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Self esteem: The costs and causes of low self worth

Article  in  Youth Studies Australia · January 2001


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1 author:

Nicholas Emler
University of Surrey


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The costs and causes of low self-worth

Nicholas Emler
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has supported this project as part of its programme of research
and innovative development projects, which it hopes will be of value to policy makers and
practitioners. The facts presented and views expressed in this report are, however, those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Foundation.

© Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2001

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ISBN 1 84263 020 2

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Acknowledgements v

1 Self-esteem: definition and measurement 1

Introduction 1
Self-esteem in the public domain 2
What is self-esteem? The views of scholars and scientists 4
Can self-esteem be measured and, if so, how? 7
Conclusions 11

2 The consequences of self-esteem 13

The problem of distinguishing causes and effects 13
Matters of consequence 17
Crime and delinquency 18
Racial prejudice 20
Abuse of illegal drugs 21
Alcohol abuse 23
Risky sexual behaviour (including practices carrying risk of sexually transmitted diseases
and of teenage pregnancy) 23
Child maltreatment 26
Educational underachievement 27
Chronic dependency on state support (including poverty, low earnings and long-term
unemployment) 28
Eating disorders 29
Suicide, parasuicide and suicidal thoughts 30
Outcomes: overview 32

3 The sources of differences in self-esteem 35

Factors that have weak effects or none 35
Factors that have a modest effect 38
Factors that have a substantial effect: (the behaviour of) parents 42
The relative immunity of established self-esteem: are there any other significant others? 44
Conclusions: the sources of self-esteem 48

4 Changing self-esteem: the effectiveness of planned interventions 49

How self-esteem might be raised: theory as a source of ideas 50
How self-esteem might be raised: research evidence as a source of ideas 51
How self-esteem might be raised: varieties of intervention in practice 52
Does anything work at all? 53
Conclusions: raising self-esteem – what works and what works best? 57
5 General conclusions 58
Defining and measuring self-esteem 58
Behavioural consequences of self-esteem 58
The causes of low and high self-esteem 59
Planned interventions to raise self-esteem: what works? 60
Future research needs 61
Final word 61

Notes 62

Bibliography 63

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem 83


The following have offered helpful advice on different parts of this review: Dominic Abrams, University of
Kent; Roy Baumeister, Case Western Reserve University; John Bynner, Institute of Education; William
Damon, Stanford University; Duncan Cramer, Loughborough University; Leon Feinstein, the London
School of Economics; Miles Hewstone, University of Wales at Cardiff; Peter Robinson, Bristol University;
Glen Waller, St George’s Hospital Medical School.

1 Self-esteem: definition and measurement

Introduction drugs and put their health at risk in other ways.

And, of course, some matters of concern are by
Violent children hold other lives cheap because they
definition associated with this period of life, such
believe their own lives to be worthless.
as teenage pregnancy. The second reason for a
(Melanie Phillips, The Sunday Times, 3 December
focus upon adolescence is the sense that damage
2000, commenting on the apparently motiveless
done and left unrepaired early in life cannot
murder of a young Nigerian boy, Damilola Taylor)
thereafter easily be undone.
This observation will have struck a chord with There is an incidental and not entirely trivial
readers because it mirrors many widely accepted advantage to defining the scope of the review in
views. These include the ideas that many children, this way: most of the published literature deals
rather too many, are now growing up with a sense with this period of life. The real disadvantage is
that they have no value, and that their damaged that little can be selected out as having no relevance
sense of their own worth in turn causes them to do for the aims of the review. Nonetheless, we can and
violence to themselves and others. If such views should be more precise about the aims and scope.
have a sound basis in fact, then there is much to The issues of interest here are essentially whether
recommend efforts to repair the self-esteem of these individuals differ in self-esteem, whether these
young people and to take whatever measures we differences have any important consequences and,
can to ensure no further damage of this kind is if so, what produces these differences.
done. Are these views therefore well founded? The review will be organised as follows.
The aim of this review is to summarise what is Following a brief overview of popular views about
known from research about the nature of self- self-esteem, scientific interpretations of the concept
esteem, its consequences and its antecedents. More will be described. This will lead into an
particularly, it is concerned with the self-esteem of examination of the options for measuring self-
children and adolescents. The reasons for this focus esteem, and whether there are grounds for
are twofold. First, many of the phenomena seen to regarding it as a unitary quality and as one distinct
be consequences of low self-esteem are especially from some apparently related psychological
pronounced in the early part of life. The once attributes. Next will come a review of evidence for
popular image of adolescence as a ‘stormy decade’, behavioural consequences of low self-esteem;
a period of life marked by chronic self-doubt, particular attention will be given to those
conflict with parents and rebellion against the consequences seen to constitute social problems,
standards of adult society, has proved to be an such as delinquency, drug abuse, teenage
unhelpful and inaccurate generalisation about pregnancy, racism and suicide attempts. Research
young people. A recent study confirms this point. into the roots of self-esteem will then be
Gillies et al. (2001) interviewed ordinary young considered, aiming in particular to determine what
people and their parents and found little to suggest is known about the conditions resulting in low self-
that their relationships with one another were riven esteem. Finally, methods of intervention are
with disputes and difficulties. considered: what kinds of intervention appear to be
There is, however, less dissent from the successful in raising self-esteem, what are their
observation that adolescents are, much more than costs and what evidence is there if any that they
other age groups, liable to commit crimes, abuse have long-term benefits?


Self-esteem in the public domain Nevertheless, over time, usage changes and the
connotations evolve. It is in this respect that
If there were ever a magic bullet that could transform scientific interest in self-esteem is related to the
a young person’s life it would be a pill coated with public discourse. When we talk about self-esteem
self-esteem. This powerful yet fragile quality is the in our everyday conversations, somewhere in the
key to the future for a teenager. background – and not always only in the
(Katz, 2000, p. 7) background – a psychological interpretation is
being invoked. Self-esteem is about psychological
Few ideas in the human sciences have ever
health, about motivations, about personal identity.
achieved the level of attention that has been
Perhaps the most striking and distinctive feature of
lavished upon the notion of self-esteem. Within
contemporary usage, however, is the idea that self-
psychology alone, research papers and articles that
esteem is a kind of resource or asset. And, like other
make some reference to self-esteem, and often
assets, it is now discussed within the realm of
much more than a passing reference, are now
human rights. People desire self-esteem, just as
appearing at a rate of over a thousand each year.
they may be expected to desire prosperity, good
Given this level of interest, one is liable to conclude
physical health, or freedom of thought. But they
that it is an idea of some considerable significance.
also regard it as something they should have by
But, rather more unusually, this academic
right. And, if they lack self-esteem, this is because
preoccupation is substantially matched by interest
they have been denied or deprived of it through the
among the public at large, and not just among
actions or inactions of others.
those people – doctors, teachers, social workers –
The human sciences have made this aspiration
who might be expected to show a professional
legitimate, even admirable, in an interesting way.
interest in the human psyche. In their everyday
They have encouraged the belief that self-esteem is
lives, people routinely treat the notion of self-
good for the individual who is blessed with it but it
esteem as an intelligible basis for explaining their
is also good for society. In other words, this is a
own difficulties or others’ failings. Some indication
case in which self-interests coincide with the
of the sheer level of this popular interest is that the
common good. And this puts it firmly on the
US bookseller Amazon currently lists over 2,000
political agenda. If self-esteem is good for collective
titles which deal in some way with self-esteem.
well-being, it is worth spending public money to
In a sense, the prominence of this notion in
ensure there is more of it to go around. This is a far
everyday discourse should cause no surprise. The
from fanciful scenario. In 1986, the state of
term is not the property of psychology or indeed
California set up a task force to achieve precisely
any other branch of the human sciences; nor did it
this aim. Its remit was to raise the self-esteem of its
begin life as a psychological concept with a
entire population.
specialised and technical meaning. This particular
Why did politicians in California back this
composite term has been in common usage in the
initiative? The reasoning is instructive; more than
English language, according to the OED, for at least
that, it reflects directly on the purpose of this
four centuries. And, when a term endures for so
review. The Californian policy makers had come to
long, it is a reasonable bet that it refers to
be convinced that self-esteem is a powerful, all-
something of importance to people, something they
purpose ‘social vaccine’ – the term used in the Task
find it very useful to be able to label for one
Force final report (California Task Force to Promote
Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility,

Self-esteem: definition and measurement

1990). It had become a fashionable notion that high and the right of every individual, all practices or
self-esteem inoculates people, and in particular circumstances that could conceivably damage a
young people, against vulnerability to a wide range person’s self-esteem were to be purged from the
of social ills. Those who possess high self-esteem curriculum of life (and certainly from the precincts
are less likely to abuse drugs, commit crimes, fail to of educational establishments). Any reluctance to
benefit from education, engage in unsafe sexual pursue this agenda could be attacked with all the
practices that could pose a risk to health or result in self-righteous moral certainty of a lynching party.
unwanted pregnancies, suffer from stress, develop Thus, as one commentator noted, around the time
eating disorders, perpetrate acts of racism or child of the California initiative, teachers and others
abuse or violence towards their partners, become working with young people became increasingly
chronically dependent on the state for financial reluctant to voice meaningful relative judgements
support, get depressed or make suicide attempts. about those in their care (Baumeister, 1998).
And the list of benefits didn’t stop there. Announcing winners meant others were losers.
Farmers have been told that high self-esteem Genuine criticism was far too risky. Consequently,
will contribute more to their success than up-to- standards got dumbed down and every ego
date knowledge of farming methods. Bankers have required a merit award just for turning up.
been advised to nurture the self-esteem of their The note of scepticism here is intentional, the
customers because this will significantly contribute intention to signal what is to come in this review.
to the latter’s net worth; customers with high self- Like the fictional Gordon Gekko’s infamous
esteem will be more likely to repay loans and admonition about greed, we should be suspicious
provide profitable business to the bank. Even of any convenient convergence of self-serving
management consultants have sought to convince interests with the greater good.
their clients that staff with good self-esteem will be What has become common sense in this matter
more effective and productive employees (Hewitt, – only people with low self-esteem act in ways that
1998). are harmful to themselves or others – turns out as a
Self-esteem has therefore proved fertile territory blanket generalisation not to be a reliable or sound
for those Hewitt (1998) describes as conceptual basis for policy initiatives.
entrepreneurs. These are people who seek to If we are to spend money – anybody’s money –
persuade a wider audience that something is a or time or talent on efforts to mitigate social
major problem and it requires a solution; they also problems, we had better be sure of two things:
claim to know what the solution is. In this case, those efforts will have the anticipated benefits and
their claims that low self-esteem lay behind a range investments made in them would not have been
of undesirable behaviours and practices made low better spent on something else. Of course, one
self-esteem the problem and high self-esteem, or cannot always be entirely sure ahead of time of
methods that supposedly promote this condition, either of these things. It may simply be impossible
the solution. In Californians, they had a receptive to tell without at least a trial effort whether
audience for these claims but also, it turned out, something will work, let alone whether it will be
across the world (see foreword in Mecca et al., cost-effective. But, in the case of self-esteem, we can
1989). make highly educated guesses. And we can make
Correspondingly, the fashion favoured them if we are prepared to be educated by the
associated forms of political correctness. Because effort already lavished upon the pertinent issues by
self-esteem is both desirable for society as a whole social researchers across the globe.


What is self-esteem? The views of scholars expect these two things to be strongly related. On
and scientists the other hand, if there is a great deal of variance in
pretensions – people differ considerably in what
In common usage, self-esteem is a favourable
they aspire to and/or in the standards they aspire
opinion of oneself. Psychologists, however, from
to – objective differences in success become less
the very start addressed the underlying question
important sources of differences in self-esteem.
raised by such an appraisal: on what is it based?
There is evidence that young people, whatever
The most likely answer it now seems, rather
their circumstances, want or aspire to much the
surprisingly, is ‘not much’. But this possibility has
same things, at least in a material sense. So, for
only recently come into focus.
example, young people from deprived areas share
Most discussions of the question pay some
conventional aspirations for their adult lives – ‘nice
homage to the definition offered by William James
house, good job, nice car, nice family’ (Johnston et
in his Principles of Psychology, first published in
al., 2000). But self-esteem is more closely linked to
1890: self-esteem is success divided by pretensions.
aspirations for personal qualities, and here
The elegant simplicity of this notion contains some
aspirations are more variable. Thus, Rosenberg
interesting implications. Self-esteem can be
(1979) found that not all adolescents cared equally
increased by achieving greater successes and
about being likeable. In contrast, concern with
maintained by avoiding failures, but it can also be
appearance is, according to Harter (1993), just
increased by adopting less ambitious goals: ‘to give
about universal.
up pretensions is as blessed a relief as to get them
The success/pretensions formula also clearly
gratified’ (James, 1890, p. 311). James’s formula also
implies a calculation or judgement and therefore
made the important prediction that self-esteem
raises further questions about the basis on which
cannot be predicted purely from the objective level
this calculation is made. Most obviously, how do
of success a person achieves. What matters is
people know whether and to what degree they are
whether their successes are relevant to their
successful, that they have the qualities they desire?
aspirations. Thus, to the detached observer,
A highly influential answer to this question was
particular individuals may indisputably be highly
given by the sociologist Charles Horton Cooley in
successful, to the extent of being widely admired
1902. Our assessments of our own worth are based
for their achievements, and yet these same
on the judgements we imagine others make of us.
individuals may have a very negative opinion of
Moreover, our guesses about these judgements
themselves because these achievements are either
depend upon the qualities we see in these other
irrelevant to their pretensions or fall short of them.
people. We anticipate that virtuous or successful
And, as we shall see later, James also expected
people will judge us more harshly than people who
individuals to differ in their average levels of self-
lack these attributes. In other words, what shapes
our self-esteem are not our objective
The consequences of James’s formula come
accomplishments objectively and directly
down to the following question: is there in practice
appraised, but the anticipated judgements of these
more variance in the denominator or in the
accomplishments by other people. And, when these
numerator? If most people aspire to achieve the
other people are themselves very successful, our
same things – which is to say there is little variance
own successes will look less impressive.
among people in their pretensions – then the main
These ideas were to reappear much later in
cause of differences in self-esteem would be
three guises that have been relevant to scientific
differences in degree of success, and we should

Self-esteem: definition and measurement

thinking about self-esteem. First of all, Leon attitude is powerfully shaped by what others are
Festinger (1954) developed his social psychological believed to think of the self. The enduring
theory of social comparison processes. Its essence is significance of Rosenberg’s definition is that it is
the idea that we seldom have access to objective embodied in his self-esteem scale and this scale has
and absolute standards against which we can judge become the gold standard in self-esteem research.
ourselves. There are some obvious respects in The third long-term impact of Cooley’s ideas
which this is true. We may, for example, wish to has been the sociological tradition of symbolic
have good taste in music or sensible opinions about interactionism and its notions that we discover who
the issues of the day. But there is no objective test we are and what we are through our interactions
we can apply to ourselves here as we can, for with other people and through the access these
example, to the question of whether we are able to interactions give us to their opinions of us. Most of
swim 50 yards or stay upright on a bicycle. Even the research into and theorising about self-esteem
with respect to such matters of performance, has assumed that we are strongly affected by
however, as often as not we want to know whether others’ reactions to us. If the feedback we receive
we are good at swimming, cycling, etc., and not from other people is uniformly negative, this will
merely whether we can do these things. And, in be absorbed into our self-appraisals. If other people
order to estimate how well we are doing, we need overwhelmingly react with approval then our self-
to compare ourselves with others – to make social esteem will inevitably benefit. It is also an
comparisons. So, it is crucial who we choose for assumption behind just about every intervention
comparison. Much of the research following on programme yet devised to raise self-esteem as well
Festinger’s propositions sought to determine how as the basic premise of most of the popular books
such choices are made. devoted to raising self-esteem. One such example,
Second, Morris Rosenberg (1965) devised a 501 Ways to Boost your Child’s Self Esteem (Ramsey,
method for measuring self-esteem based on the 1994), is simply a list of different ways and
notion that it is a variety of attitude. Attitude had opportunities for giving positive feedback to one’s
emerged as a key concept in the social sciences children. Finally, the same assumption lies behind
almost 40 years earlier; this had coincided with the views about criticism: one should never give
development of procedures for measuring social negative feedback because its effect violates the
attitudes with some degree of precision. Once other’s inalienable right to self-esteem.
social attitudes could be measured, the effects upon Cooley, it should be recalled, emphasised in
behaviour of differences in attitudes could be particular what we imagine others think of us: ‘We
studied. Attitudes were defined primarily in terms imagine, and in imagining share, the judgments of
of emotional or evaluative reactions; they constitute the other mind’ (p. 152). We should remember this
our reactions of approval or disapproval, liking or emphasis because it is possibly quite crucial to
dislike, for social practices, habits of behaviour, understanding the nature and roots of self-esteem.
categories of people, political policies, public It might seem a reasonable step from this
figures and so on. And it was in this sense that observation to the conclusion that what we imagine
Rosenberg regarded self-esteem as an evaluative to be the case has a basis in our experience. In other
attitude towards the self. A great merit of this view words, our suppositions about what other people
is that it corresponds quite closely to common think of us are derived from how they actually treat
usage or the dictionary definition of self-esteem. us. Nonetheless, these two things are not
The link to Cooley was Rosenberg’s belief that this necessarily the same. As we shall see when the


determinants of self-esteem are discussed later in A related notion is that self-esteem is akin to a
this review, however reasonable it may be in theory barometer in that it tracks conditions rather than
to make the link, research supports a very different reacting to events. For one advocate of this view,
conclusion. Mark Leary, the relevant conditions are the state of
Let us return for the moment to the nature of one’s relations with others (e.g. Leary et al., 1995).
self-esteem. Opinions, we assume, differ. If self- When these relations are good – when one is
esteem is one’s opinion of oneself, how might the accepted, included, loved – then self-esteem will be
self-esteem of one person differ from that of the relatively high. When relations are bad – when one
next? William James thought that self-esteem is rejected, excluded, despised – then self-esteem
would vary in two ways. First, it would behave will be low. For Leary, the significance of this
rather like an emotion; it would fluctuate, if not tracking is that it initiates, or should initiate,
from hour to hour then certainly from day to day corrective action when things are not going well. In
and perhaps from week to week. One person might other words, low self-esteem acts as a warning
experience higher self-esteem than another one about the poor state of one’s relationships with
week but their positions could be reversed the other people and a signal that repair work is
following week. This view takes self-esteem to be needed.
reactive, the reactions being to the variable or If Leary is right, then two things potentially
changeable conditions of a person’s daily life. So, follow. One is that the particular judgements others
just as an insult might provoke anger or make of our successes, assets and talents are
unexpected difficulties with some project might ultimately of less consequence for our self-esteem
induce a mood of gloom, warm praise or a than whether they like and accept us. The other is
significant success could temporarily elevate self- that self-esteem itself may be of less consequence
esteem while a humiliating failure might have the than the quality of the personal bonds with others
opposite effect. that it reflects.
If self-esteem does vary in this way, then there The barometer notion is close to the idea that
are two relevant questions for us. First, how self-esteem is a motivator. People experience a need
reactive is self-esteem? Can it, for example, be for self-esteem: when they have less of it they will
lowered or raised very rapidly and does it recover strive to obtain more. But this does not preclude the
to some resting state rather slowly – is self-esteem possibility that this need will be more strongly felt
more analogous to grief (a relatively long-term by some than by others, just as some people are
reaction from which one recovers slowly) or to fear more concerned than others to achieve success or
(relatively short-term)? Second, do individuals might experience more keenly than others a need to
differ in the reactivity of their self-esteem? Do some be liked and accepted. In other words, the desire
people respond to every minor change in fortune and search for self-esteem could be a more potent
with a rapid adjustment to their opinion of driving force in the lives of some individuals than
themselves while others are very slow to react and they are in the lives of others. Thus far, there seems
difficult to shift? Some recent research does suggest to be little evidence for this. Everyone seems to
that differences of this kind exist and that they may prefer self-esteem and to find the lack of it
have important consequences, but primarily in distressing (e.g. Brown, 1993). But not everybody
combination with more stable or chronic finds it so easy to achieve and hold on to.
differences in self-esteem levels. This brings us closer to the second way in which
William James anticipated self-esteem might vary.

Self-esteem: definition and measurement

He thought that each person carries ‘a certain Can self-esteem be measured and, if so, how?
average tone of self-feeling’ and this average will
Research can tell us nothing about self-esteem, and
vary from one individual to another. This is similar
certainly nothing about either its causes or its
to what would be called in contemporary
consequences, if self-esteem cannot first be
psychology a ‘trait’ view of self-esteem – it is a
measured. A procedure or instrument to perform
quality of the person that is relatively fixed or
this task of measurement must be able, at the very
persistent. The crucial word here of course is
least, to do two things. First, it must be able to
‘relatively’. Just how fixed are the differences? Are
detect differences or changes in self-esteem. Ideally,
they like adult stature, pretty much permanently
it should be sensitive to differences or changes that
fixed once people are full-grown, or more like
are quite small. Second, it should not be sensitive to
weight differences – modifiable within limits but
changes or variations in other psychological states
gradually and with difficulty?
or qualities. These two requirements may be
The conclusions one comes to about these
obvious enough but achieving them both in
questions have implications for how one tries to
practice has been far from easy.
measure self-esteem as well as for the consequences
In designing a method of measurement, it also
that might be expected to flow from variations in
helps to be clear about what it is one wishes to
self-esteem. Most of the research to be examined in
measure. In the case of self-esteem, as we have seen,
this review has treated – and measured – self-
clarity on this point – or at least unanimity – has been
esteem as a trait rather than as a state, and has
missing. The requirements for measuring a motive
asked about the consequences of chronically high
are not identical to those for measuring an attitude
versus chronically low self-esteem. At the same
and for both they are quite different from what is
time, however, many researchers, and certainly the
required to assess a temporary state. Most of the
conceptual entrepreneurs, have taken the view that
procedures developed have followed Rosenberg’s
chronic low self-esteem can be raised (and
lead and taken self-esteem to be an attitude.
correspondingly that high self-esteem can be
Nonetheless, this still leaves a lot of choice
eroded; it can suffer long-term damage). In this,
about how to measure self-esteem. The main choice
their implicit if not explicit model of self-esteem is
is whether to treat attitudes primarily as feelings, or
close to Rosenberg’s: it is an attitude. If the attitude
as evaluations. Coopersmith defined self-esteem as
is well established and strongly held, it will resist
‘the extent to which a person believes himself to be
change, it will be stable but it will not be entirely
capable, significant, successful and worthy’. This
immune to modification. If it is not strongly held, it
definition therefore stresses evaluation – a set of
will be more unstable, more likely to go up or
judgements about the self against criteria of
down with changing circumstances and more
readily modified by interventions that have this
In contrast, Rosenberg’s (1965) scale, which was
particular purpose.
one of the first and is still one of the most widely
The truth or otherwise of views about the
used measures of self-esteem, emphasises feelings.
changeability of self-esteem is of considerable
One attraction of his scale is its simplicity. The basic
practical importance. But their truth should in the
scale consists of just ten statements of opinion
end be determined on the basis of evidence and not
about oneself and one is simply asked whether one
assumed a priori. Some of the relevant evidence is
agrees with the sentiment expressed or not (see the
provided by the process of building and testing
box below). A score is the sum of positive views
methods for measuring self-esteem, and it is to
expressed out of ten.1
measurement that I now turn.


precision of psychological measures and, just as

The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSE)
important, for quantifying the degree of precision
1 On the whole I am satisfied with myself. one has achieved. But, because high degrees of
precision in measurement are costly, there will
2 At times I think I am no good at all.
always be a trade-off between the conflicting goals
3 I think that I have a number of good of reducing error and keeping measurement costs
qualities. down.
The low cost and relatively low error of the
4 I am able to do things as well as most
Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale have therefore made it
other people.
very attractive for researchers. Nonetheless,
5 I feel I do not have much to be proud of. different instruments are useful for different
purposes, for example to achieve a finer level of
6 I certainly feel useless at times.
discrimination than a ten-item scale allows – to
7 I feel that I am a person of worth, at least detect very small differences – or to assess
on an equal plane with others. particular elements of self-esteem.
According to one review (Blaskovich and
8 I wish I could have more respect for
Tomaka, 1991), at least 200 different measures of
self-esteem have been developed; there can be few
9 All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a other concepts in the social sciences, apart perhaps
failure. from intelligence, of which this is true. This is
potentially a serious problem; merely because
10 I take a positive attitude towards myself.
different tests or scales are claimed to measure the
same thing, it does not mean that they do.
Fortunately, the problem is simplified for us a little.
There are two distinctive features of the scale.
Just four scales have accounted for the majority of
The first is that agreement with any of these
published studies, the RSE (described above), the
statements is not agreeing that one is better than or
Coopersmith (1967) Self Esteem Inventory (SEI),
superior to others. Indeed, only two of the ten
the Tennessee Self Concept Scale (Fitts, 1965) and
statements make any reference to a comparison
the Piers-Harris Children’s Self Concept Scale
with other people and in each case the sentiment
(Piers, 1969). Thus, for most purposes, we need
expressed is one of parity with others. The second
only know whether these four measure the same
is that the sentiments are very general evaluations
of oneself. For this reason, it has appropriately been
Rosenberg’s measure was originally devised to
described as a measure of global self-esteem.
study adolescents and is regularly used with adults
A merit of this assessment strategy is that this
as well. Younger children require a different
simple scale achieves quite a high level of precision.
approach. Stanley Coopersmith (1967) was
Any measurement procedure is subject to some
particularly interested in the self-esteem of
error; in practice, this means that attempts to
preadolescents, specifically ten to 12 year olds, and
measure the same quality several times will on
to study this developed a 50-item inventory (SEI).
each occasion produce a different result. Small
But Coopersmith also took the view that self-
differences can be tolerated; large differences
esteem is most appropriately assessed by
would be a serious problem. Fortunately, there are
measuring distinct components. This view directly
now well-established procedures for improving the
reflects his definition of self-esteem which, as noted

