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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631

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On how to define, understand and describe risk

Terje Aven
University of Stavanger, Norway

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: The prevailing perspectives and definitions of risk, at least in the engineering community, are based on
Received 7 March 2008 probabilities. In this paper we argue that such perspectives and definitions are too narrow. The
Received in revised form probability component of the risk concept should be replaced by uncertainty. By jumping directly into
21 January 2010
probabilities, important uncertainty aspects could easily be overlooked or truncated. In the paper we
Accepted 23 January 2010
Available online 29 January 2010
point at several extended risk definitions, and a formal structure for the various perspectives and
definitions is developed. Fundamental concepts such as second-order probabilities and uncertainties
Keywords: are discussed. Examples are provided showing the importance of the choice of risk perspective in a risk
Risk assessment and decision-making context. The examples cover offshore operations, security and market
price risks.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Probability of frequency approach

1. Introduction (3) Risk is equal to the triplet (si, pi, ci), where si is the ith scenario,
pi is the probability of that scenario, and ci is the consequence
Risk is defined in many ways. In engineering contexts, risk is of the ith scenario, i=1,2, y, N [20,21,42].
often linked to the expected loss, see e.g. Lirer et al. [26], Mandel
[28], Verma and Verter [39] and Willis [41]. However, such an What is common for all these definitions is that the concept of
understanding of risk means that there is no distinction made risk comprises events (initiating events, scenarios), consequences
between situations involving potential large consequences and (outcomes) and probabilities. Uncertainties are expressed through
associated small probabilities, and frequently occurring events probabilities. Severity is a way of characterising the consequences
with rather small consequences, as long as the sums of the (refer Section 2.3). We formalise this by writing
products of the possible outcomes and the associated probabil-
ities are equal. For risk management these two types of situations Risk ¼ ðA; C; PÞ;
normally would require different approaches. In general expected where A represents the events (initiating events, scenarios), C the
value decision-making is misleading for rare and extreme events consequences of A, and P the associated probabilities. Examples of
[16]. The expected value does not adequately capture events with events A are: gas leakage occurring in a process plant, and the
low probabilities and high consequences. Take as examples occurrence of a terrorist attack. Examples of C are the number of
nuclear accidents and terrorism risk, where the possible con- causalities due to leakages, terrorist attacks, etc.
sequences could be extreme and the probabilities are relatively This is the starting point for this paper and our concern. Is
low. The expected value can be small, say 0.01 fatalities, but (A,C,P) an adequate description of risk? Are probabilities able to
extreme events with millions of fatalities may occur, and this express the uncertainties, about the events and consequences? A
needs special attention. probability is a way of expressing to what extent an event or
We conclude that we need to see beyond expected values consequence is likely to occur, but what does this mean?
when addressing risk. This is also reflected in the ways risk most There are basically two ways of interpreting a probability [9,3]:
commonly is defined in standards and in the scientific literature.
Some typical definitions are:
(a) A probability is interpreted as a relative frequency Pf: the
relative fraction of times the event occur if the situation
(1) Risk is a measure of the probability and severity of adverse
analysed were hypothetically ‘‘repeated’’ an infinite number
effects [23].
of times. The underlying probability is unknown, and is
(2) Risk is the combination of probability of an event and its
estimated in the risk analysis. We refer to this as the relative
consequences [19].
frequency interpretation.
(b) Probability P is a measure of uncertainty about future events
E-mail address: and consequences, seen through the eyes of the assessor and

0951-8320/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
624 T. Aven / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631

