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Pamela A.

Harris-Haman, DNP, CRNP, NNP-BC, and Ksenia Zukowsky, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC ❍ Section Editors

Clinical Issues in Neonatal Care

Impact of Diuretic Therapy in the Treatment

of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Acute
Kidney Injury in the Neonatal Population
Alexandra Kesler Johnson, APRN, MSN, NNP-BC; Natalie Lynch, APRN, MSN, NNP-BC;
Desi Newberry, APRN, DNP, NNP-BC; Amy J. Jnah, APRN, DNP, NNP-BC

Background: Diuretics are among the most frequently prescribed medications in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU),
despite minimal data regarding the safety and efficacy of their use in the neonatal population. Off-label diuretic therapy
is used in preterm and full-term infants to both optimize kidney function and improve respiratory status.
Purpose: This article examines the literature specific to the impact of diuretic therapy in the NICU and compares the
benefits versus risks of utilization as they pertain to the prevention and treatment of renal and pulmonary dysfunction in
this population.
Methods/Search Strategy: A comprehensive literature search of online databases was performed, utilizing: CINAHL via
EBSCO, PubMed, and ProQuest. Full-text, peer-reviewed, clinical trials, and review articles published in the English lan-
guage between 2005 and 2015 were searched.
Findings/Results: Diuretics rank as the seventh most frequently prescribed medication in the NICU. More than 8% of
all NICU patients and 37% of infants born at less than 32 gestational weeks and weighing less than 1500 g are exposed
to diuretics. Benefits include lung fluid resorption acceleration, improved urine output, fluid retention counteraction, and
augmentation of physiologic weight loss.
Implications for Practice: Diuretics are currently utilized in the NICU at an alarming rate, without adequate clinical trials
regarding their safety and efficacy of use.
Implications for Research: Updated studies are needed regarding short- and long-term outcomes of diuretic use, as well
as overall general outcome data regarding the impact and evaluation of diuretic usage in the NICU population.
Key Words: acute kidney injury, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chronic lung disease, diuretic, failure to thrive, infant, linear
growth restriction, neonate, renal disease

iuretic therapy is a controversial manage- There is a lack of Food and Drug Administration

D ment strategy with a wide range of accep-

tance, application, and results across
neonatal intensive care units (NICU). Diuretics
approval to support diuretic use in neonates.1
Despite the paucity of evidence regarding safety and
efficacy, current research describes that approxi-
remain one of the most frequently prescribed medi- mately 8% of all infants and approximately 37% of
cations in the NICU, despite minimal data regard- infants less than 32 weeks’ gestation and less than
ing the safety, efficacy, and long-term implications 1500-g birth weight are prescribed diuretics at least
associated with their use.1 The off-label use of once during their birth hospitalization.1,4 Furosemide
diuretics within the preterm and full-term infant was noted to be the most commonly used diuretic,
population primarily focuses upon optimizing kid- with greater than 93% of infants receiving at least
ney function and improving respiratory status. 1 dose during their treatment course.1 A survey of
Various conditions are associated with use that 400 neonatologists throughout the United States
include but are not limited to renal dysfunction, was conducted, and of the 400 participants, 156
pulmonary disease, sepsis with resultant increased (39%) reported using diuretics as a therapeutic
capillary permeability, oliguric acute kidney injury modality for clinical management of bronchopul-
(AKI), congestive heart failure, and postoperative monary dysplasia (BPD).4 In a similar study, a ques-
fluid retention management.2,3 tionnaire was sent to 96 tertiary NICUs in Japan
regarding pharmacotherapy use related to BPD
Author Affiliations: NNP Program, East Carolina University College of treatment and prevention, which yielded an over-
Nursing, Greenville, North Carolina. whelming high percentage of use for furosemide and
No conflicts of interest or funding to disclose. spironolactone; 84% of units surveyed utilized these
Correspondence: Alexandra Kesler Johnson, APRN, MSN, NNP-BC;
NNP Program, East Carolina University College of Nursing, Greenville,
oral diuretics for BPD treatment.5 Diuretics are pre-
NC ( scribed to manage common pulmonary and renal
Copyright © 2017 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses comorbidities; however, those prescriptive decisions
DOI: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000427 are often not grounded in scientific evidence.

