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Path to success international school

Name…Mary Mugure Kuria … Date……………………………

Write a story introduction

 Write down three to four paragragraphs as an introduction to

your story.
Use a mind map to plan before writing your story.

Think of a creative way to illustrate and present your introduction to make it

stand out to the publisher.

The story

Blackened bone trees scratch cracks in the

cloudless gray sky devoid of emotion. I sit

huddled inside myself waiting for your

appearance. Time sifts itself slowly as I wait.

You were evasive and elusive at our last

meeting. All pointed and sharpened bits sticking

out. When I tried to kiss you, you resisted,

elegantly insisting that we move cautiously and

carefully. I marveled at the wariness you had

cultivated in such a short time. When I

attempted to embrace you, you brusquely pushed

me away apologizing for your insensitivity. I

asked for explanation but you proffered none. I

Path to success international school

asked for information but you declined my

invitation to enlighten. You were not yourself

but I was still me, in love with you and not

knowing. Today, each tick of the clock screams

the syllables of your name. Bereft on this island

of uncertainty, I question the very fabric of my

being, the cells of my body rising up to question

their existence, my soul struggling to

comprehend the alterations. The cafe is closing

and I am departing without solace.

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