a and b. If line c is perpendicular to a, then c is also perpendicular to
every lme m plane (a, b).
5. Trong ~ac m¢.nh de sau day, hay tlm m¢nh de dung.
Of the toll?wm,g proposjtions. find a true proposition. .
(A) H~ 1!1;;tt phang phan bi¢t cimg vu6ng g6c vai m(>t m~t phing thu ba thl song song v& nhau.
Two d1stmct planes _Rerpendicular to a third plane are parallel.
(B) Neu hai m~t phing vu6ng g6c v6i nhau thi moi ducmg thing thuqc m~t phing nay se
vu6ng g6c v6i m~t phing kia. ·
If two planes are parallel, then every line in one of the two planes will be perpendicular to the
other plane.
(C) Hai m~t phing (a) va (/JJ vu6ng g6c vai nhau va dt nhau theo giao tuyen d. V6i m6i diem
A thu¢c ( a) va m6i diim B thu9c (/J) thi ta c6 ducmg thing AB vu6ng g6c v6i d.
Given two perpendicular planes (a) and (P) cutting each other along intersection line d. For
each point A in (a) and for each point Bin (P), we have line AB perpendicular to d .
(D) N€u hai m~t phAng ( a) va (/JJ deu vu6ng g6c v6'i m~t phing (n thi giao tu yen d cua ( a) va
(/J) n€u c6 se vu6ng g6c v6i (n.
If both planes (a) and (P) are perpendicular to plane (y), then the intersection line d of (a )
and (P) (if ~y) wilJ be ~rpendicul~r to (y).
6. Tim menh de sai trong cac m~nh de sau day :
Of the foJlowing P,ropositions, find the false ?ne. , , , ... , ...
(A) Hai duong thang a va b trong kh6ng g1an c6 cac vecta_ch! yhuong Ian Ju~ la u ~a v..:
Dieu kien dn va du de a va b cheo nhau la a va b kh6ng co diem chung va ha1 vecta u , v
khong chng phucmg ; ... ... · I Th
G' t spatial Jines a and b with direction vectors u and v , respective y. e n~essary
ar:~es:fi~ent condition for a and b to be diagonal is that a and b have no common pomt and
that two vectors u and v are non-parallel; , ,. , , h
b la hai duong thing cheo nhau va vu6ng goc v'!1 ~~u. J?uon~ vu6ng goc c ung
(~) Ch~ a, , mat hin chll'a duang nay va vu6ng goc VO'l duong kia ;
c~a a va b 11~ tr~ng d. p ngdicular lines a and b. The common perpendicular line to a and
Given two diagonal .~ perpe th two lines and perpendicular to the other line.
h lies in plane contammg,nh s
one oh~ ~ giac ABCD nao c6 hai m~t ben (SAB) va (SCD) cung
(C) Khong thi c6 m◊,t ht , c P .
vuong g6c v6i m~t phang day _; al yramid S.ABCD with both faces (SAB ) and (SCD)
There never exists a quadn 1ater P
perpendicular to the base plane.

(D) 010 - - . , , nh Am trong mAt phing (a) va n
u, v la ha.i vecto chi phuong ciia hai duong tMng cAt au n _ _ · , .. .. _
la t hi ph , J. ( ) la n u = 0 va, n . v- - 0.
vec O c uong ciia duimg thartg 6.. Di~u kien can va dii dt /). a .
G. . · II- - · . · plane (a) and n be the
l'vt'n and v be two direction vectors of two diagonal Imes in . .. - _
ct· . · . . ~ /j J. (a) 1s that n . u - 0 and
~Je~tion vector of line !).. The necessary and sufficient cond1t1on or ·
fl • I' == 0.

7. Tr?ng cac m¢nh de sau day, m¢nh de nao la dung?

Of the following propositions, which is true? , , , '
(A) M◊t duong thing ciit hai duong thartg cho truck thi ca ba ducmg thAng do cung nAm trong
m()t m~t phaog.
If a line cuts two given lines, then all three lines are coplanar. , d ,
thAng 6 cung
(~) MQt duong thfuig dt hai duong thfuig dt nhau cho truac thl ca ba ducmg
nam trong m◊t m~t phang.
If a line cuts two given intersecting lines, then all three lines are coplanar.,
(C) Ba duong thfuig dt nhau tung dOi mQt thl cung nA.m trong mQt m~t phAng.
If three lines cut in pajrs, then they are coplanar. , , ,
(D) Ba duong thaog cit nhau tung dOi mQt va khOng nAm trong mQt m~t phAng thi dOng guy.
If three lines cut in pairs and do not lie in the same plane, then they are concurrent.
8. Trang cac m¢nh de sau, m¢nh de nao la dung ?
Of the following propositions, which is the true one?
(A) Hai duong thaog phan bi¢t cung vuOng g6c vm mQt m~t phartg thl song song.
If two distinct lines are parallel to the same plane, then they are parallel.
(B) Hai m~t phAng phlln bi¢t cung vuOng g6c vm mQt m~t phing thl song song.
If two distinct planes are perpendicular to the same plane, then they intersect each other.
(C) Hai duong thang phan bi¢t cung vuOng g6c vm mQt duong thing thi song song.
If two distinct lines are perpendicular to the same line, then they are para11el.
(D) Hai duong thang khOng dt nhau va khOng song song thl cheo nhau.
If two lines are non-intersecting and non-parallel, then they are diagonal.
9. Trang cac m¢nh de sau, m¢nh de nao la dung?
Of the following propositions, which is the true one?
(A) Hai duong thing phlln bi¢t cung song song vm mQt m~t phaog thi song song v6i nhau.
If two distinct lines are parallel to the same plane, then they are diagonal.
(B) Hai m~t phaog phan bi¢t cung vuOng g6c vm mQt m~t phaog thl dt nhau.
If two distinct planes are perpendicular to the same plane, then they intersect each other.
(C) Hai duong thaog phlln bi¢t cung vuOng g6c vm m◊t duong thfuig thl vuOng g6c v6i nhau.
If two distinct lines are perpendicular to the same line, then they are perpendicular to each other.
(D) MQt m~t phang (a) va m()t duong thaog a khOng thu()c (a) cung vuOng g6c v6i duong
thi ng b th) (a) song song v6i a.
If both plane (a) and line a not in (a) are perpendicular to Iine b, then (a) II a.
10. Tim m¢nh de dung trong cac m¢nh de sau d~y.
Of the following propositions, find the true one.
(A) Ooc:1n vu6ng g6c chung ciia hai duong thfuig cheo nhau la do1µ1 ngAn nha'.t trong cac doiµi
thing n6i hai diem ba'.t Id !An luqt nAm tren hai duong thfuig a'.y va nguqc ll;li.
A common perpendicular segment to two diagonal lines is the shortest of segments
connecting any two points on the two lines, respectively and vice versa.
(B) Qua rnQt ruem cho tnroc c6 duy nha'.t m<)t m~t phaog vu6ng g6c v6i m◊t m~t phartg cho truoc.
171rough a given point there passes a un ique plane perpendicular to a given plane.
(C) Qua m◊t diem cho tnroc c6 duy nha'.t m<)t duong thfuig vu6ng g6c v6i m<)t ducmg thing
cho truac.
TI11ough a given point there passe~ a unique line peJl)Cndicular to a given li ne .

(D) Cho ba duong than dOi m¢t. Khi d6 ba dum-ig thAng nay se nt1m
rrong ba m~t phi ng song a, h, c: ~heo nhau tllng . .
v6i _nhau lllng dOi m()t.
ti 1, ,·n thre e pair wi~e di} l~o~g _
t they will lie in three pa1,:w1~c p::imllcl hne.,._
1. Khoang each gifra hai : nal h~cs.a. h and c. Nex trong cac kt t
qua sau day ? ~ d61 cua m¢t ru di~n deu qmh a bang kc!t qua nao
fht· distance between twO . a is
3a opposne edge ~ of a regular tetra hedron with edge
(A) -2 ; (B)- ;
a✓3 2
(C) - 2- ; (D) a✓2 .