Self-esteem: definition and measurement

above, emphasises evaluation rather than feeling. • costs (also short scales may also be more
Consequently, his inventory includes questions acceptable to some research populations,
about self-esteem in four areas of the child’s life: particularly if they are being asked many
parents, peers, school and personal interests. other questions).
The SEI has been described as an aggregate
There are, however, some other measurement
rather than a global measure because self-esteem is
issues we need to consider. Knowing that one has
treated as the sum or aggregate of assets and
measured something with a reasonable degree of
liabilities in various domains – in this case, the four
precision is not the same as knowing what one has
areas of life that Coopersmith took to be most
measured or whether it is what one intended to
relevant. Given that correlations between the SEI
measure. This is familiar in psychometrics as the
and Rosenberg’s measure are not especially high –
issue of validity. Any instrument serving as a
in the range 0.58 to 0.60 (Blaskovich and Tomaka,
thermometer should be sensitive to changes in
1991) – these two instruments are not measuring
temperature but not to changes in anything else
precisely the same thing, even after taking
such as air pressure. Likewise, an instrument to
measurement error into account. The other two
assess self-esteem should be sensitive to variations
extensively used scales, the Tennessee Self Concept
in this quality but not to variations in any other.
Scale and the Piers-Harris Children’s Self Concept
The validity of a measure is commonly decided
Scale, are also aggregate measures. Overall, scores
by looking at three patterns of evidence. First, do
derived from the various aggregate measures tend
different methods of measuring the same
to correlate well with each other; typical ranges are
phenomenon produce similar results? Second, are
0.65 to 0.85 and this higher value is approaching
these results quite distinct from those obtained by
the theoretical limit, which indicates that they are
using similar methods to measure what are
pretty much assessing the same thing.
presumed to be quite different phenomena? Third,
The choice of instrument for research is
do test scores behave in a manner that is consistent
therefore going to depend on the following
with what is known or believed to be the nature of
the phenomenon?
• appropriateness to the sample studied All the commonly used methods for measuring
(children and adolescents require different self-esteem rely upon people’s self-reports of their
approaches) feelings or opinions of themselves. Only two
alternatives have so far seriously been considered.
• the value of being able to assess particular
One is to use observers to assess a person’s self-
facets of self-esteem; for example, versions of
esteem. Observer ratings are widely used in
one instrument include scales for social
personality research and generally the results
confidence, physical appearance, school
converge with those from self-reports. This is
abilities and physical competence in addition
regarded as important evidence of validity because
to general self-regard (Fleming and
it indicates that results are not primarily reflecting
Courtney, 1984)
the method of measurement used.
• the importance of being able to compare Matters, however, have so far proved quite
results with published norms (in almost all different for self-esteem. Demo (1985) assessed the
cases, the published norms are based on self-esteem of adolescents both in the usual
American samples and are not necessarily manner, using the Rosenberg and Coopersmith
appropriate to other populations) scales, and using ratings by their peers and by


student observers. The two self-report measures results; individuals who score highly on self-esteem
were interrelated as were the two observer rating measures typically have low scores on measures of
measures, but the self-reports were largely depression and vice versa. This raises questions as
unrelated to the observer ratings. to whether depression and low self-esteem are not
It is not quite clear what we should make of the same thing. It also casts some doubt on the
this. But one possibility is that the observers were coherence of trying to explain one in terms of the
assessing something different; rather than judging other. On the other hand, it has been argued (e.g.
how these other individuals actually felt about Tennen and Affleck, 1993) that depression as a
themselves the observers may have been estimating clinical state – a condition serious enough to merit
how they ought to feel about themselves, perhaps medical care – is qualitatively distinct from low
on the basis of their other apparent qualities. Given self-esteem. Perhaps the most reasonable
that, as we shall see, how people feel about conclusion for the present is that, when research
themselves bears little relation to their objective measures degrees of depression in samples that are
qualities or accomplishments, there would then not undergoing treatment for this condition, it
also be little agreement between self-evaluations probably is measuring an attribute that
and evaluations by observers. substantially overlaps with low self-esteem.
The second alternative to self-reports is the use Measures of self-esteem also tend to produce
of indirect measures. These rely on unconsciously results similar to measures of such qualities as
and automatically activated mental connections locus of control (the degree to which individuals
and have already been used with apparent success believe they control events in their lives), self-
to measure other kinds of attitudes. Farnham et al. efficacy (the degree to which individuals believe
(1999) have applied the same principles to develop they possess the capabilities necessary to achieve
an implicit measure of self-esteem. Unfortunately, things and control events) and neuroticism (the
they found virtually a zero relation between this degree to which individuals describe themselves as
measure and the most widely used self-report insecure, fearful, guilt-ridden and miserable). At
measure, the RSE. Their own interpretation is that least one researcher, Judge (2001), believes these
it is the latter that is the poor measure of self- similar results reflect the fact that these all show the
esteem. Before we accept their conclusion, however, same underlying quality, which he calls core self-
we should consider the other two tests of validity. evaluations.
The first of these is that instruments intended to If Judge is right, this is helpful in two respects.
measure self-esteem should not produce the same First, we can avoid wasting time over questions as
results as instruments intended to measure other to whether self-esteem or a quality labelled in one
qualities. Up to a point, self-esteem measures have of these other ways is the more important influence
little difficulty in satisfying this test. What they are on some outcome, such as, for example, suicide
measuring is clearly distinct from what is measured attempts or eating disorders. Second, it expands the
by instruments intended to assess qualities such as knowledge base available to us. Thus, for instance,
extraversion or conscientiousness, for example. The evidence about the nature, causes or consequences
difficulties arise with respect to qualities that of neuroticism is potentially informative about the
appear on the surface to be more similar to self- nature, causes or consequences of low self-esteem.
esteem. The third test of validity is whether measures of
One of the most conspicuous examples is self-esteem produce results that make sense. In effect
depression. Measures respectively of self-esteem this is asking: are the results consistent with the
and depression consistently produce similar theories we have about this quality? So-called test–

Self-esteem: definition and measurement

retest correlations – whether the same results are Conclusions

obtained if self-esteem is measured at two closely
Low self-esteem is the source of all manner of
related points in time – provide reassurance that
personal and social ills. That at least is the popular
self-esteem is, as Rosenberg and others proposed, a
view. Whether systematic research can either
relatively stable quality of the person. Or, as William
confirm or qualify this popular opinion requires
James put it, each individual has a ‘certain average
first the availability of procedures – tests or
tone of self feeling’. But James also seems to have
measures – that can accurately assess levels of self-
been right in his view that an individual’s self-
esteem. And this in turn depends on a degree of
esteem can fluctuate from day to day around this
clarity as to what it is one is trying to measure.
average level. In other words, self-esteem is a state
There has been broad agreement that self-esteem
as well as a trait (Hetherton and Polivy, 1991).
can usefully be regarded as a form of attitude and
As the points in time at which self-esteem is
measures constructed on this assumption have
measured become further apart, the results
been able to meet a basic test; they are able to assess
obtained on these separate occasions also become
the level of something with a fair degree of
less similar. What this indicates is that self-esteem
reliability or precision. Currently, the major point of
has moderate but by no means perfect stability
disagreement about this something is whether it is
over time. People’s self-esteem can change as they
best regarded as a generally positive or negative
grow older even if there is a tendency for it to
feeling about the self or as a collection of
become progressively more stable with age.
judgements about personal assets and liabilities.
Stability itself, however, turns out to be a
Whether this attitude is a feeling or a set of
variable quality (Kernis, 1993). Some people have
judgements, it also has the properties of both a state
high or low self-esteem that is also very stable, at
and a trait. It can vary from day to day but it also
least over short periods (a few days). Others show
has an average level that is relatively stable over
much more instability in their opinions of
time. So, some individuals may have a particularly
themselves over the same periods. This is
positive opinion of themselves that changes little
consistent with Rosenberg’s view that self-esteem is
over the years, even if it may vary somewhat
an attitude. We should expect attitudes to vary in
around this generally high level from one day to
strength. When they are strongly held they will be
the next.
more stable. When they are held with less certainty
The measures of self-esteem currently available
they will be more vulnerable to contradiction and
to researchers can also to some extent meet the
so liable to fluctuate as each new piece of evidence
important test of divergent validity; they are
comes along. We should therefore expect stable
sensitive to variations in this quality rather than
self-esteem to be more resistant to efforts to change
some others. The question mark that remains,
it. It also turns out, as we shall see, that stability of
however, is whether variations in self-esteem are
self-esteem has consequences for behaviour.
really something distinct from opinions about the
As to the rest, it comes down to the following
self that go by such labels as depression,
question: does the picture provided by the research
neuroticism, self-efficacy and locus of control.
evidence as a whole – which will include evidence
Finally, these measures all rely upon self-
about the causes and consequences of self-esteem –
reports. It is good practice in psychological
make sense? If it does, then there are grounds for
measurement to demonstrate that one can obtain
confidence that the measures that have contributed
similar results using different methods of
to this picture do detect real and consequential
measurement. With respect to self-esteem, this has
differences between people.


yet to be demonstrated. But this should not available. And, if those patterns are coherent and
discourage us from looking for patterns of evidence consistent, this should increase our confidence in
with the methods of measurement that are the validity of these methods.

2 The consequences of self-esteem

The problem of distinguishing causes and behaviour of a sample of young people. Suppose
effects these researchers had found no association between
self-esteem and pregnancy in adolescence – which
Self-esteem crosses over from a topic of purely
is pretty much what they did find. It might seem
theoretical interest to one of real practical
reasonable to conclude that self-esteem has no
importance to the extent that it has consequences,
consequences in this area. But this inference would
and more precisely consequences having benefits
be an error.
and costs. Indeed, this conviction, that there are
Of the two major types of error that arise from
extensive and in particular negative consequences
interpreting data, the more common – the ‘Type II’
of low self-esteem, has fed wider public interest in
error – is to accept the null hypothesis when it is in
the matter. The legions of ‘conceptual
fact false. If this is labouring an elementary point it
entrepreneurs’ referred to previously have survived
is still a point we should not take for granted;
and multiplied on the back of this certainty. So, is it
establishing conclusively that two things – such as
a sound and sensible appreciation of what matters
low self-esteem and teenage pregnancy – are
in life?
entirely unrelated is extremely difficult and for
To answer this we need to recognise two
practical purposes virtually impossible.
distinct kinds of consequence. Probably the more
Consequently, a high proportion of the conclusions
familiar one is that variations in self-esteem
that social scientists are able to draw from their
influence the occurrence of some outcome of
work are tentative and provisional. In this case, the
interest, for example whether or not a person
reasonable and appropriate conclusion that
makes repeated suicide attempts, becomes an
Robinson and Frank draw from their findings, and
alcoholic or physically abuses their own children.
for us to draw, is that there may be an association
In other words, the issue here is: do differences in
and there may not but the data available do not say
self-esteem make these negative outcomes more or
which of these is true. As to what would allow a
less likely?
choice between these two possibilities, the answer
The second consequence is for the effect of other
essentially is that more data would. And quite
circumstances or conditions on such outcomes. This
possibly only rather a lot more data.
kind of consequence is sometimes referred to as a
So much for the downside of null effects (or
buffering effect (typically used to describe the
failures to reject the null hypothesis). The good
effects of high self-esteem in reducing the impact of
news is that for many of the questions likely to be
adverse life events on such outcomes as mental or
of interest to us a lot more data probably are
physical health). However, buffering is one of a set
available. But their availability also changes the
of effects under the general heading of ‘moderators’
questions we now can and should ask. This is
(cf. Baron and Kenny, 1986). Moderator effects are
because most things are related, or to continue with
potentially at least as important in practical terms
the example, there is almost certainly a relation
as are causal effects, but we tend to know much less
between a woman’s self-esteem and whether or not
about them, probably because they are less easy to
she has a pregnancy as a teenager. So, what we
really need to ask is not whether there is a link or
Still the most commonly adopted option in
not but how strong is the link.
research is to look for a correlation between self-
Though most things are related, many of the
esteem and the other variables of interest. An
relationships are very weak indeed, so weak as to
example of this is the study by Robinson and Frank
be of virtually no practical significance. This may
(1994) comparing the self-esteem and sexual
be the reality of any self-esteem–teenage pregnancy


link. We can in principle provide this more precise 1 It is a direct contributory cause that is
and useful answer by systematically combining the independent of other causes. This might involve
evidence from all the available and relevant the demonstration, for example, that level of
studies. This puts us in a position to capitalise on self-esteem has an impact on risk taking in
the considerable number of studies of self-esteem sexual behaviour (e.g. unsafe sexual practices
and its possible consequences. The techniques carrying a higher risk of sexually transmitted
involved here are those of ‘meta-analysis’ disease or unwanted pregnancy)
(Rosenthal, 1994) and because they can answer this independent of or over and above the effects
more precise question – just how strong is the link? of other factors predictive of such risk taking.
– they are set to become increasingly important The two practical implications are that (a)
tools for social scientists and policy makers, and one might thereby reduce the level of risk
indeed for everyone interested in the practical taking by increasing self-esteem and (b) one
applications of scientific evidence. Later, I will look might identify groups – i.e. those with low
at the application of this technique to the link self-esteem – most vulnerable to the outcome
between self-esteem and gender, and consider the of interest and concentrate resources upon
further question that must then arise: how strong them to reduce the impact of other risk
must the association be to have any practical factors.
2 It is a mediator. This means that self-esteem is
For the moment, however, consider in the
the psychological state that links some cause
simple case what a positive effect – a rejection of
to an effect. Let us suppose, for example, that
the null hypothesis – means. Too often it is taken to
teenage girls who do poorly in school are at
be an answer. In reality, it merely raises a question:
greater risk of becoming pregnant. Self-
why does the relationship exist? To see why, we
esteem would mediate this effect if academic
need only recall what all science students are told
failure damaged self-esteem and if this
in their first year: an empirical association between
diminished esteem then increased the
two observations – a correlation – in itself tells us
likelihood of pregnancy in the teenage years.
nothing about the causal relationships that link
The practical value of this lies in the
these observations. If, for example, we discover
possibility that at least one link in the causal
that delinquent teenagers have lower self-esteem
chain can be broken, most obviously that
than their more law-abiding peers, it does not
between academic failure and feelings of
follow that low self-esteem leads to delinquency, or
self-worth. Should this prove possible then
for that matter that delinquency lowers self-esteem.
the experience of failure need not increase
There are basically seven possibilities we need
the risk of pregnancy.
to consider. It is important to distinguish between
these possibilities because each has distinct 3 It is an indirect or mediated cause. Low self-
practical implications, though it might not be esteem could, for example, affect the
immediately apparent why this is so. Let us, likelihood of teenage pregnancy indirectly
therefore, consider in turn the different ways in through its impact on susceptibility to peer
which self-esteem could be related to behaviour or influence. The causal chain could then be
other outcomes. broken at the mediator.

The consequences of self-esteem

4 It is a moderator. This is not necessarily the 7 It is both cause and effect. Some of the
same as saying that self-esteem interacts with theoretically derived predictions about self-
other causes, even if in practice most esteem anticipate that level of self-esteem
moderator effects so far discovered take this will affect the likelihood of certain actions or
form. Let us suppose that a connection has behaviours and that the occurrence of these
been found between poor educational latter will in turn have effects on subsequent
performance and teenage pregnancy. Self- levels of self-esteem. But in some cases the
esteem would be having a moderating effect causal loop is expected to involve negative
if this connection were present or stronger at feedback. For example, suppose low self-
one level of self-esteem (e.g. low) and absent esteem increases the risk of teenage
or weaker at another level (e.g. high). This pregnancy which in its turn, if it occurs, raises
has two kinds of practical implication. One self-esteem (this possibility has been taken
arises from the possibility of modifying self- seriously – see section on ‘Risky sexual
esteem. If it could be raised, then the impact behaviour’ later in this chapter; it has also
of the cause on the effect would be been taken seriously for another outcome,
diminished. The other is the potential to delinquency – see section on ‘Crime and
identify an at-risk group. delinquency’ later in this chapter). In other
cases, there is supposedly a positive feedback
5 It is a correlated outcome. Suppose that
loop – for example, between self-esteem and
experience of early teenage pregnancy is
the formation of close relationships. On
associated with low self-esteem. It is possible
closer inspection, however, it almost always
that both low self-esteem and pregnancy are
turns out that additional links are in the loop
consequences of something else such as
and that the loop is not perfectly closed.
intercourse with multiple partners or poor
Practically, this means that causal loops can
relations with parents. If this is the case then
be broken.
the association between pregnancy and self-
esteem is merely incidental. In practice, almost all of the research that has
examined possible effects of self-esteem on such
6 It is an effect. A different possibility is that
outcomes as health-threatening behaviour patterns,
pregnancy as a consequence of early sexual
anti-social activities, poor life management (poor
activity itself damages self-esteem. In effect,
work habits, etc.) has been conducted in such a way
pregnancy becomes the mediator of a link
that it cannot distinguish between direct or indirect
between such activity and self-esteem. There
causal influences, mediators, correlated outcomes
are practical implications if the causal
or effects. In particular, wherever a relationship has
repercussions then lead on from lowered
been found between self-esteem and some pattern
self-esteem to other negative outcomes (such
of behaviour, it has not been possible to rule out
as depression, suicide attempts, drug abuse,
these last two possibilities – either that some other
or prostitution). Obviously, we are going to
condition affects both self-esteem and the
be most interested in the causes of self-
behaviour in question or that this behaviour
esteem if we think low self-esteem has
influences self-esteem.
damaging consequences.


Research that can distinguish between the the results of the experiment have general or
various possibilities therefore assumes particular external validity, requires something additional. It
value in deciding policy implications. Two research requires proof that the conditions that allowed us
designs are especially important here. The first is a to lower self-esteem in the experiment also occur
longitudinal design (or prospective study) in which naturally and with the same effect.
self-esteem and/or an outcome are, at the very This point is not always recognised by those
least, measured on more than one occasion. In the scientists who are the most enthusiastic about the
case of a link between teenage pregnancy and low value of experimental evidence. Yet the point is
self-esteem, for example, one would want to know particularly relevant with respect to self-esteem. It
whether low esteem predated the pregnancy. becomes clearer if one asks whether a person
Prospective studies in which psychological states at whose self-esteem has just been lowered is really
one point in life can be compared to events later in equivalent to one whose self-esteem has been low
life can in principle answer such questions. But, a for a long time. It is a fair guess that these are two
large initial sample may be required if the events of very different kinds of people who could respond
interest – such as suicide attempts or addiction to to the same circumstances – such as the
Class A drugs – have a low incidence in the opportunity to commit some misdemeanour – in
population studied. Moreover, if self-esteem does quite different ways. One simply cannot reproduce,
change over time, then a real impact of low self- in the course of an experiment, effects that in the
esteem upon suicide attempts at 13, 14 or 15, or normal course of events have accumulated over a
drug addiction in the late teens and twenties may lifetime (De Ronde and Swann, 1993, p. 157 make a
not be detected if self-esteem has been assessed at, similar point).
for instance, age ten. In evaluating evidence from Despite this difficulty in generalising from
longitudinal studies, therefore, one needs to experimental findings, the potential value of
consider the time interval between successive experiments should not be discounted. There are
observations or measurements. many cases of researchers trying to raise self-
The second research design of interest is a true esteem as part of some programme of intervention
experiment. Its high status in scientific research is or treatment for a particular group. The group
quite simply a consequence of its unique power in might be victims of rape or child abuse, patients
deciding questions of cause and effect. But it is still with eating disorders or alcohol addiction, or
not a perfect solution for such questions. If we were young offenders. These cases provide valuable
able to lower the self-esteem of one group of people opportunities to test a causal hypothesis. If the
and could then show that, compared to another intervention does succeed in raising the self-esteem
group which had not suffered this experience, of a treatment group, as compared to that of a
members of this first group were for example more control group, is there also a change in the relevant
willing to commit misdemeanours, we could be behaviour? More specifically, is degree of change in
fairly confident that this behaviour was caused by self-esteem directly related to the scale of any
their lowered self-esteem. But it would not follow change in behaviour? This would be important
that, beyond the conditions of this experiment, low evidence of a causal role of self-esteem in that
self-esteem is a cause, let alone the main cause, of behaviour. Sadly, this opportunity has not always
criminal misconduct. This stronger conclusion, that been taken.

The consequences of self-esteem

Matters of consequence The behaviour should also involve some

economic or social cost. Prevalence is one but not
Diminished self-esteem stands as a powerful
the only determinant of the scale of such costs. The
independent variable (condition, cause, factor) in the
economic costs of common crimes – burglary,
genesis of major social problems. We all know this to
assault, car theft – are high not least because of the
be true.
treatment meted out to convicted offenders.
(Smelser, 1989, p. 8, first emphasis in original, second
Ironically, however, the costs for victims are far
emphasis added)
lower than those of corporate crime though this
This statement appears in the introduction to a latter kind of crime is seldom identified as a social
collection of scientific reviews commissioned by the problem.
California Task Force on self-esteem. What makes The behaviour also needs to be sufficiently
the statement extraordinary is the observation commonplace. Killing people with handguns was
Smelser adds next: ‘The real problem is ... how can not, in this sense, a social problem in Britain even
we determine that it is scientifically true.’ The before the post-Dunblane ban on these weapons. It
implication is that the role of science is to confirm might be regarded as such in the United States
what we already know to be the case. This is not an where deaths from gunshot wounds are many
auspicious beginning for a book that is intended to times more prevalent (though the powerful gun
be a dispassionate, objective survey of scientific lobby there has effectively kept it off the social
evidence. But it does make the conclusions in the problem agenda). In contrast, politicians,
final report of the Task Force, published one year journalists and others in both countries routinely
later (California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem identify teenage pregnancy as a major social
and Personal and Social Responsibility, 1990), less problem on grounds of its high prevalence rate.
surprising. Behaviour qualifies as a social problem,
The authors of that report present as key findings therefore, if it is defined as such at the political
essentially what ‘we all know’ to be true. In the end, level. Behaviours that objectively meet other
any evidence that pointed in a different direction – criteria are not invariably treated by governments
including evidence reviewed in the 1989 volume – as social problems while others that fail to meet
was not allowed to get in the way of this certainty. them are. As sociologists like Howard Becker have
Before taking our own look at the evidence, what made clear, what gets to be treated as a major social
constitutes ‘a major social problem’? problem, and its relative position on the scale of
Smelser proposed that it must first be relevant society’s priorities, is strongly determined by the
to something we value as a society. ‘Pregnancy out activities of moral entrepreneurs. Child labour is
of wedlock, for example, is a problem in large part accorded the status of social problem in some
because it stands in violation of the value we place countries while in others it is regarded as an
on the family as the legitimate locus for integral and essential part of the economy.
childbearing’ (Smelser, 1989, p. 3). With respect to Amphetamine abuse is not conspicuously
teenage pregnancy in particular, one might argue it identified as a social problem in Britain but
is additionally a problem because of the value we marijuana use supposedly is such a problem.
place on childhood; teenage pregnancy threatens to The point of these observations is to
bring childhood to a premature end. acknowledge that no listing of behaviours under


the banner of social problems will be no self-esteem to lose from any opprobrium they
uncontroversial. Nor can it claim to be entirely might attract by breaking the law. The flip side of
objective. To review the role of self-esteem in the this is the assumption that people with high self-
genesis of social problems, the best that one can do esteem avoid crime because they anticipate that it
is to consider behaviours that do have clear and would damage their sense of their own worth.
significant costs and about which there is enough The second argument puts together two beliefs
research to allow some sensible conclusions. This about young people and crime. One is that young
latter requirement will exclude quite a lot that one people are drawn into crime to the extent that they
might otherwise wish to consider. succumb to the malign influence of less law-
With these caveats in mind, the following list is abiding youngsters. The other is that young people
proposed: with a low sense of their own worth are more
susceptible to influence of this kind.
• crime and delinquency (and violent crime)
The third argument has been called by its
• racial prejudice principal advocate, Howard Kaplan (1980), an
‘esteem enhancement’ explanation for crime. This
• abuse of illegal drugs (and tobacco use)
explanation takes self-esteem to be a motive:
• alcohol abuse children want to think well of themselves, find it
distressing when they do not and therefore make
• risky sexual behaviour (including practices
efforts to enhance their esteem if it is low.
carrying risk of sexually transmitted diseases
According to this explanation, delinquency (Kaplan
and of teenage pregnancy)
uses the term ‘deviance’) follows on low self-
• child maltreatment esteem because it provides a means of raising
• educational underachievement
The first two arguments predict a
• chronic dependency on state support straightforward association between low self-
esteem and delinquent behaviour. Kaplan’s
• eating disorders
interpretation gives rise to a more complex set of
• suicide and suicide attempts/parasuicide. predictions: low self-esteem should produce an
increase in delinquent behaviour which should in
turn result in higher self-esteem. That is, level of
Crime and delinquency
self-esteem should be both cause and effect. How
Including crime, and juvenile crime in particular, these various predictions fare against the evidence1
on a list of costly social problems will cause little is provided in the Appendix.
dissent. It is worth saying, however, that the The final report of the California Task Force
catalogue of costs should include those to the lives (California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and
of the offenders and not just those for victims or Personal and Social Responsibility, 1990) is
those for the state in terms of prevention, policing unequivocal. ‘People who esteem themselves are
and treatment. less likely to engage in ... crime’ (p. 5). However,
There have been three serious arguments for the their own academic consultants, Scheff et al. (1989),
role of diminished self-esteem in criminal find the opposite message in the same evidence:
behaviour. First, there are versions of the argument ‘the conclusion we draw from the reviews, [that]
in the opening quotation from Melanie Phillips. the relationships reported between self-esteem and
People who are convinced they are worthless have deviance have been weak or null’ (p. 177).

