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Department of Life Sciences (Sports Sciences), University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 2Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,
Tokyo, Japan; and 3National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya, Kanoya, Japan


Iida, Y, Kanehisa, H, Inaba, Y, and Nakazawa, K. Short-term anding followed by jumping (landing to jump: L-J)
landing training attenuates landing impact and improves jump is frequently used in sports activities such as bas-
height in landing-to-jump movement. J Strength Cond Res 27 ketball and volleyball. Landing to jump is also used
(6): 1560–1567, 2013—Landing technique is an important as an exercise in plyometric training intended to
factor influencing jump performance in landing-to-jump (L-J) improve jump performance. In L-J, the technique in not only
jumping but also landing would be an important factor influ-
movement. This study examined the effects of short-term
encing jump performance. Ankle joint stiffness in the landing
landing training on jump performance in L-J. We hypothesized
phase during drop jumping is associated with takeoff speed
that landing training without jumping decreases landing
(10), and knee joint torque when the center of mass is lowest
impact and increases jump height in L-J. Twenty healthy adult
influences drop jump height (11). These findings indicate
men were randomly assigned to the control (CG: n = 10) or that the landing movement technique can be a determinant
the training (TG: n = 10) group. The TG performed a 2-week factor of L-J height.
landing training (3 times per week, 6 sessions) that aims to A large ground reaction force (GRF) occurs immediately
decrease impact force. Before and after the training period, after ground contact during landing movements (1,6), and
both groups performed landing and L-J from a 35-cm height the peak of the GRF is often called “impact” (5,21). The
and also squat jumps (SJs). Ground reaction forces and kine- impact can be 4.6 times the body weight (17), and large
matic data were obtained during the landing, L-J, and SJ. The impacts often cause serious injury. Thus, many studies have
CG showed no significant changes in all measured variables. focused on landing impact from a medical viewpoint
In the TG, the peak vertical ground reaction force up to 100 (4,15,31). In contrast, Hewett et al. (9) demonstrated that a
mseconds after ground contact in L-J, expressed relative to plyometric training program that intended to decrease land-
body mass, significantly decreased (pre: 3.04 [0.77] vs. post:
ing impact (peak of vertical GRF [Fz]) decreased landing
impact and increased jump height. Although the training
2.35 [0.37], p , 0.01), and the L-J height significantly increased
program used in Hewett et al. (9) contained the L-J move-
(pre: 47.2 [5.6] cm vs. post: 48.2 [5.5] cm, p , 0.05) without
ment itself, the findings suggest that decreasing landing
gain in SJ height. Furthermore, the TG showed significant gains
impact improves L-J performance. This assumption is
(p , 0.01) in hip joint power during the propulsive phase. The strengthened by our prior report (12) showing that the jump
current results support our hypothesis and indicate that short- height of L-J was negatively related to the magnitude of
term landing training improves the technique for absorbing land- landing impact.
ing impact and increasing L-J height. The increased L-J height Several studies have investigated the effects of training
may be a result of an increase in power generation around the programs consisting only of landing movement on the ability
hip joint. of impact absorption from the viewpoint of injury prevention
(18–20). For example, McNair et al. (18) reported that land-
KEY WORDS plyometric training, part practice, impact ing training with instructions about joint kinematics of lower
absorption, injury prevention, drop jump limbs had a greater effect on decreasing landing impact com-
pared with training without instruction. Prapavessis et al.
(20) applied the same program used by McNair et al. (18)
Address correspondence to: Yoshiaki Iida, to children aged 8–10 years and showed that subjects who
27(6)/1560–1567 received feedback showed a greater reduction in landing
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research impact than those who trained without the feedback. More-
Ó 2013 National Strength and Conditioning Association over, Oñate et al. (19) observed decreased landing impact
the TM

