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How Have Animals Adapted to the Polar

For each animal, give at least two examples of how they have adapted to live in the polar environment.

Animal Adaptation How does this help them survive?

Leopard Seal Leopard seals have evolved some Leopard seals have evolved
interesting adaptations to help them some interesting adaptations to
survive in their environment. They help them survive in their
have a thick layer of fat called environment. They have a thick
blubber that sits just beneath their layer of fat called blubber that
skin (similar to whales), which helps sits just beneath their skin
to insulate them from the cold (similar to whales), which helps
temperatures in Antarctica and thus to insulate them from the cold
keep their bodies warm. temperatures in Antarctica and
thus keep their bodies warm.

Orca The orca's most notable

adaptation is the ability to
cooperate and hunt in groups
known as pods. Because of the
adaptations in their teeth, they
can hunt a wider range of
animals. Orcas can swim at up
to 45 kph but typically swim at The circulatory system of a
13 kph. Orcas can dive to a killer whale helps to mainta
depth of 100 meters but rarely body temperature by adjus
dive deeper. to conserve or dissipate bo
heat. Veins surround some
arteries in the flippers, fluk
Krill and dorsal fin.
Krill can shrink their bodies and
survive long periods of Both krill food and
starvation. These adaptations predators are on the
allow them to survive the surface. To avoid being
Antarctic winter. Krill travel in eaten, they hide out in the
swarms that are so dense that deep during the day. When
they can be seen from space. predators can't see well at
night, the krill move to the
surface to eat

Emperor Emperor penguins have

Emperors are uniquely adapted to
Penguin survive these harsh conditions when special nasal chambers that
temperatures can drop down to a allow them to recover heat lost
bone chilling -50°C and with winds of while breathing. They also
up to 200km/hr. They have two have veins and arteries that
layers of feathers, a good reserve of are perfectly aligned. Emperor
fat and proportionally smaller beaks penguins can recycle their own
and flippers than other penguins to body heat thanks to these
prevent heat loss. adaptations. Antarctic krill must
endure the long, dark winter
months when food is scarce.

How Have Animals Adapted to the Polar Environment?

Polar Bear
Their claws are thick and sharp, Polar bears have thick fur that
allowing them to pull slippery keeps them warm. They
seals from the water. Polar actually have two layers of fur:
bears have large heads with 1.) A thick, fuzzy, downy layer
razor-sharp teeth that they use next to their skin, similar to how
to hunt their prey. They have we would wear a wooly
large canines in the front and sweater; 2.) A layer of guard
very sharp back molars that aid hairs, or longer hairs, similar to
in the removal of blubber and how we would wear a raincoat.
fat from their prey.

Arctic Fox
Arctic foxes have several Their muzzle, ears, and legs are
adaptations that allow all short to conserve heat. Of
them to survive. Their course, the Arctic fox is
round, compact bodies distinguished by its deep, thick fur,
minimize surface area that which allows it to maintain a
is exposed to the cold air. constant body temperature. Arctic
Their muzzle, ears, and foxes have thick fur on their paws,
legs are short, which also allowing them to walk on snow and
conserves heat. ice.

Snowy Owl
They have thick plumage that
extends over the beak and all a snowy owl's adaptation helps
the way down to their toes, them survive
making them perfectly adapted Owls have strong enough bones in
for life in the Arctic Tundra. This their feet to withstand the impact of
keeps them warm in the winter. snatching or striking prey at high
White feathers also help speeds. To protect themselves from
animals blend in with the snow, cold temperatures and frostbite, the
which is useful when hunting. majority of owl species have
evolved feathers that cover the tops
of their feet.

Reindeer The fur on a reindeer's body a reindeer's adaptation helps them

keeps it warm in its extremely survive
cold habitat. Reindeer have fur Caribou (reindeer) use their antlers
on the bottom of their hooves to scrape away snow and soil in
to help them avoid slipping on order to find food and to defend
icy ground. When swimming themselves. Caribou have antlers
across rivers or lakes, their on both male and females, making
large, broad hooves also serve them the only deer species with
as paddles. female antlers.


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