. I) B(O. 3) C(2 · 4). Xac djnh anh cua tam
1. T:?nABgmC~t phAn_g to~ d('> Oxy , cho cac. diem A(I ' ' ' ' '
g1ac d' qua cac phep bie'n hinh sau.
I), B(O ; 3) and C(2 ; 4). Dete nnine the imag
e of
I~ coor mate plane Oxy , given poin ts A (I ;
• .
tnangle ABC under the followin
) Ph, tinh f1e .. bo trans1onnallon s:
on thro ugh vect or
v = (2 ; I) ;
: ) Ph:P d6. , n tbeo vecto v = (2 ; I) ; Tran slati across Ox-axjs;
~p ,! x~g qua tn,Ic Ox ; Refl ection
c) Phep d xung qua tam /(2 ; I) ; Rotation about center / (2 ; l );

d) Phep q~ay tam O g6c 90° ; Rotation of 90° about center 0 ;

lien tie'p phep d6i xung qua trl}c Oy va phep
e~ Phep dc'.5n~ d~g c6 duqc bang each thi,c hi¢n
Y! ti! tAm O ti s6 k = -2.
ction across Oy-axis and homothety with
Similarity obtained by consecutively doin o refle
center O and ratio k = - 2. b

G9i G va H tuang ung la tr9ng tam va lfl!c tam

2. Cho tam giac ABC n('>i ti€p duang trcm tam O.
diem cua cac c~ BC, CA, AB.
cua tam giac, cac diem A', B', C' hrqt la trung
er 0 . Let points G and H be the cent roid and
Given trian gle ABC inscribed in a circle with cent
ts A ', B ' and C' be the midpoints of sides
orthocenter, respectively of the triangle and let pojn
BC, CA and AB, respecti vely.
A', B', C'.
a) nm phep vi ti, F bi€n A, B, C tuang ung thanh
points A', B' and C'.
Find homothety F mapping points A, Band C onto
points 0. G and Har e coUinear.
b) Chung minh rAng 0, G, H thAng hang. Prove
c) nm anh cua O qua phep V! ti! F. Find the image of point O under homothety F .
d) GQi A", B", C" IAn luqt la trung diem cua cac
doiµi thing AH, BH, CH ; A1, B1, C1 theo thu ti!
g tron (0); Ai , Bi , Ci tuang ung la chan
la giao diem thu hai cua cac tia AH, BH, CH vm duon
A , B , C qua phep Y! ti! tam H ti so ~ ·
cac duang cao di qua A, B, C. Tim anh cua A, B, C, 1 1 1
BH and CH. respectively, let A,, B, and C1
Let A" B" and C" be the midpoints of segm ents AH,
and CH, respectively with circl e (0 ) and let
be the ~econd intersection points of rays AH, BH
d C, respectively. Find the images of A, B. C,
A' B' C' be the feet of altitudes through A, Ban
I' l' I . l
d ratio - ·.
AI • BI, c I under homothety with center Han 2

e) Chung minh chin diem A', B', C', A",

B", C", Ai, Bi, Ci cung thu¢c m¢t duang tron
, a · la duong trcm 0-le cua,, tam, giac ABC).
(duong .
tron n y • ts A , B' C' A" B", C , A , 1, 1 bel ong to a circl e called Euler circl e of
g91 B' C'
. , , · ' 1
Prove th at nmc pom
triangle ABC.
3 Ch0 , . AB la day Ian. Goi M la trung di~rn
• • hinh ch6p SABCD c6 day ABCO la hlnh th~g ~6i ABCD va Gla tn;mg tAm cu
cua do.µ1 AB, E la giao diem cua hai canh ~n cua hmh thang
tam giac ECD a
a· .· . • h larger base AB. Let M be the
~ven _pyramid S.ABCD whose base is trapezoid A~CD wtl .· e
mtdpo mt of segment AB. let E be the intersection pomt of two sid edges of trapezoid ABCD
and let G be the centroid of triangl e ECO.
, • , , ~ , , _
a,) Ch_ung m~ rang b6n diem S, £, M , G cung thuqc m◊t.!11~t Ph~ng a
(a) va mat phang nay cat
ca hru m~t phang (SAC) va (SBD) theo cung m6t giao tuyen d.
ovc that four points S. £ , M , G belong to the· same plane ( a) cutt'1ng two planes (SAC) and
(SBD ) along intersection line d.
b) Xac dµili giao ruy~n cua hai m~t phing (SAD) va (SBC).
Detennine the intersection line of two planes (SAD) and (SBC).
, . ~ .
c~ ~a:y ~◊t diem K tren do.µ1 SE va g<;>i C' =SC n KB, D' =SD nKA. Chung h
mm rang giao
diem cua AC' va BD' thuqc duong thing d n6i tren.
Take a point K on segment SE and let C' = SC n KB, D' = SD n
KA. Prove that the
intersection point of lines AC' and BD' is on lined above.
4. Cho hinh lang tf9 tu giac ABCD.A'B'C'D' c6 E, F, M va N Ian luqt la trung
diem cua AC, BD,
AC' va BD'. Chung minh MN= EF.
Given quadri lateral prism ABCD .A'B'C'D' with E, F, M, N as the midpoints
of edges AC, BO,
AC', BD', respectively. Prove: MN= EF.
5. Cho h1nh l~p phucrng ABCD.A'B'C'D' c6 Eva F Ian luat la trung diem
cua cac qnh AB va
DD'. Hay xac dinh cac thiet di¢n cua hlnh l~p phucmg ~At bm cac m~t
phing (EFB), (EFC) ,
(EFC') va (EFK) vm K la trung diem cua qtnh B'C'.
Given square cuboid ABCD .A'B'C'D ' with E and F as the midpoints of
edges AB and DD'.
Detennine the cross sections of the square cuboid cut by planes (EFB), (EFC)
, (EFC'), (EF.l()
with K as the midpoint of edge B'C'.
6. Cho hlnh l~p phucmg ABCD .A 'B'C'D' c6 c:µih bang a.
Given square cuboid ABCD.A 'B'C'D ' with each edge of length a unit.
a) Hay xac d!flh duang vu6ng g6c chung cua hai duong thing cheo nhau BD'
va B'C.
Determ ine the common perpendicular line to two diagonal lines BD' and B'C.
b) Tinh khoang each cua hai duong thing BD' va B'C.
Calculate the distance between two lines BD' and B'C.
7. 010 hlnh thang ABCD vuOng t;ti Ava B, c6 AD= 2a, AB= BC= a. Tren tia
Ax vuOng g6c vm
m~t phartg (ABCD) Ia~y m()t diem S. G9i C', D' Ian luqt la hlnh chieu vuOng
g6c cua A tren SC
va SD. Chung minh rAng :
Given trapezoid ABCD with right angles at A and B and with edges AD
Take a point S on ray Ax perpendicular to plane (ABCD ). Let C' and D'
=2a, AB =BC = a.
be the perpendicular
projections of A onto SC and SD, respectively. Prove:
a) SBC =sciJ = 90°.
b) AD', AC' va AB cung nAm tren m◊t m~t phartg.
Lines AD', AC' and AB are coplanar.
c) Chung minh rAng duong thing C'D' luOn luOn di qua m◊t diem c6
dtnh khi s di d~ng tren
Prove that line C'D' always passes throug h a fi xed point when S moves on
ray Ar.