based on some background information and knowledge. A quick look at (4–8) may give the impression that they are not
Probability is a subjective measure of uncertainty, conditional that different from (1–3). However, there are important principle
on the background knowledge (the Bayesian perspective). differences, as will be clear from the coming analysis. Probability is
just a tool used to represent or express the uncertainties. The thesis
of all the perspectives and definitions (4–8) is that risk should not
A probability can also be given other interpretations ([36],
be limited to (A,C,P). The uncertainties should be highlighted. But
Section 2.3), but for practical use in a risk context we see no
what does this mean? The purpose of the present paper is to
alternatives to (a) and (b).
discuss this issue and provide a formal structure (framework) for
Following definition (a) we produce estimates of the under-
the perspectives and definitions (1–8). The structure distinguishes
lying ‘‘true’’ risk. This estimate is uncertain, as there could be large
between the risk concepts on the one hand and risk descriptions on
differences between the estimates and the correct risk values. As
the other, and clarifies the meaning of fundamental concepts such
these correct values are unknown it is difficult to know how
as second-order probabilities and uncertainties.
accurate the estimates are.
There are also other types of risk perspectives and definitions.
Kaplan and Garrick [20] (see also Abramson [1] and [2]) meet
We would like to mention two which are often referred to in the
this challenge by introducing subjective probabilities P expressing
economic risk and decision analysis field. The first defines risk by
the analyst’s epistemic uncertainty about the relative frequencies.
the expected disutility, i.e. Eu(C), where C is the outcomes
A relative frequency is the number of times the event of interest
(consequences) and u(C) the utility function [11]. Among classical
occurs per unit of time (or any other reference) when the
decision theorists the expected (dis)utility provides the basis for
‘‘experiment’’ is repeated a large number of times. However,
rational choices. According to this definition, the preferences of
considering a suitable unit of time this means in practice the same
the decision-maker is a part of the risk concept. The result is a
as Pf: Alternatively we may view the frequency as an expected
mixture of scientific assessments of uncertainties about C and the
value—the expected number of occurrences per unit of time,
decision-maker’s preferences and values concerning different
which is interpreted as the average number of occurrences when
values of C and the associated probabilities. In our view, and
the ‘‘experiment’’ is repeated a large number of times. The
this view is shared by many risk experts, the preferences and
approach is referred to as the probability of frequency approach.
values should not be a part of the risk concept and the
The variation in the outcomes of the ‘‘experiment’’ that for
risk assessments [30]. There will be a strong degree of arbitrari-
example generates the true value of Pf, is often referred to as
ness in the choice of the utility function, and some decision-
aleatory (stochastic) uncertainty. This uncertainty is, however, not
makers would also be reluctant to specify the utility function as it
an uncertainty for the analysts, and is better referred to as variation.
reduces their flexibility to weight different concerns in specific
Following the Bayesian approach (b), we assign a probability
cases. Risk should be possible to describe also in case that the
by performing uncertainty assessments, and there is no reference
decision-maker is not able or willing to define his/her utility
to a correct probability. A probability is always conditional on a
background knowledge, and given this background knowledge
In the second definition, risk refers to situations with objective
there is no uncertainties related to the assigned probability, as it
probabilities forthe randomness the decision-maker is faced with
is an expression of uncertainty.
[14]. In economic applications a distinction has traditionally been
Note that the definitions (1–3) above can be applied for both
made between risk and uncertainty: Under risk the probability
interpretations of a probability.
distribution of the performance measures can be assigned
Probabilities are used as a tool to express uncertainties, but
objectively, whereas under uncertainty these probabilities must
how good is this tool? Consider the probability P(attack), where
be assigned or estimated on a subjective basis. This perspective
the event ‘‘attack’’ is related to a specific period of time and
goes back to Knight [22]. The risk concept then expresses
location. Say that the assigned probability equals 0.01. Does this
variation in populations and is referred to as aleatory uncertainty
number provide an informative description of the uncertainties
[30]. Although this definition is often referred to, it is not so often
related to the event ‘‘attack’’? No, would be the clear answer from
used in practice. The problem is of course that we seldom have
many risk researchers and analysts. Uncertainties beyond the
known, objective distributions, and then we cannot refer to the
probabilities should be taken into account. Several definitions of
risk concept. The Knightian definition violates the intuitive
risk have been suggested in line with this thinking, including
interpretation of risk [38,18], which is related to situations of
uncertainty and lack of predictability, and is in general incon-
(4) Risk refers to uncertainty of outcome, of actions and events sistent with all the definitions (1–8). We will not look closer at
[12]. these two definitions in this paper.
(5) Risk is a situation or event where something of human value The paper is organised as follows. We first, in Section 2,
(including humans themselves) is at stake and where the present the announced risk perspective structure. Then we look at
outcome is uncertain [32,33]. some examples, the aim being to illustrate the definitions and
(6) Risk is an uncertain consequence of an event or an activity analysis of Section 2, as well as showing the importance of the
with respect to something that humans value [31]. choice of risk perspective in a risk assessment and decision-
(7) Risk is equal to the two-dimensional combination of events/ making context. Section 4 discusses the structure and examples.
consequences and associated uncertainties [4,6]. The final Section 5 provides some conclusions and final remarks.
(8) Risk is uncertainty about and severity of the consequences (or
outcomes) of an activity with respect to something that
humans value [7]. 2. Risk definitions and descriptions

These definitions can be divided into subgroups, see discussion We consider an activity and make the following definitions of
in Section 2.3. Kaplan and Garrick [20] define risk by (3) but early risk associated with this activity:
in their paper they state that risk has two basic dimensions:
Uncertainties and C (they use the term damage). So Kaplan and (i) Risk= (A,C,Pf), where Pf is a relative frequency-interpreted
Garrick [20] were certainly aware of the need for seeing probability (or a related parameter such as the expected
uncertainties as a part of risk. number of occurrences of the event A per unit of time, where
T. Aven / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631 625