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the TM

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from landing training with video feedback. These findings 25.0 years [2.9]; body mass, 68.2 kg [10.7]; height, 173.4 cm
suggest that landing trainings with feedback about landing [7.3]). Age, height, and body mass were not significantly
movement more effectively improve the technique for impact different between the 2 groups. All participants provided
absorption. Furthermore, Prapavessis et al. (20) reported that informed consent to participate in the study after receiving
1-week (4 sessions) landing training significantly decreased a detailed explanation of the purpose and risks involved. This
landing impact. This indicates that landing training improves study was in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
the ability of impact absorption in the short term. However, and was approved by the Ethical Standards Committee on
it is unknown how landing training without jumping action Human Experimentation at the Graduate School of Arts and
influences L-J height. Sciences, University of Tokyo.
Although the plyometric training that involves the L-J
Testing Procedure
movement is widely known as an effective method to increase
The TG performed a 2-week landing training 3 times per
jump height, L-J has a high risk inducing musculoskeletal
week, whereas the CG received no training. Before (pretest)
injury because it induces rapid stretch-shortening cycle on the
and after (posttest) the training period, both the TG and the
extensors of the lower limbs (23). Therefore, examining the
effects of landing training on L-J performance will help to
elucidate the usefulness as a safe and effective modality for
athletes who aim to improve jumping performance in sports
activities. Therefore, the present study was designed to exam-
ine the effects of short-term landing training without jumping
movement on impact absorption and jump height during L-J.
We hypothesized that short-term landing training decreases
landing impact and increases jump height in L-J.

Experimental Approach to the Problem
This study consisted of a randomized, controlled, and longi-
tudinal (i.e., pretest-posttest) design. The subjects were ran-
domly assigned to the training group (TG) or the control
group (CG). The TG performed a 2-week landing training
(3 times per week) that aims to decrease the landing impact,
whereas the CG received no training. Before (pretest) and after
(posttest) the training period, both the groups performed
2-footed landing (LAND) and L-J from a 35-cm height and
also squat jump (SJ). In the pre- and posttests, GRFs and
kinematic data were recorded using a force plate and a 3D
motion capture system, respectively. To assess the effects of the
landing training, we calculated the impact forces (LAND and
L-J), jump heights (L-J and SJ), and kinematic/kinetic
parameters (L-J). A 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
with repeated measures on groups (TG and CG) and tests
(pre and post) was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of
the training on the measured variables.

Twenty healthy adult men voluntarily participated in this
study. The participants were either sedentary or mildly
active but were not currently involved in any type of exercise
program ($30 min$d21, $2 d$wk21). In addition, the par-
ticipants had never undergone organized resistance training
involving jumping movements similar to the task used in the
present study. All participants had no known history of
peripheral nerve dysfunction or other type of neurological Figure 1. Definitions of joint angles in the sagittal plane. 1 = right
acromion; 2 = right greater trochanter; 3 = joint center of right knee;
disorders. The participants were randomly assigned to the 4 = joint center of right ankle; 5 = distal tips of right third metatarsal;
TG (n = 10; age, 25.3 years [SD 2.5]; body mass, 67.9 kg uH = hip joint angle; uK = knee joint angle; uA = ankle joint angle.
[9.9]; height, 174.6 cm [5.7]) or the CG (n = 10; age,

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2013 | 1561

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Effects of Landing Training on L-J Performance

TABLE 1. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of variables.*

Averaged Averaged
Performance Movement joint joint Joint work
variable ICC profile of L-J ICC torque of L-J ICC power of L-J ICC of L-J ICC

Jump height Duration Absorption Absorption Absorption

SJ 0.981 Absorption — Hip 0.905 Hip 0.875 Hip 0.875
L-J 0.971 Braking 0.853 Knee 0.819 Knee 0.831 Knee 0.831
Impact index Propulsion 0.814 Ankle 0.843 Ankle 0.800 Ankle 0.800
LAND 0.830 Contact angle Braking Braking Braking
L-J 0.452 Hip 0.775 Hip 0.868 Hip 0.846 Hip 0.750
Knee 0.628 Knee 0.780 Knee 0.756 Knee 0.751
Ankle 0.767 Ankle 0.839 Ankle 0.669 Ankle 0.585
Minimum Propulsion Propulsion Propulsion
Hip 0.891 Hip 0.763 Hip 0.654 Hip 0.620
Knee 0.843 Knee 0.687 Knee 0.678 Knee 0.660
Ankle 0.882 Ankle 0.799 Ankle 0.695 Ankle 0.641

*L-J = landing to jump; SJ = squat jump; LAND = landing.

