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Nowadays families move to different countries for work.

Some people think it has a negative effect on children, while others


Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Migration for work is a popular trend. While some people argue that it has a bad impact on children, others, however, others think
that that it is a positive development. I believe that people migrate for better future prospects and it is beneficial for their children.

Initially, when children move along with their parents to a new country they may have to suffer a lot of problems for a few months.
To start with, they may suffer from some psychological problems like depression and anxiety. This is because kids often take more
time to learn a new language which is mandatory to make new friends in a new country. When they do not find friends, they feel
isolated and rejected and thus, many of them become the victim of depression. Furthermore, this migration could hamper their
academic results because language barrier once again prevent them to study all the subjects efficiently. To illustrate, we cannot
expect from a 5 year old child to get adjusted to a new education system instantly that is not even fluent in his home language.

However, once children master the host language, they start reaping the benefits of the migration. Firstly, they will be attaining
better quality education that would definitely help them to successfully achieve their future goals because developed countries have
advanced teaching materials and methods, which make learning easier for students. Besides, they may get to enjoy a far better
quality of life than their home countries as developed countries are known for hygienic communities, healthier food, green areas,
less polluted environment and advanced medical facilities etc. Lastly, they will be exposed to better employment opportunities. This
is because bilingual people nowadays are in more demand because they are easily adaptable to work in a global working
environment. As a result, youngsters feel more secure and satisfied.

To conclude, although initially, youngsters find it difficult to adjust in a new culture but once they learn the local language and start
mingling with locals they find themselves in much secure position due to various facilities like better education and free medical
services along with better job opportunities in future.

Same essay with one change only

Migration for work is a popular trend. While some people argue that it has a bad impact on children, others, however, others think
that that it is a positive development. I believe that people migrate for better future prospects and it is beneficial for their children.

Initially, when children move along with their parents to a new country they may have to suffer a lot of problems for a few months.
To start with, they may suffer from some psychological problems like depression and anxiety. This is because kids often take more
time to learn a new language which is mandatory to make new friends in a new country. When they do not find friends, they feel
isolated and rejected and thus, many of them become the victim of depression. Furthermore, this migration could hamper their
academic results because language barrier once again prevent them to study all the subjects efficiently. To illustrate, we cannot
expect from a 5 year old child to get adjusted to a new education system instantly that is not even fluent in his home language.

However, once children master the host language, they start reaping the benefits of the migration. Firstly, they will be attaining
better quality education that would definitely help them to successfully achieve their future goals because developed countries have
advanced teaching materials and methods, which make learning easier for students. Besides, they may get to enjoy a far better
quality of life than their home countries as developed countries are known for hygienic communities, healthier food, green areas,
less polluted environment and advanced medical facilities etc. Lastly, Furthermore, once youngsters complete their education they
have much better job opportunities than they could have in their home country. As a result, youngsters feel more secure and

To conclude, although initially, youngsters find it difficult to adjust in a new culture once they learn the local language and start
mingling with locals they find themselves in much secure position due to various facilities like better education and free medical
services along with better job opportunities in future.
since these children will be visitng their relatives in home countires or having good knowledge of who stayed abroad with their
parents get the chance to learn more than one language that obviously a beneficial career aspect in this competitive era.

they may find it harder to adjust to a new culture. Youngsters need time and friends to adjust to a new society and when they do
not find friends, they feel isolated and many of them become the victim of depression.

h their parents to a new country.

Migration for work is a popular trend. While some people argue that it has a bad impact on children, others, however, others think
that that it is a positive development. I believe that people migrate for better future prospects and it is beneficial for their children.

On the one hand, people migrate to foreign nations because they want to provide a better life for their family and children. Most of
these people migrate from under-developed countries to developed nations. This is because most of these developed countries
provide free education and medical services to families. To illustrate further, Canada provides free medical care and education to its
people. Furthermore, once youngsters complete their education they have much better job opportunities than they could have in
their home country. As a result, youngsters feel more secure and satisfied.

On the other hand, others believe that migrating to a new country has a negative impact on children. To start with, they may find it
harder to adjust to a new culture. Youngsters need time and friends to adjust to a new society and when they do not find friends,
they feel isolated and many of them become the victim of depression. Moreover, a foreign language is another hurdle that they
face. Many families who migrate from Asian countries to Europe are not fluent in a local language like English. Due to this, children
feel insecure when they try to mingle with locals. For instance, according to a survey by Hindustan Times, 40 percent of Indian
Punjabi youth finds them isolated In Ontario, Canada because they do not have good command over the English language.

To conclude, although initially, youngsters find it difficult to adjust in a new culture once they learn the local language and start
mingling with locals they find themselves in much secure position due to various facilities like better education and free medical
services along with better job opportunities in future.

