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Improving Technical Drawing Trainers' Skills in Batangas To Adapt To


The term "globalization" is both wide and complicated. The globe has undergone
a profound transformation as a result of globalization. But it has particularly changed
the global economy, which is more interconnected and dependent than ever. Global
education links educational approaches from various educational systems to support
the international advancement of environmental sustainability and to strengthen
multinational companies. From the primary to the university levels, these educational
initiatives stress worldwide access to education while fostering learning opportunities
that equip students for roles as global leaders. The formation of multicultural awareness
from an early age may blend concepts obtained from many societies in order to get to
well-balanced judgments regarding challenges that surround the world as a whole.
Education serves as the basis for global stability.
Trainers must arm themselves with the skills necessary to meet the demands of
the globalization in order to handle this circumstance. Thus, it will help them improve
their training methods so that their students are ready for the rapidly evolving
technology today. In keeping with this, the advocates seek to create a mechanism for
assessing the skills required for technical drafting instructors to keep up with the
problems posed by the globalization.
The technical drafting trainers in the province of Batangas would be the target
respondents. To acquire important data, a proponent-made checklist questionnaire will
be developed. To identify which of the given competencies they are least confident in
teaching, a Likert scale will be used. As a result, the findings of the analysis of the
respondents' training needs will help them by identifying their areas of weakness and
recommending the best course of action for enhancing their competence.

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