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Plants are living things that grow on the surface of the earth.

Plants are grouped into two categories namely;

1. Flowering plants
2. Non-flowering plants

Non-flowering plants

These are plants which bear flowers.

Groups of non-flowering plants

1. -Spore bearing plants

2. -Coniferous plants


These are plants which reproduce by means of seeds and store their seeds in cones.

Examples of conifers

1. -podo
2. -pine
3. -cycades
4. -cypress
5. -firad
6. -cedar

Economic importance conifers

 They are used as natural fences.

 They are used as wind breaks to control soil erosion.
 They provide soft wood timber for making ply woods.
 They attract tourists.


These are plants which reproduce by means of spores.

Examples of spore bearing plants.

 Mosses
 Ferns
 Lichens
 Liverworts
 Fungi
 Algae


 They reproduce by means of spores.

 They feed saprophytic ally.
 They grow on rotten matter like tree tanks.
Examples of fungi.
 Mushrooms
 Puff balls
 Toadstools
 Yeast
 Moulds
 Bracket fungi


Yeast reproduce by means of budding.

Some fungi are useful while others are harmful.


When God the father created the world,the purpose was that man should worship God throughout his
entire life.

God’s target was also that man should walk with God in total obedient .But righteousness and holiness
the bench mark of obedience.

In Heb 12:14,the Lord is saying “struggle to live in peace with all men and to be holy,for without which
no one shall see the Lord.”

Many people live their lives without considering

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