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 00, No. 00 • pp. 1-10 1

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2 Johnson et al

Much of the research that guides current practice RENAL PHYSIOLOGY

is greater than 10 years old and, therefore, must be
considered outdated. For this literature review, a In utero, the fetal kidneys need to play only a minor
comprehensive search was conducted from 2005 to part in the regulation of salt and water balance; how-
2015 to evaluate what current research exists, with ever, in postnatal life, the kidneys go through a pro-
the goal to validate or disprove current practice gressive maturation that parallels the neonate’s own
standards with up-to-date research. The search needs for optimal growth and development.6 After
yielded 1 randomized controlled trial, 6 retrospec- birth, the kidneys are responsible not only for the
tive cohort studies that examined the use of diuretic regulation of salt and water balance but also for waste
therapy for pulmonary or renal management, and extraction, concentration and dilution of urine, and
multiple review articles that focused on studies that assistance in the regulation of blood pressure and cal-
were conducted prior to 2005.3 Many of these stud- cium homeostasis through hormonal regulation.6 The
ies referenced by recent literature reviews are now nephron is the functional unit of the kidney, which
outdated, due to the routine use of antenatal ste- houses the glomerulus within the Bowman capsule,
roids, and increasing surfactant use over the past proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal
10 years. However, these older studies are still convoluted tubule, and collecting duct (Figure 1). The
regarded as the foundation by which diuretic use is proximal tubule is the main site of reabsorption for
justified in the NICU population today. The purpose sodium; however, water, bicarbonate, chloride, and
of this article is to examine the impact of diuretic potassium are also reabsorbed here and hydrogen ions
therapy on the NICU population and compare the are secreted (Figure 1). The loop of Henle is the major
benefits versus risks of utilization, specifically as it site of water reabsorption, which also absorbs multi-
pertains to the prevention and treatment of renal ple electrolytes including sodium, chloride, potas-
and pulmonary dysfunction as a means to inform sium, magnesium, and calcium (Figure 1). After the
the current prescriptive practices of advanced prac- kidney filtrate has passed through the loop of Henle,
tice clinicians as well as clinical staff in the NICU. it also drives past the interstitium where there is free


Diuretics and renal physiology.

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Impact of Diuretic Therapy 3

flow of water between the tubules and the interstitium hospitalization.10 Preterm infants are at higher risk
itself in route to the distal convoluted tubule. Within for the development of AKI due to prenatal distress
the distal tubule, aldosterone influences movement in and multiple risk factor exposure including intra-
the distal tubule causing more sodium and water reab- uterine growth restriction, maternal medications
sorption, and there is also secretion of hydrogen ions, (primarily non–steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
ammonia, and potassium (Figure 1). Antidiuretic hor- and antibiotics), infections, and placental insuffi-
mone also acts on the collecting tubule to make it ciency.8 The postnatal treatment course of preterm
more permeable to water; therefore, with sufficient infants additionally compounds their risk for AKI
antidiuretic hormone, the kidney filtrate loses water due to associated complications including mechani-
into the interstitium which the body reabsorbs and cal ventilation, sepsis, hypoxia, acidosis, catabolism,
this in effect results in the concentration of urine. hypotension, and the need for cardiopulmonary
The fraction of cardiac output and absolute renal resuscitation.7,8 These infants are at great risk due to
blood flow that are directly sent to the kidneys both their frequent exposure to nephrotoxic drugs, infec-
increase with increasing gestational age.6 Therefore, the tions, and overall propensity for multiorgan failure.9
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) as well progressively Premature infants have an AKI incidence range
increases with increasing gestational age, with GFR between 3.2% and 24%, which carries a mortality
reaching adult values by approximately 2 years of age; rate of 10% to 61%.8,10
however, this can be severely delayed in very preterm The kidneys of preterm infants are both structur-
infants.6 Renal development is functionally immature ally and functionally immature, with either incom-
and incomplete in infants born less than 34 weeks’ ges- plete or impaired glomerulogenesis and thus a low
tation, with new nephron formation continuing until GFR.2 As such, these underdeveloped, premature
approximately 36 weeks’ gestation.3,7 As such, low kidneys are subject to greater physiologic challenges
nephron mass and decreased GFR are common in pre- than those of their fully developed, term counter-
mature infants managed within the confines of parts.2 Altered kidney function leads to fluid reten-
NICUs.3,7,8 Low nephron mass increases workload tion, a common and pathologic problem among hos-
within the glomeruli.9 Persistent increased workload pitalized premature and critically ill term neonates,
can lead to glomerular hypertrophy, capillary wall dam- often associated with both renal and pulmonary
age, and AKI.9 High plasma renin activity, decreased disease states.2 Volume overload is observed because
proximal tubular sodium reabsorption, decreased inter- of low nephron mass and reduced filtration rates,
cortical perfusion, and immature vasoregulation are frequently observed in cases of AKI.9 Diuretic ther-
also observed among premature infants.8 Thus, prema- apy is often used to convert oliguric AKI into nonoli-
ture infants are at risk for hypoperfusion of their already guric AKI.7 Progressive AKI can further increase
underdeveloped and overworked kidneys. pulmonary edema, secondary to the excessive fluid
retention.9 A strong foundation of knowledge of the
RENAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY pathophysiology of AKI is essential to inform clini-
cal and prescriptive practices within the NICU.
Acute Kidney Injury Acute kidney injury is classified according to the
There is no current and universally accepted defini- degree of urinary function (anuric, oliguric, or nono-
tion for AKI.8,9 Acute kidney injury is described as liguric) and type of renal failure (prerenal, intrinsic,
the abrupt deterioration of renal function over a or postrenal).10 Anuria is defined as the absence of
period of days to hours, which results in failed excre- urine output. Oliguria is defined as an hourly urine
tion of urine, leading to nitrogenous waste retention output of less than 1 mL/kg/h.8 Oliguric AKI carries
and failure to maintain electrolyte and fluid homeo- a much higher mortality rate, 81% versus 25% in
stasis.7,8 Acute kidney injury is observed in 3.2% to nonoliguric AKI.8 Nonoliguric AKI is defined as AKI
24% of infants admitted to the NICU, with critically associated with urine output that is adequate in vol-
ill premature and term infants representing a popu- ume but poor in quality due to inadequate reabsorp-
lation among those with the highest incidence of tion of sodium and bicarb in the renal tubules.7
AKI.8,10 Risk factors for AKI encompass both criti- These 3 states of urinary function contribute to the
cally ill and preterm infants including extremely low risk for 3 types of renal failure.
and very low birth-weight populations.7,8 Additional Prerenal failure is the most common reversible
risk factors include hypotension, hypovolemia, cause for AKI, caused by decreased perfusion and is
hypoxia, elevated mean airway pressure, clinically often a consequence of hypotension and hypovole-
significant patent ductus arteriosus, and exposure to mia with or without hypoxia.7 The pathophysiology
nephrotoxic drugs including gentamicin, cephalo- behind prerenal failure is related to either poor car-
sporins, or non–steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.7,8 diac output with decreased perfusion to the kidneys
Premature infants represent the most at-risk pop- or inadequate intravascular volume.7 Unfortunately,
ulation, with up to 79% of very low birth-weight conditions leading to prerenal failure often afflict
infants diagnosed with AKI during the birth the neonatal population, especially the preterm

