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Introduction Astronomy 2022 – 2023

Tutorials Grading Grid

Student names: S-




Tutorial Item:


Each item is scored out of 10 based on how well the item is exhibited by the
work attached. Mark N/A for items that could not be achieved in this
assignment, and * for items that could have been achieved, but weren’t

Self TA Mod
You are able to understand and articulate scientific
You are able to identify and critically assess scientific
evidence underlying “facts”
You are able to use mathematics to explain or illustrate
scientific phenomena
You understand how scientific principles underlie the
development of new technology
In specific fields you are able to independently research
further to increase your understanding
You are able to use technological tools to better
understand and explain science
You are able to generate hypotheses based on your
current understanding
You are able to gather evidence and draw conclusions

You show creativity and innovation in explaining and

communicating science
* means that you could have also scored on this item.

Comments from group:

Comments from TA:

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