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Primary Sources:

1. "Evolution of the Tourism Industry on Guam." Guampedia,

● This page offers a thorough history of Guam's tourism industry development. It
describes the earliest years of tourism on the island, the causes of its expansion,
and the effects of tourism on the community's economy and society.
2. Tourism Statistics. (2020). Visitor Arrival Statistics [PDF document]. Guam Visitors
Bureau. Retrieved from
● This primary source provides information on the number of visitors to Guam in
2020, along with demographic details and the countries of origin for these
visitors. Additionally, it provides information on the amount of money spent by
visitors during their trip to the island.
3. Tourism Economics. "The Economic Impact of Tourism in Guam." PDF document,
Guam Visitors Bureau, 2016,
● This PDF document provides information on the economic impact of tourism on
Guam. It was retrieved from the Guam Visitors Bureau's website and provides
detailed data and analysis on the topic. The document was used to support the
information presented on the Development of Tourism Industry on Guam,
particularly in regards to the economic benefits brought about by the industry.

Secondary Sources:

1. Image: "Incoming: nng15p-161222guam-tourismphoto01.jpg." Stripes, N/A,
LANDSCAPE_910/161222GUAM-TOURISMphoto01.jpg. This image was used to
design the "Emergence of Tourism" page.
2. Image: "Plaza de Espana 03." Gannett, N/A, 4 Feb. 2019,
8909f970e39b-Plaza_de_Espana_03.jpg. This image was used to design the
"Advancement of Tourism" page.
3. Image: "A2C2E3B5-1DAF-4715-AF86-D95EEAE07964_cx0_cy18_cw0_w1080_h608."
Voice of America, N/A,
D95EEAE07964_cx0_cy18_cw0_w1080_h608.jpg. This image was used to design the
"Process Paper" page.
4. Image: "6f89ae5d-542c-4fee-b333-a35761fe33d1." Hotels, N/A,
This image was used to design the "Annotated Bibliography" page.

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