The consequences of self-esteem

McCarthy and Hoge (1984) are equally Nonetheless, the conviction that high self-
unequivocal: esteem must necessarily be a good thing – an
opinion one encounters again and again in this
We find ... no clear positive policy implications in the
literature – favoured the Rosenbaum and de
weak results of our analysis ... if researchers cannot
Charms view. For example, re-examination of
uncover stronger relationships between self-esteem
evidence collected from a sample of young men in
and delinquency than we have, they should look in
the 1930s led its authors to the conclusion that boys
other directions in order to understand both self-
who were consistently aggressive had become so
esteem and delinquency.
because sustained parental attacks had
So far, none has found stronger relationships. undermined ‘the boy’s conception of himself as a
There are indications of a slight effect of person of worth and significance’ (McCord et al.,
involvement in delinquency upon subsequent self- 1961, p. 84).
esteem, but the effect is to depress self-esteem A famous and frequently cited study of prison
slightly, not to raise it (see Appendix, section on inmates with a history of violence reached a similar
‘Crime and delinquency’). None of the other conclusion. Its author, Hans Toch (1993), proposed
predictions made by Kaplan and others has been that their violent behaviour was most often ‘self-
borne out; in particular no study to date has shown image compensating’, intended to repair a
that low self-esteem leads to delinquency. damaged self-image. Or, as Scheff et al. (1989) put
it, ‘the need to resort to aggression was believed to
Violent crime stem from feelings of extremely low self-esteem’ (p.
Violations to self-esteem through insult, humiliation or
Similar claims have been made about other
coercion ... are probably the most important sources
forms of violent behaviour including rape,
of anger and aggressive drive in humans.
domestic violence, child abuse, gang violence and
(Feshbach, 1971, p. 285)
murder. Against these claims, the negative evidence
Even if there is no link from self-esteem to in the case of delinquency points to the same
delinquency, could matters be different for violent conclusion, if only because violence is an integral
crime? Feshbach was by no means the first to feature of this pattern of behaviour (Emler and
suggest a link. An old idea in psychology had it Reicher, 1995). And this is the conclusion that
that aggression was usually a response to some others have come to.
frustrating experience; crudely, if your efforts to A careful review of the claims that low self-
achieve something you want badly are frustrated esteem leads to various forms of violence
you are liable to lash out (Dollard et al., 1939). (Baumeister et al., 1996) makes two points that are
In the 1960s, this kind of response to frustration worth repeating here. One is that there is little
was explicitly linked to self-esteem. According to research directly testing this causal link. In other
Rosenbaum and de Charms (1962), persons with low words, researchers have often invoked low self-
self-esteem are more easily frustrated and hence esteem as an explanation for violence without
more prone to aggression. Quite how they reached actually measuring self-esteem adequately if at all.
this conclusion is unclear given their further Their second observation is that insofar as
assumption that low self-esteem is associated with sound evidence is available it does not support the
lower expectations. If you expect less, surely you view that chronically low self-esteem leads to
should be less often disappointed or ‘frustrated’. violence. It is, on the contrary, more consistent with


the view that violence results from a high level of many of the armed and most deadly conflicts of
self-esteem. Baumeister and his colleagues go on to recent times appear to have had their origins in
qualify their own prediction in an important way. It animosities based on ethnicity or race.
seems that high self-esteem carries with it a greater There have been various arguments for a link
risk that this very positive view of the self will be between self-esteem and racial prejudice. The most
contradicted or challenged by others. It is this extensively developed and thoroughly researched
challenge that precipitates violence. This is also a theoretical explanation for such a link is social
plausible reading of Feshbach’s opinion, in the identity theory. A difficulty in deciding whether the
quotation above: your self-esteem is more likely to evidence supports this explanation, however, is
be violated the more of it you have in the first that there is some disagreement as to exactly what
place. it predicts.
For the moment, it is worth noting that the The essence of this explanation, as originally set
authors of another study (Kernis et al., 1989) found out by Henri Tajfel (1978), seems to be as follows.
that the people most likely to report angry and Individuals are members of social groups or
hostile responses to others had high but unstable categories and derive a part of their sense of who
self-esteem. Those with high and stable self-esteem they are – their identity – from membership of
were the least likely to report such reactions. This these categories. The worth or status of the groups
seems to confirm the value of recognising that self- to which they belong also reflects on their sense of
esteem can vary in stability and not just in chronic their own personal worth. In other terms, social
level. It is also an example of self-esteem acting as a identities are potentially sources of self-esteem.
moderator and doing so in such a way that no However, the worth or standing of the groups
simple association with the outcome would be to which we belong can only be determined
evident. relatively, by comparing them with other groups to
which we do not belong. To the extent that we wish
to think well of ourselves, we are therefore bound
Racial prejudice
to look for ways in which our own group is better
What we are trying to tackle in this one hour is what I than another. But we will also do what we can to
think is the root of all the problems in the world – lack promote and protect this superiority. Among other
of self-esteem is what causes war because people things, we should therefore show favouritism
who really love themselves don’t go out and try to towards our own group and discriminate against
fight other people. others whenever the opportunity arises.
(Oprah Winfrey, cited in Harrison, 1989) Some of this prediction has certainly been borne
out by research. People do show an ‘ingroup bias’
Racism is now high on the agenda of most western
in all manner of ways. They will tend to regard
countries as a significant social problem. This is
their own group as more virtuous in comparison
partly because equality of rights irrespective of
with others and they will discriminate in favour of
ethnic background is recognised and enshrined in
their own group when possible. However, the
law. Discrimination based on race has long ceased
crucial claim is that this favouritism is motivated
to be official policy in most countries. Its
by and satisfies a desire for self-esteem.
persistence, along with other forms of intolerance,
One prediction to which this analysis gives rise
such as homophobia, has thus become a social
is the following: if people are not able to
problem seen to be rooted in individual attitudes. It
discriminate their self-esteem should suffer; if they
is undoubtedly also on the agenda because so
are able to do so their self-esteem should benefit. Of

The consequences of self-esteem

12 attempts to test this prediction identified by self-esteem. However, this link has not been found;
Rubin and Hewstone (1998), nine were able to indeed, if anything, the link appears to be between
confirm it. A further proposal is that the tendency racism and high self-esteem. The assumption that
to discriminate in favour of one’s own group and poor educational attainment necessarily lowers
against others will be most marked in those self-esteem may therefore be at fault. I shall
individuals with the strongest need to increase consider this possibility in Chapter 3.
their self-esteem, namely those who initially have
least. This particular prediction has received little
Abuse of illegal drugs
support. Instead, most experimental tests of this
prediction – 22 out of 23 – showed that ... drug addicts behave as they do because of low
discrimination was highest amongst those whose self-esteem, rather than developing low self-esteem
self-esteem was initially highest (Rubin and as the result of deviant behaviour.
Hewstone, 1998). Another review of the available (Kitano, 1989, p. 319)
evidence (Aberson et al., 2000) came to the same
Low self-esteem has been one of the most popular
conclusion: more ingroup bias is actually shown by
explanations for drug abuse, according to Furnham
people with high, not low, self-esteem (cf. also
and Lowick (1984). But just what kind of an
Crocker and Schwartz, 1985).
explanation is it? The two clearest grounds for
There is now a debate among those working in
expecting a causal link between self-esteem and
this area of social psychology as to whether the
drug abuse treat the latter as respectively
kind of self-esteem that may be a factor in ingroup
criminally or morally deviant behaviour and as a
favouritism is social or collective self-esteem rather
health risk.
than personal, specific rather than global, or state
From the observation that use of certain drugs is
rather than trait (Brown, 2000). It remains to be
illegal and may be labelled as morally deviant by
seen whether the resolution of these questions will
mainstream society follows the expectation that
shed any more light on the determinants of racism.
people will use or abuse these drugs if they already
However, one other issue yet to be resolved
have a poor opinion of themselves; if in effect they
satisfactorily is the relation between the effects
have nothing further to lose from public
found, both in laboratory experiments and outside,
condemnation or criticism. This is essentially the
which involve fairly modest degrees of favouritism
same as one of the arguments for a link between
for an ingroup and the often extreme degrees of
delinquency more generally and low self-esteem.
violent hostility sometimes shown towards
Second, taking seriously the idea that self-
members of ethnic minorities.
esteem is one’s attitude towards oneself, if that
A different approach treats racial prejudice as an
attitude is negative then it should involve treating
attitude that varies from one individual to another.
the self badly. Drug abuse would represent bad
There are good grounds for this approach: some
treatment if the abuser were knowingly incurring a
people are consistently more inclined to endorse
significant health risk.
racist sentiments than others – and indeed this
A third explanation attributes drug use to peer
tendency is associated with other kinds of bigotry,
influence. This attribution is quite explicit in the
including sexist and homophobic attitudes (e.g.
‘just say “no” to drugs’ type of campaign directed
Altemeyer, 1996). The association between racist
at youth. It also routinely supplies a justification for
attitudes and limited formal education is also very
intervention programmes targeted at drug use
clear (Emler and Frazer, 1999). It might therefore be
where these programmes include attempts to raise
expected that racist attitudes go together with low


self-esteem (e.g. Coombs et al., 1984; Franklin, tobacco use. Yet there are grounds for treating these
1985). The reasoning here, as with delinquency, is activities differently. Unlike illegal drug use, the
that low self-esteem renders adolescents vulnerable illegality of buying and smoking cigarettes is
to undesirable peer influences. purely a function of age. Moreover, public attitudes
A fourth possibility is that drug use, insofar as it to smoking and smokers are rather different from
makes the user feel good, offers to people whose those towards illegal drugs and those who use
self-esteem is low a means of raising their esteem them. The current focus of these attitudes, and
or of at least a temporary escape from the bad indeed of public campaigns against smoking and of
feelings they have about themselves. But this regulations aimed at smoking, is on damage to
possibility highlights a problem, as do some of the health. The newer twist is that the health concerns
others: drug use and drug abuse are not equivalent. are now extended to people exposed to others’
Nor is there a simple dividing line between the smoking, and this has given a moral dimension to
two, let alone a simple definition of abuse (or criticisms of smokers.
misuse or problem use). Yet, despite these Smoking is therefore increasingly treated as an
difficulties, there are strong indications that the anti-social activity and this stigma may have an
determinants respectively of use and abuse/ impact on the self-esteem of those who smoke. But
problem use are not identical (e.g. Glanz and smoking by young people is still widely seen as
Pickens, 1992; Lloyd, 1998). driven by peer group pressures. Thus, smoking by
Each of the four explanations outlined above young people, like illegal drug use, has been
assumes that low self-esteem enhances the risk of attributed to their inability to resist these pressures.
illegal drug use, if not drug abuse. The evidence for And the same assumptions can be found linking
either kind of link is mixed at best. At worst, it susceptibility to peer group pressure with low self-
suffers from the familiar problems of correlational esteem. The personal health risks of smoking are
research: it is not possible to tell whether low self- also increasingly salient. This again raises the
esteem has a causal influence. expectation that people who do not value
As matters stand, research evidence provides themselves will do less to take care of their health.
little or no support for the view quoted at the In the light of this expectation, a substantial
beginning of this section (see Appendix, section on study of adults – in this case 3,000 navy personnel –
‘Drug use and drug abuse’). If self-esteem is related by Abood and Conway (1988) produced surprising
to drug use, the relationship is weak at best. results. Self-esteem did not predict specific
Furthermore, there is even less to indicate that low activities liable to affect health, such as smoking,
self-esteem is a cause, direct or otherwise, of drug though it did predict what they called the general
use, or of drug abuse. Evidence that draws a clearer practice of ‘wellness’ behaviours. The clear
distinction between use and abuse might revise predictor of specific health-related activities was
these conclusions but McCarthy and Hoge’s (1984) the degree of value each individual attached to his
recommendation concerning delinquency seems or her health.
equally appropriate here. There are many, more With respect to children and adolescents, there
plausible candidates for the causal roles in both use does not yet appear to be a case for a strong causal
and abuse of illegal drugs. influence of low self-esteem with respect to taking
up smoking (see Appendix, section on ‘Smoking’).
Smoking Certainly, there is little at this time to justify efforts
Studies assessing the link between self-esteem and to raise the self-esteem of young people if the
drug use have quite frequently also considered expected pay-off for such efforts is that they will

The consequences of self-esteem

either give up smoking or not take it up in the first low. They also include the self-abuse argument –
place. This is also the conclusion reached by people who despise themselves will treat
Dielman et al. (1984) on the basis of a study of themselves badly. The social standing argument
about 500 12 to 13 year olds. The link found also arises here – those with low self-esteem have
between self-esteem and smoking in this sample nothing further to lose from the disapproval their
was too weak, they thought, to make a case for behaviour may attract.
intervention focusing on self-esteem. Researchers most convinced of the truth of a
particular hypothesis are those likely to look most
energetically for the evidence to support their
Alcohol abuse
convictions. It is therefore instructive that R.A.
If ... the adolescent lacks self-esteem, behaviors Steffenhagen who has been one of the most
dangerous to health are more likely to occur. These consistent and vociferous advocates of the view
include precocious and unprotected sexual behavior; that alcoholism results from low self-esteem has
the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs; injuries failed to find evidence to convince himself. Instead,
arising accidentally from risk taking behaviors, he reports that depression is the most powerful
especially when combined with alcohol or drugs; predictor of alcoholism (e.g. Steffenhagen and
intentional injury whether self-inflicted or inflicted by Steffenhagen, 1985).
others. There is unfortunately a concealed problem in
(Friedman, 1989, p. 309) this apparently clear conclusion. Depression and
low self-esteem are strongly related. Indeed, it is
The social mores surrounding alcohol consumption
possible that measures of these two states are in
are different again from those applied to either
reality measuring the same underlying quality. If
illicit drug use or smoking. Alcohol consumption,
so, then the statistical procedures for distinguishing
like smoking, is a status offence in adolescence. The
the relative importance of depression and self-
health risks may be objectively as real as those of
esteem will simply select the measure that does the
smoking but have nothing like the same public
better job of assessing this single underlying
salience. Nor does drinking attract the same social
quality. The danger lies in assuming that one has
opprobrium as smoking; instead, it is still
measured two quite separate things when in reality
extensively promoted as a sociable, desirable and
only one thing has been measured, albeit in two
even glamorous activity. Moreover, it is regulated
different ways.
in quite different ways. And the dividing line
Whether or not Steffenhagen was misled in this
between alcohol use and alcohol abuse is highly
way, however, the evidence that low self-esteem
leads to alcohol abuse is not there (see Appendix,
Whatever the psychological mechanisms
section on ‘Alcohol abuse’).
underlying alcohol abuse, therefore, there is no
reason to expect that they will be the same as those
for illegal drug use or for smoking. That said, the Risky sexual behaviour (including practices
reasons that have been invoked for expecting low carrying risk of sexually transmitted diseases
self-esteem to lead to alcohol abuse will now be and of teenage pregnancy)
familiar. These include the esteem enhancement
Young people who are self-esteeming are less likely
argument – alcohol can, if temporarily, induce a
to become pregnant as teenagers.
more euphoric state and this will be especially
(California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and
attractive to people whose feelings of self-worth are
Personal and Social Responsibility, 1990, p. 5)


Teenage pregnancy is different from the social and expectations of success. Low self-esteem is
problems so far considered in one significant supposedly an expression of poor experiences and
respect. There is an event, pregnancy, which can be low expectations. Adolescents in this position will
pinpointed in time. Consequently, it should in feel they have nothing to lose from becoming
principle be possible to reach a clear conclusion pregnant, that is, fewer costs. For example, there
here. Either prior low self-esteem predicts this may be no expectation of academic success or
event or it does not. Good longitudinal evidence – rewarding employment which would otherwise be
prospective studies – should on the face of it give compromised by a pregnancy.
us an unequivocal answer: the Task Force To this, Luker adds that there can be perceived
conclusion is either right or wrong. costs to prevention. These could include but are not
In reality, of course, matters are not quite so limited to the monetary cost of contraceptives
simple. This is not just because ‘less likely’ could themselves. Depending on the cultural climate
mean a whole lot less likely or a reduced there may be personal costs to the acquisition of
probability of teenage pregnancy so small as to be contraceptives. Fortunately, in more enlightened
devoid of practical significance. The lack of times, the vital need to remove this particular
simplicity stems from the fact that the activity barrier is increasingly recognised. But costs of
which brings pregnancy about is not effectively a rejection, of affection foregone, remain. Luker’s
single event. Rather, the probability that sexual analysis has several merits. But much of it could
intercourse leads to pregnancy increases among still hold even without a causal role for self-esteem.
teenagers with age, with frequency of intercourse Kaplan’s esteem enhancement argument has
and as an inverse function of the efficacy of also been invoked in various forms to explain
contraceptive measures. The probability may also teenage pregnancy. One view has it that adolescent
increase with the number of sexual partners, over girls can see motherhood as a more prestigious
and above the effects of frequency of intercourse. status than the one they currently occupy. Another
What need to be explained therefore are is that pregnancy signals a move to the status of
patterns of habitual behaviour, particularly adult and an escape from a childhood status that
frequency of intercourse, and adequacy of has failed to provide feelings of self-worth. A third
contraceptive behaviours. Given that these occupy is that the sexual contact involved is associated
spans of time and that their onset can be difficult to with being loved and valued. As Crockenberg and
determine accurately, deciding which might come Soby (1989) put it, sexual intercourse may ‘validate
first, low self-esteem or the risky behaviours, the adolescent as an attractive person’ (p. 131). And
becomes quite difficult. Nonetheless, untangling pregnancy would also validate capacity in a central
the sequence assumes even greater importance biological role.
given the range of health risks that attend early, If any of these views has any virtue, then, there
frequent, multi-partner and unprotected should be a gain in self-esteem from a sexual
intercourse. relationship or from pregnancy. Taking teenage
The theoretical arguments for expecting low pregnancy first, the lessons to be learned from
self-esteem to increase the risk of teenage comparisons of pregnant teenagers, teenagers who
pregnancy and high self-esteem to decrease it are have become parents and teenagers who have
the familiar ones. But they also include experienced neither state are limited. One reason is
embellishments specific to this case. One such is that both teenage pregnancy and parenthood tend
Luker’s (1975) cost–benefit argument. It takes the to attract strong social disapproval. To the extent
notion that adolescents differ in their experiences that this is so, then diminished self-esteem could

The consequences of self-esteem

result from these conditions. Unpleasant physical Health risks and susceptibility to influence
symptoms associated with pregnancy could As we have seen, a common theme in discussions
influence self-esteem scores. Additionally, the well- of adolescent activities carrying a health risk is that
established phenomenon of post-natal depression young people are pressured into these activities by
complicates interpretations of evidence gathered their peers. The recommended solution is to help
from teenage mothers shortly after they have youngsters develop the capacity to resist this kind
experienced childbirth. of pressure. Health education campaigners and
Given these qualifications, what does research those who sponsor their campaigns have
show? First, there does seem to be an association apparently long been convinced of the efficacy of
between low self-esteem and increased subsequent this solution. So, young people are exhorted to ‘say
risk of pregnancy in adolescence (see Appendix, no’ to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, sexual advances, or
section on ‘Sexual behaviour and teenage any other proposition likely to endanger their
pregnancy’). However, just how this increased risk health. And interventions intended to raise young
arises remains for the present unclear. With respect people’s self-esteem are often justified on the
to contraception, we still await clear and persuasive grounds that they will develop this kind of
evidence of the strength of any association between autonomy and immunity to peer pressure.
contraceptive use and self-esteem or decisive These ideas can claim some scientific authority.
evidence that self-esteem is the causal factor in any One quite widely used measure of self-esteem was
such association. Moreover, the question begged developed to test the notion that persuasibility is a
should a causal influence be confirmed is the character trait, and that the essence of the trait is
following: why would low self-esteem result in less self-esteem. Irving Janis constructed this measure
effective contraception? to test his prediction that people with low self-
Several possibilities suggest themselves. esteem would be more easily influenced than those
Acquiring contraceptives requires self-esteem. One with high self-esteem. And this is what he found
is more likely to use them consistently if one’s (Janis and Field, 1959).
sense of self-worth is high. One will be more Given the conviction is so widespread that low
successful in persuading sexual partners to take self-esteem creates susceptibility to influence and to
precautions. One will be less vulnerable to pressure conformity pressures, it is worth taking a moment
from a partner to have unprotected sex. And so on. to examine the grounds for this conviction. It is
All these possibilities also remain to be verified, or worth doing because a great deal more evidence
ruled out. now exists about the connection between self-
To conclude, there is evidence for an increased esteem and persuasibility. Moreover, a good meta-
risk – perhaps a 50 per cent increase – among analysis of this evidence is available (Rhodes and
teenage girls with lower self-esteem than their Wood, 1992). Consequently, we are able to see not
peers. The risk must arise because the former have only whether there is a causal connection but also
more unprotected intercourse than the latter. just how strong it is.
Precisely why low self-esteem produces this effect Rhodes and Wood (1992) found adequate tests
remains, for the present, unclear. And, until we of the connection in 57 separate pieces of research.
know this, we cannot know whether the risk can be They were also able to look at two kinds of
reduced more effectively by raising self-esteem (the potential effect, on the tendency to conform and on
recommendation of the California Task Force) or the tendency to be influenced. The latter was
through some other intervention such as targeted distinguished from the former by the presence of
contraceptive advice and support. arguments supporting whatever was being


advocated. Rhodes and Wood did find that there is crowd is a kind of weakness has suffused both the
a clear association between self-esteem and both popular imagination and academic writings.
conformity and influence. But it is not the Arguably, this can lead to the ridiculous and
association that might have been expected. untenable position that every individual should
People with moderate, rather than either high make up his or her own mind about everything,
or low, self-esteem show the greatest inclination to should act independently in every way and should
conform or to be influenced. The effect sizes were never concur with the opinions of others.
small to moderate. However, Rhodes and Wood A more reasonable position, I believe, is that it is
also found indications that lows and highs show healthy and adaptive to take into account the
greater resistance to conformity and persuasion for opinions of others when deciding one’s own
different reasons. Lows, they suggest, have opinion (cf. Emler and Reicher, 1995). Moreover, the
difficulty receiving the message. In other terms, influence of others is more likely to be benign and
they are less likely to notice what others are doing constructive than negative, and sensitivity to this
or that an attempt is being made to influence them. influence is more likely to result in responsible
Highs, in contrast, do notice but reject the behaviour and sensible choices than publicly costly
influence. or personally damaging actions. If young people do
Two qualifications must be registered here. show an inclination to go along with their peers in
First, no effect of self-esteem was found for many things, this is more often than not a force for
children (the authors of the analysis do not say the good.
precisely how they defined ‘children’ but it is If this position is reasonable, then it may also be
possible this included all those below 18). the case that the optimal level of self-esteem is not
Generally, there is much less evidence available on high. If self-esteem is a favourable opinion of
the self-esteem–influence link in adolescence. oneself, then people with very high self-esteem will
Second, virtually all of the available research is also sometimes be described in less positive terms –
about conformity to or influence by strangers. In overbearing, arrogant, self-centred, narcissistic,
reality, most influence is likely to be exercised by egotistic, smug, vain. The results of the Rhodes and
acquaintances, and by family and friends in Wood analysis should set alarm bells ringing. If
particular. self-esteem has benefits, researchers may have been
We may therefore still not have a clear answer looking in the wrong places for them. Those
to the question about social influence and its benefits may lie in moderation and not at either
relation to self-esteem in adolescence. But the extreme.
results of this analysis should cause us to re-
examine two pervasive assumptions. One is that
Child maltreatment
susceptibility to influence by others is necessarily a
bad thing. The other is that it is sensible to explore … child battering mothers [are] usually young, have
only the possible consequences of high versus low immature dependent personalities, lack self-esteem.
self-esteem. (Mitchell, 1975, p. 641)
The idea that it is bad to conform and good to
The view that parents with low self-esteem are
be independent is almost as old as the social
more likely to abuse their children is commonplace
sciences. Ever since Gustav Le Bon wrote his
in the medical profession. And, if true, it would
immensely popular book on the psychology of the
indicate a worryingly toxic process in which the
crowd towards the end of the nineteenth century
damaged self-esteem of one generation transmits
(Le Bon, 1896), the idea that going along with the

The consequences of self-esteem

similar damage to the next. For there are strong The most important direct determinant of
indications, as we shall see later, that victims of educational attainment is ability. But equally clearly
child abuse have diminished self-esteem as it is not the whole story. Measured ability on entry
adolescents and adults. to formal education does not explain all of the
There are two limitations in particular to the variance in eventual achievements. Given that the
available research (see Appendix, section on ‘Child association between initial ability and achievement
abuse’). First, there is very little of it and the is imperfect, therefore, what causes some children
samples have been small. Second, almost all the to ‘overachieve’ – to do better than their intellectual
research so far published compares parents already ability would suggest they should – and others to
identified as abusers with others considered to be underachieve relative to their intellectual potential?
non-abusing parents. The latter category is likely to There have been many candidates for the role of
include some – indeed an unknown number – of extra ingredient here and self-esteem is just one.
unidentified abusers. This approach inevitably But it has also been viewed as a potential mediator
raises a question about any observed association of other factors such as social background – in
between abusive parenting and low self-esteem. effect as the proximal cause through which more
This is clearly one social problem that would remote influences work. And it has been seen as a
benefit from more research to discover its roots. moderator, amplifying or dampening the impact of
Genuinely informative research will not be easy, for such variables as degree of parental support.
the reasons outlined above. But, if it is to be Over many years of research, a consistent
undertaken, there is also a case for considering pattern is apparent. Self-esteem and educational
possibilities beyond the damaging effects of low attainment are related. But they are not strongly
self-esteem. Baumeister and his colleagues related. The strength of the association varies with
(Baumeister et al., 1996) provide a strong argument age; with the educational outcome considered; with
that violence of all kinds, including violent abuse of the sex, ethnic origin and socio-economic
one’s own children, is more likely to be done by background of the individuals concerned; and with
people whose self-esteem is very high than by the measures of self-esteem used. The correlations
those whose self-esteem is rather low. They point in individual studies have occasionally been as
out that the former category will include people high as 0.5 (West et al., 1980). But on average they
whose high opinion of themselves will be more are lower, much lower. A review by Hansford and
often challenged. This will be especially true when Hattie (1982) estimated the strength of the
that high opinion has little basis in reality. correlation at 0.16. West et al. (1980), examining
findings from around 300 studies, put the estimate
at 0.18.
Educational underachievement
A number of longitudinal studies in this area
No single aspect of self-esteem has attracted quite have provided the opportunity to see whether this
so much research attention as its relation to association actually reflects the influence of self-
education. One source of interest reflects the esteem on subsequent educational attainments. It
suspicion that educational failure damages young does not (e.g. Hoge et al., 1995). The weak
people’s self-esteem. The other principal possibility relationship that was consistently found reflects a
to have aroused this attention is that self-esteem small effect of attainment on self-esteem and not
itself plays some role in educational attainment. the reverse.
Specifically do children fail in part because their Recent analysis of data from a major
self-esteem is low? longitudinal study in Britain confirms the weak


effects of earlier self-esteem on later educational Chronic dependency on state support

attainment. Feinstein (2000) analysed data from the (including poverty, low earnings and long-
1970 British Cohort Study, which included a term unemployment)
measure of self-esteem taken at age ten. With
Americans seem politically especially sensitised to
respect to subsequent educational qualifications, he
the evils of what they call chronic welfare
was able to consider information from just under
dependency. In other countries, the condition at
8,500 members of the cohort. Self-esteem was only
issue might more simply be labelled ‘poverty’. But
trivially related to later educational attainments in
describing the condition as welfare dependency –
this sample.
or dependency on state support – puts the spotlight
The considerable volume of research devoted to
on the individual who occupies this condition and
this single question has revealed much about both
not, for example, on the circumstances of the labour
the nature of self-esteem and the non-intellectual
market or structural features intrinsic to a free-
influences on educational attainment. But it has not
market, capital and labour economy. It invites us to
substantially altered this conclusion. One
look at the character of this individual to
consequence has been to focus attention on the role
understand the condition.
of education-specific self-esteem. Numerous
It does not mandate any particular answer.
measures of this are now in use. Furthermore, they
Nevertheless, among the options are explanations
do relate more strongly to attainment than global
which hold the individual culpable, guilty of
measures. But to argue that explanation lies in
laziness, limited imagination or cynical exploitation
domain-specific forms of self-esteem is something
of the system. In this context, low self-esteem is one
very different.
of the more sympathetic options. It also suggests its
One interesting discovery is that level of global
own solution: nobody wants to be dependent on
self-esteem does not have much impact on what
state handouts and those who are can be helped to
young people want or try to achieve in this
escape by first raising their self-esteem.
domain. It does, however, influence what they
We do not have to accept the question as posed
expect to achieve. McFarlin and Blaskovich (1981)
here. It was on the California Task Force list of
demonstrated that people with low self-esteem
social problems and owes its presence to the
wanted to succeed as much as anyone else. They
political requirements of selling the rest of the Task
also tried just as hard. But unlike people with high
Force agenda to the state government. Ironically,
self-esteem they expected to fail. However, because
also, the scale of this particular ‘social problem’ is
performance is influenced by effort rather than by
much smaller in the United States than it is in
expectations of success or failure, there are few
Britain and other west European countries. In 1984,
differences in the achievements of low- and high-
just prior to the creation of the Task Force, the
esteem individuals.
United States was spending under 0.4 per cent of
One other curious difference is that people with
its gross national product on what could be called
high self-esteem can show greater persistence at a
welfare handouts – in California itself, the
task but in such a way that results in no consistent
percentage was much lower still (Schneiderman et
advantage. This is because the persistence is often
al., 1989). And it was already on a downward trend.
counterproductive; it can be wasted effort on lost
None of this reduces the capacity for
causes (McFarlin et al., 1984).
newspapers to sell copy that pillories ‘welfare

