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❑ Meaning
❑ How to handle workplace ethics
-set of behavioral rules-positive environment at work.
-employees being fairly treated-motivates
them-loyalty towards the organization.

How to handle workplace ethics

Clear goal and objectives
✔ difficult for employees to complete task

✔ fully aware of the work

✔ explain goals and objectives-right direction

Proper Mentoring
✔ Managers should set clear goals and objectives
✔ good mentoring and training programs
✔ guide the employee in each and every step
✔ effective communication- “one-on-one or timely team
Set a good example
✔ Lead them from the front
✔ Senior officials has to set the benchmark
Create a right work environment
✔ clutter- free work environment –clarity of thoughts.
✔ links directly to our mental well being and productivity
✔ good thought,right set of mind
✔ Exhibits a quality of craft and service

✔ Trust,conduct,loyalty,discipline and hunger for excellence.

✔ Wholeheartedly and strive to bring excellence

✔ core element of work ethics and management
✔ maintain the decorum of the workplace
✔ self-discipline-they can positively overview their actions and
✔ helps teams members to work efficiently.
Understand your employee needs
✔ creates a highly motivated workplace-acknowledge the needs
of your employees
✔ high level of engagement and commitment

Culture of constant feedback

✔ essential part of the workplace communication cycle
✔ Constant feedback –nurturing with good ethics
✔ Honest and constructive –build a culture for continuous
Fuel their spirits
✔ Human beings have an intrinsic need to thrive for
✔ Rewarding and recognizing

✔ Managers responsibility to fuel their spirits

Eliminate Obstacles
✔ disengaged and demotivated at work-wouldn’t show strong
ethics at work
✔ Negativity,office politics,strict hierachy,lack of
recognition,inadequate benefits can lower workplace morale

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