You cannot expect a 5 year old child from India who is not even fluent in his home language to get adjusted to a new education
system totally in an International language English.

Globalization has enriched some of the developing countries with ample oppertunities. This in turn motivates few people to seek
for a job in those countries and eventually immigrate. This behaviour is believed to have detrimental effects on their kids by some
people, while other see that this is benificial to them. In my view, the challenges introduced to children by immigration is only a
movementary and lasts until they get adjusted to their new country. In addition, it enabled their children to learn new culture,
language and presents them a chance to pursue new opportunities.
Moving to a new country can be a very tough process for the children compared to their parents. This is because they tend to
spend most of their time socializing with other kids of their age and upon relocation they completely lose their social network. .In
addition to this, the local languages hinders their ability to communicate with others. Which confines them to interact with only a
few people in their day to day activities? Which in turn makes them isolated and tend to spend their time indoor. As a result, this
makes them feel lonely and they try to be more silent. In a research, it is found out that, 35% of the immigrated children feel
soltitude and 7% of them suffer with depression.
On the other hand, its viewed that the re-location process can be helpful to the children by a few people and i too agree with this.
When they have moved to a new place, they get an opportunity to explore new areas interests. For instance in south asian
countries like India, where more emphasis is on science and technology. When they move to Canada, they get an opportunity to
learn or consider pursuing subjects like arts or theoritical physics as their career. This is helping them in having a wider picture of
a career. lastly upon immigration it can be seen that children are the first to learn local culture and language. This is due to their
quick grasping power. Upon mastering one international language, they will develop a quick skill to learn and master other
languages as well
To conclude, it can be hard for the children to overcome the hurdles induced by the re-location. However, these effect them only
for a short term and the benifits they get out weigh the hurdles. So i do agree that, immigration empowers the immigrants
children and helps them to succeed better in life

Many people have to move abroad due to work commitments and take their families with them which includes spouse and children.
Apart from work commitments there can be many other driving factors to move to the other country. Higher pay scale, better work
conditions, better lifestyle, better and affordable education for children and much more.

Moving to another country leaving everything behind may be easy for the parents, they are adults and can adapt to change easily
but it might take a toll on the children.  Moving to a different country, making new friends, getting adapted to a new environment is
not easy for children. It can be easy for kids aged 0-4  though. During the early stages of their lives, they won’t have much problem
learning a new language or making new friends. But teenagers might not take it easy. It’s better if you take out your time and tell
them well ahead of time about moving somewhere else so that they can be mentally prepared. Explain your reasons for shifting that
you ‘ll be able to give them a better lifestyle and a better education. Tell them the positive points that they’ll get to know and make
friends from different countries and get a widespread view of the world. Before moving, make your kids aware of the other country’s
customs and culture.  And once you’ve shifted, help your kids embrace the change.

Kids might give you a hard time in the beginning, for sure. Listen to them instead of snubbing them. They are kids, after all! Not
grownups who would understand your situation. One thing which you can do to reduce their angst is to continue with your old
routines and outings so you won’t have to hear ‘i want to go home!’ But before moving make sure to get all the necessary
information and documents so that you don’t have to face any difficulty.

Nowadays, mobility among people is gaining ground radically. Presently, large numbers of families are migrating to overseas for
work and accommodation while some people believe that it would lead to complex lifestyle. Here this essay, accounts for both the
sides along with my own opinion.
There are plethora points depict this phenomena. First and foremost, migrating abroad is supposed to uplift the standard of the
education system of the juveniles. To elaborate, foreign countries provide qualitative range of practical and theoretical academic
skills which can enhance the health, wealth and living of the offspring. Thus, it will have affirmative effect on the lifestyles of the
families too.
What is more? Shifting abroad for work and accommodation purposes can sprout a new culture, language, and traditions in them.
However, children become self dependent for earning their own two square meals for a better living. Besides it, it uplifts their
dignity and confidence while handling their own chores. Hence, mobilising overseas is believed to be a positive trend.
By contrast, opposite wind is also there. To commence with, the phenomena leads to stressful lifestyle. To exemplify, families and
juveniles have to handle unnecessary burden of their earning and education which may adversely lay burden on their mind. Last but
not least, parents working in abroad have busiest living and had no time for their offspring. As a result, children lack physical and
physiological growth and they remain unavail from the love and intimacy of their family members.
For my notion, both the sides have its own significance. Undeniably, it will be uneven to support any of the side entirely. Moving
overseas may be beneficial for prosperous life but it will adversely affect the economical and social growth of native nation.
To recapitulate, people nowadays are becoming more mobile as compared to past. Administration should take proactive steps to
provide favourable opportunities within the boundaries to halt the migration for the significant growth of the native country.