The consequences of self-esteem

scroungers’ or for politicians to find a sympathetic of data from a British sample (Feinstein, 2000)
audience for their concerns about the burden of clearly indicates strong influences of childhood
welfare borne by hard-working taxpayers. self-esteem on outcomes in adulthood, specifically
Refugees labelled as economic migrants currently whether or not young men experienced extended
arouse the same fears and grievances as unmarried periods of unemployment and how much they
mothers did before these new suspects appeared on were earning by their mid-twenties (interestingly,
the scene. So, is there any solid scientific evidence there were quite different long-term consequences
that poverty or its consequences for dependency on of childhood self-esteem for females). This may be
state financial support have their roots, even if only only one study but it is based on a very substantial
in part, in low self-esteem? sample and it cannot easily be dismissed. The
The grounds for this explanation are similar to challenge now must be to explain how and why
those for the role of low self-esteem in educational childhood self-esteem has these economic
failure. People with low self-esteem have low consequences.
expectations for success and consequently fail to
make the best use of the talents they have. They
Eating disorders
feel more helpless than they should in the face of
their circumstances and so do not make In the light of the publicity surrounding eating
appropriate efforts to change them. disorders, it might come as a surprise that the
However persuasive any of this sounds in prevalence rates for these disorders is actually very
theory, there is as yet very little evidence to low. For anorexia, it has been estimated at between
substantiate it. Schneiderman and his co-authors, one and two in 1,000 for females and about ten
charged with writing the review for this item on the times less for males (Fombonne, 1995). Bulimia,
Task Force agenda, instead offered a lesson in the which has only more recently been recognised as a
real causes of poverty and the real costs of welfare distinct disorder, has according to Fombonne a
dependency. As for self-esteem, they conclude thus: higher rate at around 2 per cent for women. Again,
the incidence for males is about one-tenth of that
The widely held assumption that low self-esteem has
for females.
predictable behavioral consequences that are
Given these rates, it is tempting to conclude that
necessarily associated with low motivation or lack of
although eating disorders represent personal
initiative or social responsibility is not supported by
troubles they do not qualify as social problems.
the empirical literature.
However, less stringent criteria than those applied
(Schneiderman et al., 1989, p. 223)
for clinical diagnosis of a disorder indicate
They go on to note that the relevant evidence if substantially higher rates for various symptoms of
anything supports completely the opposite eating pathology, such as binge eating, self-induced
conclusion. vomiting, laxative misuse, inappropriate dieting,
Their scepticism about any negative unhealthy weight loss and excessive, food-related
consequences of low self-esteem may have been exercise. At the same time, on any measure of
premature. Most of the research capable of eating dysfunction, females are more often the
illuminating the question does indeed support their sufferers than males.
view (see Appendix, section on ‘Economic In Fombonne’s (1995) review of possible causal
consequences’). However, one very recent analysis mechanisms underlying eating disturbances,


covering the literature up to around 1992, no of a negative attitude is that the object of this
mention is made of self-esteem as a possible factor. attitude is treated badly. Yet another is that low
But, prior to that date, hardly anyone seems to have self-esteem increases the likelihood of actions
considered the possibility. Since then, there has which are essentially consolations, temporary
been a veritable explosion of studies examining this escapes from an unhappy condition. But if, for
particular risk factor. And, in virtually every case, a example, binge eating is a consoling pleasure of
connection has been found. It does not follow, this kind, the consolations of severe dieting are less
however, that low self-esteem is a risk factor for the obvious. If either of these interpretations are
development of eating disorders. appropriate, then self-esteem should be associated
Various reasons have been advanced for an with some eating disorders but not others – in the
association between low self-esteem and eating first case those that are self-destructive, in the
disorders. The most popular is that eating is second those that are self-indulgent. What does the
disordered in individuals who are unhappy with evidence show?
something about themselves, in this case their body In this case, there does appear to be a link
shape or weight or appearance. Because low self- between low self-esteem and the subsequent
esteem entails dissatisfaction with the self, it may appearance or development of problem behaviours
therefore extend to anything seen to be associated (see Appendix, section on ‘Eating disorders’).
with all or part of the self, including the body. This Indeed, research has now moved on to inquiries
could be taken to imply that dissatisfaction with into the mechanisms underlying this link.
one’s body is one consequence of a more However, a perhaps realistic conclusion for the
generalised dissatisfaction with oneself. present is that self-esteem has an influence on
Alternatively, it could mean that people’s general eating disorders, but that it is just one among
sense of their own worth is the sum of their views several factors affecting the occurrence and course
about a number of distinguishable aspects of of these disorders. This conclusion also seems
themselves and their bodies are among these appropriate in the light of Veron-Guidry et al.’s
aspects. (1997) study of eight to 13 year olds in which low
If this latter is the case, then what needs to be self-esteem emerged as just one among a number of
explained is why some people are so dissatisfied risk factors here.
with their bodies that they are constantly trying to
change them. Knowing about their self-esteem
Suicide, parasuicide and suicidal thoughts
would make no contribution to such an explanation
because it is a consequence – or part expression – of According to Rittner and Smyth (1999), suicide is
this dissatisfaction, not a cause. If the former the third leading cause of death among US
interpretation is the more appropriate, then we adolescents, after accidents and homicides. In
need also to pay careful attention to the way in many other countries, it is the second most frequent
which self-esteem is measured. Some aggregate cause of death in this age group. It is certainly a
measures of self-esteem include as one of the sufficiently serious matter to have attracted
aggregated components evaluations of the body. extensive attention from the World Health
Finding that people who evaluate their bodies Organization. But it is also a relatively uncommon
negatively also, for example, diet to excess is not occurrence. One of the highest national rates
telling us very much. recorded is for Hungary with an annual rate of 600
A different kind of interpretation treats eating per million males or 0.06 per cent. For Britain, the
disorders as forms of self-abuse. One consequence overall rate is around 0.015 per cent. It is also an

The consequences of self-esteem

event related to age; it is least common among reached the extremes that will produce more lethal
children and most common among adults. It is consequences. Are the differences therefore really
therefore not conspicuously a problem of youth just a matter of degree?
(though in the UK the rate for males aged 25 to 44 Many investigations, whether of suicides,
has recently overtaken that for older men). Finally, parasuicides, or suicidal ideation, have considered
rates everywhere seem to be lower among females, low self-esteem as a risk factor, perhaps for reasons
partly because males tend to use more lethal too obvious to state. The only surprise might be in
methods. finding that low self-esteem was quite unrelated to
The low incidence of suicide makes it any of these phenomena. Research has yet to
particularly difficult to study, and perhaps by provide such a surprise. On the other hand, simply
virtue of its rarity there are hardly any prospective demonstrating that one variable quality – self-
studies. A sample of 10,000 young people might esteem – is correlated with occurrence of any of the
contain one individual who will complete a suicide outcomes is virtually useless.
attempt in any one year. This rarity has also The reason why discovery of a simple
favoured attention to phenomena thought to be association between self-esteem and any suicide-
related, such as suicide attempts and thoughts related outcome will be, in the absence of any other
about suicide. information, uninformative is that these outcomes
As regards attempts, some researchers prefer are associated with a wide range of factors.
the term ‘parasuicide’ (cf. Kreitman, 1977) for Moreover, at least some of these factors, most
deliberate acts that could have resulted in the death obviously depression, are themselves related to
of the individual concerned. This term is preferred self-esteem. Thus, minimally, one wants to know
to ‘suicide attempt’ on the grounds that the not just whether self-esteem is associated with the
intentions surrounding the action will often be outcomes, and beyond that whether such an
difficult to determine and may not even be association reflects a causal influence of self-
apparent to the person who makes the attempt. esteem, but also how important this causal
Suicidal thoughts, or ‘suicidal ideation’, refers to influence is compared to the many other potential
‘thoughts implying a desire, intention, to end life causal influences.
by one’s own hand’ (Diekstra et al., 1995, p. 688), This being so, informative research will assess
though many studies assessing such thoughts have several potential risk factors at the same time and
used looser definitions. will employ statistical procedures with the capacity
A further advantage of studying parasuicide to separate out their respective independent effects
and suicidal ideation is that those concerned are if any.
still alive to be studied. The disadvantage is that The conclusions with respect to suicide, and
observations of people who have been identified as thoughts and actions related to suicide must be as
making suicide attempts or thinking regularly tentative as those for eating disorders (see
about suicide are potentially observations about the Appendix, section on ‘Suicide, suicide attempts and
consequences of such identification and not the suicidal thoughts’). On the one hand, there is a
causes of these thoughts or actions. A further strong case for concluding that negative feelings
problem is the validity of the assumption that about the self increase the risk of these outcomes and
parasuicides or people with suicidal thoughts are these negative feelings are part of what is captured
similar to successful suicides – their thoughts and by some measures of self-esteem. On the other hand,
behavour will be driven by the same factors – and there are many other quite independent risk factors.
differ only in that they have not yet succeeded or What we do not yet know, and will not know until


more evidence from sufficiently well-designed • eating disorders

studies is available, is the relative importance of
• suicide attempts, whether or not successful,
these feelings as risk factors. Nor do we yet know
and suicidal thoughts
whether they mediate the impact of some other
factors, or whether they amplify the risk in • low earnings and extended unemployment
combination with particular other factors. (males).

In each of these cases, it is also evident,

Outcomes: overview however, that low self-esteem is one among a
number of risk factors and the indications are that,
The available research supports the following
apart from the risk for females of teenage
conclusions about the role of low self-esteem in the
pregnancy and for males of extended
social problems listed earlier.
unemployment and lower earnings in their
With respect to a range of problems, no impact
twenties, its impact is relatively minor. It would be
of low self-esteem is apparent. That is to say, the
productive to focus further research in each case
patterns of behaviour constituting or contributing
upon the ways in which self-esteem interacts with
to the problem cannot be attributed to lack of self-
other risk factors. The following questions in
esteem. These problems include:
particular remain to be resolved:
• crime, including violent crime
1 Does self-esteem mediate the impact of
• racial prejudice certain of the other risk factors? If it can be
shown to do so, then we would be in a better
• teenage smoking
position to decide whether interventions
• child maltreatment. should be directed at these more remote
causes or at breaking the impact they have
In the case of racial prejudice, high self-esteem
on low self-esteem
rather than low appears to be related to the
outcome. In the case of violence, there are some 2 Does self-esteem operate as a risk factor
indications that high self-esteem in combination quite independently of any others and, if so,
with other factors carries a risk. to what extent does it affect risk compared to
There is a second category of problems for the other factors? If we can determine this
which the influence of low self-esteem is not more precisely, we are in a better position to
proven or its influence is very slight (the ‘not decide whether resources should be focused
proven’ cases may merit further attention): upon this risk factor rather than others. Such
a decision, however, should also consider the
• educational underachievement
relative costs of alternative interventions.
• alcohol abuse
3 Does self-esteem amplify or moderate the
• drug abuse. impact of other risk factors? If this can be
determined, we will be in a better position to
With respect to four problems, low self-esteem
decide which of the factors, self-esteem or
does appear to be a risk factor. These are:
those others with which it interacts, is the
• teenage pregnancy and possibly unprotected more appropriate focus for intervention.
sexual contact carrying a risk of sexually
transmitted infection

The consequences of self-esteem

At this point, one might ask why low self- admit to, negative feelings about themselves also treat
esteem does not have a wider range of negative themselves badly (and may be badly treated by others).
effects. Or, rather, why has it not been possible to They do not tend to treat others badly.
identify negative effects in so many of the areas The apparent anomalies of drug abuse, alcohol
considered? Has the science for some reason failed abuse and cigarette smoking are less anomalous if
us because it does not confirm what intuition and one considers that (a) the ‘abusers’ are not
common experience tell us is true? primarily intent on self-harm and (b) they may be
The most obvious way in which it might have aware of health risks in their habits but their risk
failed is in its detection of the presence of low self- taking stems from confidence, however unrealistic,
esteem. In other words, the methods of that they can beat the odds; these activities do not
measurement have been inappropriate or stem from lack of confidence. Pelham (1993), for
insufficiently sensitive. It is true that some example, reports that young adults with high self-
researchers, notably Greenwald and Banaji (1995), esteem are the ones more likely to take up risky
have strongly criticised the methods most widely pursuits, such as riding motorcycles, and to take
used to assess self-esteem. The substance of their greater risks in these, such as driving too fast and
criticism is that methods in which people answer driving while under the influence of alcohol.
direct questions about their feelings towards The pattern also makes sense once one
themselves are more likely to detect what people are recognises (anticipating evidence reviewed in
prepared to claim about their feelings than about the Chapter 3) that there is little connection between
true character of these feelings. Answers will reflect having positive or negative feelings about oneself
either beliefs about what is the socially desirable on the one hand and one’s objective
thing to say, or the degree to which a person is accomplishments or failures on the other.
prepared to be modest or boastful about themselves. Greenwald is undoubtedly right that the
It has yet to be shown that the alternative commonly used measures of self-esteem detect
method of measurement advocated by Greenwald differences in what people are prepared publicly to
and Banaji can satisfy the basic requirements of admit or claim about themselves. But it does not
precision and validity, or that any of the other follow that these admissions or claims bear no
alternatives – such as observers’ ratings – can do so. relation to what they privately feel. What we can
There is also a question about the practicality of learn from this observation, however, is something
these alternatives, particularly in large-scale quite informative about self-esteem. It partly
research with young people. But these problems are describes how people behave publicly; it describes
beside the point. If Greenwald and Banaji are right, what they are and are not willing to say about
then the facts that a widely employed measure themselves to others. Consequently, we should ask:
such as Rosenberg’s scale is practical to use and
1 Why are some people willing to admit that
that it achieves a high level of precision are not
they think themselves worthless?
adequate justifications for its use.
On the other side of the argument, one can ask: 2 What are the consequences of this kind of
does the pattern of findings make sense? I think public admission?
that, very largely, they do make sense and in the
Answers to both will be considered in the next
next chapter, where I look at the determinants of
chapter. But, to anticipate those to the second
self-esteem, the justification for this confidence will,
question, if you tell others you have no value, you
I hope, become clearer. But, to anticipate, the
are inviting them to treat you as if this were true.
pattern indicates the following: people who have, or


This admission therefore carries a risk of produced educational underachievement and if

victimisation. this effect also resulted from high self-esteem
One other way in which the science may have combined with a hostile attitude to authority.
failed is in the detection of relatively hidden I have already noted that moderator effects can
influences of low self-esteem. These influences be harder to spot. Moreover, despite their potential
could be hidden if self-esteem primarily operated importance, in few studies have they been
as a moderator of the impact of other factors. This systematically investigated or ruled out. There may
would be the case, for example, if low self-esteem, therefore be a case for considering such effects in
compared to high, increased levels of alcohol abuse future research. But, if the necessary effort is to be
among young people also exposed to high levels of expended, there should be a reasonable and
stress, but decreased these levels among those not reasoned presumption as to where these effects will
exposed to stresses. The influence could also be be found. This requires an informed understanding
hidden if, for example, low self-esteem in of what differences in self-esteem are and how they
combination with a deferential attitude to authority arise. I turn next, therefore, to these questions.

3 The sources of differences in self-esteem

The scientific search for the determinants of self- not only whether this research indicated any
esteem has been guided by the various theories as difference between the two groups but, using the
to its nature. The view of William James (1890) that techniques of meta-analysis, the precise size of the
self-esteem is success divided by pretensions difference. The research reviewed covered children,
potentially directs the search to two places. Does adolescents and adults.
self-esteem result primarily from the degree to In every age group except the youngest, the
which a person succeeds in their aspirations? average self-esteem of black Americans was not
Alternatively, does it depend primarily upon the lower than that of whites; it was higher. The
nature of those aspirations? Both possibilities have difference is not large but it is highly consistent. It
been explored. Cooley’s (1902) emphasis on the is present among both males and females and it
perceived or anticipated reactions of others might increases with age.
seem to suggest that experience of others’ It is possible that black Americans are a special
disapproval, or experience of hostility, rejection or group and that their self-esteem owes something to
stigmatisation by others will lead those who a shared culture, which has vigorously and
experience these reactions to devalue themselves. successfully promoted the status of black identity.
In fact, much attention has been given to the The authors of the review suggest that other ethnic
consequences of belonging to low status categories. groups in America, such as Hispanics, may not
What has emerged about the roots of self- show this advantage. The implication is that they
esteem is not entirely what was anticipated. And belong to a less cohesive culture, which has
this is leading to a reappraisal of the nature of self- collectively done less to promote its distinctive
esteem. Many of the factors which might be virtues.
expected to result in low self-esteem do not do so. I It is also possible that the meaning of responses
will consider in turn: factors that have weak effects to self-esteem measures varies across cultures. If
or none; factors that have modest effects; factors the cultural norms prescibe modesty then the
that have a more significant impact. members of that culture may be less inclined to
claim that they are highly worthy people. If a
degree of boasting or aggressive self-promotion is
Factors that have weak effects or none
culturally approved, self-esteem scores could be
Ethnicity or race higher. Is this, for example, why the self-esteem
Given that membership of a racial or ethnic scores of Caribbean adolescents are higher than
minority so frequently results in exposure to those of Indian adolescents (Richardson, 1987)?
rejection, abuse, discrimination and persecution, These possibilities should be taken seriously,
such membership carries with it a clear message but there are also good theoretical grounds for
that one is not valued by the majority culture. The concluding that membership of an ethnic minority
impact of this kind of experience on self-esteem is will in itself have no adverse effect on self-esteem.
very clear. It has none. Crocker and Major (1989) spell out three reasons
The relation between ethnic identity and self- why self-esteem is not damaged by membership of
esteem has been studied extensively. A recent a stigmatised group:
review of the research literature identified 261
• The negative reactions to which they are
studies comparing the self-esteem of black and
exposed are attributed to prejudice. The fault
white Americans (Gray-Little and Hafdahl, 2000).
is located in the person who reacts and not in
The authors of the review were able to determine
the target of their negative reaction.


• Minority group members do not directly lowly position, the implication is that one lacks the
compare their circumstances with those of wit or talent or application necessary to have
higher status groups. Their social escaped it. Class position therefore seems to carry a
comparisons are made with other members different and perhaps clearer message about one’s
of their own group. relative worth as a person.
Social class position is linked to adult self-
• Minority groups reject the value of the
esteem (e.g. Rosenberg and Pearlin, 1978) but only
qualities they supposedly lack. So, for
modestly. One reason for this is that level of self-
example, if their persecutors allege lack of
esteem in adulthood is already substantially
academic competence, the relevance of this
determined in adolescence. The same study shows
particular quality will be discounted and
that adolescent and childhood levels of self-esteem
other qualities will be emphasised, for
are not related to social class position. Rosenberg
example athletic talent.
and Pearlin argue this is because class position is an
Gray-Little and Hafdahl (2000) suggest a fourth acquired or inherited status for children and
reason: adolescents, one derived from their parents’
position. It therefore carries no direct implications
• The approval that matters most to people
for their own worth or lack of it. Later, I will
and that has the greatest impact on their self-
consider why adults are not more affected by a
esteem is the approval of those close to them,
status that is for them apparently an achieved
their family and friends, and not the
approval of strangers or of a wider society.
Wiltfang and Scarbecz (1990) used data from a
Each of these reasons has a sound basis in large-scale study of American adolescents, the
research (extensively reviewed by the authors cited Richmond Youth Project, to check on Rosenberg
above). But their relevance is not restricted to the and Pearlin’s conclusions about this age group.
consequences of ethnic identity. This project is based on a sample of some 4,000
young people aged 12 to 19. Wiltfang and Scarbecz
Social class found that the self-esteem of the teenagers in this
Social class membership carries some of the same study was quite unrelated to father’s occupation,
implications for personal identity as ethnic group the traditional indicator of social class position.
identity. Because social classes correspond to an They also, however, explored the possibility of
order of status and prestige, and because they carry other ‘hidden injuries’ of social class. Their analysis
implications of relative social value, a person’s revealed three such injuries to self-esteem: father’s
position in the class structure might be expected to education; whether or not the father was
have consequences for their view of their own unemployed; and perceived levels of
personal worth. However, position in the class unemployment in the neighbourhood. It should be
structure differs from ethnic identity in at least one added that, although each of these effects was
important respect. Whereas people cannot change statistically significant, in such a large sample this
their race or skin colour, it is implied that they can will be true even of very small effects. These were
alter their own social class position. Aspirations to small effects which together accounted for little
upward mobility are regarded as both appropriate more than 5 per cent of the overall differences in
and realistic. Correspondingly, if one occupies a self-esteem within the sample.

The sources of differences in self-esteem

Gender be lower than that of men. But, before considering

the relative merits of these as explanations, we
Entering adolescence as spirited and self confident
should ask whether there is a difference to explain.
girls, the subjects of the study often emerged as
Fortunately, the question has been examined
defeated young women lacking a belief in themselves
extensively and meta-analysis allows clear
and their abilities.
conclusions about the scale of the difference.
(John Hewitt, 1998, p. 6, summarising the
Kling and colleagues (1999) identified 216
conclusions to emerge from the study ‘Shortchanging
studies of gender differences in self-esteem in
girls, shortchanging America’)
which sufficient information was available to
In 1991, the American Association of University estimate the size of the difference. Males score
Women (AAUW) launched a campaign to promote higher on measures of global self-esteem. The
the view that the system was severely damaging difference is highly consistent, but it is also small.
the self-esteem of adolescent girls. In the view of One factor influencing the size of the difference is
the campaigners, the damage was not a product of age. The largest differences are apparent in late
any general stigmatisation of females in society. It adolescence; they are smaller both before and after.
did not result from cultural attitudes that women One problem this leaves for the explanations of
as a category have lower status than men. Rather, it gender differences considered above is that
reflected the demoralising personal experiences of collectively they would appear to over-explain the
most girls as they moved through the education difference. It is considerably less than one would
system. anticipate if all these explanations were
The AAUW had a clear view that women do appropriate. The alternative is that only some of
lack self-esteem compared to men and also a clear these explanations apply and/or that the
view as to how this comes about. Nonetheless, consequences they anticipate are partly countered
other arguments can be adduced for such a in other ways. Moreover, there may be
difference (cf. Kling et al., 1999). One is that the circumstances specific to the experience of males
gender roles for males and females prescribe that disproportionately damage their self-esteem.
different qualities. Boys are encouraged to be For example, if athletic prowess or muscularity are
assertive and self-promoting, girls are not; in other attributes more valued in males than in females,
words, girls, compared to boys, are not encouraged then boys but not girls who lack them might suffer
to make strong claims about their self-worth. loss of self-esteem. Later, I will consider factors
Another is that boys and girls develop, within the influencing self-esteem that are likely to affect
single-sex peer groups that dominate childhood, males and females differentially.
different interpersonal strategies. When they do Finally, is a small difference necessarily also a
interact in mixed-sex groups, the strategies trivial difference? The overall ‘effect size’ as
developed by boys tend to prevail, leaving girls estimated by Kling et al. was 0.21. One useful way
feeling less competent, important or powerful. of deciding what this means in practice is to
Differences in the size and body strength of males consider its implications for selection. It means that
and females might lead one to the conclusion that if, for example, males and females were selected for
females will more often be the victims of male jobs in a way that perfectly reflected their
physical violence than the reverse. This also could respective self-esteem scores (not in reality
have damaging effects on their self-esteem. remotely the case), ten more males out of every 100
There are, indeed, several arguments leading to would be selected for the job than females. Clearly,
the conclusion that the self-esteem of women will this is not a trivial difference.


Kling and her colleagues also pose the question: average). Self-esteem does appear temporarily to
what might the cumulative effects of such a rise or fall depending on the feedback. However,
difference be? Career success, for example, may be the tasks used tend, whether explicitly or by
the cumulative consequence of a succession of implication, to require intellectual competence. The
decisions taken over many years from primary participants in these studies are almost invariably
school onwards. If self-esteem influences each of college students. And one might suppose that a
those decisions, the ultimate effect of a ‘small’ sense of intellectual competence will be more than
gender difference in self-esteem could be a large usually central to the self-worth of such people.
difference in career outcome. On the other hand, The feedback threatens, or endorses, a belief that is
the effects of self-esteem on each of these choices particularly important to them. Would other kinds
could be small. An effect size of 0.21 for self-esteem of people care equally about their performance of
differences between males and females will almost such tasks?
certainly not translate into the same effect size for However, it is perhaps more pertinent to show
differences in the choices they make. And further that successes and failures have more than short-
caution is suggested by the narrowing differences term effects. The assumption that this is the case is
in male versus female attainments, both the logic for some measures of self-esteem. So-
educational and occupational. called aggregate measures presuppose that a
person’s self-esteem is based on a kind of audit of
their successes and failures in various domains.
Factors that have a modest effect
The results of this audit are added together, either
Successes and failures in the mind of the individual or through the
Real successes should raise self-esteem. Real scoring procedure for the measure, to produce an
failures should lower self-esteem. A history of overall or summary self-esteem.
continual success should secure permanently high One really wants to know two things here. First,
self-esteem. Experience of continual failure should how objective or at least how unbiased are people’s
result in chronic low self-esteem. These estimates of their own successes and failures?
assumptions are embedded not just in popular Second, is their overall sense of their own worth –
suppositions about self-esteem but in much of the their global self-esteem – really built up through
scientific thinking about the phenomenon. They mental aggregation of these estimates? Can we
also underlie several measures of self-esteem, assume an inference is made from ‘good at X’ to
which essentially assess people’s beliefs about their ‘good/worthy person’? In neither case does the
successes and failures, their assets and liabilities. It answer turn out to be straightforward.
is tempting to suppose that these perceptions and There is a general bias towards inflated
beliefs are shaped quite directly by realities. But are estimates of one’s own excellence in any area of
they? human activity in which particular qualities of
Experimental research, in which the objective is performance are culturally valued. So, for example,
to manipulate levels of self-esteem and observe the a majority of people are convinced that their sense
effects, commonly uses the ploy of giving of humour is superior to the average. Similarly,
participants false feedback on their performance. most people believe their own driving skills are
Typically, they will take a test or perform a task and better than those of the average driver. Judgements
then be told either that they have succeeded (or of such matters are fallible, therefore, but it does
done very well compared to the average) or that not follow that judgements are also invariably
they have failed (or done poorly compared to the wrong on a relative scale. The worst driver may

The sources of differences in self-esteem

think he is just above the population average, the either the existence of these effects or their extent.
best may believe himself far superior to this Comprehensive reviews of the evidence have
average. Consequently, self-evaluations and self- appeared regularly since the 1960s and all tell the
esteem could still be sensibly related to objective same story. Research consistently finds an
differences in performance. association between academic achievements,
The relationship is, however, far less perfect however measured, and self-esteem. We have
than should be the case if people really do derive already considered this evidence in looking at the
their self-evaluations from their performances. This possible effects of low self-esteem on educational
is particularly true of valued qualities that lack underachievement. And we saw that there were no
clear and objective standards of evaluation, such as strong grounds for attributing this association to
qualities of personality and character. People’s own the effects of self-esteem on academic performance.
estimates of their relative standing with respect to a The research is also very consistent in its
range of personal virtues agree only imperfectly conclusion that the association is rather small. West
with the estimates their acquaintances make of et al. (1980) found, reviewing around 100 studies,
them (Kenny, 1994; Taylor and Brown, 1988). an average correlation of 0.18. To take a single
There are, however, areas of activity in which example, the Wiltfang and Scarbecz (1990) analysis
performance standards are more explicit and of the Richmond Youth Project evidence produced
relative performance levels are routinely published. an estimate for the correlation between school
It is not only professional tennis players who are grades and self-esteem of around 0.17. So, taking
exposed to public rankings. Every schoolchild is more optimistic estimates, the implications are that
regularly measured against classmates; all know if achievement in school were the same for
just how well they are doing relative to every other everyone the amount by which self-esteem varied
child in the class and, ultimately, where they stand in the population would be reduced by about 4 per
in achievement relative to national averages. In cent. What explains the remaining 96 per cent?
such areas of performance, it is hard to see how Actually, it is unlikely the figure to be explained
self-evaluations could not reflect achievements. is 96 per cent, or that this amount of variation ever
But another step is required to link could be explained. The figure assumes that self-
achievements to self-esteem. Moreover, this step is esteem has been measured without any error at all.
not necessarily present if aggregate measures are It is rather more likely that the degree of error in
used to assess self-esteem. A person could honestly measurement is between 25 and 40 per cent. If this
and accurately evaluate themselves as physically seems alarmingly high, it is not unusual for
unco-ordinated, lacking in academic psychological measures of this kind. As noted
accomplishments and bereft of musical talent, and earlier, measurement precision can be increased but
also remain convinced that they are of great worth. at a cost. A more sensible option is to take the
Furthermore, this does happen and to a measurement error into account when deciding
considerable extent. People’s feeling about how much we have understood about the causes of
themselves, their global sense of self-worth, is only variations in self-esteem.
modestly influenced by their actual Before turning to other possible causes, it is
accomplishments and imperfectly related to their instructive to consider why achievement does not
own estimates of these. have more impact on self-esteem. Part of the reason
The effects of academic achievement upon self- seems to be that there are options for explaining
esteem have received particular attention and so performance that have few implications for one’s
there is no longer much room for doubt about worth as a person. A poor performance can be


attributed to bad luck, lack of effort or a biased that the relation between self-esteem and
teacher unwilling to give good marks. In the longer competence in areas that a person regards as
run, additional tactics are available. Poor memory important is far stronger than the relation in areas
helps. Poor performances are forgotten and only judged unimportant. This only helps, however, if it
good ones remembered. Even if the poorer can be shown that these judgements of what
performances are recalled, they can be remembered matters precede evidence of performance.
as rather better than they actually were. Optimism Otherwise, it is entirely possible, as others have
also helps. Unrealistic expectations are sustained proposed, that this is just another tactic to preserve
about future performances even though past ones an already adopted view of the self.
have been poor. To decide between these possibilities, Harter
The greater puzzle perhaps is why some people does a strange thing. Whether self-esteem
will discount good performances to protect a view determines what you value or whether it works the
of themselves as worthless? Yet it does seem that other way around is a key issue. Research evidence
the nature of these biases reflects self-esteem. Those that could settle it would be extremely valuable.
blessed with high self-esteem ignore all evidence of Instead, Harter asks adolescents which alternative
inadequacies. Those who lack esteem equally they think is more likely. It turns out that a
consistently deny that there is any positive moderate majority believe their self-esteem is
evidence, using many of the same tactics in reverse. shaped by qualities they see as particularly
Successes are attributed to luck or overly important (the quality actually considered here was
sympathetic examiners; only failures are appearance – young people, and particularly girls,
remembered with any accuracy and the future is claim their own physical appearance is highly
expected to be bleak. important to them).
Even so, Brown and McGill’s (1989) finding that There is now sufficient evidence of people’s
good outcomes can actually damage the health of willingness and ability to deceive themselves to
those with low self-esteem is surprising. They suggest that beliefs in this case are not a sound
found in two studies, respectively of high school guide to what is really going on. On the other side,
and college students, that those who had low self- there is good evidence that people perceive the
esteem and experienced high levels of positive life things they are not good at as less important and
events – a number of good things happened to do so precisely because they are not good at these
them (such as addition of a new family member or things. Even so, Harter still may be partly right but
the start of a new relationship)1 – subsequently it would help to have better tests of her claims here.
displayed more symptoms of illness. It is as if, Finally, the Jamesian point about pretensions
having concluded that you are worthless, strong suggests that high self-esteem may be more
evidence to the contrary is distressing and difficult difficult to sustain than low self-esteem.
to manage. Presumably, there are some people who are good at
At least one authority on the development of so few things that they risk running out of options
self-esteem, Susan Harter (1998), has argued that on which to hang their claims to high self-worth. It
we need to take William James more seriously here, is more difficult to imagine that anyone could run
in the following respect. What matters is not just out of things to think themselves bad at. Despite
how successful you are, but what kinds of success this, very high self-esteem is far more common than
you want – James’s ‘pretensions’. Harter reports very low self-esteem (Baumeister et al., 1989).