the expectation is with respect to a relative frequency- [34]. It has no meaning talking about uncertainties of a subjective
interpreted probability). probability. A subjective probability is a measure of uncertainty
(ii) Risk= (A,C,U), where U is the uncertainty about A and C (will A seen through the eyes of the assessor. If he/she assigns a
occur and what will the consequences C be?), including probability equal to 1%, it is compared to a drawing of a particular
uncertainty about underlying factors influencing A and C. ball out of an urn consisting of 100 balls [24,25]. Alternatively a
subjective probability may be defined by reference to betting. In
We refer to (i) as the frequency-based perspectives or this case the probability of the event B is the price you would pay
approaches, and (ii) as the alternative perspectives or approaches. in return for a unit of payment to you if the event B actually
Hence risk in case (i) exists ‘‘objectively’’. As an example occurs [36]. We prefer the former definition of a subjective
consider the operation of a plant and the risk associated with probability as we dislike risk being associated with our attitude to
accidents that could lead to fatalities. Then we can define events wining or loosing money in gambling situations [3].
(such as gas leakages), associated consequences (losses), and This issue has been strongly debated in the literature, see e.g.
frequentist probabilities expressing for example the probability Pf Gärdenfors and Sahlin [15] and Sahlin [34]. According to Sahlin
of at least 10 fatalities next year. The Pf is interpreted as a [34] no one would seriously dispute that we have beliefs about
property of the plant, or more precisely, of the infinitely large our beliefs. We question this assertion. As a professional risk
population of similar plants that this particular plant belongs to. assessor, one is trained in the process of transforming uncertainty
The probability Pf equals the fraction of plants in this population into probabilities. If the assessor assigns a probability of an event
where an event occurs resulting in at least 10 fatalities. As Pf is B equal to 0.3 based on a specific background knowledge, there is
unknown it has to be estimated. The estimation is of course in no reason why he/she should dispute his own assignment as it
general analyst dependent. expresses his/her uncertainties (degree of belief). He/she may
In case (ii), risk exists ‘‘objectively’’ provided that the experience a precision problem, in particular when assessing
uncertainty U just refers to the fact that A and C are unknown events on the lower part of the probability scale. It could for
and consequently uncertain. However, the degree of uncertainty example be difficult to distinguish between numbers such as 10  5
is dependent on the assessor’s knowledge and is hence in general and 10  6. However, the second-order probability issue is in our
subjective. view not about having beliefs about beliefs, but the limitations of
This means that the risk description does not exist ‘‘objectively’’; the probabilities in capturing the relevant uncertainty aspects.
it is either built on a knowledge-based risk estimate (case (i)) or a The second-order probabilities, i.e. the subjective probabilities,
knowledge-based assessment of the uncertainties (case (ii)). are based on a background knowledge and this knowledge could
In the following we will look closer into the risk descriptions be wrong or poor in many respects. How should we reflect this in
associated with the definitions (i) and (ii). We will also compare our risk description? Should we add an uncertainty component U
the definitions (4–8) and (ii). The definitions (1–3) are covered by in the risk description (A,C,Pf*,P(Pf),K), so that it becomes
the perspective (i) if the probabilities are relative frequency (A,C,Pf*,P(Pf),U,K)? Yes, this is our recommendation. We need to
interpreted. If the probabilities are subjective, the definitions see beyond the subjective probabilities P. What this U dimension
(1–3) can be considered modified versions of (ii) with U replaced would capture will be discussed in more detail in Section 2.2 and
by a subjective probability P. in Sections 3 and 4.
Although not mentioned so far, sensitivities constitute an
integral part of the risk description. The sensitivities show how
2.1. Risk description for the relative frequency case (i) the output risk indices, for example Pf* and P(Pf), are influenced by
changes in the background knowledge, in particular assumptions
In case (i), the risk is unknown as Pf is unknown. Risk and suppositions.
assessment is introduced to describe the risk. The description The starting point for this analysis of the second-order
covers an estimate Pf* of Pf, as well as assessments of uncertainties probabilities was the risk concept (A,C,Pf) and following the
about Pf* and Pf. Thus if the relative frequency perspective to risk probability of frequency approach we are led to the Bayesian set-
is the starting point, we are led to a risk description: up. In cases of observations X, Bayesian updating of the subjective
ðiÞ Risk description in the relative frequency case ¼ ðA; C; Pf ; UðPf Þ; KÞ; probabilities P are carried out using the standard Bayesian
machinery going from a prior distribution to the posterior
where U(Pf*) refers to an uncertainty description of Pf* relative to distribution. Bayesian theorists would not, however, refer to
the true value Pf, K is the background knowledge that the estimate the Pf values as probabilities, but chances or propensities. A
and uncertainty description is based on. We refer to U(Pf*) as a pure traditional statistical approach would not allow for sub-
second-order uncertainty description. If we use subjective jective probabilities P. The uncertainty U(Pf*) in (i) would only
probabilities P to express our uncertainties about Pf, in line with reflect statistical variation, and could be expressed using a
the probability of frequency approach, the risk description takes confidence interval. The degree of relevancy of the data would
the form: then not be taken into account. For this approach we obtain a risk
ðiÞ Risk description according to the probability of frequency description

