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Globalization in

Contemporary World

Vicente Salazar Astorga

Contemporary World
Globalization in Contemporary World

Globalization is a very controversial topic because it has caused many good things but it

has also brought bad things with it along history and nowadays is not an exception, globalization

aid us to stay in communication with other countries. The necessity of globalization in the old

times started because Europe wanted to have products and goods that weren’t made in Europe

so they had to transport them from Asia to Europe through routes. Globalization has a very

historical background because there have been many waves of globalization through history and

most of them had happened after an industrial revolution because of the inventions that were

created helped globalization to be easier. Some advantages of globalization and disadvantages of

globalization in the economy of the world will be talked about in this essay and also about some

of the main international organizations around the world.

1. Effects of Globalization on Economics

Globalization has a big influence in the economy of the world because through history

has led to some countries to dominate in a certain kind of market selling some specific product

making their economy grow while other countries economy decreases, and it also affects in the

way the world and the market activity works because goods and products like phones,

computer, etc. now try to aim to the globalization by promoting the connection between people

in different countries through calls and also with social media so in this way people all around

the world can know how is your day going or the global news, etc. It also affects in how a country

try to improve their economy by looking and analyzing the best way to make money and many of

this ways are by exporting and selling things to other countries, most of the country’s exports

products to other countries like Mexico that exports tomato, avocado, beer, etc. most of this
products are things that doesn’t grow in other countries so Mexico take advantage of this to

export it. Globalization has many positive and negative effects in the world economy and both

of them will be talked about in this essay.

1.1 Positive effects on economy

“The advantages of globalization are actually much like the advantages of technological

improvement. They have very similar effects: they raise output in countries, raise productivity,

create more jobs, raise wages, and lower prices of products in the world economy.” (Gopinath &

Parker, 2019).

Globalization decreases the cost in manufacturing and it also allows companies to source

raw materials in places where they are cheaper so this allows big companies to reduce the prices

of their products so in this way more people can now buy their products. Globalization may also

rise prices of very scarce things so this allows countries that are rich in those goods to raise their

economy. There are some companies that move their operations to another country where the

prices are lower and that creates new jobs for people where is needed and it can have a positive

effect on the national economy (National Geographic, 2022).

1.2 Negative effects on economy:

Some negative effects are that those countries where the cost of the manufacturing is

more expensive decreases the manufacturing job because companies move prefer to move the

operations to countries whit cheaper manufacturing costs and this affects the economy of the

country who lost the manufacturing job (Gopinath & Parker, 2019).
“Globalization is bad for the world economically because of uneven development, the

exploitation of resources from underdeveloped countries to core countries, and how overseas

manufacturing is affecting America domestically.” Globalization also results in countries

depending on other countries and this makes the depending country unable to develop, there

are countries that export their raw materials to other countries to buy them back in higher prices

in finished goods which affects negatively their economy (Everett, 2018).

2. Main international Organizations

There are many different kinds of international organizations all around the world which

have different missions. An international organization is one that includes members from more

than just one nation, there are large organizations with big missions and goals and there are also

small organizations with a more specific goal. There are intergovernmental organizations which

are include many different governments from the world; there also are corporations, those are

organizations that exist for profit; nonprofits organizations, they do not exist with the purpose of

generating money but for a shared interest like the environment, humanitarian, or

entertainment. There also are some international organizations that are a combination of these

3 different type of organizations mentioned before, like National Geographic Society that

combine these 3 different organizations to sometimes create profit to support themselves and

sometimes they work like a corporation (International Organization | National Geographic

Society, n.d.).
2.1 United Nations

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Their mission is to

keep peace with a rapidly changing world (United Nations, 2022). “The Organization has set

goals to build a more sustainable world, and it has agreed to collective action to slow down

climate change” (United Nations, 2021). Some of the member states are: Argentina, Brazil,

Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Haiti, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg,

Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Spain, Tunisia, United States of America,

Viet Nam, Yemen and Zambia (United Nations, 2022).

2.2 NATO

“NATO's purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through

political and military means” (NATO, 2022). Founded in 1949, there were 12 founding members

of the Alliance: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,

Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States (NATO, 2018).

2.3 European Union

The mission of the European Union is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of

its citizens. Founded on November 1, 1993, Maastricht, the Netherlands (European Union, n.d.).

The members are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic,

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,

Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and

Sweden (, n.d.).

