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Subject: epp

Grade Level: Grade 5

Objective: parts of computer

Learning across curriculum:

1) Math - Understanding Binary Code

- Learning Competency: Identify the parts of a computer and their functions.

- Connection: Binary code is used in computers to represent data and

instructions. Understanding binary code is crucial in understanding how computers
process information.

2) Science - Electrical Circuits

- Learning Competency: Identify the parts of a computer and their functions.

- Connection: Computers use electrical circuits to transmit and process data.

Understanding electrical circuits will help students understand how computers work.

3) Language Arts - Writing Instructions

- Learning Competency: Identify the parts of a computer and their functions.

- Connection: Writing instructions is an important skill in computer programming.

Understanding the parts of a computer will help students write accurate and effective


[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Computer, projector, quiz questions]

1) Computer Parts Trivia Quiz - Engage students by challenging their knowledge of

computer parts through an interactive quiz.

2) Guess the Function - Show images of different computer parts and have students
guess their functions, promoting critical thinking and active participation.

3) Computer Parts Scavenger Hunt - Hide images or labels of computer parts around
the classroom and have students find and identify them, creating a fun and engaging

Activity 1: Building a Computer Model

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials: Cardboard, art supplies, scissors, glue, computer parts images

Significance: Students will create a model of a computer using cardboard and art
supplies, allowing them to visualize and understand the different parts of a computer.


1) Provide each student with cardboard, art supplies, and computer parts images.

2) Instruct students to cut out and assemble the cardboard into a computer model.

3) Have students label and attach the computer parts images to their models.


- Accuracy of labels: 5 pts

- Creativity and neatness: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the function of the motherboard?

2) Name two input devices of a computer.

3) Explain the role of the CPU in a computer.

Activity 2: Computer Parts Crossword Puzzle

[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

Materials: Crossword puzzle handouts, pencils

Significance: Students will solve a crossword puzzle focused on computer parts,

reinforcing their understanding of the topic.


1) Distribute the crossword puzzle handouts to students.

2) Instruct students to solve the crossword puzzle individually.

3) Provide assistance and guidance to struggling students as needed.


- Completion of crossword puzzle: 5 pts

- Accuracy of answers: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the function of the RAM in a computer?

2) Identify two output devices of a computer.

3) Explain the purpose of the power supply unit in a computer.

Activity 3: Computer Parts Role-Playing

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Materials: Flashcards with computer parts names, props (optional)

Significance: Students will engage in a role-playing activity where they act out the
functions of different computer parts, enhancing their understanding of their roles.


1) Assign each student a computer part.

2) Instruct students to research and prepare a short dialogue or skit showcasing the
function of their assigned computer part.

3) Have students perform their role-plays in front of the class.


- Knowledge and understanding of the computer part's function: 5 pts

- Creativity and presentation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the purpose of the hard drive in a computer?

2) Name two storage devices used in computers.

3) Explain the role of the graphics card in a computer.


Activity 1 - Building a Computer Model: Students demonstrated their

understanding of computer parts by accurately labeling and assembling their
computer models. This activity allowed them to visualize and identify the different

Activity 2 - Computer Parts Crossword Puzzle: Students showcased their

knowledge of computer parts by completing the crossword puzzle with accuracy.
This activity reinforced their understanding through problem-solving.

Activity 3 - Computer Parts Role-Playing: Students showcased their

understanding of computer parts by creatively acting out their assigned roles. This
activity allowed them to apply their knowledge in a practical and engaging manner.

Understanding the different parts of a computer is essential in comprehending how

computers function. By learning about computer parts, students can identify the
specific roles of each component and understand how they work together to process
and store information. This knowledge provides a foundation for future learning in
computer technology.


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Research and Present: Students will choose a specific computer part and
conduct research on its function, history, and advancements. They will then create a
presentation to share their findings with the class, promoting independent learning
and critical thinking.

Task 2 - Design a Computer: Students will design their own computer system,
considering the specific needs and requirements of different users. They will create a
detailed plan, including the selection of appropriate computer parts and justifying
their choices, encouraging problem-solving and decision-making skills.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers]

Question 1: Explain the function of the motherboard and its importance in a

computer system.

Question 2: Identify three input devices commonly used in computers and explain
their functions.

Question 3: Discuss the role of the CPU in processing data and executing
instructions in a computer.

1) Create a Computer Parts Poster:

- Overview: Design a poster showcasing the different computer parts and their

- Assessment Question: Explain the purpose of each computer part featured in your

2) Computer Parts Scavenger Hunt:

- Overview: Go on a scavenger hunt around your house or school to find different

computer parts. Take photos or draw pictures of each part and label them.

- Assessment Question: Identify the function of each computer part you found during
the scavenger hunt.

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