approach ¼ ðA; C; Pf ; PðPf Þ; KÞ; ðiiÞ0 Risk description according to the pure traditional statistical
where K now is the background knowledge that the estimate Pf*
approach ¼ ðA; C; Pf ; CðPf Þ; KÞ; where C is a traditional
and the probability distribution P is based on. Kaplan and Garrick
[20] refer to this description as the second level definition of confidence interval for Pf :
risk—it is combined with the first level (A,C,P) definition (3) (see
Section 1).
The probability P is a second-order probability. Möller et al.
[29] claim that the attitude of philosophers and statisticians 2.2. Risk description for the alternative approach (ii)
towards second-order probabilities has been mostly negative, due
to fears of an infinite regress of higher and higher orders of Next we look closer at the alternative definition (ii) where risk
probability. This is hard to understand, as noted also by Sahlin equals (A,C,U). A risk description based on this definition would
626 T. Aven / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631

cover the following components: value [31]. This definition is similar to Rosa [32,33]’s definition
but the event A is replaced by the consequence C.
ðiiÞ Risk description ¼ ðA; C; U; P; KÞ;
The definitions (7) and (8) are consistent with the (A,C,U)
where P is a subjective probability expressing U based on the definition, although (8) introduces the term severity which refers
background knowledge K. This description covers probability to intensity, size, extension, scope and other potential measures of
distributions of A and C, as well as predictions of A and C, for magnitude, and affects something that humans value (lives, the
example a predictor C* given by the expected value of C, environment, money, etc). Losses and gains, for example ex-
unconditionally or conditional on the occurrence of A, i.e. C* = EC pressed by money or the number of fatalities, are ways of defining
or C* =E[CjA]. As for case (i) sensitivity analysis constitutes an the severity of the consequences. It is important to note that the
integral part of the risk description. uncertainties relate to the events and consequences—the severity
Also in this perspective we may introduce stochastic models is just a way of characterising the consequences.
(with parameters) expressing aleatory uncertainties, i.e. variation Based on the perspectives and definitions (4–8), various types
in populations of similar units. However, such models need to be of risk descriptions can be specified, for example the description
justified, and if introduced they are to be considered as tools for (ii)’ given by (A,C,U,P,K). For all these addressing uncertainties
assessing the uncertainties about A and C. The estimation of the instead of probabilities is an important feature. The probability
parameters of the models is not the end product of the analysis as assignments are conditioned on a number of assumptions and
in the case (i). suppositions. The assignments are not expressing objective
Using the description (ii)’ there are no second-order probabil- results. Uncertainties are often hidden in the probabilities, and
ities, as it has no meaning talking about uncertainties of a restricting attention to these quantities could camouflage factors
subjective probability, as discussed above. As subjective prob- that could produce surprising outcomes. The examples in the
abilities are used, this perspective is also Bayesian, although it has coming section will make this clear.
a different focus and is based on other building blocks than the
probability of frequency approach.

3. Examples
2.3. Comparison of the definitions (4–8) and the alternative
approach (ii) In this section we present three cases where we show the
importance of considering uncertainties beyond probabilities. All
Now let us examine how the definitions (4–8) relate to the risk numbers presented are fictitious. The two first examples are
definition (A,C,U) and description (ii)0 . based on real problems.
According to (4) risk refers to uncertainty of outcome, of
actions and events [12]. Hence strictly speaking risk is not (A,C,U)
but only U. As an example, consider the number of fatalities in 3.1. Offshore diving activities
traffic next year in a specific country. Then the uncertainty is
rather small, as the number of fatalities shows rather small Let us go back to the 1970s and consider the risk related to
variations from year to year. Hence according to this definition of future health problems for divers working on offshore petroleum
risk, we must conclude that the risk is small, even though the projects in this period of time. We distinguish between the two
number of fatalities is many thousands each year. Clearly, this risk definitions and descriptions (i) and (ii) introduced in Section 2.
definition of risk fails to capture an essential aspect, the Let us first look at the probability of frequency approach. A relative
consequence dimension. Uncertainty cannot be isolated from frequency-interpreted probability Pf is defined expressing the
the intensity, size, extension, etc. of the consequences. Take an probability that a random chosen diver would experience health
extreme case where only two outcomes are possible, 0 and 1, problems (properly defined) during the coming 30 years due to the
corresponding to 0 and 1 fatalities, and the decision alternatives diving activities. The probability Pf is unknown and needs to be
are r and s, having uncertainty (probability) distributions (0.5, estimated. Based on the available knowledge at that time an
0.5), and (0.0001, 0.9999), respectively. Hence for alternative r estimate Pf*=0.01 of Pf is established. Uncertainties are expressed
there is a higher degree of uncertainty than for alternative s, using subjective probabilities according to the probability of
meaning that risk according to this definition is higher for frequency approach. A 90% credibility interval [0.001, 0.1] is
alternative r than for s. However, considering both dimensions, computed, expressing that the posterior probability that Pf lies in
both uncertainty and the consequences, we would of course judge this interval is 90% given the available data and knowledge about
alternative s to have the highest risk as the negative outcome 1 is the phenomena in general. There are not strong indications that
nearly certain to occur. the divers will experience health problems. This would be a risk
According to the definition (5), risk is a situation or event description (A,C,Pf*,P(Pf),K) according to (i)’. It is standard risk
where something of human value (including humans themselves) assessment description which includes second-order probabilities.
is at stake and where the outcome is uncertain [32,33]. Hence These probabilities indicate that one would not expect severe
strictly speaking risk is A, and not as in our definition (A,C,U). health problems for the divers in the future. However, we know
However, Rosa expresses risk using the description (A,C,U), and today that these probabilities led to poor predictions. A large
refers to probability as a tool to describe the uncertainties. The number of the divers have experienced severe health problems
Rosa [32,33] definition is thoroughly discussed by Aven and Renn ([8]: 7). Also at the time of the assessment there were
[7]. The conclusion is that compared to common terminology, the uncertainties about the future health conditions, but the un-
Rosa definition leads to conceptual difficulties that are incompa- certainties were not revealed by the probabilistic analysis.
tible with the everyday use of risk in most applications. By To improve the assessment, a change of the main risk index is
considering risk as an event (A), we cannot conclude, for example, suggested: instead of Pf, focus is on the probability distribution Ff
about the risk being high or low, or compare different options of the proportion D of divers that will experience health problems.
with respect to risk. The same conclusion is made for the Note that Pf equals the expected value of D. To see let n be the
definition (6), which says that risk is an uncertain consequence number of divers in the population, and let I(B) denote this
of an event or an activity with respect to something that human indicator function for the event B, which is equal to 1 if B occurs
T. Aven / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631 627

