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Western Mindanao State University

External Studies Unit Siay

Name: Hazel Mae S.Calapes Date: 10/26/17

Course & Year: BEED2/CLUSTER2 Rate:

Not Reported


Nature of Language, the Symbol System of Verbal Communication- language is

the element of society, allowing people to live, work and play together, to tell the
truth out also to tell a lie, or lies.

“Language allows people to say things to each other and express their
Communication needs”


Language is a system of sounds and symbols used to communicate ideas and



1. Language is a system – language is a vehicle by which the individual is able

to receive messages from inside or outside. The individual processes the
information inside himself and responds by sending messages through
language outside.

2. Language is symbolic – language is a collection of symbols which possess

certain properties. It contains elements which consist of letters of the
alphabet along with punctuation marks such as commas, periods, and so on.

3. Language is conventional – language is the means accepted by a large

number of people. It is one of the important means by which a group or
culture identifies itself.
4. Language is learned – each culture creates its own language to modify the
general language to meet its own needs.
5. Language changes – language is one of the ways by which groups identify
themselves. Unique expressions, new words and distinct language patterns
are formed from language.

Language – is a more comprehensive definition. It is a complex system of

symbols shared and used for communication by members of the same
Western Mindanao State University

External Studies Unit Siay

Name: Hazel Mae S.Calapes Date: 10/26/17

Course & Year: BEED2/CLUSTER2 Rate:

MY Reflection

In this entire semester, I learned more about the subject in English 103
Speech and Communication Skills.

In your subject in English, and to you ma’am, I learned how to deliver the
proper pronunciation, the way to answer your question and to emphasize your
explanation and I really understand you ma’am. I like the way you asked questions
and how to answer it well.

Otherwise, I realized that in this subject, I had made such different hang-
outs together with my classmates, especially when we have our video presentation.
I know all of us had make that kind of acting looks like a broad caster, actresses
and actors. I know it’s not easy to seen in front of the camera. I feel nervous, but
I try my best to do the task.

Therefore, I am really happy for that group activity. I can’t forget that kind
of good and bad memories, and of course, because of you ma’am we experienced of
having an assuming broadcasting. It is very excited even if our grammar and
pronunciation is not so correct.

I am very thankful to you ma’am, you’re a good teacher. I like you ma’am,
because you know how to manage your students.

Someday I will be like you. God bless you ma’am.

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