CG performed LAND and L-J from a 35-cm-high wooden their hands on their hips and look at the forward marker
box placed 20 cm from the edge of the force plate and also during the tasks. Each movement task was performed 6
SJ. The posttest for the TG was performed 1–3 days after the times in a randomized order.
final training session. The TG and CG were instructed to The movement task used as the training was the same as
keep their usual daily life during the training period. In the the LAND task, which is a 2-footed landing from a height of
LAND and L-J tasks, the participants were instructed to 35 cm. The TG participants performed 3 sets of 10 landing
stand on their left leg on top of the box, drop off the box, trials (a total of 30 times) in a training session with a
and land onto the force plate. In the SJ task, the participants 30-second rest between the trials and a 2-minute rest between
were instructed to jump from an optimal squatting position. the sets. The participants were asked to minimize the landing
The participants were asked to minimize the landing impact impact as much as possible during the execution of the
in LAND as much as possible and to jump as high as training task. The participants received feedback about the
possible in L-J and SJ. They were also instructed to keep peak value of Fz for every trial and were instructed to mini-
mize the value as much as possible. However, they received
no instruction regarding joint movements or how to absorb
landing impact.
In the pre- and posttests, GRF and kinematic data were
recorded using a force plate (Type 9281B; Kistler Instruments,
Winterthur, Switzerland) and a 3D motion capture system
(Hawk Digital System; Motion Analysis Corporation, Santa
Rosa, CA, USA), respectively. The GRF data were collected at
1,000 Hz and downsampled to 200 Hz for the analysis
described in the following. Kinematic data were collected at
200 Hz. To obtain kinematic data, 20 reflective markers were
attached to the following anatomical landmarks: the parietal,
frontal, and occipital regions of the head; right lower scapula;
right and left acromions; elbow points; processus styloideus
ulnaris; greater trochanters; joint center of the knees and ankles;
posterior calcaneus; and distal tip of the third metatarsals. Joint
angles were analyzed in the sagittal plane (Figure 1).

Figure 2. Day-to-day changes of the impact index of 2-footed landing in Data Analysis
the training group. *Significant difference between days (p , 0.05). In accordance with a previous study (13), the LAND and L-J
motions were divided into the following 3 phases: the
the TM

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Figure 4. Changes of jump height. A) Change of jump height in L-J.

Figure 3. Changes of impact index. A) Change of the impact index in There was an interaction (test 3 group). B) Change of jump height in SJ.
LAND. There were a main effect (test) and an interaction (test 3 group). B) There was no main effect (test) or interaction (test 3 group).
Change of the impact index in L-J. There were a main effect (test) and an L-J = landing to jump; TG = training group; CG = control group;
interaction (test 3 group). LAND = 2-footed landing; TG = training group; SJ = squat jump. *Pre vs. post, p , 0.05.
CG = control group; L-J = landing to jump. *Pre vs. post, p , 0.05.

