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Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are now being used by many organisations to

automate and improve their business processes so that they are more efficient and long-lasting. Artificial
intelligence-based automation is replacing a large portion of the human labour force. Here, we talk
about a few of the cases.

Retail shops:

To identify their frequent clients, shops use facial recognition technology. Customers can receive
tailored coupons and discounts based on their devotion to the company. This technology is used by
businesses like Walgreen's Smart Coolers to conduct customised advertising campaigns and attract the
correct clients.

Automation in the manufacturing industry:

To carry out numerous repetitive, time-consuming, and record-keeping duties, automation is used in
manufacturing shop floors. The complicated machinery in the plant undergoes predictive maintenance
using software with artificial intelligence. As part of the quality control process for manufactured goods,
manufacturers also use artificial intelligence in machines to detect faults. To efficiently design
pharmaceuticals and medical formulas, pharmaceutical corporations use data analysis from AI.


They recognise trespassers from the outside, both animals and people, with the aid of a surveillance
system powered by artificial intelligence. Obtaining real-time information on the quantity and quality of
all the crops from all farms, and negotiating a price when selling to clients, will allow you to forecast the
price of the output.

Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence

Reduce Human Error: The key advantage of using artificial intelligence is that it will help people
complete repetitive tasks more accurately. There will be no errors in the computation and record-
keeping. The outcomes are more trustworthy for the company to base any decisions on.

Good decision-making: Making the best decisions possible from data analysis to assist the expansion of
the organisation or company is another key advantage of employing artificial intelligence in business.
The artificial intelligence provides the managers with the most relevant details.


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