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Capstone Update #3

What I have accomplished so far

- Made started making assets for the game (different size text boxes, figured out colors to use,
made the night sky background)
- Made a story board for chapter one (rough idea of what it will look like)

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

- Finish story boarding other chapters

- Making the other constellations into assets that I can move and animate too

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

- Time
- Computer with internet access

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

- I couldn’t work on the project because the program I needed to use to code the game (Unity) is
on my computer, so I used my time to story board and make assets

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

What the game will look like, chapter 1: Cassiopeia (made on

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