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The duty that I have with that scenario is not a wife but as an EMT member, and it is my

responsibility to save the life of every person that needs my help the most. Because I
believe that being in this situation will test yourself as an EMT and as a wife, you cannot
interfere with my personal problems. Because when we are angry, we cannot think and
decide properly, which will lead to the worst scenario. In this scenario, I will be saving
them, and after that, I will think and decide when I am at my right-thinking to choose and
realize things about my relationship and with the third party. And when I am ready, and
they already have a stable condition with their trauma with the accident, I will grab this
as an opportunity to talk to them about our relationships. And as a woman, I will ask my
husband to choose only one person he can spend his life with. I know this will be a hard
decision for him and me, but I love myself than him. But he needs to choose one, and as
a wife, I can forgive him even though he will not select me in the end, and I will let him
spend his life with another woman because, in reality, I don't need a man like him. After
all, I believe that once a cheater always a cheater, and I don't want to ruin my peace
of mind and question my worth as a woman, and I want to love myself and wait for my
right time to know and to love the person that will give me the same love that I show to
him. And this situation and decision that I make will give me a feeling of peace, and I will
be living without any regression in my life because I know that I deserve better, and it
makes me whole again at the right time and in the right person. Sometimes, in our lives,
loving someone is not enough when we will not show our commitment, honesty, interest,
loyalty, and care for our partner because true love will have these elements to build a
good and unbreakable relationship. I think that is the best decision that I came to my
mind. Forgiving someone and move on with my life.

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