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 00, No. 00

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
4 Johnson et al

neonate, and include dehydration (thin, friable less than 28 weeks’ gestation.12 Bronchopulmonary
immature skin with high degree of insensible water dysplasia is a chronic lung disease that commonly
loss), blood loss (high volume of iatrogenic losses as manifests in premature infants who require pro-
well as intracranial hemorrhages), third spacing longed mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy
edema and gastrointestinal losses, as well as hypo- for respiratory distress syndrome.13,14 Preterm
tension, sepsis, patent ductus arteriosus, and hypoxia infants requiring supplemental oxygen and mechani-
or ischemia.7 cal ventilation represent the population with the
Intrinsic renal failure, the ominous and irrevers- highest incidence and risk for the development of
ible type of AKI, is characterized by internal damage BPD.14,15 Preterm infants are at increased risk due to
to the kidneys including and/or resulting from acute their underdeveloped and immature lungs, low anti-
tubular necrosis (caused by ischemia, hypoxia, oxidant levels, and common need for respiratory
nephrotoxic drugs, and toxins), vascular thrombo- support.15 A recent study, conducted in the postsur-
ses, and congenital parenchymal abnormalities factant era of pulmonary management, found that
including polycystic and multicystic kidney dis- an absence of physiologic weight loss in the initial
eases.7 Intrinsic renal failure is primarily associated postnatal period combined with elevated total fluid
with prenatal asphyxia and end organ damage, intake during the first 10 days of age was positively
which leads to hypoxia and ischemia, resulting in correlated with an increased risk for acquired BPD
acute tubular necrosis.11 in extremely low birth-weight infants (P < .001).16
Postrenal failure is often classified as obstructive Infants affected by fetal growth restriction are also
in nature.7 Postrenal failure can be due to ureteric or at increased risk for the development of BPD due to
urethral obstructions, bladder issues (neuropathic theorized decreased lung growth, as well as infants
bladder), or bilateral obstructions such as fungal with poor postnatal growth rates specifically per-
balls.7 Relief of the obstruction often leads to taining to linear growth due to suboptimal organ
improvement in symptoms including an improve- growth and development.17 An understanding of the
ment in both GFR and urine output; however, pathophysiology of BPD is essential for NICU clini-
chronic kidney dysfunction may ensue because of cians to enable the provision of informed clinical
the underlying associated renal dysplasia.6 A thor- and prescriptive decisions.
ough understanding of renal function in the prema-
ture infant born at less than 34 weeks’ gestation and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
an understanding of the various types of renal fail- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a chronic lung dis-
ure are essential to identify, evaluate, and prevent ease of pulmonary dysfunction, which is the cumula-
irreversible damage. tive result of premature birth, immature lungs, and
Acute kidney injury represents the deterioration damaged lung tissue.13,14 There is a lack of consensus
of renal function often afflicting the neonatal popu- on the definition and diagnostic criteria of BPD in
lation, which results in absent or decreased urine the literature. Over the past 50 years, both the diag-
excretion, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and nosis and the definition of BPD have evolved. In the
nitrogenous waste retention.7,8 Acute kidney injury, 1960s, what is now commonly referred to as the
therefore, results in rising urea concentrations and “old” BPD was most often seen in larger preterm
inadequate water excretion, in addition to impaired infants and was classically identified by histopatho-
tubular resorption of bicarbonate and sodium, logic findings including interstitial and alveolar
which manifest as systemic or pulmonary edema.7 edema, severe airway injury, and extensive small air-
Acute kidney injury also not only causes pulmonary way disease in conjunction with overinflation and
edema secondary to volume overload but also con- fibrosis.14 In contrast, “new” BPD is seen more often
tributes a proinflammatory process with elevated in extremely premature infants, with both modest
levels of interleukins, free radicals, granulocyte ventilation and supplemental oxygen needs.14,15 In
colony-stimulating factor, endothelial growth fac- relation to histological classification, disruption in
tors, neutrophils, and tumor necrosis factor α, which the growth of the distal lung and arrested alveolar-
have all shown links to the pathophysiology of ization largely describes the currently accepted ver-
BPD.9 While little remains known about the link sion of “new” BPD.14,15,18
between the interactions of the lungs and kidneys of The pivotal point in neonatal medicine that revo-
preterm infants and their impact on BPD,9 their lutionized the care of preterm neonates and shifted
