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SIKLO SALAMAT: Breaking Generational Curse of Stigma

Mental health stigma refers to a collection of unfavorable attitudes and behaviors

toward people who are currently coping with mental illness as well as those who have

previously dealt with it. It makes sense that people would feel uncomfortable discussing

complex subjects like depression, anxiety, or other mental health difficulties. Speaking up

entails a significant danger of being misunderstood or even ignored. Additionally, it's crucial

to speak out about these situations. When we remain silent, the issue just worsens. When

someone is stigmatized, they may be reluctant to seek assistance. People's fear of being

perceived as weak or inept can keep them from realizing their full potential and it hinders

other people from receiving the assistance they need.

Mental health is equally as valuable as physical health and it should be addressed in

the same manner that other illnesses are. That being said, the students of 1AP envisions a

mental health stigma free environment through a video entitled “Siklo Salamat”, a

campaign that will show how a single action can make a big difference be it in a negative or

positive form. Moreover, this will serve as an avenue to provide support for those that are

dealing with difficulties in these trying times because the proponents believe that people are

all isolated, in more ways than one.

By helping others, you can help yourself as well and together, society can overcome

stigma's generational curse and work toward the shared objective of creating an

environment that is more secure, welcoming, and safe for those dealing with any mental

health issues.

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