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Unidad Educativa Pablo Muñoz Vega

Students names: Marlon Cabrera, Juan Cabrera, Wilmer Cadena, Steven Yugsi

Task: What it is like to be a teenager in Ecuador

1.We adolescents can take advantage of this stage to plan our future and ensure it

2.We are free to choose the career that we think suits our abilities

3. It is the stage where they discover their talents

4. Teenagers take advantage of social networks to communicate


1. Adolescence has certain disadvantages such as feelings, physical and psychological change

2. Teenagers have sometimes been emotional instability

3. the influence of bad people in the world of drugs and alcohol.


From: The students

TO: teacher Consuelo Jurado

Subject: What it is like to be a teenager in Ecuador

Date: Tuesday March 9th 2021

Hi teacher, our group hopes that you are well today, we would like to talk to you about
disadvantages that we have as teenagers

We take advantage of this stage to plan our future and ensure it and we are free to choose the
career that we think suits our abilities. We have moral and economic support from our relatives.

Adolescence has certain disadvantages such as feelings, physical and psychological change, and
adolescents have sometimes been emotional instability, the influence of bad people in the world
of drugs and alcohol.

We hope to meet again, to share our experiences about this stage of our life that we are passing

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