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what are the universe theories?

how old is the universe?

who proposed big bang?
what are the evidences of big bang?
what are the first element in the periodic table
what theory states that our universe began with the explosion of the space itself?
what theory states that the universe is always the same but it expands?
after the universe collapse a new singularity will form what theory is this?
what theory states that the universe will collapse?
what theory combines the big crunch and big bounce?
_is the study of the universe
how long does the big bang happened?
___is composed of the sun planets and their satellites the comets and asteroids.
how old is the solar system?
what are the 4 solar system theory?
what theory states that the solar system originated from a nebula?
The ____ the nebula became the more heat it produced resulted to the formation of the ___?
As it forms the denser the materials such as ____ and ____ sank and Less dense materials such as ___ .
what are the terrestrial planets?
what are the jovian Planets?
It formed because only the materials with high densities and melting point were able to form near the sun.
who are the people credited to the nebular theory?
what theory states that the sun was always there and has a collison with another star/
who proposed encounter theory?
___is the modified version of nebular hypothesis
an unidentified instability resulted in the pulling of dust particle towards each other this led to the
formation of _____
what are the charactheristics of earth responsible for the protection of life?
____proitects the rearth from suns radiation?
____ is abundant in the form of the ozone layer
___ is the mixture of minerals water air, organic matter organisms
___ it contains all the water on our planet including ice
What are the 4 subsystem of the earth?
what are the 5 layers of the atm,osphere?
___this layer of the atmosphere protects the earth from the impact of space debris
in this layer of the atmosphere you can find the aurora
farthest layer of the atmosphere?
layer of the atmosphere where you can find the ozone layer
comes from a greek root wich means ground.
how many percentage is the salt water in earths hydrosphere?
how many percentage is the fresh water.

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