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How are you? = Como estas?

I’m well = Estoy bien (Estar bien de salud)
I’m great = Estoy genial
I’m tired = Estoy cansada
Why are you tired? = ¿Por que estas cansada?
It is early here = Es temprano aqui
Hey everyone = Hola a todos
I’m wonderful = Estoy de maravilla
I’m good = Estoy bien (Estar contento)
I’m sad = Estoy triste
Why are you so sad? = ¿Por qué estás tan triste?
Because my dog is sick = Porque mi perro esta enfermo
I’m sorry = Lo siento
It’s ok = Está bien
Hey! = Hola
I’m stressed today = Estoy estresada hoy
Why are you stressed? = ¿Por qué estas estresada?
I have a lot of work = Tengo mucho trabajo
I’m busy = Estoy ocupada
Why are you busy? = ¿Por qué estas ocupada?
I’m planning a big party = Estoy planeando una gran fiesta
Sounds fun = Suena divertido
Yeah = Si
Nice talking to you = Encantado de hablar contigo
Bye = Adiós
See you soon! = ¡Nos vemos pronto!
Es un poco del vocabulario usado en el video si algo esta mal me lo dicen. Espero les sirva


I’m sick today = Estoy enferma hoy

Excuse me? = Disculpa?
Can you repeat, please? = ¿Por favor, puedes repertirlo?
Your microphone is muted = Tu microfono esta silenciado
Let’s reconnect = Vamos a reconectarnos
Talk to you soon = Hablamos pronto
See you = Nos vemos


First interview.
Eddie: My name is Eddie. What is your name?
Kathy : My first name is Kathy. And my last name is Boquin
Eddie: Oh, great. Is it Cathy with a C or with a K
Kathy : Kathy with a K
Eddie: Oh, great. Is it Cathy with a C or with a K
Kathy : kathy with a K
Eddie: Can you spell that for me?
Kathy : It’s K-A-T-H-Y, Kathy. And my last name: Boquin, is B-O-Q-U-I-N
Eddie: Oh, excellent. Nice to meet you, Kathy
Kathy : Nice to meet you too, Eddie
Eddie: And **where are you from? **
Kathy : I am from Colombia. I’m Colombian.
Eddie: Great. And what is your phone number?
Kathy : My phone number is five, zero, one, two, eight, four, seven, six, three
Eddie: Excuse me. It was five, zero, one or five, zero, two?
Kathy : Five, zero, one
Eddie: Okay. Thank you. And how old are you?
Kathy : I’m 28 years old
Eddie: Oh, me too. I’m 28 years old. And what is your job?
Kathy : I’m a data scientist
Eddie: Excellent

Peru / iam from peru / iam peruvian

First day of work

Congratulations Kathy on the job

Welcome to the team
Thank you. I’m very happy
Do you have your welcome kit?
Yes and I love it
What is in the kit?
A lot of great things. I’ve got a mouse, I also have this mug, I have this note book,
and these are my pens.
Oh… Great. those pens are yours?
Yes, These pens are mine
Can you show me that mug?
Yes, this mug is really cool
yeah, it’s very nice I like it
It says work from home. W-f-h
Great work from home. That’s important
So what do you have? What is your equipment?
I have this mouse, I have this computer, this computer is mine
And I have this folder also I too have this mug, I love it. Awesome…!
I have a folder too. It’s a little different. It’s a red folder
That folder is yours?This is my folder
Oh…great very good
Are you ready to work? Yes, let’s get to work. Excelent

Demonstrative and possessive

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