The sources of differences in self-esteem

Rejections and acceptances for those who had the more negative employment
Another possible source of esteem to have been experiences.
studied in some detail relates to people’s However, as with educational attainment, the
experience of the labour market. In a sense, this effects found are generally small. Goldsmith et al.
represents another domain of successes and (1997) described one of the main effects as
failures, though the judgement of an intermediary equivalent to a blemish. Many of the same options
is more obviously involved. An employer accepts are available here either to discount misfortune in
the application for employment or rejects it, the labour market or to discount good fortune. And
continues the employment or terminates it. some new ones are available. The human agent –
The evidence is quite consistent here too. Losing the employer – can be blamed and/or general
one’s job, failing to find work and spending time economic conditions can be held responsible.
unemployed are all associated with lower self- Though unemployment undoubtedly is linked
esteem. Moreover, these experiences appear to to loss of esteem, even if the link is attenuated by
produce the differences in self-esteem rather than various kinds of denial, it is not necessarily direct.
being produced by them (but recall that childhood Unemployment can have a number of
self-esteem does affect the chances of experiencing consequences each of which may themselves have a
longer periods of unemployment in adulthood, cf. direct impact on esteem. Among these are social
Feinstein, 2000). isolation and loss of social support, economic
Several studies compare the self-esteem of stresses and loss of routine.
employed and unemployed adults and report that Finally, we have already seen that a range of
the latter score lower on measures of self-esteem public attacks on a person’s worth – being
(e.g. Muller et al., 1993). But this evidence leaves the diagnosed an alcoholic or convicted of child abuse,
causal direction of influence unresolved. More for example – can lower self-esteem. Some of the
informative evidence comes from longitudinal standard defensive tactics may be less effective
studies. A number of researchers have taken against these assaults.
advantage of the data available from the US Zimmerman et al.’s (1997) finding that in a
National Longitudinal Study of Youth. This sample of around 1,100 young people a group
included information about the self-esteem of could be identified whose self-esteem fell steadily
young people during their high school education from age 12 to 16 is open to a similar interpretation.
and about post-education employment history. This group also increased their misuse of alcohol
Using these data, Goldsmith et al. (1996, 1997), more than others and their academic performance
Dooley and Prause (1995) and Prause and Dooley declined more. It may be that a personal sense of
(1997) were able to determine that experience of failure – loss of self-control through addiction to
both unemployment and unsatisfactory drugs or, as perhaps in this case, through frequent
employment was associated with lower self- inebriation – damages self-esteem. It may also,
esteem, and that the size of the effects was related however, be damaged by the very public nature of
to the length of these experiences. Dooley and the failures. On the other hand, in the cases of
Prause, taking into account earlier self-esteem, delinquency, drug use and to some extent academic
could refine the nature of the impact. In the sample failure, the impact of public disapproval will be
as a whole, self-esteem actually increased over a offset by choosing as friends other young people in
seven-year period, but increased significantly less the same position.


Appearance measure of the appropriateness of weight given

One factor young people consistently mention height) was related to dissatisfaction with body
when asked what particularly affects the way they weight, but not perfectly related. Self-esteem was
feel about themselves is their physical appearance. also related to dissatisfaction, but again imperfectly
Furthermore, the correlations between self-esteem related. At the same time, self-esteem was quite
and perceptions of physical appearance are high, unrelated to the body mass index. What this
and exceptionally so in adolescence. Harter (1998) strongly suggests is that satisfaction with one’s
reports correlations from her own research with body is partly influenced by its objective
teenagers in the range 0.65 to 0.82. At the upper proportions. But it is also and quite independently
end, this is close to the theoretical maximum. It influenced by self-esteem.
would mean that self-esteem in some groups of In the cases of shape and weight, however, the
young people, therefore, is entirely dependent on ideals are culturally rather than medically
physical appearance. determined. And this relates to the slightly lower
Here, at last, in physical attributes, is a form of average self-esteem of females noted above and
difference between people that is highly obvious, most marked towards the end of adolescence, 15 to
conspicuous and undeniable. Additionally, 18 years. An ideal in our culture at variance with
whatever comforting myths may say about beauty the average has been particularly salient for women
and the eye of the beholder, shared standards for – much more exaggerated slimness than is typical.
attractiveness do exist. To be beautiful or It is noteworthy that one of the few reasonably
handsome, to have the ideal body shape is to be clear effects of low self-esteem is on eating
desirable and desired. To differ from these ideals is disorders and that these disorders are far more
to be less desirable, in direct proportion to the prevalent among women.
disparity. Is it not therefore to be expected that
physical appearance will have a powerful influence
Factors that have a substantial effect: (the
on self-esteem?
behaviour of) parents
It may be a reasonable expectation, particularly
given this compelling evidence, but for one thing. To the question, ‘what are the most important
The evidence concerns self-perceptions of physical influences on self-esteem?’, the simple answer is
appearance, not actual physical appearance. The parents. Cooley (1902) and then Mead (1934)
relation between the two, or rather the relation anticipated that the self-concept would be shaped
between self-evaluated appearance and evaluations by the appraisals of significant others. More
made by uninvolved observers (i.e. not family precisely, Cooley thought that the appraisals
members or friends) is only moderate. And it is anticipated would matter, and Mead similarly
clear that the self-esteem is related to the self- discussed seeing ourselves as we imagine others see
evaluation, not to the objective reality. So, it is still us. But, as psychologists were to point out later, we
to be explained why people believe what they do do not have to imagine what our parents think of
about their own appearance. The larger part of us. Their views will be difficult to avoid while we
what they believe is not determined by the reality. remain with them.
Similar things have been found with respect to What is more, throughout childhood at least, no
body shape and body weight. Beliefs are other people will assume so much emotional
imperfectly aligned with reality. One recent study significance for us. Our parents’ views will matter
nicely illustrates the consequences. Kostanski and and they will matter rather a lot.
Gullone (1998) found that body mass index (a

The sources of differences in self-esteem

Coopersmith (1967) was one of the first to Quality of communication between parents and
emphasise the key role of parents in the their children also regularly emerges as linked to
development of self-esteem. He concluded that levels of self-esteem. This may be, however,
four qualities of their behaviour towards their because the effort by parents to communicate well
children would be crucial. These were: signals the degree to which they value the child.
Given the manifest importance of the quality of
• the amount of acceptance, approval and
parental involvement, it will come as no surprise
affection shown
that parental abuse should have a devastating
• the degree to which clear standards of effect on self-esteem. Study after study shows that
behaviour were promoted and expected experiencing physical abuse in childhood at the
hands of one’s parents or guardians causes
• the degree to which discipline and control
significant and lasting damage to self-esteem. The
were based on explanation rather than force
effects of sexual abuse are if anything even more
or coercion
• the extent to which they invited their children One review of research on child sexual abuse
to express views about family decisions, in (Browne and Finkelor, 1986) singled out low self-
effect valuing the child as a contributor. esteem as one of the more conspicuous long-term
effects. In one of the reviewed studies, victims of
Subsequent research has supported these
this abuse were four times more likely than others
conclusions. It has also indicated that some of these
to be the lowest scorers on a self-esteem measure.
qualities play a larger part than others. A recent
The reviewers also concluded that the damage is
review of this evidence (Feiring and Taska, 1996)
greater to the extent that a father figure was
singles out approval and acceptance. There are also
involved, genital contact was involved and force
indications (e.g. Richards et al., 1991) that the
was involved. A more recent review (Kendall-
support of mothers is more important to sons
Tackett et al., 1993) for which rather more evidence
whereas the support of fathers is more important to
was by then available – 45 studies – came to almost
daughters, a surprising endorsement of Freudian
identical conclusions. Similar effects of abuse could
be expected from anyone else acting in loco parentis
It is as yet less clear whether this remains true
during childhood or early adolescence.
into adolescence. Some recent British research
Another unsurprising source of low self-esteem
points to the key role of paternal support and
is family breakdown (e.g. Armistead et al., 1995).
interest in sustaining the self-esteem of sons as they
Precisely how this effect occurs, however, is not
move through adolescence (Katz, 2000). Rosenberg
clear. The damage could be done by the conflict
(1979) anticipated that parental influence on self-
between parents leading to the breakdown.
esteem would decline across adolescence, to be
Alternatively, the damage could be done by the
replaced in importance by the approval and
apparent lack of parental concern for the child
acceptance of peers. Other research only partly
signalled by the breakdown, or by the loss of social
supports this prediction. Self-esteem does become
support that results from the breakdown.
more aligned with peer approval but parents’
Similarly, the documented association between
opinions remain significant well into the adolescent
homelessness and low self-esteem is difficult to
and even adult years (e.g. Kashubeck and
untangle from those of conditions that resulted in
Christensen, 1995; van Aken and Asendorpf, 1997;
homelessness. But the state of homelessness can
Welsh and Stewart, 1995).


have its own, magnifying effects, for example Knowing this is important for at least two
through social isolation, lack of social support or reasons. First, it indicates that self-esteem can
the daily experience of rejection. independently influence such outcomes as suicide
Do other kinds of victimisation – being bullied attempts, eating disorders, or teenage pregnancy. In
at school or work, harassed or verbally abused in other words, in respect of these kinds of outcome, it
public because, for example, one is homeless, being is not necessarily a mediator of the effects of other
assaulted or abused by a partner or spouse, being circumstances such as experience of physical abuse
raped – damage self-esteem? All these kinds of in childhood.
victimisation are associated with lower self-esteem. Second, it means that most of the differences
For example, a recent meta-analysis confirmed this between people in their self-esteem – though it will
very clearly for victimisation by peers (Hawker and be less than 70 per cent because some allowance
Boulton, 2000). But there is a complication. Some must be made for measurement error – is produced
recent work shows that the probability of being by the different things that happen to people in the
victimised in at least some of these ways is higher course of their lives, that is to say by variations in
for children and adults whose self-esteem is experience or circumstances. So, in principle at
already low (e.g. Egan and Perry, 1998). In another least, self-esteem is amenable to change through
recent longitudinal study (Horowitz, 1999), low planned intervention, i.e. by changing experiences
self-esteem predicted risk of subsequently being a and circumstances. This is also strongly suggested
victim of domestic violence. This being so, it is not by the no more than moderate stability of self-
clear what the earlier evidence of an association esteem test scores over time.
between low self-esteem and victimisation actually
means. This is one area that would certainly benefit
The relative immunity of established self-
from further research.
esteem: are there any other significant others?
Genes After parents and beyond mid-adolescence, no one
There is one significant respect in which biological else seems to achieve the same level of influence
parents may influence the self-esteem of their over self-esteem. In this respect, the expectations of
children, namely through the genes. Thus far, there symbolic interactionists have not been borne out.
are few studies of the scale of genetic influences on Their key prediction was that opinions of the self
variations in self-esteem, so any conclusions for the would be based on the anticipated reactions of
present must be tentative. Perhaps the most useful others, or on what were referred to as ‘reflected
piece of evidence on this point to date comes from a appraisals’. It seems that the actual reactions of
study of 3,793 twin pairs in America (Kendler et al., others may have very little influence on what we
1998). Both twins in each of these pairs – the age think of ourselves. It is almost as if, after our
range was 18 to 60 years – completed the parents have had their say – and their genetic
Rosenberg measure of self-esteem. Heritability influence – we become increasingly deaf to other,
estimates were similar for both sexes; just under especially dissenting, voices.
one-third of the variation in self-esteem scores The range of tactics for coping with failures that
could be attributed to inherited differences in the contradict self-evaluations (or successes if those
sample. This would make the genes, by a large self-evaluations are low) turn out to have more
margin, the single most important source of general application. Feedback from others that
variations in self-esteem. contradicts self-evaluations is similarly discounted.

The sources of differences in self-esteem

These defensive patterns bear on the question of consequences in doing so. This would, for example,
whether self-esteem is primarily affective (in which entail unrealistic optimism about the risks of drug
case judgements are driven by feelings) or abuse, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption,
cognitive (in which case feelings are driven by getting caught for crimes, or engaging in a range of
judgements). physically hazardous pursuits (like driving fast).
If judgement – a cognitive process – was They also effectively take risks in the claims they
primary, one might expect it to be progressively make about their own worth.
adjusted to reality so that eventually (e.g. by Those below the average in self-esteem – which
adulthood) the fit would be pretty good. In other means slightly positive – are more realistic, more
words, children’s judgements about themselves cautious and also pessimistic. Their behavioural
may not be very accurate. But the progressive strategies seem to be based on self-protection rather
accumulation of experience combined with than self-promotion. They don’t want to run the
growing ability to make accurate judgements risk of failure or having their claims discredited, so
should in the longer term result in judgements they predict failure.
about the self that would concur with those of a To return to the question of significant others,
detached observer. The fact that this is just not the our relationships with others may affect our self-
case – that people’s views of themselves are only esteem not just because we care whether they
weakly related to any independent assessment of applaud our successes or criticise our failures. It
their relative worth or standing – indicates the may be as important and perhaps more important
primacy of feelings. It suggests the way we feel that we are accepted, liked and loved. Recall the
about ourselves in general terms strongly biases the evidence that a key quality of parent–child relations
judgements we make about our various qualities is acceptance. Recall also Leary’s proposal that self-
and attributes, and likewise biases the way we treat esteem is a form of barometer, reflecting the degree
feedback from others about these qualities. to which we are included or excluded by others. So,
It also needs to be emphasised here that very do peers, partners, friends, spouses become
few people have low self-esteem in an absolute significant others as we move into adolescence and
sense – in that they more often describe themselves adulthood for these kinds of reasons?
in negative than in positive terms. Baumeister and Unfortunately, research evidence to date is not
his colleagues have shown in a careful analysis of entirely clear on this question. One reason is the
the ways in which responses to self-esteem now familiar problem of deciding what is cause
measures are distributed that the average position and what is effect. There are moreover entirely
is moderately positive, indeed on the high side of good reasons to expect that self-esteem will have an
moderately positive (Baumeister et al., 1989). effect on relationships. A second reason is the sheer
Therefore, the references in research to low versus number of aspects of relationships with others that
high self-esteem almost always mean a distinction could in principle be relevant. Is it, for example,
between those whose self-esteem is very positive important to be popular with many people or to be
and those whose self-esteem is slightly positive. liked by a few? Does it matter who likes you and
The very positives are likely to have an who does not? Does the degree of intimacy in key
unrealistic view of themselves. And, among other relationships matter? A third reason is that the
things, their unrealistic optimism leads them to researcher’s source of information about aspects
take risks. They are more likely to believe and qualities of relationships is often the same as
(unrealistically) that they will not suffer negative that about self-esteem. That is to say the researcher


compares people’s self-esteem with their own Self-esteem appears to be correlated with
perceptions of their relationships with others. various indicators of marital satisfaction and
Bearing in mind these difficulties, what does the harmony, though only moderately (e.g. Lee and
evidence show? First, self-esteem is clearly related Shelan, 1989; Shackelford, 2001; Voss et al., 1999).
to perceptions of various aspects of relationships More specifically, Ferroni and Taft (1997) found in a
with others. For instance, both Vaux (1988) and study of 656 Australian women aged between 30
McWhirter (1997) found that low self-esteem was and 50 that higher self-esteem went with better
associated with feelings of loneliness. However, communication with their partners.
evidence reported by Olmstead et al. (1991) It may be a mistake, however, to focus
indicates that this could be an effect of self-esteem exclusively on marriage. People are typically
rather than one of social or emotional isolation. embedded in a network of relationships. The
They found that self-esteem in adolescence potential importance of this is indicated by various
predicted loneliness ten years later. studies including Winefield et al.’s (1992) survey of
Turning to more specific qualities of 483 adults. This revealed a clear link between self-
relationships, findings are mixed but the majority esteem and perceived social support. A series of
indicate some connection with self-esteem. The studies of adult women by Brown and his
study by Field et al. (1995) of 455 teenagers showed colleagues (e.g. Brown et al., 1990) pointed to quite
that self-esteem was related to perceived level of strong associations between their self-esteem and
intimacy with parents but not especially with a best the negative and positive qualities of their close
friend. In contrast, Franco and Levitt’s (1998) study relationships. Lee and Shelan (1989) found that
of a younger group, ten to 11 year olds, did reveal a extent of association with friends was related to
clear association between self-esteem and self-esteem in older age. Finally, Leary’s attempts to
perceived friendship quality. But their data also test his barometer interpretation of self-esteem
raise the possibility that both self-esteem and deserve a mention here. He and his colleagues
perceived friendship quality may be consequences found, in a sample of college students, that self-
of the quality of their relationships with their esteem was quite strongly associated with
parents. Wiltfang and Scarbecz (1990) found that perceived degree of inclusion and acceptance by
adolescents’ perceptions of the number of friends others (Leary et al., 1995).
they had and the degree to which they occupied a Each of the above studies relies on relating
leadership position in the peer group were related, individuals’ self-esteem to their own perceptions of
if weakly, to self-esteem. their relationships with others. Their conclusions are
On the basis of her own review of the evidence, therefore vulnerable to the possibility that self-esteem
Harter (1998) concludes that, in adolescence at least, itself distorts the relevant perceptions. Thus, high
friendship is of less consequence than indications of self-esteem may produce unrealistically positive
social standing within the wider peer group. But not views of relations with others while low self-esteem
all the evidence points unambiguously in this may have the opposite effect. Significantly,
direction. For example, Townsend et al. (1988) found Borhnstedt and Felson (1983) found that judgements
that, for a sample of 13 to 15 year olds, their self- about matters that tend to be rather ambiguous,
esteem was more closely related to their perceptions like one’s personal popularity, are influenced by
of the intimacy of their friendships than to their one’s self-esteem rather than the reverse.
popularity. Popularity may also be less of an issue in Independent evidence about relationships
adulthood. would be desirable for these reasons, and a few

The sources of differences in self-esteem

studies do provide such evidence. With respect to seven years and positive changes in self-esteem
adolescence, Bishop and Inderbitzen (1995) found appeared to be linked to improvements in
that self-esteem was unrelated to actual popularity relationship quality. It may be, therefore, that our
or to the sheer number of friends. But it was higher self-esteem is more dependent on the current
among those with at least one reciprocated quality of our relationships with others than it is
friendship. Keefe and Berndt (1996) found that upon how close we may have been to other people
adolescents who had stable friendships also had in the past.
higher self-esteem, though this stability was no When it comes to self-esteem, in the long run,
more likely than its absence to lead to any parents are not the only significant others in our
subsequent increase in self-esteem. Stanley and lives, even though they may remain pre-eminent.
Arora’s (1998) study of 101 teenage girls indicated But the influence in the other direction – of self-
that those who were frequently excluded from esteem on relationships – also needs to be taken
friendship groups had lower self-esteem. Finally, seriously. People with high self-esteem, as we have
Emler et al. (2000) found a modest relation between already seen, pay little attention to adverse
the self-esteem of young adults and others’ feedback, and this is also true of relationship-
judgements of the intimacy of their relationships relevant feedback (Emler et al., 2000; Nezlek et al.,
with these individuals. 1997).
Though these studies confirm that links Though this may at first sight appear to be a
between self-esteem and qualities of relationships disadvantage, it could help to overcome the
are not entirely illusory, the question of causal conflicts and low points that are features of almost
direction remains. Longitudinal evidence is of more all relationships. People with high self-esteem
help here, but to date there is still very little of it. appear to have better social skills (Riggio et al.,
One ten-year study, by Giordano et al. (1998), 1990), and to have more of the social competencies
suggests no link at all between the quality of close relevant to forming and developing close
relationships and later self-esteem. This is what relationships (Burhmester et al., 1988). They also
they found when comparing the intimacy of perceive conflicts in their relationships as less
adolescent friendships with the self-esteem of 620 serious and their friendships as more robust
of their sample ten years on and into early (Azmitia et al., 1999). They seem to have better
adulthood. options for coping with conflict when it arises in
The picture is different in other studies, their relationships (Schuetz, 1998). They are more
however. Aron and colleagues (1995) followed up a confident that friendly overtures will be
group of 529 undergraduates over a much shorter reciprocated (Baldwin and Keelan, 1999), that the
period and found that self-esteem went up after people they like will like them (Wiest, 1965). And
falling in love. Cramer has also studied this they disclose more about themselves to others
population over short periods and has found clear (Dolgin et al., 1991), an inclination that has been
evidence of a causal influence running from found to be important in forming and developing
relationship quality to self-esteem (e.g. Cramer, close ties with others.
1990). One of the qualities that appears to be crucial All in all, people with high self-esteem seem to
is unconditional acceptance by a close friend. have a number of inclinations that together with
Andrews and Brown (1995) made a special study of their generally more optimistic demeanour should
102 adult women initially identified as having low be assets in forming, developing and sustaining
self-esteem. This group was followed up over successful close relationships. There are indications


to this effect earlier in life. For example, Hart and to be potent influences into adolescence and
his colleagues (Hart et al., 1997) found that a group beyond. Other close relationships may in the longer
of Icelandic children, distinguished from their run assume considerable importance but the very
peers at age seven in being more overcontrolled, existence and success of such relationships are
had lower self-esteem and were more socially quite probably also effects of self-esteem, and thus
withdrawn in adolescence. Similarly, Fordham and indirectly of parental influences.
Hinde (1999), following a small sample of children Next, there are various circumstances,
from five to ten years, found that self-esteem experiences and conditions that have some effect
related to observed shyness as well as to several on self-esteem, but not effects of the same order.
aspects of their relations with peers. Another Real successes and failures do matter, but not so
longitudinal study, this time of adolescents much as perceptions of these. How well one does in
(Armistead et al., 1995), indicated that self-esteem one’s career has effects on self-esteem but here, too,
predicted the quality of peer relations six years on. perceived and actual accomplishments are not the
Finally, there is a question about the effects of same thing. Appearance also matters, but not
social exclusion – in the sense of limited personal remotely so much as beliefs about appearance. It is
contacts. Employment status has a dramatic effect clear that self-esteem is not simply the sum of the
on the social contacts of young people. Those who judgements one makes about oneself. It shapes
leave school and either fail to find work or to go those judgements. Self-esteem profoundly affects
into further training have substantially less regular the ways in which evidence about the self is
contact with many fewer people than their peers of interpreted.
the same age who stay in full-time education, enter This is apparent with respect to some of the
employment or embark upon further education factors that have little or no discernible impact on
(Emler, 2000). Given other evidence for a link self-esteem. Whether one is male or female does
between social support and self-esteem (e.g. have an effect, and several explanations have been
Winefield et al., 1992), this raises a question about advanced as to why this might be so. But the effect
the possible effects of such impoverishment of is small and these explanations predict far more
social life upon the self-esteem of young people. As difference than has ever been shown. It has, for
yet, we do not have the evidence to answer this example, been suggested that the relative social
question. prestige of the categories of male and female is an
influence here. But it does not seem to be an
influence with respect to ethnicity or social class.
Conclusions: the sources of self-esteem
Knowing something about the normal
The largest single source of variations in self- influences on self-esteem, about the nature of self-
esteem is genetic. It now seems that at least one- esteem and about the sources of resistance to
third of the variation may be attributable to this change in self-esteem now puts us in a better
one factor. Next in importance come the various position to consider the prospects for interventions
things that parents do to their children. But these intended to raise self-esteem.
effects do not end with childhood; parents continue

4 Changing self-esteem: the effectiveness of
planned interventions

This chapter can be relatively short. It would be evaluation, to interpret the evidence optimistically
short if self-esteem were impossible to modify, or if or not to take the risk of collecting any in the first
such change had rarely been attempted. But neither place. It should therefore come as no surprise that
of these are true. However, brevity is also the level of effort invested in developing and
appropriate when there is little relevant to be said, running programmes to raise self-esteem has not
as is the case here. The reality is that there are still been remotely matched by efforts to evaluate these
very few firm conclusions about what works in programmes. But what we really need to know is
planned interventions or why. whether they work.
Ignorance in these respects has clearly been no In fact there are several things we need to know:
impediment to confidence in the possibility of
• Do the programmes work at all?
raising self-esteem. Much of the popular literature
on self-esteem is sold on the promise of raising self- • How well do they work (how substantial and
esteem, either one’s own, one’s partner’s or one’s enduring are the changes produced)?
children’s. And, beyond the self-help manuals, a
• With which target groups do they work best?
vast army of therapists, social workers, educators,
youth workers and other professionals is engaged • How efficient are they (what is the relation
in delivering programmes intended to improve the between the gains achieved and the costs
self-esteem of those who receive them. The involved)?
impression is that for many of those involved the
• Why do they work?
enterprise is more than a service, or even an
industry, it is a noble and righteous crusade. This last is practically relevant for two related
One programme, POPS (the Power of Positive reasons. First, many programmes will contain a
Students), which has been disseminated to several number of diverse elements. If they are not all
thousand schools in the United States, has been relevant then the cost of the programme could be
promoted on the claim that ‘the key to performance reduced and, in principle, offered more widely.
and behavior is self-esteem’ (POPS International Second, a clear understanding as to why an
Foundation, 1994, p. 2). The expectations of its intervention works should allow us to devise more
promoters are hardly modest: ‘eighty-eight to efficient and effective programmes. As we shall see,
ninety-two percent of success is due to attitude’ however, at present there is little basis for
(Weisman, 1991, p. 17), a curiously precise if wildly decisively answering any of these questions except
inflated estimate. But this is also proselytising perhaps for the first. There are the beginnings of
language. It is not a dispassionate, let alone a answers to the second and last questions, but they
disinterested, appraisal of the merits of the are so far only the sketchiest of answers.
enterprise. Before considering these answers, the options
A problem with crusades and to some extent for raising self-esteem merit a brief look. There are
with industries is that the vested interests of those three sources of ideas about how self-esteem could
involved are at odds with critical evaluation. If you be raised through deliberate intervention, namely
are selling a product – and rewarded materially or theory, the research evidence on the determinants
otherwise for doing so successfully – you have a of self-esteem (reviewed in the previous chapter),
strong interest in believing that it works. This and the methods that have in practice been
inevitably favours one of two responses to developed and tried.


