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LESD CRES 1853 Class Expectations & Participation


You are expected to attend all classes this semester, as this course is highly interactive and heavily
weighed on participation. Missed class will result in lost attendance marks.

Please make every effort to arrive early or on time to class, consistent lateness will result in lost
attendance marks.

If you have a medical appointments see me before the class you will be missing to make
arrangements. Be organized, prioritize and have a back-up plan for unforeseen circumstances.

It is your responsibility to get caught up with class material if you miss a class because of illness or
an emergency. Take the initiative to find out what you missed from a classmate or from me.


Be prepared with all materials needed for class;

Arrive on time with assigned readings done, homework completed and nametag on your table.

There is a lot of practice involved in this class please approach exercises and role-playing with an
open mind and good attitude.


You are expected to conduct yourself as if you are working in law enforcement; this is your job
during our three-hour class so conduct yourself accordingly. Consider wearing professional attire

Be considerate of others - do not speak while others are speaking.

Be supportive and respectful of your classmates at all times. Find ways to be helpful.

If a volunteer is required for anything in class and you volunteer someone else – you have
automatically volunteered yourself.

Cell phone are NOT required for this class, please turn your ringer off and keep cell phones
out of your hands and out of sight during the entire class! There will be a mutually agreed
upon consequence for cell phones seen or heard in class.

Absolutely NO texting, Facebook or other non-class related activities during class.

Share only what you wish about your personal life during this class. Please also keep details of your
classmate’s lives confidential. No details of a classmate’s life are to be discussed outside of class
unless agreed to by your classmate.


Assignment will be collected at the beginning of the class. Assignments handed in late (after the start
of class) will be deducted 3 marks.

Assignments will NOT be accepted by email or any other method. If you are going to miss the class
when an assignment is due, it is your responsibility to make arrangements for your assignment to be
handed in.

A medical note WILL be required to re-schedule or make-up exams or missed assignments deadlines.

I understand and agree to all the expectations outlined above:



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