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The experience I acquired while studying outside Brazil was amazing

mainly of living where I lived, I hope that someday more students can follow my
steps and taste this water too. I am very proud to have been an international
student where I was able to Increase my self-esteem, maturity, and prepared
myself to be independent in the future. The government and schools could
encourage more students to study abroad focusing on immediate and future
benefits, it is necessary to prepare them because it takes a lot of courage to stay
away from family and friends for a while.
In addition to the courage, we would need a government plan that really
had an interest in helping students from lower social classes to make the
exchange, because what we have often seen is only the high social class in
exchanges in the world. The Brazilian Government in 2011 created the
opportunity for 100,000 scholarships, on the other hand, in this new government
of 2020, no exchange scholarship has been awarded so far.
We must pressure the government for this opportunity because studying
abroad is the best way to learn another language, improve communication skills
and gives you the challenges of get away from your comfort zone, going thru
problems and challenges that may not have been experienced at home. A
research from GO Global! Indicates that students with study abroad experience
will have more chances of being hired by companies than students who have not
gone abroad.
In conclusion, it is important that the government and society encourage
the youth to study, learn, to experience culture and be aware of what the world
can provide us. Studying abroad is a great experience and I will defend forever.

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