How self-esteem might be raised: theory as a attention should be given to the optimal conditions
source of ideas for attitude change. Contemporary research into
the nature of these conditions tells us the following
A sensible place to start is with a theory of the
(cf. Eagly and Chaiken, 1993; Petty and Wegener,
phenomenon and then to follow through its
1998): a large number of conditions affect the
implications for changing self-esteem. The
likelihood of attitude change but among these the
Jamesian successes/pretensions formula contains
quality of arguments can actually be very
two clear implications for such change. The first is
important; the impact of good arguments itself
to alter the level of success a person enjoys. This
depends on a variety of conditions.
may not appear to be very practical but this option
When an issue is important to people, when
is not to be dismissed out of hand. Programmes
they are highly involved, they are more inclined to
that concentrate on developing skills of various
put effort into examining the arguments intended
kinds could, through their impact on performance,
to change their views. Under these circumstances,
produce improvements in self-esteem.
the quality of the arguments becomes particularly
Nevertheless, the second implication looks
relevant; people are more persuaded by good
more promising: modify aspirations. In principle at
arguments than by poor ones. Insofar as the self is
least, it should be easier to modify people’s goals
an important issue, then one’s self-esteem is more
than the abilities they need to achieve these goals.
likely to be changed when one is presented with
Two kinds of option can be distinguished here. One
good arguments for doing so. This common-sense
is to alter the relative importance of different goals.
view seems almost too straightforward to be true.
The related message here may be that we need to
What makes it less straightforward is the number
change public attitudes about the kinds of
of circumstances that can undermine the impact of
accomplishment that are valued and move away,
good arguments.
particularly in secondary education, from
Rudimentary requirements are that the
privileging one form of success – narrowly defined
arguments actually be noticed and then be
academic – over all others (cf. Robinson et al.’s
understood. People can fail to understand because
[1990] observations on the relative merits of English
an argument is garbled, confused, or not clearly
and French secondary education). The other option
expressed. An elementary if often neglected
is to change the level of particular goals, in effect to
requirement therefore is that arguments are
move goals to more realistic and achievable levels.
presented in a straightforward manner that can be
The implication of Cooley’s ‘looking-glass self’
readily understood by those for whom they are
is perhaps that self-esteem can be improved by
intended. People may also fail to notice the
altering patterns of association: avoid exposure to
argument because too many other things are
conspicuously talented, successful or attractive
simultaneously competing for their attention. On
people. The reach and content of contemporary
the whole it is easier to capture and hold the
mass media clearly make this very difficult for
attention of small groups than large groups.
young people. Accomplished and beautiful people
Recall also that people with low self-esteem are
are massively over-represented in magazines,
less readily persuaded than those whose self-
television and film. But, if this is a problem, it may
esteem is moderate (see Chapter 2, section on
also have a solution, namely education in the
‘Health risks and susceptibility to influence’). This
interpretation of these media (cf. Kusel, 1999).
seems to be because they fail to detect attempts at
From Rosenberg’s interpretation of self-esteem
persuasion. Thus, programmes aimed at raising
as an attitude, we could take the message that
low self-esteem do need to give special attention to

Changing self-esteem: the effectiveness of planned interventions

these basic requirements. And there is probably still seem to be key. But there are also practical limits to
much that could be learned in this respect from the what can be done with parents, limits that include
research literature on attitude change. Among the their own willingness to change. Moreover, when
techniques that might be borrowed is ‘counter- self-esteem has been damaged by family
attitudinal role-playing’, a process shown to be breakdown, the limits may be insurmountable.
capable of producing enduring changes in For these reasons, we need to consider the other
attitudes. This involves acting out or rehearsing the significant influences on self-esteem. Insofar as
arguments for a position that is contrary to one’s close friendships are valuable, then interventions
own initial views. that enhance ability to form and hold on to these
Finally under the heading of theory, the so- relationships could be expected to benefit self-
called hierarchical model deserves mention. This esteem. We have also seen that physical appearance
model interprets self-esteem as the sum of specific together with real successes and failures has some
evaluations of oneself in different domains. It is the impact on self-esteem. But we have seen as well
model underlying ‘aggregate’ measures of self- that perceptions are consistently more important
esteem. Its implication is that self-esteem is most than the realities. It does not follow that there is no
likely to be changed by altering each of the point in trying to change the realities and there may
elements that contribute to it. For example, an be some, albeit limited, scope for doing so. Thus,
intervention might seek to change individuals’ theory favouring interventions that increase skills
perceptions and evaluations of their appearance, and competencies is also consistent with the
their level of competence and success in various evidence.
domains, their standing with peers, classmates, It does follow, however, that attempting to
teachers, family and so on. A further implication is change perceptions can be more profitable, not to
that individuals will differ in the areas of their self- mention cheaper. This brings us back to attitude
perceived weaknesses so that the impact of a single change. But the options depend on the existing
intervention will vary from one individual to discrepancies between perceptions and realities.
another. Its effectiveness will vary as a function of Some children who are by any objective test well
its ‘fit’ with the particular weaknesses of each above the average in academic ability or attainment
individual who participates. also have low self-esteem. Their self-esteem could
be raised by altering the perception to match the
reality. But this is hardly an option for those other
How self-esteem might be raised: research
children who have equally low self-esteem but also
evidence as a source of ideas
below average academic attainment.
The most obvious message from evidence of the Generally, a focus on aligning perceptions with
determinants of self-esteem for programmes real successes, real talents, real assets is a risky
intended to raise low self-esteem, particularly in strategy, given that there are genuine differences in
childhood and early adolescence, is: change the these or else social rankings deeply rooted in the
behaviour of the parents. Many programmes seek culture. Covington (1989), who reviewed the links
to do just this. The research also tells us what to try between low self-esteem and failure in school for
and change in their behaviour. Acceptance and the California Task Force, wished to indict the
approval, together with practices that convey these culture of achievement. Ranking, he argued, was
– making time for their children, paying attention, built into the system; it created failure. The Task
taking an interest, listening, encouraging initiative, Force was unwilling to go this far and effectively
being fair, having clear and positive expectations – ignored his conclusions (Kahne, 1996). Intervention


to change people’s beliefs about themselves is one curricula available. There are also by a long way
thing. Changing cultural belief systems and entire too many to describe here.
socio-economic structures is quite another. There is The variety is immense. Some programmes
therefore a considerable advantage to be had from focus on providing particular kinds of information,
the fact that self-esteem is not naturally tied so very others on developing competencies, or training
closely to real successes and failures, real talents or particular patterns of behaviour or modifying
liabilities. existing habits of behaviour, yet others on
The hope that everyone may turn out to have at modifying attitudes or perceptions. Many are
least one significant talent on which to hang some eclectic packages of measures. There are also
self-esteem is ultimately equally risky. A more immense variations in forms of delivery –
realisable approach might be to encourage each individual therapy, self-help, physical exercises,
individual to use themselves as their own group-based, peer-tutoring, whole family – in
benchmark. We are back with James’s point about intensity and in length. The following is intended
adjusting pretensions or, in the modern parlance, as illustrative of the range and variety.
setting achievable personal goals. In other words, Pope and his colleagues (1988) have developed
rather than emphasising a common standard a programme specifically for children and
against which some will inevitably perform better adolescents and based upon the Jamesian idea that
than others, individuals could be led to pursue low self-esteem results from a discrepancy between
realistic goals based on their own current levels of aspirations and achievements. The programme is
achievement. intended to change both. It seeks to change the
A final point that might be taken from the former by modifying the standards the child
evidence about self-esteem is to notice how it is aspires to, the latter by training skills to enable
normally defended. Low self-esteem, like high self- greater achievements. It makes use of well-
esteem, seems to be sustained by a variety of established principles of learning to produce these
defences – selective attention, biased evaluation of changes. To be more specific, it relies on
confirming and disconfirming evidence, biased demonstrations of actions or arguments by a
attributions of successes and failures, selective teacher that the participants are then encouraged to
memory and so on. This suggests that interventions imitate and practice, and their efforts are then
should directly attack the various defences. rewarded through approval and praise (positive
reinforcements) from the teacher.
The approach assumes that self-esteem is
How self-esteem might be raised: varieties of
shaped by achievements in different domains –
intervention in practice
school, social life, family, body – and the
The practice arena abounds with acronyms. More programme proceeds from diagnosis of each
or less widely tried if not tested programmes individual’s profile of self-esteem needs. A separate
include KICK, DARE, GREAT, SMILE, GOAL (and module of the programme is devoted to each
POP) among others, as well as suggestively named domain. Within each module, eight skill areas are
interventions like Little Acorns and Big Buddies, addressed in turn: learning to solve social
each with an implicit if not explicit theory as to problems, developing positive self-statements,
what damages or depresses self-esteem and what using a realistic attributional style, improving self-
can raise it. Indeed, there are so many of these that control, setting appropriate standards, developing
in the United States there is a National Council for social understanding and skills, enhancing
Self-esteem providing details on the range of communication skills, improving body image.

Changing self-esteem: the effectiveness of planned interventions

The programme as a whole is strongly oriented Does anything work at all?

to skill acquisition. It emphasises rehearsal and
Given the discussion in the previous chapter of the
practice so that performance becomes increasingly
range of conditions which seem to have little or no
habitual and automatic. It also emphasises
effect on self-esteem and of the range of defences
generalisation of new habits; participants are
with which an established level of self-esteem is
encouraged to apply these skills to their lives
sustained, we should not expect it to be easily
outside the programme. Although the programme
changed. However, total pessimism would be
is promoted as ‘individualised’ – shaped to the
inappropriate. Epstein’s interest in ‘natural self-
particular needs of each individual – it is also
esteem moments’ concerned events in adulthood
claimed that it can be delivered to groups, typically
that seemed capable of moving self-esteem in either
in one or two 30- to 60-minute sessions per week.
direction. But there is also clear evidence of change
‘Homework’ between sessions provides some of its
at various transition points in adolescence. For
individualised character while regular and frequent
example, the move from primary to secondary
sessions are necessary to ensure that feedback will
appears to produce a downward change. This effect
help consolidate learning.
is also greater and more long-lasting if the move
In contrast, Bednar et al. (1989) have developed
occurs early. The timing of puberty likewise has an
a system that is much closer to traditional
effect – early maturing girls, for example, are at a
psychotherapy. It is based on one-to-one sessions
with a highly trained and experienced clinician. It
On the positive side, self-esteem does increase
is intensive and long-term, and therefore requires
over the course of adolescence. Hart et al. (1993)
considerable commitment on the part of the patient.
suggest this because young people become
It is also therefore a very expensive solution.
increasingly adept at remaking themselves, shedding
Mruk (1999), discussing these and some of the
less desirable attributes and habits. There is also a
other better-established programmes, suggests they
clear upward movement at the end of secondary
indicate that there are several effective techniques
education (e.g. Schulenberg et al., 2000). Self-esteem
to enhance self-esteem. Improving problem-solving
change in a positive direction clearly is possible
skills is just one of these. Also on his list are: being
beyond the end of childhood. But the question is: can
accepting and caring; providing consistent
deliberate interventions produce positive changes?
affirming feedback (emphasising the positive);
There are certain general requirements for ideal
cognitive restructuring (essentially changing
outcome evaluation and these apply equally to the
attitudes and perceptions); assertiveness training
evaluation of self-esteem enhancement
(empowerment); modelling (showing by doing –
programmes. The most basic of these is the
for example, demonstrating a more effective
inclusion of an appropriate control group. Some
method for handling conflict; the Pope et al. [1988]
evaluations are limited to comparing self-esteem at
programme does actually include this as a teaching
the start and completion of the programme. Given
tool); using ‘natural self-esteem moments’.
that the programme may last a considerable time –
This last refers to the observations (e.g. Epstein,
a year is not uncommon – and may also span some
1979) that self-esteem does change spontaneously
significant transition points, spontaneous gains are
in response to various events, particularly to
entirely possible. One has to show that any
transitions in life, and that interventions can exploit
improvement over the course of the programme is
these to magnify their potential positive effects.
greater than any change in this direction that
Most programmes use some combination of
would have occurred anyway.
these techniques. But do they actually work?


It is also desirable that the control group have with an average of 16 sessions, though the range
something equivalent to a placebo. Positive change for both was considerable – from two weeks to
can result from incidental features of interventions, three years and from one to 95 sessions. The
for example the fact of being singled out and given majority were targeted at the six to 12 year age
special attention. range. Just under a quarter of the programmes had
A third requirement is that inclusion in the employed commercially produced curricula. Most
intervention rather than the control group should of the evaluations of self-esteem effects were based
be entirely random. Interventions frequently rely on established and published scales, such as the
on volunteers. Non-volunteers may differ from Coopersmith inventory, the Rosenberg scale or the
volunteers in crucial respects. If the control group Piers-Harris scale. Because of the way in which
consists of young people who did not volunteer or many of the findings were reported, it was not
whose parents were unwilling for them to be possible for Haney and Durlak to examine the
included in the programme, then both differences moderating effects of age or gender.
and lack of differences become difficult to interpret. Over 60 per cent of the programmes did
The literature on evaluation is limited, but it is produce measurable positive change in self-esteem
growing all the time. There have also been some (though worryingly some 12.5 per cent actually
reviews of this literature. The most recent and most produced clear negative changes). The mean effect
useful review to date is Haney and Durlak’s (1998) size was modest. However, the size of the effects
meta-analysis of 116 studies, though it only covers varied significantly with a number of factors.
studies published before 1992. Haney and Durlak Among these factors was whether the
point out that many interventions have assessed intervention was specifically intended to raise self-
self-esteem as an outcome while having a different esteem or whether it had some other purpose and
primary purpose, for example to improve social or included self-esteem as an outcome measure.
learning skills. Their analysis includes relevant Interventions of the former kind were significantly
studies of these interventions. They were relevant if and substantially more effective.
additionally the targeted groups were 18 years or The design of the evaluation also made a
younger, and if the evaluation included a control difference. Designs involving randomised
group drawn from the same population. assignment to either the intervention programme
The programmes they review therefore or the control group showed larger effects of the
included a wide range of methods and populations. intervention. What this indicates is that anything
They included well-established curricula such as involving non-random assignment results in
DUSO (Developing Understanding of Self and children being in the programme who are less likely
Others), classroom-based programmes delivered by to benefit from it (and correspondingly more of the
teachers, interventions involving relaxation children who would have been most likely to
techniques, training in social problem solving and benefit from not being in it).
interventions involving role-playing exercises. The type of control group was responsible for
Just over half of the studies reviewed involved some additional differences in apparent
prevention as opposed to treatment (for specific effectiveness. If the control group simply involved
diagnosed problems). Just over half were of school- no treatment of any kind, the difference between it
based programmes and the majority were delivered and the programme was greater. This indicates that
to groups rather than on a one-to-one basis. The incidental features of interventions, such as
mean length of a programme was around 20 weeks singling children out for special attention and

Changing self-esteem: the effectiveness of planned interventions

treatment, do have some effects additional to those Given that each of these has a significant impact on
features explicitly intended and expected to raise costs, these are important findings.
self-esteem. Given that the durability of effects is also highly
Next Haney and Durlak established that the important, it was unfortunate that so few of the
rationale for the intervention influenced its programme evaluations – in fact only five –
effectiveness, though it was only possible to reach included any long-term follow-up. The average
quite general conclusions here. Interventions with a was a mere 16 weeks.
rationale based on prior research findings were the Haney and Durlak found that programmes did
most successful. In other words, if research have effects on other outcomes, such as
evidence had already shown that certain conditions improvements in behaviours supposedly linked to
reliably influence self-esteem, then an intervention self-esteem. Moreover, the scale of these effects was
which created these conditions was likely to be directly related to the scale of the effects on self-
particularly successful. Next in effectiveness came esteem. So, for example, a programme intended to
interventions based on a clear theoretical raise self-esteem might also result in improved
justification, followed by interventions set up to social skills or relations with peers, changes in
test particular hypotheses. It is a reasonable guess eating patterns towards less harmful practices, or
that these latter were therefore derived from some changes towards less risky sexual behaviour.
theoretical view of self-esteem, even if more This is strongly suggestive, if for the moment no
indirectly. Least successful were those without any more than that, of the conclusion that self-esteem
clear rationale. does indeed influence various forms of behaviour
Finally, treatment interventions were and performance. But it is still only suggestive.
substantially more effective than preventative Equally possible is that the changes in behaviour or
interventions. This is not really surprising because performance are responsible for the self-esteem
interventions to treat particular problems changes, or that both are influenced by some other
associated with low self-esteem are almost by unmeasured change produced by the intervention.
definition working with a segment of the These questions require a better understanding as
population with the most scope for upward to why interventions work and what precisely are
change. Unless prevention is focused on children at the crucial elements of those that do work.
risk, initial levels of self-esteem should be average. Since 1992, there have been more evaluation
As we have already seen, average self-esteem is studies. And the quality of evaluation methods has
likely to be high in absolute terms. The scope for been improving. The consequences have not been
further upward change is therefore necessarily uniformly positive except in the sense that we now
more limited. Nonetheless, the impact of have fewer excuses for wasted efforts. Some widely
prevention programmes for self-esteem appears to used programmes do not have the claimed effects
be ‘well within the range achieved by other on self-esteem. A notable example is DARE (Drug
primary prevention interventions’ (Haney and Abuse Resistance Education). This programme was
Durlak, 1998, p. 429). developed for adolescents and designed to reduce
It is also worth mentioning features that had no drug use by raising self-esteem. It has been very
discernible impact on effects. These included widely used in the United States. And it has been
whether the programme was delivered to groups or the subject of several evaluations. The conclusions
individuals, the level of training or experience of from these are clear and consistent. Its effects on
those delivering the programme and its length. self-esteem are either very limited or non-existent


(e.g. Ennett et al., 1994; Harmon, 1993; Lynam et al., therapy have proved so effective in alleviating the
2000). The Lynam et al. study provided a ten-year symptoms of depression (e.g. Hollon and Garber,
follow-up of impact on self-esteem. There was 1990), it is perhaps not surprising that they should
none. Sadly, it appears to have little impact on the also prove particularly effective when the outcome
target outcome either; it does not affect drug use. measure is self-esteem (e.g. Garner et al., 1993). This
Some of the other acronyms seem also to have is also consistent with Pelham and Swann’s (1989)
promised more than they could deliver. For conclusions that the determinants of self-esteem are
example, Gang Resistance Education And Training both affective (feelings) and cognitive (judgements
(GREAT) had, according to Palumbo and Ferguson or beliefs).
(1995), no effect on self-esteem. The same story has Rational emotive therapy (RET) (Ellis, 1973),
emerged for the Big Buddies programme although also regarded as a cognitive-behavioural
(Dennison, 2000), Rainbow for Children (Skitka and technique, concentrates in particular upon altering
Frazier, 1995) and Project Charlie (Hurry and maladaptive or irrational beliefs. It functions as a
McGurk, 1997). Significantly, many of the failures form of persuasion or attitude change, relying on
are drug use/abuse prevention programmes (cf. rational arguments. Recall the earlier observations
also Stoil et al., 2000). They are therefore focused on about self-esteem as an attitude and about the
a problem to which the contribution of low self- value in changing attitudes of strong arguments.
esteem is at the very best questionable. Recall also the evidence that low self-esteem
There are success stories and moreover appears to entail irrational, inappropriate beliefs
successes which are confirmed by longer-term about the self. In the light of these, RET might
follow-ups. Moreover, the successes concern appear a particularly appropriate technique for
problems in which the case for an influence of low overcoming very low self-esteem. It does seem to
self-esteem looks clearer. These include a couple of produce improvements in self-esteem (e.g. Rieckert
interventions focused on eating problems. and Moeller, 2000), though it has not consistently
McFadden (1998) has reported self-esteem gains for been shown to be superior to other cognitive-
NECTAR, a programme addressing food attitudes behavioural techniques in this regard (Warren et al.,
and behaviour. The gains, relative to a control 1988).
group, were sustained at six- and 12-month follow- The major disadvantage of these therapeutic
ups. A study by O’Dea and Abraham (2000), techniques is their cost. As might be expected of
focusing on body image (see Appendix, section on techniques focused on changing attitudes and
‘Eating disorders’), showed improvements in both beliefs, they work well because they create
self-esteem and diet that were sustained one year conditions in which the patient is likely to attend to
after completion of the programme. the message and to understand it (cf. the earlier
There is also accumulating evidence that some comments about the importance of these conditions
forms of psychotherapy work and have clear to attitude change). But these are typically
advantages over others in raising self-esteem. In conditions of one-to-one contact between patient
particular, cognitive-behavioural therapies appear and therapist. However, there are encouraging
to be effective (e.g. Durham et al., 1994). The term indications that, for example, rational emotive
‘cognitive-behavioural’ actually refers to a variety techniques can form the basis for group-based
of different methods but what they have in interventions (e.g. Leaf et al., 1992) and that in this
common is an emphasis on changing the beliefs of form they can successfully enhance self-esteem
the patient in conjunction with behaviour (Hajzler and Bernard, 1991).
modification techniques. Given that these forms of

Changing self-esteem: the effectiveness of planned interventions

Conclusions: rasing self-esteem – what works With which target groups do interventions work
and what works best? best? The clear answer here is that they work best
for those identified with a relevant problem. They
Despite the apparent immunity of established self-
work less well as ‘prevention’ programmes. In
esteem to any evidence that challenges it, it is
other words, if the participants have relatively low
evident that low self-esteem can be raised by
self-esteem at the outset, their self-esteem is more
interventions intended to have this effect.
likely to be raised than if their self-esteem is
Moreover, the evidence on the effectiveness of such
already at an average level.
interventions, although still limited, does allow us
Some of the other crucial questions remain to be
to go a little further than this. We can begin to
answered. We know little about the long-term
answer some of the questions with which this
effects of interventions because they have been so
chapter began.
seldom considered. Likewise, little is known about
How well do interventions work? The answer of
cost-effectiveness because evaluation studies have
course is: it depends. On average, effects of
rarely involved direct comparisons of different
interventions are modest but they are distinctly
kinds of intervention or treatment. Finally, we still
stronger if the intervention was specifically
know very little about why interventions work,
intended to raise self-esteem and not to produce
though there are all kinds of promising hints that
some other change believed, perhaps erroneously,
theories of self-esteem and research into its natural
to be a product of low self-esteem. This appears
causes are sound bases for effective interventions.
particularly the case for programmes aimed to
More progress might be made here through proper
reduce drug use among young people, for example.
evaluation of process – without knowing what has
Interestingly, so far, some other factors have not
been delivered and how, it is hard to make sense of
been shown to influence the scale of effects, such as
what might be working and why. We need to know
the length of the programme, the training and
much more about each of these issues if
experience of those delivering it, or whether those
interventions to raise self-esteem are to merit the
for whom it is provided participate individually or
investment of resources.
in groups. Interventions also show clearer effects if
participation versus non-participation is decided
on a random basis. But there is an exception to this,
the answer to the next question.