absorption phase, 100 mseconds from the time of ground velocities were calculated following data smoothing (28).
contact; the braking phase, the time from the end of the Jump height was calculated by subtracting the CoM height
absorption phase to the minimal vertical position of the cen- in the upright standing posture from the maximal height
ter of mass of the body (CoM); and the propulsion phase after takeoff (3). The Fz impulse that exceeded the body
(only in the L-J), the time from the end of the braking phase mass in each phase was determined and normalized to the
to takeoff. body mass of each participant. The ratio of the peak Fz in
No filters were applied to the GRF data in the analyses. the absorption phase (N) to body mass (N) was determined
Vertical GRF was calculated from the force plate data. as the impact index (30). Furthermore, inverse dynamics
Ground contact was defined as the time when Fz exceeded were applied to GRF and kinematic data to calculate joint
10 N and takeoff was defined as the time when Fz was below torques and powers. The joint torques and powers were
10 N after ground contact. The obtained time-course averaged in each phase, and the joint works were calculated
coordinate data were smoothed with a low-pass filter by integration of joint powers. The representative value of
(fourth-order zero-lag Butterworth filter, cutoff frequency 8 each measured variable for every participant was calculated
Hz) (8,28). The CoM, lower-limb joint angles, and angle by averaging the data obtained from the 6 trials. In the

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2013 | 1563

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Effects of Landing Training on L-J Performance

Statistical Analyses
Descriptive values are presented
TABLE 2. Phase durations and joint angles in landing to jump, mean (SD).
as means (SDs) with 95% confi-
Training group Control group dence intervals (CIs). One-way
repeated measures ANOVA was
Pre Post Pre Post conducted for the impact index
Duration (ms) during the 6 days of landing
Absorption phase 100 (–) 100 (–) 100 (–) 100 (–) training. Tukey’s post hoc mul-
Braking phase 260.1 (85.0) 248.7 (56.4) 241.2 (68.8) 236.2 (53.2) tiple comparison test was used
Propulsion 315.8 (55.6) 313.9 (39.7) 294.2 (42.0) 289.9 (19.3) to test the differences between
phase training days. The unpaired
Ground 676.3 (136.9) 662.6 (86.7) 635.3 (106.1) 626.1 (71.6)
contact time t-test was used to test the differ-
Contact angle ence between groups in the
(degrees) pretest. A 2-way ANOVA with
Hip* 148.2 (5.9) 139.7 (8.8)† 145.7 (6.4) 145.4 (6.5) repeated measures on groups
Knee* 152.1 (4.8) 147.2 (4.8)† 151.5 (6.0) 151.9 (5.8) (TG and CG) and tests (pre
Ankle 116.1 (5.6) 118.4 (4.2) 118.4 (7.4) 117.6 (7.0)
Minimum angle and post) was performed to
(degrees) evaluate the effectiveness of the
Hip* 64.2 (14.0) 56.1 (11.3)† 68.0 (9.3) 67.1 (12.0) training. If the interaction of the
Knee* 77.6 (8.6) 67.9 (9.9)† 74.1 (9.9) 74.0 (9.8) group and test was significant,
Ankle 65.2 (4.7) 67.0 (3.1) 65.9 (7.4) 66.1 (8.5) a paired t-test was performed
*Interaction (test 3 group), p , 0.05. between the pre- and posttests
†Pre vs. post, p , 0.05. in each group. The level of
statistical significance was set at
p , 0.05.
A post hoc analysis examin-
present study (pretest and posttest), we tested the repeatabil- ing statistical power for the pre-post difference based on a 2%
ity of the measured variables among the 6 trials. The intra- increase in jump height of L-J was performed. The effect size
class correlation coefficients of the measured variables was 1.47 and the power 0.98 for 10 subjects in the TG. These
ranged from 0.452 to 0.981 (Table 1), which indicate mod- results suggest that the number of the subjects was adequate to
erate to almost perfect agreement (14). detect significant difference.

