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Path to success international school

Focus on character and setting

Read the extract from a fantasy story and answer the questions below:
(See pdf file of the extract on the assignment box).
1. Who is the main character? …Minli…………………………………………………..
2. What is the setting? ……in the village ………………………………………….
3. What is the first chapter mainly about? .Minli who was brighter that
anyone in the village ....................................................
4. Predict why a new chapter is started after this ‘episode’ in the story.
…Dialogue requires new paragraph’s in fiction ……………………………….
5. Write the verbs underlined in the text, each on a separate line, in
alphabetical order.
Cut into
6. Choose two of the verbs underlined in the text and work out their
meaning by reading it in context.

a) __Glowed= have an intense colour and a slight shine_____

b) __Flashed= shine in a bright but brief, sudden, or intermittent way._____
5. Order the main ideas of the paragraphs in the extract.
 3.Minli’s home and family are introduced.
 6.Minli asks her father to tell her story ( more words in one
 1.The setting for the village is described.
 2.Fruitless Mountain is introduced.
 4.Why Minli is different is explained.
 5.Clues about the plot are given.

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