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Bataluna, Angela mae b.

BSOAOUMN 1-C 2/22/22

Activity 1. Reflective Essay
Direction: Read the questions below carefully and write your answer on the space provided
In doing some of your exercise workouts or programs, do you consciously consider and follow
significant principles such as MFIT, exercise training principles, three phases of exercise
program? What are your realization and future plans?
 I think unconsciously I follow these all principles and the MFIT. Because when I work out
the first thing that I do is I set a goal before I start exercising. like I aim to lose some fat
in my belly, therefore the exercise that I need to do is for losing fat. So, in that way, I can
easily do my exercise because I have a goal to finish. The realization that hit me right
now is that I need to be consistent because even though I have an objective, I am a
person that easily gives up, especially if my anxiety attacks me, so to achieve my goal, I
plan to become consistently for doing an exercise and find a motivation to do it
regularly without giving up.

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