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Matthew Hubbs Dietary Analysis Questions Part III-Answer the following questions:


_41.1%__ What is your average percentage of total kcalories from carbohydrates? (See Energy Nutrient Intake Ranges) Below it__ The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range states that 45-65% of your total calories should come from carbohydrates. How does your compare to your recommendation?


3. 391.4 g /day How many g/day of carbohydrate did you consume on the average? (See Intake Vs. Goals) How did your intake compare to your recommendation? 4. 58.94 The recommended intake of fiber/day is 20-35 grams. How many g/day did you consume on the average? If your values are below 20 grams, list 3 high fiber foods you can add to your diet to increase the fiber content. ( See Intake and DRI Goals) What percentage of your total kcalories came from fat? (See Energy Nutrient Intake Ranges) The dietary goal for total fat intake is 20-35% of total kcalories. How did your fat intake compare to the stated goal?



6. Good


10%, even What percentage of calories came from saturated fat? Health recommendations suggest les than 10% of your calories should come from saturated fats. How did your intake compare to this recommendation? ( See Fat As Percentage of Total Calories)

8. 8%, lower What percentage of your calories came from monounsaturated fats? Health recommendations suggests that greater than 10% of your calories should come from monounsaturated fats. How did your intake compare to this recommendation? (See Fat As Percentage of total Calories) 9. 436.2 mg How many milligrams of cholesterol did you consume on an average day? ( See Intake and DRI Goals) The recommended intake of dietary cholesterol is less than 300 mg/day. How did your intake compare to the recommendation? What percentage of your total kcalories came from protein? (See Energy Nutrient Intake Ranges)

10.Way higher

11. 32.1%

12. On the spot Dietary guidelines recommend that protein should provide about 10-35%

of the total intake of calories. How did your intake compare to the recommendations? 13. 67.1 g Using the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, how much protein (grams) should you consume? What was your average kcalorie intake? (See Intake and DRI Goals) How does your actual calories intake compare to your recommendation?

14. 3708

15. Less than by 239

16. Slightly lose If you consumed the same amount of kcal/day over a period of time (see #16 above), would you lose, gain, or maintain you weight? 17. Maintain Is your personal goal to lose, gain, or maintain your weight? y


In addition to kcalorie control, list 2 other factors that should be included in a successful weight control program.

(1) Cut down on Saturated Fats (2) Get adequate serving sizes for all groups 19. Look at your average intake of vitamins. List the WATER-SOLUBLE vitamins less than 75% of your personal RDN. (See Intake and DRI Goals) None that were


List the FAT-SOLUBLE vitamins that were less than 75% of your personal RDN.

-Vitamin D


List ONE good food source for the following WATER-SOLUBLE vitamins. Vitamin C Orange Folate Asparagus


List ONE good food source for the following FAT-SOLUBLE vitamins. Vitamin A ___Carrots Vitamin E Sunflower seed


State two adverse affects from taking large doses of vitamin/mineral supplements. 1. An excessive amount of Vitamin C can cause Osteoarthritis, the breakdown of cartilage in

2. Thiamine produces a shock like state and hypersensitivity when used excessively. 24. Look at your average intake of minerals. List the MAJOR minerals that were less than 75% or your personal RDN. (See Intake and DRI Goals)


25. List the TRACE minerals that were less than 75% of your personal RDN. None

26. List ONE good food source for the following MAJOR minerals. Calcium _____Milk_________ Magnesium ________spinach______

27. List ONE good food source for the following TRACE minerals. Iron _______Clams___________ 28. Zinc _________Peanuts________

Health recommendations state that sodium intake should be limited to 2300 mg/d. A. How did your intake of sodium compare to the recommendation?

My daily intake of sodium was 5,300 mg which is more than double that. The recommended amount however was 4,700 which isnt that far off from what I had.

B. How could >2300 mg/d of sodium adversely affect health? Give one example. Body dehydration would be the most common result. The lack of sodium causes excessive

perspiration which dries the body up of water.

29. Examine your MyPyramid servings for each food group then respond to the following: (See MyPyramid Analysis)


What food groups met your goals/recommendations?

Vegetables, Fruits, Milk, Meat + Beans B. Grains What food groups were less than the recommended goals?


Why is it important to eat the recommended number of servings/day for each band of the MyPyramid? Cite page numbers in your text to support your answer.

By following the recommended serving sizes for each band of the pyramid you are engaging in a lifestyle designed to promote adequate nutritional status and good health, and to reduce the risk of major chronic health conditions. This information is stated in page 86 in Chapter 3 in the textbook.


Look over the results of your Diet Analysis. List 2 strong points and 2 weak points related to your food intake. a. For each weak point, state one change you can make to improve your diet. Pros Get plenty of fruits and vegetables Eat enough to maintain weight Cons Get more grains: Can improve this by incorporating more whole grain foods/cereals into my diet. Lots of sugar and saturated fats: Cut back on some of the saturated fats and sugar foods while replacing them with Mono fat alternatives.

32. Do you take vitamin/mineral supplements? ______yes ______no If yes, do you need them? State facts/results from your Diet Analysis to support your decision to take supplements.

If no, do you feel you need to take them? State results from your Diet Analysis to your decision.


No I do not take them, and I dont feel the need to take thme as I feel I get adequate nutritients from all of my natural food. Vitamin D was the only kind of vitamin/mineral that I was getting an inadequate amount in.

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