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Time and line

Before I finally enter the early adulthood phase, I would like to reminisce the life I have for the past 17 years. I honestly went
through a lot of situations that I couldn’t ever imagine to succeed. There are times where I felt I wasn’t good enough for myself
and to other people. Life is truly full of surprises. Sometimes, I felt euphoric and sometimes I just don’t feel anything. Despite the
hardships and challenges that I encountered, I am so amazed by how I managed to beat these things. I want like to take this
opportunity to remind myself of how much I’ve grown for the past years. I am aware that I am not a fully grown man, but the
things that I am about to share helped me to become what I am today. Ten years ago, I felt at ease for staying at my comfort
zone. I used to be the happiest child that I could ever turn into because I have everything that I need. A comfortable home, a
family which I can rely to, a place where I can find both joy and relief at the same time. Little did I know, things were about to to
turn into a kind of nightmare as my family got separated for a shitty reason. The boy who always wear a huge bright and genuine
smile became the coldest person he could ever possibly turn into.

The situations I witnessed for the past 17 years helped me to manage every situation independently. I am thankful to the person
I met along the way. I am thankful to those
Ten years ago, a child

Panahon, pagkakataon, at karanasan

Time and line of the Unknown

For the past 17 years, I have learned so much lessons that made me realize what life is really all about. I am challenged by how
things were turned out because I’m too young and naive to foresee these from happening. Seventeen years of walking through
the path of the unknown is what made me who I am today. I spent almost my entire life walking on a track where I find
pessimistic. . I am blinded by the fear of not finding the purpose why I continuously following the line. I am intimidated to look
for answers in my how’s and why’s. Desperate to look for a call in the hope that a day will come where time won’t chase me
anymore. As I continue to walk and move forward, every steps that I take gives me a glimpse of what these are all about. Despite
the challenges I encountered along the way, I realized that Wandering isn’t bad at all because this journey towards the unknown
made me realize how my time and line works. The day came wherein I finally found the answer that I am looking for in the past
seventeen years. The pile of experiences I collected and kept in the expedition open a passage to a really important message.
The timeline gives me a different perspective of how I should view life and it is to deal with the present and stop forcing your
mind to foresee your soul. To give my final remark before entering early adulthood phase, I want myself to remember this at all
times. May this message be a reminder for you to keep walking towards the unknown because it is the only way for you to
realize how life is all about. Here’s to a decade and eight!

Upon reminiscing my timeline

Having some sense of change

Sense of change

Confused and scared

But I made it here. I withstand every single downs in my life

The time and line. The journey towards the unknown made m

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