§2. 2. Thl!c hi¢n lien tic!p phep d6i xung qua EH vA phep
1. oey rAng
Note that M' _ T: Linh tii!n theo vecta £ 0 .
- ii(M ) ~Mfi, - Consecutivel y do retlect1on .J.Cn>S.S EH and
2. La tam giac GB'C' sao cho ca , == v.
ACC'G la cac hlnh blnh h>--Lc tu giac ABB'G va translation through vector EO .
- - cuu1. Dung D 3. Su d~ng tfnh cha't cua phep d<"n hlnh.
AD = GA . · sao cho Use properties of isomctry.
Image of !:l.GB'C' so that . §7.
.4CC 'G are parallelogra m quadr
C1lateraJs ABB 'G and 1. La tam giac n6i trung diem cua cac ap1h HA, HB, HC.
- - s. onslluct D Triangle joining midpoints of sides HA. HB and
AD =GA so that
J. a) Tv (A) = (2 ; 7), Tv (B) = (- 2 ; ) ; 2. Su d~ng each xac djnh tAm vj n,r cua hai duang tron.
b) C = T_v (A) = (4 ; 3); Use the method of determining the homothetic
center of two circles.
c) d' c6 phuang trinh x _ 2Y + = 3. Dung dµih nghla phep vj ti!.
8 0
Lined' has equation x _ 2v + = · Use the definition of homothety.
8 0
4. C6 v6 s6. Infinitely many · · §8.
1. Thl!c hi¢n lien tiep cac phep bien hlnh theo dµth ngrua
Consecutively do transformatio ns by definition.
1. A'( l; 2), 8'(3 ; -1) 2. Thl!c hi¢n litn tiep phep d6i xung tAm / va phep vj
Duong thing A 'B' c6 phuong trinh la ti! tAm A, ti s6 2 de bien hlnh thang JLKJ thanh hlnh
Line A 'B ' has equation of the fom1 thang!HDC.
3x + 2y -7 =O. Consecutively do a rotation across center / and a
homothety with center A and ratio 2 so that trapezoid
2. 3x + y - 2 = 0.
JLKJ will be mapped onto trapezoid /HDC.
3. Cac chii V, I, E, T, A, M, W, O deu c6 true d6i 3. Phuong trinh cua n6 la x- + (y - 2)2 = 8.
xung. . Its equation is of the form ;r + (v - 2 )2 = 8.
Letters Y , I, E, T, A, M, W, 0 all have ofretlection 4. Thl;{c hi¢n litn tiep phep d6i xung qua duong phAn
§4. ..,_ cua
gti:lC ' goc
' B va' ph'ep V!. n,r tAm B, ti' s6 AH
AC ·
1. A'(l ;-3),d'c6p huangtrln hx-2y-3= 0.
Consecutively do a reflection across the bisector
A '(l ; - 3), d ' has equation of the formx - 2y - 3 = 0.
line of angle B and homothety with center B and
2. ffmh blnh hanh va hlnh l~c giac deu la nhiing hlnh
. AC
c6 tAm d6i xung. rat10 - ·
A paraJlelogram and a regular hexagon have a center
of rotation.
3. Duong thing, hlnh g6m hai duong thing song song, BAI TAP ON TAP CHUONG I
... la nhung binh c6 vO s6 tAm d6i xung. END OF CHAPTER I EXERCISES
A line, a shape with two parallel lines, ... have 1. a) Tam giac BOC ; Triangle BOC
infinitely many centers of rotation . b) Tam giac COD; Triangle COD
c) Tam giac EOD. Triangle EOD
§5. 2. G9i A' va d' theo thu tl;{ la anh cua A va d qua cac
1. Goi E Ia ctiim ct6i xung v6i C qua tAm D. phep bien hlnh tren.
Let Ebe a correspondi ng point to C across center D. Let A' and d' be the images of A and d. respectively
under the transfomrntions above.
a) Q(A,900) (C) = E; a) A'(l ; 3), d' c6 phucmg trlnh:
A '(l : 3), d' have equation of the fonn
b) Duang CD. Line CD.
3x+ y-6 = 0.
2. B(0 ; 2). Anh cua d la duang th ing co phuong b) A'(l ; 2), d' c6 phuong trlnh :
trinh x - y + 2 = 0. . . . A'( I ; 2), d' have equation of the form
B(0 ; 2). Image of d is a line with equation of the 3x -y-1 = 0.
form X - y + 2 = 0. c) A'(l ; -2), d' c6 phuong trlnh :
A'(l ; -2), d' have equation of the form
3x+ y -1 =0.
1. a) Chung minh OA.oA' =o va OA =OA '. d) A'(-2; -1), d' c6 phuong trlnh :
Prove that OA.OA' = 0 and OA = OA ·. A '(- 2: - 1). d' have equation of the form
b) A (2 ; - 3), B (5 ; -4), C1 ( 3 ; -1). x- 3y - l = 0.
1 1
3. a) (x - 3)2 + (y + 2) 2 = 9 : 8.
b) (x - I )~ + (y + I )1 = 9 :
a) (PM N) n (BC ~) =
b) Goi L.:t Q = £ n
Ta c6 N)
c) (x - 3)2 + (y - 2)2 = 9 ; \\'1: get Q = BC n (PM .
. L t M - AE n DC.
d) (X + 3f + (Y - 2f = 9.
Dung dµili ngh ia cua phep
9. a) G~1 /
Ta co \, e gc
tM = DC n (CA E). . EC 'F
SD. i die. n la tu g1ac A
tµlh tien va phe p d6i . F- MC 1n·et
x1111g ~c . b) G91 - ' n .
_ The -:rm-~ ,;ec uon h
Use the defi n itlons ot translat Let F = \JC n .S 0
ion and reflectional qua drilateral AE C F .
~ ym m etr)
10. a) G<?i Let N = SM n CD
5. Tam giac BC D. .
Tn angle BCD Ta co. nn · e get N' = CD n (SBM) .
6. (x- 3)2 +(y - 9)2 =3 6.
b) Goi Let O =A C n BN .
1. N ch~y tren ducmg tron (0'
) la anh cua (0 ) qua phep Ta c6 We get (SAC) n (SB M) = SO
4nh tien theo AB . c) Gqi Let /=S O n BM .
Pom t N mo.,.ing on circle (O' Ta c6 We get / = BM n (SA
) 1s the 1m:ige of (0 ) C). SC
d)G oi Let R= AB n CD , P=
und er translat ion through -\8 MR n .
Ta c6 We get P = SC n (ABM);
MP= (SCD) n (AMB)
CH UO NG II CHAPTER II Ap d9n g dµlh I[ ve giao tuy en !
ciia ba m~t pha ng. ,
§1. 1. Apply the theorem on
intersection \me of thre e
1. a) £ , FE (ABC) ⇒ EF c (ABC) ; planes
2. a) Khi PR II AC , qua Q •
/ E BC ve ducmg tha ng son g song
b) ⇒ / voi AC dt AD t~ S.
{ BC c(B CD)
E (BCD).
When PR II AC. thro ugh Q .
dra w a hne parallel to
Tu<111g n, Like\\ ise. / E (DE F). AC and cutting AD at point S.
ME d b) Kh iPR clt AC ~l tac 6S=
2. IQ n AD .
{d ⇒ ME (/]). \Vhen PR cuts AC at point I . we
C (/J) ha, e
3. a) A'= BN n AG.
3. G9 i / = d n d2. Cll1111g min b) Ot1111g minh B, M ', A' la. di~ . .
1 h/ E d3. ~ chu ~g cua ~ai ~~t_
phang (AB N) va (BCD). De chu
ng min h BM = MA _
Let /= di n d1. PrO\-el d3. = A'N dun g tmh cha t ducmg
E trun g bln h tron g hai
tam giac NM M' va BAA'.
- G . . .z G , . GA
4. 011111g min h BGB cat A A ~1 dtern vm GG A = 3· Pro "e that B, ,\,/' and .4 · are
the com mo n poi nts of
t\\ O planes (AB N) and
(BCD). To ?ro ve tha t ~ .\1' =
~ 11$1 tu<111g n, CG c, DG .H 'A · = A ·.v. use properties of
o cling cit AGA lan luqt a m1dsegment m two
triangles ,\ 'Af\ f'and BA.A ·.
~i cac dii m G', G" voi G'G c) Ta c6 GA '= -1 MM ', MM '= l
A =3, G"GA =3. -A A , suy ra k''
et qua. .
2 2
Tu d6 suy ra dieu can ch1111g minh.
\\'e ha, e GA ' = ]_ M,W'. MM
' = ]_ .I \A ' . Nex.t. infer
Prove 8G B cuts AGA at poi 2 2
nt G with GA = 3. the re:,ult.
Usi ng sim ilar argument , CC §3.
C and DC ~ abo cut
AGA at point~ G' and 1. a) Ot1111g minh 00 ' II DF va
G", respecu vel} with 00 ' II CE .
~ ' Prove that 0 0 ' II DF and 0 0
=3 and - G"A
- = 3 . Next we infer what ' II CE .
G'GA to b) (}q i/ la trung die m ciia AB.
G"GA Ot1111g minh MN II DE.
pro ve. Let I be the mid poi nt of AB .
Prove MN // DE.
S. a) Gqi Let E = AB n 2. a) Giao tuy€n ciia ta) voi
CD . cac m~t cua tu di~n la cac
Ta c6 We get ME = (MA B) c~ ciia tu giac MN PQ co MN
N= SD n ME .
Inte rsection line o f la) and fac
b) G9 i J = AM n BN . Otu ng es of tetrahedro n lS
min h I E SO. edges of qua dnl ate ral .HNPQ
Le t/= A,\,f n BN . Pro ve/ E wit h MN II PQ II AC
SO . and MQ II NP II BD .
6. a) GQi Let £= CD n NP b) lfm h bln h hanh. Par alle log
. ram
Otu ng min h Prove £= CD 3. (a) cit (SAB), (ABCD)
n (MN P). the o cac gia o tuy en song
b ) (MN P) n (AC D) = ME
song voi AB va ( a ) dt (SBC)
the o gia o tuy €n song
7. a) (/BC) n (K.AD) = IK. son g v6i SC.
b) Gqi Let £= Bl n MD , F= Plane ( a ) cuts (SAB ) and (AB
Cl n DN . CD ) alo ng imer.;ection
Ta c6 We get (/BC) n (DM N) line') paralle l to AB and
= EF. ( a) cu b (SBC) along
mter5ecuo n line paralle l to SC.

