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The graph chart compares data about proportion in how Australians commuters were contibuted in two

mode of transport in five different Australinan cities between 2000 to 2010.

Overall, it is clear that almost every towns form of travel was raisen over the shown period.

significantly, high percentage of passengers accouted in Perth;however, least percentage was tookplace
in the town of Sydney throughout the timline.

In 2000, citizens of Perth commuted just below 80% and, rose steadily upto 2008 which accounted 85%
while, Sydney had been accounted 63%. The city of Brisbane took exactly three in four. Whereas, It is
notable that, It had been levelledoff between 2002 to 2006. Moreover, Melborne and Adelaid had
contributed 70percent and just over 65% respectively.

It is worth to notable that , In2010,

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