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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

-The honorabel all senior and alumni EC RISAKA

-The honorabel all of member EC RISAKA

First of all led us say thank to Allah SWT who give us healthy mind and healthy body so we
can stand this agenda internal competition
Secondly sholawat and salam will always be given to our provide Muhammad Saw who
brought us to the brightness life.

I am Rahma hafizah
I will read the schedule for today

2.internal competition

To shorten the time, let's open this event this morning with lafaz basmalah

The second event is internal competition

1.for the first participant fyara rahmadini

2.alya mutiara rahmadani
3.vina khoirunisa
4.mutiara Chelsea ersano
5.reva ramahyani
6.deni vernika

And the last event is closing

Let's close event today's by reading
Lafaz Hamdalah

I am the presenter
I am sorry if I have any mistake and
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

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