and 0 otherwise. Then we see that have to be balanced against other concerns such as costs.
P However, all industries would introduce some minimum require-
Pf ¼ j Pðperson j experiences health problemsÞ=n ments to protect people and the environment, and these
¼E Iðperson j experiences health problemsÞ=n ¼ ED; requirements can be considered justified by the reference to the
cautionary principle. The precautionary principle may be con-
which proves the assertion. sidered a special case of the cautionary principle, as it is
The assessment produces for example an estimate p*(0.1) of applicable in cases of scientific uncertainties about the possible
the probability p(0.1) that more than 10% of the divers would get consequences of the activity being considered [27,35,44].
health problems. We may also express second-order probabilities In this particular case, it is obvious that weight given to the
for example using credibility intervals as shown above for Pf. cautionary and precautionary principles would had significantly
Suppose that p*(0.1) = 0.05 and a 90% credibility interval equals reduced or even ended the diving operations at that time.
[0.001, 0.20]. However, the task of balancing different concerns and give weight
Certainly, this change of risk parameter, seeing beyond the to the uncertainties is a management (here political) responsi-
expected value based parameter Pf, has given a more informative bility, and the decision made was to perform such diving
risk description, but still the conclusion would be that we do not operations. We may just speculate whether a risk perspective
expect severe health problems for the divers in the future; the highlighting the uncertainties would have changed the decision. It
probabilities are low. could have, but probably not as the economic incentives for
Next we consider the problem following the risk perspective performing the activities were so strong.
(ii). Relative frequency-interpreted probabilities are not intro-
duced. The risk description covers (A,C,U,P,K) using the notation of
Section 2. The assessment covers a probabilistic analysis produ- 3.2. Security example
cing for example an assigned probability distribution of D, a 90%
prediction interval [a, b] of D (such that P(a rDrb)= 0.90), as well In May 2005 the NOKAS Cash depot moved into its new
as an assignment of the probability that a random chosen diver premises at Gausel in Stavanger, Norway. The area in which the
would experience health problems. In addition assessment of building is located is called Frøystad and is zoned for industry. The
uncertainties beyond probabilities is required. closest neighbour, however, is a cooperative kindergarten, and the
This uncertainty assessment could for example take the NOKAS facility is located not far from a residential area. In light of
following form. First a set of uncertainty factors are identified. the risk exposure to the children in the kindergarten and other
These factors relate to the underlying understanding of relevant neighbours—caused by possible robberies—the residents feel that
physiological and psychological phenomena, as well as assump- the NOKAS facility must be moved, as the risk is unacceptable. The
tions and suppositions made in the probabilistic analysis. An municipality of Stavanger carried out a process to help them take
example of such a factor is the diving operations’ effect on the a position to this question, and hired consultants to describe and
brain, in particular related to long term effects on forgetfulness. The assess the risk. There was a significant amount of discussion on
data used as a basis for the analysis do not show a significant how the risk management process should be carried out. Here, we
difference between divers and non-divers. However, the data deal especially with the understanding of risk and the risk
material is not extensive and is limited to a rather short time assessment.
interval compared to the 30 years addressed in the risk assessment. On the average, there have been 6 robberies or attempted
Each factor’s importance is measured using a sensitivity analysis. robberies per year of money conveyances in Norway in the past 5
Is changing the factor important for the risk indices considered, for years [37]. The number of ‘‘destinations’’ (NOKAS facilities) is
example the distribution of D. If this is the case, we next address the calculated to be 20. A historically based probability that an attempt
uncertainty of this factor. Are there large uncertainties about this will be made to rob a money conveyance on its way to/from the
factor? If the uncertainties are assessed as high, the factor is given a NOKAS facility at Frøystad is then 6/20=0.30, i.e. 30% per year.
high risk score. Hence to obtain a high score in this system, the Following the traditional risk approach (i) we interpret 0.30 as
factor must be judged as important for the risk indices considered an estimate of the true underlying probability Pf that a money
and the factor must be subject to large uncertainties. conveyance will be robbed. Then we should specify second-order
One may question whether it is not possible to include the probabilities P, and one option is to use the data at hand to produce
uncertainty factor explicitly in the probabilistic calculations. To a traditional confidence interval, for example a 90% confidence
this is to say that for some factors that could be possible, in some interval [0.1, 0.5] (say). However, this interval only reflects the
cases. Consider for example the above factor related to long term statistical variation, not the relevancy of the data. Using subjective
effects on forgetfulness. Suppose the probabilistic assessment was probabilities to express the uncertainties about Pf, in line with the
first based on the assumption that the diving had no effect on the probability of frequency approach, we derive at a 90% credibility
forgetfulness. Then we can perform a reassessment where this interval [0.05, 0.6], say. The analysis group is 90% confident that the
assumption is left out. The result would be small changes in the true underlying probability Pf lies in this interval.
probabilities, as the assessment would be dominated by the view This assessment is strongly dependent on the assumptions
that there is no information supporting the rejection of the made. Which year should be used as the starting point for the data
assumption. The importance of the uncertainty is marginal used? Why the past five years? Why not the past 10 years or the
measured by the probabilities. past three years? Some would argue that the future will bring
By addressing the issue as an uncertainty factor its importance more robberies where force is used. The arguments are:
is increased. For the decision-makers who need to balance
different concerns and determine to what extent principles of  Organised crime is a problem that is on the increase both in
caution and precaution should be applied, such information is Norway and elsewhere in Europe.
required. The cautionary principle is a basic principle in risk and  Norway is experiencing that certain criminal groups, from
safety management, expressing that in the face of uncertainty, certain countries, are establishing themselves in the country.
caution should be a ruling principle, for example by not starting an  The extension of the EU to the east, and the opening up of
activity, or by implementing measures to reduce risks and borders in the Schengen agreement, promises a ‘‘free move-
uncertainties [8,43]. The level of caution adopted will of course ment of crime’’.
628 T. Aven / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631

