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Present an invention that is audacious, prudente and ethical.

In 2009, Whatsapp radically modified the way our Society used to chat,
becoming more famous in 2010. People don’t call each other anymore, at least
not the way we used to. Now we call each other on the app, or in a Brazilian
way, we “zap”. Revolutionazing mobile companies and the way society interact.
The creator of the app was born in a soviet society and claims that
everything was spied on, so his idea was an app that you could talk with
protection. In 2012, the app was encrypted, making safier for their users.
However, in 2016 was sold for Facebook, creating an negative alert for privacy
issues or a new concern, the so-called FakeNews, which in my point of view, it
is a users negative way of utilization from the app.
Regardless any concerns, Whatsapp is an audacious company, who
disturbes mobile companies and although managed by Facebook, still tries to
maintain ethic and prudence, with an easy and fast way to communicate people
around the world.

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