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Instructions to be followed Strictly!

1. Everyone will come with id Card!!

No entry without id card. If you coming with your parents accompany them during that time.

2. Discipline means discipline, I want from all the students, girl’s boy’s sitting together is allowed
but behave properly these are the words from director ma’am and henceforth maintain the
decorum. Volunteers for discipline – Praful, Mayur, Nilesh, Preet, Shreyas, Pratiksha, Sanchita,
Swaroop, Shorya, Aryan, Kunal, Vidya, Vruti.

Instructions for you all, to be present on both sides of the hall, having a look on everyone’s behaviour,
no one has stopped from enjoying but do it in appropriate manner. To guide the routes towards the
stage, no crowding at one place should happen, if it does immediately settle them out. Any glitch during
performances, performers should remain calm and quiet and perform it ahead volunteers by that time
will manage crowd. And rest what’all comes into discipline you all know.

If any of the students not following your instructions, just let me know immediately I’ll handle that out

3. All the winners of academic, sport’s, cultural, volunteers, council members will be sitting on the
front right hand side, as soon as the prize distribution begins and names are called out everyone
should be ready immediately to get on the stage, and no chaos should occur during this time!!

List of all the winners will be sent on the grp soon!!

For team events, directly the team main name or class will be called out, all the team members ka
names won’t be announced so when team events prizes start teams should be spontaneous.

Volunteers backstage for certificates to be managed: Sanchita, Mohini, Nupoor, Adrita, Roshani, Sanika

(For volunteers certificate, please everyone understand our situation now, we’ve been told to prepare
15 volunteers certificate for sport’s and cultural each, yet we’ve increased the count a bit.. so from each
club we’ve taken the people who have worked throughout, I don’t mean to say ki infact many students
have worked throughout whenever we've asked them to go here and there and get the work done, so
we are going to give everyone ecertificate too later after the Antarang gets over)

4. Light’s, camera, music- all the performances by tonight are supposed to send your final musics
to Yash dalvi from fy.

Omkar Abbas Jineet look after the photography and videography, if I see guest, teacher’s performances
ka chodke , audience mein hi any classwise photographs are getting clicked submit me the camera, I’ll
assign to some one else, I trust and assign this work and everytime see it every moment ka 2-4 photos
are done, after that classwise photos suru hotey hai that I should not see someone with geotag also
be ready to click few pictures in mobile tomorrow who will do that , reply on grp itself.

Yash you will sit near music system with laptop and all musics I hope its all ready, tomorrow morning
sharp at 10 am be there on venue and get all the systems checked.
5. During speeches pin drop silence I want!

Director ma’am, all the faculty will be there so please keep this in mind. During performances student’s
should not leave there places and roam here and there, that’s really a disrespect for the performers, as
they have practiced throughout. It should not happen that your dance is done so now u will just behave
the way you want during the times of others won’t be accepted. Also, sequence of all the performances
will be sent on grp, slight changes might happen on the spot, but the next performer should be ready
backstage. Once your performance is done immediately move down, no one will unnecessarily wander
backstage. Mohini keep track about this, people should get ready fatafat in changing rooms, they should
not sit their and do chitchat, Nupoor you will also, look after that no waste of time happens, otherwise
those who are need to get ready for next performance because of others timepass over in that changing
room they get delayed.

6. Any damage to any property of that hall, penalty will be taken from that students – msg from the hall

7. Director ma’am, all the Faculty, non teaching staff has wished to click a group picture with all the
students so that announcement will be made, hence before that no one is supposed to leave the hall.

8. Food is arranged for Everyone, so be patient and be in queue for food when such announcement is
made, and once it’s instructed to leave the hall, everyone should make a move out of hall with next 15
minutes. No littering around the premises by any kind please.!! Volunteers for food- Preet, Sanchita,
Aditi, swaroop, shreyas, pratiksha, pratiksha lande, pournima to serve the food boxes to everyone.

9. I hope same kind of excitement, appreciation will be shown to all the performers, they all have really
worked hard for tomorrow’s day so do cheer them up in a healthy way.

10. If all these instructions are followed, there is a surprise at the end of the annual day so stay tuned!!
And those who know it don’t spoil it right now

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