 Recent events have indicated an increase in the use of force in Table 1

robberies and attempted robberies. Prices for two products the last 12 months.
There are however, many arguments supporting that the
Month Product 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
number of robberies will decrease:
1 10 11 13 12 13 12 14 13 14 15 17 17
 Systematic safety and security work is being undertaken by 2 12 11 12 14 14 14 16 15 16 13 12 13
the industry to counteract the conditions noted above.
 In particular, the facility at Gausel is characterized by an
entirely different standard of safety/security than those 18
facilities that have been robbed in recent years.
 It is Norwegian currency that is exposed here, and this 16
currency is more difficult to dispose of than, for example,
euros. 14
 From the available statistics, we do not see any negative
developments; rather we see a slight trend for the better. 12


The uncertainties are large, in particular related to the manner
in which a possible attack will take place. A possible scenario is
that an attack will occur in an innovative, surprising and brutal
way. The use of hostages is a clear possibility during such an
attack, and the result could easily be injuries and fatalities.
The analysts may assess the likelihood related to these factors, 4
but as the uncertainties are so large, the decision-makers would
probably prefer to have the magnitudes and the sources of 2
uncertainties displayed before making an informed judgment.
Adopting the alternative approach (ii), these uncertainties 0
constitute a part of risk description. It is acknowledged that the 0 5 10 15
probabilistic analysis is not able to capture all the relevant risk
features. Subjective probabilities may be assigned, and their
dependencies on key assumptions shown. Yet the probabilistic Fig. 1. Prices as a function of time for two products, based on data of Table 1.
analysis would be too narrow, in the sense that it would not be
able to capture the importance of the uncertainties. Surprises may
Table 2
occur. Depending on the assumptions made a probability assign-
Computed means and empirical standard deviations for the two products 1 and 2.
ment (for a period of one year) of 0.01–0.1% that a third person
will be seriously injured or killed as a result of a NOKAS-related Product Mean (M) Empirical standard
attack is reported. In addition assessments are performed for deviation (S)
some key uncertainty factors as described in Section 3.1.
1 13.42 2.06
Examples of such factors are:
2 13.50 1.56

 Possible trends within the robbery environment.

