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At the Airport

Match the place with the sentences

Write the number of sentences next to the correct place.

A) on a plane 1. 3. 8. 11.
B) at a tourist information desk 2. 9. 10.
C) at a check-in-desk 6. 7.
D) at a car hire desk 4. 5.

1. Could I see your passport, please?

2. Could I take this hand luggage with me?
3. Can I ask you something? Is there a delay?
4. I made a reservation for a medium-size car.
5. Can I see your driving licence?
6. I’d like some information, please.
7. Where is the exhibition centre?
8. Could you tell me, how to get there from the airport?
9. May I keep this map?
10. Will you help me put my bags in the overhead compartment?
11. I have an aisle seat, but there’s nobody by the window. Can I sit there?

Complete the following exercises:

- SB p50 exc 2
- SB p51 exc 5
HW WB p33 exc B, C

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