These days, it can be observed that many families across the globe are shifting to abroad for the purpose of work. According to some
this phenomenon has a bad impact on the children while others hold the opposite view. In my opinion, I think that migration to
other countries would be beneficial for the growing generation in many ways.
On the one hand, some people believe that bringing children to other countries would have some deleterious effect as it might
hinder the natural way of upbringing them. To illustrate, in order to grow up properly, they need a known environment where
abundant of love, affection and proper take care is available that they can get not only by their parents but also by other members
of the family. As they would be far away from them, they could be deprived of those essential materials which are crucial for their
mental growth. Furthermore, it might be unpleasant for the little children to adjust to a new environment where they find
themselves as nobody. Consequently, the children might become introverted.
On the other hand, according to others, children of a migrated family can be benefited in many ways and I agree. In other words,
from the beginning of the life, the children would confront challenges in several ways such as making new friends and adjusting to
other cultures. By overcoming these problems, they might have gained confidence and Independence which certainly help them in
future when they enter in their adulthood. Moreover, the children who stayed abroad with their parents get the chance to learn
more than one language that obviously a beneficial career aspect in this competitive era.
In conclusion, while people may vary in their opinion, I think that living abroad with parents would bring many advantages to the
There is a growing trend nowadays where families are moving to various foreign countries in search of work. It is believed by some
people that it can have negative impact on children. Both views are discussed in this essay thoroughly and based upon these views
an opinion is formed.
Firstly, countries like Canada and U.S.A. are having immigrants from all over the world. Number of immigrants in such countries have
proliferated as they provide better job opportunities and healthy lifestyle. Therefore, people from destitute countries often prefer to
live in these North American nations. However, It is often thought by some people that this might have a negative impact on children
as they find it difficult to adapt into completely new culture and surroundings. Although, these children do have initial reluctance in
adhering to the new environment, they gradually start to become part of it over a period of time. Countries in North America also
provides better education facilities compared to immigrants native countries such as India, Pakistan and China. Therefore,
immigrants often want their children to study in such country's institutes.
After families move to these countries, children often follow the culture of their host country and slowly transform themselves
accordingly. Although, teenagers often remember their native country's culture, young children never seem to adapt them despite
efforts from their parents. The behavior that young children demonstrate is often influenced by their friends and teachers. For
instance, 80% of Indian born Canadian children don't even know national anthem of India.
To conclude, it might seem that children are getting affected adversely in foreign countries, they are also benefited by the facilities
provided to them in these countries. In my opinion, It is responsibility of parents to teach their children about their home country's
cultures and they should also guide them to become better individuals.

These days, there is a growing trend of families moving to various foreign countries in search of work. Some people argue this could
have negative impacts on children. However, I think moving abroad to work results in their children’s exposing to foreign education
systems and cultures.

From one side, a family moving abroad to work can cause some problems. First, taking children to other countries would have a
negative impact on child psychology. To illustrate this, kids could take a long time to integrate into new environment and culture,
since they have to leave their close friends and family members contributing to their loneliness and homesick. Second, learning new
language could be the biggest barrier to them. When they go to school in a foreign country, they could not be able to keep up with
academic and linguistic ability of their new classmates. When their ability to acquire knowledge is decreased due to the language
barrier at the beginning, this would lead them to feel stressed and disappointed themselves.

On the other hand, working overseas and taking all their children to live with could bring various benefits to them. For one thing,
working abroad would offer them better working opportunity to earn money and raise their child better. As a result, their families’
living standards and monthly salary would be improved, especially for those living in undeveloped countries. Therefore, their
children will have a better living condition to develop. In addition, going to another country assist their kids to have a better
education system. For example, some Vietnamese people move to many developed countries, because the school curriculum will
help their children to enhance their knowledge and skills completely. This leads their kids to having a better future career when they
grow up.

In conclusion, an increasing number of people migrating overseas to work are increasing these days, and they mostly bring their
families to these countries. In my opinion, this contributes to more benefits to their children’s future if they can overcome the
difficulties at the beginning.

On the other hand, the latter group claims that moving to another country during childhood has its share of drawbacks. Immigration
has almost an unbearable negative physiological effect on them because children have to get acquainted with a new culture. To
illustrate, latest researches conducted by A.B.C University prove that one of the major causes of childhood depression is the cultural
and language barrier to immigration. Furthermore, they have to abandon their school and friends which adds to the mentioned
To recapitulate, while both sides have indisputable points in defending their viewpoints. From my notion, for children, the merits of
moving abroad outweigh the demerits they will have a brighter future due to the ampler availability of job opportunities and
elimination of old country’s problems.

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