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Decision Making

Identifying which should come first will depend on various situations. I feel that making
decisions and planning would usually go along together but can’t be done at exactly the
same time.

If there is an immediate opportunity received, automatically decision making would

come first before planning. The decision to say yes or no to that opportunity will have
to be made right there and there. For example, the opportunity was a higher position
and being reassigned in another branch office. It may take a few days to decide on this
but you only look into major considerations and factors. It will only entail a short period
of thinking and discerning whether or not to accept the opportunity. After making the
decision, then planning will come into picture. Thus, if the person said yes to the
promotion and reassignment, then he would have to plan details after.

In the case of a person interested or aiming to pursue a big restaurant business,

planning would be a step by step process especially for those who do not have the
budget for it. If he or she intends to put up that restaurant business in the future,
around 5-10 years ahead, then planning before decision making goes first. He would
want to make sure that he is financially capable and knowledgeable enough to make
the business successful. So part of that planning process is his preparation to earn
money and save some; go to school again or attend seminars and business related
events in order to familiarize himself to the industry; make a research on the things he
would need to invest on that business, etc. Along that planning process though, he
might change his mind on the business path he would want to go. So he is only eyeing
on a business but he might decide on something specific and final once he is ready.

With matters of the heart though such as saying yes or no to a wedding proposal,
decision making comes first but when already starting a family and deciding on how
many children to have, planning will go first.

Therefore, I believe that it will be a case to case basis. Not all situations will allow you
to decide on something immediately likewise not all situations would need planning in
the beginning.

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