pathophysiological link is undeniable. the classification of “old” to “new” BPD was the
introduction of both antenatal steroids and surfac-
PULMONARY PATHOPHYSIOLOGY tant replacement therapy.14 These interventions for
prenatal and postnatal lung development are now
Respiratory distress syndrome is the most common considered to be current standards of care in mater-
respiratory disorder affecting premature infants, nal and fetal health as well as neonatology, respec-
occurring in up to 93% of all premature infants born tively. Because of the shift from “old” to “new”

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Impact of Diuretic Therapy 5

BPD, a uniform clinical definition of BPD was pro- place the preterm infant at increased risk for the
posed by the National Institute of Child Health and development of BPD.18 Unfortunately, longitudinal
Human Development Workshop in 2000 and refined studies regarding pulmonary function into adult-
in 2001 to include the need for supplemental oxygen hood in patients with a history of BPD do not exist.15
for 28 days or greater.12,19-21 The differentiation The prevention and treatment of BPD is also multi-
between mild, moderate, and severe BPD is deter- factorial and begins during the antenatal period.18
mined by gestational age at birth and degree of oxy- Current postnatal management strategies include
gen requirement at the time of discharge.12,14,20,21 The judicious ventilator management, fluid and nutri-
National Institutes of Health outlines severity-based tional augmentation, and pharmacological strate-
diagnostic criteria for mild, moderate, and severe gies including the use of diuretics that are largely
BPD in children born at gestational age of less than based upon research that is becoming increasingly
32 gestational weeks, which is summarized in less relevant to the current NICU population.
Table 1. Respectively, the diagnostic criteria for Although short-term gains are often associated
infants born 32 gestational weeks or greater are with diuretic use, long-term risks and benefits have
summarized in Table 2. Even with the use of prena- yet to be adequately defined. An example is the
tal steroids and surfactant administration, the inci- impact that diuretics and fluid restriction have on
dence of BPD has remained relatively unchanged. nutrition, which negatively effects linear growth and
This may be due in part to the increased survival rate weight gain.17 This may also negatively impact lung
of earlier preterm infants.15 Bronchopulmonary dys- growth, thus increasing the risk for BPD develop-
plasia is more strongly correlated with decreasing ment.17 The scarcity of clinical trials and prospective
birth weight, with an average of 30% of infants born longitudinal studies on the use of diuretics, paired
less than 1000 g developing BPD.15,22 In addition, with the prevalence of BPD in the NICU population,
97% of patients with BPD have a recorded birth surrounding these treatment and prevention modali-
weight of less than 1250 g.15,22 ties is alarming and highlights the overall absence of
The pathophysiology behind BPD is multisys- evidence-based care guidelines that are vital to yield-
temic in origin.23 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is ing optimal outcomes.1,5,25
thought to be caused by oxygen-free radicals,
ventilator-induced lung injury, and the release of MEDICATION CATEGORY: DIURETICS
inflammatory cytokines.13,14 The release of cytokines
as a result to oxygen-free radicals overwhelms the Diuretics are often regarded as a necessary adjunct
antioxidant defense mechanism, leading to lung to the clinical management of premature or critically
injury and the inhibition of surfactant synthesis.15 ill late premature or term infants. Medications may
Lung injury during the early stages of development be classified by their therapeutic use or pharmaco-
leads to arrested alveolar and pulmonary growth, logic profile (chemical structure, mechanism of
resulting in larger alveoli with fewer capillaries and action, and potency). The 3 main types of diuretics
small airway scarring.13 The pulmonary edema, both commonly used in the NICU include the loop diuret-
alveolar and interstitial in nature, that follows is due ics, thiazide diuretics, and potassium-sparing diuret-
to increased pulmonary capillary permeability and ics.13,23 All 3 diuretic types have different mecha-
fluid overload.24 Edema further impairs pulmonary nisms of action, as well as different benefits and risks
function through increasing airway resistance and associated with their use.
reducing lung compliance.24
Premature infants have low levels of antioxidants, Diuretic Classification: Loop Diuretics
increasing their vulnerability to oxygen toxicity.15 Loop diuretics are considered the most powerful of
Oxygen toxicity, ventilator-associated barotrauma, diuretics, as they can induce the excretion of up to
and the subsequent inflammatory reaction that often 25% of the filtered sodium load. Loop diuretics are
accompanies necessary mechanical ventilation all characterized by a quick onset of action, primarily

