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After watching the videos (VIDEO 1 and VIDEO 2) in this folder, answer the following questions.
1. What are your observations in terms of:
a. (Dialogues)
Which of them (VIDEO 1 and VIDEO 2) focuses more on music? Which of the two focuses more on dialogues?
- Video 1 is more focused on music, because all throughout the performance, there is a background music
that was being played and the performer just sang her dialogues -- she told the whole story through
singing. But unlike Video 1, Video 2 is more focused on dialogues; there may be background songs that
were being played and the performers may have sung some of their dialogues, but most of the time, the
performers are just like having an actual conversation -- they delivered some of their dialogues and
played most part of the story in a non-singing way.
b. (Actors/Performers)
Between the performers in VIDEO 1 and VIDEO 2, who are more versatile? Who is more focus on one task or
- The performer in Video 1 is more focused on one role; all throughout her performance, she just played
and sticked to one role and task which is to act like the gloomy and “mentally-ill Sisa”. Her acting just
mostly revolved around drama. On the other hand, the performers in Video 2 are more versatile, they
are able to change their acting easily depending on the scene – they are able to adapt easily to the
different scenarios they are playing. They were able to do drama, romance, and comedy.
c. (Theme/Topic used)
Which of the two videos (VIDEO 1 and VIDEO 2) is more light hearted and mostly comical? Which of the two has
various themes, (e.g., tragedy, suspense, thriller)?
- Video 2 is more light hearted and mostly comical. Their performance may have drama but it mostly
revolved on comedy which made it emit a gleeful vibe. Video 1 is the one that has various themes like
tragedy, suspense, and thriller. The acting, ambiance of the stage, and the whole performance itself
were gloomy, intense, and sad. And also, it was clearly shown that the play tells the story of that one
scene of Sisa in Noli Me Tangere, which obviously has a tragic ending.

2. What are the similarities of the VIDEO 1 and VIDEO 2?

- Based on my observation, the similarities of Video 1 and 2 are first: They both told a story through singing and
acting. Second: The actresses and actors are Filipinos and they all portrayed their roles well. Third: Both
performances are done with creativity. And lastly, the performances have both drama in it.

3. What are the differences between VIDEO 1 and VIDEO 2?

- Video 1 and 2 has a lot of differences and these are first: Video 1 has just revolved around drama unlike Video
2 which is more light hearted and has a hint of comedy in it. Second: Video 1 is more focused on music while
Video 2 is more focused on dialogue. And lastly, Video 1 is just purely performed with acting and singing while
video 2 also included dancing.

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