1 oung 1inh chtit "rno1 n, ;i1 d . b) GQi Let F =SE n MN, l' =SD n AF
· ,ong song theo hai giao ;· ~h i~g hai rn~t ph~ng
l ,c prnrert\ "a plane Cuy"'n .
song song"

Ta r6 We g..:1 P = SD ll (AMN >.
, II utt1ng
Jk1ng tv.t1 par:i el intersect,· !\\ o II
, . on 1.mes
•• pam el pbnc!> c) Tu giac Quadnlutcral AMNI'.
z. a) Clnmg mmh tu giac AA 'M'M , , ·
4. a) Chu y Ax II Dt v?l AB II CD.
Pn" c that quadnlat AA ,•r·,la.htnh b1nl1 h~ anh .
,, .•1 is a pa 11 1 Note Ai II D1 and AB II CLJ
b) G9i Lt!t I = AM' n A 'M. ra c ogram.
Ta c6 We get I= A'M n (AB'C b) /J la duang trung b1nh cua hlnh thang M 'CC
. L O '). n~n IJ II AA'.
c) G9 1 Cl = AB' n A'B.
Ta c6 We get OC' = (AB'C') Since IJ is the michcgment line od trape1.0id
~ n (BA'C')
d) G = OC' n AM'. · AA ·cc. we have /J II AA ·.
3_ a) Dung ,tfnh cha't "ne'u mot mat ph"~ c) DD' = a+ c - b.
dt.tang thang a., b dt nhau ~a a · , a-11g chua hai
v6i m◊t m~t phang th1 hai mat h.b cu~g song song
Use property: ,. It. a plane contain
· P Ang do song song"
lines a and b all parallel to the sa s two 111terscctin g
planes are parallel." me plane, then two §I.

b) G9i O la tfun cua h1nh blnh h' h AB l. a) Cac vecta cung phuang vm IA :
an CD, G 1 =
AC' n A'O. Chung minh A'G, _ 2 T
A'O - · uang tvcho Vectors parallel to /A :
3 ~ . KB,
Gz. KB', LC. LC', MD, MD'.
Let O be the center
of parallelogram ABCD and b) Cac vecta cimg hu&lg vm IA :
c1 = AC' n A'O. Prove _A'G_! - 2 Th
A'O - ... e same Vectors with the same direction as /A :
applies to G2. 3
c) G1, G2 Ian luqt la trung cMm cua AGz va C'Gi.
Points GJ ai:1d G2 are the midpoints of AG, and c) Cac vecta ngugc hu&lg vm IA :
CG,, respectively. -
Vectors with opposite directions to IA :
d) Thiet di~n la hlnh b1nh hanh AA 'CC.
Cross section is a parallelogram AA'C'C. ~. KB', LC', MD'.
4. Ung dl:lllg dµih li Ta-let. Apply Thales' Theorem.
2. a) AB+ B'C'+DD' = AB+BC+CC' =AC.
BAI TAP ON TAP CHlJONG 11 b) BD-D'D -B'D' =BD +DD' +D'B' =BB'.
1. a) G9i Let G =AC n BD ; H = AE n BF. =AA= 0.
Ta c6 We get GH = (AEC) n (BFD).
3. G9i O la tam cua hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. Ta co :
G9i Let /=AD n BC ; K = AF n BE.
Ta co We get IK = (BCE) n (ADF). Let O be the center of parallelogram ABCD. We have
b) G9i Let N =AM n IK.
SA+~= 2so)
Ta c6 We get N = AM n (BCE).
c) Ne'u ci\t nhau thl hai hlnh thang da cho cung nfun
trong m(}t m~t phAng. V 6 Ii.
If two trapezoids intersect, then they lie in the same
plane. That is unreasonable. 4
· a) MN= MA+~+ DN)
2. a)G9i Let E=ABn NP,F= ADnNP ,
R=SB n ME ,Q=SD n MF.
Thiet di¢n la ngii giac MQPNR . ⇒ 2MN =AD+BC
Cross section is pentagon MQPNR .
- 1- -
G9i Let H=NP n AC,I=S O n MH. ⇒ MN =-(AD+ BC)
Ta c6 We get /=SO n (MNP).
3. a) G9i Let E=AD n BC.
Ta c6 We get (SAD) n (SBC)= SE.

- - Ai' =iic - cAi\'+AB>
b) - - - } 8. IJ'C = AC -
~ =~+AC+C N
-BC' =A-c· - -AB -- <M' +AC>- AB
⇒ 2MN = AC+BD
- I- -
⇒ MN = (AC +BD).
2 N="iis+s c+CN
( 1)
9. M
5. a) A£ == (AB+ AC)+ AD == AG+ AD, v6i G la dinh
tM ttr ctia hinh blnh hanh ABGC vl AG = AB+ AC.
⇒ 2MN = 2MA +2AB+2BN c2>
AE =(AB + AC) + AD == AG + AD, with G as the . 2)
C¢ng (I) v6i ( ta
daoc Adding (1 ) to (2), we get
. _ _ _
fourth vertex of parallelogram ABGC because
- - 2MA+SC+ 2AB+CN+ 2BN ⇒
AG == AB +AC. 3MN = MS+ ---d -
V~y AE
==AG+ AD, v6i E la dinh thu tu ctia hlnh
- 1- 2-
blnh hanh AGED. MN=-SC+ -AB.
3 3
Hence AE =AG +AD, with E as the fourth vertex - - -
V~y ba vecto MN, SC, AB
d6ng p hAng .
of parallelogram AGED.
Do d6 AE la duc'mg cheo cua hlnh h¢p c6 ba c.µ1h la Therefore, three vecto
rs MN, SC and AB are
AB,AC,AD. coplanar.
Therefore, AC is the diagonal line of cube with 10. Ta c6 We have Kl II EF II AB.
three sides AB, AC and AD.

b) AF= (AB+AC)-A D
- - - =-AG-AD FG II BC va and AC c (ABC).

Do d6 ba vecto AC, Ki, FG d6ng phAng vi chung

=DG. c6 gia cimg song song v6i mp ( a). M~t phAng nay
V~y Fla dinh thu ttr ctia hlnh blnh hanh ADGF. song song v6i mp (ABC).
Therefore, F is the fourth vertex of parallelogram Therefore, three vectors AC, Kl, FG are coplanar
ADGF. because their base is parallel to plane ( a) that is
- - -1
DB=~+ G_!_ ⇒ DA+ DB+ DC== 3DG §2.
parallel to plane (ABC).

