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After taking the 16-personality test, I was given “INFP”.

An INFP or a Mediator are known to be quiet

and creative. They spend their time romanticizing their future and step-up unrealistic expectations for
their reality. They are known to be empathetic, generous, and independent with a constant desire to
help other people. Unfortunately, because they tend to be idealistic, they also tend to be unrealistic.
With their timid independence, it’s hard for them to reach out in new environments. INFP are dreamers,
peace makers and empathic but they are also emotionally vulnerable, desperate to please, and self-

Understanding and reviewing both strengths and weaknesses, I find that I resonate with many qualities
that are INFPs. I am a hopeless romantic and have impossible standards, constantly setting myself up for
disappointment. I work better independently but if I was not prompted, I could go a long time without
human connection. For example, during the peak of the pandemic, we went into lock down. I went a
whole year without interactions outside my own home and I enjoyed it. Believing I was more productive
alone, I dreaded going back to school or even seeing my own friends. However, once I had spent more
time with them, I realized how I missed being around other people and although I was more productive
alone, it is nice to take a break and enjoy some company.

Being creative and independent are qualities INFPs are known for. I believe that my career choice,
computer programming, allows me to explore those traits further. Being creative allows me to find
solutions from different angles. Also being independent means that I am not reliant on others to get a
project done, after all, only one person can use a keyboard at a time. I know that I wouldn’t want a job
that manages people as I find that to be stressful. With computer programming, there is a sense of
fulfillment in watch something you work so hard on, finally work.

Overall, I believe that this is an accurate depiction of me. I am idealistic and always want to help those
around me. However, I am also self-critical and unrealistic. When it comes to my work, I am productive
working alone, but I don’t always understand when I have been alone for too long. This activity has
helped me see myself from an outside perspective, my strengths and even my weaknesses.

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