5 General conclusions

In the popular imagination, low self-esteem has esteem measure, the RSE) and the separate
become an all-purpose explanation for any components of self-evaluations (e.g. Coopersmith’s
significant social or personal problem, from crime measure), produce correlated assessments. But they
to racism to drug abuse. Or, as Oprah Winfrey put are not identical and neither are the outcomes they
it, nicely capturing the consensus position, lack of predict. There have also been arguments about
self-esteem is ‘the root of all the problems in the measurement methods; all the research examined
world’. Its full range of supposedly baleful in this review has relied upon self-reports. But
consequences have also been the subject of literally these are cheap and simple to use and do work
thousands of research studies. And, because the reasonably well and as yet there are no strong
effects of low self-esteem have been assumed to be reasons to question their value.
so damaging, there has been particular interest in
identifying its causes and even greater enthusiasm
Behavioural consequences of self-esteem
for potential remedies.
One consequence of the enormous interest that Self-esteem is potentially linked to behaviours in
social scientists have shown in this topic is that we complex ways. The simplest possibility is that self-
are now able to move beyond popular supposition esteem has its own direct effect on behaviour. But
– in Smelser’s terms, what we all know to be true – the simplest possibility is only one of many. And
and take a reality check. And, though there are not these include the possibilities that self-esteem is
yet clear answers to all the questions we may have, either consequence rather than cause or that self-
a more dispassionate appraisal reveals numerous esteem and the behaviour of interest are both
faults with the popular view. influenced by something else. Unfortunately, much
research has not been up to the task of analysing
these links adequately and is therefore virtually
Defining and measuring self-esteem
useless in answering the critical question: does self-
The first requirements for good research are clear esteem affect behaviour or not?
definitions of the variables at stake and sound The most informative research for our purposes
procedures to measure these variables. Research is prospective or longitudinal – it follows people
into self-esteem has never been blessed with over time and assesses the relevant variables at
unanimity over definitions. Nonetheless, it has several time points. And it is multivariate – it
remained fairly close to the dictionary or common- assesses self-esteem but also several other variables
sense definition – the opinion a person has of him that are plausibly influences on the outcomes of
or herself. The main point of difference is whether interest. Because this kind of research is expensive
this opinion is primarily a general feeling (positive and requires a long-term commitment by
or negative) or a set of judgements as to whether researchers, there is relatively little of it. Another
and in what degree one has the various qualities useful source of evidence therefore, if one which
one desires – good looks, moral virtue, social requires to be interpreted with caution, is
competence, artistic talents, intellectual skills. Or, as experimental research. This includes the better-
Coopersmith put it, self-esteem is the extent to designed evaluations of interventions intended to
which one judges oneself to be ‘capable, significant, raise self-esteem.
successful and worthy’. Bearing these qualifications in mind, the
These two interpretations have led to two kinds following conclusions are supported, albeit with
of measure. These two options, assessing varying degrees of certainty, by research (I
respectively global feelings (Rosenberg’s self- concentrate here, as does most of the published

General conclusions

research, on outcomes affecting young people – • hold prejudiced attitudes towards ethnic
between the ages of ten and 25). minorities
Young people with very low self-esteem are
• reject social influence
more likely to:
• engage in physically risky pursuits.
• show symptoms of depression; be more often
unhappy There are other ways in which self-esteem may
be implicated in behaviour but which have yet to
• become pregnant as teenagers (girls)
be explored to any significant extent. Among these,
• have suicidal thoughts and make suicide perhaps the most interesting and potentially
attempts important is that self-esteem modifies the effect of
other variables upon behaviour or outcomes such
• experience in their twenties longer periods of
as physical health. Because self-esteem may even
unemployment and earn less (males)
modify the direction of such effects, these
• suffer from eating disorders (if they are influences will be more difficult to detect. One
female) intriguing example suggests that positive life
events enhance the health of those with high self-
• be victimised
esteem but adversely affect the health of those with
• fail to respond to social influence low self-esteem.
Finally, we need to recognise that self-esteem
• have more difficulty forming and sustaining
can be simultaneously cause and effect. Two
successful close relationships.
examples here are victimisation and the quality of
Young people with low self-esteem are not more personal relationships.
likely as a result to:

• commit crimes, including violent crimes The causes of low and high self-esteem
• use or abuse illegal drugs The most important influences on a person’s level
of self-esteem are their parents. This influence is
• drink alcohol to excess or smoke
partly genetic and partly produced by the degree of
• as parents, physically or sexually abuse their love, concern, acceptance and interest shown by
own children parents through childhood and adolescence.
Physical and particularly sexual abuse by parents
• fail academically.
has especially damaging and enduring effects. It
As a generalisation, it might be said that people also seems that after parents have had their say
who have or admit to low self-esteem – a poor little else in life will be able to modify the opinion
opinion of themselves – treat themselves badly and of self thus formed.
may invite bad treatment by others. They do not, Indeed, one of the clearer messages of research
however, tend to treat others badly. concerns the relative immunity of established levels
High self-esteem is therefore very unlikely to be of self-esteem to disconfirming feedback. A range
the all-purpose social vaccine that some have of strategies are deployed to discount any evidence
supposed it to be. Indeed, it seems to have some that contradicts the opinions people have of
disadvantages. Thus, young people with very high themselves. These allow people to hold on to very
self-esteem are more likely to: positive opinions even when to the detached


observer these would seem to have little basis. But Some interventions undeniably do work – they
the same strategies are also used by people with produce measurable increases in self-esteem that
very low opinions of themselves to hold on to these cannot be attributed merely to the passage of time.
estimations. What we can be less certain of is whether the gains
The operation of these strategies helps to clarify achieved are sustained in the longer term; too few
why so many conditions and circumstances do not evaluations include long-term follow-ups.
have the impact on self-esteem that might It is also evident that some kinds of intervention
otherwise be expected. The social prestige of the work much better than others. But we do not know
categories to which people belong have little or no what it is about these interventions that makes
effect on their self-esteem. This is true of social class them more or less successful. This is partly because
and ethnicity. Being male confers a slight there are few systematic replications. Any
advantage over being female but the precise programme includes a host of elements that singly
reasons for this have yet to be determined. Real or in combination may be responsible for the
successes and failures do have an effect but it is not programme’s effects. Unless the programme is
large. Actual physical appearance – including both repeated, under varying conditions, the reasons for
body shape and facial attractiveness – has far less its effectiveness are likely to remain opaque.
impact on the individual than his or her self-image. More optimistically, however, programmes with
Time and again it turns out that what matters is not a good grounding in theory and/or relevant
the reality but what the individual believes to be research evidence consistently emerge as more
the case. And this latter is often only tenuously effective. The message is that a well-founded
related to the former. understanding of the phenomenon one is trying to
The quality of close relationships with others change will produce more effective efforts than
does appear to be a significant determinant of self- facile intuitions of the ‘positive feedback – good;
esteem. But, as noted above, the likelihood of negative feedback – bad’ variety that permeate the
forming these relationships is itself a function of self-esteem industry. Thus, research into the
self-esteem. patterns of belief and the ways in which these are
Finally, self-esteem can be damaged by defended underpins the relative success of
repeated, unambiguous and public failures and interventions based on cognitive-behavioural
rejections – such as, for example, may be involved therapeutic techniques. Likewise, when the
in being diagnosed an alcoholic, convicted for child behavioural focus has been on outcomes affected,
abuse, or being unable to find employment. But it is according to research evidence, by self-esteem,
not at all clear that there are correspondingly interventions have been more successful than when
beneficial effects of public successes. it has been on outcomes with no demonstrated link
to self-esteem. Clear examples here are
interventions to modify eating patterns compared
Planned interventions to raise self-esteem:
to interventions to modify drug use.
what works?
But this brings us to the most conspicuous
Raising self-esteem is a massive and apparently weakness to date of programme evaluations and to
profitable enterprise. It is also an enterprise the very rationale for such programmes. We know
without any strong inbuilt concern for proper next to nothing about the cost-effectiveness of
evaluation. Consequently, our knowledge of what interventions in this area. The efforts to raise self-
works and why is quite limited. But this is not to esteem represented by so many programmes,
say we know nothing. projects and therapies are not driven primarily by

General conclusions

the belief that high self-esteem is desirable in its relationships and adult economic circumstances.
own right. Rather, it is to be desired because of the The case of victimisation is interesting because the
benefits it delivers. link appears to be reciprocal, as it does for quality
We have seen that many of these supposed of personal relationships. With respect to teenage
benefits are illusory and this weakens the case for pregnancy, low self-esteem does seem to be a
investing in high self-esteem as a general-purpose significant risk factor but it is one among several. It
social vaccine. There may, however, be some is not clear how it generates the risk or how it
specific benefits. The following question must interacts with other factors. Similar uncertainties
therefore arise: is it more efficient to concentrate on remain with respect to eating disorders. Finally, the
raising self-esteem or on achieving these benefits apparent consequences of low self-esteem in
more directly? An obvious example here is risk of childhood for economic circumstances in the
teenage pregnancy. Low self-esteem appears to be a twenties is intriguing and not at all
risk factor but improving the knowledge and skills straightforward. But the scale of the effects found
required to use contraception effectively may are such as to merit further inquiry.
nonetheless be a more cost-effective way of Whether any of these questions are in the end
reducing the risk. adequately addressed will depend on the
conviction that the answers are worth having.
Expensive research is not necessarily good research
Future research needs
but good research is not likely to be cheap. But
One hesitates to argue for more research when evidence-based practice is surely as desirable in the
studies are already being published at a rate that domain of mental health and well-being as it is in
threatens to overwhelm our capacity to register medicine. And, just as surely, good research to
their conclusions, let alone absorb their provide this evidence would be a better investment
implications. There is nevertheless a strong case for of our resources than unproven treatments
more good research. As noted above with respect to promising illusory benefits.
consequences of self-esteem, this includes
longitudinal and multivariate research adequate to
Final word
the task of teasing out the potentially quite complex
ways in which self-esteem might be implicated in It is worth remembering that our language contains
these consequences. many other words to describe people with high
Research designs, and the analyses of the data self-esteem – narcissistic, big-headed, braggarts,
generated by these designs, need to be capable of boastful, arrogant, smug, self-satisfied, vain,
detecting moderator effects and non-linear conceited – and that these reflect the wisdom of
relationships. The evidence regarding conformity culturally accumulated experience: there is also a
and persuasion is an important lesson here. In this downside to very high self-esteem. It is not an
case, the clear difference turns out to be between unconditional benefit. Recall the evidence on
those whose self-esteem is moderate and those racism, violence and risk taking. Perhaps we
whose self-esteem is either very high or very low. should be more willing to acknowledge that very
Turning to more specific research questions, high self-esteem, as much as self-esteem that is
there are five links with self-esteem that merit exceptionally low, is a problem in need of
further clarification, those with teenage pregnancy, treatment, and more open-minded to the benefits of
eating disorders, victimisation, quality of personal moderation.


Chapter 1 Chapter 3
1 There are versions that expand upon the 1 The researchers also checked that these events
alternative responses allowed so that degrees of were perceived as positive. However, these
agreement can be signalled. This effectively also kinds of major life events also entail changes for
extends the scale, from 10 to 50 or more points. the person to whom they happen and any kind
of change carries with it an element of stress. It
may be, therefore, that the associated stress,
Chapter 2
however positive the events may feel, has effects
1 In this and succeeding sections considering the that interact with self-esteem.
possible consequences of low self-esteem, a more
extensive discussion of the research evidence
upon which the conclusions are based is
provided in the Appendix.


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Heider’s theory of cognitive balance applied to
negative life experiences on cognitive functioning
interpersonal perception and self-esteem’,
and risk for suicide: a review’, Clinical Psychology
Psychological Monographs, Vol. 79, No. 607 (whole
Review, Vol. 16, pp. 177–95


Yoder, K.A. (1999) ‘Comparing suicide attempters, Zimmerman, M. Copeland, L., Shope, J. and
suicide ideators and nonsuicidal homeless and Dielman, T. (1997) ‘A longitudinal study of self-
runaway adolescents’, Suicide and Life Threatening esteem: implications for adolescent development’,
Behavior, Vol. 29, pp. 25–36 Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol. 26, pp. 117–42

Zieman, G.L. and Benson, G.P. (1983) ‘Delinquency:

the role of self-esteem and social values’, Journal of
Youth and Adolescence, Vol. 12, pp. 489–500

Appendix: Research into the possible
consequences of low self-esteem

Crime and delinquency (1983) also reanalysed the Youth in Transition

evidence, using different statistical techniques and
Jensen (1973) found some relation between low
including some appropriate controls for third
self-esteem and delinquency, but the strength of the
variable effects, but came to the same conclusion as
association varied with other characteristics of the
Bynner et al.
sample studied. The association was clearest
McCarthy and Hoge (1984) had a new
among black adolescents from advantaged social
opportunity to explore the influence of self-esteem
backgrounds. Zieman and Benson (1983), however,
on delinquency in a sample of almost 2,000
found no relation between self-esteem and
adolescents who were surveyed at age 13, 15 and
delinquency in their sample. More recently,
17. Their self-esteem measures included the
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (1997) have had access to
Rosenberg scale and a shortened version of the
evidence collected from 12,000 adolescents which
Coopersmith SEI. They also assessed delinquency
included measures of both self-esteem and
on five dimensions. The design of the study
delinquency. The correlations found in this cross-
allowed them to examine the effects of self-esteem
sectional study indicated a moderate effect size.
on delinquency reported two years later. One major
A couple of other studies (Gold and Mann, 1972;
weakness of cross-sectional designs in which self-
Kelly, 1975) have tested the proposition that low
esteem and delinquency are assessed at the same
self-esteem is the mediator of an effect of poor
time point (as in the Neumark-Sztainer et al. study
academic performance on delinquency. In neither
cited above) is that any self-reported delinquency
case was any clear support found for such a
predates current self-esteem. Consequently, any
mediating role.
association found between the two is more
The more informative research, however, has
reasonably interpreted as an influence of
gone beyond looking for simple correlations and
delinquency on self-esteem than the reverse.
has asked whether these correlations are consistent
McCarthy and Hoge found that, whichever
with low self-esteem causing delinquency, directly
measure of either self-esteem or delinquency they
or indirectly. It should be recalled from the earlier
considered, and whether they looked at influences
discussion that simple correlations can by
between 13 and 15 or between 15 and 17, the links
themselves reflect a number of different
from self-esteem to delinquency were uniformly
possibilities, including the influence of a third
very weak (not even a weak effect size). Moreover,
variable, and the best available option to
about half the effects were positive, half were
distinguish between the possibilities is longitudinal
negative. In their view, the only reasonable
conclusion was that low self-esteem has no
Rosenberg and Rosenberg (1978) claimed to find
coherent effect on delinquency. The one criticism
an effect of self-esteem on delinquency in the data
that might be raised here is that two years was too
from the American ‘Youth in Transition’ study. This
long an interval and that self-esteem might have
is a study of almost 1,500 adolescents, surveyed on
changed in this time.
three successive occasions. However, John Bynner
Kaplan’s efforts to test his own esteem
and colleagues (Bynner et al., 1981) argued there
enhancement explanation involved a survey of
were flaws in the methods used by the Rosenbergs
over 3,000 11 to 13 year olds (Kaplan, 1980) at
to analyse these data. Using more rigorous
yearly intervals for three years. This is potentially
techniques, they could find little evidence that self-
therefore an important source of evidence as to the
esteem influences delinquency. Wells and Rankin


relationship if any between self-esteem and sample examined by McCarthy and Hoge was 13,
delinquency. What he expected to find was that 15 and 17 at the three ages tested. The effects of
children who were not already involved in deviant prior delinquency on self-esteem were, at all three
activities and whose initial self-esteem was low age levels, negative but small and progressively
were more likely to become involved subsequently. diminishing with age. In other words, delinquency
He did find this relationship but most clearly seemed to have a small effect – it lowered self-
among middle-class children and among girls. esteem. The effect therefore was in the opposite
Kaplan’s explanation also requires that self- direction to that predicted by Kaplan’s argument.
esteem should rise as a result of involvement in Kaplan nonetheless performed further analyses
deviant activities. This he did not find. Critics have on his own data to try and find his predicted effects
pointed to several problems with his methods of (Kaplan et al., 1986, 1987). Confusingly, in the first
testing his explanation. Among these was his of these, it was also predicted that low self-esteem
analysis of links between self-esteem and each of 28 would have both positive and negative effects on
forms of deviance separately. This dramatically delinquency. However, low self-esteem was found
increases the likelihood of measurement error and, to have a weak negative effect on subsequent
on the face of it, combining the 28 forms into a deviance: low self-esteem resulted in less, not more
single scale would have seemed a better strategy. deviance.
Kaplan may have proceeded as he did to allow The second analysis introduced a new variable,
a clear distinction between those who had and had deviant peer association. Interestingly, they found,
not adopted deviant behaviours. Yet anyone who as others have, that a delinquent inclination leads
has undertaken research in this area would find it young people into associations with peers who are
puzzling that such a distinction could be made similarly inclined. Having friends who are
within a population of 11 to 13 year olds. Taking delinquent does not turn one into a delinquent.
any one of the 28 deviant activities by itself, one Note that this is also inconsistent with the argument
might identify a reasonable number of children that adolescents with low self-esteem will become
who have not engaged in this activity. But the involved in delinquency because they are more
number who have engaged in none of them will be vulnerable to peer group influence in this direction.
vanishingly small. It is more realistic to describe Finally, a more recent examination of the Kaplan
this age group as more or less involved in esteem enhancement model by Jang and
delinquencies, that is, as lying at different points Thornberry (1998) failed to find any support for
along a continuum from low to high involvement. this model. Low self-esteem did not lead to
At all events, evidence from the other delinquent behaviour. And engaging in delinquent
longitudinal studies (Bynner et al., 1981; McCarthy behaviour did not raise self-esteem.
and Hoge, 1984) is mixed. In the first case, an
impact of delinquency on subsequent self-esteem is
Drug use and drug abuse
evident, but both the nature and the direction of
this impact depend on initial self-esteem and age. A number of studies of the link between drug use
The impact is clearest for those with low initial self- or abuse and self-esteem go no further than
esteem (‘initial’ here means when first tested, attempting to determine whether an association
which was at age 16). In this group, prior exists at all. Among such studies, those by Finke
delinquency has a negative effect at 16, a positive and Williams (1999) on drug use by eight to 12 year
effect at 17, but a negative effect on self-esteem at olds, Howard and Jenson (1999) on inhalant use,
18. At no age is the effect particularly strong. The Rees and Wilborn (1983) on drug abuse and

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem

Carvajal et al. (1998) on substance abuse, each The much larger sample – over 12,000 11 to 21
report an association with low self-esteem. So also year olds – Neumark-Sztainer et al. (1997) were able
do Cookson (1994); Ghindia and Kola (1996); to study included measures of substance abuse. In
Gordon and Caltabiano (1996); Gutierres and Reich this case, they found a link with low self-esteem,
(1988); and Kinnier et al. (1994). but the association was very modest (a correlation
Other studies have failed to find any association of 0.2). One way of illustrating the consequence of
between self-esteem and drug use or abuse. These such a correlation is to note that, if everyone in the
include Maag et al.’s (1994) study of marijuana use sample had the same level of self-esteem, the
in a learning disabled sample and Biggs et al.’s variations in drug use would be reduced by 4 per
(1983) study of solvent abuse. These conflicting cent.
findings may owe something to the small sample Other researchers have reported associations
sizes in these studies, especially if the true between low self-esteem and various kinds of drug
association is not strong and if its strength varies use (e.g. Bry, 1983; Dishion et al., 1988; Madianos et
with other factors such as age, gender, ethnicity or al., 1995; Wills, 1994). But a recurring theme in their
social background. reports is that low self-esteem is but one among
Larger samples should therefore provide several risk factors, and often one of the less
clearer evidence but have not always done so. important. Wills, for example, notes that a variable
For example, Pandina and Schuele’s (1983) he labelled ‘perceived control’ explains more than
survey of almost 2,000 12 to 28 year olds six times as much of the variance in substance use
revealed an association between low self-esteem as is explained by self-esteem.
and substance use. However, their ‘substance A few studies have looked at the possibility that
abuse’ measure was a composite index which self-esteem mediates the effects of other variables
combined both alcohol and drug use, so in on drug use. These include the investigation by
principle low self-esteem might have been Dembo et al. (1987) which revealed that, for a
related to one but not the other. The wide age sample of juvenile inmates, experience of physical
range further obscures the picture. abuse appeared to result in drug use and that this
A similarly wide age range – 14 to 28 years – was partly mediated by the effect of such abuse on
was also a feature of Singh and Mustapha’s (1994) self-esteem. Andrews and Duncan (1997) found, in
study of 1,600 Trinidadians. Low self-esteem a longitudinal study, that low academic motivation
‘appeared’, as the authors noted in their report, to at 13 led to later marijuana use and that this effect
be a factor in drug use but other factors emerged as was partly mediated by the impact of academic
more clearly implicated in this study. Vega et al.’s motivation on self-esteem.
(1993) survey of 6,760 12 to 13 year old males in More generally, there is a dearth of good evidence
America identified low self-esteem as one of ten for causal links of this kind. Such evidence would
risk factors for ‘illicit drug’ use. require longitudinal studies and most of the studies
A couple of the other studies based on larger to date have simply surveyed a sample of young
samples have failed to find any association at all. people on one occasion. Thus, the full range of
Thus, Laflin et al. (1994) found no link between low possible explanations for any observed association
self-esteem and drug use among 2,000+ American between self-esteem and drug use could apply. In
high school and college students. Similarly, Hays et particular, low self-esteem could be a result rather
al. (1986) found no relation in a sample of 1,100 13 than a cause of drug abuse, a result for example of
to 28 year olds, after controlling for possible loss of self-control associated with addiction. Given
confounding influences. concurrent assessment of self-esteem and drug use,


the latter is actually temporally prior to the former (a Finally, if low self-esteem leads to drug abuse,
problem earlier encountered with respect to studies then it should in theory be possible to reduce drug
of delinquency and self-esteem). Low self-esteem and use by raising self-esteem. Hopkins et al. (1988)
problem drug use could also be two effects that have were able to find no carry-over effect of an
a common cause, for example, physical abuse by educational programme to instil self-esteem upon
parents or carers. This is known to be a risk factor for subsequent drug use. Likewise, Stoil et al. (2000)
later drug misuse (Lloyd, 1998) and to be a negative report that activities that raise self-esteem have no
influence on later self-esteem (as discussed in consistent effect on substance use.
Chapter 3).
An interesting study by Smart and Ogburn
(1994) compared young people living on the street
and others. They found that the street youth were A correspondence between low self-esteem and
more depressed, had lower self-esteem, and had smoking among adolescents has been reported by
higher use of alcohol and drugs. It is possible that various researchers. Penny and Robinson (1986), for
their lower self-esteem has led to their drug use but example, found that smokers among a sample of
it is equally possible that these two things share a almost 300 13 to 15 year olds had lower self-esteem
common cause, such as family conflict. than their peers who did not smoke. Conrad and
One recently published study that is in a better colleagues (1992), reviewing evidence from a
position to sort out causes draws on a longitudinal number of studies, noted that broad indicators of
study in New Zealand. The authors of this study, self-esteem emerged from these as related to
McGee and Williams (2000), could find no influence smoking. But the relation was not very strong or
of earlier self-esteem on later cannabis use. Petraitis clear, and not as substantial as that regularly
et al. (1998) reviewed a number of prospective reported between smoking and various other
studies of drug abuse. Some of these had included psychological and social attributes. Fidler et al.
self-esteem as a potential predictor but low self- (1992) found that smoking was associated with
esteem did not emerge as a significant risk factor in lower levels of self-esteem in a sample of young
any of them. people – aged 12 to 25 – with special educational
A ten-year longitudinal study, spanning the needs and in a sample of controls. A similar finding
period from late adolescence to early adulthood was reported by Ahlgren et al. (1982) for a sample
and based on a sample of 1,227 young people of some 600 12 to 12 year olds.
(Olmstead et al., 1991), came to a different It is difficult to know what to make of these
conclusion. Olmstead and his colleagues found that findings given these were not prospective studies.
self-esteem in adolescence did predict substance The usual possibilities still remain to be ruled out,
abuse in adulthood. But the stronger predictor was notably that status as a smoker affects self-esteem
substance abuse in adolescence. Ideally, this study or that both this status and current self-esteem are
would have included assessment of other risk products of other conditions. There are, moreover,
factors for substance abuse known to be related to as many negative results in the literature as
self-esteem such as parental neglect and abuse. In positive. West and Sweeting (1997) found no
their absence, it is not possible to decide whether relation between self-esteem and smoking in their
low self-esteem plays a mediating role in adult sample of Scottish youngsters. The results of
substance abuse, whether it has a direct and studies by Goddard (1990) and by Jackson et al.
independent effect, or whether it has no role, being (1998) were almost equally negative.
merely a correlated outcome.

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem

The evidence reported by McGee and Williams Alcohol abuse

(2000) carries particular weight here as it does come
The familiar difficulties of untangling cause and
from a prospective study. Earlier self-esteem did
effect are equally applicable here. Several studies
not predict later smoking. A German/Polish study
have compared the self-esteem of diagnosed
(Silbereisen et al., 1990) had a further advantage of
alcoholics with that of non-alcoholics. The findings
looking at potential influences over a short period,
have been very consistent: the alcoholics have
a one-year interval. There were weak effects of self-
lower self-esteem (e.g. Carroll et al., 1982;
esteem on nicotine consumption one year later, but
Ghadirian, 1979; Gross and Adler, 1970; Hendin,
only among the younger Germans surveyed (over
1974; Kendall, 1983; Mookherjee, 1986; Stengel,
the period from 14 to 15) and the older Poles (the
1978). Moreover, there are indications that female
period from 15 to 16). Most recently, Koval and his
alcoholics have even lower self-esteem than male
colleagues (2000), in a study of 1,543 teenagers,
alcoholics (Beckman, 1978).
found that self-esteem at age 12 did not predict
This very consistent pattern for alcoholics is also
smoking two years later.
consistent with the view that low self-esteem is the
One study, by Stacy et al. (1992), has considered
consequence of alcoholism rather than a cause. Or,
a different possibility, namely that self-esteem
rather, it is a consequence of the public identity
moderates the impact of peer influence on
involved. For example, when people join Alcoholics
adolescent decisions to smoke. In a sample of 1,245
Anonymous, they must agree to label themselves in
high school students, they did find that various
extremely negative terms, as having reached a state
psychological characteristics moderated this
of ‘pitiful and incomprehensible demoralisation’, as
impact, but self-esteem was not one of them.
‘powerless over alcohol’, as ‘hitting bottom’ and so
Other researchers have explored the potential
role of self-esteem with respect to intentions, either
In their review of this literature, Skager and
intentions of non-smokers to start or of current
Kerst (1989) explicitly acknowledge this possibility:
smokers to quit. With respect to the first, Botvin et
al. (1992) found that low self-esteem predicted It can always be argued that people who have
intention to start smoking in a sample of 600 or so experienced the humiliation, shame and guilt usually
13 to 14 year olds. However, Tucker (1984) had associated with addiction, who have been labeled as
earlier found that level of self-esteem did not alcoholics or addicts, or who find themselves in a
distinguish between 15 year olds intending to take chemical dependency treatment program suffer from
up smoking and those who did not share this low self-esteem because of their addiction.
intention. At the same time, several other (p. 260)
psychological variables did distinguish these two
But people do not just ‘find themselves’ in
treatment programmes for addictions. They are
With respect to intention to quit, Sutton et al.
placed there by courts, directed there by medical
(1990) found that smokers from 16 upwards
advice, or make the choice themselves. In one way
expected higher self-esteem to be a gain from
or another, there is a public statement of extreme
quitting. According to findings reported by Rosen
personal failure. This is consistent with another
and Shipley (1983), however, self-esteem did not
finding, that high alcohol users with low self-
predict intention to quit. Interestingly it did predict
esteem are more likely to seek treatment
actual smoking reduction. Those with high self-
(Charalampous et al., 1976).
esteem were more successful in achieving short-
term reductions.


