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A: We're going to discuss getting a better healthy lifestyle.

Now, first of all, let's talk about what is

healthy style. I want to ask B; can you share some of your ideas?
B: Yes, I'd be happy to share. In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve
people's health and well-being and overcome lots of stress. Healthy living is a lifelong effect. Being
healthy includes healthy eating, physical activities, weight management, and stress management.
A: Thank you B for your sharing. I want to add more ideas. What about you C?
C: I think a healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet. This does not mean cutting out important food
groups of your diet or limiting yourself on the number of calories per day. A well-rounded diet involves
eating most food groups in every meal. Meats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables are all important components
of a meal that will ensure your body is healthy.
A: OK, I agree. Now let's talk about how to getting a better healthy lifestyle? C can you share your ideas?
C: OK, my pleasure. In my opinion to getting better healthy style, we have to do the following things. We
should measure and monitor our weight regularly. We shouldn’t eat unhealthy foods such as fast food and
junk food. Also, drink 2 liters of water every day.
B: And in my opinion, we shouldn’t do exercise regularly, don’t stay ap too late and get enough 8 hours
sleep a day.
A: yeah, that’s right. And also, we should live happily every day avoiding negative emotions is a way to
have a better healthy lifestyle.

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