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What I learned about the movie “Wonder” is:

1. Don’t be afraid to show who you really are

Being different means you are unique. It doesn’t matter how you look like and what other
people say against you, what matters is your personality and not the physical appearance.
The people who see you as a beautiful creature are the people who have broad
understanding. Be proud of yourself because God gave you that face, body, and a
beautiful soul. And always remember that nobody’s perfect, we all have our

2. Be sensitive to what you say and act

Let’s keep in mind the “think before you speak and act”. It is necessary for us to be aware
of our surroundings and the people around us. Don’t say any negative words and phrases
that might hurt other people’s feelings even if you don’t intend to say it directly to any
person and even if it’s not for them. Be careful of your actions because it may offend

3. If God forgives, you should too

It is very stressful to get angry at someone or if someone is angry with you. You yourself
should know why you think someone is ignoring you. Think carefully and recall the
conversations you have made with that someone and the things you did before he ignored
you. And if you’re done figuring out things, then ask for forgiveness to that person and
wait for him to forgive you just like God.

4. If you think someone else is being bullied, stand up and be his saviour

Summer is a very good child and friend because she stated that “when given the choice
between being right and being kind, choose kind” she chose to be kind but I think she
didn’t only portrayed being kind, she also showed being right because she managed to
cheer up and be friends with Auggie who is having a hard time with his friend Jack
because of misunderstandings. Meanwhile, Jack Will is the one who also save Auggie
form being bullied by Julian.

5. Appreciate every family member

Auggie’s sister, Olivia, feels that all the attention of his parents has just gone to his
brother but she understands the situation because his brother needs it more than her and
because Auggie is the youngest. But by the time Via has a play at their university, she
was really happy with the support shown by her family, boyfriend, and her best friend
Miranda (who actually got the main role but gave it to Via as a peace offering and
because Via really deserves the role) who is also considered and treated as a family.

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