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Philippines Recession Impact on the Economy and how it affects in the Province of

Northern Samar Businesses

2. Research on the Challenges and Opportunities of our Young Entrepreneurs in

Northern Samar entering the world of business

 To research the different aspects of the young entrepreneurs’ life in Northern

Samar, such as the main motivators, risks and the fear of failure, all of these having
a direct impact on the venture creation and development process.

3. Research on Social Media as the new marketing tool of Small Businesses in

Catarman, N. Samar

 The purpose of this study is to understand how the owner of a small business
particularly here in Catarman, Northern Samar , recognized for using social media to
grow the business, uses social media to engage consumers.
 A case study is presented, followed by an in-depth interview with the small business
owner, and accompanied by an analysis of the business’s Facebook and Tiktok
posts. The results of the case study reveal the different strategies the owner uses to
build and maintain relationships with consumers.

4. Restaurant and Food Businesses and their challenges during and after the

5. Research on Effectiveness of Online Marketing in Driving Customer Engagement

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