TABLE 1. Diagnostic Criteria of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Less Than 32 Gestational

Need for supplemental oxygen >21% for at least 28 d, and
Mild BPD No supplemental oxygen at 36-wk PMA or discharge home; whichever comes first
Moderate BPD Need for <30% supplemental oxygen at 36-wk PMA or discharge home; whichever comes first
Severe BPD Need for ≥30% supplemental oxygen and/or the need for PPV at 36-wk PMA or discharge
home; whichever comes first
Abbreviations: BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; PMA, postmenstrual age; PPV, positive pressure ventilation.

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 00, No. 00

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
6 Johnson et al

TABLE 2. Diagnostic Criteria of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Greater Than 32 Gestational

Need for supplemental oxygen >21% for at least 28 d, and
Mild BPD No supplemental oxygen by 56 d of life or discharge home; whichever comes first
Moderate BPD Need for <30% supplemental oxygen at 56 d of life or discharge home, whichever comes first
Severe BPD Need for ≥30% supplemental oxygen and/or PPV at 56 d of life or discharge home; whichever
comes first
Abbreviations: BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; PPV, positive pressure ventilation.

exerting their effects on the thick ascending limb of osmolality while decreasing medullary interstitial
the loop of Henle by blocking the Na+: K+: 2Cl− osmolality, thus resulting in increased water and salt
luminal transporter system, which affects the dilu- excretion.30 Furosemide also acts to accelerate lung
tion and concentration of urine.3,13,26 Loop diuretics, fluid reabsorption via a 2-part mechanism: diuresis-
such as bumetanide and furosemide, compete for independent and diuresis-dependent responses.13,24
chloride binding sites, inhibiting chloride reabsorp- The diuresis-independent response has immediate
tion and leading to an active reabsorption of onset and enhances fluid reabsorption from the
sodium,23 resulting in a negative fluid balance.2,13 lungs through systemic vasodilation leading to
Bumetanide, the most potent loop diuretic, is decreased pulmonary blood flow, as well as pulmo-
reported to be approximately 20 to 40 times more nary vasodilation causing increased transpulmonary
potent than its more commonly utilized loop diuretic fluid absorption (Table 4 ). 13,24 The diuresis-
counterpart, furosemide.11 Bumetanide is highly dependent response to furosemide reduces extracel-
lipid-soluble; therefore, it more easily diffuses into lular volume, via increasing urine output (Table 4).13
the tubular lumen and thus is less dependent on Risks associated with the use of furosemide include
active tubular secretion.11 Bumetanide has been electrolyte disturbances in the form of hypokalemia,
studied for its use with BPD, fluid overload, and car- hypochloremia, hyponatremia, metabolic alkalosis,
diac failure.11 However, it has not been studied as a and hyperuricemia (Table 3).24 Since loop diuretics
treatment option for oliguric AKI in preterm are so highly protein bound, there is increased con-
infants.11 Bumetanide has been shown to displace cern for both albumin displacement and hyperbiliru-
bilirubin from albumin to a lesser extent than furo- binemia (Table 3).3,7,11 Furosemide is 95% to 98%
semide.2 While hyperbilirubinemia is as risk factor protein bound, and, therefore, only a small amount of
with both bumetanide and furosemide use, in com- the medication is filtered by the glomerulus.3,7 Addi-
parison, infants treated with bumetanide are at tional side effects of furosemide use include hypovo-
decreased risk (Table 3).2 Although bumetanide is lemia and hemodynamic instability, resulting from
less ototoxic than furosemide, it can cause signifi- decreased plasma volume following prompt diuresis
cant electrolyte disturbances including losses via the (Table 3).3,24 Furosemide treatment is also associated
urine and has not been fully studied for use in the with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis; exposure
neonatal population (Table 3).23 cumulative of greater than 10 mg/kg was found
Furosemide, a sulfonamide, is the second-most through multivariate analysis to be the greatest inde-
potent loop diuretic. It acts to increase intraluminal pendent risk factor for nephrocalcinosis (Table 3).2,3,24

