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Development of human intrauterine from 1st week to 40 weeks

In day 1 to 2nd week at conception, the sperm and ovum (egg) combine to form a single cell that houses
the intricate genetic code for every aspect of human development. The child's sex, eye and hair color,
height, and skin tone have all been determined at this time. In the 4 th week the heart of the embryo has
been beating for a week already. It becomes clear where the spinal cord, muscles, and nerves begin. The
legs, arms, eyes, and ears are now visible. The amniotic sac and placenta are in place and providing
nourishment to the embryo. In 6th week of pregnancy the eyes begin to form and the extremities can be
seen in much more detail, including all ten fingers. The embryo is now moving and responds to touch. In
week 10 the embryo is now regarded as a fetus at week nine. The developing fetus has thumb sucking
ability. In the skin, fingerprints are already evident. In addition to being able to feel a sense of touch, the
fetus is now capable of feeling pain. The fetus rests and awakens in week 12. In week 14 the fetus is
currently growing quite quickly. The mother can now sense energetic activity, and the scalp is covered in
hair, the gender becomes apparent by week. In week 18 the baby's ears are now working, and he or she
can hear the voice of the mother. The fetus weighs at least half a pound and measures eight to ten
inches long at the end of the fourth month. In week 22 the fetus's head now makes up a third of her
length, If this baby were to be born prematurely, she has a chance of survival with intensive medical
care. In week 26 the eyes are fully formed, and taste buds have formed on the tongue. The infant's lungs
are fully developed, and he can even cry. In 30 week the vision, hearing, taste, and touch are all being
used now, the infant blinks, opens her eyes, and looks the area the research shows that the child can
recognize. Lastly, the 40 week the baby is now prepared for life outside the womb of his mother. The
infant is about six to nine pounds at this point, and his heart is pumping 300 gallons of blood per day.
That is all the development of the human intrauterine from 1st week to 40 weeks.
Name: Dannyca Kyle R. Bahalla


NCM 109


Activity #1

My reaction to this topic about the Development of human intrauterine from 1st week to 40 weeks is
that the fetal development is the term used when talking about the procession of events that starts
when sperm and egg meet and unfolds in an orderly progression to form a baby. For something that
"simply happens" once a woman gets pregnant, it is amazingly complex and a lot of fun to think about.
It's important to know that the duration of a pregnancy, including labor and delivery, is approximately
40 weeks, starting on the first day of your last period. Your practitioner will use the weeks to help figure
out where you are in pregnancy and what should be happening at what point. These weeks are also
broken into trimesters First Trimester (Weeks 1 to 13), Second Trimester (Weeks 14 to 27) and Third
Trimester (Weeks 28+). These counting methods are more official and practical, they will be used in all
of your medical charts and decisions. All in all my learnings to this topic gives me the knowledge and
importance in our life that in the beginning it is a great miracle to survive in the womb of our mother
and by that we have to be grateful at all times.

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