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Name: Kim Nicole M.

Dela Cruz Date: February, 10 , 2023

Section: BSA 2-1

I. Give 5 examples of Moral and Non-Moral Standards and explain.

Moral Standards
1. Do not kill
- If a man took someone’s life , its equal to taking your own life as
well , its obvious that we’ve been thought how killing is bad our
entire lives , but the aspect of taking someone’s life is a lot to take
than you think
- you kill someone , you took somebody’s father or
mother ;somebody’s son or daughter ; somebody’s family or
friend , it’s a lot of consequences but most important of all , you
literally gave up on having humanity and respect of yourself
because No matter the reason why you did that , you still became
somebody’s killer , a human with somebody’s blood in their hands
, a somebody’s monster.

2. Respect Others
- Respect has a lot of aspects , it can be for everybody or even
yourself , respect is a way of appreciating somebody or anything
to yourself.
- if you don’t respect others its like you don’t give yourself respect
as well because if you put it in perspective , if you don’t give
respect you’re just a bother , without respect you’re just a doormat
or a joke to yourself.

3. Treat people in need like the way you wanted to be treated

- This is the same way of respect , if you wanted to be treated
better you should be kind to others as well , it’s a fair trade if
you’re worthy of someone’s hand or even their time.

4. Always tell the truth

- Our whole lives we’ve been taught to always tell the truth because
it’s a way of keeping the peace , think of this as an example , you
accidentally broke someone’s property , of course you panicked a
bit so you left it where you found it , now the owner found out his
broken property and started asking who broke it , now you have a
choice whether you speak the truth or be silent. If you don’t admit
your mistake of course everybody started to point fingers , starting
an argument.

- if you tell the truth about it , you just save someone’s time. Of
course there’s no guarantee that the owner wont be mad at you
but it’s a honest mistake and you know it to yourself. Being
truthful is also a way to be true to yourself.

5. Be tolerant of differences
- This is the same way of being respectful of others , were all
unique and were all different its obvious everyone has their own
differences. It should be obvious to you that its your choice to
respect them or not.

Non Moral Standard

1. Being Selfish
- Being selfish is like abandoning somebody , you only take benefit
for yourself and leave nothing to others.

2. Stealing
- Stealing is very immoral because you took something that its not
yours whether it’s a thing or a personal thing , you’re turning
yourself a thief a somebody that shouldn’t be trusted.

3. Being judgmental to others

- Please remember that everyone is different therefore everyone
has a different ways on their life , the only way to respect
everyone’s privacy is just don’t be judgmental about others
because everyone has their own battles that you don’t know
4. Telling a lie
- Its obvious we all lie our entire lives whether for a good reason or
not , our opinion about lies is controversial but even you denied
it , its marked in our minds that we lied and then we’ll feel bad
about it because even were not aware it can affect everyone and
that’ll cause them to have doubts about you.
5. Being ignorant and denial
- We are aware of our surroundings but even so we chose to be
ignorant and be denial about it , you have the ability to help or
change something but you chose not to.

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