TABLE 3. Risks Associated With Diuretic Use

Bumetanide • Albumin displacement (to a lesser extent than furosemide).2
• Electrolyte disturbances.23
• Ototoxicity (to a lesser extent than furosemide)
Furosemide • Electrolyte disturbances (hypokalemia, hypochloremia, hyponatremia, metabolic alkalosis,
and hyperuricemia).24
• Albumin displacement and hyperbilirubinemia.3,8,24
• Hypovolemia and hemodynamic instability.3,24
• Osteopenia of prematurity.10,27
• Ototoxicity, increased risk in infants with impaired clearance.3
Thiazide • Hypokalemia.24
• Hyponatremia in the VLBW infant.28
Spironolactone • Hypercalciuria, when used in combination with thiazide diuretics.29
Abbreviation: VLBW, very low birth-weight.

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Impact of Diuretic Therapy 7

TABLE 4. Mechanism of Action of Diuretics Commonly Used in the Neonatal Intensive Care
Loop diuretics • Enhance fluid reabsorption from the lungs due to systemic vasodilation.13,31
• Increase pulmonary vasodilation as a result of increased prostaglandins.31
• Prostaglandin-induced vasodilatory renal response increases urine output.8,9
• Reduce lung edema.26
• Reduce bronchoconstriction.26
• Reduce extracellular volume, thereby increasing urine output.13
Thiazide • Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride, leading to increased excretion of sodium in
the urine.13,24
• Increases excretion of water
• Increases urine output
Spironolactone • Acute administration: decreases lung congestion and decreases lung fluid.28
• Chronic administration: decreases lung fibrosis and increases lung diffusion and
• Encourages the excretion of sodium, water, and chloride, while sparing potassium losses,
increasing urine output.3,24

Loop diuretics have also been identified as a risk fac- for hypokalemia, thiazide diuretics are often pre-
tor for osteopenia of prematurity or metabolic bone ferred over loop diuretics for chronic use, since they
disease and are correlated with a decrease in linear are less potent and carry decreased risk profile for
growth due in part to an inhibition of magnesium and overall electrolyte imbalance in comparison with
calcium resorption (Table 3).11,27 loop diuretics (Table 3).13,29 To minimize the hypo-
Ototoxicity represents another historically docu- kalemic effect, thiazides are often used in conjunc-
mented, yet controversial, adverse effect of furose- tion with a potassium-sparing diuretic.24
mide exposure (Table 3).3 Debate continues regard-
ing the validity of this association, and the limited Diuretic Classification: Potassium-Sparing
data have motivated scientists to further investigate Diuretics
this phenomenon. Recent research has concluded Potassium-sparing diuretics, such as spironolactone,
that exclusive exposure to loop diuretics was not sig- inhibit the effects of aldosterone on the distal tubules
nificantly associated with congenital or delayed- by acting as a competitive aldosterone receptor
onset hearing loss, nor considered a significant risk antagonist,23 acting exclusively on the Na+:K+/
factor thereof (odds ratio: 3.9, 95% confidence inter- Hydrogen ion exchange pump in the distal tubules
val: 2.4-6.2, P < .05).32 Furosemide administration, and collecting duct.13 Acting primarily on the distal
in addition to all diuretics, should be subject to close tubule, potassium-sparing diuretics are far less
and consistent scrutiny by healthcare professionals.2 potent than loop diuretics and may potentially result
Additional research is indicated, using a diverse pop- in fewer electrolyte abnormalities.29 Potassium-
ulation of infants versus those from a single academic sparing diuretics encourage the excretion of sodium,
center, to conclude that furosemide administration water, and chloride, while sparing urinary potassium
should, in fact, be removed as a risk indicator for losses (Table 4).3,24 These diuretics are most often
congenital and delayed onset hearing loss. used in the neonatal population because of their
potassium-sparing effects and are often utilized in
Diuretic Classification: Thiazides conjunction with thiazide diuretics to maximize
Thiazide diuretics, such as chlorothiazide, cause diuresis.3,29 A limited number of controlled trials
diuresis via the distal convoluted tubules.13 These have examined the use of spironolactone and thia-
diuretics work by binding to the chloride site of the zide diuretics in conjunction for BPD; mixed results
electroneutral sodium chloride channel and inhibit- revealed an overall increase in urine output, which
ing reabsorption of both sodium and chloride.13 was not uniformly associated with pulmonary
Thiazides exert their effect on the potassium- improvement.33 Associated risks of spironolactone
independent Na+/Cl− transporter, thereby inhibit- use include hypercalciuria when the medication is
ing Na+/Cl− cotransport.13,24 As a result, sodium used in combination with thiazide diuretics
excretion in the urine is increased, causing up to 5% (Table 3).29
to 8% of filtered sodium to be excreted via the urine,
which can result in hyponatremia (Tables 3 and 4).3,23 DIURETIC USAGE WITH AKI
This excretion of sodium is accompanied by simul-
taneous loss of bicarbonate and potassium, which The goal of diuretic therapy in the prevention of AKI
can result in severe hypokalemia.24 Despite the risk is to maintain fluid and electrolyte homeostasis as