TABLE 3. Averaged joint torque during each phase in landing to jump, mean (SD). Day-to-day changes in the impact
The positive and negative values indicate net extensor/plantar-flexor torque and index of LAND for the TG are
net flexor/dorsiflexor torque, respectively. shown in Figure 2. The changes
Training group Control group in the impact index during the
Averaged joint training period were significant
torque (Nm/BW) Pre Post Pre Post (p , 0.05) between day 1
Absorption phase
and either day 5 or day 6.
Hip* 20.18 (0.06) 20.12 (0.05)† 20.01 (0.17)z 20.04 (0.13) The impact index during
Knee 0.29 (0.06) 0.26 (0.06) 0.17 (0.08)z 0.18 (0.08)z LAND in the pretest was
Ankle 0.15 (0.03) 0.15 (0.02) 0.16 (0.04) 0.16 (0.03) similar between the TG
Braking phase (2.87 [0.44]; 95% CI = 2.51–
Hip 0.23 (0.08) 0.29 (0.09)† 0.31 (0.10) 0.31 (0.08)
Knee 0.27 (0.07) 0.28 (0.06) 0.23 (0.05) 0.24 (0.05) 3.22) and the CG (2.93
Ankle 0.19 (0.03) 0.15 (0.04)† 0.22 (0.07)z 0.22 (0.05) [0.62]; 95% CI = 2.58–3.29)
Propulsion phase (Figure 3A). The 2-way
Hip* 0.21 (0.05) 0.27 (0.04)† 0.28 (0.03)z 0.29 (0.03) ANOVA revealed a significant
Knee 0.23 (0.07) 0.21 (0.05) 0.19 (0.05) 0.19 (0.03) interaction (test 3
Ankle 0.24 (0.03) 0.24 (0.02) 0.24 (0.04) 0.26 (0.04)
group) (F = 13.292, p =
*Interaction (test 3 group), p , 0.05. 0.002, partial h2 = 0.425) in
†Pre vs. post, p , 0.05. the impact index during
zTraining group vs. control group, p , 0.05. The values are normalized by body mass:
BW(N) of each participant. LAND. The impact index for
the TG significantly decreased
(p , 0.01) but did not
the TM

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TABLE 4. Averaged joint power during each phase in landing to jump, mean (SD).

Training group Control group

Averaged joint power (W/BW) Pre Post Pre Post

Absorption phase
Hip* 1.06 (0.50) 0.64 (0.51)† 0.01 (0.92)z 0.17 (0.75)
Knee 22.20 (0.51) 21.96 (0.47) 21.37 (0.64)z 21.43 (0.59)z
Ankle 21.06 (0.26) 20.99 (0.19) 21.11 (0.33) 21.09 (0.28)
Braking phase
Hip 20.56 (0.33) 20.77 (0.30)† 20.86 (0.40)z 20.85 (0.40)
Knee 20.63 (0.17) 20.75 (0.22)† 20.58 (0.20) 20.63 (0.19)
Ankle 20.14 (0.05) 20.17 (0.06) 20.17 (0.10) 20.08 (0.09)
Propulsion phase
Hip* 0.60 (0.25) 0.92 (0.20)† 1.03 (0.17)z 1.06 (0.22)
Knee 0.86 (0.27) 0.83 (0.21) 0.68 (0.25) 0.69 (0.22)
Ankle 0.54 (0.11) 0.49 (0.07) 0.58 (0.15) 0.57 (0.14)

*Interaction (test 3 group), p , 0.05.

†Pre vs. post, p , 0.05.
zTraining group vs. control group, p , 0.05. The values are normalized by body mass: BW(N) of each participant.