 The scenario development in the case of an attack.
We may alternatively interpret the data as accident data, for
example representing the number of injuries observed for two
A particularly important point is the manner in which a possible production units as a function of month.
attack will take place as discussed above. If one assumes a strong Based on these data, we calculate the mean prices and
increase in the aggravated robbery environment, we arrive at a empirical standard deviations as shown in Table 2:
probability of 0.1% for a third party being seriously injured or We see that the mean prices for the two products are about the
killed as a result of a NOKAS-related attack. The risk picture thus same, but the standard deviation is much larger for product 1. It
covers probabilities but also qualitative assessments of key seems that the price for product 1 has an increasing trend.
uncertainty factors. What about risks? What is the price risk? The above numbers
In this case the experts produced a risk picture based on the do not show the risks, just the historical prices. The data may be
approach (A,C,P,K), i.e. the approach (ii) but without addressing used to say something about the future and the risks.
uncertainties beyond the probabilities [37,6]. The produced The way this is done depend on the risk perspective. In the
results were interpreted by the bureaucrats of the municipality traditional statistical case we may be concerned about the
as saying that the risk was low and acceptable, as the assigned expected price the next month, or the probability that the price
probability numbers were below some typical reference levels. next month is below or above a certain number. This expected
The conclusion could have been the same with the uncertainties value and these probabilities (referred to as the parameters) are
highlighted; however, such an extended risk description would given a relative frequency interpretation. Based on the observed
have given a more informative decision basis and led to a stronger data, we estimate the parameters, and uncertainties are expressed
involvement of the politicians as the bureaucrats would not have for example using confidence intervals. Regression analysis could
been able to conclude. be used to estimate possible trends. We omit the details, as this
would be a standard statistical analysis as found in most text-
3.3. Market price risk books in statistics.
The probability of frequency approach would lead to second-
Consider a company producing two types of products. Table 1 order probabilities P expressing the analysts’ uncertainty about
and Fig. 1 show the price for the two products the last 12 months. the true value of these parameters. This analysis may for example
T. Aven / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631 629