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 00, No. 00

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
8 Johnson et al

well as to improve urine output.7,11 It has been medication therapies are utilized in the management
hypothesized that patients who respond well to and prevention of BPD, including both singular and
diuretic therapy may exhibit less severe AKI.8 Unfor- combination pharmacotherapies; however, there is a
tunately, there are no existing clinical trials that scarcity of evidence to support their use.33 No singu-
focus on the use of diuretics with AKI in the neona- lar medication thus far has been proven to have a
tal population that were conducted within the last significant impact on the prevalence or severity of
10 years. BPD.33 Although the mechanisms behind loop
The use of furosemide as a preventative strategy diuretic therapy for the management of pulmonary
for AKI has been reported in the literature; however, function sound promising, it must be balanced with
the basis for its use is greatly influenced by its mech- the common side effects associated with use.24,26,29
anism of action.30 Loop diuretics may limit and pre- Despite the fact that diuretics have been shown to
vent volume overload secondary to daily nutrition, improve lung function and decrease pulmonary
total fluid, and intravenous medication manage- edema, there are no data which support that the use
ment.10 This strategy encourages an energy require- of diuretics decreases the incidence or associated
ment reduction due to blockade of cotransporter mortality risk with BPD.18
activity, renal blood flow preservation due to A systematic review of the use of loop diuretics in
prostaglandin-mediated vasodilation, and mainte- preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome
nance of urine output as well as luminal water and demonstrated that the benefits of furosemide admin-
salt flow, which clears tubular debris.3,30 Careful istration including transient oxygenation improve-
attention must be paid to the correction of signifi- ment and decreased risk of extubation failure did
cant acidosis and hypotension prior to the use of not outweigh associated risks.31 The authors con-
furosemide for AKI, as well as to the maintenance of cluded that furosemide administration had no long-
fluid balance prior to the use of furosemide for oli- term benefits.31 In addition, it was concluded that
guric AKI as it can potentiate these issues if they are although there was a decrease in the duration of
preexisting.7 mechanical ventilation, furosemide administration
Bumetanide is utilized as a second-line treatment exhibited no change in the risk for developing BPD.31
strategy with the treatment of AKI due to its Furthermore, due to the small sample sizes of exist-
increased potency.11 A study of bumetanide therapy ing studies, correlation of furosemide use and
reported increased urine output from 0.6 ± 0.6 mL/ increased risk of mortality could not be excluded.31
kg/h to 3.0 ± 2.1 mL/kg/h within 24 to 48 hours of Of the few existing studies, a trend was concluded
initiation of therapy (P < .005).11 Further research connecting the use of furosemide with increased
and randomized controlled trials are needed to mortality and an increased risk for hemodynamic
determine efficacy and safety of the use of bumetanide instability.31
versus furosemide for AKI treatment in preterm A recent literature review from 2011 on the use of
infants. Not only is there a lack of clinical evidence diuretics acting on the distal renal tubules for pre-
regarding the use of diuretics, discrepancy exists term infants with or developing chronic lung disease
regarding specific diuretic of choice for various clini- was conducted.28 The authors concluded that in
cal scenarios.11 infants greater than 3 weeks of age with chronic lung
disease or developing chronic lung disease, routine
DIURETIC USAGE WITH BPD administration of a combination of thiazide and spi-
ronolactone improved lung compliance and pulmo-
Pulmonary edema is a common clinical manifesta- nary mechanics and reduced the need for loop-
tion of BPD. Diuretic therapy is often utilized to diuretic therapy.28 However, the authors cautioned
counteract fluid retention as well as to augment against positive interpretation of these results due to
physiologic weight loss, in efforts to reduce the inci- small sample size and surprisingly few studies to
dence of BPD.1 The goal of diuretic therapy in the support this finding.28 Therefore, the authors did not
management of patients with BPD is to assist the find enough evidence to support the routine use of
reabsorption of excessive interstitial edema from the diuretics acting on the distal renal tubule, such as
lungs, which otherwise results in physiologic changes thiazides and spironolactone, in preterm infants
in lung compliance.18 Diuresis improves pulmonary with BPD.28 Furthermore, the reviewers found a
function because it promotes reabsorption via the decrease in both mortality and extubation failure
pulmonary capillaries as a result of lower hydro- rates following chronic therapy with distal tubule
static pressure and higher oncotic pressure.13 Diure- diuretics; however, there were no data to support the
sis decreases pulmonary interstitial fluid, which acts use of diuretics in nonintubated patients.28
to improve pulmonary function, increase gas The use of antenatal steroids and postnatal surfac-
exchange, and thereby decrease respiratory support tant was found to reduce the incidence of neonatal
requirements.1 Thereby diuresis leads to less baro- death (95% confidence interval), but it did not result
trauma and volutrauma of the lung tissue.1 Multiple in a decreased risk of developing BPD.15,18,34 It is