change for the CG. The relative change ([post 2 pre]/ 0.214). The TG showed a significant decrease in the impact
pre 3 100) in impact index during LAND was significantly index (p , 0.05) but the CG did not. The relative change in
greater (p , 0.01) in the TG (218.2% [14.9]) than in the impact index during L-J was significantly greater (p , 0.05) in
CG (3.0% [9.4]). the TG (219.2% [14.5]) than in the CG (21.4% [14.5]).
The impact index during L-J in the pretest was similar The jump height of L-J in the pretest was similar between
between the TG (3.04 [0.77]; 95% CI = 2.58–3.50) and the CG the TG (47.2 cm [5.6]; 95% CI = 43.0–51.5 cm) and the CG
(3.16 [0.60]; 95% CI = 2.70–3.61) (Figure 3B). The 2-way (45.5 cm [7.3]; 95% CI = 41.3–49.8 cm) (Figure 4A). The
ANOVA on the impact index during L-J revealed a significant jump height of L-J had a significant interaction (test 3
interaction (test 3 group) (F = 4.902, p = 0.04, partial h2 = group) (F = 7.180, p = 0.015, partial h2 = 0.285). The TG
showed a significant gain in
jump height (p , 0.01),
whereas the CG did not. The
TABLE 5. Joint work during each phase in landing to jump, mean (SD). relative changes in the jump
Training group Control group height of L-J for the TG
(2.0% [1.4]) were significantly
Joint work (J/BW) Pre Post Pre Post higher than for the CG
Absorption phase (20.7% [3.1]) (p , 0.05).
Hip* 0.66 (0.32) 0.40 (0.32)† 0.01 (0.58)z 0.11 (0.47) The SJ height in the pretest
Knee 21.39 (0.32) 21.23 (0.29) 20.86 (0.40)z 20.90 (0.37)z was not significantly different
Ankle 20.67 (0.16) 20.62 (0.13) 20.70 (0.21) 20.68 (0.18) between the TG (45.1 cm [5.8];
Braking phase 95% CI = 40.9–49.2 cm) and
Hip 20.77 (0.27) 21.08 (0.33)† 21.12 (0.38)z 21.13 (0.42)
Knee 20.93 (0.26) 21.10 (0.38) 20.84 (0.34) 20.89 (0.26) the CG (42.9 cm [6.7]; 95%
Ankle 20.20 (0.05) 20.23 (0.06)† 20.23 (0.11) 20.25 (0.11) CI = 38.7–47.0 cm) (Figure 4B).
Propulsion phase The 2-way ANOVA revealed
Hip* 1.16 (0.52) 1.75 (0.41)† 1.82 (0.28)z 1.87 (0.35) that there was no significant
Knee 1.61 (0.39) 1.58 (0.40) 1.20 (0.44) 1.22 (0.38) main effect (test) or interac-
Ankle 1.02 (0.12) 0.93 (0.13) 1.04 (0.28) 1.02 (0.24)
tion (test 3 group) in the jump
*Interaction (test 3 group), p , 0.05. height of SJ.
†Pre vs. post, p , 0.05. Descriptive data on the phase
zTraining group vs. control group, p , 0.05. The values are normalized by body mass:
BW(N) of each participant. durations and joint kinematics
during L-J are shown in Table 2.
In the pretest, there were no

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2013 | 1565

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Effects of Landing Training on L-J Performance