DC=DG+G C 1. a) CAB, 'iG> = 45° ;

vl because GA +GB+ GC = 0 . b) (M,ffi) = 60° ;

7. a) Ta c6 We have IM +IN= 0 c> <AB.DH>= 90°.

ma and 2/M=IA+/C , 2/N=IB+ID
• a> AB.CD = -A'c>}
suyra We infer /A+/B+/C+ ID=0. ~-~=A'c.c~-~>
b) V6i diem P bA't kl trong kh6ng gian ta c6: AD.BC = AD.(AC -AB)
For any point Pin space, we have.
--- ---
b) AB.CD =0, AC.DB=O
IC= PC-Pl, ID= PD-Pl
⇒ AD.BC=0 ⇒ ADJ. BC.
V~y Thus
3. a) a va b n6i chung kMng song song.
/A+IB+IC+ ID =PA+PB+ PC+PD-4P I In general, a and b are non-parallel.
b) a va c n6i chung kMng vu6ng g 6c.
Ma and IA +IB+IC+ID = 0
In general, a and c are non-perpendic ular.
-1- ---
nen Therefore Pl =-( PA+PB+PC +PD). 4. a) AB.CC= AB.(AC' -AC)
= AB.AC - AB.AC = o

\'~} The ref ore AB .L CC.
- - - +A
- = I (AB - - -2
AB AB.MN .AD B.A C - AB ) =
b>M.V =P Q= - 2
l 2 2 2 ) =0
CC' = (AB cos 60° +A B cos 60° - AB
va MQ = NP = . \!JAB ..L CC' 2
2 efore, MN ..L AB.
V~y Thus AB.MN = 0, dodo ther
cc · Since AB .l h_I ta chll'l1g minh duqc MN
..L CD ban g
and JfQ =.VP = 2
CC ' Ttr<Yng
each tfnh
nM N ..L CD by
ma MN II AB. MQ II CChne Likewise, we can prove that MN
nhat...L MQ . V~y hinh
blnh hanh MNPQ la hln chf r calculating
o~ s that MN - - -
and MN II AB. MQ II CC'. it foU
PQ . .l MQ . -.MN
- = -(A1- -
D- AC ).(AD +A C- AB)
Therefore , parallelogram MN tangle. 2
1s a rec
SB J =0 .
5. SA. BC = SA. (SC -
= SA.SC - SA.SB =- o 1. a) Du ng; True
b) Sai ; False
⇒ SA .l SB.
e d) Sai. False
Tuong U! ta c6 Likewise, we hav c) Sai ; False
58 .1- AC. SC ..L AB. 2. a) BC ..L AI}
BC .L DJ ⇒ BC ..L (ADI)
6. AB.00' = AB.( AO ' - AO )
b) BC ..L (ADI) ⇒ BC .l AH
= AB.AO' -AB .AO =O ma and ID ..L AH nen thus AH
..L (BCD).
⇒ AB 1- oo·.
3. a) SO ..L AC } ⇒ SO ..L (ABCD)
h binh hanh c6
Tu gia c CD D'C la hin SO..LBD
CC 1- AB ntn CC 1- CD .
parallelogram with
Quadr ilatera l CD D 'C' is a b) AC ..LBD} ⇒ AC ..L(SBD)
CC .L AB. so CC .l CD . AC ..LSO
chit nh~t.
Do d6 tu giac CD D'C la hln h
BD .LA C} ⇒ BD ..L (SAC).
a rectangle.
Thus quadri lateral CD D 'C' is BD..LSO
1 C .
AB.A .smA
7. Ta c6 We have SABc =- 2
4. a) BC .l OH } ⇒ BC .l(A OH )
= ]._AB.A CJ I-c os A.
= !!.AC nen it follows that
⇒ BC

Tuong ti! ta chung minh duqc CA

.l BH va AB .l CH,
Vi Since cosA .
/ABI./A cl ntn H la fn!c tam cua tam giac ABC
BH and AB .L CH,
- 2 -2 --2 Likewise, we can prove CA .l
✓ AB .AC -(A B.AC) therefore, Hi s the orthocenter of
MB C .
2 - 2 -2
I - cos A= va BC. Ta c6 OH la
AB .AC b) G9i K la giao diem cua AH
K ntn
duong cao cua tam giac vuOng AO
Do d6 Tbere=.:,f_ '
o◄ r_e:..... ~- ---=-- Let K be the intersection point of
AH and BC. Since
--- 2 AC2 -(AB.AC)2
I t- OH is the altitude of right triangl
e AOK, we have
2'JA I I I

8. a) =;is·cAD- AC> --=-+
2 OA 2 OK 2
- · (I)

= AB.AD - AB.AC = o duong cao OK ta c6:

Trong tam giac vuOng OBC vai
AB 1- CD . . e OK. we have
⇒ In right triangle OBC with altitud
b) Ta tfnh dll<
JC We obt ain
I AD- BC) :: - (AD +A C -
- - I 1 I
- = -2+ - 2
· (2)
MN =- ( + 2 oK
2 oB oc
l3 l
, (BCD'A ').
. h Pro\ t' AB .l
Tu ( I) va (2) ta c6 : 111 '.n Ct\ ) la ~ ~ g trung ~ eua
From (I) and en \\(' h U\ t'
5. a) CMng
b) Qiung rn~g')
do,_u1 BU ~ ( •
la ,nat phing trung tn,«: cua doari
c~ g vuoog g6c v& m~ r,hAng
l I
2 =
-- + -
2 0 82
- + --·
2 A 'D. Hai m~l phartg rnii
'flA ') en c6 g1ao ruy
AC' vuOng g6c v& (BDA ).
5• a) SO J. AC} (Bu. n · . ~ . .1 is the perpendicular ht\ector
Prove that (A ( ( BD and (AB( D I •~ the
SO J. BD ⇒ SO J. (ABCD). I if ,egment . '/ Th "~
p anc · tar bisector
• plani: ot segment A J
perpen icu rpcndicular to the ~amc plant
b) AB J. SH}
AB J. SO ⇒ AB l (SOH ). two plane~ areh ~e tntersecu on line A ( ~ al~o
(BDA '). thus t eir .
perpendi c~lar~~(~ D~ D ) va suy ra (ABCD) J. (SBD).
6• a) BD J. AC}
BD J. SA ⇒ BD J. (SAC)
6. a)Oiung ~ SBD) and infer (ABCD>J. (SBD1
⇒ Prove AC _nh ( OS _ OB = OD va suy ra tam giac
b) Onrng rru -
b) BD .l (SAC) ma and IK II BD nen so SBD vuOng tai S. .
IK J. (SAC). Prove OS = ·08 == OD and infer that tnangle SBD
has right an~le at S. AD J. (ABB'A ').
7. a) BC J. AB} . a) Chung 111 ,nh Prove
BC J. SA ⇒ BC J. (SAB) 7
b)AC'= fa 2 +b2 +c2. .
⇒AM J. BC, ma and AM J. SB nen so 8. D◊ dai d11ong cheo cua hlnh l~p ph11ong qnh a bang
AM J. (SBC).
b) 011mg minh Prove SB J. (AMN) ⇒ SB J. AN. a-/3. . .
The length of diagonal line of square cuboid wtth
8. a) Gia su c6 hai duong xien SM va SN Mng nhau. Khi
d6 ta c6 hai tam giac vu0ng SHM va SHN Mng nhau. edges a equals a-Ji
Assume that there exist two equal diagonal Jines SM 9. Chung rninh BC J. (SAH) va suy ra BC J. SA.
and SN. Now we have two equal right triangles Ttrong ttJ, chung minh AC J. SB. . _
SHM and SHN. Prove BC J. (SAH) and infer BC J. SA . Likewise,
Do d6 Therefore : SM= SN~ HM= HN. proveAC J. SB.
b) Gia su c6 hai d11ong x.ien : SA > SB. Tren tia HA a✓2
ta IAy diem B' sao cho HB' = HB, khi d6 SB'= SB va 10. a) SO= - - -
SA > SB'. Dung djnh lf Py-ta-go, xet hai tam giac 2
vu0ng SHA va SHB' ta suy ra di~u can chung minh. b) Chung minh Prove
SC J. (BDM) ⇒ (SAC) J. (BDM).
Assume that there exist two diagonal lines: SA > SB.
Take on ray HA point B' such that HB' = HB. Now c) Chung rninh OM = !!_ va c6 MC = a ma
SB' = SB and SA > SB'. Applying Pythagorean 2 2
theorem and considering two right triangles SHA - 0 --. 0
and SHB', we infer what needs proving. OMC = 90 nen MOC = 45 .
§4. Prove OM = !!.. . Since MC = ~ and OMC =90° .
1. a) Dung ; True b) Sai. False 2 2
2. CD= 26 (cm). MOC =
we have .t5°.
3. a) Chung minh BC J. (ABD), suy ra ABD la g6c
11. a) BD .LAC}
giira hai m~t phAng (ABC) va (DBC). BD J. SC ⇒ BD .L (SAC )
Prove BC J. (ABD) and infer ABD is the angle ⇒ (SBD) J. (SAC).
between two planes (ABC) and (DBC) .
b) Hai tam giac vu0ng SCA va /KA d6ng d~g nen
b) Chung minh Prove BC l. (ABD).
c) Chung minh DB .L AH va DB .L HK. IK= SC.Al=!!_ ·
Prove DB .l AH and DB .l HK. SA 2
Trong m~t phAng (BCD), chung minh Since two right triangles SCA and /KA are similar.
In plane (BCD) , prove IK = SC.Al = !: _
4. Xet hai tnrong hqp ( a) cAt (/J) va ( a) II (/JJ. Ntu ( a)
ciit (/J) giao tuyt n A d11qc xac djnh duy nha't. Qua M c) BKD=90° vi because IK=ID =IB= ~-
c6 m◊t va chj m◊t m~t phAng (P) vu0ng g6c vm A.
Consider two cases where (a ) cuts (ft> and (a) // (/J). SA .L (BDK) va BKD= 90° ' suy ra (SAB) .L (SAD).
If (a ) cuts (ft). then intersection line A is unique. BKD
= 90° , we infer
Since SA .L (BDK) and
Through point M there passes one and only one
(SAB) J. (SAD).
plane (P) perpendicular to A.
Neu (a ) II (/J) thl ta c6 vo s6 m~t phang (P).
If I a1 II (/]). then we have infinjtely many planes (P). 1. a) Sai ; False b) Dung ; True c) Dung ; Truc-
d) Sai ; False e) Sai . Fabe

