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Dear respondent, we are currently doing a study on Religious Coping Scale (RCOPE) for Filipino Working Adults for

Psychological Statistics Class. RCOPE  is a 14-item measure of religious coping with major life stressors. It has helped contribute to
the growth of knowledge about the roles of religion in the process of dealing with a crisis, trauma, and transition (Pargament, 2011).
We would like to ask for your help with this research by answering this form. There are NO RIGHT OR WRONG answers.  Your
responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and the data that we gather from you will be used for RESEARCH purposes
only. Your participation in this study is purely voluntary.  

_✓_ I am willing to participate in this study. I understand that my participation in this study is purely voluntary and I am not being
forced to do something against my will.

Gender: ___Female___ Age: ___27____ Religion: ___Catholic_______

Which major life stressors did you experience during the last three years?

_____ Catastrophic illness or disability

__✓__ Loss of a family member or relative

_____ Financial difficulties

_____ Romantic breakdown

__✓__ Family Relationship

__✓__ Work related problems

_____ Others: _______________________________

__3__ On a scale of 1 (being a little negative) to 4 (extremely negative), rate the degree of stressfulness that you have experienced.

The following items deal with ways you coped with the negative event in your life. There are many ways to deal with problems.
These items ask what you did to cope with this negative event. Obviously different people deal with things in different ways, but we
are interested in how you tried to deal with it. Each item says something about a particular way of coping. We want to know to what
extent you did what the item says. How much or how frequently. Don’t answer on the basis of what worked or not-just whether or not
you did it. Use the response choices. Try to rate each item separately in your mind from the others. Make your answers as true FOR
YOU as you can. Check the answer that best applies to you.

A great deal Quite a bit Somewhat Not at all

1. I looked for a stronger connection with God ✓
2. Sought God’s love and care. ✓
3. Sought help from God in letting go of my anger. ✓
4. Tried to put my plans into action together with God. ✓
5. Try to see how Good might be trying to strengthen me in ✓
this situation.
6. Ask forgiveness for my sins. ✓
7. Focus on religion to stop worrying about my problem. ✓
8. Wondered whether God has abandoned me. ✓
9. Felt punished by God for my lack of devotion. ✓
10. Wondered what I did for God to punish me. ✓
11. Questioned God’s love for me. ✓
12. Wondered whether my church had abandoned me. ✓
13. Decided the devil made this happen. ✓
14. Questioned the power of God. ✓
Thank you very much!!!

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