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Management Theory and Practice

Q1. You are hired as a trainer by Sachin Ethanol, a newly setup organization dealing in
manufacturing Ethanol from Sugarcane residue. The CEO wants you to train the newly
recruited management trainees about the Principles of Management. Explain the principles of
Management to these newly recruited employees by taking the help of Henri Fayol’s 14
Principles of Management?
Management is a universal phenomenon. Every individual or entity requires setting
objectives, making plans, handling people, coordinating and controlling activities, achieving
goals and evaluating performance directed towards organizational goals. These activities
relate to the utilization of variables or resources from the environment − human, monetary,
physical, and informational.
Henri Fayol’s principles of management are as follows:
1. Division of Work-
Henri believed that segregating work in the workforce amongst the worker will enhance the
quality of the product. Similarly, he also concluded that the division of work improves the
productivity, efficiency, accuracy and speed of the workers. This can be applied to
managerial and technical work level.
2. Subordination of Individual Interest-
This principle indicates that a company should work unitedly towards the interest of a
company rather than personal interest. Be subordinate to the purposes of an organization.
This refers to the whole chain of command in an organisation.
3. Order-
A company should maintain a well-defined work order to have a favourable work culture in
the company. The positive atmosphere in the workplace will boost more positive
4. Equity-
All employees should be treated equally and respectfully in an organisation. It’s the
responsibility of a manager that no employees face discrimination.
5. Initiative-
The management should support and encourage all the employees to take initiatives in an
organization. It will help them to increase their interest and make then worth.
6. Remuneration-
This plays an important role in motivating the workers in an organisation. Remuneration can
be monetary or non-monetary. However, it should be according to an individual’s efforts they
have made in contributing towards the company.
9. Scalar Chain-
Fayol on this principle tells that the hierarchy steps should be from the top to the lowest. This
is necessary so that every employee knows their immediate senior also they should be able to
contact any, if any assistance is needed.
10. Unity of Command-
This means an employee should have only one boss and follow his command. If an employee
has to follow more than one boss, there begins a conflict of interest and can create confusion.
The 14 principles of management can be used to manage organizations and are useful for forecasting,
planning, process management, organization management, decision-making, coordination and control.
Therefore, I as a trainer at Sachin Ethanol, will make use of principles stated by Henry Fayol to train the
newly recruited management trainees about the Principles of Management.

Q2. The newly set up management team is divided in their deliberation on a certain topic and
require your help. The core area of this discussion is whether Management is an Art or a
Science. As the chairman of the forum, can you throw some light on whether Management is
an art or a science or both and Why?
Management uses theories and concepts to handle emerging problems similar to science.
Science's theories are the result of extensive research and experiments; in a similar manner,
management's theories are based on routine observation and experimentation. Over time,
these ideas will serve as management's guiding principles.
In science, we gain knowledge and that knowledge we put in practice to complete work call
art as well as in management, first of all, we decide what to do how to do when to do and put
that decision into practice form so we can say that management is both art and science.
Management is an art as well as science because before so many years a long debate run
between great scientists for clear that management is science or arts but after all, it defines
that management is art as well as science.
Art is the processing of managing skill by a person, Whereas science is of developing
principles and laws where group of activities are coordinated. Management is the art of
getting things done by a group of people with the effective utilisation of available resources.
Hence, It can be said that management is a combination of art and science because both the
principles of art and science are present in it but we cannot call it a pure art or science. It said
that it is an old art and a comparatively new science and it will continue to be an art in the
future till it turns into a pure science.

a. Explain the different types of Conflicts that can arise in an organization?
There are three types of conflicts which can arise in an organisation.
Task Conflict
The task conflict in the workplace, often involves concrete issues related to employees’ work
assignments and can include disputes about how to divide up resources, differences of
opinion on procedures and policies, managing expectations at work and judgments and
interpretation of facts. Task conflict often turns out to have deeper roots and more complexity
that it appears to have at first glance. 
Relationship Conflict
The relationship conflict, arises from differences in personality, style, matters of taste, and
even conflict styles. In organizations, people who would not ordinarily meet in real life are
often thrown together and must try to get along. It is of no surprise, then, that relationship
conflict can be common in organizations. If the conflict persists or worsens, one should enlist
the help of a manager in resolving differences.
Value Conflict
The value conflict, can arise from fundamental differences in identities and values, which can
include differences in politics, religion, ethics, norms, and other deeply held beliefs.
Although discussion of politics and religion is often seen in organizations, disputes about
values can arise in the context of work decisions and policies, such as whether to implement
an affirmative action program.
b. Explain what strategies can be used by Lemon Tree to resolve these conflicts?
An organizational conflict can arise due to a variety of reasons like - opposing goals, different
opinions, or incompatibility in the working style. This diversity can sometimes lead to
situations where there is some sort of incompatibility. Conflict management is the practice of
being able to identify and managing conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. It is the process
of dealing with (perceived) incompatibilities or disagreements arising from, for example,
diverging opinions, objectives, and needs and thus Lemon tree Hotel should take this into
The following strategies can be used for conflict resolution:
1. Collaborating:
This conflict management style produces the best long-term results, but it is frequently the
most difficult and time-consuming to achieve. The needs and desires of each party are
considered, and a win-win solution is found so that everyone is satisfied.
2. Competing:
The competing conflict management style rejects compromise and does not give in to the
opinions or desires of others. One party is adamant about how they believe a situation should
be handled and will not back down until they get their way.
3. Avoiding:
This conflict management style seeks to reduce conflict by ignoring it, removing the
conflicting parties, or evading it in some way. Team members who are in disagreement can
be removed from the project, deadlines pushed, or people reassigned to other departments.
4. Accommodating:
The accommodating conflict management style is all about putting the needs of the other
party ahead of one's own. You let them 'win' and have their way. Accommodation is used
when you don't care as much about the issue as the other person, if prolonging the conflict
isn't worth your time, or if you believe you're wrong.
5. Compromising:
This conflict management style seeks a middle ground by asking both parties to give up some
aspects of their desires in order to reach an agreement. This style is sometimes referred to as
"lose-lose," because both parties will have to give up a few things in order to reach an
agreement on the larger issue.

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