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Aily F.

Corpuz 08/07/2022
BSBAFM 1-2 Score:___



I. Fill in the Blanks. Write the term or terms that will make the statements complete
1. Phrase
2. Action verb
3. Clarity
4. Split construction
5. Number
6. Choppiness
7. Paragraph
8. Comparison and contrast
9. Topic sentence
10. Wordiness
11. Run-on sentence
12. Faulty parallelism
13. Past
14. Misplaced
15. Sentence
16. Beginning sentence
17. Beginning sentence
18. Misplaced and dangling modifier
19. Classification
20. Description

II. Write CS if the group of words is a sentence and NAS if the words are not.
21. CS
22. NAS
23. CS
24. CS
25. NAS
26. NAS
27. CS
28. CS
29. NAS
30. NAS
31. NAS
32. CS
33. CS
34. CS
35. CS

III. Enumeration. List down what is asked for.

Parts of the Paragraph (3) (in order)
36. Beginning sentences
37. Middle sentences
38. Ending sentences
Most Common Types of Paragraphs (4)
39. Definition
40. Classification
41. Description
42. Comparison and contrast
Common Strategies in paragraph Development (6)
43. The use of an example in developing a paragraph
44. The use of descriptive details in developing a paragraph
45. The use of cause and effect in developing a paragraph
46. The use of comparison and contrast
47. The use of definition in developing a paragraph
48. The use of definition a paragraph
Parts of a Sentence (2)
49. Subject
50. Predicate

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