significant differences in any of the phase durations between in the hip joint (2) and the knee joint (5) decreases peak Fz
the groups. The 2-way ANOVA revealed that there was no during landing movements. Moreover, Devita and Skelly (6)
significant main effect (test) or interaction (test 3 group) reported that soft landing with greater flexion angles of the
on the duration parameters of L-J. hip and knee produce lower impact force than stiff landing,
There was no significant difference between the groups which has smaller flexion angles. These findings suggest that
in the all kinematic data of L-J in the pretest (Table 2). the increased flexion angles in the hip and knee joints in the
The kinematic data of L-J had significant interactions TG resulted from the TG participants changing their pos-
(test 3 group) in the contact hip (F = 8.325, p = 0.01, partial tures at landing for suitable impact absorption.
h2 = 0.316) and knee (F = 6.182, p = 0.023, partial h2 = 0.256) In the present study, landing training significantly increased
joint angles and minimum hip (F = 5.351, p = 0.033, partial the L-J height (Figure 4A). The drop jump, which is one of
h2 = 0.229) and knee (F = 9.503, p = 0.006, partial h2 = 0.346) the L-J patterns, has been frequently used in previous training
joint angles at ground contact. The hip and knee joint angles studies. A number of studies showed that drop jump training
at ground contact for the TG significantly decreased (p , 0.01), increases jump height during the same movement used in the
but these did not change for the CG. The minimum hip and training (7,9,16,22,24,25,27,29). However, no study has exam-
knee joint angles for the TG also significantly decreased ined how landing training without jumping movement influ-
(p , 0.01), whereas those for the CG were unchanged. ences jump height. Our results indicate that landing training
Descriptive data on joint torque, power, and work during improves the performance of L-J movement even though it
L-J in the pre- and posttests are shown in Tables 3–5. The does not contain any jumping movement. Furthermore, the
2-way ANOVA revealed significant interactions (test 3 group, height of SJ, in which landing movement is not involved, was
p , 0.01) in hip joint torque, power, and work during the unchanged (Figure 4B). This result suggests that improved
absorption phase and during the propulsion phase. The hip L-J height is not a result of increased jumping ability.
joint torque during the absorption and propulsion phases sig- The increased L-J height may be explained by increased
nificantly increased for the TG (p , 0.01) but did not change force generation around the hip joint during the propulsion
for the CG (Table 3). The hip joint power for the TG sig- phase. The TG exhibited a decreased minimum angle of
nificantly decreased (p , 0.01) during the absorption phase the hip joint during L-J (Table 2). In addition, the averaged
and increased during the propulsion phase but did not change joint extensor torque, joint power, and joint work of the hip
for the CG (Table 4). The hip joint work for the TG signifi- during the propulsion phase increased significantly in the TG
cantly decreased (p , 0.01) during the absorption phase and (Tables 3–5). These results indicate that the L-J movement of
increased during the propulsion phase but did not change for the TG turned to a movement that involved larger hip joint
the CG (Table 5). flexing before the propulsion phase and enabled exertion of
The body mass in the posttest was 68.0 kg (9.8; 95% greater power by the hip joint during the propulsion phase.
CI = 61.1–74.8 kg) in the TG and 68.5 kg (10.6; 95% A previous study reported that an increased inclination angle
CI = 61.7–75.3 kg) in the CG. There were no significant of the trunk at the starting position caused a larger extension
main effect (test) and interaction (test 3 group) in body power on the hip joint during SJ (26). Vanrenterghem et al.
mass. (26) also showed a positive correlation between the peak joint
power of the hip and the jump height of SJs. These findings,
DISCUSSION together with the present results, suggest that landing training
The present results show that short-term landing training increases the L-J height by increasing the power generation of
decreased the impact indexes in the LAND and L-J and the hip joint during the propulsion phase, caused by the
increased the jump height in L-J without a significant change greater hip joint flexion before the propulsion phase.
in the SJ height. These results support the hypothesis set at
the start of the study. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
The TG showed a significant decrease in the impact index Landing to jump is one of the representative exercises
of the LAND after landing training for 2 weeks (Figure 3A), involved in plyometric training. However, the L-J movement
which is consistent with previous findings that landing train- has a high risk for musculoskeletal injury because it induces
ing decreases the impact forces in landing movement (18–20). rapid stretch-shortening cycle on the lower-limb extensors
In addition, landing training decreased landing impact in L-J (23). Horita et al. (11) reported that a poor L-J jumper
(Figure 3B), indicating that the effects of landing training can showed inadequate prelanding motion (smaller knee flexion),
be transferred to the L-J task. which is unfavorable for impact absorption. The current
The joint angles at ground contact and the minimum results indicate that landing training with no jumping move-
angles of the hip and knee joints during L-J significantly ment decreases landing impact and increases the jump
decreased in the TG (Table 2). This implies that the TG height of L-J in short period. Thus, it is recommended that,
participants became to take a landing position with greater if L-J is involved as a training exercise, a landing movement
flexion angles of hip and knee joints. Previous studies should be adapted as a training task in the preparatory phase
showed that increasing the flexion angle at ground contact of the training program. This approach will be effective for
the TM

1566 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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the TM

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

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VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2013 | 1567

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