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Science teaching is strongly associated with hands on and laboratory activities.

The various policies and

curricular frameworks have emphasized this need at all stages of education. In India, science eduaction
is already plagued with multiple challenges especially when it comes to practical activities. These
challenges include lack of laboratories, equipment and trained teachers. The sudden closure of schools
due to the covid 19 pandemic forced schools to shift to online eduaction both in synchronous and
asynchronous modes. It started in April 2020 and now a full academic year has passed in that manner.
The teachers have struggled and learnt from those struggles and are hopefully better prepared to work
in this scenario in future. This paper discusses the science teachers experiences of using various learning
resources in the online mode. The data was collected through survey proformas and in-depth interviews
conducted with 30 middle school science teachers from 10 different schools in Delhi. The quantitative
and qualitative analysis of the data collected revealed significant information about the various learning
resources used by the teacher in online classes and the challenges faced by teachers. The research has
implications for improving the science teaching in online mode.

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