z. a) can chung minh SA .l BC
va BC .l. (SAH) ⇒ BC .l SE (V6i £ - AH n Clung minh hai tam giac vuOng BCB' vii ADA'
V~y AH, SK, BC d6ng quy. - BC). bang nhau . Hr d6 suy ra BC = AD. Chung minh
prCovc SA l UC and BC l (SAJ I I
It b nhe; e~sAalry/ to B tuang h! ta c6 AC= BD.
(Wit ,~ - " ). Therefore, All SK. . Prove that two nght triangles BC'R' and ADA ' i~
concurrent. '· ,Ind BC are
equal. Next we in fer BC = AD. Proving similarly,
b) CAn chung minh BH .l (SAC) va we get AC = 8D.
SC .l (BKH), suy ra
7. Khoang each tudinh S tm m~t day (ABC) bang d¢
fl is necessary to prove BH .l (SAC) d . fi dai duong cao SH cua h1nh ch6p tam giac d~u. Ta
SC l (BKH), an mer
tinh duoc:
SC .l (BKH) ⇒ SC .l HK} The di~tance from apex S to base plane (ABC)
BC .l (SA£) ⇒ BC .l HK ⇒ HK .L (SBC). equal1. the altitude's length SH of the regu lar
triangular pyramid. We can calculate
c) ~£ la duang vuC>ng g6c ~hung cua SA va BC.
SH== ✓sA 2 -AH = a.
AE ,~ the commo~ perpendicular line to SA and BC
3. Kh_oang c~ch d ,tu ~ac ~iim B, C, D, A', B', D' din 8. Gqi / va K Ian lugt la trung diem cua cac ~ AB va
duang cheo AC d~u bAng nhau vl chung d,1.<-U 1a, d6 CD. Vl /C = JD ren JK .l. CD. Tuong ti! chung minh
, · d •>-
d~I , "'
IJuug Cao cua Cac .tam giac vu6ng bang nhau. · duc;,c IK .l. AB. V~y JK la duang vu<')ng g6c chung
D,stances d from points B, c, D A , , D ,
8 cua AB va CD.
diagonal line AC ' are equal beca~se they ·are tht~e Let / and K be the midpoints of edges AB and CD.
. d , h
alt1tu es 1engt s of equal right triangles
MBC' = MA'C' = ... Since I C = ID, we have JK l. CD. Likewise, we can
prove IK l. AB. Hence IK is the common
= · We can calculate perpendicular line to AB and CD.
. d
Ta tfnh dt1C1C
4. a) Ke BH .l AC t;,ii H, ta c6 BH .L (ACC'A), ta tfnh Do d6 Therefore IK == -2 ·
duc;,c '
Drawing BH .l AC at H, we have BH l.. (ACC'A). BAI TAP ON TAP CHl/ONG Ill
We can calculate
BH= ab 1. a) Dung ; True b) Dung ; True
Ja2 +b2 c) Sai ; False d) Sai ; False
b) Khoang each giii'a BB' va AC' chinh la khoang e) Sai. False
2. a) Dung; True b) Sai ; False
each BH = I c) Sai ; False d) Sai. False
'\Ja2 +b2 3. a) Ap d1,mg djnh Ii ba dubng vuOng g6c ta chung
The distance between BB ' and AC' is just the minh duqc b6n m~t ~n cua hlnh ch6p la nhii'ng tam
ab giac vu6ng.
distance B11 = ✓ · Applying theorem of three perpendiculars. we can
2 +b2 .
a prove that four side faces of the pyramid are right
S. a) Chung minh B'D vu6ng g6c v6i hai dubng thang triangles.
dt nhau cua (BA'C'). . . .
b) Chung minh 8D .L SC va suy ra B'D' .l SC.
Prove B'D is perpendicular to two mtersectmg Imes
Vl BD va B'D' cimg nfun trong m~t phartg (SBD)
in plane (BA 'C'). • , ,
nen BD // B'D'.
b) Goi I va H Jin luqt la tr9ng ~m cu~ MCD . va
Prove that BD .l SC and infer B'D' l.. SC. Since BD
MJA 'C' thl JH la khoang each gma ha1 m~t phang
and B 'D · are in plane (SBD) , we have 8D II B'D'.
song song
(BA 'C') va (ACD'),
.d f A ACD' and MA 'C'
, d H be the centro1 s o '-"' Ta chung minh We prove AB' l (SBC)
Let I a~ Thus IH is the distance between two ⇒ AB' .L SB.
respect! vely. (BA 'C') and (AC D') and 4. a) Chung minh Prove
parallel planes ~
B'D av3 BC .L (SOF) ⇒ (SBC) .l (SOF) ;
JH= - = = - · 3
3 3 . , b) d(O, (SBC))= OH= : ;
• each giii'a hai duong thang cheo
c) Gqi d la khoang a✓3
d(A, (SBC))== d(I, (SBC))= IK = 20H = ·
nhau BC' va CD', d == -3-. 4
d' ta ce between two diagonal lines 5. a) Ta chung minh BA .l (ADC) ⇒ tam giac BAD
Let d be the is n r;
a-J 3 vu6ng ~i A.
d d -3 ·
BC'and CD ' an == , • We prove BA l (ADC) ⇒ MAD has right angle at A.
ditm K cua qnh CD duang thang Dung dµih Ii ba dubng vu6ng g6c ta chung minh
6. Ve qua trunv~ AB sao cho ABB'A' la h1nh b1nh BDC la tam giac vu6ng t~i D.
song so~g la trung ditm cua A 'B'. By theorem of three perpendicu lars, we can provt'
hanh v6'i K I nidpomt K of side CD a lme parallel
the triangle BDC has right angle at IJ .
Draw thro~gti ~BB 'A · 1s a parallclogro m with K as
lO AB so~ a of A 'B ·.
the midpoint
b) Onmg minh tam giac AKD can tai K va suy ra e) 0,U'llg minh
. A" B" C" A'. B'.
. . , I .l
c; , cung
• "
Kl .l AD. . Sau d6 chung mmh A , B , C cung
Prove triangle AKD is an isosceles one with vertex dlJang tron (0 I ) • • / .
:.. (O ). aiang h~. chliflg minh
point Kand infer Kl .LAD. thu¢c d11ang trvn I
Onmg •~inh tam giac !BC can~ / va suy ra IK .l BC.
Prove tnangle fBC is an isosceles one with vertex O A; == 0 1A'. .
point/ and infer IK .L BC. .. belong to circle
.. C " A ·1, 9 ·1, (" 1
Prove that A , B A. . and c ·also belong to circle
Do d6 JK la do~ vut>ng g6c cua AD va BC.
(01)- Next prove ,
13 , - 0 A'
Therefore. IK is the perpendicu lar segment to AD (01)- For example, prove o,A, - t .
and BC.