2.4 World trade organization

The mission of the WTO is to help its members use trade as a means to raise living

standards, create jobs and improve people's lives (WTO | What Is the WTO? - Who We Are, n.d.).

The WTO was founded on 1 January 1995 (WTO, 2019). Some of the members are: Italy, Mexico,

Belgium, Portugal, Spain and the United States of America (Member States of the WTO - World

Trade Organization, n.d.).

2.5 International Criminal Court

“Help put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern

to the international community as a whole, and thus to contribute to the prevention of such

crimes” (International Criminal Court, n.d.). Founded on July 1, 2002 (McKenna, 2019). “Some of

the States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court are: Belgium, Brazil,

Chile and Ecuador” (The States Parties to the Rome Statute | International Criminal Court, n.d.).

2.6 International Monetary Fund

“The IMF has three critical missions: furthering international monetary cooperation,

encouraging the expansion of trade and economic growth, and discouraging policies that would

harm prosperity”. Stablished on July 1944 (IMF, n.d.). Some of the members: Afghanistan,

Albania, Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina (United Nations Economic

Commission for Europe (UNECE), n.d.).

2.7 World Bank Group

Their goals are to end extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity.

Founded in 1944 (World Bank, 2019). Some of the members: Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar,

Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand and Nicaragua (The World Bank, 2009).

2.8 International Human Rights Commission

“The mission is to work for the protection of all human rights for all people; to help

empower people to realize their rights; and to assist those responsible for upholding such rights

in ensuring that they are implemented” (OHCHR | Mission Statement, n.d.). Founded on 24th

December, 2003 (IHRC, n.d.). Some of the members: Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi,

Cameroon, Canada and Chile (OHCHR | HRC | Membership of the Human Rights Council, n.d.).


UNICEF works to promote and protect the rights of all children (Our Mission, n.d.).

Established in 1946. Some of the members: Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and

Italy (UNICEF, n.d.).

2.10 World Food Programme

Their mission is to end global hunger (World Food Programme, 2019). Established in

1961 (History | World Food Programme, n.d.). Some of the members: Iceland, Ireland, Israel,

Italy, Japan and Liechtenstein (State Members and Distribution of Seats | WFP Executive Board,

2.11 ASEAN

Their mission is to advance the interests of the U.S. and to serve and protect U.S. citizens

in the ASEAN region. Some of the members: Indonesia, Malaysia, Viet Nam and Thailand (ASEAN,

n.d.). Established on 8 August 1967 (ASEAN, 2020).


“UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication

of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences,

culture, communication and information”. Founded in 1945 (Mattias Sundholm, 2013). Some of

the members: Argentina, Australia, Austria and Andorra (UNESCO, n.d).

2.13 The Group of Seven

“The G7’s scope of action has gradually broadened to include new areas such as the fight

against terrorism, labor, health, agriculture, security, and climate change” (Banque de France,

2019). Founded in 1975 (Webster J., 2019). Members: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the

United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union (Canada, 2015).

2.14 The Group of Twenty

“Their objectives are: Policy coordination between its members in order to achieve

global economic stability, sustainable growth; to promote financial regulations that reduce risks

and prevent future financial crises; and to create a new international financial architecture”.

Members: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, France, Germany, India, Indonesia,

Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, UK and USA (The

Group of Twenty -G20, n.d.). The G20 was formed in 1999 (G20 Indonesia, n.d.).
2.15 BRICS

Their mission is to serve as a leading independent source of information and analysis on

the BRICS interaction and institutions. BRICS started in 2001 (About the BRICS and BRICS

Information Centre, n.d.). Members: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (Chen, 2019).

2.16 International Court of Justice

“Strives for a just society governed by the rule of law where all people can equally enjoy

their human rights” (Vision, Mission and Statutes, n.d.). It was established in June 1945

(International Court of Justice, 2019). “Composed of 15 judges elected to nine-year terms of

office by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council” (Members of the Court

| International Court of Justice, n.d.).


In conclusion globalization has been a really important event in human history because it

has led us to what is our current world and the way in how we live our life’s nowadays. Positive

things and negative things happened because of globalization existing but there are more

positive things about globalization and more important things that are crucial for the world we

live in. Globalization has brought things like communication all around the world and

international organizations that have a very important purpose which helps with problems in the

world. It is important to learn things about globalization like the ones that were talked about in

this essay because with this information a prediction or an idea of what will come in the future

may be possible. Globalization has affected in almost every aspect of the way we live.

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