Moreover, a greater impact of alcoholism on to associate with peers who share their views. If
female self-esteem would be consistent with the this is so, the origin of these contrasting preferences
more mixed cultural messages about male still has to be explained.
inebriation. The cultural standards for female To date, there is little to support differences in
conduct tend to be clearer in this area. Konovsky self-esteem as the source of these inclinations. West
and Wilsnack (1982) found that the self-esteem and Sweeting found no association between levels
scores of women, but not men, went down after of alcohol consumption and self-esteem in their
drinking alcohol. Moreover, the impact on self- survey of Scottish teenagers. The negative evidence
esteem was strongest among those women who from prospective studies is even more compelling.
were most committed to a traditional view of the Winefield et al. (1989) surveyed a group of
female role. In one of the few longitudinal studies Australians at age 19 and again at 22. Level of self-
in this area, Thompson (1989) found that regular esteem at the earlier time did not predict
alcohol consumption early in adolescence actually subsequent levels of alcohol use. Likewise, the
seemed to boost self-esteem later in adolescence, evidence from the longitudinal study in New
but only among those who equated drinking with Zealand reported by McGee and Williams revealed
sophistication. no association between earlier self-esteem and later
Research with groups who have not yet been alcohol use. This was also the conclusion to which
negatively labelled is more likely to tell us whether Newcomb et al. (1986) came on the basis of an
low self-esteem leads to alcohol abuse. A few eight-year longitudinal study, as did Silbereisen et
studies of college students have reported a link al. (1990) looking at influences over one-year
between heavy alcohol use and low self-esteem. intervals. Finally, Scheier et al. (2000), in a
This was true, for example, of the findings reported longitudinal study of 740 adolescents, found that
by Schaeffer et al. (1976). Maney (1990) found that increases in alcohol consumption were more likely
higher alcohol consumption was associated with among those who had higher self-esteem at the
lower self-esteem but was also more common outset.
among male than among female students. In
contrast, Parish and Parish (1991) found an
Sexual behaviour and teenage pregnancy
association between self-esteem and motives for
drinking rather than how much alcohol was Drummond and Hansford (1991) found that, as
consumed. College students in this study with they put it, ‘some’ of the pregnant teenagers they
lower self-esteem were more likely to drink to gain interviewed had low self-esteem. Keddie’s (1992)
peer acceptance. conclusion from a study of Jamaican teenagers is
This last finding is consistent with the clearer. The self-esteem of non-pregnant
conclusions from a large-scale study of adolescents adolescents was higher than that of their once-
that peer pressure is the main determinant of pregnant counterparts. Plotnick (1992) found in a
adolescent alcohol use (Dielman et al., 1989). This survey of 1,142 adolescents that pre-marital
same study, of 4,000+ adolescents, suggests no pregnancy was associated with lower self-esteem.
particular causal role for self-esteem. However, the Werner and Smith (1977) found the same
findings reported by Dielman and his colleagues association.
are open to other and, I suspect, more plausible Others have failed to find this association. Barth
interpretations. Young people who like to drink a et al. (1983), comparing teenage mothers, pregnant
lot hang out with each other. Those who are less teenagers and non-pregnant teenagers, did not find
enthusiastic about consuming a lot of alcohol prefer that the first two groups were particularly

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem

distressed compared to the last. Likewise, both teachers. Interestingly, teenage parenthood was
Brunswick (1971) and Streetman (1987) found no also associated with childhood experience of
difference in the self-esteem of teenagers who had physical abuse and neglect, suggesting a possible
and had not been pregnant. And Robinson and mediating role of self-esteem.
Frank (1994), as noted earlier, found no statistically In contrast, Vernon et al. (1983) found no
significant relation between self-esteem and association between level of self-esteem and
pregnancy. subsequent likelihood of teenage pregnancy. There
This last study reveals two problems, however. are various reasons why no association showed up
First, the incidence of pregnancy in a representative in this study. The negative results could be due to
sample is quite low. This affects the probability of the particular self-esteem measure used (the
detecting a statistically significant association even Coopersmith scale) or to the age of the sample; for
if such an association actually exists in the example, Crockenberg and Soby (1989) point out
population from which one has sampled (risking that many of the females in this sample, being
the ‘Type II’ error referred to earlier). In the somewhat older than those in other studies, would
Robinson and Frank sample, the incidence was already have been sexually active when first
around 10 per cent. surveyed. This could have had an esteem-
The second problem is the age range sampled. If enhancing effect. Whether or not this particular
this is large – Robinson and Frank’s sample ranged criticism has merit, this study is the exception.
from 13 to 29 – it includes people for whom An analysis by Mccauley (1995) of data from the
pregnancy can have highly positive connotations as American National Longitudinal Youth Survey is
well as those among whom pregnancy would carry potentially the most informative so far published.
a social stigma. For these reasons, large samples The sample is large; almost 3,000 girls were
and the opportunity to look at narrow age bands surveyed. The survey was repeated at yearly
provide more useful evidence. intervals, which allowed estimates of the likelihood
Prospective studies have generally been based of pregnancy each year. Mccauley examined the
on larger samples and have produced somewhat likelihood at ages 16, 17, 18 and 19 and found that
clearer results. Kaplan and colleagues (1979) found it was a little over one-and-a-half times higher for
that, of a sample of 14- to 15-year-old girls, those teenagers with lower self-esteem scores in the
who had become mothers had low self-esteem previous year.
scores a little over a year earlier. Robbins et al. If we are to conclude, as seems reasonable, that
(1985) returned to this sample when they were 21 low self-esteem in adolescence carries a moderately
and found that lower self-esteem at age 13 to 14 increased risk of subsequent pregnancy as a
was associated with greater risk of pregnancy teenager, what is the reason for this risk? Do
before 21, but the association was quite weak. teenagers with low self-esteem become sexually
More recently, Plotnick and Butler (1991) active at an earlier age, have more frequent sexual
published results from a study of 1,184 girls relations, or take less effective precautions against
surveyed at age 14 and again at 19. By age 19, 17 pregnancy? Each of these should increase the risk.
per cent had given birth out of wedlock and this Looking first at sexual intercourse, low self-
group had lower self-esteem scores at 14. A smaller- esteem does not seem to give rise to earlier or more
scale longitudinal study by Herrenkohl and frequent intercourse. Once again, the meaning of
colleagues (1998) indicated that teenage evidence from cross-sectional studies is ambiguous
parenthood (i.e. before 20) was associated with but the picture provided by such studies is quite
lower self-esteem in childhood, as evaluated by consistent. Teenagers’ sexual activity is either


unrelated to their self-esteem or it is associated to unconventional behaviours, those characteristic

with higher self-esteem. Among the studies in of homosexual relations.
which no association was found are those by These apparently contradictory results may
Cvetkovich and Grote (1980) and by West and reflect a growing belief, at least among the kind of
Sweeting (1997). college-educated population from which they
McGee and Williams (2000) did find an sampled, that the real health risks lie in
association between low self-esteem and early unconventional sexual behaviours involved in gay
sexual activity, but this association disappeared sex. Consistent with this, Rotheram-Borus et al.
once the correlated effects of family background (1995) report that higher self-esteem was associated
were taken into account. In contrast, Jessor and with less risk taking among gay and bisexual
Jessor (1975) found a positive association between males. Martin and Knox (1997) found something
self-esteem and loss of virginity. Furthermore, as very similar. In a sample of 455 gay and bisexual
this was also a longitudinal study, they were able to men, unprotected intercourse with non-primary
show that higher self-esteem preceded loss of partners was more likely among those with lower
virginity. However, they only found this association self-esteem.
clearly among the males in their sample. The most significant direct risk factor for
A study by Herrold and Goodwin (1979) points pregnancy, as for sexually transmitted disease, is
in a similar direction for females but less decisively. the adequacy and appropriateness of contraceptive
They found that females with lower self-esteem practice. Oral contraceptives reduce the first risk,
were more likely to approve of abstinence. Those condom use reduces both. Several studies have
with higher self-esteem described themselves as indicated that adolescents with higher self-esteem
more willing to take the sexual initiative and less are more likely to take appropriate precautions (e.g.
prone to guilt about their sexual behaviour. Ager et al., 1982; Cvetkovich and Grote, 1980;
An earlier study of college students (Perlman, Herrold et al., 1979; Hornick et al., 1979; McNair et
1974) indicates the importance of cultural norms al., 1998). But the picture is still mixed. In one of the
and young people’s attitudes to these norms. studies, the association was found only among
Perlman found that higher self-esteem was males and, in another one, it was found only
positively related to number of sexual partners, among females.
though only among those with a more liberal view Other studies fail to find any association. This is
of the norms. The fact that Herrold and Goodwin true of Lundy’s (1972) study, although he expected
failed to find this association may reflect a change the association to be negative because, at the time,
in those norms and attitudes towards them as pre-marital sex was more strongly disapproved of.
awareness of the risks of sexually transmitted Garris et al. (1976) and McCorquodale and
disease, and particularly HIV infection, increased. DeLamater (1978) also both failed to find any link.
Among the more recent studies, sampling a A review by Morrison (1985) of adolescent
potentially more AIDS-aware generation, contraceptive behaviour concluded that variables
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (1997) found no association like self-esteem played, if any role at all in such
between self-esteem and unsafe sexual activities. behaviour, only a very minor role.
Hollar and Snizek (1996), however, found high self-
esteem was associated with more risky practice
Child abuse
with respect to conventional sexual behaviour.
They found precisely the reverse association – high Several studies have reported an association
self-esteem predicted safer practice – with respect between child abuse and low self-esteem. These

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem

include Culp et al.’s (1989) study of physically survey in self-esteem as initially measured. The
abusive mothers, Anderson and Lauderdale’s problem even with this study is that the group of
(1982) study of abusive parents, Hamilton et al.’s ‘non-abusers’ may well include undiscovered
(1987) study of abusive parents, Oates and Forrest’s abusers, so masking any difference between true
(1985) study of abusive mothers, as well as those by abusers and true non-abusers.
Melnick and Hurley (1969), Evans (1980) and Green
et al. (1974). Two exceptions have both come from
Economic consequences
the same reseacher. Shorkey (1980) found no
difference in the self-esteem of a sample of abusing One difficulty here is that there are still few
mothers and controls, and reported the same result adequately designed studies but Caputo’s (1998) is
with a further study five years later (Shorkey and potentially one of them. He used the data from the
Armendariz, 1985). US National Longitudinal Study of Youth. Its
In a sense, Shorkey’s results are the more design allows one to look for effects of self-esteem
surprising. Parents who are labelled as child on outcomes later in life. Caputo could find no
abusers attract considerable public revulsion, as discernible pattern of influence of self-esteem on
newspaper coverage of such cases clearly shows. In subsequent economic well-being. Economically
the face of uniformly hostile public reaction, once a marginalised youth did not become more
parent has been identified as an abuser, it might be marginalised as a result of low self-esteem.
very difficult for that parent to continue describing Interestingly, Dooley and Prause (1997) came to
themselves in highly positive terms. The same issue a different conclusion looking at the same data.
arises with respect to convicted child molesters, They found that self-esteem in adolescence was
who also turn out to have lower self-esteem than related to employment status seven years later.
comparison groups (Fisher et al., 1999). They interpreted this as indicating that high self-
An uncontaminated estimate of the effects of esteem is a psychological asset that aids those who
parents’ self-esteem on the treatment of their have it to secure and hold on to employment. The
children could only be provided by a prospective disparity in conclusions drawn from the same
study in which self-esteem is assessed before any evidence underlines the importance of controlling
abuse comes to light. But studies of this kind are for correlated variables. Had this latter analysis
more costly for various reasons. Among these are included control for the effect of educational
the need for a large sample. Whatever the true attainment – the personal asset that really matters
prevalence rate for child abuse – and charities like here, and correlated slightly with self-esteem – it is
Childline claim it is far higher than the detection possible that the apparent effect of self-esteem
rate – the numbers actually detected are small. would have disappeared. But maybe not.
Abusers who have remained undetected may not Feinstein’s (2000) analysis of data from the
be especially willing to own up to researchers, even British Cohort Study (BCS) does clearly indicate an
in confidence. Thus, one needs a rather large initial impact of low self-esteem on certain economic
sample if it is to include enough identified abusers outcomes, even after controlling for the effects of
later on to compare statistically with the others. educational qualifications, but the pattern is quite
These reasons may explain the paucity of complex. The BCS has three great advantages for
longitudinal prospective studies. I have been able our purposes. First, because it is a prospective
to identify only one to date. Christensen et al. (1994) study, clearer conclusions can be drawn about the
found that mothers eventually identified as abusers causal priority of self-esteem (measured in this
did not differ at all from the other mothers in the study when the participants were aged ten).


Second, information is available from a large and Brockner’s (1988) argument: employees with high
representative sample. Third, a large number of self-esteem are perceived by their supervisors to be
other variables were measured in the study and so more productive workers, using time more
it is possible to exclude several effects that might effectively and requiring less guidance.
otherwise be confounded with those of low self- But, if self-esteem as such has any of these
esteem. consequences, how could it thereby affect the
The economic outcomes considered by Feinstein earnings of males but not females? Given the
are experience of unemployment by age 26 and quality of the evidence on which they are based,
earnings at this age. Age ten self-esteem does not Feinstein’s results cannot easily be discounted.
predict experience of short spells of unemployment They point to important long-term consequences of
(less than four months consecutively), but it does childhood self-esteem.
predict longer periods of unemployment. The
patterns for males and females, however, are quite
Eating disorders
different. Among the former, those with lower self-
esteem at age ten were the more likely to have been First of all, a simple association between low self-
unemployed for long periods by age 26. Among esteem and indices of eating problems, whether the
females, the differences were only between those indices satisfy strict diagnostic criteria for anorexia
with very high and very low self-esteem, but in the or bulimia or more relaxed criteria, looks to be
opposite direction; those with very high self-esteem incontrovertible. The studies by Willcox and Sattler
were more likely to have experienced long periods (1996), Coric and Murstein (1993) and Koo-Loed et
of unemployment. al. (2000) all found an association between bulimia
It is possible to construct stories for each of and low self-esteem. Rabe (1998) found an
these results. For males, one might propose that association for anorexics compared to controls.
initial experiences of unemployment are more Williams et al. (1993) found that diagnosed
damaging to those with lower self-esteem, leaving anorexics and bulimics both had lower self-esteem
them with insufficient confidence to successfully than controls. Johnson and Petrie (1995) found that
pursue opportunities for re-employment. For anorexic and bulimic symptoms among college
females, perhaps exceptionally high self-esteem girls were associated with lower self-esteem.
leads to rejection of re-employment opportunities The picture is similar for other indicators of
seen as incommensurate with their own high disordered eating. Shisslak et al. (1995), reviewing
assessment of their worth. But any explanation will the literature on binge eating, identified low self-
remain speculative and ad hoc in the absence of esteem as one of its correlates and, more recently,
further evidence. Matz (1999) has reported a direct connection
There are similar ambiguities about the effects between low self-esteem and binge eating among
of self-esteem on earnings. As Feinstein’s analyses young women, as have Ross and Ivis (1999) in a
show, there clearly are such effects though self- sample of 1,000 teenage girls. Abrams et al. (1993)
esteem only plays a significant role here for males. have found an association between low self-esteem
In their case, the scale of the effect is similar to that and indicators of disordered eating, as have O’Dea
of key intellectual abilities measured at ten. In other and Abraham (1999) and Ghaderi and Scott (1999),
words, it is quite substantial. As to why self-esteem these last in a sample of 1,157 females aged 18 to
has this result, it may be that people with higher 20. Ghaderi and Scott also report a prevalence rate
self-esteem push harder for a good income or are for eating disorder in this group of 8 per cent.
less tolerant of low pay. An alternative is Neumark-Sztainer and colleagues (1997) found, in

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem

their survey of 12,000 adolescents, that low self- emerged only when self-esteem as assessed by the
esteem was related to unhealthy weight loss, Rosenberg affective scale was considered.
though the association was not strong (correlations Moreover, this was true irrespective of the type of
in the range 0.1 to 0.2). Hubbard et al. (1998) found eating disorder.
that food-related exercisers had lower self-esteem Still, the discovery of an empirical association
than people who exercised for other reasons. The leaves much of the work to be done. In this
motive for the exercise thus appears to be particular case there is the obvious possibility that
important. Evidence reported by Iannos and the disorder has an effect on self-esteem. So, for
Tiggeman (1997) indicates that self-esteem is not example, the lack of self-control involved in binge
related to excessive exercise per se. eating may leave a person feeling disgusted with
Self-esteem also appears to be connected to themselves. Alternatively, the admission of an
attitudes towards eating. Several studies have eating disorder of any kind may be humiliating
employed a standard scale to measure these perhaps because it attracts disapproval, contempt
attitudes, the EAT (Eating Attitudes Test), which or pity from others. It is less easy, however, to see
has been shown to be predictive of disordered how eating attitudes could adversely affect self-
eating habits. Studies finding this connection esteem.
include those by Canals et al. (1996); Fisher et al. Inevitably, prospective studies provide stronger
(1994); Pastore et al. (1996); and Pitts and Waller grounds for claims about a causal sequence here.
(1993). The first of these, however, found self- The prospective studies so far published all find
esteem to be unrelated to frequency of binge eating. that low self-esteem predicts later indications of
The general picture, then, is one in which eating eating disorder, though with varying degrees of
disorders of all kinds are associated, though not certainty. Among these, the New Zealand evidence
necessarily very strongly, with low self-esteem. reported by McGee and Williams (2000) shows that
This would seem inconsistent with the two lower self-esteem in childhood predicted eating
interpretations outlined above, each of which disorders in adolesence. Button et al. (1996), in a
anticipates that self-esteem will be associated with study of approximately 600 girls, found that self-
some disorders but not others. Nonetheless, the esteem level at 11 to 12 years predicted risk of
associations could exist for different reasons with developing more severe symptoms of eating
respect to different forms of eating disorder. In this disorder at 15 to 16. However, Wood et al. (1994)
context, Sanftner and Crowther (1998) found that found that the self-esteem of a sample of adolescent
the self-esteem of binge-eating female students girls predicted eating attitudes (EAT scores) two
varied more than that of non-binge eaters. They years later, but not eating disorders. And Calam
also found, however, that self-esteem was higher and Waller (1998) reported that self-esteem at 12
rather than lower prior to binge-eating episodes, years was only weakly related to indications of
suggesting consolation is not the motive. eating disorder seven years later.
There are also indications that eating disorders The authors of this last study make a further
are linked to self-esteem in the sense that important observation, indicating that prospective
Rosenberg defined it, namely as general feelings studies will not necessarily provide unequivocal
about the self rather than as the sum of a set of answers to causal questions. They note that
evaluations of the self. Grubb et al. (1993) found characteristic patterns of eating are quite consistent
that the Coopersmith evaluative measure was not across time. The better predictors of 19 year olds’
related to indicators of eating disorders, as did eating problems were eating attitudes at age 12.
Griffiths et al. (1999). The latter found that a relation Ideally, a prospective study allows one to


determine whether a quality like self-esteem Showing in addition that self-esteem changed first
predicts change in the outcome of interest (‘change’ would be more decisive.
here can include the later appearance of a Nonetheless, the programme described by
behaviour that was not previously present, as well O’Dea and Abraham does contain some clues about
as, for example, change in the severity or frequency the roots of eating disorders. Their programme
of this behaviour). To achieve this, the investigators attempted to uncouple self-esteem from
will need to include assessment of the presence or perceptions of appearance. And in this it was
level of the outcome of interest at the start of the apparently successful. By the end of the
study as well as at the end. programme, appearance mattered less to the
A good example of this is the four-year participants. This bears on the reasons for the large
prospective study conducted by van der Ham et al. observed sex differences in vulnerability to eating
(1998). They found that the initial level of self- disorders.
esteem predicted whether bulimics were better or One obvious question is why females are so
worse by the end of the four years. In effect, they many times – perhaps ten times – more likely to
did not expect or find that low self-esteem causes develop eating disorders of any kind than males.
bulimia but did find that low self-esteem affects the The difference is far too large to be accounted for
course of the disorder, making recovery more by any general tendency for women to have lower
difficult. Hesse-Biber et al. (1999) similarly found self-esteem than men. One popular explanation is
that eating-disordered women with lower self- that women’s self-esteem is much more closely
esteem were less likely to recover. linked to their physical appearance than it is for
A different kind of causal evidence is potentially men. Women are more preoccupied with an ideal
available from studies of intervention programmes body shape and appearance, and with the extent to
designed either to reduce the risk of eating disorder which their own bodies match this ideal. Their
or to help recovery. A couple of recent reports sense of their own worth is in turn more closely
evaluate programmes focusing on self-esteem bound up with the degree to which a match is
(O’Dea and Abraham, 2000; Phelps et al., 2000). In present. One would further have to assume either
each case, the programme succeeded on both that the ideal is unrealistic or that some women
counts; self-esteem went up and eating disorder misjudge their own degree of discrepancy from the
symptoms went down. It is tempting to conclude ideal.
that the effects on symptoms were due to the This suggests a causal pathway from body
changes in self-esteem, but this would be dissatisfaction to self-esteem and from self-esteem
premature. A stronger case for this conclusion to eating disorder. The associations implied by this
would be present if the degree of amelioration of pathway have certainly been observed. Ideal body
symptoms was directly and strongly related to the size is related to self-esteem (Sands et al., 1997).
degree of increase in self-esteem. Otherwise, it Eating disorders are associated with body
remains possible that the programme has resulted dissatisfaction (e.g. Leung et al., 1996; Twamley and
in other changes that are responsible for the impact Davis, 1999) and self-esteem is related to body
on symptoms or that both self-esteem and the weight dissatisfaction among females (e.g. Beamer,
symptoms themselves have been directly but 1999; Meijboom et al., 1999) but, according to one
independently affected by participation in the study, not among males (Furnham and Calman,
programme. Unfortunately, however, even a strong 1998). The self-esteem of males, however, may be
association between the extent of these two kinds linked to dissatisfaction with other aspects of their
of change would not tell us which caused which. bodies, notably chest size and musculature (cf.

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem

Tantleff-Dunn and Thompson, 2000). Thus, turn increases the risk of eating disorder. For Fryer
McCreary and Sasse (2000) found that low self- and colleagues (1997), self-esteem mediates the
esteem was related to a drive for muscularity impact of stressful experiences on disturbed eating.
among 16- to 24-year-old males. Another suggestion (Waller and Hartley, 1994) is
Support for the mediating role of self-esteem in that parental disapproval directly lowers self-
the relation between body dissatisfaction and esteem and indirectly, as a result of this, leads to
disordered eating is more mixed, however. Leung eating problems.
et al. (1996) claimed to find support for this Whether these are plausible explanations – each
mediating role in their study of around 900 needs further research at this stage – they would
adolescent girls. The observation by Joiner et al. also need to show why these causal sequences are
(1997) of a stronger relation between body more likely to be found among females. Another
dissatisfaction and self-esteem among bulimic difficulty is that mediation requires a quite strong
adolescents than among non-disordered relation between the mediator and the outcome. If
adolescents also points to such a role. In contrast, the remote cause – experience of sexual abuse or
Twamley and Davis (1999) interpret their own other stressful experiences, parental disapproval or
findings, derived from 249 female college students, lack of autonomy – works through the mediator, it
as confirming that self-esteem is one of a number of will only have an effect on the outcome to the
factors moderating the impact of body extent that it has an impact on the mediator. The
dissatisfaction on eating behaviour. They are mediator – self-esteem – should therefore be more
saying, in other words, that self-esteem is not itself strongly linked to both the remote cause and the
influenced by body dissatisfaction but low self- outcome than either are to each other. The difficulty
esteem does magnify the effect of dissatisfaction on is that correlations observed between self-esteem
eating. A further possibility, endorsed by Darnall et and eating disorders have not generally been
al. (1999) on the basis of their study of Brazilian strong.
adolescents, is that low self-esteem is both an
independent factor, not a mediator, and a direct
Suicide, suicide attempts and suicidal
influence on level of preoccupation with weight.
Thus, they see weight concern as mediating the
impact of self-esteem on eating pathology rather Numerous studies indicate a simple association
than the other way around. between low self-esteem and suicide ideation in a
Several other proposals have been made for a variety of age and cultural groups (e.g. De Man et
mediating role of self-esteem. These include the al., 1992, 1993; Gonzalez et al., 1998; Marciano and
proposal that experience of sexual abuse increases Kazdin, 1994; Reynolds, 1991; Sendbuehler et al.,
the risk of subsequently developing an eating 1979; van Gastel et al., 1997; Vella et al., 1996). One
disorder because the abuse experience damages interesting exception is the investigation by Beer
self-esteem (Waller et al., 1995). This is consistent and Beer (1992). Scores on the Coopersmith index
with the evidence reported by Hernandez (1995) were unrelated to suicide ideation, suggesting, as
from a survey of over 6,000 adolescents. She found with eating disorders, that the association is with
that indications of eating disorder were correlated feelings about the self rather than with a set of
with both reports of earlier physical and sexual evaluations of the self.
abuse and low self-esteem. Others also find an association between low
Frederick and Grow (1996) propose that feelings self-esteem and parasuicide (e.g. Boudewyn and
of lack of autonomy reduce self-esteem and this in Liem, 1995; Overholser et al., 1995; Petrie et al., 1988;


also reviews by Rittner et al., 1995; Yang and Clum, also be the risk factors for parasuicide and suicidal
1996). However, Nasser and Overholser (1999) ideation. Consequently, research into the causes of
found no relation of self-esteem to the lethality of suicide-related outcomes should ideally assess the
the attempts. full range.
A rather smaller number of longitudinal studies Many studies have assessed the impact of a
also find that self-esteem predicts later suidical range of factors. However, in examining these, one
ideation. These include McGee and Williams’s is struck by two things. The first is that, in several
(2000) analysis of their New Zealand data and an cases, no attempt is then made to decide on the
investigation by Goldney et al. (1991) of relative importance of each factor. This is vital
adolescents’ levels of self-esteem on extent of because some factors may be correlated with the
suicidal thinking eight years later. Kaplan and outcome only because they are also associated with
Pokorny (1976) found that, among 4,694 American one of the other factors. So, for example, self-
high school pupils, a self-derogation measure was esteem may relate to suicide attempts only because
related to number of accidents reported one year it is also related to social isolation or victimisation.
later. They interpreted accidents as potential And it may be related to these either because it is a
suicide attempts or at least failures to take proper causal factor – for instance, it influences the
care of oneself. likelihood of vicitimisation which in turn is the
A small number of longitudinal studies have direct cause of suicide attempts. Or it may be a
considered self-esteem as a predictor of later correlated outcome – social isolation may depress
suicide attempts, though, in all cases, in self-esteem and lead to suicide attempts.
combination with other risk factors. Considered on The second observation is that, when the
its own, self-esteem does predict subsequent appropriate statistical analyses are performed,
suicide attempts (e.g. Lewinsohn et al., 1994). whether or not self-esteem emerges as a predictor,
Kjelsberg et al. (1994) followed up 1,800 adolescents and how significant a predictor it turns out to be,
who had been psychiatric patients and found that depend very largely on what other factors were
about 2 per cent had committed suicide over that included in the analysis. There are, however,
period. Those who did so had lower self-esteem consistent features of those studies in which self-
than the average for the group at the time they esteem drops out of contention once other risk
were first studied. An examination by Seiden and factors are considered.
Gleiser (1990) of chemists who had committed Studies in which self-esteem survived as a
suicide indicated that they had lower than average predictor after taking into account the effects of
self-esteem, though it is not entirely clear how this other predictors include Kjelsberg et al.’s (1994) 15-
was determined retrospectively. year follow-up of adolescents who had been
How can we determine whether self-esteem is psychiatric inpatients. Self-esteem was one among
not only a risk factor for suicide-related outcomes a set of eight factors discriminating the suicides
but also an important one? The first step is to from the still living. Garnefski et al. (1992) found, in
recognise the many other risk factors and assess a study of Dutch 15 to 16 year olds, that suicidal
these simultaneously. Major risk factors for suicide thoughts and behaviours were related to low self-
include living alone, lack of social support, drug esteem but also and independently to use of drugs,
use, physical illness, depression, knowing others experience of sexual abuse and feelings of
who have made suicide attempts or completed loneliness. Another Dutch survey, but on a much
them, a history of prior attempts, experience of larger scale (Kienhorst et al., 1990) – a sample of
victimisation and economic difficulties. These may 9,393 14 to 20 year olds – revealed a range of risk

Appendix: Research into the possible consequences of low self-esteem

factors independently predicting suicide attempts, suicidal behaviour in a sample of high school
including self-esteem but also family breakdown students but not when other factors were
and alcohol and drug use among them. considered. Emotional problems and involvement
Hershberger et al. (1997) looked at predictors of in delinquency were predictors for females;
suicide attempts among lesbian, gay and bisexual employment problems were most potent predictors
youth. They found that the attempters had lower for males. Finally, De Man (1999) looked directly at
self-esteem but had also suffered more adverse the consequences for the association between self-
consequences – loss of friends, victimisation, and so esteem and suicidal ideation of taking into account
on – as a result of revealing their sexual orientation. the effects of depression. The consequence was to
A distinguishing feature of studies in which reduce substantially the strength of this association.
self-esteem does not survive as a predictor or in In some other studies including measures of
which its significance at best is greatly reduced is affective variables in addition to self-esteem, the
that they included other measures of affect or latter does survive as a predictor though typically
feelings about the self. Petrie and Brook (1992) not as the most important one. This is true, for
found that extent of suicidal ideation among example, in the Lewinsohn et al. (1994) study. Of
parasuicides was best predicted by a variable the 1,500 14 to 28 year olds surveyed, 26 made
which they called ‘sense of coherence’ and which suicide attempts one year into the study. Low self-
seemed to reflect the degree to which their esteem at entry predicted these attempts, but so did
participants felt their lives were meaningful. history of past attempts, suicidal ideation and
Previous history of suicide attempts, depression. Similarly, in Yoder’s (1999) study of
unemployment and living alone enhanced homeless youth and runaways, five factors
prediction. distinguished those reporting suicidal ideation
Beautrais et al. (1999) found that a sample of from those not doing so. The factors were self-
suicide attempters under 25 were distinguished by esteem, depression, experience of physical abuse,
higher neuroticism (which is also sometimes experience of sexual abuse and having a friend
identified as ‘negative affect’), hopelessness, who attempted suicide.
introversion, an external locus of control and low What all this suggests is that measures going by
self-esteem. But low self-esteem ceased to be a different names are to some extent assessing the
significant predictor when the other factors were same thing. Measures of depression, negative affect
taken into account. In Kingsbury et al.’s (1999) (or neuroticism), self-esteem, hopelessness,
study of overdosers, self-esteem was a correlate but fatalism, and locus of control are all attempting to
its effect disappeared once level of depression was assess a person’s feelings about themselves.
taken into account. The outcome of Marcenko et Depending on how each measure is constructed,
al.’s (1999) analysis of predictors of suicidal the overlap may be almost complete or it will be
ideation was very similar. Roberts et al. (1998) more partial. It is a fair bet that an aspect of these
examined predictors of suicidal ideation, including feelings is implicated in suicidal thoughts and
self-esteem, in a large (5,000+) sample of ten to 17 actions. But, whichever measure does the best job
year olds. The surviving predictors were history of of assessing this particular aspect will emerge from
suicide attempts, depression and recent life the analysis as the predictor and others which
stresses. Simons and Murphy (1985) found that measure it less well will fall away.
self-esteem was correlated with occurrence of

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