6. a)
BC' .l B'C }
⇒ BC' .l (A'B'CD)
. _ (ES EM), (a) cit (SAC) va (SBD) theo
3. a) G<;n (':)-: ,' · SO v6'i O = AC n BD.
BC' .l A'B' giao tuyen la d11cmg th ang
b) Do~n vut>ng g6c chung cua AB' va BC la _ (ES EM) ( a) cuts (SAC) and (SBD ) along
Let (a) -:- .' ' · = AC n BD .
Kl= a✓3 . intersection hne SO wi th O
3 b) SE= (SAD) n (SBC). , , .
The common perpendicular segment to AB ' and c) Goi 0 . == AC' n BD . mmh
- a✓
BC ..IS Kl - 3 O' e SO = (SAC) n (SBD).

3 Let O' = AC n BD'. Prove O' E SO= (SAC) n (SBD).

7. a) d(S, (ABCD)) =SH= a✓lS, SC = a✓? 4_ Chung minh tu giac MNFE la hinh blnh hanh.
6 2 Prove that quadrilateral MNFE is a parallelogram.
b) V1 SH .l (ABCD) v6'i He AC nen 5. G<;>i ..t la hinh l~p pht1ang.
(SAC) .l (ABCD).
Since SH .l (ABCD ) with H e AC, we have Let L be a square cuboid.
(SAC) .l (ABCD).
-(EFB) n ..t =ABIF v6i with Fl II AB.
c) V1 SB2 + BC2 = SC2 nen SB .l BC.
Since S/32 + BC2 = SC2, we have SB .l BC. - (EFC) n L = ECFH v6i with CF II EH.
d) tan<p = SH = ✓5. - (EFC') n ..t = EMC'FL v6i with EM II FC'
HO va and FL II C'M.
- Thiet di¢n ~o bai. (EFK) va hlnh l~p phucmg la
hinh I1:1c giac deu.
BAIT#> ON TAP cu61 NAM Cross section formed by plane (EFK) and the
END-OF-YEAR EXERCISES square cuboid is a regular hexagon.
1. G(;>i tam giac A 'B'C' la anh cua tam giac ABC qua 6. a) G9i / Ia tam hlnh vu0ng BCC'B'. Ve
cac phep bie'n hinh tren, khi d6 IK .l BD' ~ K. IK la duang vu0ng g6c chung cua
BD' va B'C.
Let triangle A 'B 'C ' be the image of triangle ABC
under the transformations above. Thus Let/ be the center of square BCC'B '. Draw IK J. BD'
a) A'(3; 2), B'(2; 4), C'(4; 5); at K. IK is the common perpendicular line to BD ·
b) A '( 1 ; -1), B'(0; -3), C'(2; -4); and B 'C.
c) A'(3; 1), B'(4; -1), C'(2; -2) ;
b)Kl= a✓6 .
d) A'(-1 ; 1), B'(-3; 0), C'(-4 ; 2) ; 6
e) A'(2 ; -2), B'(0; -6), C'(4 ; -8).
7. a) St'r d1,mg dµih If ba duang vu0ng g6c.
2. a) Fla phep vi. ttr. tAm G, ti s6 _ _!__
2 Ap~ly Th~orem of three perpendiculars.
b) Chtmg mmh AD', AC' va AB cung vu0ng g6c
vaiSD .
Homothety F with center G and ratio _ _!_,
2 P~o;e AD ·,_AC' and AB are perpendicular to SD .
b) ™y rAng O la tJl!c tAm cua tam giac A 'B'C'. c)CD lu0nd1qua/v6i/=AB n CD.
Note that O is the orthocenter of M 'B'C'. C'D ' always passes through / with / = AB n CD.
c) F(O) = 01 la trung diem cua OH.
F ( 0 ) = 01 is the midpoint of OH.
d) Anh cua A, B, C, ~ , B1, C1 qua phep Y! ti! tAm
Htis6 .!_
2 ttrcmgunglaA"' B"' C"'·1•
A' B' C'
I ' I.

Images of A, B, C, A1, B1, C1 under homothety with

center H and ratio .!_
2 are A ", B ". C ", A '1, B '1, C '1,

Bi~U thut t09 d¢ cua Phep tlnh :~n
c oord1~ate ex~~s~1on of translation 7
Bi~Uth(IC to.;i uy cua Phep l16i x(Jt) Khoang each gil/a dU'ong thAng 115
c oordin:.ite expression of ong. g qua g6c toa d6 va m~t phAng song song
13 Distance between a line parallel to a plane
Bi~Uth(!C to.;i d¢ cua phep 110::i timetry . . 116
c oordinate expression of ren f g qua tn,ic Khoang each gil/a hai dU'!'lng thAng cheo nhau
, V 6 ec ional symmetry 9 Distance between two diagonal lines
B6ng tuy~I on K c The Vo K Khoang each giila hai m~t phAng song song
n och snoWflake
41 Distance between two parallel planes
cac tfnh ch~t thl/a nh~n Ace ~
ep ed properties
Khoang each Ill m9I di~m den 115
46 m(>t dllang thang
Di~n trch hinh chi~u cua met AD . , Distance from a point to a line
· . • ua gIac Khoang each t(I m61 di~m Mn
Area of the proJection of a polygon 107 11 5
m¢t m~t phang .
0 Distance from a point to a plane
Oinh Ii ba di/Ong vuOng g6c 113
Kim ll! thap Ke-6p Pyramid of Cheops
n,eorem of three perpendicular 102
Ojnh Ii Ta;let Thales· Theorem s 44
68 M~t phang Plane
u6n g g6c voi m~t phang
OLIOnQ thang dv_ M~t phang trung tn,tc cua m¢1do.;in thang
A 11ne perpen Icu Iar to a plane 99
Bisecting plane of a segment
OLIOnQ vu6ng g6c chung cua hai <M, th• p
cheo nhau ng ling 4
117 Phep bien hinh Transformation
A common perpendicular line to two Phep chi6u song song
diagonal lines
Parallel projection
G 19
Phep doi hinh lnsometry
Giao tuyen Intersection line 8
48 Phep d6i x(mg tr\JC
G6c gil/a di/Ong thilng va m~t philng 103 Reflectional symmetry
Angle between a line and a plane Phep doi x(mg tam 12
G6c gil/a hai di/Ong thing 95 Rotational symmetry
Angle between two lines Phep d6ng nha't Identity 5
G6c gil/a hai m~t philng Phep dong d.;ing Similarity 30
Angle between two planes Phep quay Rotation
Goe giila hai vecto trong kh6ng gian 4
93 Phep tjnh lien Translation
Angle between two vectors in space Phep vj Ii! Homothety
H Phi/Ong phap lien d~ 81
Hai di/Ong thang cheo nhau 55 Axiomatization
Two diagonal lines Q
Hai dl/Clng thilng song song 55 Quy !Ac hinh h9p Cube rule 86
Two parallel lines s
Hai di/Ong thilng vu6ng g6c 96 SJ! dong phang cua ba vecto
trong kh6ng gian 87
Two perpendicular lines
Hai m~t phang song song 64 Coplanarity of three vectors in space
Two parallel planes
108 Tam doi x(mg 12
Hai m~t phlmg vuiing g6c
Two perpendicular planes Center of rotation
22 Tam vj II/ cua hai dU'!'lng Iron 27
Hinh b~ng nhau Congruent figures
Hinh bi~u dien Representation 45, 74 Homothetic center of two circles
72 Tam vj IJ! ngoai 28
Hinh chieu song song Parallel projections
51 Exterior homothetic center
Hinh ch6p Pyramid 28
70 Tam vj II/ trong
Hinh chop ct,1t Truncated pyramid
31 Interior homothetic center
Hinh dong dc;ing Similar figures 42
43 Tham Xec-pin-xki
Hinh hQC khiing gian Spatial geometry
40 Sierpinski carpet
Hinh h9c Frac-tan Fractal geometry
83 Thiel di~n 53
Hinh h9c L6-ba-sep-xki
Cross section
Lobachevskian Geometry 82 93
Tich v6 hl!Ong cua hai vecto trong khiing gian
Hinh hQC 0-clit Euclidian geometry 69 Dot product of two spatial vectors
Hinh h¢p Cube 110 8
Tn,ic d6i x(mg Axis of reflection
Hinh h¢p chi! nh~t Rectangle cuboid 110 TCtdi~n d~u 52
Hinh h¢p d(mg Parallelepiped 69 Regular tetrahedron
Hinh Iang lrt,J Prism 110 V
Hinh Iang lrt,J d~u Regular prism 110 Vecto trong khOng gian 85
Hinh Iang lrt,J d(mg Right prism 110
Hinh l~p phi/Ong Square cuboid Vector in space
52 Vecto chi phl/Ong cua dU'!'lng !hang 94
Hinh tCt di~n Tetrahedron 14
Hinh c6 tam d6i x(mg Direction vector of a line
Figure with rotational symmetry Vl tri 11/Clllg d6i cua dl/Clng thAng va m~t phAng 60
10 Relative position of a line and a plane
Hinh c6 tr\JC d6i x(mg
Figure with reflectional symmetry
Ml)C Ll)C