result in a 90% credibility interval [10, 17] for the expected price in the remaining ones. Motivation for an attack in one situation
next year. does not affect the motivation in another. For independent
If we adopt the alternative perspective, we would produce random situations such ‘‘experiments’’ are meaningful, but not
predictions of the prices, for example a 90% prediction interval for unique situations like this.
[11, 17] (say). In addition uncertainties beyond the probabilistic ‘‘Anti-frequentists’’ would conclude that the relative fre-
analysis will be highlighted. A number of uncertainty factors are quency-interpreted probability does not exist and in a way
identified. Examples include the competitive conditions, econom- constructs uncertainties: first we define a theoretical quantity
ic trends, and political events. that does not exist in the real world, and then we become
The probabilistic analysis need to be based on a set of uncertain what its correct value is. As the three examples above
assumptions. But they could be wrong. If there is a trend in price show, the interpretation of such probabilities is not clear. How
levels for product 1, it would be more reasonable to predict a price can we then estimate and assess uncertainties in a meaningful
level of about 18 (next month) and not 13.4. If we use the same way?
spread as above, we arrive at a prediction interval of [14, 22]. Only If the relative frequency approach is used, it is not sufficient to
hindsight can show which one is the best prediction, but the estimate the frequencies Pf. Uncertainties need to be addressed to
analysis makes it clear that a simple transformation of the perform a complete analysis. However, this is not straightforward
historical figures can lead to very poor predictions. as is demonstrated by attempting to apply the probability of
By attempting to understand the data, by assuming a trend and frequency approach. The ambition of this approach is to express
carrying out a regression analysis, we may be able to improve the the epistemic uncertainties of the relative frequencies, and take
predictions. But we may also end up ‘‘over-interpreting’’ the data into account all relevant factors causing uncertainties. The
in the sense that we look for all sorts of explanations for why the analysis may produce a 90% credibility interval [a, b] for Pf,
historical figures are as they are. Perhaps prices are rising; saying that the analyst is 90% confident that Pf lies in the interval
perhaps the trend arrow will be reversed next month. We can [a, b]. In practice it is difficult to perform a complete uncertainty
analyse possible underlying conditions that can affect prices, but analysis following this approach. In theory an uncertainty
it is not easy to reflect what the important factors are, and what is distribution on the total model and parameter space should be
‘‘noise’’ or arbitrariness. established, which is impossible to do. So in applications only a
An analysis based on the historical numbers could easily few marginal distributions on some selected parameters are
become too narrow and imply that extreme outcomes are normally specified, and therefore the resulting uncertainty
ignored. Surprises occur from time to time, and suddenly an distributions are just reflecting some aspects of the uncertainty.
event could occur that dramatically changes the development, This makes it difficult to interpret the produced uncertainties.
with the consequence that the prices jump up or down. In a risk Quantifying risk using probabilities gives an impression that
analysis such events should ideally be identified. However, the risk can be expressed in a very precise way. However, in most
problem is that we do not always have the knowledge and cases, the arbitrariness is large, and the (A,C,U) approach
insights to be able to identify such events, because they are acknowledges this by providing a more nuanced risk picture,
extremely unexpected. By assessing uncertainties beyond the which includes factors that can cause ‘‘surprises’’ relative to the
probabilistic analysis, we are able to give the decision-makers a probabilities. Probabilistic analysis requires strong simplifications
more informative risk description; that is the best we can do. and assumptions and, as a result, important factors could be
ignored or hidden in the background knowledge. In a broader
uncertainty analysis a more comprehensive risk picture can be
4. Discussion established, taking into account these factors.
The frequentists and the Bayesian schools of thought have
What a relative frequency-interpreted probability means, is collided for many years over the definition of probability, sowing
obvious when performing controlled experiments. However, for considerable confusion over the definition of risk and the limits of
more complex situations such an interpretation of probability is probabilistic risk analysis [30]. Attempts at reconciliation of these
not obvious. The issue has been discussed thoroughly in the two perspectives have led to the probability of frequency
literature (e.g. [9,3]). For the three examples above, how should approach, as described and discussed in previous sections.
we understand: However, on both sides of this approach we have other
approaches, the pure traditional statistical approach and the
 the probability that a random chosen diver would experience alternative Bayesian approach (ii). To see the similarities and
health problems (properly defined) during the coming 30 years differences between all these approaches, we need an adequate
due to the diving activities; structure, and the aim of the framework presented in Section 2
 the probability that a money conveyance will be robbed the has been to establish such a structure. A key idea of this structure
coming year; is the distinction between the approaches (i) and (ii), which we
 the probability that the price next month will be below a consider essential for obtaining a logical and consistent frame-
threshold z? work.
Classical decision theorists have often taken the stand that the
To understand what these probabilities mean, we need to distinction between aleatory and epistemic uncertainties as in the
construct an infinite large population of thought-constructed probability of frequency approach is unnecessary because,
repeated experiments, similar to the one studied. This is difficult according to the axioms of expected-utility decision analysis, it
to do in all these examples. For instance, what is the meaning of a is irrelevant in rational choices [30]. All one needs is their
large set of ‘‘identical’’, independent robbery situations, where common measure, the Bayesian (subjective) probability, that can
some aspects (for example related to the potential attackers and characterize both. The different probabilities can then be
the political context) are fixed and others (for example the combined for decision-making purposes as if all uncertainties
attackers motivation) are subject to variation. Say that the specific were of the same nature. Such a view is, however, disputed by
probability is 10%. Then in 1000 situations, with the attackers and many researchers and analysts. As argued by Paté-Cornell [30],
the political context specified, the attackers will attack in about rationality can be viewed as more complex than the simple
100 cases. In these situations the attackers are motivated, but not maximization of expected utility. Decision-makers may need
630 T. Aven / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 95 (2010) 623–631

and/or ask for a full display of the magnitudes and the sources of Bergman [10] addresses this issue in a recent paper. He argues for
uncertainties before making an informed judgement. an extended subjectivist approach, a conceptualistic pragmatism,
Such a perspective provides the basis for the risk definitions which links the subjectivist approach with the quality movement
(4–8) introduced in Section 2. They all consider uncertainty as a with its focus on continuous improvement. An interesting future
main component of a risk description—probability is a just a tool research challenge is the link between this conceptualistic
used to express the uncertainties. Various attempts have been pragmatism and the (A,C,U) type of risk perspectives.
made to describe the uncertainties, but one should acknowledge The emphasis on uncertainties instead of static probabilities
that the full scope of these uncertainties cannot be transformed to may be considered in line with important safety research
a mathematical formula, using probabilities or other measures of directions, such as Resilience Engineering (e.g. [17]) and High
uncertainty. Numbers can be generated but would not alone serve Reliability Organisations (HRO) (e.g. [40]). Analysing systemic
the purpose of the risk assessment, to reveal and describe the accidents and managing the unexpected, there is a need for
risks and uncertainties. Trying to be precise and accurately concepts and tools that can see beyond the probabilistic world. In
expressing what is extremely uncertain does not make sense. future research we will study this in more detail and in particular
We believe a more open qualitative approach for revealing such how risk assessments founded on (A,C,U) type of perspectives can
uncertainties, as indicated in the previous sections, is better. Some be integrated with Resilience Engineering and HRO.
would feel this as less attractive from a methodological and
scientific point of view—perhaps it is, but it would be more suited
for solving the problem at hand, which is about analysis and
management of risk and uncertainties. Acknowledgements

The author is grateful to several anonymous reviewers for

5. Conclusions and final remarks valuable comments and suggestions to earlier versions of this
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