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2. Why do you think people are so drawn to “hero” stories?

I think they appreciate the characteristics of the heroes and the heroic deeds they perform.

3. Who is God? Describe who He is in your own words.

He saves people but he let them have the consequences of their own actions because he
doesn’t want them to repeat their mistake.

8. Why do you think allowing the people of Canaan to live caused Israel so many problems?
They started to disobey and decided to worship other gods.

9. After all God had already done for them, why do you think Israel fell to the worship of false
gods so easily?
Because for them, the false gods are easy to please and they prefer to do what they want.

10. God continually saved Israel despite their unfaithfulness to Him. What does this say about
God’s character?
He is a savior/hero because he’s willing to save them despite their unfaithfulness.

Journal: I learned that some heroes I have seen or watched is not always perfect, sometimes
they get tired and they can’t save some people. But God can save everyone even if they are
sinful and he never get tired showing us his actions. This week, I will continue to obey him
and avoid repeating actions that don’t please him so that I won’t suffer the consequences.

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