. . ... 4
§1. Phep bi~n hinh Transformations ........................ .. ................... ............ .. .... ...... · ... ..... .................. .. · · 4
§2. Phep t!nh tien Translations ......... ...................... .................... ...... · ... ................. ........ ........... .. ..... 8
§3. Phep d6i xung tryc Reflectional symmetry .... .. ............... .... .. ·· ·.. ·· ........ ·.. ··.. .. · .. · · .. .... ·.. ·· .... · .... ·.. · .. ··12

§§:· :~~P d6i xung tam Rotational symmetry ............... ......................... ... ................... ..... •.:::::::::::::::.:::: 15
. ep quay Rotations ............ .... .. ................ .... .... .. ...... .. . . ... · · · .. · ·...... ··· ··• .. ............ · ·
§6. Khai ni~m ve
phep dai hinh va hai hinh b~ng nhau
Concepts of isometries and two congruent figures ....................... ····· .. ··· ...... ···.... ·.. ··· .. ·· .. ·· ·........ · · .. .. .. · ·· 2

:::~~:~ ,;~%~~:;t: ~!l~·;I;;···::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~~

Cau ho, on tc:ip chl/Ong I End of Chapter I questions............ ......................... ........... ...........
Bai t~p on t~p chl/Clng I End of Chapter I exercises .................... .. ·.... · .. ·· .. · .... ·.... ·.. .. ·· ·.. ·· .... · .. ·· .. ·.. ·· ··..
Cau hoi trik nghi~m chl/ong I End of Chapter I multiple choice questions -.. ··......... .. .. .......... · ·.. .. .. · ·.. ·

Bai d9c them : Ap d1,mg phep bien hinh M giai loan

Further reading: Applying transformations in solving math problems ... .. ....... · .................. · ......... · ·.. .... 37
Bai doc them : Giai thieu ve
hinh hoc Frac-tan
Furth~r reading: lntrod~ction to fra~tal geometry ................. ....................................... ·.............. · ·..... 40
§1 . El~i cl/Ong ve
dl/ong thang va m~t phang Overview of lines and planes ......................... ................. 44
§2. Hai dl/ang thang cheo nhau va hai dl/angthang song song
Two diagonal lines and two parallel lines ...................... ....................... ...... ....................... ....... -.-. -.. --.. 55
§3. Ell/Ong thang va
m~t phang song song A line parallel to a plane .............. .. ............. ---....... -.. · · .. ·· .. ·· .. 60
§4. Hai m~t phang song song Two parallel planes ........... ....... ... ............................ ......................... ··....... 64
§5. Phep chieu song song. Hinh bi~u dien cua m9t hinh khong gian
Parallel projections. Representations of a spatial figure .. .............. ................... ........................ .. ..... 72
Bai d9c them : Cach bi~u dien ngu giac deu
F urther reading: How to represent a regular pentagon ...................................... .. ... ................... ........ 75
Cau hoi on t~p chl/ong II End of Chapter II questions ............ ................................... .. ...... ... ............... 77
Bai ~p 6n ~p chl/Ong II End of Chapter II exercises ..................... ............................ ........................ 77
Cau hoi trek nghi~m chl/ong II End of Chapter II multiple choice questions ..... .. .......... ................. .. 78
B9n c6 biet? Ta-let, ngl/ai dau lien phat hi~n ra nh~t thl,fc
Do you know? Thales - the first to predict a solar eclipse .......... .. ........................... ....... .................... 81
Bai d9c them : Giai thi~u phl/Ong phap tien de trong vi~c xay dl,(ng Hinh h9c
Further reading: An introduction to axiomatization of geometry ........................... ............................... 81
§1 . Vecto trong kh6ng gian Vectors in space ................................ ............... ... ........................................ 85
§2. Hai dl/ang thang vu6ng g6c Two perpendicular lines ......... ........... ........ ............................................. 93
§3. Ol/ang thang vuOng g6c vai m~t phang A line perpendicular to a plane ...... ............................ .......... 98
§4. Hai m~t phang vuOng g6c Two perpendicular planes .................. ........................ .. .. ..... ....... ........ .. .. 106
B9n c6 biet ? Kim II/ thap Ke-op
Do you know? The Pyramid of Cheops ....................... ................. .. ......... ................ ... .. ... ............. .... 113
§5. Khoang each Distance .. .............. ........................ ·.... ·.............. -..................... ... ...... ... ......... .. ... ........ 115
cau hoi On t~p chl/Ong Ill End of Chapter Ill questions .. ............................................... .... .... .. ......... 120
Bai ~p On t~p chl/Ong Ill End of Chapter 111 exercises .. ...... ... ........ ........... ........................ .. .. ........... 121
cau hoi trac nghi~m chl/ong Ill End of Chapter Ill multiple choice questions .. .......... ...................... 122
Bai ~P On ~P cu6i nam End of year exercises .. ..... .. .................. ....................................... ...... .... .... 125
Hl/ang d~n gial va dap s6 Guidance on solution and key ..... ........... ................. .................... ....... ... . 127
Bang thu~t ngii Terminology ........... -...... -.. .. ......... ....... .................................................... ................. 135

Chi11 lnkh nhi¢m xudr bd11 : Otu tich HQi d6ng Thanh vien M~C VAN THitN
T6ng Giam d6c kiem T6ng bien t~p GS.TS. VU VAN HUNG
T6' ch,rc hdn 1/uio
rci chi11 1rach nhiefm nt)i d1111g : Trq If T6ng bien t~p DOV AN THAO
T6ng Giam d6c Cong ty CPThiet bi giao d1:1c va C6ng ngh¢ Vi¢t Nam
Bien t(lp 11¢i dung : D~NG TH. BINH - NGUnN D~NG TRI TIN - TRAN THANH HA
(Bien t~p phan tieng Vi¢t)
HUYNH KIM TUAN (Bien t~p pha.n tieng Anh)
Bien l(lp 1111 lhu(l1 : TR.NH THANH SON
Thi et ke' sach . NGUYEN TH~C ClfONG
Trinh bay bia : NGUYEN M~NH HUNG
Siia hdn in : PH~M HONG TiNH (Phan tieng Vi¢t)

MAI TH. PHlfONG THAO (Pha.n tieng Anh)

CM bd 11


Ma s6: TYT02L5
In 20.045 ban (QE> 09/QE>ln-VNEET) , kh6 20,5 x 29cm.
Don vi in: Cong ty TNHH MTV In Nhan Dan B1nh E>jnh.
s6 339 - 341 Tr§n Hung E>~o - TP. Quy Nhon - Tinh Btnh E>jnh.
So E>KXB : 407-2015/CXBIPH/l 3-286/GD.
So QE>XB : 42 18/QE>-GD ngay 23 thang 7 nam 2015
In xong va n(>p hfu chi~u thang 8 nam 2015 .


1. TOAN 3
2. TOAN 4
3. TOAN 5
4. TOAN 6 (t~p 1, t~p 2)
5. TOAN 7 (t~p 1, t~p 2)
6. TOAN 8 (t~p 1, t~p 2)
7. TOAN 9 (t~p 1, t~p 2)
8. TOAN 1O (O~i s6 10, Hinh h9c 1O)
9. TOAN 11 (O~i s6 va Giai tich 11, Hinh h9c 11)
10. TOAN 12 (Giai tfch 12, Hinh hoc 12)

Gia: 37.OOOd

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