Copyright © 2017 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Impact of Diuretic Therapy 9

Summary of Recommendations for Practice and Research

What we know: • Diuretics are among the most frequently prescribed NICU medications, de-
spite lack of FDA approval.1
• Minimal studies are available, limited to the lack of participation consent.1
• Off-label diuretic therapy in the NICU is used to optimize renal and pulmo-
nary function.3
What needs to be studied: • The use of diuretics in the conversion of oliguric AKI to nonoliguric AKI.
• Diuretic use in preterm infants for the management of BPD in the current set-
ting of routine surfactant replacement and antenatal steroid use.
• Long-term effects of the chronic use of diuretics in the preterm infant, in rela-
tion to morbidity and mortality.
What we can do today: • Limit chronic use of diuretics in the preterm infant until further studies are
conducted on long-term use.
• Use diuretics with caution, weighing benefits against potential side effects.2
• Actively participate in research studies and outcome data collection regard-
ing diuretic use.
Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; NICU, neonatal
intensive care unit.

possible that the incidence of lung edema formerly studies regarding both the indications for use of
treated with diuretic therapy has decreased because diuretics and the timing of use should also be taken
of the recent developments in management of this into consideration as this emphasizes potentially
patient population in the last decade.28 Updated stud- additional variation in use among centers.25
ies are needed to determine the efficacy and safety of In summary, this review of the current literature
routine administration of diuretics for the treatment concludes that diuretics should be used with caution
and prevention of BPD, since the majority of studies in this population and their benefits should be
regarding the role of diuretics in this capacity were weighed against the risks. It is important to recog-
conducted prior to routine use of antenatal steroids nize that along with the lack of literature concerning
and surfactant becoming the standard of care. diuretic use with neonates, there comes a concurrent
deficiency of guidelines regarding the management
CONCLUSION of the side effect profile related to this medication
class. Research funding specific to pharmaceutical
The field of neonatal pharmacology represents a clinical trials of diuretic therapy in the neonatal
research frontier that is highly understudied due in population, and prospective longitudinal studies
part to the struggle of obtaining parental consent for that describe the life span implications associated
study participation.1 Because of ethical implications with diuretic use, is urgently needed to inform pre-
confounding the research of vulnerable populations scriptive practices in the NICU. This type of research
such as infants, there has long been a struggle to is long overdue and yet, without a funding priority
obtain specific relevant data for research endeavors the neonatal population will continue to be cared
surrounding preterm and high-risk infants. Yet, phar- for in an environment that is based more on previ-
macological therapies without adequate clinical trials ous habit (the way we have always done it) than on
are currently prescribed at an alarming rate because evidence.
of their transient beneficial effects as well as the lack
of alternative approved therapies. The current litera- References
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